Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 21, 1845, Image 3
IttiODE ith.AND..---Mr. Brownell, or ithoae Itlatid; has introduced a bill in the Legislature, granting a General Ash with nesty to Dorr, and all imprisoned him. The Providence Gazette says ; ' !' The introduction of thenmnesty sterand nate ye- Restoration Bill, in the 'day, by Mr. Brownell, of South Rings ton, .shows conclusively that the libera tion Whigs do not merely dealin promi ses. The prornpt action of one of their mos t prominent. men in this matter,-is worthy of all praise. Mr. Dorr will be vithout doubt a free man, in the course ea fewhours, and we shall hail the 1 event and harbinger of a return of our people to peace and tranquility." , 'We regret to state the anticipations of t he Gazette have not been realized, as i ve have received information since, the :hove was in type, that the Legislature o f ghode Island adjourned without lib aging the persecuted Doer, to meet gain in Newport on the fourth Monday June. The Act of Amnesty introduced in the Senate was referred to a select corn vittee, 'consisting of Lieut. Gov. Dimon, f f Bristol, John 11. Weeden, of North I p r ovidence and Joseph Smith of War ta, with instructions to report in. June. The tote on the reference was IS to 14 4 . In the House a Resolution was intro- do t ed by Fenner Brown to appoint a ~irommittee to , prepare a Bill providing 'for the Liberation of Dorr. The Reso lution was laid on the table by a vote of 38 tci?. I,S 1i An act was passed liberating Messrs. lemon!' and Heath on 'their taking :natli of allegiance. R 1 }IEADED•—TOhn M. Betts; who tried to head Captain Tyler, was defeated for Congress, at the late election in Virginia, k.: HENDRICK B. WRIGHT ' S appointinen -Treasurer of the Mint, at Philadel phis, has not been officially announced 'SicitsEss.—lt is needless to wrap the body in flannels, to shield tt from the • pernicious,effects of the easterly wind, if the , blood is itia corrupt and diseased state. Active medicines should be ta ken at this season to drive corruption, in every , shape, from the body—and 1 then, and not till then, can health be looked for. To effect this desirable object, no article is so fit as the justly famous Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. No medicine yet discovered so corn pietety eradicatei - from the system all :1 injurious particles that have a tendency to prevent the healthful operations of die machinery of life. They cleanse the srach, liver and other organs, and thepeedily restore the suffering pa tient to health and happiness. For sale at the store of J. D. & E. P. Montanye, in Towanda, and by agents published in another column of this paper. _ gigr Caution.—As counterfeiters are abroad, avoid all stores of doubtful character, and be particular in all cu. seg, to , ask for Wright's Indian Vege. Married, Ia Troy, on Sunday evening, April 27th, by • Rev. Isaac Todd, A Latotv BCDD, of Colum bia, to Miss CatisTtA Panaoss. of Troy. TO THE PUBLIC! 111 R A -h i, MIX & SONS', k RE now opening at their store Ik beautiful AIL and cheap lot of SUMMER GOODS, dowtfrom the City, .which will he sold for Cash, as low as can be bought at " The Sa vings Bank," or at any . store in town—salLand Re. Towanda. 19th May, '45. North Branch Canal. voncE is hereby given that the Books of .1:1 the NORTH BRANCH CANAL COMPANY war' be opened' on TUESDAY the sere:ltem - 41h day of June next, at two o' clock in the afternoon at the Phcenix Hotel in Wilkesbarre, Pa., where the undersigned, Corn. nassioners under the law for that purpose m ated, wilt Snead to receive subscriptions for ;fork for said 'company. G. M. Hollenback,Chester Butler, Holland., Geo. P. Steele, E. W. Sturdevant,Garrick Mallery, Rob't A. Parrish, C. L. Ward, V. E. Piollet, N. Overfteld. S. ts. Phelps, 1 'Henry Stark,: William .Cott, S. F. Headley, M'Kelvy, l George Mack, Joseph Priestly Thos. P. Cope, 'Henry King. Elihu Chauncey, Henry Brinker. , Wilkesbarre, Pa 4 May.l4, 1845. SADDLE AND .HARNESS IVICAL. ELK.4.4".4101 SMITH so.r, ESPECIT LILLY inform that they still ILL continue the manufacture of Saddles, Bridles, Hanna, &c.,in Col. Mix's building, next door to J. C. Adam? Law Office, where they will keep constantly on band, and manu facture to'order, Elastic Web, Carnau3n and _Quilted i:4/Intigag a _ • , carper Bags, Trunk:, - Valises, 4c. 4-c. and Military Won Harness, Bridles, CaniagC Triinming :done to cadet'. Mattrasses, Pew 'and Chair Cushions made 011 abort notice and reasonable terms. The subscribers, hope by doing their work lloind by a strict attention to business, to Brit a share orpublic patronage. ELKANAH 8141 TH & SON. Towanda, May 21,1845. 11 TONS IRON, (assorted) just received %ntl for sale by C. REED. Keep it before the reopie HA G. E. FLYNT & CO. are fetal!. Jt ing the largest and best assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, and are selling very 'cheap. Keep it before the Peoplp, That credit and lumber prices are 'high, and that cash prices am exceedingly low Keep it,before the People, • That Cash will do treaders in the way of buy ing goods cheap. Keep it before the Peopie, That G. E. Flint & Co. are actuilly selling' goods for cash, at prices from lb to 20 per cent cheaper than they were ever known tie fore,—call and see. Keep - it before the People, That Goods Of all descriptions can, be patella sed as cheap as at Bimini, Owego, or even Binghamton. Be sure arid call at G.E :FLYNT & CO'S. P APER HANGINGS, a first-rate assort mane at G.E. FL YN T & CO'S. CARPETIIiciS, Ingrain - and Cotton-Car /feting, some beautiful patterns at Mai 20. G.E.FINNT & CO'S. 1110)ALM LEAF HATS of all qualities and Jr - descriptions at the new store of May 20. G. E. FLYNT & CO, BOOT & SHOE MAKING 0 TEPHEN HATHAWAY informs the public generally that he is still prepared to manufacture, of the best material, and in the most substantial and elegant manner, all e scriptions of Boots and Shiva. Morocco. Calf and Coarse Boots and Shoes Ladies' shoes and gaiters ; youth's do. AU work made by me will be warranted to be well made. bait and try. Country Produce taken in payment for work Towanda, May 21, 1845. PUBLIC NOTIC'E TS HEREBY GIVEN that there will be ex posed to public sale at the Exchange Hotel in Monroeton, on the 7th day of JUNE next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., $lBO TOWANDA BANK money, to the highest bidder for cash. By order of the board of School Ilirectora, 3 .PHINNEY, Treasurer. • Monroeton, May 21, 1845. SHERIFF'S SALES. 11510 Y virtue of a writ of Vendittoni Expanse EIP issued from the court of common pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, I shall ex pose to public sale at the house of Wm. Briggs in the Borough of Towanda, on Thursday the 19th day of June rent at one o'clock P. M., the following described lot of land situate in Asylum township. bounded on the north by lands of Matthias Lanning, on the east by lands of Samuel Raiford, on the south by lands of David Thurston, on the west by lands of Edrick Preston. Containing 60 acres more or less, about 20 acres improved, with two log houses and one log barn thereon erected. . Seized and taken in execution at the suit o Icgbant 4- Horton ye. Daniel Varga:Lon. .1. N. WESTON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, May 15, 1845. S Executor's Notice. ALLpersons indebted to the estate of Pat rick Cu mmings, deceased, late of Sheshe (loin tp., are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all those having demands against the same are reqtested to present them, legally attested, for settlement. EDWARD WHITE, MICHAEL. MITCHELL, Sheshequin, May 15, 1845. Executors. , IZI‘,OII7U. CM 9 g3 WC:>UE(O2. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Reu ben Conklin, late of Towanda borough deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment, andall those having demands against the same ire requested to present them, legally at tested for settlement. W. W. GOODRICH, Executor Towanda, May 15, 1845. Fashionable Tailoring ! GEORGE H. BUNTING would respect fully inform the public that he still con tinues at his old stand on the west side of Main street, between Kingsbery's and Bartlett's stores, up stairs, where he may be found in readiness to all work in his line in a style not to be surpassed in Bradford county. Prices to suit the times. Thankful for past favors,: he respectfully solicits a continuance and hopes by strict attention to busine4 and accommodating terms to merit patronage. The Spring and Summer FASHIONS have just been received, aud he is prepared to make garments in the most fashiJnahle manner. Particular attention paid to CI UTT'ING, and warranted to fit if properly made up. He has the latest Spring and Summer Fash ions for sale. Towanda, May 14, 1845. COURT SaLE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, there will he exposed to public sateen the premises. on Wed nesday the 15th day of .January, 1845, at one o'clock P.M, a certain lot of land, situate in the borough of Towanda, fibt.nded and descri bed as follows: on the north by land of Wm. Mix; on the east by, River street; on the west by land of John N. Weston, and on the south by a certain lane leading from Main street to the aforesaid — ,river street; said lot measuring 75 feet on River street and 112 feet on the aforesaid lane, with a twostory frame dwelling house thereon. . IllGe Credit will be given for aportiop of the pur chase money. Attendance will be given by the subscriber at the time and place aforesaid, terms of sale more fully made known. O. D. BARTLETT- Towanda, December 16, 1844. The above sale is adjourned to SatanJai, the 21 at day of June next, at the house of Wm. Briggs, at I o'clock R. M.• O. D. BARTLETT. A NEW NUPPLY . _ URTON KINGSBERY informs thepub- JED lie generally that be has just received di rect from New York. City, bis spring stock of Goods. It comprises a very general assort ment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardwere ate. His goods , heals been selectee with much care, and will be sold as cheap as can be bought to Towanda. Call in and see it it is not so. Towanda, April 30, 1845. MONTANYE'S STORE Corner of, the Mile Spare & Main Street. risilE•blegest end.chestiestlot of goods ever • ja. offered iir Bradford county is now open ing at the . aboircjitare. )'Tliemost fashionable Goods of the Sewn, such as Biliarinee, Lawns, arc., with - every variety of Print manufactured in the Unitid 'States,- All the new styles of Sommer Goods for Gentlemen boys and youth: BOOTS 4- snora of. any quantity and any price. •20 doe. HATS st the lowest possible price. GROCERIES' of all kinds and HARD. WARE in abundance. Returning sincere:thanks for the very liberal patronage they have, heretofore receivede they pledge themselves to sell as cheap as goods of the.same quality can be pirrchased in this or any of the neighboring villages. • We would therefore advise our friends to eaU before Or 'chasing elsewhere.. • , • Di &E. D. MONTANYE. May 12, 1845._::-, • TOWANDA CREO STORE. GREAT ATTRACTION UM= 11107/1 ririliE.subscriher has just returited 'from N . York with a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer goods, which be offers for sale at least fifteen par cent. cheaper than goods have even been, or ever will be sold in this 'horough. His stock consists of foreign and domestic Dry Goods- such as French. En glish and American Cloths, Cassimeres. Sati net% Kentucky Jeans, Summer stuff& A splendid Assortment of Prints of all prices, also a full supply of Brown - and Bleached goods, also, Fancy Goodin, such as Linen Handker chiefs, Black, Blue Black, Plaid and striped Silks, Thread and Muslin Edgings, Ladies and Gentlemens Cravats, Bonnet Ribbons, Damask and Mouselin de Lain Shawls, Parasols and a thousand articles too numerous to mention. GRQCERIES—Brown, Loaf and Crushed Sugars, St., Croix, Portirico and New Orleans Molasses, Cognise and American Brandy, Hol land Gin, Teas, dte., also Crockery, Glass, Nails, Hardware &c. &e. AU persons desirous of purchasing goods low, will do well to give him a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Butter, Eggs, Cheese end Grain taken in payment for Goods. CHARLES REED. N 0.2 Brick Row. Towanda, Mey 12, 1845. TEAPOLIT'AN, Dover braids, and Lace 1.14 Lawn Bonnets, for sale low by May 12. C. REED. BALZARINES, Lawn Gingbams. and French Lawns for Ladies' dresses for sale by C. REED. THE TOWANDA SAVINGS BANK! NEW STORE, NEW GOODS k NEW PRICE' G. E. EL I^XT tif CO., WOULD respectfully announce to the , inhabitants of Towanda and, vicinity, that we are receiving an entire new dock of Goods, at• No'. 5, Tracy's New Block, Two doors below Tracy & Moore, Mainatreet, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockeryi. Iron, Steel, Nails, Boots 4- Shoes; and for the Ladies we have a good assortment of MILLI NERY GOODS. Besides, Ten Thousand Notions, not to be enumerated, all of which were purchased under the sue, ion hammer, ex pressly for this market, and will be sold without reserve, and Positively Much Cheaper than at any other , establishment in Towanda. All who favor us with a call, may be assured that their interest will he to call again. o:3' Be sure you are right—No. 5, Tracy's New Block. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. Towanda, May 12, 1845. Competition in, the . Shade ! is-UST RECEIVED, a full assortment of eV superfine French, English and American CLOTHS. Together with a full assortment of medium, and low price black, blue black and fancy colors; •fancy Cassimeres; Settinets of various styles and colors, making an assort ment 'of Cloths complete. Also, Trimmings, of the best quality, constantly on hand. Pur chasers of Cloths and Cassimeres will promote their own interest by calling at the New Store, where all kinds of Goods are selling unusually low. G. E . FLYNT & CO. IiEETINGS.-11tourn and bleu. SHEET ING, an endless quantity. just received by May 12. G.E.FLYNT & CO. AFEW CORDS of French, English and American PRlNTS—rich p a tterns, a t May 12. G.E.FLYNT & CO. NEAPOLITAN, Florence & Straw BON IN NETS, of all qualities and prices. Cha meleon Ribbims, Artificisls. Ruches, .3tc:st the NE IV STORE. G. E. FLYNT 6r, CO. UMMER STUFFS—in all their variety, 0 selling cheap at May 12& G. E. FLINT & CO.'S JOOT & SHOE MAKING O&M. 4.57..."0• WILCO X & SAGE • have associated themselves in the Boot anti Shoe Mak ing business, in the borough of Towanda, and may be found at the old stand of S. Hathaway, lately occupied by Elkanah Smith, near I. H. Stephens' Exchange Hotel. where they solicit a share of public patronage. They intend, by a earefd selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of their customets,to snakes' neat and durable work as can be manufactuttd in this portion of the country. They keep constantly on hand, and will ma' nufacture to order, morocco, calf and Coarse boots and shoes; Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; genes gaiters and pumps, &c., &c. JOHN W. WILCOX, PHHANDER SAGE. Towanda, May 14, 1845. . IiVOMISZ? EMBUIISTStaIea PSOM, SALTS, Flor. Sulphur, Roll FA Brimstone, Sup. 'Cott. Soda, Tartaric Acid, Castor Oil, Pristine. pure extract de Le. mon, extract of Sarsaparilla, vials 4c. for sale cheap at BAIRD'S, May 14. .8 Brick ,Row. FOLEIEE 1?Z'16311410.40 HEAD. OF; NAVIGATION: A perfect JamatNo.3Brick Row! Wpa. H. 'BAIRD-1k CO., AS USUAL, are in , the rust boats, with a large and welt4Lieeted assortment of merchandise in ge neral.- In the line of, - . DRl , Toccops, • we cannot enumerate but .si small number of artiilC9, but beg leave ;ditty for" he benefit of the Ladle*, t h at nrefirivir a splendidlissortment of Pandora muslins, gingham muslin., organ des, balzarinea, muslin de lathes, (new styles) painted miudins, Scotch end French ginghams. atnped tapered jaionet, (a beautiful article for white dresses) . 200 pfecea French , English and. A Mariam Prods, - comprising Some of the most choice and styles; simmer shawls and tiaras, Victorialakirts, bonnet lawns, oiled silk, black's/to to Rhine silk, hobineti, Grecian tarleton and silk lace, black silk veil face, mus lin edging and ins,erting,Lisle thread and linen edging, light and dark kid" Gloves, pin nic and cotton do::: linen" poeket handkerchiefs, fans, Bonnit iiiitrotti; a great _variety .f 20 boxes-4r tificinfs, white and black bugle beads ; cotton, gingham and silk Parasols and Sun "Shades; he best assortment ever exhibited in TOvranda. BOOTS & SHOES:- black and light-colored-kid Blips, husking and ties, do. do., gaiteis and half gaiters, misses sheep, &c. combs, toilette brushea.&c• BONNETS. Diamond lawn, shin(' lawn, fluted lawn, wil- low, modena, plain strawond Rutland straw. Ladies' and misses' Bonnets. Also, 100 Leg horn Bonnets, comprising plain Florencebraid, shell and almond braid, diamond and peddle braid, shell and imperial do., bird's eye, ditto. Ladies' and misses' Neapolitan lace, misses' Leghorn flats, straw cords and tassels, &c.&c. GENTLEMEN, we are just opening 20 pieces, different styles, plain and striped double and single milled Cas simeres. Broadcloths and Satinetta, all colors and qualities; Summer Cloths, for men and boy's wear, by the piece or less quantity;— bleached and brown sheeting', and shirting.; suspenders, elastic vest backs, &c. 100 doz. Palm leaf hate, 20 doz. Leghorn do., 5 cases Fur do.-, white, drab and black. A very heavy stock of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, ffe . , *c. We are prepared to sell at wholesale or re tail, and will do so as low, (if not a little low er,) than the same qualities can be bought. at any store within 100 mites of this place, for ready pay. And by way of encouraging the honest and industrious " tillers of the soil," we will exchange any of our goods for Good But ter, or Produce of almost any kind. Those, therefore, who have wisely come to the conclu sion that it is not good policy to get in debt to the merchants, will be enabled to exchange the products of their labor for all articles necessary to their comfort and convenience. Yours, is haste, WM. H. BAIRD & CO. Towanda, May 5, 1845. alb BALES Portsmouth SHEETING, the heaviest and best in market, for sale cheap at BAIRD'S, No 3, B. R. 1.000 L A n iso B , '*C iaZte a O nr colo YA rf i dar pet warp, cotton wick, &c., for sale by May 5. BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B. R . TONS NAILS, just arrived, and for sale lird cheap as the cheapest, et May 5. BAIRD'S, No. 3, B. R. PAINTS & OlLS.—Pure Linseed Oil, IF spirits turpentine, dry white lead, ditto 'ground in oil, /Tartish brown, do, white, gum copal, glue, &c., can be had cheap at May b. BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B. R. WINDOW GLASS, all sizes; also Co pal Varnish, lampblack, putty, &c., by& CO:A, N 0.3. B. /2 . BBLS — . SALT, idst arrired,and for sale CHEAP of BAIRD'S, No. 3, B. R. May 5. TRAVELING Baskets acd Reticules, a great variety at BAIRD'S. PATENT PAILS. Brooms, wire selves, tea servers, looking glance, etc., at May 5. BAIRD'S, No. 3, B. R. 497. . of B u lli a t y E Ij o H rn E AZ; ,! e and i u a c n k y . wheat, Flax seed, Dried Apples and Maple sugar, for sale cheap, by May 5. BAIRD & CO. No. 3, B.R. F lSH.—Codfish, Mackyret and Shad, at BAIRD'S, No. 3, B.R. TEXAS ANNEXATION ! . A Death Blow to all Monopolies! H. & H. S. PHINNEY, out of the CP • combination, and are just receiving a ge neral assortment of FANC Y. AND'STAPLE GOODS, adapted to the season, which they will sell for cash as cheep as any other estab lishment this side of New York. or exchange them for Lumber or Country Produce. We particularly advise the public to call and ex amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Wanted, 1000,000 Shingles, 500,008 feet of Boards, and Grain without limit. Monroetnn, April 30, 1845. DISSOLUTIO.V. NOTICE is given, that the co-partnership heretofore existing between John Hanson and James H. Phinney, Jr, of the firm of Han son & Phinney, is this day dissolved by mutual Consent. The accounts and notes of the late firm will remain in the hands of J. H. Phinney Jr., for settlement; , the business hereafter will continub In the name of J. H.& H.S.Phinney. Monroeton, April 29, 1845. Ohio Grindatones: ALOT OHIO, GRINDSTONES, a tob t i 'Mick) for farmers for sate low at 0. D. BARTLEtT. To*anda, Feb. 26, 1844. irloktv & OATS, wanted e 1 thiis tOce IL/ on account.' A I.OUD CALL ! ptßeolis knoiving C ALL ibdebted to the eubat4iber, are herehY notified that they must " fork s - over." Moreover this re= quest knoWs no distinction of persons, bdt calls on each and every one ht debt to him to pay up, that' he may serve his creditors with the :tame sauce. J. GILtBON. Towanda, April 22; 1845. GREAT BARGAINS • May be Lad at the Old Stand of aro itO eh Efalii=o W/0 uremia, teceivinga new assortment f GOODS, wbieb are °fired for lbw er prices for dusk than •goodt have eve!. been sold in bradford Comity, Towanda, May I, 18-45. W - 00 . 1 WANTED!. • Grant's 'Woolen Factory, Ithaca, -W.ILL have an Agent 'at the following places to . exchange Cloth of all kinds forliVool an as good tame if. not better, than atany' other Factoiy, in' the. Stste,, end trust Jhat every man will call anti examine for them selves le:foretrading: , Will be at D". Johnson's Leßaisville Honda and Tuesday June 2d and'3d. H. Passmore's*Roote Wednesday June 4th. Ira 11- Stephens Towanda Thursday and Fri day June 6th end 6tb. - -," Nathaniel -Moody Shesbequin Saturday and Monday June 7th and 9th. John Watkins Athens Tuesday June 10th. Brigham's • Tairern •Factoilville Wednesday June 11th. The woodment will eonsiol of GRANT'S Celebrated Sheep's Grey Cloth, stamp cioxas, CASSIMIRES Mao, a general assort Bent of : Blacit, Blue black Adelaide, Invisible Preen, Brown and • Steel Mixed BROADCLOTHS. 'Farmers can reidia from 20 to 25 per ant, More.than by_ disposing of it imp other way.— We hope you will call and examine the weight, body, and quantity of stair in each yard of the above. mentioned_ Plothe, before purchasing elsewhere. The highest prietkpaid for Wool, and Cloth at the wholesale Factory price All those who had cloths last Year, to pay in wool this year will bring it in without fail. MA'S A. CRANDALL, Agent. Ithaca, May 1, 1845. PAPER HA NGINGS.—A first rate assort ment of Wall and Curtain Paper at the cheap store of W. H. BAIRD & CO. A FIRST RATE ARK, and lots of ARK 111 L ROPE for sale by- ' • WI H. BAMD & CO. May 14. No. 3 Brie* Row Doctor Sumner, Dentist, RESPETCFULLY informs the public that he way be found ail. H. Stephens' where be will be happy of wait on those requir ing his professional services. Towanda, May 5, 1845. FRUlT—Raisins by the box, half box and quarter box. Alto, Oranges and Lemons. May 5. BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B.R. 31L-44ClaSnliVg AllO the 26th April, on Main street, between . Mr. Conklin's and the Watering Trough, Black Silk Lace VEIL. The finder is re quested to return it to this office or GEORGE BOWMAN. Towanda, May 5, 1845. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS Testamentary having been Granted to the subscribers, on the estate of Deborah Ennis, late of Standing Stone, Dec'd. Thoseindebted to said estate are here by requested to make paythent, and those hav ing claims, will please present them duly attes ted for settlement to SAM'L KELLUM, ASA STEVENS, Standing Stone, April 30. Executors JCL ZIEMSCIA NV* FRESH supply, making a complete as eortateut of IRON just received and for sale low by 0. D BARTLETT George Sanderson, ..t.touozni - ) - w &AT It.l.B:cm . HAS REMOVED his office to the North side of the public square. Business en trusted to his care. byjetter or otherwise; will receive prompt attention. Towanda, April 3:1845. p rJoiki • ARRANGEMENTS have been made by the subscriber, by which he can facilitate the transaction of business at the Pension Of fice. Having had considerable eiperlence in procuring Pensions, he flattera himself that he can give the necessary information to those Who may call on him in this branch of business, - pEo: SANDILSON § Office North aide of Public Square. Towanda, April 6, 1845: Second and Last Call 1 THE subscribers have a. large amount of unsettled accounts and notes, which have been standing-from ONZ to 01E years, and which they have determined SHALL BR SIT. Tittle They have waited patiently through the recent exciting political canvass, without asking for their dues. NoW, circumstances render it necesinny that they should be paid ; and they would say for once and for all, that every person. indebted to them musfeome fcir ward immediately, and pay their accounts, or suffer the consequences. Will those indebted heed the warning, or Will they pay cost 'I J. at H. INGHAM. Monroctoil, March t 5, 1845. LAW PARTNERSHIP. Overfoit & H. Booth, respect fully infOrkt the public that having re cently forted a connection in business, they will promptly and pimetuallyiender their profes sional services in Agencies, Collections and other matters entrusted to their care; and they respectfully solicit, as they hope they shred de:. sent., a liberal share of . patronage: Office in Main street, a few doors south of the Episcopal church, where one or both will be found dining all hours of bUsinesa. TcManda, Jar 13, 1843. • ArIOVER and Timothy . Seed, an extra in perior article for sale by March 19, 1845. B. KINGEIBERY; • 11 0 1:8©0111LEUMEOr 8 INACB and every person knoirlig &elves to he indebted to the late firin aP moRrA3Ts& Bane; era respeatfully raqtiest ed to attend to this last call, to lade and pay op by, the fint of June nazi, at their account - or note will be left with is peval. offiCor tercel; telethon without Intther,delay .1 4 ;N.fib'r'tt, March 6,1846. .D.IVIONT ANTE. InombLirgebif " AND GROCERY STORL Keep it .gefore the People, , SAT• the'. Old Drug Mere, west aide of the Public Square, is now receiving the largest assortment of Drugs and Medicines ever offered in this market, among whichr e are the following, viz Sulph, Morphia, . Blue Mars, - • do. Quinine; .Nit. Silver, Eng. Calomel, Quick do.) lodid Pot:weir, Peperine, Ipecac, Tart.• Antimenge lodine, . Valerian Root, Seaeei So Red Piecipitatcv White do. . Strychntei Elateruim, Kreasof, emmimria Gentjon do, l'u Est 'dn., Eat. Colyciath',- Colombo do. do. Gentian, , Pink F • do. . do. Cicuta. - Senn, do, Hyostiamns, • Adhesive Plaster, do. Tarozecum, Cantharides, Spring and Thumblancetir, Lancelases ' The attention of PII I IBICfANB ia.particn lady:invited tflt the abovi Elides, they being just 'received froth one of tbernost respectable houses in New. York and will therefore be war rented pure and free fiord adulteration in All mei, and disp3sa of of very row prices: OILS AND EBSENCtI3:- Wintergreen; Cinnamon, Peppermint; Rote- , 'nary, Wormsecd, liendoek,Basasfrass, Lemony Lavander. Bergamot, Aniseed, Clovea,Unniper,• Amber, Cajput, Caraway, Monard, Fennel, Al- - mond Origanum, Cedar, Amber, &c., &c. PATENT MEDICINES. The most popular of the day, such as Dr.- r ayne'S Espeetorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Sands Sarsaparilla, Dr. "Jayne's Car. manitive, Balsam Hoarhound; Turtington's Pink ,Expectorant Syrup, Bateman's Drops, Andersona do.,Lemon's Cpugh do., Liquid- Opodeldoc, Basam Honey, Preston Salts, Mrs. , Gardners Balsam 'Liverwort and Hoarhound,. Dr. Spoons' Digestive Elixor;Dr. Monne of Opium, Dr. Benjamin Godfrey's Cordial, Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, - Cheesrnan'a Arabi an Balsam, Balm of Columbia. Butler's Mag ni:vain Aparient.. Henry's do., Dr. ThOmpson's Eye Water, British 011,Harlem do., Maccassar do., Bear's do., Grave's Hair -do., Croton do., together with many others tobumerons to men , tion. "PILLS. Compound Cathartic, Gregory's Boopene Female, German, Lees Windham Billions, Miles' Tomato, Brandreth's, Wright's Indiarr Vegetable, Dr. Phinney's, 'Webster's, Moffat" and Bitiers, Alebasis, Bishops, &c., &c., PAINTS, OIL & DYE STIYVPS. White, Red and Black Lead; Cbroine Green ; Chro me Yellow, Yellow Ochre,Peussirm Blue. Rose Pink, Sugar Lead, Litharge, Blue Smelts, Venetian Red, Vermillion, Turmeric, Annum, Indigo, Copperas, Alum, Crude, Tartar, Cochi neal, Solution of Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitrol ; Glass 7by .9, 8' by 10, and 10 by 12, Putty ; Linseed Oil, &c.; &e. A. D. MONTANYR, Darnorwr, Towanda, May 21, 1845: . MEDICINE & SURGERY: DR. JAMES M. GOODRICH has loca ted himself at MONROE, for the prac tice of ,his profession, hnd will be pleased to wait In those requiring his services. He may be found at .1. L. Johnson's tavern. Reference may be merle to . Drs. MiSTO7/ & MAsoN, of Towanda. , April 23, 1845. • ANOTHER CHANCE ! ALARGE amount is still due, on the books of the Bradford Porter, rot advertising, job work, and newspapers, previous to tbo 4th of December, 1843, which MUST be arranged is some manner soon. May court will be a good occasion. for those knowing themselves in debted, to call at the Reporter and settle up, which may be a matter of'ecohomy. E. S. GOODRICH. Towanda, April 22, 1895. AR&3IMMEGUID7V_EAL3IL-46, ly YBBEB MERCUR has removed his au Law Office to the room one door east of the office formerly ocwnpied by Adams & !der cur. Entrance as before at the west side of Montanye &Betts' building. * - December tO, 1844. 04 V 8 ll.Vard, LAW OFFICE, s REMOVED to the North side of the j Public Bqm°, in the room formerly occu pied by D. "Wilmot. March 22, 1845, Direct from New York City ! iIIAMS M. OILLSON; has just received; OP direct from New York City. an esitensivo assoiiment of splendid . , Wattles 41- Jetbelry Fancy Goods; vr hicfi insist be disposed of at •abroe price, and will be. Just step in, at the Welt door to the Post• Office, and take a peep at his nevi goods: Towanda, April 22, 1845. MIUTZURITEMZIEMP 0 AYWILMOT'& STEPHEN PIERCE; i having fanned a copartnership for the practice of law in Bradford and the adjoining countiee, will give prompt and careful attention to, all business *entrusted to their charge. Their office will he bond in. Towanda; No. 2, Brick Row,' on the second floor, where one or the other may be - found at all hosince Towanda, January 6, 1845. Watch and Clock itcpairlag, vi'. CIiSIXBEILLIaI, RESPECTF MLA( h. ....-ii„ gt, forms hia. fr h iebdlaild ( the . . j , : ci2 ,x5 , ,414 p ue u 9 bi t i o e e t a h i a r t y Lti tht r a n b z ) • 1 ~ I, •p't business at his old stand; . i.: :: .;," one dooi sohth of Elifotk , i 1„ , 7 9...:4,1 . be Mefeur's • aloft. 'anti ' - /:-.1- --- --- ' '' ' . ready 'opposite the Ha, Scales. , tatek- :Crock Win he done on short nqtice, and trembled to be well done, , Prom a lon4- 4 epirreiree the bturinesir, he believes that he will be tilde to ren der perfect satisfaction tit may favor trim with theli patrons*: • - • N: B. Watches warranted to ion well one year, or the money. refunded; and a written agtecinent giien io that effez.! to all that desire one ez,oek.§.- A lai g a cosi:lA*6i jirat teceiv ed,and For sale Very low for cash. If you want to bay ...Jewelry cheep cell at Cbdreberlin'is Watch Shair; • ' 43;:r MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, end al/kinds at Couhiry Produce received , in payment. Towanda, March 5, 1547).