AnACT fearful.Conflatratton in Quebte. Th e n o r thern mail brings us en account of another dreadful fire in Quebec, which has de stroyed a third of the city, making two confla grations in that city, in a, few weeks; whereby ' more than half the city is destroyed:. The last fire occured on Sunday, - the 28th ult. It was first discovered about 11 o'clock , in the night, iu tlies - back , premises of a Notary, Mr. 'lexocier, • in St. John's Suburbs, and spread with unre lenting ftiry till 9 the next morning, destroying thirteen hundred dwellings and rendering home less at least six thousand persons, and this in addition to the.numbers deprived,of a home by the previous conflagration. About thirty streets are in ruins, and the amount of insurances ef fected is !thus stated :—Canada (Kee £40,000, Quebec Office £15,200, Montreal do. £3,500, Phcenix do. £1,075. The fire was stayed sev eral time* by the blowing up of houses under the superintendence of the military, who were of the greatest i pervice. The portion destroyed by this last fire consists of nearly , the whole of St. John and part of St. Lewis 'suburbs, from Et. John's Gate and the northwest angle of the alrni the Calm: St. Genevieve, nearly 'to, the 1 ower No. 4, and up, to a couple of streets below St. Lewis Road. Fortunately, the loss of life has not been very great. One man was killed by the blasting of a. house, by his own imprudence.. Two others were redu ced to a shapeless mass of cinders. Four or five persons died on the 30th ; two children who were removed while sick with fever, and two ,grown persons, who,lt is said, - died from the ef fects of fright. A meeting of the General Committee of Re lief, appointed by the.citizens after the fire of the 28th of May, met yesterday at one o'elciek, and ordered distribution of provisions, &c., to the destitute. All `public buildings were , . thrown open to the sufferers, and tents were pitched to the west of the citadel, but many persons re mained with their effects along the walls of the town and in the fields. ; Numbers were sent for by their relations, friends and acquaintances in the surrounding parishes. Th e scene of desolation, distress and afflic tion and the extent of the calamity, are nearly as great as after the former conflagration ; the value of property destroyed probably greater. The population of St. John Suburbs was about ten thousand, and the population of St. Ruche had mostly found refugqii St. John Sub urbs. Quebec is now reduced to the Upper Town 'within the walls, and the lower Town from the St. Charles, below Hope (late to Cape Blanc, on the St. Lawrence, the extent which it occu pied, but then more sparsely buirl 6 .after the de struction of the Suburbs during the siege of 1775. The temaiumg houses in the Suburbs are about as many as theme were half a century ago. We have seen them spread out so as to contain about twenty-four thousand inhabitants, many of them wealthy, most of them proprie tors of their dwellings, and living comlottably. This was the work of persevering industry and general good conduct; and we trust it will be persevered in. There is one truth which the recent misfor. tunes must have strongly impressed upon the minds of all ; it is that every inhabitant has a hrect interest in the good and careful conduct of every individual who lives in or.ifrequents thu same city, particularly in tire. Quebec formerly 'night be considered fortu-, nate in exemption from great fires. The total of the fires which have happened during the last seventy years, do not equal one of those which-have centred within a month.: nd _it is remarkable-that no very extensive fire ever, be fore occured in the Suburbs. Stories approaching to the supernatural have been in circulation.. Several people hive , de clared that they saw the-images of angels in the air, surrounded by flames, hovering ever the de voted Suburb. Singular as, this may appear, credence maybe placed in the following facts, the probable cause of the story : The air, of course, was highly rarified, and-images of ob jects below—the houses, crosses Of steeples, men, and other objects were seen inverted, In tact the lurid sky was a bright mirror in which these •objects were reflected —a mirage. The Memory of Jackson. Among our great men, few have lived lon ger for their country, or have encountered so many trials in its service, as Gen. Jackson.— And none, during their career of public ser vice, have been more warmly admired, or more severely censured. As the principal events of his public life are familiar to.most ofall of our readers, we will impose no tax upon their pa tience by reciting them. We will merely re fer to the diversity of opinion concerning both his civil and military career, as the ordeal thro' which every great patriot must pa,s. And" we have referred to the veneration now uni versally entertained for the memory of his great predecessors, as significant of the destiny re served for himself. As a soldier, 'all will ad mit that lie possessed every quality fitting him for command, and for successfully discharging the numerous and responsible duties of a com mander. And if success be the test of milita ry merit, his was surely of a high order ; for be weer ?cm beaten! He Weyer undertook a military enterprie without prosecuting it to a successful termination. Nor can we say that his means were sufficient to command success for every military service in which he was en gaged, involved extreme difficulties, to be met with comparatively slender mane ; and in the battle of New Orleans, an enduring monument of his military fame, .and that of our country. be overcame, with an 'undisciplined militia of comparatively small number, the reputed mili tary giants of Europe. His-success was in sured by his intuitive comprehoneion of his difficulties, his boundless fertility of expedient. his inflexible constancy of purpose, hie, deg' conviction of right, arid his devoting. self•sa crifyitg patriotism. And in his civil career, whatever diversity of opinion may still existabout the expediency of his measures, all will now admit that he sought the good of his country, and sincerely believed that no other steps would secure it. None will now deny that Geo. Jackson was an. honeit, conscientious patriot ; that he loved his. country with all the devotion of an ardent-tem perament and energetic character, and was ever ready to offer rn its defence, or for its honor or prosperityony, personal sacrifice. And they will also admit that whenever the good of his country was his object, he acted under deep conviction of right. Whenever lie erred, and what mortal is without,error, his faults were those of judgment, and not of intention. Tho roughly a patriot, he was thoroughly conscien tious in his patriotism. If he acted wrong, lie intended right ; his deviations were intellect- Dal. not morale Such will he the judgment of posterity, which will inscribe Jackson's name on the same tablet which - bears those of Wash ington, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilion.—Do/- ~, Newspaper. CRIME IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, mas Morgan, a Sheriff's officer in - :Colum bia . county, or perhaps a town constable , was tr ied .at Hudson last week, on an indicutienta ar g" ing him with a refusal In, aid DepUty Sheriff Sedgwick in the execution of a warrant tor the dispossession of a refractory tenant: . iS S leg ri a ff a himself had a warrant againSedgtvia, and had arrested him, but suspended tl:e arrot. at the instance of Sedgwick, until the lattercauld g...t through his own lob. Sedgwick met vilh some fesistance, and demanded aid from I \lov - . gan, which the latter did not render: Ob ile returning to Hudson, Sedgwick and'his mrty were fired on several times, and Sedgwielo can wounded; an attempt was made to show hat Morgan was co.operating_ with the men vilo fired, but this was rather disproved than esab fished, He was found guilty, and fined tven ty dollars. _At the same Court a woman vas found guilty of performing a criminal operaion upon a girl, a servant in her house, wboadhe prisoner's husband had seduced. She vaa sentenced to the Clinton county State poem for four years. ,YouNo MEN, HELP VOURSELVE9.- 1 deuce," we are told,'' helps th ew w h o elp themselves." A true proverb, and Welty to be stamped on every heart. Passing on thro' life, you will find many a stream hat -will cross your path—but don't sit down ,nd mourn. If you can't wade across, thrqu in stones to stand upon or bring in a dead ree from the forest, and you ‘Oll soon be safe on the other side. To-day you are opposed in your project. Don't stOp:—don't go beck— meet the opposer—persevere and you will rol quer. Providence will assist you. You faA in business—come out from under the toad•stol of despondency and try again. If you 'do 't help yourself and persevere you will do nothitz, and be punched at by every pauper and begsr with crutches that passes along.. Your frien:s have died—hury them—but don't linger in ue churchyard mourning because they are gone Lid you are going. Up with you—wipe off ytnr fears and go to work and be happy—'tis Le only way. In fine, help youiselves in all places—at times, and Providence will assist you, smile m you, and make life a scene of active enjoyme.t and real pleasure. TIIF: LONDON MISSION.-Mr. Nl'Lane vr I leave the United States by the steamer of tie 16th instant, for London. Married, In Duren, on I‘londay morning., 14th inst., at a quartr before seven. by the Rev. Julius Foster, of 'femur, Mr. A ISIEL B. MILLS, of N. Y. city, to Miss As WAUFOIID, of the former place. TOWANDA SELECT SCHOOL. .I.lliE SECOND TERM of this school will coc nonce on Monday, the 4th of August. 1845, the basement of the M.E.Church, and continue twels •weeks. ESE= Primary department, Common English Inanches, Philosophy, Astronoml, Chemistry, Botany, History, Mental nud Morabaciences, 3 Ot Mathematics, Languages and Drawing, 4 01 Aware of the happy influence of vocal music on the youthful mind, arrangements will be made for exercising the whole school in this truly interesting branch of know ledge. JNO. P. WORTHING, SARAH P. WORTHING, ? Teachers. FRANCES H 1 TCIIINBC/N,3 To - Wanda, July 14. 1845. ity IST OF LElrugs, remaining in the Post El Office at Athens, June 30th, 1845. Benson Catharine Mrs. Marvin R. B. Clapp Nathaniel 3 Morgan Thomas Chandler. Lavina Miss Northrop S. Curry E. Norris J. Cooper Henry Phelin CORSCISC hands Porter Ituht. El;son W. Pelson Ezra Felton .E. Renshaw M. Fcrris AP Rowlingson Renophen Gillet R. Rica Wanton Griffen Betsey Miss Rowland H. Gurnsey H. F. Miss Shaw E. Mis.s llorkins C. • Smith E. J. Miss 2 Hunt James ' Satterlee 0. D. Ilupban Windsor Thorpe W. M: Hammond Mason Titus M: Kraeh John Toole Francis Merchant Luther Warner A. Miss Morris Sarah Miss Weller J. A. MeDutlie E. Miss Watsen George Moody Adelphia Mrs. Wells - C. F. C. S. PARK, P. M In all vour getting& get Understanding, A NI; TO UNDERSTAND where Goods are to be sold CHEA P, don't forget the Old Establish• ment, MONTANYE'S STORE, corner of the public square and main street, where goods always have been disposed of far the Ready, and always will be, as long es the film continues to do business. at as small a profit es at any other establishment this side of New York city. In addition to former stock, ne have been receiving va rious articles of husbandry, such as Scythes, Scythe Stones, Cradles, Rakes. Pitchforks. he. liOn bushels of first-rate SALT, put up in the very best barrels. lOU yards CARPETING for sale very cheap. Wanted, noo,ono SHINGLES and as many Boards, for which Liberal prices will be paid. July 7. J. D. & E. I). MONTANVE. To the Voters of Bradford COWL PILLOW CITIZENS offer myself to your consideration for the office of Sheriff. Should you honor me with your confidence, by nomitioting and electing roe to raid office at the ensuing election. I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity anti humanity. ' F. FISHER. Towanda Township. July 1. 1845. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Towanda, Ps., June 30th 1845. Alworth E. Mrs. Lynch Michael Baird E. W. !Loomis Marcus Barrett James. !.Morin Patrick Brown Philo E. 'Morin Daniel Beeman E. Esq. !Mosier Mary Itogaa. W. P. Morin Michael Booth William. Mather Joen Bullock D. .Gen. • MCClow Edward Barnes Wm..Mosier William Cummings Patrick Adm's. l l4l#aliall.Charlotte Crothers Nathan B. Neely Michael Carpenter Edwin. Meieur 4 Elliott Chase Mary. 'Cie L; L. M. 2 Cailin Hamel. Nathrons•lsaac t e rawford Joseph. • Ogden Sdrah Cai Hiram M. Powell George Covent' Michael. Rogers Dinh Cannon John. Russell W. Esq. for Tree Sprint G. At Swader John Swartwood C. R Carl Mary. Dennis Charles Duart Emit Mr Earl Wm. 'Stuart George N Encar H. Esq. Mr. Stuart George Ethoridge Isaac D Sumner J. N Eaton Guidon H SWEVIIVOIXI Charles French Wm Theall Owiat Foster Elisba ~. Taykir Timothy M Fields 'rhathieum Tanner Rmh E Francisco Signor TAlot Minor . Foster E. or Bain*worlh C , Taylor C. B. Foster L..;:rmurl B. TavreluM Mimi Caroline Pox Alvin A Guin Thonvis Groo Alfred Griffin Alisa A Malden Ariniitron; Willey Harry ilo,ey Mr. Rev. Wilcox Elisha Halstead E. 0 Wood &mad Holy Brilodel Airs Irvine Andrew Johnson Elij MMI • 'UST as they told its on the .10th June. Them confounded BAIRD'S have got New Goods' again. In the; language of Mrs. Caudle ;--"Things have comi,to a pretty pass when them Baird's can go to New York and buy - goods just when they.please." Yes, Fellow-Citizens, they , have guessed it exactly ; even Henry Sheldon & co.,.backcil up by,our neigh bors over the way, can't stop our buying end selling Goods. It is with us as it was with the boy - who said "it whirld itself." Goals will find their way into our store at No. 3, and the good people of. Bradford county will buy them and take them out. . We now have the pleasure of informing our old friends and the public generally, that we are this day receiving from the city of New York a splendid addi tion to our former stock of gOods, which have been pur chased in the city by one of our firm in person, with the "ready rhino" and .will he sold positively cheaper for cash than goods have ever been sold in Towanda. _ We arc often asked the question, how it is we can sell goods so much lower than some of our neighbors? Wo will give you .a few of the reasons. Finax—Wo use our own capital, and consequently have no interest to pay. SECONDLT—We occupy our own building, and con sequently have no rent to pay. TIIIIFDLT—We have other business on hand which is ample for our support, and consequently need not tax our customers for the purpose. FounTaLt & LLSTLT—We buy no goods of Henry Sheldon & co., end consequently can sell alectle cheap er than those who do. Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, in order to satisfy yourselves whether you can buy cheaper at No. 3 Brick Row, than at any other place in the world, you have only to continue to do as you have been doing for near ly threeycars pant. Just drop in before you buy; in quire the prices and examine the qualities of OUT goods We know you will do that, and we also know that having looked, you will buy, as you Must be satis fied it is your interest to do so. Our new-stock consists of DE{ r:coovq, GRO CERIES, HARD-WARE. Family Medicine*, paints &Oils, and in fact every thing except Fresh Salt." We fear the printers will grumble if we spin out this advertisement, to enumerate the articles. So just call and take a look. o:l'Don't forget the place—NO. 3 BRICK ROW—'way above the " Shaeitt's Rank," is considerable distance from " the Old Arcade, the Hay Scala and the Slaughter-house," but close along by the side of No, 2. W. H. lIAIRA & CO. June 26, No. 3 Brick Raw. No. 3 always in,good tune. THOSE ORANGES & LEMONS am on hand ready for the 4th of July, at June 26. BAIRD'S, No. 3 Brick Row. IDROWN SHEETING—SeveraI Bales just recd ICII) at the place where they keep t very thing. Wo need not say it is at No. 3 13riek Row. Juno 26. W. H. BAIRD & CO. 1111.11 RE IS NO. 3 AGAIN-2u Quintles Codfish just-rec'd and for sale at BAIRD'S. Nu 3 Brick Row. IlitlE.ll,lloll WE have a large quantity of warranted GRASS & CRADLE SCYTHES - of different stamps, Cradles, Rakes, Scythe Smiths, Quinehaug Stones., Runes, ready made Tow Pants, Pitchforks, and all the necessary implements for baying and harvesting, which we will sell cheaper than the cheapest, for Cash, bat ler, ,Grain or COUNTY ORDFRS at par. July I. BAIRD & CO. No. 3 firirk Row. ALLpersons indebted to the estate of Jenme R. Bowman, late of Towanda township, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against ihe same are requested to present them, legally tines* for settlement. $2 0 2 51 The administrators will meet to adjust the claims o said estate, at the house of Geo. Bowman, on the las Saturday of each month. HIRAM SWEET, G. BOWMAN. Towanda, July 2, 1845. Administratqrs. Taken .dT PAW for all kinds of Goods July t. 1845. by ELLIOTT & MERCUR. I.Z P lnaKidraDg SNDUE(Dig jBE undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, Auditor to ascertain the liens, and distribute the money arriving from the sale of the real estate of William Myers dee'Al, late of IV ysox township, notice is hereby given that I have appointed Friday the Bth day of August next, at 1 o'clock P. M. at my oflice in tho borough of Towanda, to attend to said duty, when and where all persona in tend can attend. D. WILMOT, Auditor. Towanda. J illy 1. 1845. An t NE DOZEN Morgan's celebrated GRAIN CHA- U, DIES, with Harris' Scythes, for sale by Juno 23, 1845. REED. Friends & Fellow Citizens. WE are now in want of Bradford County stock, and any persons having certilricates, called county orders, can find a maket at No. 3, where they will be taken at par in exchange for any of - the articles comprising the largest and cheapest stock of Goods in !the United States. We hall some thoughts of taking a few shares of l•• Savings Bank" stock, but we find after the " Pan 'tick" which is now about over, it has gone down below par, and holders are beginning to think they have berth their lingers. Don't forget that our slice is at No. 3 Brick Row W. H. BAIRD & CO. A LT. persons indebted to the estate of Jeduthen 31,_ Whitey, late of Canton, dee'd, are requested to nake immediate payment, and all those having demands ,zainst the same are requested to present them, legally 'nested for settlement to either of the subscribers in .nion township, Tioga en. CII.O2I:ES 0. SPENCER. DENJAIIIIN LANDON, Canton, July I, 1845. Executor's. MATO QUATITMIS, July 1, 11 , 05. T k hereby ordered that from and after this date It goods are to be sold in this encampment fer cash uheneier they will bring anything above cost. Clerks, kients and customers are hereby commanded to govern Liernselves accordingly. Braggarts are to sum' back and keep off the parade ground. 0. D. BARTLETr, Commanding officer. RINDSTONES.—The best assortment of Nova IN Scotia and other kind of grindstones, ever rought Ina this place, for 0. D. BARTLE:I"r everts 0. D. BARTLE V. „el DOZ OLD FASHIONED SCYTHES, a ;idea. NV did article for sale elloap by Inlv 1. 0. D. BARTLE 'T. t b ,!tthE l'lNGs.—Brown and blea. SHEETING, an endless quantity. just received by May 12. G.E.FLYNT St CO. CROCKERY.—A good assortment. just rec e ived at June 4. G. E. FLYNT & CO. FIRST RATE ARK,. and tots of ARK ROPE. for sale by W. H. DADtD & CO. %lay 14. No. 3 Brick Row. cos DUNCANNON NAILS, and shall. bo receiving more, to which the attention of Mer chants is invited at wholesale, at July 7 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIFE. ALL persons indebted to tuts estate of Sainuel Easel!, deceased, late of W SIAa ip., are requested to make immediate payment. and all those haring demands against the same ate requested to present them, legally attested, for xttlecnent. JESSE EDSALL, I Sours Ephraim THE PAMPHLET' LAWS of the last begisla Tura have been received, am] are ready for dish: Cl= Prothonotary 's Office, July 8, 1845. MEDICINE AND SURGERY.. DR. JAMES M. GOODRICH has located himself at MONROE, fur the practice of his profession, and pill he pleased to wait on those requiring his ser vices. lie may he found at J. L. Johnson's tavern. Rekrence may be made to Drs. Hcarosiir. ?assort, or Tonenda. April 23, 1845. I Thotripum Elizabeth TorolimOdiss S. M. Vorpa Mies Cecile Walsh William ll A , ;l:S ic, of fi szeir:Tr ur q t u o alitie t l, ai n i d il m re o e st approved G. E. FLYNT 4 Co. • Weaver Henry 'M. Warner William' CH ANIBERIAN. r. AI THERE 'TIS AGAIN. June :6 Administrator's Nidce. (rJxio . u.o srk,DL6:i.m,gD Executor's Notice. Cr~.~r~I;3:~~ , ~ CUL"~,JJ~~~.o NATHAN ALVORD. Jr. Administrators %veils, July 7, 1845 A. Cill/BBViK, Prot AIPI2IIIIIOIIIVIDST fZIMICao At the Elmira Cheap Cash . Store, 2, Brick Row, A l E,4 CHAMBERLIN: respectfully Informs the; public that he has purchased .of 1. 8. Wood. & Cu. their stock of goods, ond.has juit received , a new supply, which:renders his, assortment of .iptugs, eines, Paints, Oils, Loye-sipffs cud Fainify. Groceries complete. ilia stock consists in part of the fullorsteg Annatto Arrow root Antimony Aquafortia Aqua ammonia Wither -Asaarcedite - - Brimstone Myrrh • Blue Vitriol Gamboge • Bayberry bark Glauber salts do tallow . • Hellebore Balsam lobo ' Hurl= oil do Copaiva Hydrioato Polass Barbados tar ' Iceland mom Balsam honey , Ipecac Blood root Blue pills .'? Jalap Balsam Fir • Juniper Berries Black drop Lunar Caustic Barley Pearled Liquorice ball and root Bateman's drops Laudanum Buguntly Pitch Morphine Cayenne pepper Manua ' • African do Mace Camphor ' ' Musk Calomel Nu: Vomica ' Chamonile for. Oxalic acid Corrosive sublimate Essential oils, all kinds . Cochineal ' . Oil, soap Cantharides ' Paregoric Cubebe Pills ' Cbc. inudicus • Phosphate iron ' Carbonate iron ' Quicksilver • do Magnesia Quassia .do Soda . ' Quinine I.7owago Red Precipitate Colocynth Senna Chloride lime - - ('Sugar - Lead - _ ' Creatn tartar Syringes Dragon's blood Valerian root Dover's Powders Saffron Digitalis Ilva Ursa . Emery, assorted Vol. Liniment Epsom salts Ven. turpentine, &e. Arc. A complete variety of GROCERIES, such as Tea Sugar, Coffee, Starch, Raisine;Cinnamon,Soda Crack era, Gin g er, Pepper, Eng. Currants, Nutmegs, Tobaec and Snug ; Candles, drc. A complete assortment of Paints, Dye-stuffs, Win Sow Glass, Patent Medicines, &c. Towanda, June 16, 1845. Dr. J. .N. Sumner, Surgeon Dentist, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends that bay- RV inn recovered from his illness, he will make his nest pr4ssional visit m Towanda, on or before the first day of October next. New .Blacksmithing Establishment. THE SUBSCRIBER; having. foraied a partner ship with his brother, continues to carry on The business at his Mother's new stand, east side of Main street, south pan of the borough, where be is prepared to execute all orders for Horse-shoeing, Carriage & Coach work- and Edge Tools. He assures the public that all work entrusted to his care will be well done, as he has thoroughly learned his trade and is determined to render satisfaction. JOHN A. ESEN WINE. Towanda. December 30, 1844. MOVED TO No. 1, BRICK ROW lr. 4. CILCRIMERLY.E. .-"-:et. RESPECTFULLY informs his 4it 1.. fnends and the public that he has . ..ilk REMOVED to the Brick Row, Ve‘N l '2 'IV No. I, where he still continues to ' '" sil - I'C, carry ()obis old business of cal -, ~e 9 e."-Z,, '..... Watch and Clock Rrpairing, \IV"' - - i- - -.. which wilibe done on short notice, and warranted to be well done. From a long experi ence in the business, he believes that he will he able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year, or the money refunded; and a written agreement given to that ellhy to all that desire one. -- CLOCKS.—A largo assortment just received and for sale very low for cash. If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at Cham berlin's Watch Shop, No. 1, Brick Roar. TT MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, and all kindsof Coun try Produce received in payment. Towanda, June 18,1845. To all people. to whom these presents shall tome. .1.P1 . 1..1i. D. VANDERCOOK, Cabinet ,----.---- ' Maker * Undertaker, wishes to - -, - - .. , .I_ , - i n nfor en m t t o he k public, n t t liat d he still con ; ; a tE -,up,l assortment or Cabinel Furniture. g .... - . . Ifis establishment is situated on the i ... corner of Main dr.State streets. sec ond door north of the Bank and directly opposite W. Watkins' law office. Persons wishing to furnish themselves with furniture, will find it an object to call and examine, purehase and pay, as the subscriber is determined (for cash) to sell all kinds of furniture at a less price than ever before known. June 23; 1845. D. VANDERCOOK. 3illfillaT • -1411_711111011CIPIKT.11111 1 111:11101UT WO3O the usual assortment in country shops, the sub scriber keeps on hand and manufactures to order, the Sofa Rocking chair, beautifully upholstered, also the half French Mahogany chair, together with sofas of the latest aod most approved patterns, all of which will be disposed of for all kinds of country produce at the usual low prices. and for cash at very much redu ced prices, atthe Cabinet shop of June 23,1845. D. VANDERCOOK. COFFINS made to order on the shortest notice very lox fn ready pay. A hearse will be in ,at tendance when desired: - June 23, 1845. D. VAN DE RCOOK. WANTED by the ettlet, any quantity white pine, cherry, and whitewOod lumber, in exchange for furniture. June 23, 1845. D. VANDERCOOK. if UST received and for sale at B. Kingsbery!. Store. lej a few bairele superfine FLOUR, from Overton Saltmarelie mill. Warranted an extra article. June 1:3. 1845. Not the-Towanda Shavin's Bank, nor No. 3 Brick Row; nor Mil Old slreade, But No. 2, Brick Row, NOW ACKNOWLEDGED to he the identical B. spot where gdods are sold cheaper for cash or ready pay, than any other establishment wester the cities of New York or Philadelphia. Persona wishing to prove this fact, cur - daily do it by calling in to see. No time will be spent in skin/Jinx/lints, or filling out bills of a worthless buitilution. But the whole time and atten tion oldie stiWcribcr and his cicik, will be delusively devoted to selling gocsli cheap. A nimble six pence, better than a slosi shilling. C. REED. Juni 23, 1845. No.'2 Brick Row. MONTANYE'S. 3 TGISI SUGAR & MOLASSES.—Thin day recdby the "Cheinung Line" end for sale Ocala by the pound, Gallon, Harrel or July I. BAIRD'S. N 0.3 Brick Roy,. GUNS for the • North Branch Canal," and 7,,ai thirteen for G. E. FLYNT & CO'S cheap cash atom. Juat received at the. Sayings Bank, more. New Goods e —We am offering them at private sale " one notch" lowerthan at any other estatinatunent In tha borough. G. E. FLYNT et Co. 011.5.—PURE SPERM & LINF_TEED guy ways on hand at G. FL Ff.YNT & Portrait Painting, by W. IL Perkins; "WORTH SIDE of the square, in the robin Oiet 'J. 1111 C. Adams' Law Office—Col: Mii's block. Likenesses warranted. Transparent Blinds, of any sizo of pattern desired. done 18, 1845. jr NTS & cars h ntiN/NIETS; all the late Myles ror palest-. MIX & MEDICINES., Essences Flour sulphur Alo.Benzoirt G hie ' = EMT= lodine PUBLIC: NOTICE. on_ • a_ sai-A-44 EMMI Another Arkifor ilinitOotis it:tite :TOWANDA.CASH - STORE: flall Alif. O.IIIERCUIII . are remising eis plies of GOOD* from NC* York; ihriosit • every week, which they ruirtmepareil to Baas tbey•beve.been Finn/Lail, lhildreasotbsi littki sheave • than. tiny other esiablishinent myossanda, and as cheap :as tbe; aerie quality M,Goods ran be purchaocd at retail inxiny 'town in ihe'United Suites. They neither" skin flint?' nor shuretheir customers, but attend solely to ,the' buailjess of-buying goods cheap; and selling them Berorilingly. They haVe just received a new supply of Sheetings, Prints, hosiery, Gtores,4c. 4e. ALSO—Au additional assortinent oI.IIAELDWARE. —Another stock will be received next week. June 12, 1845. H. S. 4 M. C. MERCCR. " Be aura the cashier is right and then go ahead." W.yoming Record. PERSONS holding (or nothohling) bills on the S avings Bank ate requested not to be uneasy, al to the eltiinate success of our institution as it is sound to the " &ore," being assured that the " - deposites" are not only firm, but are increasing daily with a "license" to extend the business to any amount, and shall soon be able to declare - a dividend on the capital stock. With our facilities for purchasing goods cheap, and the New York market at our command, we are prepared to set all competition aside, not however without cautioning the public to II WARE OF COUNTERFEITS. As there are many unauthorized and well 'executed counterfeits and well calculated to deceive those who are not , judges, but upon close inspection it will be seen, that the " private" mark is .higher than on the genuinii, and notice, that natio are" simonpure" unless signed at the bottom of each bill, in our own hand writ ing U.E.I Flynt & Co. All lovers of seasonable' New Goods,land cheap, are requested to call end examine, as " seeing is believing." Receiving Now Goods almost every day. Juni, l b. Let it be known to all Nations, I That I, Jas. JIL atlison, ElhvE on band, and constantly receiving. and am now opening a large and splendid assortmentof goods in my line of business, notin Brick Rots-No. 1,2, 3,4,0 r 5. but No. 100 Old Arcade, between the old Post Office and Hay Scales, wbero can be 114 at ell times Splendid Gold and Silver Watches of every des criptitin, from a chronometer movement to a common SilverjWatch. Gold and Silver ware of different de scriptions, from Gold diamond rings and breast pins, down Ito three centers- Clocks. Violin's, and other in struments of music tuo numerous to embody in au ad vertisement. Call and see. Anil I J. M. G. am determined not to be out done by an' person or persons, or combinations or set of men in trade whatsoever, not by flints skinned or unakinned, or by Beards long or short, blue black or gray, or any kind of Beards or flints whatsoever, for be it known and let ad nationslnow the facts, that my goods were se lected with great care and pumlnised- with the ready, and Will be disposed of for the same, and at lower pri ces than were ever before offered in this place, other people's prices to the contrary notwithstanding. I in site you all to come, come all at once if you -can; and you shall all be attended to. Don't fail to call one door kouth of the Cheap Cash Store of Elliott and Mer cer. N, B. Pedlars supplied with combs, buttons, nee dites,ipins, and Yankee 'reaps at New York prices, and all kinds of watchmakers materials at wholesale. EttffdEtll JANIES M. GILLSON 1101 FOR THE TIMES ! Ut2iMe evaaw .2,u Kintatau , . mill E suscribets now have on hand all kind. of Mer ehandize for the season, and akin? they do not pledge themselves to sell lower by 10 or 20 per cent. than' their neighbors, yet th.y do pledge themselves to sell as _low for cash as ran be bought at any house in tosvii, Elmira, Owego or Binghamton. May 20.1345. 11. MIX ¢ SONS'. " Goods for the Millions." 'UST received at the Savings Bank, a nuMber of tons 110" of those cheap Groceries, which makes our assort ment complete. Those who patronise our cosh estah lishtnent, will derive a decided advantage over those who putchase at other stores who du business on the_ credit system, as they are not overcharged equivalent to the dclinquence of those who never pay. No s..firick Row. FLYNT & CO. CHMRS .IND BEDSTE.IIDS. THE subscribers still continue to manufacture'and keep on hand at their old stand. all kinds of Cane and Wood seal Chairs ; also Settees of various kinds 4• BEDSTEJIDS. of every description, which we will soil low Cos cash or produce. TURNING done to order. TOMKINS & MAKINSON. Towanda, April 23, 1845. ; i lair ...„,,,.. \ \ ---,--. .: r . Yo cluni u)unautaza. 111 RAM MIX & SONS', • AIM now opening at their stores beautiful and cheap lot of SUMMER GOODS, direct from the City. which will be sold for Cash, as low as can be bought at " The Savings Bank," or at any afore in town—call and see. Towanda. 19th May. '45. A NEW SUPPLY ! BuRTON KINGSDE HY informs the pahille gene+ rally that ho has just received direct from New York Cify, his spring stuck of GOODS. It comprises a very geilmal assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware & o. His goods have heen selected with much care, and will he sold as cheap as ran he bought to wanda. Call in and see it it is not so. Towanda, April 30, 1845. SADDLE 81. lIARNESS IgitIZEPAL 1/16.....111 , 11hr <11C.:1 411 RESPECTFUL!. Y inthrin that they hill! continue the manufacture. of sraddles, Ilridies, Harness, &c., in Col. Mix's building, next door to J. C. Adams Law Office, where they will keep constantly on hand, and manufacture to order, Elawic li eb, Cowman and Quilted Saddles Harness, Bridles, Collars, Carriage Trimming and Military Work daticio order ➢lattrasses. Pew and Chair Cushions mode ein'ahu notice and reasonable terms. - The aubscribera hope by &nig their . trerkwellonil by a strict attention to bunineae, to inerit n iltareof public patronage. EI.KANAH SMITH '& Tourandn, May 21. 1845. " , . • I.olMll'—Juat 'received a anPi,ly of t.cnons, Prunes. Figs, kaiak% &c. at CU U DEVLIN'S. June, 1845. rio,l 'brick Row. 111101 - A—Linseed. Sweet, entdoi Rift! hatnit Odd, ‘fili good and cheap Joke, 11445. N0..1 Mick ;Row; VI A ANCY AfitieLEN--A prat .variety tor. waic Ipw, ut 4:41/4141BURIAN'S. - Juno 1845. No. t Brick Row.. fRU sli E s e—A metal assortment of LlairiiPaiut, Flee% ~ I, shoe Muslim at . , , CHAMBERLON. No. 1 Eriek Rose. • - S►LT:—A large quantity of FRESH sALT, it Jame 21 . G. E. FiIYNT - 4 CO. gribm c§zsgag, D At the Lumberman's Dithange, 11" N.& 11. B. Mr PIN El' have ja,( receivedfrom New Voris a fresh afock of linods, which makes their aisortment complete. Consisting .in part of Inn' 000118; GROCERIES. lIA NOW RE; hi /Wry. Crockery, Paints, Pits, Dye shoji, Pish, LSO her, 4c., all of Which we will excbinge for luriibri-tir mo.t kinds of proAtice. on as reasonable terns da an# of our neigh bors. We particularly srilvise the peibllc to call & es -amino our stocks: Werited 600,000 shingles and 500,060 white pine bait& N. H., 14ntdfordCii..ectiP tairen tot gOods et per. Monroeton. lily 1. .1. H. & Pll IN ri Y 12 DOZ genuine beNt quality. Quinnebaue l' 4, Y 1 1 1 " Stones, cot elate by O. D. SIVIVI,IF I' tit 1111111111051131:1103 • HEAT,. OF -NAVibATION , A perreit Jam at 110-3, - Boa , : Ro " • s,. W• • . ,. .• .: • M. It: BAIRD 1t30:. - 44 CsVAL, sumo th e first hosts; wales We a &ilivill:sa feed' - ' srt went of werctiendize in generall.. In hie Utheidll ,, . DRY GOOD ',j L . : : we iannoi enumerate but it emall'number 040. lei, but leg leave to say for the Ixtriefit id the number, we have *splendid a,stortnient of Pittard" inuslini?ft haw muslin*, otgandes, balaarines. ,muslin. du, . 1 (new styles) painted muslins, Scotch and trineh, ft* hams. striped tapered jpconet; (a beautifill Ili; F o r white dresses) 2 011 pieces French, Eisklbh- ina A can Prints, comprisum some of the most choicer and ili. ionable Mier; summer shawls and trarmits,,Xi . ,' skirts, bonnet lawn', oiled silk, black grade (Chine orb, a bobinett, Grecian taileton and silk lace, liTia silk tied late, muslin edging and insetting, Lisle ihniniti and lien edging. light and dark kid Glares . pie nie and ttots dn., linen pocket handkerchiefs. fans,' DOMIii Rib a, a great variety ;20 hoses Artoficials,• whits Al lick bugle beads"; cotton, gingham and silk l'araibla S&I shades, the best assortment ewe exhibited iiiTair iple:' HOOTS & SHOES - Black and light-colored kid slips, buskins andt AO. do., gaiters anti, half gaiters, Misses slips, 'alitoii, die: Cowles, toitette.hrtishea,-.lke: .• , , • '. •'' • • BON.NETg.., Diamond lawn, shirrd lawn, fluted Liaii, willow: merle mt. plain straw, and Rutland straw,Ladies' and misses' Bonnets. Also, 100 Leghorn Bonnets, coraprisinglplain Florence braid, shell and almond braid, diamond and peddle braid, shell and imperial do, bird's err. ilittn. 'Ladies' and missed Neapolitan lacs, misses' Le toriin flats, straw cords and tassels. &c. &c: GENT),EATE:S: we are Just opening 26 pfecei, diffetentatyloaMar striped double and single milled Cassimeres. *1 cloths and Satirielts, off colors and qualitiey; Su Cita", for men and boy's wear, by the piece. it quantity ; bleached and brown sheeting' and whir suspenders, elastic vest hacks, &e. 100 doz. Palm leaf hats. 20 dot: Lei hOin 1 eases Fur do., white. drab and bleek;. • -' A very heavy stock of Groetries,llapXtrur4 C ry.4c:, 4c. We are prepared to sell at wholesale .or retail will do so as low. (if nut a little lower,) than tbt qualities can be botight at any store within 100 of this plate, for really pay. And biway of e acing the hottest and industrious " tillers of the so will exchange any of our goods for Good Quatro duce of almost any kind. Those, therefore. ash wisely come to the conclusion that it is not toad; to get in debt to the merchants. will be enatiled i j change the products of their labor for ell article . 1 vary to their comfort and convenience: Yours. is haste. . :• - WM. H: BAIRD & Towanda, May 6, 1845 G. E. FLYNT & CO DRUG & GROCERY- STO;RE. Keep it Before the People, 1 . "., THAT the Old Drug Store, west. , side of thei Pub lic Square, is now receiving. the largest' . aura rneut of Drugs and Medicines eter to ifusiiiii: 'ket, among Which are the following, vine Sulph. Mumble, Dino Mars, .. - . do. Quinine, Nit. Silver, , Eng. Calomel, Quick do, Icalid. Pumas, Pkrlerine, Red Precipitate,lpeca „c. , ~ White do., Tart: Ahtimon.; Strychrua, Elateruim, Kreasot, Pulls. Map, Est. d0.,- Est: Colyeintbs do. Gentian, Pink do: do. Cicuta, ' Brune. - • do. Hyoscitimus, Adhesive Pi do. Toraxecum, estitharldea, Spring and Thumb I.anccts, Lancet eases . The attention of PHYSICIANS is panic vitcd to the above reticles, they being just rec ap one of *he most. respectable houses in New will therefore he warranted pure, and free fiotn anon in all cases, stid 4iiipnecB of al very low Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Rosen:mi. Wormseed, Hemlock, &marl:ass, Lemon Lavarider. gamot, Aniseed, cloves, Juniper, Amber, Cajpht, Cara way, Monard, Frond, Almond. Origanum, ' t o AM: her, &c., &c. PATENT MEDICINES; The most popular of the day. such as layne'd Expectorant, Wiutar's Belem Wild al ,Hand's Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayne's Carmanitive, .. Deer hound, *Purtington • Pink Dapectoratit Sy ... Bate man's Drops, Andersons do., Lamott's Coug do., Li quid Oixideldoc, Balsam Honey, Preston 8 Its, gia. Gardnentßabortn LiOterort and floarhouid, r rigrooni? DigestiSit Elixdr,Dr. Munn. Ells.'of Opium, Dr. Belli jamin Godfrey's. Cordial, Dr, Weaver's W • m Teri, Cheesman'a Arabian Balsam, Balm of Col his, Bat,: ler's Megnesian Aperient, Henry's do., Dr. T ompsmeri Eyo Water, British Oil, Harlaern do., Mace , ssar do m Bear's do., Grave's Hair do., Croton to thee Ufa many others to numerous to mention. Compotwd Cathartic, Gtegbry's Hooph' G e iman, Lees Windham Billions, Brandreth's, Wright's Indian VegetahleAii, Websteed, Monts and Diners, Alcbasiik, Bi FAINTS, 011. AND DVS. STUFFS White, Red and Black Lead, Cliiinne Gyee Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue Rote P Lead,-Litharge, Blue Smiths, Venetian Red, Turmeric, Mulatto, Indige„ Copperas;. All. Tartar, Cochineal, solution of Tin, Verdi Vitrol, Glass 7 by 9, 8 by 10, and 1641 Linseed Oil, i&c., &a. TILE TOIVANDA CHEAP :i .GREAT-ATTRACTIOI4I.-: 444 - o ,w,tsl, I,,twauousliztra . . ....a. , ,,i, returned from Nl* *irk :l i irtHdasospitlidittspitiortinput of ;Spring aria Siiin [Lwra.spaffity %Welt., Ite,cdrers for solo. at least fiftecit pens t. chmer than giii - ida . Ihavu ever- beck : ot.eiet 411 1 t1:14SitI c irghti tinrough..- His :stock eliti..isfs 'orto: i reign end clorneviic DryfGeeds, such as Fiiii•h, Enidsti and American- Cloths, Cassirneres. batithett ,Rentheil 'leans, dialler Munk itipiendid - akofltii . toe Punts? of s tllpriWalso a full supply of Brown an . IM*l k od go 00, ales , Fancy (lends , such as Litren.ll . k . Ar i ftMcfri: Black. Slue Bloat, Plaid and striped 8111 11 14 , - Phrejttrind Muslin Edgins‘tadies and .Grintenietiltiiiiiiiiillanz , net . Ribbons, Damask aid Mlinselin , diotareiiii , ftinsli; ' Parasols mid a thousand article4ootopheraitstojtiintiOn: GROCERIES—Bomb. Ilipirtiffil I.7l . usitts2Hirgita: St. Cioix; Portirico.and Neiv - Og4ll.llfOlii ies. eogni-2 ac and 4mFrican - Brandy. Holland GIN Testa; iSmi Mai , CrcillieFy; -Claim. Huila, Iltinliaio ilre ; &I. - . • •- All , persons desireturiir ptiietisiiiig gootla loi. will .do :still to Ilya him a call betii•Oliuictisink elsewhere. Huller, Eggs, Cheese and Gait tarn -lif psyfifehi fur (:Dods: • - • - ' "CH Ah LE RE D: , - Tikiindi, May 12, 1845: - No. 2 Britk Robb. Carpet Bags, 7'runks; - • 1)='0MI OILS !CND ESSENCES A. D. NIONTANtE, Da Towanda, May 21, 18454 MONTANYE'S S A . R} of the ?OR Fqiutich Mal' , Street. viiiiiiiged'ottil elleAlu•si FA of Otai ever offered n Iljutiroitl County is nave averring rt lha above atommost. Themost friabinhehle. Goo& tit dm heown.limets ie as Halvirhics, Liitaha, &c.; frith "eietjr var . ty of Print manufacihrett tit the eiliteil gimes. All 3 e new_ oft! of Sunimei tiatahrlai C:itile . nien boys and oath.,_ . F3OO I'S' 4 3 4 1f0Es a aiii' ititintay ill! any Price :`om. d. H Avi at the, lifivitsifrnr.eilrle po CROOBILIES - 2111ft tiiiiiiiiia - n:TR allundader. Returning sihe'ire thinks for the very lit they have heretofore received.theY pinch sell as theitt as goods of the same quality, chased in• this or any of the neighboring vi would therefore advise our fiicnds to Cal elsewhere. J: P P MON Tolvemb. May 1915. 11 EE road mer is: FEE I, sod same nrips COW- I," we r o have rwirry to ex neccs- Valerian Fro.or, Seneca do. Scrpentaria do Gcntion do. Colombo do. tarty in ed from ark and @dart prlkpas: I Fein' alel Tomer). bitineles, bops, &o, Cbtoind ink; bugei In, Crutle is, 'Blue 2i Putty; 'ORE. ORE I C p. {PARE in lag.'. t‘o 14.0. pr.v•. Int:`;