Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 18, 1845, Image 4

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    The Gipsy - o6the Abruzzo
" Diavolo. Ziniar9ll rejoined the
thOu must have prufajd little by„44l
jog up. if a coming storm or a airline
Colored coverlid, call give thee much c
`.; But. charily;'gooil Sigimr
.0 Ay, ay, kain charitable to the rr:l neves
sitosO, even to Overflowing, and give a •oi Mint
le M the worthy] fathers of Sao Don iiiiriL—
'hie convent of Motile Garigiatio is iartily a
league lower cloWm; and if thou use t lightl,
those long legsjdf thine thou mayest et eioss
'the torrent be,h4Fe the mountain-u tiers fool
their way there. t frhe holy fathers re ca;eo
- of the roper objects of rot imissUm :
go,(tiOkle thy' g (tar at their gate. ; tett r. et e it
thy' Zingaro tfitti . 8 may win thee st aw and a
• Ho,'!ht, `!—Palt ! that putt of malaria
Was the very '!i breath of Salon; the
of the siroccaway, rogue ! • 0
portal, and let toe close out thy ill breailtiog.
and thy toaster, the Devi4's, togetl er—it will
riot harm thke, 'Ms - thy native a ; stir good
night. prnveretto:"
...rite malaria be your only bre thing; son
of a ban-dog, until your bloated form he a:
:black and asCfoul as the lieart with 'it it'" mut
tered the repulsed suppliant, as hemeet! from
the, closely-barred portal of the iastt.llo, and
Iliac& his eyes upon the might ' ruat.aes of
cloud! now, fast desrending on every side; ob.
scoring the close of day and ereaMg a pretna
ture night , by coloring every cl,bjt et with their
sickly saffron hue; only contraine' by thetirry
glare, of the vivid, lightning, sliof at iutervals
from: their Wen bosoms.
, A few heavy raindrops, splas i' g upon the
hard' and thirsty soil, gave not t corning
the coing
storm, and promised a speed ermination to
the sirocco that had blown , all apf,' Though
it was late, the birds, by asu edquiek and
lively note, seemed to offer u thanks t 0 the
Cod of Nature for the relief about to he afford
ed them. The leaves of the olive, too, emitted
a gentle rustling sound, as if eager to court the
coming gale, that with 'cool breath began al
ready to putTback the baleful blast, under w hose
withering influence all bei.eath the sky had
seemed to droop and sick. it.
•"Twill be a heavy fall, and soon too."
muttered the gipsy, as, after a moments obser
vation of the heavens, he leaned upon his staff.
and glanced about him ; .• and not a chance of
shelter, except I crawl like a' hound under
some projection :of these walls, upon which
my, curse should right, but that I watched the
fair form of her s who flung me this zechino,
gallop lightly beneath them. Gold, humph !
if l were in a city now this would win me
supper and shelter from Christian or pagan ;
but of what use is it upon the mountain'- ..1
thousand such pieces would not bribe you
overladen cloud to bear its waters a league far
ther, and leave me in a dry skin. No ! man
alone knows its influence, and the ring of this
tiny bit of yellow metal would thrill even to
the heart of the churl who now bars me in the
storm,—would even charm him to change
hands and touch :cup with the Zingaro. Spr
mato : if ever we meet on the Mountain I'll
read thee a true fortune ; ay, and see to its ful
fillment too, even as near to the end of thy life
as may well be with safety."
The glance that accompanied this promise
fully touched for the sincerity of the speaker.
who row pulled over his brows the large-leaf
ed hat which had hitherto lain upon his shoul
ders, drew the hanging part of his hair-net
tightly under his throat, and, folding 'his coarse
caps closely ,about his person, seemed (idly
prepared to abide the pitiless pelting of the
coming maestro, as with a quick and stealthy
pace he turned the leeward angle ci the casa.
CII.UrCE: 11.
'Twas about the second hour of morning,
the storm had done its errand, anti was pared
swap, and the dome of heaven shoued clear
and unclouded.. The cool breeze blew fresh
,ly, and formed a singular contrast to the dull
suffocating wind that had prevailed during the
preceding day. The deep shauows of the
eastello were flung far down the side of the
hill upon which it was reared, and the only
sound that broke on na'ture's repose was the
distant roar of the swollen waters of the Pes
cara. A tall and stately cavalier was eagerly
climbing the most precipitate part of the hill.
over whichitung a large projecting wit dow ;
hu baited ai he arrived beneath it, and after
gazing in silence for an instant, ear, rly un-
wound his start; and waved it to and fro in the
" No." he at length murmured in n tone of
inter disappointment ; •• there is no hope ;
the light has lon= been estingu!shro. and the
has despaired of my coming. I would 1 hati
plunged into the torrek that detainedlnc; '
death would have been' less painful than• the
eternal misery of hope: delayed—could 1 yet
apprize her that I am here without noise-t—hut
how f Stephano is with the horses. and 1
could as boon scale the Duortna as reach Mat
cursed window. I would gire a thousand du
cats to see it fairly opened." •
A barzain, :Signor Cavaliero." way atonce
whispered, in a clear and distinct thought low
tone, which seemed to rise close from beneath
the signor's feet; he cast his eyes downwards,
and observed. rolled up in a coin of tie buttress,
immediately under shelter of the window, a ,
-dark-looking' mass, from out 'of which a pair
of twinkling eyes were tired intensely upon .
Who art, thou r he demanded. fiercely.
" lying coiled up there like the lynx of :be
Abruzzo! Come forth quickly, and show thy
form and errand, orl'll Enkennelthee else with
the point of my 'pada."
" Don't do that, signor." again whispered
the voice ; 44 don't do that, for when ticked,
I hare an ugly trick of laughincloud enough
to ,be heard at a-round league, and listeners
might choose to seek out the joke sooner than
you could be prepared to join in it." 4
" Come forth. sirrah knave, and fear not—
only inform me what thou halt been doing in
that lair, and why there at all !"
Veramente, signor. I am here for lack of
better shelter, and have been doing what I
still bad done but for your coming, sleeping
sound—as the cat sleeps ;--my ear is quick.
signor, and my eye is quicker. I know you.
Luigi Conradini. and could guess your pre
sent business here. ay. and could help you do
it into the bargain." -
• and What 'are you that read me this rid
dle !"
" One who fires by riddles. 3 Zingaro."
anStrered the speaker. rising ninthly to , his
full height, and staking about him the folds of
his raps.
ila! niethinks I hare seen thy fate before,
friend '
•• And tam sure I have Seen .yours. signor.
Zincaro nuter yet forgot the face of friend •or
" im I then to conclude myself recognized
as the former, since Yon so readily proffer ser
vice ?"
*. Not more Oromptly. signor, than you ex
tended it to me twelve months none Mi 9 very
day, in the wood of Venafro, when the king's
. hounds turned off the trail of the deer to nose
ineor here I lay perdu under a tree, watching
the chase,. and the chasseurs were going to
haag'ine-up an a scarecrow lc,/ throwing them
out—ay. and hot flr your prompt word had
done it too. Note. signor, n - hat cult t it
do t
repa lie obligation ? Fear not to trust me, I
until yours to the death-4o; gratitude. like veil
getnice. rheulil 6e $ 6,, a ,
• I tear me. Ziuiaro. that thy service; though
honestly and fret;iy "inotkred, tray little avail
me in this strait. utiltss thou hast wit to con
pure me into yonder window. or give warning
in a .whisper ill her whit no longer watches,
that lie t horn loan-s is here."
1Z 111
! 6cgh mac be contrived, and with
out ani of the Devil, tf you, t.itmor, can afford
to part with a portion of vcur c!ignity..and
potung, forth the. nan‘e rtrongth of !. our man
hood. ,1.) tmcimuu mv bearer for a brief
rue blast
irom toe
• •• ldo not riehtiv romprrhend, but Tear not
my compliance ; if than eanst bat make it p
pt,r that l-y bearing thee. I mar racer yon
ehaather—hut rhaw ! the thing has no
; that window is a good Nutty feet how
the ground we tread on."
•• Ila. ha ! I have scaled a higher wall to
rob a meal 01 dour front the Forucjo, and for
the wealth and beauty that await thee !—.lninto
Luigi Conradini ! stand on this bench; so—
why there's two feet less distance between
thee and thy mistress already. Now take this
pole. and drive the iron point into the opposite
buttress with alt thy might, and as high above
thy head as way be : strike :manfully torthy la
dy's love.' The count raised Lis arm, and
the point of the staff was buried between the
huge stones.
• %Veil stricken," signor. cried the gipsy ;
••pow lend rue that silken scarf ; elevate !bine
ma n s l e the uttermost—i-o, now hold firm the
role, and staid fast, for my limbs might be peril
ed if thine fail."
Agilely - springing upon Conte I.nigi's shoul
ders, the gipsv rtex)t stepped lightly upon the
tough pole, which the lover with his rigorous
arms bore above his bead, pressing against the
point which rested in the opposite wall ; ones.
at this elevation ; he dexterously threw the
scarf round one of the frghtfully-carved heads
n hide projected by way of ornament from the
ends of the beams that supported the window.
aud,seemed to grin defiance en all below ; this
done, to twist the two parts of the scarf togeth
er, and climb up by shifting his hands alter
nately one over the other, with the lightness
and nimbleness of a marmot, was the work of a
He tried the casement—it yielded to the
touch, and the long-desired hates stood open
before the anxiously-tratching loser of Cott
stanza, who, Making a sign to his assistant,
quickly drew from his cloak a light but strong
ladder of silken cordage, and flinging up one
end to be hooked to the window's edge, fasten
ed the other to the rude bench . below, and
proMptly mounting entered the chamber.
• The thousand ducats are mine," whisper
ed the gipsy-boy in the ear of the count.
They • will not be the mciety of thy re
ward." answered Conradini eagerly, •` if I this
night succeed in my hopes."
Basta. signor:" rejoined the successful
climber; " let me first rub Out the debt cri.n.•
tracted to theforest of VenafrO, before wehe.
gm a new score."
- "This apartment," continued the couuto'is
one of the suite occupied by Constanzai her
dressing-room should he somewhere neap the
window on the right-hand. Ah! don eoui
days of happiness, I knew well each t ruing.
in these apartments ; and did the g il old
marchese, her father, still live, 1 need t t now
he seeking my affianced bride by nig t, and
in dsrkuess, as a thief seeks his prey.l
•• Why I fancy I feel more at hoer in the
ilarknfiss than you do, signor." iuterrhttd the
e , p.,y, as they felt alung•the wall. .• la: per
chance here is the very door; ali t within
ton !—by your leave, Messer Key ; lis well
—Erecia, signor; condescend to Pace your
eye here arid huhnld her whom yo seek;'
The count instkr.riively obeyed./ It was it.
deed Uonstrinza : she was still eqUipped as ti
for the saddle, except that she bad thrown
aside her hat and plume. flee betintiful coun
tenance was suffused with tie te: s still fa ll ing
upon an open letter'that lay upo the table be.; I cr, and with whose contet s she was in
t.-vs:A!, occupied. A half-uttered exclamation
f r o m t h e count reftelied her Cat : she listened
with doiltung eagerness—•a ton tap was next
heard on the door, and "Cunsianza" was
softly uhispert ti in those [mei in which none
ever breathed her maim. sate 'only one. She
started to her feet. and gazed timidly around,
passing bee hand across her forehead. The
next moment she had (lull wide the chamber
door, and the swam form of tae Zingaro stood
hclore her! She saw no mote; a wild pierc
ing scream burst from bee lips. and covering
her lace with her hands. s he sank senselessin
to the arms of her betrothed husband, Luigi
•• Moran! sionor• was it your locks or
mine that so terntied the doana-r'
" Vie are lost." est-lain-ad the vaunt, "lost
beyond hope ; her loud qream must' have
alarmed the household, 211.1 my file will be
the sacrifice to her guardian tnele's anger and
revenge." e
"Nay, then," crie&ta companion, "re
sign thy senseless prize. itd let us two fir;
'lts 111 arguing with an angry guardian on his
own ground."
•• Not so, but do thhu leitte me,good fellow !
take this purse and ; for myself, I will
abide the worst, and lie, rather 11 , au again
be separate(' from her for whom alone I wish
to lice."
A, distant noise, as if of approaching foot
steps. was now heard. The Zingwro paused
for a moment, as he quietly put aside the prof
fered gold ; he cast his , e)es on the senseless
form of Constanza, ore/ which the count fond
ly hunt; ; then, as if suddenly haying resolved
and decided on his cl-orse, he esclaitned. tak
ing.tlie hand of the laiy—
•• I this day read con a fair fortune, donna,
arid it must he fulfilled ; take up your mistress,
signor. acid bear her down the ladder."
••'Tie use!ess, worthy fellow already I
bear the sound of adyanetng feet at the end of
the eofridur ; we should be pursued and seized
ere I could bear this dear burtheri half-way
duten the hill to where my r s octil horses wait. 4
You shall not be pursued- I will remain
behind, will close down the window. lead them
on a wrong scent. and so win you ample time
--away. Crime !"
" How'! you remain! but your Ws will—"
" I krulisr, I knots, signor ; my -neck will
be put in some jeopartly, but that is ansevom
day venture—il 'scope, so—if not, at went,
hanging is the natural death of our race. tmd I
am already some twelve months older than 1
should have been but for your interference - -su
I owe,You a death. Ha! they are getting im
patient without; so coinage, signor: the fresh
air rat ives her already—there, throw your
cloak round her head ; fet her not again .get
eight of my face to terrifylier anew. Ha. hi.
ha! I never judged before it was so forbidding
tv the -
A violent hammering, was now heard on the
,outer door of the corridor, together with the
baron's voice ordering it to he broken down.
The count and his lovely prize were by this
tine at the foot of the ladder—he looked back
to the giptF, and urged him to descend.
Down with thee, my bravelad, ind try
thy fortune with us !"
...Yoe were lost illdit! that," answered the
youth coolly. `• Adieu. Luigi Conradmi. Tell
the donna 'twas I who yesterday read her for
tune by the wooers Gli Funti crdmore. And
hark! should the aged of our race ever cross your
path • fling a coin in their way for my sake. and
confess that the gratitude of lo Zteglro is senza
He closed the window hit the last word,
and softly entering the chamber of Constanza,
had just tome to secure the knelt. when the out
er door was Burst upon. and the baron appear
ed, surrounded by a crowd of half-dressed do
:nestles. who all eagerly pressed forward,
alarmed at the thought 01 their young lady's
here is quiet," said_ the baron, alter
looking about him for a moment; "are you
sure it was the Donna Constanza's voice you
heard, calling for help r
"Per cereto, signor.•• answered a domestic,
• and when first I listened at the outer door, I
heard more than one voice whispering in this
very room."
" And 1." said another. " heard the most
fearful scream."
4. Scream ! several screams von mean, or
Heaven mend vnur herring." added a third.
" Peace, knaves!" said the baron, as he
knocked at his niece's chamber. All we're
silent, but no answer was returned; repeating
his summons in a louder key, he next called
upon her Within but to assure him Of her safety:
still echo was his onl y reply. "The girl has
not surely been mad enough to attempt her
life. for love of the foolish Loy to whom her
father in his dotage betrothed her! Here,
Jarope, try thy hammer on this doom"
This command was immediately followed by
a storm of blows upon the door, under which,
after a gallant resistance, the stout cedar at
length gave way, and the hallowed sanctuary
of beauty lay open to the profanation of the
vulgar gaze.
lionufatOre of Batter.
The committee on butter for the Addison
County Agricultural 'Society, in an elaborate
report which we find in the Boston Cultivator.
strongly recommend the use of Turk's-Island
or rock salt, for butter. A little less than one
ounce of this salt, properly pulverized, is said
to be sufficient for a pound of butter—or 14
ounces salt to 16 pounds butter. The com
mittee say thst this kind of salt has a tenden
cy to harden the butter, and that by working.
it will be rendered ripe and fit for the tub or
table, with but little more than half the labor
required for bag salt. It is also stated that the
properties of rock salt may be destroyed by
too much heat in drying, and it ig recommen
ded that it may be dried in a clean place in the
shade. The committee discourage the use of
Liverpool bag salt, altogether, as it is thought
to contain certain impurities which render it
unfit for keeping butter.
Dairy house.—The committee advice a well
ventilated cellar with a spring of cold water
running through it, as the best place for keep.
ing milk. They recommend that the pane be
set to troughs and the cold water conducted
around them till the animal hdat of the milk
has passed off—the water not to stand round
the:pans; but be constantly l moving, and pass
through a drain. Mier the milk is cooled, it
is recommended to place the pans containing
it into water-raised o. the temperature of 170
degrees--bittit should never boil or simmer.
The pans of milk are then set back upon the
troughs—(not in the tooter.) and stand for 24
hours. when- the cream is taken off and churn
ed. This process they say hastens the rising
of the cream, so that it can be taken off in
about half the time required in the ordinary
way,improves the quality by preveating sour
ness, and greatly lacilitates the operation of
churning. The time occupied in heating the
milk of a dairy of twenty cows, is from twen
ty five to thirty minutes. The pans are made
of tin, and handled when either cold or hot by
tongs made for the purpose, 'which prevents
any spilling or slopping of the milk. The
churning is done every day except Sundays.
In this way," say the committee, " good
butter may made at all seasons of the year.—
We prefer dog days. and the latter part of the
season, before the frosts are so severe as to
injure the quality of the grasses, on account of
the many noxious weeds which find their way
into the stomachs of some cows, while in their
tender state in early parts of the season."—
The committee likewiSe remark, that the dif
ference in the quality of the dairy products in
different districts, is owing in part to the differ
ence in the quality of the grasses on which the
cows are fed. This principle they say is wed
settled in regard to tallow.
Working: butter.—The committee say—
••-butter should be so made as to require but
once working after the salt has been well in.
coporatedrepeated workings expels more or
less or the substances which constitute its good
fiavor, and should not be worked or washed
off. If worked too much it will be gluey, and
more tasteless - than it should be to command
the highest price." It is advised that the but
termilk, be worked out as thoroughly Is pos
sible at the first working—that it then stand
in an even temperature from 58 to 62 degrees.
for twenty four hours-a.then again be thoro'-
ly worked, when ir is ready for the table, or
to be laid down.
Washing butler in trater.—This the corn
mitten say they •• cannot !recommend." and
that '•• it is never done by the best dairyists in
England." When butter is shipped for long
voyages, it is sometimes washed in the strong
est. brine wade of rock salt.
Aind clkhurn.-The committee highly re
commend a churn Which one of them has seen
at Washington, so constructed as to carry ma
ny currents of air through the cream trout the
principle of separation' is formed without any
friction of oar or dasher. They say they. are
inclined to think this churn may take the place
of all others in large daries. .
- -sr
THEpreceding figure is to represent the EV
cation for the impurinee of the body. . It v,itt be ni
that a thick cloudy mist issues from all points oft!'
face. which indicates the wonderful prop:,, go
within. This perspiration •flows uninti rr.lteilly 'hen
we are indlealth, but ceases when we are sick. It oubi
be the care of every one to see that it to not chef' a—
ide cannot be sustained without it. It is thro •t off
from the blood and other juices of the body, and arspit
sus by this means. of nearly all impurities within ,e.—
The blood by ibis means only, works itsi ifpure. The
language of Scripture is, "in theblood is the li*." If
it ever becomes impure. it may be traced direetlt# to tho
stoppage °atm insensible perspiration. It never ittquires
any internal medicines to cleanse it, as it always puri
ties itself by its own heat and action, and throw off all
the offending humors, thmugh the insensible pars ration.
Thus we see; all thatis necessa-ry when the ,food is
stagnant or infected, is toopen the pores, and ittrelieves.
itself from all impurity instantly. Its own beaeand vi
tally are sufficient, without one particle of medicine.
except to open the pores upon the surftee.—Thus we
see the folly of taking so much internal reinedits. All
practitioners, however, direct their Elena t, restore the
insensible perspiration, but it seems to be ma always the
proper one. The Thompsonians for inutanee,- steams,
the liyi'ropathist 'Moods us-in wet hien', ets. the Ho.
numathist deals out inanitissimals, tse Allopathisthiceds
and doses us with mercury. and the blustering quack
gorges us with pills, pills. pill s .
But one object only is in view, viz: to ri•store the in
sensible perspiration. If this can be done, t.iey say. ive
will take care of the rest. It will be reen, therefore.
that all physicians understand alike what is necessary to
a recovery, how much they may differ as to the mode
of obtaining it.
To give some idea of the amount, and ronserotentiv
the importance of the itisentibie perspiratan, we will
state that the learned Dr. Letvenhoeh, andth , great Boer
halve, ascertained that fivc,ights of all Are received in
to the stomach, passed (Irby this means. It othertvoyds,
if we eat en d drink eight pounds per day, se evacuate
five pourd; of it by the inseasible perspiration.
This is none other than the used up particles of the
blood, and other juices, giving place to: t:'.e new and
fresh ones, by carrying with it all the impirities within
up to the surface. T. check this, therefore, is to retain
in the system five eights of all the virulert router that
nature demands should leave the body . . :Lid even when
this is the case, the blood is of so active a liinciple, that
it determines those particles, to the skin, wiere they form
scabs, pimples, ulcers, and other spots; bat if it is di
reeled inwards, and falls upon the lungs, the conse
quences are generally fatal. -
By a sudden transition from heat to cold, the pores
are stopped, the perspinition ceases, and zlisease begins
at once to derelope ikelf, Hence, a stoppage of this
flow of the juices, originates so many complaints. It is.
through the surface that we imbibe nearly all our ills.
It is stopping the pores, that overwhelms mankind
with coughs, colds, and consumption. Nine-tenths of
the world die from diseases induced by stoppage of the
insensible perspiration. It is easily seen therefore,' how
necessary is the flow of this subtle humor to the surface,
to preserve health. It cannot be stopped :it cannot even
be checked, without producing di-.ease. The blood
and intestines must relieve themselves of all their worn
out particles, and poisonous homers, and they must go
through the pores as nature designed.
Let me ask 110 e, every candul mind, what tMerso
seems the most reaio.lal a to pursue, and unstop the
pores, after they are closed and let the perTiration flow,
that the blood may relieve itselfef its impurities Would
you give, physic to the pores ! Or would vett
apply something that would do this upon the surface,
where the clogging actually is! Weald net this be com
mon sense ! And yet I know of no physician who
makes an internal application to effect it. The reason I'
assign is. that no medicine within their knowledge, i s
capable of doing it. , Under these eircum , tances, I pre-
Sent to physidaret and;to all others, a p-eparation that
tutis this power to the fullest extent.—lt is MeAllizter's
All-Healing Ointment or the. IVer/ar3 Site, It has
power to restore perspiration on the feet, on the head,
around oldsore; upon the chest, in short. upon soy part
of the hale, whether di.w.o.ed nightly or si•verely. When
the perspiration is restored, it less power to penetrate the
lungs, liver, or any part of the human sy.teuri, and to act
upon them, if they he diseased, by se; aratir,g . the in.
flamed morbid particles therefrom, and expelling them
to the surface.
It has power to cause ail external sores. scrofulous hu
mors, skin disrmses, poisar.aus wounds to discharge their
putrid matter, and then heals them.
It is a remedy that sweeps off the whale talomo of
cutaneous disorders., and restores the enure cuticle to its
healthy functions.
It is a remedy that forhida the nu-ea - shy Of so many
and deleterious drugs taken into the stomach.
It is a remedy that neither stdoans, gives inconveni
ence. or is dangerous to the intestines.
This remedy fa probahly the city ant note known.:
tirat is capable of producing all these z-rat results. In
great value is in restoring at once, the nrculation of the
juices when checked, or disamdmed y cold or other
causes. It preserves and defends the surface (rum all
derangement of its functions, while keep. open the
channels for the blood to scald all its iinlinnties
pose of all its useless particlev. There is a connection,
harmony, andleasibility in all that de.s , contradiction.
It is a sample, but wonderful principle tiaat preserves in
healthy operation the entire machine:-. of cur being. It
indissolubly holds together the surface and the internal
viscera, the internal viscera and the scrfaer. They are
iu_separably connected and cannot be di.j Med. TLe
surface is the outlet of five-eights of the bile and used
up matter within. It is pierced with mit:dons of epen
in^s to relieve the intestines. :Stop 4 these pores, and
death knocks at your door. It to rt;litly termed All-
Healing, for there is scarcely a di-es,e. erten:al or in
tents!. that it will not benefit. It n ill be found the euL , - , 1
useful as well as the cheapest fam:tv mea:icine in the
world. I have used it for the last tot-rteen years with
snares/ without a parallel. I havens.:-.1 it for all disease
of the chest, consumption, liver, and the mo-t dangerous
of internal nisl- maks. I have used it in eases of extreme
peril anti hazard. involving the danger an d r ,
spoeFibility, and I declare befom Heaven and man. Vim
not in one abagle ewe has et failed to benefit when the
patient was within the reach of =nal means_
I never. to inc recanection bad more than Ere or sit
=mono the thousands who have noel it. say that it was
not favoriMe to their complaint. On the contrary Itasca
h.sahuraineds return voluntarily. and in the warmest
and cons pathetic language apeall in its praise. I have
had phyUrians, ieur.ed in the profession; I have h a d &-
Divers of the gospel, Judges on the bench. aldermen
and lawyers, gentlemen of the highest tradition and
multitudes of poor, cue it in every variety of way. and
there has been bait one voice, one united- universal voice
saying • McAllister TOOT OilllZlttt is good."
Consurreption.—of all discs es, we rind this the mist
important, and concerning which we caret with the most
opposition. It can hardly be credited that a salve can
have more eau upon the lenra.seatsd as they are with
in the system. Bin we say once for all,that this taint
meit will reach the lungs gnunker than any medicines
that cart ho giren internally. Erect. body =seats to
the fact that if healing medicine could. be anfial on
the lunge, there would be ;rut hopes of recoruy - .The
&Eictilty• is to get the medicine there. :cow the Salve
has the wonderful virtue of extras-AM; the putrial he
more from all external worm by musing tli4m to dis
charge. In like manner it operates upon internal alec . -
dons by driving all the impurities thecrugh4the pep to
the =face. Thus_ with ecammptian, if planed urn
the &est. itsienetrstes Tiredly to the kings, sepamom
the piisocUis particles that are cairsamie= them and ec
s them from the system.
It it the simplest and most rational process in
if one bsi the medicine capable of doing it. The An
nuli= Ohs/mast posses= this power to the fullest
exten t. . I ne ,ig , say thatit is'euring persons of Con-
Immo= e o n ..„ y , although we are told it iifoolisit.
news. Lear) n. shat is said, so long as I can cure se
/mat t h ou j an d , • • yearly. If this medicine was in
the hands of so. patent medicine brawlers, they . , would
make so - opr o , though the country that . woukl be in
supportable. •
Scrofula of •,tag's Eei/...—This disease ix really in
veterate, an d h to be subdued. It is generally seated.
in the sides of neck, behind the ears and under the
chin, yet scarcer any part of the body is exempt. It
sometime, falls con the lungs anti - produces consump
tion. i t i s a d • fel circumstance, that this disease is
transm i tte d f ro :, parents to child' en. The Salve vsill
matter by causingthe sores to dis
c:tract all the itorl'il!
charge; and t+ let then the Solar Tincture be used to
dr i ve i t to one t, which done, a continuance of the
Ointment will aiplctely remove this disorder. This is
the s.ifest and ~, t effectual of shy Method., It should
be adopted without a moment's hesitation.
Eryaipdaa, This complaint arises froth impurities
being driven mit to the means of the insensible
perspiration, rill lodging in the cuticule, forms sores,
pimples heing of a caustic, acrid petrifying na
ture. It milli:quires that it should discharge its vi
rulent particle l'irough the skin, and the difficulty will
pass oil. If e sofercil to remain, and driven inwards it is
frequently fail.
Let the Salle and Solar Tincture he used as in scro
fula and the pion' soon get writ.
Salt Ritcutp.—This is another ob.,..tinate disease but
can be cured eiCtII3I;Y as the, scrofula. There is no
difficulty in dlsra-fe.
m o d ue!e,!Ecr oche and Deafnerc.—The Salve has
cured persona l ' of the Head-Ache of 12 years standing
acid who hadllti regularly every week, so that vomiting
often took place. It cured the wife of a man who laugh
ed i n my f, c ,,l.Ln proving such a cure. and %Vila 13 0 .31
Would not he ialthout it for the Lent farm in the State. If
an y one will faltit the nonlife to call I will give his name-
Deafness and Ear-Ache arc helped with the like sec
c,‘s as also Agee in the face.
Cori Perti' -Consumption, liver complaint. pains in
the chest or file, falling of the hair, one or the other
a l wa y s a ceonnanies cold feet. It is a sure .ign of dir
ease in the sjitem to have ecdcl feet. Some persons are
totally. unaldel o get them. warm, and endure much suf
fering thcrel.y.
The safe will restore the insensible perspiration and
thus cure ever! ease. It is infallible for this..
Aqh mtt , Tieh/ner,, BteraL.—lf this disea..7 is not
hereditary an4osloced by the malformatiou of the chovt,
the salve. will cure it.
Dyspepsia:One would suppose A salve wooll not
eff rc t this disease. much hut the All-Healing Ointment
will cure two 6Goritr than any internal remedy will cure
Gore Elea.—The inflamation and disease always lies
back of the ball , f the c. ain the socket. Hence the util
ity of all remedies that are used upon the lids. The
virtue of any redicine must reach the seat of inflam
mation or it evil do little good. This salce if rubbed
on the ternpleswii! [penetrate directly into the socket
and infuse virtues open the dison:cr. The pores
will be opened. a proper periTiratiOn will be created and
the disease isla soon pass otT to the surface. Hoer
easy and hop a itural ! It is as perfect arid valuable as
it is simple iind
Sore Li* Chopped Hands hc.—l sell a great deal
o f s a lve tolSeamen, who say it is the only thing they
can deperaoe to cure their raw hands, when exposed
to the weatiterst sea. It arts like a charm in these com
plaints. Torpor three applications cures.
Pizapki: or. the face, freckle", tan, incest:dint skin,
grros turAtt—lts first action is to expel all humor. It
will not cease drawing till the face is free from any mat
ter that may be lodged under the skin and frequently
breaking out to the surface. It then heals. When
there is ncithi. - 4 hut grossness, or dull repulsivesurface,
it begins teoscften and soften until the skin becomes as
soft and deliege as a child's. It throws a freshness and
blushing cola upon the now white transparent skin
that isperfec.iy enchanting. Sometimes in case of Freek
lesit will iirr start out those that hare lain hidden and
seen but sad= Pursue the salve and all will soon dis
The teaser for this wonderful change in a lady's
face is thin: excites into nbtural, and he'Shity activity
the InsensiK? Perspiration, whit? it renovates and re
news the Sur%ce, and leaves the skin - in as lively and
delieate t co - ditinn as the most fastidious could desire.
It is put up it tine jars and beautifully scented on.pur
pose for the trust
Biim4--Lfe Can always he-,sated if the vitals are
not injured. I hove so many testimonials for the cure
of this cina7..airit that I could fill a book. I suppose
there is not t family in the United States. that would
consent to a without this salve a single day if they
.knew itsluM in healing Burns alone. It extracts the
pain arnile.ves the place withouta scar.
quinsy . rare throat. Influenza, gronehitis.—There
is not an turned remedy in existence that will . Cute
these distal:as as quick as the salve. It opens the pores
on the noel and draws - Off ail inflammation and im
pure juityc. and a few days .11A ..see the patient well.
It is in these cases.
Piie34—The salve acts upon the piles as upon sore
eyes. lft.ce is an infiarr.•mation which must he drawn
from thefFats. The salve does this.
Hrrmicrrr Rup!are.—.This salve has Cured some very
bad case? et: rupture, and although it might not all. yet it
w o uld b? vise to try it. Ti is a peculiar rompliMt. but
it may be lid some, if not curol entirely. I have
not t'oeislidiw of a doubt :as: it would cure thee, no's
if the trial vas made, who no medicine of. the
Isn't leiteLtt.
T , '43 WOrth ccoi id sat6fy any one, n - I,ether
it ceoutd not.
pare-ntv knew how fatal most medeines
were hachildron taker, inwirdly, they would v!.,w t,
resort to them. " tat:rcurtal
ed "rn s. I,zengeo,' ormdcges." iili &c. ldve l
were it4k.iiithle to sly I,c , :t:r-:y that norms cre,
sent. kis lit ,afe. The truth Is. no cue can td! ;net: ,
• ;
cu,,tr.w..en worais arc i resor.t. Of cour:c the remalv
not apt acal lc to the complaint. Now lot roe •IF to
Eu.T.1.1141:421 61s s . I always tell if a chili ha:
worms. Lat it be rubbed 03 the neck and che:t„ t.. keel
them frog tr,,, and then dean on tfle
they c. It drive every ve,tifr, of them
a:ray it a simile and safe curc. :CO in:c.7 can
O.NT., of it in any way. Du: should ;t be chohc. loda
tion of fai bowel:, or g:it.o of inteiti:les, it will et"..
feelnally curc :'.ern a< the wo:rns.
TLese is pr...nat:".s no:rod:eine on the face of the earth
at once s; sate and :oft to the i v pulsion of worms.
w0r..!,1 be cruel, aly wicked. to give internal Liwatf.
tar&. - udnes, so :on,: as a harmless', cert.tin, and offict.
cal e-ritmclone cot!! be
rci, • T ll . '
.- Bre . —l.. t
the start be m and lip.itas2 with the Grp or hut
flat irons, Ind Irvin: and didicultv still axon cea,e.
Swermss of the joints. or wcatint,s, or any zlection
of the tone. nothing is to :taxi for as this salve.
kmcc anythmiz so .".".0.1 a* this
salve- It nausea the c::-on to dischar;t- immediately.
at.d tea:es not the s!i d litest cause cf seam. Pelson try
nails. Errs o: animals, or bums, it removes labca nO
thin; el, %ill.
'fiat —I base it done up in fire ender for the drmt
sin?, Al:hoz:et I have said little about it as a hair
rester:tar. yet I ttill -tzke it adz:M.,: the ' Trev
miss6:l:, their pits far and near. sod mine .:!!
tilt hair tsio clfs IJ their one. Tiltse are Q. I,E: nordz,
lA' I as rcady to hick it with any re-ztotrthe amount.
Val". 4-e.4--There
of curing th-,e, but <lrarving off the putrid
cutter. ::...errly dry it up wou!d only endar4er eue's
hea:th more. That SOMA <ores are vs outlet t.) the
f ;2 :e ryste=„ is the only resoon.
C 311134 p3:4; ciT through the natural 4iinres of the In-
Pen•piiciTcls If such sores are healed up, the
i=pufaies must hate sume ether outlet, or it will eadan•
ger life. Thin is the ‘ rearama why it is impolitic to USe the
cozoarn sslves of the day in Inch cwa. For they have
co pauer to open other revenu , s, to let ciT all this roor
bA =net. and the cur:sr:petters are altasys fatal. This
salve still art r4oxide for such emergtr.cies. nett
need be r,e, (ear. •It is perfect
reed never have a trolien
breast. The salve shill al-a - ays prevent it, if tteed in sea-
Lire C.l.l7lplzint.—Per , _ rim hatinct:Ugeor..-I,:aieht
c j a,.dy bite erupticr.t of the hart,lt, face an.. 2., otter
P4l3,,ted never oiler trot t that it arms from the liter.
Thew titer-inability to remote tree irrupt:low, crats
their mi.,a- ' preheasion of the ditonler. Sech mo,a
it Erg the fee., then wear it ca the and the
&Emilie soon co away.
Efia; PaOiOTV -1 7: . Grip -it cf to tman .
disease caused the death of the late' H. S. Lepre;A:-
lorney Gssaessl arsdactir.:, , Secretary of dielinited Stairs.
It is the stopping txp of the =aller lateatinis, end seine
times the twitL;re of them. It isttoo;bt on by a tirg -
!Ea of the ally evacuations, or from incarerr.atal
The suns are awful, aryl help comes slam.
day, sulker. wear aes.
The All-Healing Ointment
of Mr.Lcgsre and all others cud
Coriur.--If the salve is nisi
peoplo•need never be troubld
cut out lay sonie travelling ni
is doing mote mischief than hi
little of this ointment put on a
keep them down; , 11
Indeed there are few comp
ea. It is a Family Sake o
as the sky mils over one's 11
the earth, it will be sought sf
there is no mercurial substanl ,
tircly of vegetables it gives
We have full certificates,
names are hero givenbut no
merely give their namis, Nos;'
they were Cured: i 11
Thomas Mossier, Itl9, N th-st—weak back; W - W
Way-, cor. King and MeDon' ugh stg—tore eyes ;-,. 111 i
w „). do erysipelas ; li f J C l rk, 210 Stanton---ulcer.
aced sores; Dr J Covkl, 1-2: v tleillivan-st—ague in . the
face; F II Lee, 245 Bower&-pain in the breast; Ito
J Gibbs Dover-st—fanilly medicine; Henry Gibbs, 113
Bowery—influenza; 8 :i t. key, 60i3 Fourth at—furs;
ly medicine; E Conv(ay, 1. :5 Court—bums, scalds ;
Eliza Bunker. Flatbushcor sumption; M A King, Ite.;,
Oliver st—burns ; E Kipp, .:75 Second-et--quinsy; .1
Vanderpool Cherry-st—eancer; Burr Nash—piles; 1;
E Turner. 91 itid;e-st--do i l C Mann, Globe Hotel_
ruptures ; J. Kurd, 17 Batm—salt rheum ;..G Sea.
mer, 124 Div i4on-.4—do ;13 Medic, 20 .lereerpos.
do; if .4 . W est, 107 Matk.4lacebums, frosted for
I/ Thorp, 145 Norfolk st-4sore eves; F. Captd;
13rocow et—do ;P . Bowe. :3 Willett st—do; ii B J...,
kin , ‘, Phccnix Bonlido; F Henry, do—canse l ti
mmpowder ; Dr Mitchell, 7 Mercer-st,-broken brewi ;
C . li iarobeou. 199 Sta.stonlA—rheumatism t B .1 Ra.
ainta that it . 1 41 3 01 ben.
untold value; '. As lon g
ad and grass groin Ivor,
r, used and seined. As,
in it, but composed
o good ground .§4 appre
art at--eruptions; E P.m,
face ; C Fences, 39 Eft.
Judd, 657 Watcr,st—ti,
Division st--rheumatismE,
70 Essex a—family =
, 0--aore eye. ;. 6 Cs' :wed.
:vain. 313 Water a—cam.,
son st—inframmation in t..!
i n st—asthrna ; ?tf A DM,.
chest; N Wyeath. imp:,
piles; J Vincent. 121 Allea
.259 Divi...on st—alli-cos
Irter-st—pain in the .s. , ! t :
mucous eruption ; H ilit.l.
the breast; A Knox, €4
J Culver, 191 Stanton e—
a, sore throat. rlicuinatim:
at,-Inercumpl;iint; -'W Lb.
sell—do; E Willens, 303 p
237 Bleeker-in—agac in th.
ery—family medicine; P
By ointment ; F Otten, 12.
the head ; S W Robinson
ment; S Haariot, 45 All
115 Diyi.ion st—do; M
Cc; P Demarest. 368 Hu!
chest; N Achinson, Halt
ett, f 6 Sufrolkst—ague in
si:don st—bite of a dog an
st—weak. hack ; .1 Chapmt,
of the liver; W Orahozne)
E Hamel, 19 Norfolk-st—:
Icon. 81 Laight4t—pain
tatigLt-sl—chapped hands'
ulcerated sores P Ben
G P Taylor. 4G Foriyi:
kin.. Hodon—censuropti
Sold by H. S. k 31. r ...11„' RC CR, Towanda, and G.
A . PERKINS. !then. [471
ii ' 4,
FRESH Flapply, milking a - complete &aorta=
ja . of IRON just - merit and for sale low by
June 17. ; 0. D. BARTLETT. .
George S'anderson, ,
L- 13 a . i..L.T Si ~..::: 5..,7.1; :: - . l;s. T i
11 l
AS REMOVED his office to the North fide a
the public square. .lusaiess entrusted to his at
by ietter or. otherw:oe, wi I ref...clic prompt atteutioL
Towanda. April 3 . IS/
.1 A':
Id_m"../Za:". :VW ...i.IiIILIELIIP.SISIi .._tirep
-RRANGEMENTSIhIse been n madeby the c.!.
AS, scriber. by which h. can facilitate the tranalc,_
of busines, at the Pens i o n Utuce. Ravin; hatt re
siderable experience in r 4ocunn q Perp.tons. he as.,
htru,..elf that he can gia4 -die necessary inform:Li , —
taase who nary call on Latin in thral.rancli of tru-inesi
.licrth aide of l'uldie S'aluar.
Towanda. April 5. I
----- 11'
New lac'risinitifing Establishlea
HE JUBSCRIBE,II, haling for.oxed a Tarr,
It ship with his brir,her, continues to CIITy On ,
I.usinis at hi: lootherl new stand, east orb of Mr
street. Riutir part of the i. k;rough.,where be is pre,..;
to execute all orders fdr Horse:;fioeing,, Carriagt t
Coach work and Edge Tools.
He assures the publi4 that all work entrusted tiiii
care will be well done, ilea. he ha, thoroughly hc,-
his trade and is deter= ..1 to random .su.sfaction.
, JOHN A. Eti4;:NWIV.
T0,V1703. I , er-ember 1 O, I °44.
\ .:1
1.. \:.iiii:o., ...`i , ..-- AT-1.. -... 3
AD. 31 0 NT.lNYIE bas re:ruled his 'Drug
~ to the third door below J. D.. 1 E. 11..
ony,". store. Morn at . iet where you will ai. ail
fii,d i good as - :ortrnent tif Drugs 4. Sledicities.
June I. 1....45. -
.1300'1' &- S O.E MAKING.
- .
lii: I.ace-t..-, ,, c . ,.-ttcd their....,- , 3734;:n_ itesitt.......s, :(1 _.
NI. :',l‘• be Sound It the vitt t.t.....
e.,pa,? I•y. Eikattah t.itr.ith.r.
Ce li , tel. whe:c they mitt.
_ . TEey intend, by a ca:.--
It : . atten I 1... n to the tt4teres•:
L> neat and .n.l.rt! , !e wort 1.'1:
Tj'E`ll,CO X s.;,V
V In the
• , f T4l. t! t. 4
, H t:'.stsay. I :te!;
I. if
share 91 I u . ohc
,:e-th,o .1 stock.
th• r rl.l , 'CP:.!s.tu 1,;1
be --n,ufirtured Lr, ttu r•Ort1021 of Cluntry.
:.erp cons:snt on banJ. and v.ill L:if , tinhr... ,
or!er, r.,nibccc.. cif 2.,:d hoots zna bhp ,
1.1.! G ntcrf,
arid is. C.
T larr.n ly 1 t.
fi 3.1.1. p‘, u..i,s-
.. ,..A... ..,,,..1,-“.......A
ott to 'Jot c:s.tate of P.ttric:
1k of arc rt-i,e.
arail t:t0,..4.,
iz ars: teict-ite l l to preSeLt
t.••! t • trtt•ke the tt,ll
attF-F•ttil, DJ; F.,
Ex , cutu:i.
'ALT. ju=t aruacl , azd fir sa,"
...h,l^.ffirlin. May I.
034 ) 1 ,1 t k ,
41COUrilir CHEA!?
M arc 5.
BAMD's. 3, IL
Erc , ,a4s, Rite xlvc3, setTeT,
NI. 3, B. R.
, HEAT, and say quarrt
'ye. Buckwheat Fluxed, i . , ; (
ter .aie cheap, by1;?:e
; *MB & N,. 3. B.R.
P u rr .I.i.iseed Oil. syiri;
lend. is wl, cpa;C-3",
- g,tue, &c., can ''F,
49 BrtaH o t
7of fort I
Apple; and Maple cua
May 5 •
' •
3111 - - lINTS : OIL*
nab brown. Liz. win:A.
ba.l cheap at
%lay 5.
-.: -
BAIRD'S. 10.3, B.R.
%) - ,r
- Drh WILMOT 1
Conned a ie-i
-in 11.- - atford and the,
and a l ,
careful atterdioiit •
charm Th eir ofd '
• Erick Row: on the
other •=y be found it
Towanda, Idnuary.
for the practice of la.V.ip
• %ir k ; crtnties. giveprocarA
• all btisittess entrusted to the
_il re folnd in TovraL.- la. N a tt,
and 'Loot. where one of
hocia. sF
Bradford Rep . orterii•
krms of the
t t r ?
cents pez annum ; Fzr rr
-rr rent
ire year: and for CASH
t 3 dii , ecr.tinne at any time.
rriee. t.
Two azAlars rx-!.
deducte,.: if rzid
in al.zuce, Oi
alx.,,L-61.e:s at
received i n pn,„C
ex ceed:ag s szasm of twebi
r,ts ; eserr suhs;uenat imenior.
r1.4.,...e 43 yearly ailTeuisest
cry desznptios, ceaCy *ad
LeA ,n 4
lines, k:ant:l let El
tsgent3.-E-se °ma's.
poittiornly e-recate4 •
Letters en bta.'Otr
free of postsze, to
Office in C•:
Stain anti' Midge
e aitentinn. •
Maas brick. bt I.h , met;
ts, up lairs; carat= as es
odd have toted 114 jg
Q eiwilarnircumwaneee.
according to 'direetionv,
with •corns—eipeetet y
iitebanic who knitwe
eitn possibly repair, A
w and theakwill. always
am all the perseietehee
having room for them,a,
anti the iliaeziki of iar:iid