Laity from Mexico. The British frigate Eurydice, arrived off the g a lice, at New Orleans on the Ist inst.; bring .ing information from Vera. Cruz of a date -as late as the 22ii nh. It appears that the Mexi can. Government finds itself in a dilemma re. vei li n g the treaty between Texas and Mexico, w hi c h precipitate action might render danger ous. They have raised a war spirit which t hey discover they cannot quell, and which e ven to conciliate appears to be hazardous.— Notwithsianding the large,majority which the treaty or the authority to treat, obtained in the Mexican Congress, having passed the chamber by a vote of 43. to 13, and. the Senate by 39 to 6, the measure is exceedingly unpopular with the people. The adherents of Santa Anna, and malcontents of every hue and kind. en courage all forms of opposition to the existing government. 'Knowing the inability of Mexi co to engage with the Unite States in a war, and confident that she cann t rely upon En gland for assistance, they remsent to the ig norant multitudes the invasion of this country is a task of easy accomplishme ti and that the British government only w ' e word to join them against us. The people are therefore madly in faior of war, and the adoption Of any course by the existing government having a 'peaceful tendency, will more than probably result in its overthrow. The friends of Santa Anna and the opposition generally stimulate this warlike spirit to the utmost, and one or two things is rendered almost certain, either that the existing government will declare war against the United States, or that a new revo lution will speedily break out and sweep it from existence. . - No attemps are made in Mexico to disguise the deep and active interest which Great Bri tain takes jn every thing calculated to prevent the effectuation of the annexation measure. It is said that to accomplish her ends she offers to pay the debts of Texas, and to assume for Mexico ten millions of her English bonds. guaranteeing 'independence to the one, and security from the inroads of the United States to the other. The Texan or English commissioners, whose name is never heard," was to' leaie Vera Cruz on. the 23d inst. for Galveston, in the French brig-of-war Penur. Gov: Shannon arrived a few days previous to the sailing of the Eurydice at Vera Cruz, and would leave in a short time for the United States. Business in Vera Cruz ievery dull. This is attributed almost wholly to the prohibitory taritTregulations now in force. It is confident ly asserted that Congress will adopt a new tariff before it adjourns. a MELANCHOLY Suicinz.—Yesterday morit ing about 8 o'clock. Mrs. Sarah Maria P. Al •len, wife of Mr. John Allen, formerly a Uni versalist minister, and more recently editor of the Social Reformer, committed suicide by cutting her throat with a razor at the Graham Hare, No. 23 Brattle street. The unfortu nate woman'had been for several months la boiing under totermissive fits of insanity in duced by over excitement of parental senti ment in consequence of the illness of her little boy, and during Saturday night she made se veral attempts to throw herself from the cham ber window upon the pavement. In the morn ing she told her husband' that she should feel better if she had something to do, and accor dingly went about arranging the room. Hav ing made up the bed she requested him to turn it up—it was a turn-up bedstead—and while he was so engaged she went to a drawer. took a razor, stepped into a side room, and before he could reach her inflicted a fatal wound upon her throat; her husband cut his hand severely in getting the instrument of death from her grasp.—Boston Bea, A-MERICAN COIN.—The Secretary of the Treasury, with a View, of preparing for the re quirements of the new law for the collection of postages,.has directed silver, to the amount of $250,000, to be sent to the mint to be coined into dimes and half dimes. This sum will yield sixty-two thousand five hundred df the former, and three hundred and seventy-five thousand of the latter. This, the U. S. Jour nal, says, is but the commencement of the new eoinage. LAMENTABLE ACCIDENT !—A little boy, only son of - Mr. JOSEPEI SIMON, of Carlisle: was wounded on Tuesday last, by a shot from a gun in the hands of another, named Spicer.— The gun was loaded, and the children, uncon scious of any danger, were playing with it, When it wept off and the contents lodged just above the eye of the younger of the two, a child about 4 or 5 years of age. THE names of CHARLES C. SIILLIVAN, Esq. of Butler, add Gen MARKS. of Pittsburg. have tieen mentioned by the Whig papers as candi dates for Canal Commissioner. Died, In Canton, on the 3d roar. tins. SOOOLL Pottratt, aged 32 gem. We feel that we have a mournful duty to perform in recording the death of this most excellent woman. She Was mil of the noblest and purest spirits of earth, and long will her memory be cherished by the many relatives and friends who she has left behind to mourn her loss. Her departure thrm this bourne of sorrow, has left a blank in society that cannot be filled. She had endeared all hearts to her by her kindness, and affection, and well May we pause and drop a tear to her memory. She had been a professor of the Christian Religion for about fifteen years, and it was her solace under the cares and . afflictions of life, and it was the crown of her joy in the hour of death. The last words else sent to her youn gest two brothers were "Tell them to adorn the profes sion they have made, and not bring a wound upcM the cause of Christ" Upon being asked by het father the .moment Wore her death if she was going to see her Sa vior, she replied with great animation, "Fes ! I'm going .to glory--on the wings of lose 18y !"—and seemed bre her actions to think that she saw angels hovering around her bed, poised upon their golden wings of love. But she has left us, and het pure %irk , has taken its flight to the celestial mansions of eternal rest, where it crin.drink of the waters of the river of life, in which there is no sorrow commingled. It is now seated under Idle ever verdant boughs of the tree of life, in the full fmi 'bon of all the joy of the celestial world. Let us not w eePlicy less, knowing that her sanctified spirit is new bending from its celestial throne wondering that a tear should be dropped because she has entered into the full inheritance of bar joy. J. M. S. Fes ' NOTICE..-!THE .NORTH BRAK - Cll ASSOCIATION OF UNIPERSALISTS vritl meet at Monroeton, Bradford county, Pa., the last Wednesday and Thursday of June, 25th and 26th inst. Th e public are respectfully invited to attend. Mar RELIGIOUS NOTICE. T -Rev. W3t. M. DLoNo. of Binghamton, will preach nt the Conn Howie, on Thursday yowling, ;Gat. inst. At the Head of, the NORTH BRANCH 'CANAL. gKINGSBERY * CO, at their old stand'one door south of the Athens Note haie'joes received in Xdriction to their former stock, large'and splendid assortment of Fancy and .staplr ply Goode, Groceries, Hardware, Queen's ware, Boum Shoes , arc; which they offer at the very lowest prices for calk lurn ber,or produce of most kinds. We ask our friends to Call and examine our Goods and•prices. led we flatter ourselves that none shall go away dissatisfied- Athens, June 25, 1845. S& 81101E8.— The lawn assortment 13 ever before offered in this market, rPrising to pert as follows : Ladies' walking buskins; " kid and seal ties: " kid and seal slips; " seal and calf pegged slips; seal and calf pegged a n d a rmed bootees ; " rubber over shoes ; . Mens' and boys pegged boots: " pegged bragons ; " fine shoes; Childs' calf and - Seal bootees ; Childrens' shoes of all kinds— all of which will be sold cheap by Athens, June, 1845. H KINGSHERY & CO. CCARPENTER'S* JOINE RS TOOLS. a general assortment at H. KINGSBERY at CO. Athena, June 1845. CitYTHES—S. "A. &,E. J. Hillard' best warrant ed Grass A; Grain scythes &Forks, also Quinne baugh scythe stones, Rakes, Bnatbs, Cradles. &e, at Athens, June T 845. H. KINGSBCRY & CCEB. Butter ! Butter ! ANY quantity of goottirresh butter wanted, for which the eery highest market price will be paid. Athens, June, 1845:, H. KINGSBERY 4. CO. IIVIOR THE LAMES.—Balsarines, Halzanine jr Lawn, Printed Lawn. Lace Lawn, Chnsana &c, for sale cheap, at H. KENGSBERY & CO'lf; Athens, June, .1845. Ir PS. PRINTS of every variety ind pattern Rump from .5 to 25 cents, at Athens. June, 1845.11. KINGSBERY & tOl3. 34 P ti t t tRO at A in D w C p L n O ce T . H fo S r ,..e le as b e y imees, & Sat. Athens, Jane. 1845. H. KINGSBERYA Co, SUMMER GOODS, an endless variety for sale at Athens. June. H. KINGSBERY & DO'S. alk TON superior Oxford GRINDSTONES, just Wig received and for sale by Athens, June, 1845. B. KINGSEERT & CO. PUBLIC NOTICE. To all people to whom these presents shall come. 4. u .-VANp n I ERCLOK, wishes to ` Maker t. _ __. inform t the k public, tat d he a still co r i: i i n iii t i; iFj . assortment oFCabind Fovn g iture. - 'His establishment is shelled on the ,„,..„„.. 11) 1111 corner of Main &State streets. sec ' ond door north of the Bank and directly opposite W. Watkins law office. Persons wishing to furnish themselves with furniture, will find it an object to call and examine, purchase and pay, as the subscriber is determined (for cash) to sell all kinds of furniture at a less price than ever before known. June 23, 1845. D. VANDERCOOK. 1 - 1111 T _US ECIIO.IIV7C`IIIICISIVIT WRIO the usual assortment in country shops. the sob -IAI scriber keeps on band and manufactures to order. the Sofa Rocking chair, beautifully upholstered, also the half French Mahogany chair, together scat sofas of the latest coil most approved patterns, all rf which will be disposed of for all kinds of country pneluee at the usual low prices, and for cash at very meth redu ced prices, at the Cabinet shop of June 23,1845. to: V ANDERCOOE. COFFINS made to order on the sbortes: notice very low for ready pay. A hearse will ts in at tendancl when desired. June 23, 1845. D. VAN DERCOOE. J. P. WANTED by the subscriber, any quntity of white pine, cherry, and whitewgotl Imbef, in exchange for furniture. June 23, 1845. D. V ANDERCOOK. jRIJIT—Just received a supply of Lemon; Prunes, Figs, Raisins, &c. at CHAMBERLIN'S. June. 1'8,45. No.l Brici Row. ®[Ls—Linseed, Sweet, Castor and Lrnp Oils, 11U, good and cheap at CHAMBERLIN'S. Juhe, 1845. No. 1 Brick Row. FANCY ARTICLE.—A great varietyllr sale low, at CHAMBER LIN'S. June 1845. . No. I Brick Row. NipRUSHES.—A genetsl assortment or finr, Paink Flesn, and shoe braphes at CHAMBERLIN'S, No. I Brick Row. Dr. J. N. Sumner, Surgeon Dentist, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends that haw. JUIL, ing recovered limn his illness, he will make his nest professional visit t* Towanda, on or before the I/lrst day of October next. Not the Towanda Shavin'e Bank, nor No. 3 Brick Row, nor the 01d Arcade, But No, 2, Brick Row, - 1 -3 NOW ACKNOWLEDGED to be the ideritical spot where goods are sold cheaper for cash or ready pay, than any other establishment west of the cities of New York or Philadelphia. Persons wishing to prove this fact, can easily do it by calling in to see. No time will be spent in skinniTriiipla, or filling out bills of a worthless Institution. But the whole time anti atten tion of the subscriber anti hie clerk, will be exclusively devoted to selling goods cheap. A nimble ea pence, better than a slow 'shilling. C. REED. June 23,18.15., No. 2 Britt Row. JE - 1111—sfiZalL_7ILlt.a litiST received and for sale at B. Kingsberls Store. elp a few barrels superfine FLOUR. from Overton 4 Saitmarstix mill. Warranted an extra article. June 23. 1845. A FEW THOUSAND YARI I of dose cheap SHEETINGS, as also summer stuffs, Pints, Hos:ery, Gloves, &c. &c.; now opening at June 23, 1845. REED'S. inINE DOZEN Morgait's celebrated GRAIN CAA DLES, with Harris' Scythes, for sale by Juno 23, 1845, REED. 25 GUNS ! GUNS for the • North Branch Cilia'," and ja thirteen for G. E. FLYNT & CO'S cheap cash .tore. Just received at the Savings Bank, more New Goods: ; —We are offering Mena at private sale one notch" lowerthau at any other establishment in the-borough. G. E. FLYNT & -CO, ®TLS.—PURE SPERM & LINSEED OILS, wnys on hand at G: E. FLYNT & CO'S. W.ALT.—A large quantity of FRESH-SALT, at 0 June 23. G. E. FLYNT 4- CO, Portrait Painting, by Perkins, NORTH SIDE of ilia square, in the room over J. C. Adams' Law Office--Col. Miz's block. Likenesses warranted. Transparent Blinds, of any size or pattern desired. lane 18, 1945. REMOVED TO No. 1, BRICK ROW ! Ir. a. CIIALTIBERLIJr• • - RESPECTFULLY informs his mends and the public that he hu 4 R EMOVED to the Brick Row, . No. I, where he still continues to "'' /C, carry on his old business of • IQ. S c Watch end Clock Repairing, which will be done on short notice, and warranted to be well done. From a long experi ence in the business, he believes that be will bi able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. N. B. Watches warranted to rim well one year, or the money refunded and a written agreement given to that etrAz. to alt that desire one. CLOCKS.--A large assortment just received and for sale very tow for cash. If you want to. boy Jewetry•cbeep call at Cham berlin's Watch Shop, No. I, Brick. Row. ccr MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, and all kiciasof Cow. try Produce received in payment. • - Towanda, June 18,4846. • - ' % Another knit of .New Goo e TOWANDA CASH STORE. MX 8. AC M. C. MERGUR, sze'recieleing new saw ri. 4 , plies of Goons train New- York:- limos* every week, welch they are prepared to pall a. they have been selling all - lhe semis, a. tub - cheisper,',dai - any. mire establishment - tit Towanda ; and achesit, is the 'some quality of Goode can be' Pritchaled it MUD in town in the United States, They neither . - skin Flints" nor shave their customers, but attend solely to the business of buying goads cheap, and 'selling them accordingly. They have just received a new pokily of Sleeetinge. Prints, Hosiery, Gibresar& A LBQ—Aaadditional assortment of HARDWARE. —Another stock will be received neat week. June 12, 1845. H. 8. 4. M. C. MERCUR. " Be sure tbs. cashier is right u;11 then go ahead." W,yomingßeeord. PERSONS bedding (or not holdini ) bills on the St singe Bank ate requested not to be uneasy, as to the ultimate gowns of our institution u it is sound to the " core," being assured that the " depoaites" are not only firm, but are increasing daily with a "license" to extend the business to any *mount, and shall soon be able to declare a dividend on-the capital stock. With Our facilities for purchasing goods cheap, and the New York market at our command, we are prepared to set all competition aside, not however without cautioning the public to BE W ARE OF COUNTERFEITS, As there are many unauthorized and well executed counterfeits and well calculated to deceive those who are not judges, but upon close inspection it will be seen, that the "fie" mark is higher than ow the genuine, and notice, that mine are" Simon pure" unless signed at the bottom of each bill, in our own' hand writ ing G. E. Flynt & Co. All lovers of seasonable Rear Goods, and cheep, are requested to call and examine, as " seeing is believing." Receiving New Goods almost every day. June 18. G. E. FLYNT & CO. Let it be known to all Nations, mat I, Jas. Xt. SAVE on hand, and constantly receiving, and em now opening a large and splefididossortmentof goods in my line of business, notin Brick Row Ne.:l, 2, 3,4,0 r 5, but No. 100 Old Arcade, between the old Post Office and Hay Scales, where can be had at all times splendid gold and Silver of every des cription. from a chronometer movement to a common Silver Watch. Gold and Silver ware of different de scriptions, from Gold diamond rings and breast pins, down to three centers. Clocks. Violins, end other in struments of music too numerous to embody men ad vertisement. Call and see. And 1.1. M. G. am determined not to b e out done by any person or persons, or combinations or set of men in trade whatsoever, not by flints skinned 'or unskinned, :or by Beards long or short, blue black or' gra'', • or .any kind of Beards or Tints whatsoever, for be it lillown end let all nations know the facts, that my goods were se lected with great care and purchased with th e ready, and will be disposed of for the same, and at toser pri cesdoin were ever before offered in this place, other people's prices to the contrary notwithstanding. ' I in viteyou all to come, come all at once if you can, and you shall all be attended to. 2611't fa it to call one door south of the Cheap Cash Store of r lliott and Merr. cur. N. B. Pedlars supplied with combs , buttons, nee dles, pins, and Yankee Trapikat New 1 ':ortc prices, and all kinds of watchmakers materials atm holesale. June 18th, 1844. _ JAMES M . GILLSON. ROADCLOTHS and Cassituen s of all shades B •and qualities at very la price& may be found at June 9, 1845. WELLS.& SKI 'TEELEE'S ASPLENDID stock of linen and . cotton Goods for gentleman's wear. Also. Kid, t awn and cotton gloves—neck and pocket handkerchief 'a and Italian cra vats dell grades, may be found at • June 9, 1949. WELLS + SAI VERLEE'S. 110! FOR. THE TIMES-! )11W1$ (300 D El &au •oullaaaao I.E inscribers now have mahand all kinds of Mer handise for tho 'season, and ski o' they do not pledge themselves to sell lower by 10 cs • 20 per cent. than their neighbors, yet th.y &t pkdg e themselves to sell QS low for cash as can be bought 4 t any house in town, Elmira. Owego or Binghamton. • • May 20.1345. 11„ MIX 4 SONS'. "Goods for the Millions." JUST received at the Saziaga Bank, a nut Ober of tons of those cheap Groceries, which makes our assort ment complete. Those who patronise our cash mash. lishment, will derive a decidel advantage over those who purchase et other stores who do busineus on the credit system, as they are not over :barged equivalent to the delinquerice of those who never No 5. Brick 'Row. a E. FLYNT & CO. Administrator's Sale. WILL be exposed to sale on 8 aturday the sth day of July nest, at one o' clock P. M., on the premises, all that certs in piece or pa reel of land lying and being in the toWnshi p of Pike, cot inty of Bradford, and state of Pa.. and bout tded as folio ws, viz : Begin ning at the month east cort,er of a lot rt in out to Russel Wilson, a hemlock tree, thence south. or as the line of the osiginsl warrant rune one hundred and two perches to a beech, for a corner thet ice west nj nety-six perches to a post, thence east ninety-six perches to the place of beginning, Containing fifty-st ',ea acres one hundred and twenty four perches& 8-10 o.r a perch, v ,ith allowance of six percent for roads, being j tan of war rant lot survey ed in the name of James B arron. JOHN PH ILLIPS, _Administrator. Pike, June 7th 1845, Regimental Orders. MBE enrolled Militia of the 2d Ba ttalion sth Reg. 9th Division, P. M.. ire commsuided to mein at the 'Stone Tavern, in Windham townshjp, on Monday the 30th day of June, at 9 o'clock A . M., armed and equipped according to law, 1 it inspectiton and review. The Ist Bat., of same Reg.. will meet at the house of E. S. Mathewson, in Athens Borough, oh Tuesday, tho first day of July next, at 9 o'clock A.• M., armed and equipped according to law, for inspectio ii and review. JA COB HA RDER, Col. Athena Borough, June Bth,. 1845. ----- CIMIRS AND .GEDSTE.IDS. ~. THE subscribe) i still continuo t °to Mt ti , /facture slut keep on hand ~,,,,.. at old stand. atl kinds of al Cane rind Wood seat Chairs ; f" I ,--;‘, , 174..1:—.77 1 ,___, . - also S Wee: of various kinds t 4 \ r: 4. BE OSTE.B.9B, of every description, which -we, will 1 \ \ \ , sell tow for cash or produce. . TE 8 NINO done to order. • TOM K INS & MA KINHON. Towanda, April 23, 1841). ' Iit'VEMIa.UOO HIRAM .MIX k SONS', ARE now openings% their stores l4autifcl and cheap lot of SUMMER 6.0 ODS, direitTron the' City. which will be sold for Cash., as low as, can be bought at The Savings Bank," or at any store in Satan—call Tovirandi. 19th Mar, '45. _ . ' sail see. A NEW SUPPLY 1 : URTON KlNGSBERrlnforniit L. rally that he has just received direct !poor Nevi York City, his spring stock of GOODS.- It comprises a very general assortment of Dry .9004..Groierie4 Hardware &c. His goods base been aelectea . with much care, and will be sold as chet.p as can bobonght in To. wands, Call in and see it it is not so ! . „ ,„ Towanda, April 30, 1845. CROCKERY.A good gra ortment: Jane received at -- Jane 4. G. E. FLYNT & CO. al&.=Zs2 ammeasswo. EPSOM SALTS, Flor. Sulphur. Roll Brimstone, Sup. Carb. Sodn, Tartaric Acid. Castor Oil, Preis ton'a pure extract de Lemon, extract of Sarsapanlla, vials 4.e. for sale cheap at ; BAIRD'S, ~, Ma • 14, N 0.3 Brick Roro. jEAPOLITAN, Florence & Stnii;?* 'BONNETS; of all qualities and prices. dhameteori Artificial!, Ruches, &c. at the NEW SOICE: . - Juni 18. , G. Wpm? 7..* CO: ATS & CAPS 4 BONNETS, all theilataitylei for at SONS'. ' - - AnticrneitmartKM* • Atthe Elmirai Cheap Cash Store, • 'Arch 1, Brick Row. • _ . A ;pimple the 'bubo heeparchued of 'l. 8, wao.f .& Attr ! ttiefr 004 of , goads, sad tour jiiet received ie aew !apply:_ ifyyth,reoderii hi t irsortment of Dritgs; Ma. Chia, Paved, ' Vitt, pyosttiffa atuf Farady Groceries complite.;Oiliiistack coasiorts in pin of the following ICEDICINES. 'ETC. Essences Flour sulphur do Benzohi Glue Ginn camphor Ausfaxlits Myrrh • - Gamboge Glauber's:its Annetta Annie root . Antimony • Aquaforils , hEt • qui - amnionie her • ‘. Brimetone Blue [Vitriol Bayberry .bark. do • tallow, • \ Balsam lobe Sellebotd Barbed Oil Hydribatelotetisi toehold moss• !pease lodine - . Jalap Juniper Berries Lunar Caustic Liquorice ball and root Laudanum Morphine Manna Macs Mask Nux Yonne* ' _ Oxalic acid Essential oils, all kinds Oil iosp Paregoric Pills do Copaive Baibadoes tar' ' Balsam' honey Blood root Blue. pills Balsam Fir . Black .drop Barley Pearled Bateman'i drape Bugondy Pitch , Cayenne pepper African do Camphor Calomel Chamonile Bor. Corrosive militia:lite Cochineal Cantharhles Cubebs • , Coc. inudiens Carbonate iron do Magnesia do Soda; Cowage Colocyntb Chloride lime Pboiptuite iron Quicksilver (bassi& - Quinine Bed Precipitate Senna Boger Lead . : Cream tartar j Syringes Dragon's bloat Valerian root Dover's Postdate Saffron ~ Digitalis Live Ursa Emery; assorted Vol. Liniment Epsom salts Yen. turpentine, &e.dec. A complete variety of GROCERIES, such as Tea, agar, Coffee, Starch, Raisins, Cinnamon, Soda Crack .re, Ginger, Pepper, Eng. Currants, Nutmegs, Tobacco .d Swift Candles, &c. A complete etwortment of Paints, Dyo-stutfe, Win doer Glue, Patent Medicine.% lee. Towanda, June 16, /845. I Regimental Orders ! HE enrolled militia comprised within the sounds of the let regiment, are hereby notified to appear t the houie of Charles Bennett. in Standing Stote,on 4tatorday the 28th day of JUNE inst. simed sod equip. il as the law directs, for military inspection and dill Said Regiment under the new arrangement made by the proper officers, includes the following townships, end the borough of Towanda.—Rome. Wyses,Starsi. ing Stone. Wyalusing, Renick, Springhill, Asylum, Albany, Monroe, Towanda and Durell—each township forming separate companies. The commissioned officers of the Volunteer battalion commanded by Col. WaLcss, are respectfully touted to appear on parade with the let Regiment. P. C. WARD,' Colonel. Colonel's Office, Greenwood. June 12, 1845. SHERIFF'S SALES. Blf virtue of a writ of 41s. Vend. Expo. hinted from the court of common pleas of Bradford county, to me directed I shall expose to public sale at the house of Wel. Briggs in the Borough of To- wands, on Thursday the 3d day of July. 1846,. at one o'clock P.M., the following deceribed piece or par cel of land situate in Litchfield, and bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by land'of Peter Myers, on the east by Benj. Stackhouse and Vanduzen Tidd, on the south by Z. Tidd, and On the west by Cyrus Bloodgood. Containing 100 acres ' more or less, with about 60 acres improved, one framed house and-one framed barn, and one log barn, and other out houses thereon erected, with an orchard of grafted fruit. Beized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. Norton to the use of Nehemiah Platt vs. John 8. Rog ers. J. N. WESTON, Sheriff. Sheriff:a Office, Towanda, June 14, 1845.5 - ATIIENSADVERTISEMM7 WELLS & NATTERLEE see receiving from New York, their second stack of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of a choice and gene re I stock of all articles kept in country stores and will be sold es cheap as at any store in the country for cash, produce or approved abort credit. Please call and examine our stock' and prices. WELLES &SATTERLEE. Athens, June 9, 1845. THE Ladies will find printed lawns, mdlaines, zarines, and prints for summer; and bombazines, alpaecas and merino goods for winter dresses. Linen, cotton dr worsted mitts, gloves and hose ; black, blue black, striped and, plain silks in pattern, for sale very low at June 9.. WELLES & SATTERLEE'S. GLASS, OILS & PAIN I'S-25 Kegs Duncan non Nails- from 3d to 40d. 3.8, 8.16, 1 -2, 5.8, 3.8, 7.8, 84, 10.8 Duncannon round and Square Iron ; band and hoop Iron of all sizes. Also; 5 tons Lycom ing and Centre county Iron of all kinds and shapes ev er called for—including 400 lbs. nail rods, Also. cast and E. 13. & American Steel, all of arhicji will be found cheap at June 9, WELLES & SATTERLEE'S. -GRAIN and grass scythes. scythe snaths, grain cra dles' and scythes, stones and rifles; hoes, axes, rakes, hay and manure forks ; Ames' shovels spades scoops, hammers, hatchvis and a general stock of hard ware may be found at the store of Juno 9. WELLES & SATTERLEE. FATHER—Saltmarsh. Overton & Co's best solo and upper leather—calf and kip skins always on ban in exchange for cash and hides, very low at J ne9. WELLES & SArI'ERLEE'S. ARMER.S.--20.000 LBS. O 1 BUTTER, eithor in rolls or firkins wanted at the highest market pries for goods by June 9. WELLS & SATTERLEE 00EHLS. LAKE SALT, at ten shillings per barrel, cash, for sale at WELLES & SATTERLEE'S.' 'it is already before the People, /111 HAT No. 3 can beat the world selling GUODS cheap.. It Is already bepre the people. That the best goods and cheapest goods in Towanda can be found at No. 3 Brick Row. It is already before Me people. That No. 3 can akin any Flint in Towanda, without injury to one " jack knife." It is already af ore the people. That No. 3 can't be an mold 1 per cent., much less 15 or 20. It . ,is'alreedy b fore the people. That one of our firm started for N. York; on the 7th inst. • '' It soon will be before the people. That No, 3 has received a large addition to their extern al,. stock of goods. Now Ladies and Gentlemen don't all come at once, 'we will wait upon you as fast as we can : we expect another ; clerk in a few days and will then try not to said our customers away for want of time to wail upon theni.. - ' ' ' W. H. BAIRD & CO. June 10th 1845. • No. 9 Brick Row. • • • .11einceopathic Physician. iIikOCTOR L. PRATT, would respeetfolly inform 11 . 111/• the citizens of Towanda and its vicinity,' that he will be happy to be of essential ware. to those who need -medical aid. From hisczporiencefn the system which Ito adopts, ho Rafters himself that the community be wall pleased with its eiTeets upon the serious diseases which "flesh is heir to." His office can be found at the residinets of L; E; De Wolf Esqr. 'Towanda, June 7th 1845. .riItST.RATE 4R,b:, and jots of ARK ROPE. fat *Ali' by " , W. ILMAIRD 4r.• CO. •'111Y,14. '- 3 Brick Rau/. MONTANYE'S STORE Comer of Ike fablic Square k Maio Strut. ' ITIIHE•Isrgest and cheapen lot of gasils evrr care/ 1.1 in Bradford County-is' now opening at the above store; The mast fashionable Goods of the season, serif, asßaltarines,Lawns, Ike., with every variety of Print manufactured in the United Suites. All the new ,Myles Of Sommer Goodie Fos Gentlemen hoys and youth- BOOTS 4- snow of any quantity Mid any price, 20 . doz. HATS ut the lowest possible price. GROCERIES of all kinds and HARDWARE in abundance. • Returning sincere thanks for the veryliberal patronage they have heretofore received, they pledge theniselver to sell as cheap as goods of the same quality can lic-pur 'chased in this or any of the neighboring villages. We. would therefore advise our friends to call - before pur chasing elsewhere. .1. D. &E. D. 1110,NTANYE; . Towanda; May 12, 1845. Competition in thr Shark! NM RECEIVED, a full assortment of superfine French, English and American CLOTIIS. To gether with a full assortment of medium ; and low price black, blue black and fancy colors; fancy Cassirneres Sattineta of various styles and colorls, tnakiiiir an as. soclttient of Cloths complete. Also. Trimmings, of the best quality, constantly on hand. Purchasers of Cloihs and Citasimerecwill promote their own interestliy calf mg at the New Store, where all kinds of Goods are sell iiig miusuaay low. G.E.PI, & CO. • 0. D. BARTLETT 11011ASJwist received a fresh supply of Spring and Sumner GOODS wlticli he pledges himself to genes low foicaah, as can be bought in this village or elsewhere in thie tongitade—and every article warrant ed to be as good tur it is recommended. Towanda. May 1.4, r 1t34;5.. • SADDLE' 3a,•/H_ARNESS : IC. 1r ELK.4.lrall SMITH x . ROA; RESPECTFULLY inform fErat they still continue the manufacture of Saddles; Bridles. Muncie', dm, in Col. Mix's building, next door re I. C. Adatpe' Law Office, where they will keep conargotly on band, and manufacture to order, Elastic Web, Common and Quilled saddles, Barneas, s Carpet Bags; Bridles, Trunks, Collars. s•c. Carriage Trimming and Military Work done td order. Mattrasses, Pew and Chair Cushions made on short notice and reasonable terms.. The subscribers hope by doing their work well, and by a strict attention to business ' to merit a share of public patronage. EJ.KANAH SMITE & SON. Towanda, May 21,1845. MEDICINE AND SURGERY. DR. M. GOODRICH has located himself at MONROE, for the practice of his profession, and will be pleased to wait on those requiring his vices. He may be found at J. L. Johnson's tavern. Reference may be made to Drs. HUSTON. & tifaaaN; of Towanda. April 23, 1845. Fashionable Tailoring ! GEORGE H. BUNTING would respectfolly in form the public that he still continues at his old stand on the west aide of Main street, between Kings bery's and Bartlett's stores, up stairs where be may be found in readiness to all work in his line in a style not to be surpassed in Bradford county. Prices to snit the times. Thankful for past favors, be respectfully solicits a continuance and hopes by strict attention to bu siness and accommodating terms to merit patronage. The Spring and Summer FASHIONS have jug been received, sad he is prepared to make garments in the most fashionable manner. Particular attention paid to CUTTING, and warrant ed to fit if properly made up. He has the latest Spring and Summer Fashions - for sale. Towanda, May 14. 1845. zznowczass xrciuzal.c. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Reuben Conk lin, Iste of Towanda borough, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment, and all those hav ing demands against the same are requested to present thorn, legally attested fOr'settlement. W. W. GOODRICH, Executor. Towanda, May 15, 18415. THE TOWANDA CHEAP STORE. GREAT ATTRACTION 15113111110- MILIMIT. =WE ' THE subscriber has just returned from Now York with a splendid assortment of Spring and Sum mmer goods, which he offers for sale at least fifteen par cent. cheaper than goods have ever been, or ever will be sold in this borough. His stock consists of fo reign and domestic DrylGoods, such as Frinich, English and American Cloths, Ctusimeres, Sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Summer stuffs. A splendid assortment of hints of all prices, also a-full supply of Brown and 'Bleached goods, also, Fancy Goods, such as Linen Handkerchiefs, Black, Blue Black, Plaid and striped Silks, Thread and Muslin Edgings, Ladies and Gentlemens Cravats, Bon net Ribbons, Damask and Mouselin de I,aine Shawls, Parasols and a thousand articlestoo numerous to mention. GROCERIES--Brown , Loaf and Crushed Sugars, St. Croix, Portirico and New Orleans Molasses. Cogni se and American Brandy. Holland Gin, Teas; dec., alsd Crockery. Glass, Nails, Hardware &c.&c. All persons desirous of purchasing goods low, will do well to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. Atter, Eggs, Cheese and Grain taken in payment for GOOllB. CHARLES REED. - Towanda, May 12, 1845. iVu, 2 Brick Ran. 11001 r ATS of superior qualities,` and most approved KZ. style?, from $I up to— Call and see. . G. E. FLYNT h CO. Not to be Undersold by any Live idan! A'FRCR than to have one coal' customer suffer Kt the subscribers have rnadeettensive arrangements whereby all kinds of goods can he purchased at their real value. Economists are requested to call at the Sav ings Bank and exanaineour stock of Groceries which we are selling at unprecedented low prices. May 28. G. E. FL YNT & CO. -- Keep it before the People, . rooAT G. E. FLYNT & CO. are receiving the ji. ; largest and best assortment of Dry Goods and' Groceries, and are selling very cheap. Keep it' before the People, That credit and 'lumber prices are high, and that cash prices are exceedingly low. . . Keep it before the People, That Cash will do wonders in the way of buying goods cheap. Keep it before the People. . That G. E. Flynt & Co. are actually selling minds for prices from 15 to 20 per cent cheaper than they were ever known befote,call and see. ' I Keep it before the People. That goods of all descriptions can be purchased as cheap as at Elmira, Owego, or even Binghamton. Be sure and fall al • G,E.FLYNT & CO'Fi. 11BETINGR,—Brown and FtIea:SHEETING, an 1 1 jll.l ree (P..E ed . I 7LYNT & CO I, :i y ul l l 2 ea . s quantity, M. BRIGADE OltbEliS. worrice is hereby given to thoenrolled Militia with -. 1 fin the bounds of the 2d Brigittle oth divisien P. Itl., that they will meet in Battalions and Regiments for inapedtinn as folloole : the Ist Bat. 3,1 Reg. (formerly 1.29t9 will meet on Moritlity - then 23.1 day of ipoo nest. 2d Bat. same Reg.. on Tuesday the 21th.-z-Ist Bat. 4th tr. (formerly 156„) on Wednesday the 25th. • 2,1 • Reg. (formerly 21:51.1 - on Friday the :nth. lot Reg. (formerly Ifith) on Kato - IMay the 2t•lth. 2d13 it. :Xi Reg. on Monday the Oath. Ist Vat. same Reg. on Tuesday the first day of July, at such places sit tilt. seve ral, commanding tamers may direct. Adjutants and Captains of companies ore also notified and required to tinsel their roll. copies reedy ,for delivery, and also their fist absenteesiiropertyauthenticated se the law directs. • NV., E. BARTON, Inspectitri Immeetnes Of fee,' - • • 1 ,, 211. Biig. 9th-Div. E Smithfield, May 'IV, 18.13: P.M. Si-i .• P: • , . . 11V33 1 11t€14 ' HEAD 'OF',.N.AVIGATF(*. A- perfect Jam ai Noy 3 "Brick Row ! VSITA, c ,;riia. vvy firk tioeisi With -a4eittititliiell:e.liete;l men' of nietehusidize in: n enerate •• In the lifie of • '" DRY GOODS. we cannot enumerate:hot • a small• mandrel% of articles . , but beg leave to-tray far the. besiefta el the Lairs, that we have a splendid 'assortment of Panders mu.lins,•ging bunt annlins, ergandes, lialzariries, muslin de (near styles) painted 'inii4liiut;'BCoteh `end Franck ging hams, strived tapered jaionet, •(a 'beautiful article for -white. dresses) 200 pieces French, English aild . • can Prints. com prising some of Outmost choice and' rash lanai& stylest - suminee shawls and cravale,; -Vittoria skirts, bonnet lawns, oiled silk, black gro de Rhineailke bobitiett, Gri•cian tarleton and silk lace, black silk, veil lace, muslin edging and insetting, Lisle thread and finals edging:light and dark kid 'Glares; pie nic and . anii'le do., lirren.pocket handkerchiefs, fans, Bonnet Ilehhenis, a great variety ;20 boxes Artificial", white and black bugle beads ; cotton, gingham and • silk Parma/sand Stin shades, the best assortment ever exhibited in Towanda. BOOTS & SHOES Black and light-colored kid slip', liuskins and - fie% d'o.. do., gaiters and half gaiters, misses slip; shoes, dt.u. Combs, toifeno brushes, &e. ' • • • BONNETS., -Diamond lawn, shirrd • lawn, fluted lawn, willow; *node na l plain straw, and Rutland straw, Ladies and misses Bonnets. Also, 100 Legkor.n Bonnets, comprising plaits Florence braid, shell and almond braid, diamond .tmd peddle braid, shell and imperial do:, bird's ej , e,. ditto: 'Ladies' and misses . ' - Neapolitim late, Misses Leghorn Oats; straw cords and tassels, &c. &c. GENTLEMEN. • ' • we are jaw opening 20 pieces, different styles,plaitt asitt -striped double and single milled Carrion:ref. t Broad cloth., and -Sat i 'jells, all colors:, said, qualtricsv Summer Cloths, for men and boy'i Wear, by, 1,13.3, pieces ; ;or, less quantity ; bleached and broirti sliectii4stind shirting ; suspenders, elastic vest backs, sc. 100 (10z. Pam leaf hats, 211 tied: • Ltgharti do., 5 caws Far do., white, drab andblack. • .. - A very heavy stoak of Groceries, ifardtcare,!Grodie-• We are prepared to sell ato esa o or re and h • • ia• will do so as low, (if not a little loiver,) thin the earno, qualities can be bought 'at any store of this place, for ready pay. And by way of eneoUr. aging the honest and industrious .Itillers.of the kit" wo • will exchange any of our goods far Good, Butter, or Fro crow of almost any kind.. Those, therefore, wholiavo wisely come to the conclusion that it is , not good policy to g'et in debt to the merchants, will be' enabled to ex- change the products of their labor for ail wry to aceir comfort and convenience: ' • Yours, in haste.. - WM, ;11. BAIRD & CO. Towanda, May,s, 1845. „ , Executor's. Notice. • ALLpersons inileMell to the estate Of Saml Creamer, deceased, late of Monroe V., are requested to make immediate payment, and all those basing demands against the same are requested to present them. legally lute/ludo for settlement. A. 1.. ,CRANMER, Monroe, June 4, 1R45 -3r...zseLmarka /SHAT goods were never so cheap in the world he • j fore as they are this spring,--if any doubt; who wish to boy goods for mush, let them call and see at May 22. • O. BARTLE trti: DRUG & GROCERY STORE. Keep it Before the People, - WHAT the Old Drug Store, wed side of the Pub lic Square, is now receiving the largest assort ment oi Drugs and Medicines ever offered in this mar ket, among which are the following, viz • .„„,i ! Sulph. Morphia, Blue Mass, do. Quinine, ' it. Silver, Eng. Calomel, Quick do. . Potassa, Peperine, Red Precipitate, Ipecac, White do. Tart. Antimony, Strychnia, lodine, Elateruim, Valerian Root Kreasot, Seneca do. Pulv. Jalap, Serpentaria do. Est. do., • Gentian do. - Colycinth, Colombo do. de. Celina'', .. Pink. do.. do. Ciente,. Sequa. do. Hyosciarons, Adhesive Mao., do. Taraxecum, Cantharides, l Spring and Thumb Lancets. Lancet cases &e., The attention of PHYSICIANS is particularly in cited to the above articles, they being just received fro. one of the most respectable houses in New Yort an will therefore be warranted pure and free from minket. anon in all eases, and disposed of at very lenliricee. ==! Wintergreen,: Cinnamon, Peppermint, Rosemary , . Wormseed, Hemlock, Sassafrass, Lemon Lscander. Her/ gamot, Aniseed, Closes, J uniper, Amber, Csjput, Cara/ way, Monard, Almond. Orig,arium, Cedar, Am i . ber, &c., &c. = , The most popular of the day, such as Dr. Jayne' Expectorant, Wister's Balsam Wild Cherry, Sandi Sarsaparilla, Dr. .acne's Carrnanitive, Balsam Howl:. hound, Turtington' - s Pink Expectorant Byrn,. Bat L 1 . man's Drops, Andem I. do.. Lemon's Coogh d 0.,, L quid Opodeldoc, Balsam .Huney, Preston Salta, lilr' Gardners Balsam Liverwort and Hoarhound,Dr.Bpoon '' Digestive Elixor,Dr. Moons Dix. of OpiuM, Dr: Ben jamin Godfrey's Cordial, Dr. Weaver's Worm - Toil, Cheesman's Arabian Balsam, 'Balm of Colombia. Bdt ter's Magnesian Aparient, Henry's do., Dr. Thompson a Eye Water, British 011, Harlaern do, Maceasear do I, Bear's do., Grave's Hair do., Croton do., together wi many others to 'numerous to mention. = Compound Cathartic, Gregory's Hooper's "Fe* e German, Lees Windham Billions, Miles' TOmii4 Brandretles, Wright's Indian Vegetable. Dr. Phlirddy'si Webstet's, NI fasts and Bitiers, Alebaste. Bishops,'' IPAIN'TS, OIL AND Dirk: STUFFS: ' : White ; Red and Black Leatt, Chrome Green ,Chren Yellow. Yellow Oahu., Prussian Blue Roan Pink,th,4 • Lead, Lithar , e, Blue. Smalls, Venetian Red,. lierrnilli.4l Tarmerie, 'lndigo, Copperas, Allum, CruO: Tartar, Cochineal, Bolution of Tin, Verdigria,.l3: Vitro!, Glass . 1 by O. S by 10, and 10 by 12. Pali Linseed Oil, Sce., 4e. I • . A. D. MONTANYE,-.DnoostsT.l Towanda, May 2,1, , 154 5. . THE TOWANDA SAVINGS BANK • - NEW STORE, NE,W GOODS AND NEAP PRItESI G. E. FL F.l CO., I r y o o t r L i p o, r ,n t ra c ,,d viciny, at w liti-puyanriT4ntchetotelio arc an entire new stock - 4 Coods,Ol No. 5, Trucy's Block,'. Two doom below Tracy & Moore, Main' strict. en ing of Dry . Goods; Groceries. Crockery, frog, IVails. Roots 4 Shoes and for the Ladies we havoa alutrounent of MILLiNERY GOODS. Besitica, Thousand,Nolionsy,not ,to he enumerated, all of w. were pun:ll'l.4rd ttuder.the nue ion liamtor,r,exprreali thi4 niarket.:ind will be sold without reserve, and I tier& .11:tch Chinpt4 then at any other entabliAhmei Towanda. All who favor lIP with 12 call. may be a/. that their liiti•ti,t will lit• to call again. • • Cr Be aura you ere Ti2111.-I‘o. 5. Tracy's Mork. GEO. E. FLINT & C 'rovrtnALE, May 12, 1835. FEW Fi)lMs 1.1", French. Englitti 0111.1 ilk Oil PRlNTS—rich patterw, gt Alec 12. ' .E.PINNT C LiiilES.! 1.41111 1 ,6 1 A FIRST It ATE. n,atortwent of I.e l therri 44her UON EFS of the, latest style ,pet : n ed and 1 , 0 2040 lower fto:cabltttr. , 1 yon ever Lone , I l. 11.13 A lITLE'r AgniN the `2iith of April. at sln re in stet;beitive ‘,Peonklites arid the Wal, riot! lief'' • Lar . e'-11C/b.:••l'hil finder 11: thit'oaire:f•e , t. Ttn.vettuloi ',q4\, 5, ,1b45., N. CRAMMER, Exeentotil iii anti by