Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 28, 1845, Image 1

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The Wife's ippeal.
y o u took me, William, when a girl,
into your home and heart, I .
To Lear in all your after life,
fond and faithful part ;
And tell ine,haie I ever tried
That duty. to forego,
9. grieved because I had no joy
Mein you Were Bunk in woe?
Vcould rattier share your tears
Than any other's glee,
fu: though you're nothing to the world,
You're all the world to me,—
iTou make a palace of my -shed,
Tills rough•hewn bench a throne ;
There's sunlight for me in your smiles,
And music in your tone.
:look upon you when you sleep,
yy eyes with tears grow dim
I cly." 0 parent of the poor,
Look down from Heaven on him.:
Belanla him toil from day to day,
Ezhausting strength and soul ;
Oh ! look in mercy on him, Lord,
I- For thou canst make him whole."
Ahd when at .last relieving sleep
has on my eyelids smiled.
How oft have they forbid to close
lo slumber by our child !
I take the little murmurer,
'ist spoils my span of rest,
And feel it is a part of thee
I lulled it to my breast.
There's only one return I crave,
I may not`-need it king ; ,
And it may soothe thee when I'm where
The wretched feel no wrong ;
I ask not for a kinder tone,
For thou wert ever kind ;
I ask •not for less frugal fare,—
My fare I do not mind. •
I ask not for attire more gay,
If such as I have got
Suffice to make me fair to thee.
Fur more I murmur not :
But I would ask some of the hours
That you on" dubs" bestow,—
Of knowledge which you prize so much,
May I not something know
Sul , fract from among th cm,
Each eve an hour for me;
)1;:kc me companion of your soul,
As I may safely be
If sou will read, sit and work,
Then think when you're away ;
Lc:: tedious I shall find the,time,..,
Winiarn r if you stay.
A meet companion soon I'll be
For your most Studious hours;
And teacher of those little ones
You call-your cottage flowers'
And if we be not rich and - great,
We may be wise and kind,
And as my heart can warm your heart,
So may your mind my mind.
I The Printer.
Know ye the printers, hour of peace
Know yc an hour more fraught csithl joy
Than ever, felt.the maid of Greece
Mica kissed by Venus' am'rous boy ?
"Tis not when news of dreadful note
His columns ail with minion fill,
lis:not when brothel printers quote
The effusion of his stump-worn quill.
Pis not when in Miss Fancy's glass,
Long advertisements meet his - eye,
And seem to whisper as they pass,.
We'll grace your columns by-and•by.
Nor is it when with numerous names:
His lengthened 101 l of vellum swells,
As if 'twas touched by conjurer's wane,
'Or grew by fairy's magic spells.
No, reader, no,•the printer's hour--
ills hour of real" sweet repose,
!'s not when, by some magic power,
Ills list of patrons daily grows.
Idol, oh! 'tia when stern winter dear
Conies robed in snow and rain and vapor
tie hears, in whispers soft and clear,
" We're come to pay you for the paper ?'
Twilight Dews.
When twilight dews are falling fast
upon thq rosy sea;
I watch the star whose . beam so soft,
Has - lighted me to thee:
And thou too, on. that orb so dear,
Ah (lost thou gaze at even,
And think Sough lost forever here,
Moult yet be mine in Heaven.
7 . 1 There's not a garden walk I tread
There's not a flower I see ;
But brings to mind some hope that's fled,
Some joy I've lost with thee:
And still I wish that hour was near,
4 When friends and foes forgiven:
The'pains the ills we've wept thro' here
. 1 - f, May turn to smiles in Heaven.
[From Chambers' Edinburg Review.)
A Short Sketch of John Sobieski.
The life of John Sobieski, the intre
pid Polish patriot; is one of the most
interesting which can be offered within
the scope of royal biography, and can-
not fail to be of universal acceptation.
Joining all the spirit of ancient chivalry
to Christian piety, and an - extraordinary
desire to secure the independence of his
country, he finds few parallels in his
tory, and can, perhaps, be compared
only to our own Scotish hero, Sir Wit
ham Wallace, though far surpassing
ing tum in the magnitude of his war
like operations, and their effects on the
condition of Europe. While exciting
our admiration of his conduct, he is
equally entitled to our grateful rever
ence, for he was the savior of Christen
dom ; and but for his exertions, that
might not have been a vain threat which
destined the altar of St. Peter's to be
come the' manger of the Moslem's
John Sobieski was descended from
an illustrious Polish family, and. was
born in the summer of 1629. The
education of the future hero, like that
of his elder brother Mark, correspond
ed, to his high fortunes. In his father's
princely inhdritalice of Zelkiew, he was
taught not only the theory of war, but
languages. history, politics, philosophy
=every thing in fact, likely to be use
ful to one of his birth and connections
destined to the first office in the state.
His ready genius required little aid
from instructors, and his active frame
was rendered hardy by martial eier-
Whether listening to the conn-
sels of a lather, whom a cultivated un-
derstanding and great experience in the
world rendered the best of teachers, or
bearding the wild boar in the recesses
of his patrimonial forests, he afforded
sure presages of his future eminence.—
But the more agreeable of his occupa.
lions was in anticipating the vengeance
which he vowed one day to take on the
Osmanlis, or Turks, the continued ene
mies of his country, his religion and
his race.
Our young hero had scarcely attained
his sixteenth year, when he and Mark
were sent on their travels. In France
he became the friend no less than the
pupil of the great Conde : in Italy he
applied himself to the fine arts, to pub
lic law, and to the policy of princes ;
at:Constantinople he leisurely survey
ed the proportions of the formidable an
tagonist against which, both as a Chris
tian and a noble Pole, he had been
taught to nourish unextinguishable ha
tred. He was preparing to pass among
the Tartars, when an alarming insur
rection of the serfs, and an invasion of
Tartars, summoned him to the defence
of his. country. In no country in Eu
rope ViaS the slavery of the lower class
es so 'Utterly galling and abject as in
Poland. But human endurance has its
limits., The dreadful tyranny to which
the serfs were subjected led them at
length to break out into the present re
bellion. An aged Cossack chief bad
his property seized by a Polish inten
dant; he was himself bound in fetters,
and his wife and family murdered. His
soul being on fife with these injuries,
on his release he loudly proclaimed his
wrongs ; 300,000 of his Countrymen
and, of the Tartars whose Khan had
espoused his cause, rose to avenge
them. At the head of this imposing
force he cut in pieces the armies sent
against him 'by the diet. As he a 6
vancedinto Polish Russia, he was join -H
ed by the serfs, who had previously
massacred their lord and by some
thousands, of Arian and Calvinistic no
bles whom the intolerance of the diet
or state council had doomed to death.
•In this manner roiled on the frightful'
inundation when the two intrepid So
bieskis hastened from the Ottoman
capitol to oppose the confederated for
ces. Having supported the election of
John Cassimir to the throne of the re
public, John Sobiesk eagerly com
menced his military :career. In the
Outset he had a subor - mate rank, Ina
his valor soon raised hint to distinction.
In the first campaign his brother , Mark
was slain. The insurrection was final
ly quelled ; but new foes arose—on the
one side the Swedish Charles Gustavus,
on the other the Muscovite Czar Alexis
ravaged the country with impunity.—
The Polish armies were annihilated—
John Cassimir was )driven from his
throne—and for a .time the nation ceas
ed to exist. But smite true hearts there
were, and among those ,none was truer
or braver than Sobieski's whO never
despaired of the country. Npble and
peasant at length combined, and Cassi-.
niir was restored. During these con
tentions which - continued for many
years, Sobieski was gradually rising to
Regardless of Dmiunciation front any Quarter. --=-Gov. PonTzn.
ulowz,ssmi\s, 1:3331.mc0mm ovum% m 51,09 zisaw s® a g 546,04
higher commands. -His, success over
the Muscovite general. Sheremstoff;
andbove all, the brilliant victory, he
gained over the same enemy at Sloba
dyssa, where 70,000 of the Czar's for
ces were killed or taken, drew on him
the attention of Europe, and elevated
him to a rank with the greatest cap ms
of the age. His exploits during tthe
six following years against the Musco
vites and Tartars procured -him, from
his'grateful sovereign, first the elevated
post of Grand Marshal, next that of
Grand Heiman of the Crown. In the
former capacity, he presided over the
administration, and was the only man
in the realm, who, by virtue of his of
fice could.inflict the punishment of death
without appeal: In the latter capacity
he }iras Invested with the supreme dis
posalt ,of the military force.
The joy of the Poles was, great to
see their favorite captain thus placed at
the head of all the civil and military
dignities •of Poland. The confidence
they expected in his abilities was soon
put to a severe trial. In 1667, 100,000
Cossacks and Tartars invaded the king
dom, and to meet these formidable
numbers, there were only 10.000 ill
equipped soldiers ; •• but," said an offi
cer of state, if we have no troops, we
have Sobieski, who is an army himself;
if the public treasury be empty, his
revenues will supply what is wanting ;
he burdens his patrimOny with debts
that he may support fife men he has
raised." This was literally true. At
his own expense the patriotic Hetman
raised the army of 20,000, and fearless
ly marched to meet the enemy. Hav
ing intrenched himself at Podhaic, he
sustained, during sitteen successive
days, with unshaken intrepidity, the
impetuous onset of . - the assailant, on
whom he inflicted a heavy loss. He
did more : on the morning of the 17th,
with his greatly. diminished band, he
issued from his fortifications, audacious
ly assumed the offensive, and in a few
hdurs utterly routed Cossack and Tar
tar, with the Sultan Galga at their head,
and compelled them to sue for peace.—
Success so splendid had been expected
by no man, and all Poland flocked to
the churches to thank God for having
given her such a hero in the time of her
In the succeding reign of Michael,
the services of Sobieski 'were fully as
important. In 1671 he opened a cam
paign with a handful of followers, and
triumphed over Cossack,_ Tartar and
Turk. But he derived little satisfaction
from his splendid successes. • The
King, terrified even in victory, consen
ted not only to the dismemberment of
the kingdom, but to the humiliation of
an annual tribute as the price of peace.
At the conclusion of this ignominious
peace, the nation was torn by factions.
and the Hetman retired to his estates in
disgust. He was again called forth in
order to defend his, character front the
vilest aspersions, which he did most
effectually, and accomplished at the
same time the rupture of the disgrace
ful treaty. This event once more
brought Sobieski into the field.. His
exploits were now fully more aston
ishing than they were before. lie cap
tured the strongest holds oltbe Turks.
and drove them beyond the Danube ;
and Europe thanked God for the .most
signal successes which, for three cen
turies, Christendom had gained over
the Infidel."
At the close of tha campaign, Michael
who was an imbecile monarch, fortu
nately died: This latter immediately
induced a meeting of the Polish diet,
in which every landholder in the coun=
try considered himself entitled to assist.
On the 20th of April, 1674, the diet
opened, all the-chivalry of Poland be
ing arranged under their respective pala
tinates. Various foreign candidates
were on this occasion proposed, and
each, in turn, rejected. At length the
President of the Assembly spoke—
.. Let a Pole reign over Poland ;" a sen
timent which was hailed with approba
tion by the crowd. We have," be
continued, a man among us who has
ten times saved the republic by his
head and his arm ; who is hailed, both
by the whole world and by ourselves,
as the first and greatest of the Poles.—
By placing him at our head, we shall
best consecrate his own glory ; happy
shall we-he in being able to honor, by
an additional title, the remaining days
of one who'has devoted every day to
the interests of the republib ; happier
still in securing our own safety, by res
cuing genius and patriotism from the
shackles cast over them, and investing
lioth with new energy, and -power.--
We know that such a King wild, main
tain - our nation in the rank it occupies,
because he has hitherto maintained it
in its' present elevation—an elevation
to which he himself has raised
" Poles'!" exclaimed. the- animated
speaker, " if we' here deliberate in peace
on the election of a king ; if the most.
illustrious . ptitentates solicit our suffrag
es ; if our power be increased, and our,
liberties left to us; whose is the glory ?
Call to mind the wonders of Slobadyssa,
Podhaic, Kaluz, Kotzin ; imperishable
names.! and choose Tor your monarch
JOHN SOBIESKI !" The effect was
electrical ; all the Polish and Lithuan
ian palatinates shouted " long live King
John III." The soldiers drew their
swords. swearing to exterminate all
who did not join in the cry. Sobieski
was hence proclaimed, and entered on
his new and royal functions with the
approbation of all.
John Sobieski was thus raised for
his talents and services to the highest.
office at which any human creature can
arrive. He was now the King of Po-
land ; but we shall immediately see
whether his apparently enviable honors
brought with them peace and satisfac
tion. The New King was immediate
ly called on to justify the confidence
placed in, him by a gallant nation.—
Whilc obtaining his accustomed suc
cesses over the Tartars, he was sudden
ly assailed by Mehemet at the head of
an amazing and disciplined force. lie
had but 5000 men left, and the arrival
of supplies was of all things the most
contingent. He threw himself into
Lemberg, where he was speedily in
vested. All Poland believed him lost;
vet he sent for his Queen and children,
.resolved, that if conquered, their lives
and his should find a tomb. 'faking
advantage of a heavy fall of snow,
which a high wind blew in the face of
the foe, he one day issued from the
fortress, led on his heroic band shunt
ing his favorite and pious war cry of
Christ for ever ! and after n sharp con
flict, again routed the Infidels, who fled
with precipitation before this second
Coeur de Leon. Well might all Chris
tendom cry a miracle ! for such won
ders had never been wrought since the
heroic do} s of Crecy and Poiotiers. It
was linpiel'that such disastrous defeats
would deter the Moslems from oppos
ing a captain who appeared as if raised
up by Providence to their scourge, if
not their destruction : but this time
their pride was exasperated ; they le
vied another and more formidable army
(three hundred thousand strong,) which
they confided to the Pacha of Damas
cus, the most resolute and ferocious of
their generals. The Polish king's for
ces might reach ten thousand, yet, fear
ful as were the odds, he scorned to re
treat. Having entrenched himself be•
tween two small villages on the banks
of the Dneister, he supported during
20 successive days, the most desperate
efforts of the enemy, whose formidable
artillery showered continued destruc
tion into his camp. Never before had
his situation been so critical. The
bombardment was terrific, and was not
remitted day or night ; the ranks of the
Poles were thinned by it, no less than
by the frequent sallies which the king
led to the very centre of the dense ranks
of the Moslem. The Paella was utter
ly confounded at such supernatural re
sistance ; it gave way to admiration of
the great beet) ; he proposed terms of
peace but they were rejected with
`scorn. After a pause the bombardment
recommence ; and as the balls and
shells fell thick amoeg,his heroic band,
Sobieski ordered them to be returned
by his own guns 'and mortars. The
alactrity of the soldiers in gathering up
every ball and shell as they fell, in
thrusting them into the ever-active en
gines, and dashing them into the faces
of those who' had sent them, would
have roused the patriotism of the most
insensible, and inspired even cowards
with bravery. The Turks were thun
derstruck at seeing so brisk a fire all at
once resumed ; they doubted not that
ithe Tartars, their allies, who occupied
the left bank of the Dneister had suffer
ed supplies to be poured into the camp.
Forty-eight hours of inaction followed.
On the morning of October.l4th, 1676,
the astonishinent of the Moslems knew
no bounds when they saw the. Pole
calmly issue from his intrenchment,
with his few followers drawn up for
battle, apparently as confident of the
result as if legions had compassed him.
They could not believe a mere' -man
would 'attempt such a thing ; from that
moment their superstition. invested -him
with supernatural powers. The Tar
tars exclaimed that there was no use
contending with the wizard hieg.°—
The Pacha would notengag,e and of
an honorable peace, which was immedi
ately accepted: ,
In these extraordinary Obits Sobite
hi-received tits "support ftoin the-EtirO
peen powers, although - he promised, if
succoured, to drive the • Muiselmans of
Turkey back to
,those solitudes which
had vomited the in forth. During the
short peace which followed this list
campaign. his life was embittered by
the political intrigues of his wife, a
Frenchwonian., . This inquietude ivas,
howeVer, soon exhilarated by -a new
and still more tremendous war with the
Turks, who now broke in upon ,Hun
gary in irresistible 'force, threatening
the subjugation of Austria, and terrify
ing the adjacent ' principalities. All
eyes were again directed to Sobieski.—
Rome trembled, and the Pope continu
ally dispatched couriers to implore his
interference in saving the church from
the Moslem yoke. With the subsidies
which he received from Rome, our he
ro was enabled to raise an army of
15,000 men - , Soon he was joined by
the Austrian forces, and his exultation
was extreme to find himself at the heaa
of 70,000 troops, hiving never before
commanded half so many ; with these
he thought himself a match not only
for 300,000 Turks and' Tartars; but
for the Infidel world,. The celebrated
campaign of Vienna was- now opened,
but need dot be related here. On the
morning of September 11, - 1683, the
allied army reached the summit of a
chain of mountains, from which the
Austrian capitol and the wide-spread
guilded tents of the Moslems formed a
magnificent prospect. Great was the
astonishment ,of Kara Mustapha, the
Turkish commander, to behold heights
which he had confidently deemed in
accessable glittering with Polish lances.
He did not then know that the wiz
zard king" was there, but the unwel
come intelligence was soon conveyed
to him.
Next day having heard mass and
communicated—a pious practice which
he never neglected when any great
struggle was impending; the King de
scended the mountain to encounter the
dense hosts of.the Moslems in the plains
below. The shouts of the Christian
army . bore the infidels the dreaded name
of Sobieski ! The latter were driven,
from their entrenchment after some
time. On contemplating these works,
he deemed them too formidably defend
ed to be forced. Five o'clock P. Si. had
sounded, and he had given up for the
day all hope of the grand struggle,
when the provoking composure of NI os
tapha, whom he espied in a splendid
tent tranquilly taking coffee with his
two sons,. roused him to such a pitch,
that he instantly gave orders for a gen
eral assault. -It Was made simultane
ously on the wings and centre. Ile
himself made towards the Pacha's tent,
bearing down all opposition, and re
peating with a loud voice, Non nobis,
non nobis, Domine
. exercituurn, sed
nomini too, ad gloriam ! (Not unto us,
not unto us, but to thy name, Lord of
Hosts, be ascribed the glory.) Helves
soon recognized by Tartar and Cos..
sack, who had so often beheld him
blazing in the van of the Polish chival- .
ry ; they drew back, while his name
rapidly passed front one extremity to
the other of the Ottoman lines, to the
dismay of those who had refused to be
lieve him present. At the moment the .
hussars, raising Their national cry, I
God for Poland !" cleared .a ditch
which would long have arrested the in
fantry, and dashed into the deep ranks
'of the enemy. They , were a gallant
band ; their appearance almost justified
the saying of one of the kings—" That
if the sky itself were to fall, they would
bear it up on the points of their lances!"
The shock was rude, and some minutes
dreadful ; but the valor
,of the Poles,
still more the reputation of the lender,
and more than all,. the finger of God,
routed these immense hosts ; iFey gave
way on every side ; the Khan of the
Tartars was borne along with the stream
to the tent of the now despairing
Canst not thou help me ?" said 111 us
• tapha to the brave Tartar ; " then I am
lost indeed "The Polish king is
`there!" - repited the other. "I know
'him well ! Did I not tell thee that, all
we had to do was to get away as quick
as posSible ?" Still the Visier attemp7
ted to make a stand ; in vain—as well
might he have essayed to stem the
ocean tide.. With tears in his eyes . he
embraced his sons and followed the
universal example. It would be im-
possible to describe the transports of
the Chiistian world wheit the result of
the campaign was known. Pioteitantb
as well as Roman Catholics caught the
enthusiasm ; every pulpit in Italy.
Spain, 'and' England, resounded with
the praises of the illustrious victor.-- . -
'Ph.e Pope Wap : oYei•whelrned with joy,
and, bathed in tears of gratitude, re
mained 'for hottri befoie O. driteifii.- .
Reatlefi this . ineeesOikil battle et Sobiet.
ki saved a large portion of t tirOpe from
[DV 30 1 2 s aVailAne j al a elQati
the bloody and iron yoke of the Ma
homed :ns. This: was their last attempt
on., Europe, and from thenceforward
they acted only on the defensive.
Amidst the rejoicings of Christen:
Glom, Sobieski was unhappy. He was
'beset - by factions 'in the kingdom, who
rendered his life miserable. , True to
its character, Poland continued. divided
against itself. There was nenrienimi. ; -
ty in its councils, and all its successes
only engendered new Causes of discon
tent. Finding himself unable to con
trol the Polish nobles, and distracted
by the intrigues of his wife, Sobieski
resolved on abandoning the load of roy:
ally With which he had been invested.
Oa his resolution being made known;
the voice of faction was hushed, and
even his enemies prayed him to con
tinue their sovereign end prOtector.--
After a short • struggle between his
clination and sober judgment, he sub-
Mined, to the unanimous voice of the
people. He therefore continued king;
but it was only in name. • Sick ' of the
court, he fled into the forests. or Ivart
dered fro% :one castle to another, or
pitched his tent wherever a beautiful
valley, picturesque landscapes, the
mountain torrent, or any natural object
attracted his
,attention. Sick, too, of
the world, he sought consolation in re
ligion and philosophy. With his inti
mate friends, he discoursed on the na
ture of the soul, the justice4heaveni
and wonders of another life, More mys
terious than . even this. At length the
end of this great man approached. ' A
_dose of mercury—or; as is conjectured;
poison—which ha bad been recom
mended to take, was too .strong for his
constitution, and speedily released him
from his sufferings. John. Sobieski, or
John 111, who thus died in the year
1696, was the last independent price of
that country ; and with him ended Po
lish greatness.
LlNKS.—llonestindtistry has brought
that wan to the scaffold, said a wag, as
he observed a carpenter upon the
iraga--ehat is more
waggish than a dog's tail when he is
pleased ?
Speaking of tales—we alway like
thole s , that end well. Hogg's lot in;
Speaking of hogs;--we Saiv one of
these animals lying in the gutter the
other day and iu- the opposite one a
well dressed man ; the first had a ring
in his nose, the latter had Wring on his
finger. The man was drunk; the hog
was sober. A hog is known by the
company he keeps," thought we--so
thought Alr. Porker, and off be went:
Speaking of. going offi—puts us in
mind of a gun we once owned. It
went of one night and we havn't seen
it since.
WATER;—Some time since, on the arri=
val of the steamboat at Albany, Ga., d
general rush was made by the merchants;
for the boat, to engage freight. One,
more daring than the rest, attempted to
leap upon her deck berore she reached
wharf. In this he failed, and was soon
submerged head and ears. While the
astonished erowd , stood breathless with
apprehension for his fate, his head rose
high above the water,. and he cried out
say, Captain, save room far raj
three hundred bales r
VERY 0001).-A gallant wag was larLt
lately sitting by the side - of hts beloved.
and being unable to think of - anything to
say, turned and asked her why she wait
like a tailor. I don't know,' said she
with ,a pouting unless it is because
lam sitting beside my goose.' fhe
fellow"was immediately troubled with a
stitch in the side.
Ax 'you A CmcumsTAxcE.—Pete . ,..l
want to ax you a eiretiltstance.
Pike a break Dinar.
Why is iliggar's beat' like a U. States
Omnibus ? Dose you guys him Up r .
Wouldn't do notbin' else.
Cause dey carry passengers otii4cle..
Mr. Niggar dis will 'mortalize von.
cer who gave the following toast recent
ly at Washington. was quite savage sip !
ou 'de grand kale republique;' uninten•
tionarty ; •
I G entilhommus I I shall give you one
sentiment. It is dis ; , .
Amgrique! delgrand limit republic
vat isli fist begin to tlevil•up,itelf.! •
ry Rockitesends a letter of athice to a
acighbot; about taking , cerain piece
of land, of letting it plebe ; and ends
With this pithy qucOtioti i What's the
hole tvrtr:ti 19 a !nun if his wife is a
&no No