Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 21, 1845, Image 2
REPORTER : Wedge lay ' May 21,1845. t • 31En.1iMr1C1,1117.111131[.. . The- Office of the Bradford Be tickler bre; been removed to Col. ineans 9 Brick Store, .(up stairs,): entrance ' l 43n the North side. GOV.CABINET.—The De .mocratie Union' in announcing the ft; cent appointments by Gov. Shunk i ~makes the foll Owing remarks :="Gov. Skunk has been extremely fortunate, in calling to his 'aid two gentlemen so pre-eminently qualified for the offices to which they have been appointed.— The high esteem in which they are held by the citizens of their respective coun ties, for their integrity, sound princi ples and gentlemanly deportment, is a sure guaranty they will be acceptable to the Dome - crane party. The office of Auditor General Is one which rez quires great industry and application. Upon this officer depends the proper adjustinent of the accounts of all the disbursing agents and collectors of the - commonwealth. Hence, it may in fact be considered the most important sta • lion in the gift-9f the Executive. We ll have every assurance from the business habits of Gen. .Purviance, Combined with his . high legal attainments, that ho is in .an especial manner qualified for the arduous and responsible post with which - he has been honored. Judge Laporte_has served with sig nal ability. in the State and National Le gislatures. He - was elected Speaker in the House of Representatives 'of Penn sylvania by the Democrats, in 1831.= Whilst in Congress he discharged his duties as a representative 'with great fi delity, and we have no doubt in his new sphere of action, he will be equal ly successful.' 111p.i.41-muour AcCurtorts.-rhe ty coming Gazette records two accidents which occurred -in , that county. One is the death by drowning, of a younglad t named Isaac Allen, aged 14 years while bathing in the river at the basin just below' Williamsport. liie body was recovered but life was extinct. At a militia muster at Hughesville, a person by the name of bavid !Weeny, who had been stationed to keep guard,- while in the discharge of his duty, had occasion to resist an attempted intrusion upon the, parade ground, by a man whose name was Elijah Sanders, and in doing so, presented his gun which was seized by ,the other in ti contemp tuous manner, when by some means the charge Went off mangling the body of the said Sanders in a most horrid manner. The charge consisted only of powder and a wad, but the Muzzle be ing so near the body, _the effect was that of a, bullet. The poor man expired in a few hours afterwards, leaving a wife and several small children to mourn his untimely end. NEW COrNTERFEITI3.—The Phila delphia U. S. Gazette says, we saw yesterday a roll of_spurious hank notes of the denomination of five dollars, al tered from the Tenth Ward Bank of New York, so as to convert them into counterfeits on the Bank of Northum berland. The alteration was skilfully, effected, except that in some of them the word Northumberland," where it was introduced, had a muddy, indis tinct appearance. They were dated January 18th and July 26th, of various numbers, and signed John Taggart, President, and J. R. Priestly, Cashier. The entire vignette represented' a reaping scene, with a mother and hir child resting against a sheaf of wheat in the foreground. On the left end of the note, Greenough's statue of Wash ington, on the right end, a female fi gure, with a square tablet, and at the bottom a train of cars and a locomotive Thehill -is calculated to deceive the in cautious. Dugs°LvED.—The Baltimore Repeal Association has been dissolved, its memheri declaring they could not sane tion, in any manner, the language used by O'Connell toward this country. LIBERAL:WriI. B. Astor, son of John i Jacob Astor, worth, probably, $5,000,000 refused to contribute one penny to the Pittsburcsufferers. ILLI I / 4 k9S OF GEN. LteKsoN.-4pi preaching Dicaolution.—The Wash ington Union announces the painfril in telligence that Gen. Jackson's health is ~drawing rapidly to a:close.' A letter has been received from Nashville, which says the impression of. the General's nearest friends now is: that- he Carmot long survive. Symptoms of dropsy have intervened, His legs are swollen from his feet tip to his abdomen, and his respiration is feeble and difficult. "His great mind and clear memory, howev er, ferimin' ,perfeetly unclouded. His, every act and word shows his patient resignation to the will of - , God: The letter sayri , " in his perfect resignation, he mans Pests all the meekness and humility of a true follower of the.blessed Redeemer ; and in his constant prayers he looks up; to God in confident assutance of salva tion through the atonement and media tion of the Saviour. Supplications to Heaven for blessings on his country and her institutions—for the petpetnitv of . our Constitution and liberties, civil and religioui—are continually mingled in all his serious conversations with his friends. Truly, when he departs, -it will be the fall of a great man in Israel, and politically and in moral weight of character, it will be the loss to his coun try and to the world of the first and greatest man now numbered among the living—the'greatest benefactor of his country now surviving." Mr. Blair received a few lines from the General, as late as the 7th, stating that he had attempted to write In him ; but his great feebleness had prevented his finishing his !mei. CONNECTING TWO Womos.--Who can tell when science will slop, or What mighty Works she may not ac complish ? Who would have imagined a few years since, that distance could at this time have been almost annihila ted between Washington and Baltimore, as far as correspondence is concerned. Professor Morse has now in contempla tion to bring Europe and America in speaking distance, by means of the Magnetic Telegraph, as *ill be seen by the following paragraph from the Tri bune :—" This is note new idea. Pro lessor Morse has long had such a result in view. I have often conversed with him on the subject and received satis factory answers to the various difficul ties mentioned. His method waesimi lar to that proposed by your correspon dent: reeling off from and to abrupt shores any amount of wire-10,000 miles, if it were necessary—having covered more thickly the extremities liable to injury, from attrition, and ,the whole secured from the corrosive effects of sea water : any danger of the wire parting ftom its Own weight in sinking is obviated by the supporting power of the water and the wire already sunken. There i con be no reasonable doubt of 'the practicability 'of the plan." AMOUNT OF LVMDnR.—We learn that there passed the Towanda Bridge, be-. mean the first of February and the firs of May, 1845, 1465 rafts and arks, as follows : Board Rafts 980 Timber do 168 Arks 317 Computing the amount of ,tiOaids in each raft at 40,000 feet, would make the aggregate 39,200,000„; to which add 800,000 feet for the loading of arks and timber rafts, and the total amount will be 40,000,000 feet. The average number of shingles load ed in an ark is 90,000, which would make the total 28,530,000. Timber rafts contain about 40,00 feet of timber, which will -mike a total of 6,120,000 feet of timber. Reckoning 21 men to each craft, the whole number is 3662 ; the expense money paid from Middletown, say $5 a 'Man, amounting to $18.310, which is all expended between Middletown and their respective places of residence. FROM( TU WRECK-OF THE SWALLOW. —The. Albany Argus of Tuesday says, we understand that after raising this boat ten feet, one of the chains gave way, and it was also found that one of the barges '(the Clinton) would, not bear the immense weight of the sunken boat.— She has, thetefore, been lee down again and now rests in deeper water , than ever. The proprietors have sent on to New York for stronger chains and an other barge. The.t hope to recom mence operations in -,a few days, and we tiust with success, so as to dispel the melancholy uncertainty which etill hangs over the sunken wreck. ' Taor.—The village of Troy, _was incorpdrated as a Boroogh by an act of the late Legislature. MVETERIOUS MURDER IN New JER ssy.-Wo learn from - the Mount Holly Mirror, that the body of a murdered man was found at Vincentown, about five_ miles from Mitini Holly, On Satur day fast. lt was :foundi s pond in the ' Woods. An'.oisminatien took place, and it was found that. the man's , throat was dreadlulfy mangled, his head consideriblY bruised and one 'of his hands, smashed, supposed to have all been done with an. axe. A watch was found in his pocket ; also a bill and receipt' for articles purchased at a' ven due, by which it was ascertained that his name was Josiah Lippincott, and formerly lived .near Mooreatown. A handkerchief was also - found in his pocket, with bis nanie on , it. Infor mationwas sent to his blither, a far mer, living , in the vicinity - of Mores town, who- Went to VincentoWn on Sudday, and recognized him. His brother had not been at all alarmed at his absence, as he supposed be was at work in Philadelphia. It is believed from his appearance _had been in the water from three to four week!. An -investigation is being made into the matter. ELOPEMENT-FOLLY AND CRIME.- The N. . Y. Tribune contains a letter dated Troy, N. Y., April 27th, which says : A few days ago a young , man in this city by the name of S. Vanderhey den/ came into possession - of about $12,000 cash on the day he attained his majority, and the same evening ran away with another man's wife., The woman, a Mrs. Welmore, is about 21 yests old and has been married five or six years. She is a handsome woman —aan accomplished singer and pianist— is very respectably connected, and has moved in good society. The young has heretofore borne a good character, is said to have been an obedient and affectionate son, the pride and hope of a widowed mother. OaEoox.—The Burlington Hawk Eye says that a company numbering about two hundred persons from Des monies and Lee counties, in lowa, stetted last week for Oregon, and. that in a few days another company with about forty wagons will start from Hackleman's settlement, in that Terri tory. Those who desire to join any cf the emigrating companies should now be starting to the Western Fron tier of this State: UNIVERSITY OP VIRGINIA:---the Charlottesville Advocate states that the measures adopted by the Faculty for suppressing the late riots, and banish the authora thereof, have been sac cessfuli and that perfect tranquillity has again been restored. The lectures of the inititution were reamed oil that morning. The , course adopted by the Faculty for the restoration of order had met with the concurrence of the Board of Visitor& IN P'orrsviu.s.—The charter election in Pottsville occurred on Mozniday 12th must: There were three tickets in the field. The Demo crats were victorious, electing their Burgess and Town Council, polling 283 votes. The Whigs came off sec ond beet, polling 220 votes. The Na lives cast but.oB votes. VIRGINIA Et=Tim—The full re turns from Virginia show the following glorious results :—For Congress—De• mocrats 14, Whigs, one :—Senate— Democrats. 21, Whigs 11 ; House— Democrats 79, Whigs 55. On joint ballot, thirty four Democratic majority. RICHMOND ENCitMER.--Thos. Ritch ie, Esq., editor of this paper for forty one years, having taken charge of the Union, .announces that his sons, W. If. and Thoe. Ritchie, Jr.,- will succeed him. NORTII BRANCH CANAL COMi'ANT.--. By an advertisement in our paper, it . will be seen that the books of this company will be opened for subscrip tions at the Phenix Hotel, Wilke-Barre on Tuesday, the 7th day of June next. CARLISLE BANK.--At a meeting of the .stockholders of this Bank, it was decided by a vote of 587 to 3. not to accept the charter under the act of the last session, embracing as it does, the individual liability abuse. •- COURT.—We do tot remember a Court with so little of public interest as that Which lately adjourned. We (milt the unit report of the proceedings., as not presenting anything interesting to our readers. 1. Neits from all Nations. Two boat,loads of curled and birds eye maple,love be - en recently landed in Troy. liorn;the West, to be shipped Engliffid, Where - this wood is in greet requestfor cabinet makers.-4 stage 'near Concord,' N. H., was upset the other day, in'. ionseqiience , of the trip ping of the lead horse in descending a hill. There wen a full load on-the in side and seven on the outside, and yet nobody was seriously injured. The wife dl Dr. G. W. Phillips, of St. .louis t ivtie robbed a few days ago on board the steamer Levant, while .on her 'way to Cincinnati, of . about $2OO in money. , The, .state room. which she 'occupied was entered, and het. - trunk opened and "robbed. —A gentleman of New York was robbed on Friday night, 9th.inst., of $2OOO, while asleep on- board the . Narraganset,- from Nor wich.—A man has been fined .$2O and costs for settiog his dog upon - a person, in Beaten. Another has been fined $5 for •encouraging_ his dog to fight,A felloW named Rook has ,been arrested in . Pittsburg, charged with .having stolen a quantity of goods du ring the awful .fire.—Bon. D. W. Dickinson, formerly a member of Con gress ,from Tennessee, died at his:resi dence,-near Franklin, in that State; on the 27th ult. —A destructive fire, oc curred in Portsmouth e N. H., on the 4th inst., which destroyed property, to the amount of sl2o,ooo.—AVyoung woman who -was recently detected in stealing a roll of ribbon at 'Chelsea, England, seized a knife d cot her throat, and died on the spot.,---‘—A boy, nam ed Charles weaver, died- in the House of Refuge, at St. Louis, a few days 'since, from the effect's of swallowing a piece of tobacco.—W. C. Bryant, of the N.Y. Post,has gone to Europe.— Silk is now manufactured in South Carolina. . The Odd 'Fellows' So cieties in Philadelphia have purchased the lot of ground formerly occupied by the Pennsylvania Hall, and intend im mediatly to erect a Hall.—A woman has been arrested in England, for burn ing to death her daughter, 9 years of age, to get rid of her. Her husband knew of it.—No advices have been received by the Great Western, of the missing ships England and the United States, the Insurance Companies have given notice that they are ready to pay looses.- Thereis in the Alms house in Portland, Me., twenty persons whose nailed ages are 1462 years.— The oldest 99 years of age, the young ' eat 62 years.—A new ship of 700 tons, called the Washington` Irving, is now building at East Boston, for the line of packets between there and Liver pool.;-=. -Rev. N. C. Fletcher, of East Thomaston, Maine, Univeralist Clergy man, has been appointed a Chaplain in the Navy.—One million of dollars is annually expended in the State of New ' York for the relief of pauperism, and that too in a new country where labor is well paid, and provisions abundant. One person out.of every twenty-six, it appears, by the report of the Secretary of State, is a pauper. The Mont pelier Watchman says, that the present spring has been uncommonly favorable for sugar-making. The amount made in Vermont alone is estimated at the value of one million of dollars.;—lt is stated that at, the floating theatre, in New ork, oiie of the actors was re cently taken sea sick while performing a sailor's . character.' The name of , the, city of Nauvoo, the Mormon city on the Mississippi, is to be changed to St. Josephs.—Mr. John Faxon, of Quincy, Mass., was instantly killed on Friday forenoon by being thrown from his wagon. For about twenty . years he, had attended the Boston market dai ly, with provisions. , Over one hun dred and seventy persoes, most of whom were emigrants to Nanvoo, to join the Mormons landed in St. Louis on the 24th ult.—The LegiSlature of the State of Rhede Island convened at Newport on i'uesday. On counting the votes for Governor, Charles Jack son had a majority "of 147. The Providence Gazette states that Gov. Dorr's health is so feeble that lie-is una ble to attend the workshop. . The dogs of Constantinople are estimated at from 50,1100 to 90,000.--John -ler Jr. is about to fight a duel with a young Southern gentleman. When, or for what does not appear. _The in flated steamboat Swallow: has been got float.---The wheat crop of Missouri .gives promise of an abundant harvest. I Dirge 'for the Early Dead : Afidionaidy Inscribed do on the death of her oister.i. . . DT Juts. X. 19.. Laos -Loon. _ Gone from did. Milt - • 1:1 In the bright Wont of life thou but deported, Oh 'Pin.? gathered t° it* drett°4° l3 ° rest; Gone erethe 'clouds of care had darken'd o'irthee Of all that Wakes life beautiful possessed: Gone ere.the freshness of the wreath-had faded Which rested lightly on thy youthfal-lrow f Whenat the altar thy heart's vows were plighted To him who deeply stricken mourns thee now. Gone from the earth I In the sweet time of spring when nature mouth liar robes of loveliness, and cloudless skies Bend o'er the fresh green earth, where flowers are springing, And tunes of thrilling melody arise...,[ing Gone from the fond ties which around thee Cling. Fettered thy deathless ipirit to the clay . — From the beloved and from - the - deeply loving, Oh ! early summon'd ! thou bast palled away. Gone from the earth! Yet not alone from light and joy and gladness-- Are there no shadows; o'er the spirit east II No inocking dieams—no elierish'd visions blighted--- 'No deep and haunting memories of the putl Thou shalt not see tby bright hopes fade and perish, - Nor mourn in bitterness o'er sundered ties; No raore shalt thou in mortal suffering languish, No more shall tears of sorrow dim thine eyes. Gono from the earth ! Yet not alone to solitude and darkness-- Their boai;ted empire is but o'er the dust, And not forever, for the grave but keepeth What we have garner'd there; in solemn trust. Calm be tby slumbers in that voiceless dwelling: Sweet be thy rest from weariness and pain, And blest thy waking when the last glad sum'na Shall bid thee rise to life and youth again. Gone from the earth! From doubt and dimness to the full fruition Of love, and hips, and joy to that bright land Whose waters fail not, and whose dowere are fadeless-- Thyshining brow by heavenly breezes fann'd. And oh ! blest spiral from , tby borne in glory, Come with en angel's ministry to those Whobe lot is still to weep, and weeping wander With footsteps weary, longing - for repose. Gone from the earth And oh how desolate seems life without thee, • To those o'er whom thy smiles of love were thrown Like rays of blessed sunlight—dark and dreary Seemeth their home—its light & joy are flown. Gone from the earth, but we would not recall thee To tread the path thou haat already trod; 'Tim ours to weep—yet joyfully we leave thee Oh ! ransouedone ! forever with thy God COLUMBUS, FLOIIID• Great Race between Petonia and Fadden. At a very early hour in the morning masses of people on foot, on horseback 'and in vehicles of every fashion that ever joiner's art imagined ; or the ne cessities of art caused to be made, went thronging over to Brooklyn, and from thence to the Course. The Long Is land Railroad was besieged by an anxi ous multitude, who strove zealously for an early ,possession of seats, and were perfectly contented to be squeezed into the smallest limits possible, on board of burthen cars, promoted from their ori ginal .occupation and converted into passenger cars, by virtue of sundry tin planed boards laid across the tops.— Thousands of persons were thus carried to the race ground, several of the trains being drawn by three locomotives fas tened together, and the cars being al most hid by the people they , bore upon them. About half-past two o'clock, the horses were brought ont, and the riders being weighed, Laird, the rider of Fash ion, made up his weight to 125 pounds, and Barney, the jockey of - Petonia, to the weight of 118 priunds. :Soon after. the horses were-brought to the start,and went off at the tap of the drum, in fine style, and at a tremendous pace, Peyto nia having the inside track, and leading to half a length after running about a quarter of a mile, and maintaining her ground so evenly, that for three. of the miles, Fashion's nose was at the South mx mare's paddle, - and so close that a good sized blanket would have covered them both. Upon the back stretch, arid previonsto corningdown the straight side, on the fourth mile, Fashion made a brush for the lead, but an application of the spur brought the Sciuthern mare tai her vantage ground, on: coming down the straight side, as they passed die distance post, by tremendous leaps, shook herself clear of her - opponent, and 'dashed past the Judges' Stand an open' length ahead, amid deafening cries—winning the, heat in 7 minutes and 39i seconds—the mile time being: First mile, 1.54 ; Second do. 1,53 ; Third do. 1,57 ; Fourth 40. 7,39/ 1 After a _rest of three , quarters of an heur, tfiebugle summoned the 'horses forth again. Peytonia looked quite fresh; but Fashion showed the sighs of her struggle, and it wait said by some that she was slightly lame in one of her bind, feet. She' stepped and looked Inely, hbvtever, and fier- hackers were still free in their bets in her favor. "The ddds, of course, in many • instances; vvere turned in favor of-Peytonia ; , - and betting:was pretty brisk: ; 1 At- the' tap of the drum; both holies started, but returned, and belu ga - allied to start, went o ff in he'll , Peytonia leading about half a iengif Istaing round the top. Fashion s e a brush past'Peytonia, and got th e side'of the track, running about h al neek in advance, and maintaining .position until their arrival at the lOW, when Peytonia closed, and rushed by, the stand on the first perfectly even. The second mil e y _ion appeared to gain slightly, a n d a little ahead -until they reached straight side, when Peytonia eatne with her, aid - passed the stand with, head in advance of her opponent. ring the third mile, Peytonia m a i nta ed her advaitage with but little vai tion, and reached the Judges' neraly a length ahead. The OU mile was hotly contested, Peytet holding the lead, notwithstandingh ion made several severe brushes, every one of which Peytonia shook) off. In passing the draw gate, Fashi made a last effort, and was nearly en when the southern mare, by a item s dons leap, went nearly a length ahes and came out winner of the heavysta of 'twenty thousand dollars, the time the heat being 7,45,1. The track was terribly bad, the d lying upon it three and four inch deep. • A cloud of dust hung over vicinity of the entrance to the roar. so dense, that spectators- at a distan could-not see the they pass: through it. The immense strength Peytonia stood her in good stead, an no doubt won for her the race. Ha the track been hard and .firm, the tim made 'would -no doubt _have been ash) down as 7,32• The mile tinie of the first and secon heat was • Miles. First. Second, Third, Fourth, First Heat. Second He 1,54 1,58 1,53 1,54 1,57 1,551 1,55 i 1,58 7,391 From Vashington, An occasional correspondent of tt. New York Evening Post, under da of the 3d inst., writes as follows: " Unequivocal signs of steady occu pation pervade every department; bat that of the navy just now is, perhap s the busiest. The condition of the for. eign relations has called Os bureau in to uncommon vigor. - The sailing o vessel after vessel ; the drafting of offi cers ; the issuing of orders, and etukss 1 amount of important detail, afford rapid I exercise to the hanitasked -faculties of all concerned. The New Secretor., Bancroft, has taken hold of the helm with a skillful and powerful grasp. llii industry . knows no bounds. From' eight in the morning, till late at night often, he is at his post. The applirt tion of the student has fitted him for the indefatigable devotion necessary to the man in office with duties so multifarious and responsible. He despatches bun nese with uncommon activity, and such are his powers of concentratin, that whilst indUlging in easy cony anon 11 .1. s with his troops of visitors, he ex mines documents, signs papers, and dictates answers to his correspondents.- There is no doubt that Mr. Bancroft will do honor to the cabinet, and raise himself in public estimation ; and it is well for the country that we have a man in his lofty place every way competent to its requirements. Strange to say; that at a moment when Washington seems aban doned, 'that the White House should wear so lively an aspect. Carriages are driving in and out the day long, and its doors - are ever thronged: President Polk is eertainly nuch sought after, and those who come have anything but con osity for °their motive. Business, im portant business, is engraved on their grOve Countenances, which carefully read means office, or good contracts. - Not withstanding these intrusions, the Pres ident is devoted to his officiaLtasks. !. He vigils nothing without the strictest n omination, and has frequently, to the confusion of clerks, detected serious er rors in the ;paper sent fur his signature. On the engrossinS subject of our foreign relations, lie app drs perfectly tranquil- He,apprehends, it is said, no war with Mexico, and rumor' says, there are steps being taken that will reconcile that of fended power, and put an end to all troubles from that quarter. The coun try will yet be surprised by the pru dence and good judgment of the Nest dent and Cabinet in their measures and policy with Mexico. How our dispute with England will end, no one can Jail now predict. - The President is firin , but calm ; decided, but net m ooned' afed. If England does not seek a war. which is far from probable, it is pert/. certain she will not be forced into any guar grave alternative, by the impaled rashness of the Executive. ".' In fine. the interest' and honor the country are safe in his hands. Theis was a semi-officinl. reception fat " ea. ing at the . White_House, which was . vell af attended. Several flreig were present, and amongst others, I lIIs. glad to see the able e presentstf te °I Brazil. He remarked in conversation, with some jocularityonl the extraordiar ry ludicrous exaggeraticins of the eil l , i l difficulty between ourlminister at Rio Janeiro, minimal Janeiro, and his government. The, ma ,: ter has long since terminated sat.,isrin rily to all parties, antl - Mr. Wise n' h i s no manner cornprOmised himself °!,._ country. This is, of c6urse, 53,1,isia'10' ry to both democrats and -Whigs. . E I itil k , 7,451