Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 04, 1845, Image 3

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ant to notice Previously given, a meet
hthe colored citizens qt Bradford county
eld at Towanda for the purpose of calling
l inty - convention on the 16th ofJune next,
Eitt into consideration the propriety of call
s State convention. The meeting was or
!zed b calling DANIEL GREEN ta the
ir. Anti y
appointing J. C. Jouseor Secrets-
Ind after an interchange of sentimen.t the
' wing resolutions were passed unanimously
esolved, That there shaft be a meeting of
ord county to take into consideration the
: i v ty of the abolition question, and to con
with the adjoining counties 60 as to call
se convention - ,
4olved, That David Miller, Henry Butler
J o shua C. Johnson be appointed to address
e eeting. .
,Aced. That the object Of this meeting be
liheti in the papers of this place and signed
, l e officers,
S. COOPER, Cor. Secretary.
..Goodifor the Millions."
CST received at the Savings. Bank, a num
-I>er of tons of those cheap Groceries, which
e s our assortment complete. Those who
laic our cash establishment, ; will derive a
l e d advantage over those who purchase at
:stores who do business on credit system,
are not overcharged equivalent to the
q ueuce of those who never pay. No 5
a E .FLYNT & CO.
iIOCKERY.—A good am/talent, just
' received at - ,f
, ipe , 4. G. E—FLYNT.& CO.
Executor's islotice,
1.1: persons indebted to the estste of Sarni-
Cruti . mer, deceased, late of Monroe tp.,
requested to make immediate payment, and
having demands against the same are
erted to present them, legally -attested, for
N. ,'.:R..kNMER,
'l 4 .3:lree, June 4, 1845. Executors:
By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo.
issued from the court of common pleas
Oradford County, to me directed, I shall
I.pode to public sale at the house of Wm.
-ig;i in 'Towanda, on Thursday the 26th
v ~f June, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following
I::ribed piece or parcel of laud situate in
:e township of Wyalusing, bounded fai.l the
Irca by land of Austin Stallord, east by land
,erred by D. W. Brown, south by Meryall
)4,1 a,41 land of N.- Pi Brown, west by of
,nh Allen. Containing three acres or there-
filets, all improved with an apple orchard.
:ielLeti and taken into execution at the suit
4 John C. Adams vs. John Elliott and Charles
ilinnct, Adm's of the estate of Humphrey
(Drown deed.
A LSO—The following : tract
.of land situ.
Ite in Burlington township, Bradford county,
fa., bounded on the IMO by land formerly
;awned by P. Phelps, easrby land of VV. Knapp,
! wort, by hinds of Andrew and Isaac Swain,
;John Blackwell and Samuel & William 1%,1'
&eau, and west by lands of Geo. Sanderson ;
coutuntng; 300 acres or •thereabouts, about five
aays thereof improved, with one saw mill, one
radl Inimed house, one log house and album
,:aqi thereon.
ALSO—One other p;ece of land in Bur
lington township, bounded on the north and
~eat by lands of Isaac Swain, south and east
Iv nd.; of Samuel IWKean and public high.
; containing one acre all improved, one
Lined house and a small orchard thereon.
st;ized and.taken into Occution at the suit
of Otis Lincoln to the use of John B. Yord vs.
Jalt Ir mom.
ALSOL-By virtue of a writ of Levari Fa
r:ai; a uertain piece or parcel of land, situate in
the township of Wysoi, in the County of
lka,tford, bounded northwardly by iands of
- Wm. Myer dec'd; and the pond Hill road, and
aestwardly by S. & J. Owens' land and by .
of Jacob Myer and H Stropes land,
r:outhwardly by Joseph Conklin, D. E. Bar
tut., and S. CAolbaugh, eastvvardly by S. Pat
'rick's land. I 'ontaining two hundred acres &
: : itty"-six perches, with about one hundredacres
improved, with two dwelling houses, one barn,
ens wagon house and wood shed thereon erect
ALSO—One other lot beginning at a corner,
is the-north tine of S. T. Barstow's home farm,
thence north 32° east 40 and 5.10 perches to
a corner, thence south 52° east - 125 p, to a
earner, thence south 52° west 40 and 5-10
perches to - a corner, thence north 52°, wit 120
perches to the beginning. Containing - thirty
acres, being only the undivided six4ninths of
the vaid two tracts, twenty-six acres thereof im
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Jacob Myer and Jacob Myer, now to the use
orJohn Knowles vs. E. R. Myer Adm's. of
Wm. Myer dec'd.
Sheriff's Office,
Towanda, May 30, 1845 S , •
caarazs . ,6lTai
rim E sustribers now have 'on handall kinds
Jiof Merchandise for the Season, and altho'
tlicy do not pledge themselves to sell lower by
10 or 20 per cent. than their neighbors, yet
y do pledge themselves to sell as low for cash
ag can be bought at any house in town, Elmira,
Owego or Binghamton.
May 20, 1345. 11.1411 X 4- SONS'.
ra UTTER and all kinds of prodder. wanted
II in'exchange for Goods by
May 20: MIX & SONS':
ROCERIES; a full assortment of, which
‘.lll - may be fobnd lawat MIX 4 SO'SS'.
UFA RD WARt off' every description for sale
8..1. low at Mc( & SONS'.
late styles for sale at MIX & SONS'.
DRY GOODS of every description, Cloths,
eassimeres, Sattinetts, Worsteds and
Linens for the gentlemen ; Silks, Satins, Bat
zarines, French 4. English Lawns, Delaines and
every variety of goods and patterns for the La
dies, at - MIX k SONS'.
yirAS.just received a fresh supply of Spring
RA and Summer Gocids 'which he pledges
himself to sell as low for cash, as can be bought
in this village or elsewhere in this longitude—
and every article warranted to be a? good as it
Towanda, May 15, 1845.
A FIRST RATE ARK, and lots of ARK
ba. ROPE for sate by
W. H. tAtRD & CO.
No• 3 Brick Row
May 14.,
111CDY virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo., issued
JED from the court of common pleas of Brad
ford county, and to me. directed, I shall expose
to public sale at the house of E. Itaynsford in
Troy, on Thursday the 26th day of June, at
1 o'clock P.M., the following described lot
of land situate in South Creek township,boun
ded on the north by Ebenezer Dunning and J.
Chace, on tho cast by Wm. flout, on •the
south by John B. Townsend and John Allen
deed, and west by lands of the Bingham es
tate. Containing about 200 acres of land be
the same more or-less; with about fifty acres
improved, with a small orchard, a log house
and a framed barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
0. P. Ballard vs. Philo Fassett jr.
J. N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, .2 .
Towanda, May 23, 1845. -
Esr OF JURORS drawn for Special
. Court June 23, t 845. .--
Franklin—Samuel Annable,
Wysoz—Wm. E. Bull,
Ridgbery—John Burt, Geo. Baltlwin, Dtmicl
Towanda tp.—Joseph Brown,
Orwell-rGyrus Cook, Asa M'Kee, I. Chub-
Springfield—lsaac Cooley, Frederick Leonard,
George Sergeant,
Durell—J. K. Emery,
Granville—A. M. Fitch. Hiram Keeny,
Pike—Ralph Gregory, Nelson Rose, J. Hodge,
Isaac Seymour,
Monroe—S. S. Hinman,, •
Wells—A Ingalls, John - -Rowlee, W. Shepard,
Henick—Wm. C. Knapp,
Springhill—Samuel Lake-,
Towanda boro.—T. B. Overton.
COlumbio z _...—Bbenezer Pierce, John Wolf. •
Athens tp.—J. L. N. Spalding.
Smithfield-;—Seth 'Salisbury.
Leroy—S. Vantleet.
Warren—Joseph Wheaton.
;,Burlington—James Wilcox.
Canton—C. C. Wright.
WHAT goods were never so cheap in the
world before as they are this spring,—if
any do who wish to buy goods for casb,
let themca 1 and see at
May 22 O. D. B ARTLE TT'S.
-IVOTICE is hereby given to the enrolled
IN Malitia within the bounds of the 2d Bri
gade 9th division P. M., that they will meet in
Battalions and Regiments for inspection as fol
lows: the Ist Bat. 3d Reg. (formerly 129th)
will meet on Monday the 23d day of June neat.
2d Bat. same 'Reg., on Tuesday the 24th.—.
Ist Bat. 4th Reg. (formerly 156,) on Wednes
day the 25th. 2d Reg. (formerly 21st,) on
Friday the 27th. Ist Reg. (formerly 15th) on
Saturday, the 28th. 2d Bat. sth Reg. on
Monday the 306 i. Ist Bat. same Reg. on
Tuesday the first day of July, at such places as
the several commanding ofLers may direct.—
Adjutants and Captains of companies are also
notiticd and required to have their roll copies
ready for delivery, and also their list of absen
tees properly authenticated as the law directs.
W. E. BARTON, Inspector,
Inspector's Office, "Z 2d Brig. 9th
E. Smithetelda,May 17, 1845. S Div., P.M.
constantly on hand and for sale cheap at
13 A LAD'S Nu. 3, Brick Rom.
or less quantity at
BAIRD'S 10.3, Brick Row.
T wo ton assorted lion just received at
AFIRST RATE assortment of Leghorn,
Straw and other BON NE I'S of the la
test style , just received and fur sale lower for
carp than you ever bought, by
May 26. ' - • O.D. BA RTLETT.
Not to be Undersold by any Live Man
OTHER than to have one cash custo.
Alt; mer suffer. The subscribers have made
extensive arrangements whereby all kinds of
goods can be purchased at their real valuC.—
Economists are requested to call at the Savings
Bank and examine our stock of Groceries which
we are selling at unprecedented low prices.
• May 26. G.E. FLYNT & CO.
Keep it before the People,
roHAT G.,E. FLYNT & CO. arc receiv
ing the largest and best- assortment of
Thy Goods and Groceries, and are selling very
Keep it before the People,
That credit and lumber prices are high, and
that cash prices are exceedingly low.
Keep it before the People,
That Cash will do wonders in the way of buy
ing goods cheap.
Keep it before the People,
that G. E. Flynt & Co. aro actually selling
goods for cash, at prices from 15 to 20 per
cent cheaper w than they were ever known be
fore,—call and see.
Keep it before the People,
That Goods of all descriptions can he purcha
sed as, cheap as at Elmira, Owego, or even
Binghamton. Be sure atid call at
G. E . FLYNT & CO'S.
HANGINGS, a first-rate assort-
meet at G.E.FLYNT & CO'S.
eIARPETINGS, Ingrain and Cotton Car
_ peting, some beautiful patterns at
May 20. G-.E.FLYNT do CO'S.
iALM LEAF HATS of all qualities and
descriptions at the new store of
May 20. G. E. FLYNT & C 0,7;
RIMY virtue of a writ of Vendittoni Exponas
MIP: issued from the court of common pleas
of Bradford county, to ilia directed, I shall ex
pcise to public sale at the house of Win. Brigs
in the Borough of Towanda, on Thursday the
19th day of June neat at one o'clock
: P.
M., the following described fat of land sitaate
In Asylum township. bounded on the north by
lands of Matthias F Lanning, on the cast by
lands of Samuel Harlon], on the south by lands
of David Thurston, on the west by lands of
Edrick Preston. Containing 50 acres more or
less, about 110 acme improved, with two log
houses and-one tog barn thereon erected.
Seized and Caked in pteeution at the suit of
Icghtim 4 Hortoh vs,Daniel Vorgason.
J. N. WESTON, Sheriff.
, Sheriff's Office,
Towanda, May 15, 1845. 5
TEAPOLITAN, Dover braids, and Lace
111 Lawn Bonnets, for sale low by
MAy 12; C: REED:
IS HEREBY GIVEN that there will be ex- -
posed to public sale at the Exchange Hotel
in Monroeton, on the 7th day of JUNE•next,at
1 o'clock, P. M., $lBO TOWANDA' BANK
money, to the.highest bidder for cash.
By order of the board of School t iirectors;-
.I.H.PHINNEY, Treasurer.
Monroeton, May 21, 1845.
North Branch Canal.
lIVOTICE is hereby given that the Books of
COMPANY will be - opened on TUESDAY
the seventeenth day of June art, at two
clock in thellfternoon at the Phcenix Hotel in
-Wilkesbarre, Pa., where thc undersigned, Com
missioners under the law for that purpose en
acted, will attend. to receive subscriptions for
stock for said company.
G. M. Hollenback,CheSter Butler,
Sam"' Hollind, Geo. P. Steele,
E. W. Sturdevant,Garrick Mailery,
Rob't A; Parrish,- G. L. Ward,
V. E. Pinllet, N. Overfield.
S. D. Phelps, Henry Stark. -
William Colt, S. F. Headley,
Wm. M'Kelvy, George Mack. •
Joseph Priestly,
_Thos. P. Cope,.
Henry King. Elihu Chauncey,
Henry Drinker.
"Wilkeabarre, Pa., May 14, 1845.
A RE now opening at their store a beautiful
Aolk and cheap lot of SUMMER GOODS,
direct from the City, which will be sold for
Cash, as low as can be bought at " The 'Sa
vings Bank," or at any store in town—call and
Towanda. 19th May, '45.
8.7111 TH 4 . * StJ3W,
RESPECTFULLY inform that they stilt
continue the manufacture of Saddles,
Bridles, Harness, &c., in Col. Mix's building;
next door to J. C. Adams' Law Office, where
they will keep constantly on hand, and manu
facture to order,
Elastic Web, Common and Quilted
OiLD):3 l .lago
Carpet Bags,
Valises, 4.c. 4-e.
and Military Work
Carriage Trimming
done to order.
Mattrasses, Pew and Chair Cushions made
on shun notice and reasonable terms.
The subscribers hope by doing, _their work
well. and by a strict attention to business, to
merit a share of public patronage.
Towanda, May 21, 1845.
Corner of the Public Square & Main Street.
TIDE larmest and cheapest lot of goods ever
otrereS in Bradford County is now open
ing at the above store. The most fashionable
Goods of the season, such-as Balzarines, Lawns,
&c., with every variety of Print manufactured
in the 'United States. All the new styles d
Summer Goods for Gentlemen boys and youth.
BOOTS .q• SHOES of any quantity and
any price.
"XI doz. HATS at the lowest possible pies.
GROCERIES of all kinds and HARD
WARE in abundance.
Returning sincere thanks for the very liberal
patronage they have heretofore received, they
pledge themselves to sell as cheap as goods of
the same quality can be
.purchased in this or
any of the neighboring villages. We would
therefore advise our friends to call before pur
chasing elsewhere.
May 12, 1845, .
ALZARINES, Lawn Ginghams, and
CV French Lawns for Ladies' dresses for
sale by C. REED.
G. E. rit.xvrr Zs CO.,
WOULD respectfully announce to the
inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity,
that we are receiving an entire new stock of
Goods, at
No. 5, Tracy's New Block,
Two doors below Tracy & Moore, Main street,
consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Boots 4. Shoes ; and for the
Ladies we have a good assortment of MILLI
NERY GOODS. Besides, Ten Thousand
Notions, not to be enumerated, all of which
were purchased under the auction hammer, ex
pressly for this market, and will be sold without
reserve, and Positively Much Cheaper than at
any other establishment in Towanda. All who
favor us with a call, may be assured that their
interest will be to call again.
GO" Be sure you are right—No. 5, Tracy's
New Block. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO.
Towanda, May 12, 1845.
Competition in the Shade !
JUST RECEIVED, a full assortment of
superfine French, English and American
CLOTHS. Together with a full assortment
of medium, and low price black, blue black and
fancy colors; fancy Cassimeres; Sattinets of
'various styles and - colorls, making an assort
went of Cloths complete. Also, Trimmings,_
Of the best quality, constantly on hand. Pur
chasers of Cloths and Cassimeres will promote
their own interest by calling at the New Store,
whom all kinds of Goods are selling unusually
ow. 0 E FLYNT & CO.
ING, an endless quantity, just received by
May 12. G.E.FLYNT &
A FEW CORDS of French, English and
American PRlNTS—rich patterns, at
May 12. . G.E.FLYNT & CO.
I.EAPOLITAN, Florence & Straw BON
NETS, of all qualities and prices. Chas
meleon Ribbon!, Artificials, Ruches, &c. at the
UMMER STUFFS—in all their variety,
0 selling cheap at
May 12. G. E :FLYNT Zr. CO:8
. --
PAPER HA NGING S.—A fast rate assort
ment of Wall and Curtain Paper at the
cheap store of W. IL BAIRD & CO:
17.o.1 „ an.orz. mow 8
/SHE subicriber has just returned from N.
York With a splendid' assortment of
Spring and Summer goods. which he . offers
for sale at least fifteen per ;Cent. cheaper than
goods have even been; or ever will Iresolil in
this borough. His stock consists of
and domestic Dry Goods, such as French, En
glish and Ainerican Cloths, Cassimeres,Satti
netts, Kentucky Jeans, .Summer stuffs:. A
splendid assortment of Prints of all prices, also
a full supply of Brown and Bleached goods,
also, Fancy Goods, such as Linen Handker
chiefs, Black, Blue Black, Plaid, and .striped
Silks, Thread and Muslin Edgings, Ladiei and
Gentlemeni Cravats, Bonnet Ribbons, Damask
and Mouselin de Lain Shawls, Farasols and a
thousand articles too numerous to mention.
GROCERIES—Divot, Loaf and Crushed
Sugars, St. Croix, Portirico and New Orleans
Molasses, Cognise. and American Brandy, Hol
land Gin, Teas, &c., also
Crockery, Glass, Nails, Hardware &c. &c.
All persona desirous of purchasing goods
low, will do well to give him a call before'pur
chasing elsewhere.
Butter, Eggs, Cheese and Grain taken in
payment for Goods. CHARLES REED.
No. 2 Brick Row.
Towanda, May 12, 1845.
~_ ~
~~~ i3:~i~"~+
im%` i
WLCOX & SAGE have associated
themselves in the Boot and Shoe Mak
ing business, in the borough of 'Towanda, and
may ho found at the old stand of S. Hathaway,
lately occupied by Elkanah Smith, near 1. - H .
Stephens' Exchange Hotel, where they solicit
a share of public patronage. They intend, by
a carefel selection of stock, and by attention to
the interests of their customers, to make as neat
and durable work as can be manufactured in
this portion of the country.
They keep constantly on hand, and will ma
nufacture to order, morocco, calf and coarse
boots and shoes; Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and
slips; children's do.; gent's gaiters and pumps,
&c., &c. JOHN W. WILCOX,
Towanda, May 14, 1845.
• &&..ma17.1 walavaatao.
EPSOM SALTS, Plor. Sulphur, Roll
Brimstone, Sup. Carb. Soda, Tartark
Acid, Castor Oil, Preston's pure extract de Le
mon, extract of Sarsaparilla, vials 4-c. for sale
cheap at BAIRD'S,
May 14. No . 3 Brick Row.
KOZITOz SEDPl_lfil*Olgt/1
A perfect Jam at N 0.3 Brick Row!
are in the first boats, with a large and
well-s.leeted assortment of merchandise in ge
neral. In the line of
we cannot enumerate but a small number of
articles, but beg leave to say for the benefit of
the Ladies, that we have a splendid assortment
of Pandora muslinb, gingham =Anis, organ
des, balzarines, muslin de laines, (new styles)
painted muslins, Scittch and French ginghams,
striped tapered jaconet, (a beautiful article for
white dresses) 200 pieces French, English and
American Prints, comprising some of the most
choice and fashionable styles; summer shawls
and cravats, Victoria skirts, bonnet lawns, oiled
silk, black gro de Rhine silk, bobinett, Grecian
tarleton and silk lace, black silk veil lace, mus
lin edging and base' ting, Lisle thread and linen
edging, light and dark kid Gloves, pie nic and
cotton do., linen pocket handkerchiefs, fans,
Bonnet Ribbons, a great variety ; 20 boxes Ar
tificials, white and black bugle beads ; cotton,
gingham and silk Parasols and Sun shades, the
best assortment ever exhibited in Towanda.
Black and light-colored kid slips, buskins and
ties, do. do., gaiters and half gaiters, misses
slips, shoes, &c. Combs, toilette brushes, &e.
Diamond lawn, shirrd lawn, fluted lawn, wit
low, modena,. plain straw, and Rutland straw.
Ladies' and misses' Bonnets. Also, 100 Leg
horn Bonnets, comprising plain Florence braid,
shell and almond braid, diamond and peddle
braid, shell and imperial do., bird's eye, ditto.
Ladies' and misses' Neapolitan lace, misses'
Leghorn fiats, straw cords and tassels, et.c.dic..
we are just opening 20 pieces, different styles,
plain and striped double and single milled Cas
simcres. Broadcloths and Satinetts, alt colors
and qualities; Summer Cloths, for men and
boy's wear, by the piece or less quantity ;
bleached and brown sheeting, and shirting,;
suspenders, elastic vest backs, &c.
100 doz. Palm leaf hats, 20 doz. Leghorn
do., 5 cases Fur do., white, drab and black.
A very heavy stock of Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery, 4c.,
We are prepared to sell at wholesale or re
tail, and wilrdo so as low, (if not a little low
er,) than the same qualities can be bought at
any store within 100 miles of this place, for
ready pay. And by way of encouraging the
honest and industrious " tillers of the soil," we
will exchange any of our goods for Good But
ter, or Produce of almost any kind. Those,
therefore, who have wisely come to the conclu
sion that it is not policy to get in debt to
the merchants, will be enabled to exchange the
products of their labor for all articles necessary
to their comfort and convenience.
Yours, is haste,
Towanda, May 5, 1845.
ob BALES Portsmouth SHEETING, the
heaviest and best in market, for sale cheap
at BAIRD'S, go 3, B R.
1.000 Li3S. COTTON YARN;—
Also, white and colored Cai=
pet warp, cotton wick, &c., for sale by
May .5. BAIRD'S, No:3, 13:R.
2TONS NAILS, just arrived, and for sale
cheap as tho cheapest, at
May 5.
~ BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B. B.
INDOW GLASS, all sizes; also Co.W
pal Varnish, lampblack, putty, - &c.,
by BAIRD et, CO.'s, .15 - o. 3, B . R.
RUlT—Raisins by the box, halt bet and
K 1 quartet box. Also, Orangea and Lemons.
May 5. BAIRD'S, No., B. R.
Grant's Woolen Factory,- Ithaca
VV lr p , i L ace h s tiv to e an . AgentCaltotroifnolltl kindsowing
for Wool on as good terms if,not better, than
at any other Factory in the tate, and oust
that every man will call and examine . for them
selves before trading. - •
Will he at IL Johnerin's Leßayiville Monday
• and. Tuesday June 2d and W.
H. Passmore's Home Wednesday June 4th.
Ira H. Stephens Towanda Thursday and Fri-
day June sth and 6th.
;liathaniel Moody . Sheshequin Saturday and
Monday Juno 7th and 9th. -
John Watkins Athena Tuesday June 10th.
Brigham's Tavern Factory vile Wednesday
June 11th.
The assortment will maid of GRANT'S
Celebrated Sheep's Grey Cloth,
Also, a ienerat„assortment of Black, Blue
black Adelaide, Invisible Green, Brown and
Steel Mixed
Farmers can realize from 20 to 25 per cent,
more than by disposing of it any other way.—
We hOpe you will call and examine the weight,
body, and quantity of stick in each yard of the
above mentioned Cloths, before purchasing
The highest price paid for Wool, and Cloth
at the wholesale Factory price.
All those who had cloths last year, to pay in
wool this year will bring it in without fail.
Ithaca, May I,' 1845.
PERSONS knowing themselves indebted
to the subscriber, are hereby notified that
they must "fork over." Moreover this re
quest knows no distinction of persons, but calls
on each and every one in debt to him to pay
up, that be may serve his creditors with the
same sauce. " J. M. GILLSON.
Towanda, April 22, 1845.
Nay be bad at the Old Stand of
LE° go t rao Chollo- 1 .210Tra19
WHO arenow receiving a new assortment
of GOODS, which are offered for low
er prices for cash, than goods have ever been
sold in Bradford County.
Towanda, May 1, 1845.
Z02,1002.212/111U'ECYT 8
EACH and every person knowing them
selves to be indebted to the late firm of
Mow/.Astra & BETTS, are respectfully request
ed to attend to this last call, to settle and pay the first of June next, or their accnuot
or note will he left with a proper officei for col
lection, without further delay.
March 6, 1846. J.D.MONTANYE.
lif_4lllCo . 4 ,a 'D!!E• 9
A' - 'kN the 26th April, on Main street, between
LP Mr. Conklin's and the Waterin ,, Trough,
Black Silk Lace VEIL. The finder is re
quested to return it to this office or
Towanda, May 5, 1845.
ETTERS Testamentary having been
N Granted to the subscribers, on the estate
of Deborah Ennis, late of Standing Stone;
Decd. Those indebted to said estate are here
by requested to make payment, and those hav
ing claims, will please present them duly attes
ted for settlement to
Standing Stone, April 30. Executors
A FRESH supply, making a complete as
sortment of IRON just received and for
sale low by 0. D. BA RTLETT
George Sanderson;
,& 1 0.1 1 01g1=1"a a lIEW
HAS REMOVED his office to the North
side of the public square; Business en
trusted to his care, by letter or otherwise, will
receive prompt attention.
Towanda, April 3. 1845.,
• _____
ARRANGEMENTS have been made by
the subscriber, by which he can facilitate
the transaction of business at the Pension Of
fice, Having had considerable experimice in
procuring Pensions, he flatters himself that he
can give the necessary information to those who
may call on him in this branch of business.
Office North side of Public Square.
Towanda, April 5, 1845;
VLt SALT; just .""et and2oo for-sale
May 5. BAIRD'S, IVI. 3, B. B.
!RAVELING Baskets acil Reticules, a
pi great variety at BAIRD'S.
KATENT Brooms, tyke selves,
tea servers; looking glasees, etc., at
May 5. BAIRD'S, No. 3, 3. It,
497 BUSHELS WHEAT, and any
quantity of Corn, Rye, Buck
wheat, Flax seed, Dried Apples an Maple
sugar, for sate cheap, by
May 5. ,BAIRD & CO. IVo. 3, B; R.
'aIIDDINTS & OILS.--Puts Linseed Oil,
lir spirits turpentine, dry White lead, ditto
ground in oil, spanish browb, do. while, gum
copal, glue, &c., can be bad cheap at
May 5; B IRD'S, 2Vo. 3; 8.R.,
Executor s Notice,
• LL persons Indebted to the estate of
tick Cummings, deeetiseil, late of Sheshe
quin tp., are requeined to - Take immediate pay
ment, and all those having demands against
the sarde Ore requested to present them, legally
attested; far Settlement:
Shashequin, May 15; 1815, Esecutors.
lkubseiElLrlza: •
- • •
Seep, it Before the People
HAT the Old Drug Siete, West-Sistine
the Puhlic Square, is now receiving,tha'
largest assortment of Drugs and Medicines evet
offered in this matket, among which are the
following, viz
do. Quinine,
Eng. Calomel,
'loth& Potassa,
Red Precipitate,.
White do.
Bine Macir,. •
Nit Silver,
Quick do.
'ut. Antimony,
Valerian Root; •
Seneca -
Gention do.
Pub , . Jalap;
Ext. ' do.,
Pink • doe
Ext. Colycinth,
do. Gentian.
do. Cicuta,
do. Hyosciamus, Adhesive PEs.sfee,
do. Teraxemn, Canibarides,
Spring and Thumb Lanceti, Lancet cases Eke. ;
The attention of PHYSICIANS iseparticu
billy invited to the above articles, they being
just received from one of the most respectable
bosses in New York and will therefore beisvar-r
rented pure and free horn adulteration in alt
eases, and' disposed of at very tow prices.• -
Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Peppermint; Rose-r
mary, Worniseed, emlock,Sassafrass. Lemon,.
Lavander, Bergamot, Aniseed, ClovesOuniper,
Amber, Cajput, Caraway, Monard, Fennel, Al
mond. Origannm, Cedar, Amber, &c., &c.
The most popular of the day, such as Dr:
fayne's Expectorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild.
Cherry, Sands Sarsaparilla, Dr: Jayne's Cars
manitive, Balsam Hoarhound, Turtington's
Pink Expectorant Syrup, Bateman's Drops,
Andersons do., Lamott's Cough do., Liquid-
Opodeldoc, Balsam Honey, Preston Salts, Mrs.
Gardners Balsam Liverwort and Hoarhound,
Dr. Spoons', Digestive Elizor,Dr. Monne Eli'.
of Opium, Dr. Benjamin Godfrey's Cordial,
Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, Cheesmen's Arabi
an Balsam, Balm of Columbia, Butler's Mag.-
nesian A parient, Henry's do., Dr. Thompson's
Eye Water, British Oil, Ffarlern Maccassar
do., Bear ' s do., Grave's Hair do., Croton do.,
together with many others to numeronti to men
Compound. Cathartic, Gregory's ifoopcii
Female, German, Lees Windham Billions,
Miles' Tomatto, Brandreth's, Wright's Indian
Vegetable, Dr.
,Phinney's, Wetistees, Moats
and Bitiers, Alebasies, Bishops, &c..
White ' Red and Black Lead, Chrome Greet',
Cbto me Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue,
Rose Pink, Sugar Leal], Litbarge, Blue Smelts,
Venetianlle a t! Vermillion , Turmeric, Annatto,
Indigo, Co ras,A Rum, Crude, Tartar, Cochi
neal, Solution of Tin, Verdigris, Bine Vitro!,
Glass 7by 9, El,by 10, and 10 by 12, Putty ?
Linseed Oil, &c., ecc.
Towanda, May 21, 1845:
jN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Bradford County, there wilt be
exposed to public sale on the premises, on Wed- ,
nesday the 15th day of January, 1845, at ono
o'clock a certain lot of land, situate in
the borough of Towanda, bot.nded and deecri.
brd ns follows : on the north by land of Wm.
Mix ; on the east by River street; on the west
by land 'of John N. Weston, and on the south.
by a certain lane leading 'from Main street tcr
the aforesaid river street; said lot measuring
75 feet on River street and 112 feet on the
aforesaid lane, with a two story frame dwelling
house ihereea.
Credit will be given for o pert'on of the pur
chase money. Attendance will be given by
the subscriber at the time and place aforesaid,
terms of sale more folly inside known.
Towanda, December 16, 1844.
The above sale is adjourned to Saturday, the'
2st day of J une next, at the house of Wrn:
Briggs, at ! o'clock P. M.
ted himself at MONROE, for the prat ,
uce of his profession, and will. bo pleased to
wait on those requiring his services. lie may
be found at J. L. Johnson's tavern.
Reletence may be inade to Drs. Hesrox A
Itliso:*, of Towanda. April 23, 1845.
Fashionable Tailoring !
fully inform the public that he still con:
tinues at his oh! stand on the westside of Main
street, bet Ween KingSbegy's and 13artlett's
stores: hp stairs, where he may he found in
readiness to all work in his line in a style not
to bo surpassed in Bradford candy. Prices to
suit the times. Thankful for past favors, he
respectfully solicits a continuance and hopes by
strict attention to business and accommodating
terms to merit , patronage.
The Spring and :Summer PASHIONS Lai.°
just bteh reteived, am) he is prepared to make
garments - in the most fashionble manner.
Particular attention paid to CUTTING, anti
warranted to fit if properly triode up.
He bas - the latest Spring and Summer rash-
Ilona for sale.
Towanda, May 14, 1845
♦ LL persona indebted io the estate of Reck-
AIL ben Conklin, late of Towanda borough
deceased, are fequested to timko itntnediate pay
ment, ebdall those baying delnanda against the
same are requested to present them, legally at;
tested for 'settlement:
W, W. GOODRICH, Executor:
Towanda, May 15, 1895.
'BURTON KlNGSBERY.infortnsthbphb.
lie generally that he has just received di
rect from New York City, his Spring stock of
Goods. It comprises a very getfeial assort
ment of Dry Gooits, Gtoceriee, Hardware &c.
His goods have been selected With much ram
and will he sold as Cheap as can be bought trk,
Towanda. Call in and see- if it is not so t
Towanda, April 30, 1.845.
i► having forhied a co-partnership for the
practice of law in Biadford ahtl the adjoining
countiers, will give prompt and careful attention
to all buainesa entrusted to their charge. Their
office Will be found in Towanda, No. 2,' Bri c k
Row,' on the second .floor, where one or the
other may be found nt, ell business !lours,
Towanda, January 6, 1845,