Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 14, 1845, Image 2

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WOnesday, May 14,1845, '
rPO • A tAtir;-
The Office of the . Bradford Re
porter has been removed to Co
Means' Wick Store, (upstairs,
entrance on the North side.
GLAND.—The steamship Hibernia ar
rived at Boston, on Nuesday 6th inst.,
bringing fourteen days later intelligence.
She left Liverpool on the 19th, and her
passage was delayed by ice, so much
so, that one day she only made fine
The advices taken out by the Cam
bria conveyed intelligence that there
was some opposition to annexation on
the part athe Texan government. It
was readily received with much - plea t,
sure, being unexpected, and his raised
a hope that Texas may continue an in;
dependent nation.
A. rumor prevails that 8000 troops
ate to be -sent to Canada, and that Lieut.
Gen. Earl Cathcart, K. C. B. will be
appointed commander in chief of North
America, - vice Lieut. Gen. Sir Richard
Jackson, who returns home. .T.he
Apollo troop-ship with detachments of
14th, 52d and 60th regiments on board,
sailed from Chatham, on the 11th inst.
7 4
for Canada.
From Switzerland, we learn that that
country has been the scene of a bloody
contest between the rival religionists.—
The Canton of Lucerne was the battle.
field, and is situate nearly in the centre
of Switzerland. It will probably lead
to the dismemberment of the Swiss
Cantons, and their partition among - the
neighboring nations, being an embitter,
ed political and religions war.
FROM MEXlCO—Snother Earth
quake.-Mexico has not yet declared
war against the United States, nor ar "
there any more indications than are
contained in blusterings and denuncia
tions. Mr. Buchanan's answer to Se
nor Almonte's protest has been received
and published.
We have intelligence of u second
earthquake at the devoted city of Mexi
co, causing the utmost terror and con•
sternation to the inhabitants. It, occur
red on the 10th (three days atter
the first) and lasted forty minutes, over
throwing many buildings and causing
a great destruction of property and life.
It was fejt (or a distance of one hundred
trotting match came off at Albany on
Monday. General Dunham's mare
was entered to trot ten miles an hour
for ten consecutive hours, or one hun
dred miles in ten hours, in harness.—
The feat was accomplished, and more
than accom plised. -The animal trotted
one hundred and one miles within the
time, and had twelve minutes to spare—
time nine hours and Orly-eight minutes,
(viz : from 6 A. M. till 12 minutes be
fora 4P. M.) The last mile was ac
complished in four minutes, and the
animal, after having the usual attentions,
appeared as fresh as if nothing had
TON !--We learn from the Delaware
Gazette, Extra, of May 7th, that the de
mocrats of Wilmington have again
achieved a most triumphant victory.—
Ilan Dixon has been elected Treasurer;
by a majority . of 179 over the whig,
and 356 over the Native candidate. -
PLeons IN INDIA.—A" letter to a
gentleman•in Baltimore, dated Hoogly,
Dec. 22d, 1844, states that the plague
was making fearful ravages at Caubool,
where . it had never appeared before,
and (bare were entertained of its'apread
ing through Bengal.
Louis Republican of Saturday says :--
A rencounter took place in the street to
day, in which F. Kennett, Esq., in
flicted personal chastisement 'on the
Rev. Mr. Linn, the pastor of the Cen
tenary Church, in this city.
Globe .says s leiter has been received
by-Tlkir. Blair frogi General Jackson,
informing the Utter that hugs .211
his papers dun, and requestubirn io
ose them in in vindicating his character
should it be assailed.
Prrranutto.—A large amount has
been raised in various sections of the
country to relieve the sufferers by' the
Pittsburg fire.
_; The Pittsburg Gazette,
noticing the exertions made for the-ri
lief of - those distressed, says:-The
sympathy and active benevolence maul
fested by our sister citiesand benevo
lent individuals is every part of the
country towards Pittsburg in .this time
of her calamity, has hid our citizens
under` a weight of obligation, and has
excited sentiments of esteem and grati
tude which language is too poor to do
justice to. The best return in our
power to make at present is to assure
the benevolent donors that their money,
will be judiciously applied to the object
designed' for the relief of the necessi
_tons sufferers by the late fire. A dis
creet committee is engaged in ascer
taining and classifying the sufferers,
and, as soon as this is accomplished,
and the probable amount we shah re
ceive ascertaiued,the money will be di
vided, among the sufferers in such a
manner as that none not actually in
need of aid'will receive assistance, and
that none who are deserving of relief
will be overlooked. A number of poor
widows, mechanics who have lost their
tools, &c., will be assisted by donations.
Another class, who have saved a little,
will be assisted by a loan, &c. In this
way the benevolence of the publi'c will
be applied to the relief of the suffering,
and the restoration of 'the destroyed
part of our city. In the meantime none
are left to suffer Want."
Gazette, says that during the thunder
storm, on Friday evening, April 24th,
two young men, by the name of Mat
thew Placide, and Wm. Wilson, were
engaged in a frame building near a large
oak tree in the borough of York.
The lightening struck the tree, neat
the top, passed down its trunk until it
reached the building, then shattered a
board in the building against which in•
side, a large cross-cut saw suspended,
and prostrated Pacide and Wilsop, the
latter 'of whom was standing near the
saw, and 'was INSTANTLY KILL
ED !-- 1 Placide was severely stunned,
but we learn that he has entirely re
covered from the shock. The deceas
ed was about twenty-five years of age,
and was from the neighborhood of
Cockeysville, Maryland.
The lightning struck a barn on the
same evening of Michael Walters, in
North Codorus township, York county,
burning the same and destroying five
head of horned cattle.
APPOMMENTS.+-The President has
appointed B. A. BinLacx as Charge to
New Granada.
EDMUND BIRKE, late M. C. as Com
missioner of Patents.
R. H. MORRIS, Poet Master in New
GEO. F. LEHMAN, Post Master at
Philadelphia, in place of James Hoy,
HENRY HORN, Collector of the port
of Philadelphia, in the place of Calvin
HENRY WELSH, of York, Naval 01E-
TIIO9. M. PETTIT, U. S. Attorney.
Treasurer of the Mint.
mittee appointed by the Pittsburg
Councils, afters full examination of the
burnt district, having minutely examin
ed every part of it; have arrived at the
following -result
982 buildings burned, value, $1,566;500
Value of property burned, 1,913,450
This - does not include money or per
sonal properly or 'young men or persons
not keeping house.
meeting was held in Philadelphia, a few
days since-, ostensibly for the purpose
of sustaining the President in the posi
tion he has taken in segard to Oregon.
The various cliques wishing to figure
in it. by their conduct. rendered it posi-
tively disgraceful. The speakers in
attempting to address the meeting, were
thrown from. the platform, and several
sets of resolutions were passed. "
Sayder. on Saturday last. was so injur
ed on the Harrisburg railroad. that both
legs had to be amputated. He was a
resident ofearlisle.
MISSION TO LONDON.-.-. 41 is• stated
that Mr. Pickens, of South Carolina,
has been tendered the mission to Lon
Bradlord County Court.
Our Court last week adjourned on
`The only jury- trial was the case of
the ComMonwealtk vs. George,Ennis e ,
colored man e foe stealing forty-air dol
lars and'seVentY;fiie cents in Cask from;
George Stewart also a colored Man.
The prisoner was sentenced to two.
years imprisonment in the eastern Peni
Part of the money was restored, as
welt as sundry articles purchased with
the mbney ; but what amount we are
not informed: -
The libpkopriety of officers and others
holding out inducements to prisoners
when under arrest to confess, saying to
them that it would be better for them
to tell the truth in regard to the crime
with which they are charged, was said
by the Court in. the above case to oc
cur so frequently in this county, as to
demand some notice. None should
endeavor to persuade a person under
arrest for a crime, to make a confession.
Such confessions cannot be received in
evidence on the trials
NEW PAPEE.—We have received the
new paper established at Washington,
by Messrs. RITCHIE & HEISS. It is
called the " UNION " and. takes the
place of the Globe, now defunct. The
veteran editor has a very modest and
graceful address of which the following
is a portion :—" Our opponents are
pleased already to predict +, a splendid
failure " in the new enterprise in which
we have embarked. It may be s 4,
" Man proposes, but Providence dis-A
poses ;" but it an unflagging zeal in
the public service can in any degree
supply the place of experience or of
other qualifications, we shall not be
altogether wanting to the task we have
assumed. We have no mistrust on the
score of age s of which the political
critics have so often been kind enough
to remind us. We know our capacity
for labor, and we are prepared to meet
any sacrifice but that of our principles.
As for the rest, it is in the hands of
Providence and the people. 4. Give us
an honest fame, or give us none !""
HAIL STORM.—On the 2d inst., the
town of Hollidaysburg, was visited by
a hail stotin unparalleled in the recol
lection of the oldest inhabitants; It was
confined to a narrow strip of country.
The hail stones were very large,
measuring an inch and an inch and a
quarter in diameter, and having much
the shape and appearance of a frozen
tomato. Much damage was done to
windows in the,town, but the crops are
so short as yet that they will not be
likely to be injured.
FIRE AT TinixuANNock.The dwel
ling house of Mr. Nicholas Stephens, of
Tudkhannock, was destroyed by fire on
On Friday night—all his provisions
and the principal part of the furniture
were consumed. Lose estimated at
from four to six hundred dollars—no
insurance. Mr. Stevens is said% to be
a worthy, industrious citizen, and by
this casualty has lost in an hour the
honest savings of years.
DARING ROBBERY.--The house of
Michael Burke, of Harrisburg, was
forcibly entered, on Saturday night, 3d
inst., by burglars, who stole therefrom
a gold Jever watch full jewelled, and
upwards of one hundred dollars in mo
ney. The watch and money was in
Mr. Burke's sleeping apartment, and
the robbery was committed in such a
quiet manner that none of the family
were disturbed thereby.
Gen. John A. Purviance of Butler coun
ty to .be Auditor General.
lion. John Laporte, of Bradford
county, to be Surveyor General.
Hiram A. Beebe, Hag:, Owego, N.
Y., to be a Commissioner to take ac
knowledgement of deeds, &c
We publish this week, the supplement
to the act incorporating the North
Branch Canal . Company. We are in
debted to the Luzerne Democrat for it.
been enlarged and otherwise improved.
We are glad to see it exhibit such
signs of prosperity.
THE CAIIBE.—The great Pittsburg
&re is said to have been caused by. a
EXTRA Sir,sstom,—The Union, says
positively, that there will be .no extra
Session of Congress.
sus froin all Nations.
The Geological Cabinet gathered by .
the State Geologist of Pennsylvania,
was lost_ in the.Pittiburg fire. The
week rop o ,New 'aemu l as been
entirely destroyed by' the weather.-- 7! _
The new Legislature. of Rhode Island
will Meet at Newport on Tuesday twit.
—Fare to Albany, 'from New York,
in the - Knickerbeekeri . 2s' cents.
_a population 01110,000.
----The barn of Mr. Jacob Hoff, of
_Strabal township, near Gettysburg, Pa.,
was struck by lightning onFriday
evening and entirely consumed; togeth
er with all its coOtents.—The popu
latiori of Canada is 6A3,749. The
New York Legislature adjourns on the
14th'inst.—It haaltecome fashioni-
ble for the Ladies in Virginia, to use
fans` made of tobacco.---Peytonia and
Fashion are to run over the Union
Course, for $20,000, on the 13th inst.
—15,000 passengers passed over the
Railroad between Springfield and Cab
botville, in the months of March and
April. The sister of Major Andre
recently died in England, at the advanc
ed age of 91 years.—A female pas
senger in a steamer from London to
Newcastle, was frightened to death by
thunder and lightning. Bennett,
the plot of the Swallow, is allowed
until Tuesday next to answer the in
dictment found against him.—The
Presbyterian friends of the Rev. Septi
mus Tuston, late Chaplain to the U.
S: Senate, are making arrangements to
build him a Church in the Noithern
Liberties.---Capt. Freemont, in com
mand of 30 men; is to go on a new ex
pedition to Oregon—to be absent 15
mo ths.—Hamlin, the proprietor of
the Bowery Theatre, is about to erect
a new edifice, at the expense of $2OO,-
000:—L—The Bullion in the Bank of
_ 1
England, amounts to $70,000,000.- , ---
A disgraceful riot recently occurred
among the students in the. University of
Virginia, Which has resulted in the
suspension of its operations for a time.
A Move is making in New York
to extend Canal street to the Mowery,
over the site of the late fire. On
Saturday, the passenger cars on the
Reading Railroad, passed a train of cars
having 740 tons of coal, drawn by one
engine.—The Odd Fellows of Pitts
burg, have contributed largely to the
relief of their suffering fellow citizens.
Itishthan named Kane, made
, an unsuccessful attempt to 'poison his
wife at New Haven, dne day last'week.
He has run away. Professor Sall
man and Ole Bull arrived in Cincinnati
on the 14th ult.—General Jessup has
order to repair to our Southern frontier
on service.—Mr. Barnum, of the
American Museum, in New York, it is
said, has sent home $14,000, as the
proceeds of but six weeks exhibition of
Tom Thumb. He has cleared in all
SlOO,OOO.—A convention to amend
the Constitution of the state of Missou
ri, is to be held in August. The fire
has not yet gone out in .the Dismal
Swamp.----The house of -Mr. N. Ste-
phens of Tunkhannock, was destroyed
by fire last Saturday Week."----A de-
structive are occurred at Reading on
Friday week,—M'Curry will be hung
at Baltimore, on the 27th June, for the
murder of Paul Ron:: New coun-
terfeit notes on the Ourego Bank, New
York,are in circulation. The Mount
Savage Iron Works in Allegheny coun
y, give employment to 1000 hands.
Rev. John Sep:, the devoted and
ndefatigable missionary of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Church to Liberia, has
returned froai his field of labor, and is
enjoying the society of his friends in
Wilkesbarre.—The trial of Jefferson
K. Heckman, Esq., for bastary and
Adultery, came off last week at Easton,
and resultedin his acquittal. Prose-
cutore to pay coets.—The amoun
collected in Philadelphia for the Pitts
burgiaufferers, is $43,000,—in New
I ork over $32,0)30. The whole amount
throughout the country will range be.
tween $250,000 aid $300,000 0 .
The fire in the Long island woods has
destroyed $200,000 st\iirth of property,
including the wood on 30,000 acres
houses, barns, &c. Mear's soip,
factory was destroyed b fire at
- Campndge oh Tuesday '
,i wee
4,000 head of cattle and nusitberless
hocks have died with a packet
temper in Prussia 7 —Tlie paeket ship
Silvie .de Grasse, took/out to Ifavre New York, on e Monday week,
16,000 Itlexican dpliars.—Snow in
Quebec, on the ,second instant, quite .
North Branch Canal Company.
a further Supplement to arc diet to
corporate the North. Branch oone/
Coinpany," p6ssed July twenty : ice-.
and one thousamigght hundred Our
fortitzco.:. , -
SECTION /, Be it enacted _, by -the
Senate . and Rouie of Representative's
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,-
in General Assembly met, and it is
hereby enacted by. the authority of the
same: That the time within which the
Commissioners named in the act, - to
which this is a supplement, may re
open the books arid receive subscript
tions for stock ip said company, shall
be extended-to the first day of January,
Anne Domini one' _thousand eight hun
dred and forty-six, and the time , for
commencing Ow work thereon, the first
day of May, Anno Domini, one thou
sand eight - hundred andlorty-sevin,and
the time for completing the the
first of May, eighteen hundred and fifty
seven. •
SECTION 2. That, whenever the said
North Branch Canal Company shall
have completed their works, - anii open
ed the same to the borough of "Athena,
in the county of Bradford, they shall
be deemed to possess the exclusive
rights to , construct an artificial water
communication in- the valley of the
North Branch of the Susquehanna, nor
shall any'bther company, or body cor
porate, be authorized to construct a rail
way along said valley, parallel with the
line of Canal authorized in the act to
which this is • as a supplement :
the company shall be authorized, and
required, to construct a canal, slack
water navigation, or rail way, up the
Lackawanna river. as far as the bridge,
near the old forge,- and have the same
completed within two years after the
said North Branch Canal shall he made
navigable ; upon which canal, slack
water navigation, or rail way; so as
aforesaid to be Made up the Lackawan
na river, no higher rates of toll shall be
charged, than is charged and established
by said company, upon the main line
of their Canal.
SEctiort 3. That it shall be lawful
for the president and managers of
. said
Company, from time to time to borrow
such sums of money, and on such terms,
as they shall deem expedient for the
use of &aid Company, and to issue cer
tificates of loan, therefor in - amounts not
less than five hundred dollars each, slid
to pledge and mortgage all, or any part,
of the estates, tolls, improvements,
privileges, effects'and assets, whatso
ever, of said company ; Provided,
That the money, so borrowed, shall
not, at any time, exceed the sum of ttvo
hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and
the bonds issued for the same shall not
be sold by said company for less then
their par value : Provided. That, 'five
hundred thousand dollars of the capital
stock of said company shall be first
paid in before the provisions of this
sectinii; authorizing said cbmpany to
borrow Money shall be in force: And,
Provided, fuithei; That no bonds; or
other evidences of indebtedness, shall
be issued by said company, eicept for
money borrowed by virtue of this sec
tion, and no contract shall be made by
said companysor work to be thine; or
materials furiaajted, for the completion
of the canal, pa),'able otherwise thiti`in
SECTION 4. The said company shall
furbish to the Legislature, on the first
Monday of February,,in each and every
year, an abstract of the acts of-the com
pany, chewing the Whole amount of
their dapiial actually paid in, the amount
of money borrowed, the amount of
transportation, and the amount of tolls
received, and the amount paid for re
pairs, collection and supervision, in
each year, which abstract shall be yeti
fled by oath or affirmation of
.the pre
sident of the company, fot the time be
Szcztox 5. That the rates of toll to
be authorized to be charged and receiv
ed by the said company, shall at no
time, without the appropriation of the
Legislature, be less than are now, or
may hereafter be, charged on the Penn
sylvania Canal.
SECTION O. That it shalt at all times
'be lawful for a Committee _of the Le
gislature, or either' branch thereof ap
pointed for that purpose, to inspett the
books and examine into the proceedings
of the Corporation hereby created, and
to report whether the provisions of
their charter have ~been by the same
abused and violated ; and if the officers
of said corporation - should ramie to be
sworn or affirmed to, sive evidence, or
to produce alt such of their books or
papers as may be denianded before any
such committee, the Legislature may
by law declare the said charter void,
and re the same ; and whenever
any omrnittee as aforesaid shall find
and/report, or the Governor shall have
tdson to believe, that the charter has
en violated, it may 'be lawful for the
Legislature to direct, or the Governor
to order a acirefecias to be issued out
of the Supreme Court of this Common
wealth, which shall be executed on the
pretelent of the corporation for the time
bein , at least ten days before the corn-,
mencement of the term of the said court]
calling on the said 'corporation to show
cause wherefore the' charter _hereby
granted =shall not be declared forfeited";
and it shall be lawful for the said court,
upon the return of the said wire facies,
to examine into the truth of the said
violations, and if such 'violations be
made to appear; them to adjudge that
'.the.faid charter is forfeited, and them
upoitf,-.and in case the legislature eball
declarethe said charter void, and rep eal
the same for the cause aforeeaid,
- theUanal aforesaid, with the appurinn.
anceit, and all the estate, and pe rsonal
'of the said corporation, shall revert t a ,
and revest the commonwealth, up on
the payment by the co mmonwealth t o
the stockholders, of the money actually
expended, in the completion of said en ,
nil ; add Until the commonwealth shall
have made. such payment to the m ann ,
gers of the said company, to be by
them distributed among tke stockholders
the rights, privileges and franchisee
the said ° corporation shall Wmatt,
though said judgment, or forfeiture, had
not been declared , or pronounced: Pro
vided, That every issue of fact which
may be joined between the common.
wealth and the corporation, in said pro.
ceeding, shall be tried by a jury sum.
mondby en officer to be named by the
court,lrom the body of the State, and
it shall be for the court aforesaid to re.
quire and compel the production of such
of the books and papers of the corpora.
lion on such trial bS it may deem Ili
cessary for the ascertainment of th,
controverted facts, and the final judg
meat of the court shall be sutject to al
the usages of the law as in other eases.
SEcTrws 7. That of the thirtee n
managers of said - North Branch Cana
Company," provided for in the att to
which th is is a supplement, not less
than eight shall be citizens of this com
SECTION 8. That the fourth section
of the supplement to the act, to which
this is a further supplement, passed the
fourteenth day of Ppril, Aunt) Domini,
one thousand eight hundred and forty
three, and so much of any other pro
visions in said act, and the supplement
thereto, as are inconsistent with the
- provisions of this act,'be, and the same
is hereby repealed.
SECTION 9. That Robert N. Parrilh
of the city of Philadelphia, and E.
Sturdevant, of Luzetne county, be, and
they are hereby added to the number
of Commissioners named in the act is
which this is a supplement.
exacus..—The extensive- Circus c
Welch, Mann and Delavan will par our
town a visit on Saturday next. It it
comprised of force from the Park
theatre, N. Y., and the Walnut, Phila.
delphia, and is the largest and best
arranged company which has left tl.o
city forsome time. Admittance only
a quarter.
.ACCIDENT —Charles W. Laing, of
New Jersey, %slide on his way from
Philadelphia to Williamsport. by tl.e
route of the Philadelphia and Harris.
burg railroad, and about one mite from
Middletown, laid his arm out of
ar window, and while passing a bridge
it was struck by the timbers and badly
Gazette states, that Mr. Washington
Farrington, .tt ho went down the rim
with Mr. Ransom, was instantly killett
by the cable to an ark near Portneposo.
GREAT RACE.—The great race be.
tween Fashion and Peytonia came off
yestefiday., 13th inst.
HON. A. DAVEZAC, has been appoin
ted Charge d'Affaires to the Hague.
MEASLEIL-IN right's Indian Vegeta•
ble Pills will be found one of the best,
if not the very best, medicine in the
world for the prevention and cure of
Measles ; because they cleanse the be ,
dy from those poisonous humors whirl)
are the cause of this and every other
infectious diseased. In-order to make
a speedyrand perfect cure of Measles,
two or three said Indian Vegetable Pills
_should be taken every night on going
to bed, until every vestige of the mala•
dy Ims,disappeated.
This course will not only eradicate
every appearance of Measles, hut will
entirely prevent the malady from falling
in the eyes or the lungs ; as is often
- the epee when treated by the facully.
Mir sale at the store of J. D. it E.
D. Montanye, in Towanda, and bY
agents published in another column of
this paper.
NW Caution.—As counterfeiters
are abroad, avoid all stores, ut doubtful
character, and be particular in all cue•
ses, - to ask for 'Fright's Indian Pp'
table Pills.
In Granville, on Thursday the Bth inst«bY Ls.
man Putnam Eel., douis Muss to Moor
aim Anmernorro, all of Granville..
- _
t'ashionable Tailoring
G EORGE H. BUNTING would raped'
fully inform the public that he 1191
Unties at his old stand on the west side Ol!dia!'
atnet, between Kinbe
may be foua d 's and !learn s
stores, up stairs. wh ew ho
readiness to all work in his title in style n' t
to be surpassed in Bradfottl rounty. Plias to
suit the times. Thankful for past loom!
respectfully solicits a continuance and bope§.°!
strict attention to business and a ccommoi tog
terms to
rin erit pn bummer
g a FASHION Sb !: e
jbat teen rieeitetl, and be is prepared ( 0 5 ' 6
garments in the most fashionable mown:
__ a
Particular attention paid to CUTTINO , '
warranted to fit if properly W ade up.
Ho has the latest Spring and Stow: to-.
ions for sale,'
Towanda, May t•I, 145.