Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 18, 1845, Image 1

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WEI)NEsDAt , JUNE 18, 1845
- -
Tim Grrst.r or, Anteaao.—We commend this
7ek, an admirable tale under this title, written by the
to Trrone Power. ILWaS kis contribution to the" Club
A," a collection of Tiginal tales by a number of dis
/euished writers„ polished in London several years
nee. It trill probably be. new to most of our readers;
thou4h it was copied iy the New Mirror in (81:3, and
le elitutravl into the of the " Gypsey's Star." A
truile,dittle scheme e." some one, we suppose, to 'ice
an air of that paper.
At all creme. it will lean a re-perusal, even should
the lieretefom met the le of any of our readers; being
ondiy imbued with thi genius of its gifted author.
Po,ir Power! He nu on hoard the ill-fated P
an on her last coyai for England and shared k
tyeterious fate of the eloquent Cookinan, and nini!k,
hers, his fellow-passen:ers in the steamer.
Many of Power's priductions have been deserved'
'pular. The"King'i Secret," and the " Lost heir,"
atictdar, attracted muili attention. his '
',Arnerita;' is the bet book of 'Pravels in this CQ •
have ever seen, It did not pay, and was n
'lse, (as was well remarked at the time.) it got
iciently abuse the American people and their 111 -
is. Dickens and Men. Trollops, knew bone
ze money out of what they wrote about u- '•:bet
this market. or dn. Euglish. But enougl/t •e 3
inning into a biography, when our pmpose wias nIY to
reface a tale.
/STOIC I , 11. LOLL , VTIONS OF THE STATE 11),,T" 51.1 -*
\NI Ponilli/1,7%." C,1);04. , ,1a...;011
trusting farts. /rad; tiorzw. biograi 'hien! bd r . ho•
tr th,h, rrlniing to the bigeaw ~r ai and
/will, +l. , th a trpm; 4 -rapldral desteip!ion s icrg MU* .
and uti Melo gr towns in the state-4 SO 11 Xl5
Der, dew Hant.n, Dame d: Peck, 104:
We have looked with much armietyle the appear-
KT of this work, ever eince we heard iteopunced : at
'licit time we had the pleasure of tnakik. , .a passim; ac
tintanee with the author.
This week. w: have time only for t
op,,,ing to reccr to it hereafter. -"rho .etieral scope of
work, as its Title indicates, and the it'dtor assures his
odors, is not that of a history of the i t i sate, in the usual
nil, and with ordinary etwouologicarrangement ; but
was designed to,cuabely and prmaise its local history.
ul although it eimpris,,., most of :t.e great events in
history of the state, these el:mit= so located in
arrangement of the work, as tosf , sociate them more
nimntely wtth thou respective Iccaltics. i7s
The inoterialF,.most of them, P ere gleaned by Mr.
, ay in a tour of the state Made bw himself. lie spent
ine time in each county, collectie. as opportunity
orally and othftase &m i tt: aged PionecT and
out others curious on !he subjry; of history, the facts,
incidents and anecdotes, which lo has thus strung to-
ether in the forte of a very'resting and agreeable
snook of seven hundmd par., t..• has disarmed criti
sisal- in a great degree, by fitardy admitting, that in a
roll; embodying such a tuultijae of facts, gathered from
melt a variety of sources, th i n must necessarily be ma
We could have wished, jOging from a cursor: et
inati,m, that a severer tiKs had been exercised in. re-
rd to some portions of Oronoi history arid local gns.-.
lip. It is true that there' .rc many ado ePisn.lea and
rafts in the lives of indivld.als, which may be interevt
ncto the inhabitants ojl region in which they °Cent-
Nfl But it is scarcely d . er,rous towards the public, and is
den very painful to the ;datives and friends of such la
heroes, to cite their Cults, follies, or peculiarities a
tnianet:t at plate in a grave historical work. so
tle,igned to rix:ae a wide circulation. Beside,.
't is not , iire for a jJurr..ying stranger, to rely Upon in
'ikiiiatin which ally htli been colored by ma
'volenre:or a weak ropemity for the marvellous.—
l ion the whole, howein, this. work forms a rich mine of
Pennsylvania history, in . the Outpost!, of more ambitious
authorliip ; and it wil have i tendency to awaken and
itiercase the spirit of inoiry—leading to the preservation
of inlay additional fern which may have escaped the
pryin; kes of its indu:rioes compiler. We recommend
it rarac , ,ly to our retiers, as a work which ought to be
on ever . ; txnkhhetf itthe commonwealth. -
The prevailing Lift of the age has been consulted in
'scatieriir; throughouthe work, some two hundred neat
'wood engra‘ingi—rade, gmer.dly, we am told, from
drawings tiien on f.", spot, expressly for the , work. In
that porti, o of the t , elt allotted to Bradford County, we
obscrce One; a wry well executed view of our
0500 Vill , -;C. taken len the hill near the WysoN. road,
ou the cave , ide of se r cr. in the foreground is a
T oulon of the eanalind if noble bridge:--in the Cen
tre, the %, hole t illag—elitrelics—th e old darn occupied
a. a Court lions!, aid tl--together wish a portion of
,the beautiful landscpe, euich from the point iif slew 1
.chosen by the alit., spripls out to the north and west
.of the town. Anger eiF hese sketches was taken from
the Sheshequin.rtri, oppitite Tioga Point, which f o rm s
the centre of the iCuare.: rith the village in the back.
ground. Withoiitatcniftg to be-hypercritical—indeed,
in a spirit grateful•fr thett.mmonest attempt to celebrat e
some of die riumettus hiitiful localities of our region—.
-we canna bit neOmstritewith the engraver or his ar.
CUL, 29,, the ~Ittre 144b+inst the caricature he has
math: of the Inagnticentithe referred to. The other of
the threv6actehes it the'r*idway " of Athens—well
enougt of its kind ; nut an ugh there is more than
...ill :Aragon" to he sect 1 rr x thq . wide principal street,
.whia rms the fore-aniatri of tho picture--we presunao
. Our Ati its friends will be .ble to recbgnizelhe likeness
. of their eat little villag4
'ln or rto enable our t ern to judge for themselve s
of the r cter of the wor. a n d the manner in which
it is exec —we hove, mare the copy-right, given be
low, aO, ous extract from to t portion which relates to
-our own Linty..
"Bo roan corisTr 4 , 20;4L6rat separated
from Iszerne and I qm/bine - in /810, under
i the nano of Ontario. Itafarch,. 1812, the
count Ver. fullyorgaiii%cd for judicial purpos
es, and t name was clanged to Bradford.--
rAt the sa t e time the (sums were directed to
be bolds until public buildings should be
erected, a the house v. Wm. Meaus,,in To
wandayto pship. Length 40 miles, breadth
• 'aro* 4 . 174- square miles. • Population in
' 2O ; 11 54; in 183 1 , 19,745; in 1840,
e j
' esides the qlusquelianna, which '
!de ti ly through tht centre of the county, I
i .
. , .
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t h eee l - ye its tributaries, 11 7 ysox creek and
‘y el ii t mg reek on the east, and the 'Floprtvef,
m e i', ad Sugar creek and Towanda creek On
t h e l v st side, with several Qtreems of less
noe, The surface of the county is (rite
ro •vr. but there a,. no ~,,y long anti distinct
raite B 'lie area
of very lofty mountains. 'I , .l
s ididinate chains of Laurel hill and Chestnut
I th l / 2 .i. so pretnirent in other siectioas of the
iii=. are here fould to be much depressed in
t tc 4lit. and brokeir and scattered in imminent
4afs isolated ridges and,spnrs. There is, how
reer, 'along the coarse'of the T ow neda creek,
'; ( 1' iti southern btit, 'a high precipitous ridge
Hiretelung away towards the head of Pine
reek, formerly called Burnett's mountain;
vhich may iodic e the track of the Laurel hill.
l'he same ridge tins the precipitous " nar
rows." on the S4tuebanna, two or three miles
below Towanda.' The laud on the summits
of the ridges is' gently undulating, forming
good grazing faros. Along the streamsare
many enchanting valleys, with meadows and
uplands not exceeled in fertility and pictUres
que beauty by any in the state. The iii turnitt-
Otis coal "formation': touches the southwestern
corner of the county, and veins of from three
to seven feet, in thickness are . found on the
*heads of Towaela Creek. A railroad route
from 'Towanda to liese mines was surveyed to
1'839. but it now il'unthers with I na! v of the
other projects of tiq day. Iron is aatindant,
hut not developed: and intimations of coppey
have been discUrered. There are sulphur
springs at 'Rome; eight miles front Towanda.
Considerable pia , and other lumber is still
prepared and sent to market from this county ;
more perhaps that is for the real interest ofthe
population, who; would derive a serer profit I ,
from the cultivatiia and export of agricultural
produce. i i
'The Berwick an/ Newtown, or Susquehanna
and Tioga turnpike road, which passes through
the county, was Projected at the early settle
of the county. about the year NIP:: or 'O4,
and was driven !tirotigh the then ai ilderneas
by the exertions p Philadelphians and others
interested iii the lads. It was not fully com
pleted until substient to 1830. The AVil
liamsport and Ilduira railroad Is completed
from Williamsport° the southwe'stera corner
of the county, but has been suspended for the
present. ,
The branh division of the l'ennsyl.
vania canal follott theawindings of the Sus
quehanna to the milli line of the state. forming
I a connection witlithe canals of New York.--
Most of the heavt work has been done upon 1
the line; and a imparts- has been chartered
to take the unfintsied work from the state, and
c o mpl e te it. Who this opening is made, .1
profitable exchatig. will take place between the
sail, plaster and lim of New York, and the coal
1 and iron of rennsyvania.
Previous to the rrival of the whites in thin
region, the valley if the Susquehanna was on
; der the special juridiction of the Cayuga tribe
of Indians, one of le great cold - Homey of the
Six. Nations. To Belt of that coiiederacv was
confided the chug. of a door of their " long
house," as they temed their res knee in the
state .of New Yck. The Sec. •:s kept the
southwestern doorus the Alleghcloy, the Mo
hawks the eastern . it Schenectady, &c. The
Cayugas themseltre did not reside In the re
gion now 13radtottimunty. It wis, with the
Susquehanna vallel lower down. assigned as
the asylum for Powered tribes of Mohicans,
' Wampanow,s, 'Niles, Monseys, and other
tribes who had' tetitAl from the emiromlunents
'of the whites. 4,as al,O on the great tv:-r
-path between the P.: Nations and tie southern
tribes; and it t9alie itif•rrc (I frog! do' reply
of the Cayuga chi i to the Moraviin Indians.
that these now pi' ~ f . u l valleys hatbeen the
scene of many a b ,dy encounter. tTradition
states that 1A a :i•itxtvilley was oceurned by a
tribe of that name i whir had two , mminary
battles with the T
, -.miila Indians, o ti l e fiat s
at the mouth of Telvan la creek. 1M ny relics
have been found -,fi hese former race• About
two miles above Tew`andri, at the "13 ak-neck
narrows," on the lei; fin k of the Sus,' . efi anna ,
is the resemblanre'of tisqll3's head nd face
carved m the pitrpeulicular rock. .is now
much obliterated by !‘the ice freslm . It is
said that the crane of Break-neck was i ven to
th e s e narrow s I): Sullivan's army, ' lost
some cattle ar*: blt whether thet is an e
connection liett+tn tli. name and die :, ilpture
does not disodely aripear.
The caltutte l t or pipe if peace was
few years since on tie Sheshequin ti,
is now in pcssession 6:f Mr. Silas Gore
curiously wrought of red-st ne. as per
when new ; and the Material correspoi '
, ,
the description giver, of the red pipe all
the Rocky Mot ntanis; by George Gatlin
In Burlington . ho Crnlitp . the skeletons.t
human beings ellately found in exca
a cellar. • Thet ekuncommonly lar
had apparently b erut.t-posted with muc,
mony and care. !Th it heads were lan
ward, and theizliodi• enclosed with lar,
stones: The boes ere in' a, state of
preservation. ?
To Whom, tr o,wl
what are caffedt e Sp!
Athens on the logal
Min. The Ditk de
them to the Fp — ich i
about 1688. - 1.
Before the icon of !
their claim toll fair
tv, the holy pie:leers
had peneirmer the is
quehanna, and Ana . da
• r
As early as 1750, TWAT- Commerhof and
Rev. David Ziisberger'uuided by an lndi, i of
the Cayuga tritie, pin=st4 lip the Suliqueh•.• na
on a visit to Cnonilagat To each night's \en
campment the,- gave a In me. the first-lettet \ of
which was eutinto a treOby the Indians. They
tarried at Tit ga, whien is described as 4 a
considerable linilian foal." The same year,.
it is said, '" thereiwaii 4 ieat awakening,(which
extended ovet the whet Indian counttyl t espe
cially on theSuSqueh tin." T4erei appeats
to have been( an Initials . village, in j 759 at
'Alanthivihausing, ( %I/yet:ming') where one Pn•
In the midst of these enetmraaing prospects,
consternation spread through the frontier set
tlements, on receipt of the news of the Indian
war of 1703, which had just broken out along
the lakes and the Ohio. Occasional parties of
Indians front the west skulked into the Mora.
vian Indian settlements to persuade them to
withdraw, that they mightinake a descent up
on the whites. This became known to the
Irish settlement in the Kittatinny valley, whose
jealousy was aroused that the Moravian Indians
were in collusion with itheir hostile brethren.
and the missionary settlements were thus plac
ed between two fires. This animosity of the
Irish at length wreaked itself upon the poor
Indians on the Conesirgo ; and. the other
Christian Indians were taken by the missiona
ries to Philadelphia for protection. Peace at
length arrived at the close of 1701, and in 1705
the Whole body,of Indian brethren returned to
the deserted huts at Wyalusing. Devoting
themselves anew to Him who had given them
rest for the soles of their feet, they began their
labors with r:•newed courage, and pitching upon
a convenient spot on the hanks of the Susque.
hanna, a few miles below .Wyalusing, they built
a re g ular settlement, which they called Frieden
shnetten„ (Tents of Peace.) It consisted of 13
Indian huts, and upwards of 40 frantic houses.
shingled, and provided with chimneys and win
dows. ti convenient house was erected lug the
! missionaries, and in, the middle of the broad
sheet stood.the chapel; neatly built, and covered
with shingles. Gardens surrounded the t tllm r,
and mar the river shout '250 acres Were divided
into regular pkidatiens of Indian corn. Each
faintly had tlieirow hum. The 'Jury iter-, toil nil
waslat some distance in the rear. During the
progress of building the town, the aged, infirm.
and children, lodged in the old cottages too nd
' on the sputa the test in bark huts. In tine
weather they lifted up their voices in prayer and
pr a i se und er the ripen firmament. It was a plea
sure to observe them, like a swarm of bees, at
their work ; some were building. some clearing
land, some hunting and tii,long to provide Mr
the others, mid some cared for lieusek, ping.
Tire town bring completed, the usual tegulatimis
and statues of dre \Moravia❑ stations were adopt
ed ; order and peace prevailed,' and the good
work went gloriously on. As one of the great
confederacy of the Six Nations, the Ca) ucas
kept that door of their •• long luau," it /oil)
opened upon the valley id the Susqu e leini r i, aril
it beralne necessary for the missionaries to seek
their permission to reside within then jurisdic
tion. With all the solemnity of Indian diplo
macy, the Christian Indians gave notice to the
chief of the Cayugas. that they had settled ve
the :Susquehanna, where they intended to Muhl
and live in peace with their families, if their un
cle approved of it; and they likewise desired
- leave for their teachers to live with them.
chief, after consultation with the great council
of Onondaga, replied. in a frtendly manner, that they had chosen was not proper, all
that country having been stained with blood-;
therefore he would take them up and place them
in a better situation, near the upper end of Cayu
ga lake. They might take their teachers with
'them. and be unmolested in their worship."
This-proposal did not exactly suit the Indians
of Friedcnshotten, and they evaded an empties
ence, giving the chief hopes that they would re
ply 4. when the Indian corn was ripe." This
was in the summer of '65. After waiting until
the spring of 1776, the Cayuga chiefsent a toes
sage to niedenshuetten, 4. that he dui not know
what sort of Indian corn they might plant, for
they had promised him an answer when it was
ripe ; that his corn had been gathered long ago.
and was almost consumed, and Ire soon intended
to plant again." The chief, ultimately, and the '
council, gave them a larger tract of land than
they had desired, extending beyond Tioga, to
make use of as their own, with a promise tleit
the heathen Indians should not come and dwell
upon it. This grant, however, was forgotten
at the treaty of 1768, when the whole country
on the Snsquehapna was said to Pennsylvania.
The peace of the settlement was often distur.
bed by the inteodection of - rum, that , universel
accompaniment of civilization, introduced by.
straggling I lndians; -They .erdered ,at length
11(1 a
It is
Irct as
ine of
I two
.It. date may be as.
it is not easy to
a ROCllfaUcatiit as
he time of Deno!
onneetieut had ns. •
ailey of Bradford •
the Moravian 'tni
lerne”t rdonk 114'
settlements at ea,
, . .
ANT gumiTER."
panhunk, an Indo moralist. had been zeal
ously propagating', his doctrines, with little suc
cess, however, al his hearers were addicted
fo the most abominable vices, and he himself
was but little Miner. On a visit to the mis
sionary station, Nan, on the L'elligh, lie heard
for the first time tic great doctrine ofthe. Cross,
and such an imprrssion did it make upon hint.
that the following year he took down his wife
and 33 of his followers, to hear this new doc
trine; at the 'same time endeavoring. without
success, to persuade the . christian Indians of
Nain to remove to the Susquehanna.
['We feel unwilling to divide the following interesting
account of the early missionary operations in this region.
The ruins of the Moravia,, ettpleh at Wyalusinr,are
familiar to the old wttlers of the neighborhood. The
building was much more comphic than the ordinary In
dian structures—being covered with shingles, and other.
wise comfortably finished.]
In May, 1763, Zeisberger, with the Indian
brother Anthony, came to Wyalusing, having
heard of a remarkable awakening there, and
thAtte Indians desired some one who could
point them tti the true way of obtaining rest
and pcacp , in their consciences. Papanhunk
had lost(his credit hy the inefficiency of his
doctrines. Zeisherger was met. before he ar
rived, by Job pilloway, an inhabitant of
fusing, who spoke English well, and told him
that their council had met six days successive.
ly to consider how they might procure a teach
er of the truth. Zeisherger was invited to be
come a resident tuis , ionary among them, which,
after a visit to Bethlehem, he consented to do.
It appears that about this time " some well
meaning people of a different persuasion arriv
ed at Wyalusing." but the Indians having al
ready given a preference to the Mot* taus,
would listen to no (der sect. {Cow. this
have been Brainerd?] The first fruit Zeis
berger's pious drums in his new congregation,
was Papanhunk himself, who confessed his
sins, and desired to be baptised.. He received
the cbristian name of John ; and another In
dian, Whe had been rapanhunk's opponent,
was baptised after him, and called Peter.
that every rum bottle should bu locked up du
ring the stay of its owner, and delivered to him
on his departure. The White iradersi from the
Irish settleMents at Vaxion, found the settle.
ment a most convenient depot, and' endeavored
to make it a place of common resort in 1766.
They staid several Weeks in the place, and oc
casioned much levity and dissipation among the
young people. The Indians at length ordered
them off, desiring that the " Tents of Peace"
should not be made a place of traffic. The hos
pitality of the brethern often exhausted their
little stock of provisions and their only resource
fur a new supply was in hunting, or seeking aid
from the oldet settlements. Their numbers had
increased so much in 1767, that a spacious
church was erected. The locusts, which-swarm
ed by millions, did great damage tO'their emps.
The small=pox broke outamong them in '67. and
the patients Were prudently removed to tempora
ry cabins on the opposite side of the rivet.
The station at Priedenshnetten continued to
prosper for several years. until the year 1772. Du
ring this period the persevering Zeisberger had
several times -threaded the wilderness to the wa
tets of the Allegheny and Ohio, anti planted
new churches among the Delawares dwel ing '
there. (See Beaver and Venetian.)
Among the places visited by Moravian breth
ern of Friedenshuetten, was an Indian town
about thirty miles above, called Tsehechsche
quannink in the orthography of the mission,
• where a great awakening had taken place.
(This was old Sheshequin on the right bank of
the river, opposite and 'a little below the present
village of that name.) Brother John Rothe.
after permissron dtily Obtained from the Cayu
ga chief, took charge of this post as the resi
dent missionary. The chief in granting his
permission, gave encouragement that lie him
self would occasionally come to hear the " great
word"—being convinced that was the tight way.
Two Indian brethern assisted Mr. Rothe, and' ;
the station became a kind of chapel of vase"'
tm Frietlensimetten. About half a mile from
: Sheshequin the savages used at stated times to
keep their feasts of siteriti . ce. On these neen
sions they roved ahont in the neighbokhood like
so many evil spirits, making the air to resound
with their hideous noises and bellowings, but
they never approached near enough to molest
the brethern. Brother Rothe had the pleasure
to see many proofs of the power of the word of
God, and it appeared for some time as if aft the
people about Sheshequin would turn to the I
Lord. Smite time after, an enmity began to
show itself; some said openly, " cannot
lire according to the precepts of the brethern
if God hail intended us to live like them, we
should - certainly have been born amongst them."
Neverthelesi James Davis. a chief, and several I
others were baptized :
The missionaries lost no opportunity of eon- I I
eiliating the chiefs of the Iroquois, and olten in
vited them to dine as they passed through the '
settlement. these little attenthins made a favoia-
hle impression, and enabled the missionaries, in
familiar conversation, to remove misappreliew
shins, and allay unfituntled prejudices iv kirk hied
been entertained by the theinj
These chiefs noticed every thing that passed in
the village, anti looked with no little suspicion
mum the the surveying instruments used at the
settlement, regarding them as soma mysterious
contrivance to obtain the rand from the Indians.
The paintings in the church, of the crucifixion,
and the scene at the Mount of Olives, attracted
their admiration, and enabled thebrethern to ex
plain to them the history of our Lord, " which ,
produced in sonic a salutary thoughtfulness."
In 1771, there was an immense flood in the
- Sit:lnuit:ulna, and all the inhabitants at Shesbc
quill were 0111:2oti to save themselves in boats,
and retire to the woods, where they were de- I
mined four days.
The Six Nations !intim', by the treaty or
1768, sold their bind from under their feet,"
the brethren were compelled to seek a new grant
from the governor of Pennsylvania. who kindiy
ordered that they should not be disturbed. and
thafhe had ordered the surveyorslan to take up
any land within five miles °I Fric.tlenshuetten.
The brethern hail received many pressing in
vitations froze the Delawares on the Ohio to
leave the tinsquehanna, and the thangerous vicini
ty of the 1111 i ItY, and settle :mum ! : them. 'These
Were declined Willi 1772, WilVll the
iirctlwrn became convinced that the comgrei2a
nous could net maintain themselves long in
these parts. The Iroquois had sold their land,
and various trouldcsomcdentand,, u pon thrill wer e
comintinity renewed ; the comes; heiween
Conttecticut men and the Indians and Penamites
at I\ young! had commenced, White ;412114.1 - s daily
increased. and ram was introduced to seduce
the young people. They therefore finally re
solved to remove to Ohio.
Their exo(lua was remarkable. To trans
port 240 individuals of all secs, with cattle and
horses, from the Nuith Branch across4lie Alle-
Eheny mountains by Way of Bald Eigle, to the
Ohio, would be, even in these day's of locottio
t ice facilities, a most arduous undertaking. I►' hat
must it have been through that howling wil
derness 1 . fortunately niost : of the company : were,
natives. of .the. forest :esene is given in
the language of Loskiei, the annalist, of thu ni is
• June Otd, 1172. -The congregation pai
iook of the holy communion forthe last time in
Friedenslittetten. '- ' ' - '. 'June
Ittb. all being •ready for the journey, the eon
, gregation met for the last time at F.. *hen, the
missionary reminded them, p_ the great favors
and blessings received from', 'ottin i this place,
1 1 ,
up praises and tha
• ItsgiYings to him,
with fervent supplicationS' for:'l!iitti peace • and
protection on the journey.:'''Th6Fpgipany. con
sisted of 211 persons from Fried niihnetten and
proceeded with great ehetirfolwg.4 -in reliance
upon the Lord. I
'• Brother Ettwein coed _ (pd. those who went
by land, and brother Itri;; bnie by water, who
were the greater numlitri; L Thls.louracy ivas a
practical schnnl of par:* • g fu'rlthe missionaries.
The fatigue attending' ' r zmiglation of a whole
congregation,'With-g11" , le polls and cattle; in
a country like North.:: . 'Mario, .can. hardly be
conceived by any ; one 1w -bas pot experienced
it ; much less mar " be, propirly described.
The-land traveLtra, • .ail,'7o . leatlig Owns : 40, a
still greater rut* :43i9k!‘cP140
sustained incredible 'hardships in fincing
way for themselves and their beasts through
very thick woods and swamps of aonat extent,
being directed only by a small path, mid that
barely discernible in some placest; so that it ap
-pears almost impossible to conceive how one
man could work his way and mark a path that
such close thickets and immense woods, one
of which he computed to be about 00 miles
long. While passing through these woods it
rained almost incessantly. In one. part of the
country they were obliged - to wade till times
through the windings of the river Muasey, be
sides suffering other hardships. However: they
attended to their daily worship as re.rularty as
circumstadces would permit, and had frequently
strangers among them, both Indians and white
people. who were particularly attentive to the .
English disedoSes delivered by brother Ettwein.
The party which went by water were every
night obliged to seek a lodging on shore, and
suffered much from the cold. Soon after their
departure. from Friedenshunen, the measels
broke out among them,. and many fell sick, es
pecially the children,* The attention due to the
patients:neressarily increased the fidigue of the
journey. In some parts they were molested
by inquisitive, (probably in Me ‘Vyaming val
ley) and in others by drunken, people. The
many falls and dangerous rapids in the Susque
hanna occasioned immense trouble and frequent
delays. However, by the mercy of God, they!
passed safe by Shamokin, and then upon the
west arm of the river by Long Island to
Great Island, when they joined the land travel
lers on the 20th Juno, lout now proceeded all
together by land. When they arrived at the
mountains, they met with great didieulties in
crossing, them. fur, not having horses enoqgh
to carry all the baggage, m ast o f th e m we re
obliged to carry some part. During a eonsidera
hie part of the journey the rattlesnakes kept them
in constant alarm, as they lay •in great numbers'
either_in or near the road. These venomous
creatures destroyed sevtral of the horses, but the
oxen were saved by being driven in the rear.
The most troublesome plague in the Woods was
a kind of insect called by the Indians Pooh, or
hying ashes, from their being so small that I
tiny are hardly visible, awl their bite as painful
ad red-hot ashes. 'As slain as the evening fires
were kindled, the cattle, in order to get rid of
these insects, ran turiously towards the fire,
crowding into time smoke, by which our travel-,,
lers were much disturbed in their sleep and at'
meals. These tormenting creatures are met I
with in a tract or country which the Indians call ,
all place oroid, by all men." The following
eirmunstance g ave rise to this name : About : t1)
seats ago, anlndtan hermit lived upon a rock
in this neighborhood, and tied to appear to 1
travellers or homers iii different garbs, (tighten
iug some and murdering others. At length al
v a liant chief was to hirmnate as - to surprise and I
kill him. To this (rue account fabulous report
has added, that the chief, haying burnt the her
tnies hones to ashes. scattered them in the air
throughout the forest, and they became punks.
In another parlor the forest, the Gres and storms
had caused such confusion among the trees,
that the wood was almost impenetrable. Some
persons departed this life during the journey.
and among them a poor cripple, 10 11 years old,
who was carried by his mother in a basket on
her back. Our travellers were sometimes com
pelled to stay a day or tern in one place, tosup
ply themselves with necessaries of life. They
;hot upwards of 150 deer (wring the journey.
and found great abundance of fish. They like
wise met with a peculiar kind of turtle, about
the size of a goose, with a long neck, pointed
head, and eyes like-a dove..
July , 20th, they 1, ft the mountains and
rived on the hacks of the Ohio [now the Alle
gheny. 1 where they immediately built cantles
to semi dm ;wed and infirm with the Itea!vy bag
gage down the river. Two days aft, ran ants
they met brother iterkenwebtcr ;lint soma In
dian horses front niedenstadt, (in Beaver co.)
by whose aSAistance they arrived there on the
5111 Ate., and were received wit h every ma d ;
of affection by the ashole congregation."
[We N 1,211 ivr a further extrzet from th;s inlereging
b,%etch of licadf.rd Cowlly in .11r next.]
Vc arr Growing
Wr are growing old—how the thought will tin
Whin t glance i, backward cast,
On • kart reownilicred spot that lies
• In the 'Aimee Of tlw past
It may he the shimr of our early vows,
h the 4uub e.t u.trly tears:
But it coats to u. like .1 tar-id i>le.
In the slot my t.V3 of yours.
()h. W hi t ', and tvil I are the wares that pat(
OUr Fier loon grOa.lllll`..,
Anil we ruba the joy of runny a heart,
And the light of many.a brow ;
For t frOp 0 7 *.1f tunny a stately bark •
Have the whelping; billows rolled,
That steered us from that early mark—
Oh, friendri, we are growiug old. .
Ohl in the ditintesa and the dust
Of our daily toil and cares,
Old in the wrecks of love 3(1 , 1 tro=t.
Which row burdened memory herina.
Bach limn may wear to the pasting gaze
The bloom of litC's freslittes. yet,
And freatna ntay brighten our latter days,
Which the morning clever met.
But ph the changes we have seen,
In the far and winding way ; .
The graves in our trath.that have grown green, a
And the loch,. that hive gross it gray !
The wihters still on nor nwn may spare
The sable or the gobl ;
But we saw Otto stems upon brighter hair— •
And friend,. We are goo, int; old,
We have gained the world's cold wisdom now
We hose Latrioal,to paw,e and tear;
not where are the living fames whose tlow
Was a joy of heart to hear !
Wc have won the wealth of many a clime,
And the. lore of many a page;
On where is the hope that $055 in time
ihit its boundless heritage I
Will St conic again when the violet wakes.
And the woods their youth renew !
We lunar good in the light of tunny lottke,
Where the bloom wits deep aiul blue
Anil our souls might joy in the . , spring -Mite 'tali, •
But the joy was faint and c6ltir ,
For it ne'er could give us youth again
Of hearts ! that are grayling old,
Suppose you wore lotio a fug, what we you
tees; Ji4tAy . ..p.bF of course,
C I , , Z
CO -
The (tipsy pi the, Abruzzo.
Tim !On sonth east wind had prey:OW . aft
day, and va,t *gloom and languor over the love•
ly valley of Sahnona—a spot worthy of tIO-
Ing givro birth to the amlahlk NaSU ; that i•
poet. N% hose glowing imaginatioritaaio .
trutlront,ti •• charming agonies oflOvei
whos e Misery delights:" •
Waz. near to that spot still known .to the •
peasantry as La Bollega d'Ovidirit that •dlts!'
yonug Donna Coltman:l stayed her eager.pak.
Or; to let him drink of the limpid. stream
Foote Warners. Notwithstanding tire.
sick en i ng oppression of the malaria. now fast
pervading the heated breeze, the flush of bo o m,
and happiness sat upon the maitien 4 l,breif,
and the smile of youthful joy played around
her pouting lips. While , her horse sucked up
the vnoling draught, a voice from benedth &A
nd out in a low but musical tones, •• (lentil"
Donna," two several times before she could
reeognize whence it proceeded: , . •
" Genial' Donna." said. thwiinice,' a third
time. " thing a ducat on the margin - el , GliPonfe•
d'ilmore. and 111 readd - you your fortune." '
The lady now discerned the speaker where
he lay stretched at fu11..-length beneath the ,
thick olive that shaded one side of the sprink.
• ' fhs 18 110 hour to have fortune read,:'
replied the donita ; •• but here's a gold zealot)
for thy good wishes, for truly never did fortune
mere. Here. Andreas, rein up thy steed, anti
hear the coin to hint."
" -- rouph it pot, Nfeeser Andrene," elMrply
cried the first speAcr, nildresilingihe waiting
servitor; blister thy (Milers else:"
Andress instinctively started from the prof..
fared gold ; the speaker laughed, and m a sof
tened tone continued :
•• Fling it thnn upon the flowery turf. madd
ever verdant by the waters ul Ante
(r,drnorc: !line it freely down, and thy love:
lady, shall never know cross again."
A deep suirusiun passed over the cheek of
'.The baron is in sight, donna," announced
**Then let us ride on." eho replied, as, with
a 'look that st;innini to say, I wont(' herinorit,
it n er r i ,i,, n suited, shellung the cottidowarda'
the prophet ; and. ;,dying her spirited paprey
the rein, she galloped lightly towards the
•Your fortune is read, motto beak), and may.
your star never shine less brightly than suing
hour," cried the titan, springing up, and dis
playing, the well-known equipment of the
. Zingaro---one of a race, half bandit, half-gip
sy, who were, at this period, thickly located
about the wild mountain-track lying between
Isernia and and %%tending from the
lake of Celan° across the Alaronneand Itlatesse.
In his hand he bole a situ lull nipe feet long,
—this was Ins only apparent weapon ; from
his neck hung a rudely-formed guitar, a long
hair-net constrained his luxuriant black lock.,
and it large leafed hut lay back upon his
shoulders, sustained by a carrots , leather strap
passed across his forehead. His nether man
was clad in loose breeches of dark-yellow cot
ton, drawn tight below the knee ; a grease
shaped leathern gaiter covered his leg nearly
to the ankle. where it was met by the lacing
of the rude sandal, which ba:ely protected the
sole of the foot. A short closely-fitted jerkin
of dcer-skin, and a very large cupa of coarse
hiaek cloth, coinpleted the wardrobe of tho
very pirturesquednoking L outh, who, leaning
on his stall, watched the receding figure of the
hcantiitil Thero was a yellow ish
tint in his complexion which would bave . given
a sickly character to the countenance, but that
was more than cimilieracted by the lustrous
brightness of his large black eyes, the redness
of his lips, and a set of teeth, which, from
their sta.:will and whiteness, seemed formed
for eternity. In figure he Was about the mid
dle height: his limbs tight and long, denoting
both strength and elasticity.
As the cortege 01' the baron drew near,- the
youth thus minutely des en hed mo v e d roun d,
the, spring, and having picked trout the turf the,
piece ill gold. rapidly darted away ; and by the
aid of his ppte readily clearing the - Malty
Arran's which Illlerscrlea the meadow, 1113(10
lor the Olive-Llrove. which covered mite aide of
the, sleep hill leatliiiq to the easlidki.
This was the day of the festival of the pat..
rom,ailit °film monastery of the .'an itnziata,'
:mil of the sirocco, the Poron de'
ILrialva lad attends il the ceremony in cottipa. ,
ny with his niece. They had left the castle
at daybreak. and were now returning from the'
monastery accompanied try same of the neigh--
boring nobility: It was on this day; in-..the:
eldirch of the Alintinciala, Conatanza had. re.,
covered the smiles stolen front her brow„eyee
since the hour her uncle first announced, the,
fend which separstill her from Luigi Conradi-,
iii, her long 7 atlianced and heart-chosen
It was from the hand of a Mendicant palnii;rto
whom she tended alms, in the gloomy aisles of
the church, she received the electric touch
which imparted new life to her heart. It traS
from beneath that pil,, r i n e a h oo d the glances'
shot which hail kindled anew the fire of joy'
in her eves ; and it was to read the letter of
lore, hidden next her hinting heart. whose
Imes- i n d ee d, were in decide her, fate, that she
now .Porre(l 110110 . War(1 so Ireely, heedless - of,
tin heat of the x ,sun or air.
The.saine day was far advaneed, when the
eirt' stood Ousel befiire the noble gate of the-'
Cassell de Mirialra, and while tuning his gni- '
tar, the wanderer's "roostant recommendation..
disturbed tlw rest 411 the pa(11111:114 port. r who -
sat within its shade.
•• l't.:we..aittl q u it thy thrumming. nigne ;
thou cannot i•Xpcct to Aittal alight hertt,'7'growf.
IA the unmusical tittz tug what it (midst
thou 2" ' •
—Scimething, in cat. and e•timewlicre to slicly
ter ma within-these awple wall." replied the
youth, sadly ; see, you the threatening
, ltOrui '
. .
. .
1111"1 y nom: pow**
rEur rougrit rmic.]