Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 25, 1845, Image 1

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    Nra,472=33 'no
E l ZVD.:tb 8
Gls. Jscssors.—Day by day, the fears-of the friends
of General Jackson, grow stronger, that the sands of his
life are nearly spent, and we shall soon be called as a nation,
to mourn the departure of the old Hero. The infer
gerim from the Hermitage is, that his life can be prolon
ged but for s few day&
He has lived as one who was devoted for his country,
and in peril's darkest hour, wavet4ril or faltered not; he
will die as become the pious christian, and a nation's
spontaneous grief will tell the hold he had upon their af
fections.' •
" How sleep the time! who sink to rest,
With all their country's wishes blest !"
'The following beautiful fine; by Etna 8F...51/.IIIN,
'win be MA with unusual interest at the present time,
when all expecting to hear of death's visiting the Her
The Hero's Lad Rom.
A few more days more and all mud hoover with the
Hero of the Hermitage."-4)ally Paper.
A few moredays and he must sleep in death; .
A few more days, sad unto God, who gave,
The brave old Hero must "resign his breath,
And'sink serenely to a tranquil grave ; -
Sink like the sun, more glorious at last "s
• Than when his rays in broad effulgence, glowed,
And over sea, and plain, in. mountain cast
Meridian splendor from its high abode.
For valor, wisdom, justice, truth renowned,
By tyrants hated, and by freeman blessed,
With all his country's loftiest honors crowned, ,
He goes to welcome his eternal lest;
Rest, that his soul has sighed for many years,
With the dear partner of his manhood's prime ;
Rest in a realm undimmed by doubts and fears,
Beyond the power of change or sway of time.
Statesman and warrior, patriot and sage!
A nation weeps thy late and slow decay ;
First of the living great on history's page,
Who will remain when then halt passed away !
Who of that noble band, the tried and stern,
Men of the old heroic stamp and creed,
On whom the present race may look and learn
low to be wise in thought, aid bold in deed?
A few more days, and all over the law!
,The bell's deep toll, the cannon's solemn boom
From west to eastshill - sound the sad command,
•-" Ye people ourn your hero in the tomb !”
Him, slumbering Peaceful, strife can reach no more ;
By glory's halo circled is his name ;
:And long, oh freedom, as thy eagles soar,
AU thy new triumphs shall record his fame !
TAMA ; contriiningct copious sekction of Memos: in
!cresting fads r traeliticma, biographical sketches, an
ecdotes relating to the history both general and
local, With a topographical description of every coun
ty, and all the large towns in the state—by Snanass
D tr. New Haven, Durrie & Peck, 1845.
We continue from our last week's paper, the highly
interesting sketch of this county. The remainder will
be published next week, and will be found to increase
in ihterest.
At Fort Stanwix, Nov. 5, 1768, the chiefs
of the Six Nations sold to the agents of Thom
as, and Richard Penn, " in consideration of ten
thousand dollars," all the land in Pennsylva
nia not heretofore purchased, southeast of a
" Beginning on the east side of the east
branch of the river Susquehanna at a place
called Owegy, down the said branch on the.
east side to the mouth of a creek called by the
Indians Awandac (Tawandee,) and across the
river and up the said creek on the south side,
and along the range of hills called Burnett's
hills by the English, and by the Indians on
the north side-of them the heads of a creek
which runs into the west branch of the Susque
hanna, which creek is called by the Indians
Tiadaghton," &c., &c., over to Kittaning, and
thence downohe Ohio.
Again, at Fort Stanwix, Oct. 23, 1784, the
Six Nations sold to the state of Pennsylvania
all the land in the state . lying northwest of the
above mentioned boundary ; and this latter
sale was confirmed by. the Wyandots and
Delawares at Fort Mlntosb, (in Beaver co.) in
Jan. 1785.
It was also ascertained at Fort Stanwix, in
'B4, , that the creek called Tiadaghton by the
Indians, was the Pine creek of the Pennsylva
nians ;_ and that the Indiana had always known
Burnett's mountain by the name of Site long
Previous to the removal of the Moravians,
pioneers from Connecticut had already arrived
in the Wyoming valley, but no settlements
were extended up as far as Wyalusing until
the close of the revolutionary war. During
that war these valleys swarmed with hostile
parties of the Six Nations, desc . ending upon
the white settlements. A few Dutch families;
attached to the British cause, were permitted
to remain about the upper Susquehanna;; among
whom was old Mr. Fauks, who lived on the
point below Towanda. After the bloody con
flict at Wyoming in 1778, Col. Hartley With
a detachment of troops came up the Miley and
burned the Moravian towns, together ,with'the
Indian town at Tioga point. Maj. Gen. Sulli
van passed tip the Susquehanna in the ensuing
summer of 1779, on his memorable expedition
agairist the towns of the Six Nations. The
army arrived at Tioga Point on the 11th Aug.,
and heating that the enemy were at Chemuug,
an Indian village 12 miles above Tioga Point,
Went up and had a slight skirmish with the
'lndians. who had abandoned the village, and
were lying in ambush. The Indians were
driven off; and after destroying the grain, &c.
the army returned to Tioga to wait for Gen.
Clinton's ~brigade, which came down the east
branch on the 22d Aug. from New York, with
200 batteaux. The united forces now moved
forward up the Tioga into the Genesee connty t
ravaging and burning the Indian villaget l in
destroying their crops. While the- arniy ne r
mained at Tioga they erected ,blockhouses on
the peninsula, where Col. %reeve was left
with a garrison of 200 men to guard the place.
The army returned on the 30th Sept., and
were received by Col. Shreeve with a joyous
salute, and " as grand an entertainment as the
circumstancev of the - place would admit,"
-The ravages committed by Gen. Sullivan
made but a slight impression upon the sava g es.
On his return they followed close upon his
rear, and hovered around the frontier until the
close of the war in 1783. A year or two after
the peace,'a number of those who had been in
Sullivan's campaign, and thus became acquain
ted with this region, came here to settle, bring
ing with them several other adventurers, who
took up lands in the Sheshequin valley under
the Connecticut title. About the same time
adventurers and squattirs flocked in from New
York, and settled about Tioga Point. The
progress of the county was for many years re
tarded by the uncertainty of title to the lands,
growing out of the contest between the Penn
sylvania and Connecticut claimants. The first
actual settlers were generally under the 'Con
necticut title. Much bitterness of feeling was
excited by the attempts of the Pennsylvania
claimants - th survey their tracts. A Mr. Irwin,
a surveyor from Easton, while sitting, after
the fatigues of the day, in the door of Mr.
M'Duffie's house on the Tioga above Athens,
was shot dead by some person unknown.—
Mr. M'Duffie was sitting near him playing the
flute. A Mr. Smiley was tarred and feathered
one night near Towanda creek. The feeling
that prevailed among the settlers at the time,
and the difficulty 'of bringing such offenders to
justice, may be inferred from the fact, that the
individual who lent the bottle to the rogues to
hold their tar, was himself on the grand jury
for investigating the case; but as no legal
evidence was presented to him officially that
such a. use bad been made of his bottle.; and
as he did not actually know the fact, he did
not feel bound to state his suspicions to the
grandlury. Col. Satterlee, who was one of
the must active in securing the original organi
zation of the county obtained an appropriation
at arkearlv day of 8600 for opening roads into
the northern part of the county. which gave
an opportunity for the hardy and enterprising
New Englanders to settle in the townships of
Wells, Ridgebury. Springfield, &c.
Smithfield and Columbia townships are set
tled by Vermonters, whose fine farms attest
their industry.
TOWANDA, the county seat, is situated
the centre of the county, on- the right bank of
the Susquehanna. A part of the silage is on
the river bank, and a part on several successive
benches gently rising from the river, and pre
senting a most enchanting prospect. The
dwellings are built with taste, generally of
wood, ,, painted white, imparting a remarkably
bright and cheerful appearance to toe town as
one approaches it from the Wysox valley.just
opposite. Besides the usual county buildings,
the town contains Presbyterian, Methodist,
Baptist, and Episcopal churches. m academy,
and a bank, very extensively known. A no
ble bridge crosses the river at the town. Just
below the bridge is the dam and lock of tfie
North Branch canal, where crosses the river
by a pool, thus forming a convenient basin op
posite the town. Part of the dam was swept
away in the flood of 1841 or '42. In former
times the people of Towanda numbered fresh
shad among their luxuries, but the construction
of dams in the river has excluded them entirely.
Population, 912.
Towanda was first laid out in 1812, by Mr.
Wm. Means, who resided here at that time.—
The act organizing the county, directed the
courts to be held at his house until public build
ings were erected. Old Mr. Fauks, a Ger
man, and his son-in-law, Mr. Bowman, lived,
then on the point below Towanda. 11r. Fauks
had settled there before, or during the revolu
tion, having been attached to the British side
in that contest. 'fhFSlage for several years
was called Meansy s iQe`c' and so marked upon
the maps. Other names were also occasional
ly tried on, but did not fit well enough to wear
long. The Bradford Gazette of 4th March,
1815, says, the name of this village having
become the source of considerable animosity,
the editor, ,(Hurr Ridgway,) willing to accomo
date all, announces a new name—filllinmstown
—may it give satisfaction and become perma
nent." But subsequently, in 'the same year.
the Gazette appears dated Towanda; and in
1822, again the Bradford Settler was dated
at Meansville. Towanda was incorporated as a
borough in 1828, and its name was thus perma
nently fixed. The location of the canal, the dis
covery of coal-beds in the vicinity, and the es
tablishment of a most accommodating bank, gave
a great impetus to the growth of the place be
tween the years 1836 and 1840 ; but the subse
quent disastrous failure of the hank, in the spring
of 1842, following, as it did, the already severe
commercial distress, and the suspension_ of the
public works, spread a gloom over its prospects.
The natural advantages of the place, however,
are too great to be annulled by any temporary
cause; and Towanda must soon shake off the
load, and eventually become a place of consider.
able business. Besides the great valley of the
Susquehanna, three smaller valleys, rich in the
products of agriculture, centre here, and must
pour their trade into the stores of Towanda.
ATHENS, now one of the pleasentest villages
in Pennsylvania, extends actors an isthmus, be
tween the Tioga and Susquehanna rivers, about
two miles above'their confluence. Above and
be'low the town, the land widens out into mead-
As of surpassing fertility. The long main
street of the village runs lengthwise of the isth
mus, and is adorned by delightful residences,
and verdant shades and shrubbery. There is
an academy here, and Presbyterian, Methodist,
and Episcopal churches. There is a substan
tial bridge over each of the rivers ; that over
the Susquehanna has beed recently erected ;
that over the Tioga was built in 1820. The
borough was incorporated in 1831. On the
completion of the Nonh Branch, canal, a great
increase of trade may be anticipated. Popula
tion, 435.
The whole region around Tioga is highly
'tticinresque. The view from the Sheshequin
road, immediately overlooking the confluenee
of the rivers, is very beautiful. Directly in front
are the broad meadows below Athens, with the
town in the distance, and the valleys of the two
rivers stretching away among the hills of New
York. Tioga Point, from its geographical posi
tion, has been noted, in the annals of Indian war
fare, as the site of an ancient Indian town, and a
place Of rendezvous for parties.'or armies pass
ing up or down the two great streams. At the
lower end of the village are the remains of an
old fort erected during the Indian wars. On
the beautiful plain just below the mountain,
stood the " Castle" of Queen Esther, whose
permanent residence was at Catharine's town, at
the head of Senaca lake.
Catharine Montour was a half-breed, who had
been well educated in Canada. Her reputed
father was one of the French governors of that!
province, and she herself was a lady of compara
tive refinement. She was much caressed in
Philadelphia, and mingled in the best society.{
She exercised a controlling inflUence among thi
Indians. and resided in this quarter while they
were making their incursions upon the Wyo
ming settlements. It has been even suspected
that'she presided at the bloody sacrifice of the
Wyoming prisoners after the battle; but Col.l
Stone, who is good authority upon the history ,
of the Six Nations, utterly discredits the suspi
cion. The plain upon which the mansion stood
is called Queen Esther's flats. Old Mr. Coy
enhoven, who still lives in Lyeoming co., was
one of Hartley's expedition to Tioga, just after
the battle of Wyoming. for the purpose of burn
ing the Moravian villages and the Indian town
at page. Mr. Covenhoven says, that he him
self put the brand to " Queen Esther's castle."
He describes it as long, low edifice, constructed
with logs set in the ground at intervals of ten
feet, with horizontal hewn plank, or puncheons,
neatly set into grooves in the posts. It was
roofed, or thatched, and had some sort of porch,
or other ornament, over the doorway. In
1784, Judge Hollenback, of Luurne co., had
an establishment at Tioga for trading with the
Indians, of whom many were still residing up
the Twee valley. Daniel McDowell was his
clerk. The Indians having buried the hatchet
with the peace of 'B3. wete disposed to be friend
ly ; but the villany of straggling white traders,
aided by the demon of rum, often exasperated
them to such a degree, that great fears were en
tertained for the safety of the resident
About this time a good-natured Indian, who
boasted chiefly of his stature as a " big Shick
ashinny," was murdered while intoxicated, near
Hollenback's store, by a little Toting fur-trader
from Delaware river. It was with some diffi
culty the villagers,' through McDowell's inter
cession, appeased the exasperated feelings of
the relatives and friends of the Indian by pur
chasing his corpse at the price of a pair of old
horses ! The murderer enlisted In the army,
and before long received his due from the Indi-
ans on the northwestern frontier. In 'B4, also,
Christopher Hollabird and a Mr. Miller came
in and squatted upon the lands near the town,
supposing them to be in the state of New York.
The town appears to have been laid out between
the years 1784 and 'BB, for in the • latter year,
Elisha Matthewson, and his brother-in-law Eli
sha Satterlee, who had previously purchased
town lots, and 100 acre out-lots, came up from
the Wyoming valley and settled here. The
venerable Mrs. Matthewson, a sister of Mr. Sat
terlee, from whom many of these particulars are
derived, still lives near the east end of the Sus
vuehanna bridge. Her husband formerly resi
ded in town, at the " old red house," which
was, erected about the year '94 or '95. At that
the lumber for frame houses was brought from
Owego cr., where was the nearest mill. Mrs.
Matthewson, at the age of thirteen, and the old
est of six children, was, with her mother, in For
ty fort during the battle of Wyoming. The father
was killed. The mother, with her little flock,
crossed the mountains on foot, to New England.
On the Pokono mountains their only food for
two or three days, was the whortleberries found
along the road.
In the year 1790, the relations between the
U. S. and . the Indians on the northwestern fron
tier, assumed a very threatening attitude, and
great fears were entertained that the Senecas,
some of whose people had been murdered by
the frontier-men, might unite with their breth
ren on the great lakes. A conference with the
Six Nations was invited at Tioga Point. at which
Col. Timothy Pickering, then of Wyoming,
was commissioner on the part of the U. S.
The council-fire was kindled on the 16th Nov.,
and was kept burning until the 23d. Aiming
thi nations represented, were, the Senecas, Cay
ugas, Onondagas, Oneidas, Chippeways, and
also several of the Stockbridge Indians, among
whom was their veteran captain, and the faith
ful friend of the U. S., Hendrick Apeman': The
Indians were in a high state of excitement in
regard to the outrage upon the Senecas. The
chiefs, Red Jacket, Farmer's Brother, Little
Billy, Hendrick Apamaut, and theFish-Catrier,i
an old and distinguished warrior of the Cayu
gas, took the most active part in the Council.
Old Hendrick made a most pathetic appeal to
the commissioner, reminding him of the attach
ment of his tribe to the U. 8, dining the revo
lution, of their military services, and the neglect
with which their now diminished band had been
treated. The effort of Red Jacket, one of his
earliest, rirciduced a deep effect upon his peo
ple. "Still by a wise and well-adapted speech,
Cu!. Pickering succeeded in allaying the excite
ment of the Indihns—thied their tears, and wip
ed out the blood that had been shed." , After
that subject had been disposed of. Red Jacket
introduced the subject of their lands. and the
purchase of Phalli,' and Gorham. This following
incident is related by Col. Stone, in the Life'
and Times of Red Jacket. He hadilit from the
manuscript recollections of Thomas Morris.i,
During the progress of the negotiations with
Col. Pickering at this council, an episode was
- enacted of which some account may be excused
in this place, as an illuitration of Indian charac
ter and manners. It was in this year (1790)
that Robert Morris, of Philadelphia. the great
financier of the revolution, pnrchased from the
state.of Misiashusetts the pre-emptive tight' to
that portion of her territory in Western New
York, that had not been sold torPhelpe and Gor
ham, viz . the entire tract bounded on the north
by Jake Ontario, on the south by the Penney!.
vanialine ' ort . the east by the Genesee Aver, and
on the wk. ' s; by the Niagara. Preparatory to the
negotiations which. Mr. Morris well knew he
should be obliged to hold with the Indians. and
for the general management of his concerns in
that country, his son 'Thomas had taken up hie
residence at Canandaigua, and was diligently
cultivatingcn acquaintance with the Indians.
In this he vas successful, and he soon became
popular among themq He was in attendance
with Col. Pickering at Tioga Point, whete the
Indiana determined to adopt him into the Sene
ca nation, and Red Jacket bestowed upon him
the name he himself had borne previous the his
elevation to the dignify of a Sachem,—Otetiani
—"Always Ready." the occasion of which
they availed themselves to perform the ceremo
ny of conferring upon young Morris his new
name, was a religious& observance, when the
whole sixteen hundred Indians present at the
treaty united in an ofleting to the moon, then
being ether full. The ceremonies wete per
formed in the evening. - It was a clear night,
and the ninon shone with uncommon brilliancy.
The host of Indians, and their neophyte, were
all seated apon the ground in an extended circle,
on ',one side which a large fits was kept burning. ,
The aged Cayuga chieftain. Fish-Carrier, who
was in exalted veneration for his wisdom, and
who had been greatly distinguished for his bra
vT, from his youth up, officiated as the high
priest, on the occasion.—making a long speech
to the luminary, occasioually throwing tobacco 1
into the fire at incense. On the conclusion of
the address, the whole assembly prostrated them
selves upon the bosom of their parent earth, and
a grunting sound of approbation was uttered
from mouth to mouth around the entire circle.
At a short distance from the fire a post had been
planted in the earth—intended to represent the
stake of tortute to which captives abound for
e 7l
execution. - After the ceremonies n favor of
Madame Luna had been ended,• ; ,4 ey commen
ced a war-dance around the post, and the spec
tacle must have been as picturesque as it was
animatiag and wild. The young braves enga
ged in the dance were naked, excepting the
breech-clout about their loins. They were
painted frightfully—their backs being chalked
white, with irregular sneaks of red, denoting
the streaming of blood. Frequently would
they cease from dancing while one of theirnum
her ran to the fire, snatching thence a blazing
stick, placed there for that purpose, which he
would thrust at the post, as thongh inffictingtor
tore upon a prisoner. In the course of the
dance they sang their' songs, and made the for
ests ring with their wild screams and shouts, as
they boasted of their deeds of war and told the
number of scalps they had respectively taken,
oy_ which had been taken by their nation. Du
ring the dance, those:engaged in it.—as did oth
ers also—partook freely of unmixed rum ; and
by consequence of the natural excitement ot the
occasion, and the artificial excitement of the li
quor, the festival had well-nigh tinned out a
tragedy. It happened that among the dancers
was an Oneida warrior, who, in striking the post,
boasted of the number of scalps taken by his
nation during the war of the revolution. Now
the Oneidas, it will be recollected, had \ sustain
ed the cause of the colonies in that cv4ntest,
while the rest of Iroquois confederacy had 'es
poused-that of the crown. The boasting of the
Oneida warrior, therefore. was like striking a
spark into a keg of gunpowder. The ire of the
Senacas was kindled in an instant, and they in
turn boasted of the number of-scalps taken by
.them from,the Oneidas in that contest. Tbey
moreover taunted the Oneidas as cowards.
trek as lightning the hands of the latter were
u on their weapons, and in turn the knives and
tomahawks of the Senacas began to glitter in
the moonbeams, as they were hastily drawn
forth. For an instant it was a scene of anxious
and almost breathless suspense. acle.ath-gtruggle
seeming inevitable, when the storm was hushed
.y the interposition of old Fish-Carrier, who
rushed forward, and striking the post with vio
lence, exclaimed—" You are all of you a par
cel of boys : When you have attained my age,
and performed the warlike deeds that! have per
formed, you may boast what you have done ;
not till then !" Saying which he threw down the
post. put an end - to the dance, and caused the as
sembly to retire. This scene, in its reality.
must .have been one of absorbing aced peculiar
interest. An assembly of nearly two thousand
inhabitants of the forest, grotesquely clad in skins
and strouds, with shining ornaments . of silver,
and their coarse raven hair falling over their
shoulders, and playing wildly in the wind as it
swept past. sighing mournfully among the giant
branches of the- trees above—such a group,
gathered in a broad circle in an " opening" of
the wilderness--the starry canopy of heaven
glittering above them, the moon, casting her
silver mantle around their dusky forms, and a
large fire blazing m the midst of them, before
which they were working their spells and per
forming their savage rites—must have present
ed a spectacle of longland vivid remembrance.
A few years after the town had been laid out.
the Duke de la Rochefaucault Liancourt, an ob
serving French traveller, passed up the valley,
in 1795. He had already stopped at French
town' in Asylum township, whence he took his
departure with his friends Messrs. De Blimmis
and. Du Peiit Phouars of that place—the latter
on foot. He speaks of stopping at Solomon
Teasy's who held 500 acres at Old Shesette
quint under the Connecticut title. Teasy want
ed td sell out at $lO 75 per acre, and remove to
Genesee. He speaks of New Sheshequin as
a small neat town. containing about twelve
houses, built either cif rough logs or . boards."
The justice of the peace, the surveyor, and the
pastor of the neighboring country resided there.
He speaks of Tioga ai that time as an inconsid
erable village of eight or ten houses, with its
single tavern (there had been three the year be
fore) crowded with travellers going to settle near
the great lakes. He quotes the price' of land in
the neighborhood of the town' at $8 per acre.
" when out of 300 acres 50 or 60 are cleared."
Town lots 50-feet by 150 were at $2O. The
merchants carried on an inconsiderable trade
in hemp. which they got from the valleys above
and sent to Philadelphia. lie says— -
" Near the confines of Pennsylvania a moun
tain rises from the bank of the river Tioga in
the shape of a sugar-loaf. upon which are seen
the remains of some intrenchmeiits. 'These the
inhabitants call the Spanish ramparts; Ina;1
rather judge them to have been thrown up
against the Indians in the times of Mr. Denali
vale, [1668.] One perpendicular breastwork is
yet remaining, which, though covered over with
grass and bushes, plainly indicates that a para
pet and a ditch have been constructed here."
-Tht Twilight Boar.
The twilight hour on his noiarles wings
Is speeding its mystic flight,
For affection's Irish in the hearts deep springs,
Has gladdened the scene to-night ;
And while there is light on the mountain's brow
Anti a flush to the bending west,
Let us think of the friends who are absent now,
Of the sinless and the blest !
Few are the friends who have kept t/ieir trust
From the friendships early dawn, .
And of those few to their kindred diist
The brightest perhaps are gone,
Yet if there is a joy in the love of truth,
And the faith of each early vow,
May the friends we have loved in our joyous youth
Be dearly remembered now.
Sweet is the breath that the violet Sings,
As incense to the sky,
And glad is the tone that the zephyr brings,
As it hurries lightly by ;
The bird upon the fern trees' bough,
- And it has a song of glee,
Old night bath a smile on his eloud•wreathed brow,
While the past has &hold on me,
Oh ! long in the weary and care-wom breast,
Shall remembrance fondly stay,
Like the lingering hues in the distant west,
As the sunlight dies away;
And now while - the hours in their wild career,
Ate speeding in mystic' flight,
Let us think of the friends we have worshipped here
And pledge them our faith tonight.
Destruction of lireodL
The presint month is one of the most rapid
ly growing seasons oldie year. The farmer's
crop not only make great-progress. but weeds
too are ever vigilant in thrusting up their heads
and asserting their claims to the ascendancy.
If they once get the upper hand for a week,.the
crop may feel the injurious influence for the
whole season. Let them be attacked at the
very outset.
Weeds' among roots crops. and corn, are de
stroyed with one-half, and often with one-fifth
the labor otherwitie required, if taken when
about one inch in height. In a week or ten
days they wall be five or six inches high,
will cost three or four times as much to des
trpy them, and will have exerted a seriously
injurious effect on the crop. Hence it would
be cheaper to hire a man at a dollar a day, at
half a dollar afterwards.'
By adopting this course the last year with
rota bagas, hoeing them well before the rough
leaves were an inch long. the work was done
with great ease and expedition.; and although
the land was hard, dry. and not rich, and so
kistony as to render broadcast sowing necesia-
I iy, the whole coat per bushel was only about
threitcents and a half.
A large portion of the failures in rising rota
bagas, beets, and other root crops. have result
ed from the heavy growth of iveeds:iluring The
early part of the season, which are frequently
suffered to attain a foot in height before they
destroyed. The stunting effect on the crop,
and the labor of weeding is obvious.
Repeated plowing and harrowing of the
ground for some weeks before sowing roots,
to clear it effectually of weeds, is a very eco
nomical operation, and saves much labor in
An excellent practice for keeping potatoes
clean, when they are planted in drills. is to.
pass a fine-toothed harrow over the surface
just before they come up, to mellow the sur
surface and -destroy the weeds. When 'they
are up, plow from the plants ; then a tight fur
row towards them, thus leaving the hills or
ridges broad. 'Fhe hoe is only used for
smoothing the surface and destroying what
weeds escape.
It is well known that leaves re the breath
ing organs of plants ; and that if a plant is
kept constantly stripped of its leaves, or ex
cluded from the air, during the growing sea
son, the root soon dies. Hence all kinds of
, perennial rooted weeds, such as Canada this
tles and milkweeds, are soon killed ij kept
smothered beneath by repeated deep plbwing.
As soon as they first appear at the surface, in
vert the soil upon them, and the roots soon
perish. We have known many instances, and
in every case completely successful where the
Canada thistle w• 9 destroyed totally by deep
plowing once a month .through the season,
and which prepared the ground finely for
wheat before mid-autumn.
. FOOICTAiN OF V others. if you would
train up your children to be useful memberaof
society. keep them from running about the
streets. The great school of juvenile rice is
tke street. There urchin learns the vulgar
oath, or the putrid obscenity. For one lesson
at the fireside. he has a dozen in the kennel.
Thus are scattered the seeds of •'hilsehond.
gambling, theft and violence. Mothers, as
you love your own flesh and blond,' make your
children cling to the hearth-stone. Love home
yourself; sink the roots deep among your do
mestic treasurys ; set an example in this. as
in all things. which your offspring may follow.
his a great error, that children may be left to
run wild in every sort of street temptation, for
several years, and that it will then -be time
enough to break them in. This horrid. mis
take mares half our spendthrifts. No man
would raise a colt or anus an Fuchs principle
no man would stiffer the weeds to grow in his
garden for any length - of time, saying he could
vindicate them st any timelnok to this mut
ter, parents : see more especially, that your
children are out at night. loiterinKaround some
some coffee house—mothers make.-your chil
&an love home, and 'by ill means encourge
them to love you betteithan all other human
SA C )
The Gipsy of the Abruzzo.
' [corcsidzED ram one Lul l . '
The uomesties hung back. from a mingled 1
feeling of respect and apprehension, and the
baron alone entered the chamber. All within
bore testimony to the taste and elegance of \,
inhabitant, but showecfnot any signor violence
or even discomposure. Upon the table stood I
an extinguished taper, and near it lay - the gui- '
tar anffinusie, last dumbed by the fair hand '
of Constanza. A velvet curtain hung before
the recess in which stood her couch; this , was
lowered, and as the baron gently drew it aside
'he perceived the bed was occupied. '
" This," he cried, in astonishment, "is I
most strange, surely the .wilful girl is Amon*
struck ; Constanza, answer me 1 Constant's 1 : 4 ;
he repeated. striking the coverlid violently
with his hand. " Nay, this fooleryls tool
much for patience ; therefore, bring lights itere o l
knaves. Fair lady, by your leave; for Your,
face I will see, and your voice I will'heari ere'
Weep again."
it You must ride hard, or watch long, ther;
grandisrimo," cried the occupant, rising up se
the baron laid his hand upon the bed. Th
attendants rolled back upon each other in'
affright; even the stout Minutes recoiled, as
if he had touched a torpedo.
Well might the nerves of . the Donna Can.,
stanza quail beneath the glance of the Zingsrd
as he. now appeared, Hiseapa was diseolo
by the red sail he had so long lain upon ; hi
long elfin locks, escaped from their thraldo '
duriitg the storm; hung in Wild disorder abou
his face, while his eyes, full of the excdemen
that stirred within him i blazed with au almosi
unearthly brighttess. -
" Devil !" exclaimed the baron, after reeo f
ering from the surprise of this most unexpecte
vision, " what has led thy fiend-like carcass t
so unfitting a resting-placer
" The stare," was the prompt reply. ultras
with an oracular wave of the hand; " the star
Which govern and decide our destinies, tir;
with whose mighty influence it were u era;
to contend as to puff a feather against the ra
ing blast of the maestro, or stay the deteral
ed will of woman's first love."
"Dog of a cursed breed ! thou shalt find a
was an evil star led thee to thrust they handl
work between me and my will ! Where'
my niece Speak, heat thou murdered, heti'
" The blood of woman never yet follow ,
blow of mine ; nor ever : did the lost of go
lead me to thrust my will between her and h i .
heart's choice."
" Peace. slave! Answer thou my questi,
ing. and utter word more or than to that e
and I'll hare thy saucy tongue torn from
foul root. Thou cans' 'tell the course she
taken I"
" Ay, if you once pot me
- upon her tea k,
my eve is keen enough to distinguish the light
foot of a lady from the spur of the lynx."
" Who is her companion l"
" At this minute it would be wild to awr
that; some time has passed since I last s w
her, and women at the best are veriktdtkirt it
fancies." , "1;' , ,;,‘,40.; ,
" Holy Mother ! the onbleitlAo4lll es
with my patience. Ho, there litisetltix ttl
carrion from out the bed; strip the-dgyeat, ei
front his back, and lash him till he kerne* 4
On the gipsy's being hauled from the eol/h,
and placed upright on the floor, his limbs itp
parently refused their wonted service ; ancrjhe
at once sunk down like a thing -wholly be eft
of bone and muscle; this dogged and passive
resistance being the only opposition he thotight
fit to offer, he was quickly raised.opon ,the
shoulders of four stout fellows, and borne to
the hall ; where, still refusing to stand, ihis
jerkin was•slashed with knives front his back.
and with such little care, that blood was tAtert
to follow more than one blade. In this wiirk.
Jarope. the surly porter, was conspicuo sly'
officious. 1 -
Well make it more difficult for yo to
stand ere we're done dealing on your a art
hide I" whispered the fellow, as he assist in
dragging the prisoner's arms round the Ma, ble
* 1
pillar they were made to embrace. When
bound, with the upper part of his body ex us
ed and naked for the lash, Jocope approa hed
him, armed with a heavy whip. " I owe heti
My service, son of Satan," he whiepe . in
hi . s victim's ear. " What, thou wouldat
tricked me into taking thee undetehelte
the castello, to cut our throats. as well au al
away my young lady. eh ! But for once
ballet to deal with thy master."
Thou dicta deal wisely in barring m
truly, spin/dor replied the gipsy, with
ter smile of triumph.
Lay on, and spare not !" impatiently
the baron ; and he seated himiell . to a
cruel order fully carried into effect.
The stalwart arm of the ruffian porter
hie instrnmeht-of 'torture with such co
and skill that tr streak of red marked theel
of every leth.
compressed, and Without suffering a gro i
escape him, the wretched youth bore;
while his punishment; eyen tbe 6ercely4
ted strength of his torture began to flag,:
turning his eyes towards the baron, the.
er cried, " Hold !" At a► sign the next
was suspended.
What, thou _haat found thy tongue
minded M irialre.
" And hOw am i to be benefited by ne
according to your will !"
" alialt„have a couch- of straw'
bread and water. till tomorrow : then a t
cord and a fair spring from the top of th
.. Hum ` ! iair offers and tempting! wit
still keep silence?"
t m
•• Thou shalt_ be now flogged , to. neat fo thy
death u may be done on this holy bath
morn." sternly rephed , Mirielval - •! and the
morrow shall await 'thee a Ulm ,ptinishinit:nt. to
be continued until thy dark•spint be , dismisied
to the hell it sprung from , !"
... II inph..tinhind.mer calmly said the gip.
[sac FOURTH • PRot.] - l'
; nese
o to
l'for a
With eyes and teeth
r. of