Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 07, 1845, Image 4

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    Wisert'4l3(citt.s . .
Callon 61 Corn.
As the time is 'approaching to . plant
• corn, it may not be opportune to throw
out - u few brief hints, not as to the best
mode-=-forevery grower of: thistnultri
titious grain is, already, in possession of
. the best mode of culture—but as mere
suggestions as to what we consider a
good plan to produce a renumerating
crop. To begin them at the beginning
he who expects to make his acres tell a
tale of production that he may not be
ashamed of, must lay himself out, in the
first place, to put his-ground in good con
(Mimi, and this can Only be effected by
deep_ ploughing, and such pulverisation,
by harrowing and cross-harrowing. as
will make the filth as fine as Ole null's
fiddle. To expect the corn to plant and
manure its fruit luxuriantly in a cloddy
and halfprepared soil, is just as unrea
sonable as would be the attempt to get
-up steam 'without fire. Ili the • second
place, unless his land be in a very high
state of fertility, he must make arrange- 4
merits to manure his corn ground with a
liberal—nay, with a prodigal hand—for,
of a truth, the corn plant is' a most cora. ,
cious feeder, and delights like many a
gourmand, to luxuriate amid grass viands
of many compounds. In the third place,
he should be assiduous in working his
crop from its first coming up, until he
Jays'it by, in order that in the race for die
mastery, the weeds may always be kept
down, and never for a day permitted to
rob the corn plants of any portion of the
food'which mny be buried in earth, or 1
floating in. air. In a word, the • earth
should at all times be kept clean from
Weeds, and open to the influences of sun,
air, dew and rain, properties as essential
to their growth as the - best - and most en
riching manures. .
We have recommended deep plough
ing to the preparation of ;lie soil for the
reception of the seed, but far, very fat,
would we he from recommending deep
ploughing after the plants arrive at any
considerable height. "Indeed, after the
first working, we abandon the plough al
together, and rely upon tire cultivator, to
be followed by careful hoemen to eradi
cate such weeds as may not be reached
by the former implement; for notwith
standing many intelligent writers, as well
as- practical planters contend that the cut
ting of the roots by the plough is be
neficial, we cannot reconcile the practice
t r our notions and common sense view
of things. Nature intended the roots as
the mediums of feeding, and" every act
of violence—every separation—to which
they may be subject, must necessarily
tend to retard their growth, because such
treatment arrests that continuous absorp
tion and elaboration of that portion of
their food which is derived from the
With regard to very large crops of
corn, we have a remark or two to make.
It must be obvious, that without close
planting, no matter what the quality of
the soil may bc-Lno matter how notably
the culture may he pursued—unless a
sufficient number of stalks be grown up
on an acre, the yield will always be more
'or less circumscribed, as without the
stalks be on the earth they cannot pro
duce ears of corn.
It should be an object with every corn
grower to provide his corn ground with
lime, plaster, and ashes, as well as the
nutritive manures, for unless there be
potash in the soil to dissolve the sand,
and form what is called the silicate of
potash, the substance which composes
s,_the outer-crust of the cornstalk—vegeta
tion cannot go on with that economy
Which leads to the fructification of the
grain, as the stalks are mainly composed
.of sand, reduced by the action of potash
i n to a fluid state, and thus taken up, by
the roots and distributed, so as to impart
to it the capacity to stand erect and sus
tain its burden.
Ten bushels of ashes and one of plas
ter, well mixed together, is sufficient for
an acre, whether sown broadcast, or used
in, or on the top of each hill. We have
sometimes thought that the best disposi
tion to be made of plaster and ashes,
would be to compost them with the ma
nitre of the barn yard before hauling it
out to be plOughed ;—by such treatment
every part of the corn-fietd would derive
benefit from their application, instead of
its being confined to the immediate vici
nity of the bills.
The soaking of the seed of corn in a
weak solutiqn of saltpetre or of copperas,
before being planted, has a two-fold ef
fect—it promotes edrly germination and
prevents the depredations of worms and
birds. We have used bath soaks, hand
never without being impressed with_ the
conviction of having derived advantage
from each. •
We have, with decided good effect,
sown two bushels of salt, broadcast, on
an acre of corn after it had come up.—
The effect as it manifested itself to us,
was, to maintain, in one of the dtiest sea
sons we have ever experienced, a degree
of moisture on the part where the salt
was used, highly beneficial—to have
preserved the blades green when those
around the salted part crumbled into
powder on the slightest touch of the
The remarks which we have made,
are based upon the result of close obser
vation, in an experience of some years,
and we, therefore, embody them thus
timely, in order that our' readers may
avail themselves of them. Should they
so, we doubt not but that their expe
rience will b.• soincident with our own.
Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures.
Mr. Caudle beton made a Mason—Mir
Candle Indignant and Curious.
" Now, Mr. Caudle—Mr. Caudle, I
I say : oh! you can't be asleep already.
I know—now, what I mean to say is
this ; there's no use; none at all, in bur
haring any disnirbance abput the mats
ter; but, at hull my mind is made up,
Mr. Caudle . ; I shall leave yqp. Either
I know all you've been doing to-night,
or to-morrow morning I quit the house.
No, no ; there's an end of the marriage
state, I think--an end of all confidence
between man and wife—if a husband's
to have secrets abd keep 'em all to him.
self. Pretty secrets they must be,
when his own wife can't know 'em.—
Not fit for any decent person to know,
I'm sure, if that's the case, Now,
Caudle, don't let us quarrel; there's a
good soul, tell me what's it all . about ?
A pack of nonsense , I dare say ;_still—
"not that I care much about it—still, I
should like to know. There's it dear.
Eh ? Oh, don't tell me there's nothing
in it ; I know better. I'm not a fool,
Mr. Caudle; I knoly there's a good
deal in it. Now, Caudle, just tell me
a little%it of it. I'm sure I'd tell you
anything. You know I would.—
Well ?
N Caudle, you're enough to vex a
saint ! Now, don't you think you're
going to sleep ; because you're not.—
Do you suppose l'd ever suffered you.
to go and be 'Ti r ade a mason, if I didn't
suppose I was to know the secret, too?
Not that it's anything to know, I dare
say ; that's why I'm determined to
know it.
" But I know what it is ; oh, yes,
there can be no doubt. The secret is,
to ill use poor women ; to tyranize over
'em ; to make 'em your slaves: espe
cially your wives. It must be some
thing of the sort, wouldn't be
ashamed to have it known. What's
right and proper never need be done in
secret. lee an insult to a woman for,
a man to be a free mason, and let his
wife know nothing of, it. But, poor
soul ! she's sure to know it somehow
—for nice husbands they all make.—
Yes, yes; a part of the secret is to
think better of all the world than their
own wives and families. I'm sure men
have quite enough to care for—that is,
if they act properly—to care for them
they have at home. They can't have
much care to spare for the world be
" And I suppose they call you Bro
ther Caudle ? A pretty -brother, in
deed ! going and dressing yourself up
in rn apron ltke a turnpike man, for
that's what you look like. And I
should like to know what the apron's
for? There must be something in it
not very respectable, I'm sure. Well.
I only wish I was Queen for a day or
two, I'd put•an end to free-masonry,and
all such trumpery,. I know.
Now, come, Caudle, don't let's
quarrel. Eh? you're not in pain,
dear! What's it all about What
are you lying laughing there at ? But
I'm a fool to trouble my head about
"And you're not going to let me
know the secret, eh I You mean to
say—you're not ? Now, Caudle, you
know it's hard matter to put me in a
passion—not that I care about the se
cret itself; no, I wouldn't give . a but
ton to know it, for it's all nonsense,
sure. It isn't the secret t care about ;
it's the slight, Mr. Caudle ; it's the
studied insult that a man pays to his
wife, when he thinks of going through
die world keeping something to himself
which he Won't let her know. Man
and wife one, indeed ! I should like
to know how that can be when a man's
a mason—when he keeps a secret that
sets him and his wife apart ? lla, you
men make the laws, and so you take
good - care to have all the best of 'em to
yourselves ; otherwise a woman ought
to be allowed a divorce when a man be
comes a mason. IVhen he's got a sort
of corner-cupboard in his heart—a se
cret place in his - mind—that his poor
wife isn't allowed to rummage:!
Caudle, you 'shan't close your eyes
for a week—no, you shan't—unless
you tell me some of it. Come ; there's
a good creature ; there's a love. I'm
sure, Caudle, I wouldn't refuse you
anything—and you know it, or ought
to know it by this time. I only wish
I had a secret ! To whom should I
think of confiding it but to my dear
husband ? -I should be miserable to
keep it to myself, and you not know it.
Now, Caudle !
,‘ Was there ever such a man ? A
man, indeed ! A brute! yes, Mr. Cau
dle, an unfeeling, brutal creature, when
you might oblige me and you won't.—
I'm sure I don't object to your being a
mason; not at all, Caudle; I dare say
it's a very good thing; I dare say it is
—it's only your making a secret of it
that vexes me. But you'll tell me—
you'll tell your own Margaret? .You
won't ! you're a wretch, Mr. Caudle.
But I know why ; oh, yes; I can
tell. The fact is, you're ashamed to
let me know what a fool they've been
making of you. That's it. You, at
your time of life—the - father of a family.
I should be ashamed of mysel4 Caudle.
And I suppose you'll be.going to
what you call your Lodge every night,
now. Lodge, indeed ! Pretty place
it must be, where they don't admit
women. Nice goings on, I dare say.
Then you'call one another brethren.--
Brethren! I'm sure. you'd relations
enough,lyou didn't want any more."
Married in Fan.
The following incident ib said to
have taken place recently in the neigh
borhood of Rochester, N. Y. :
A sleigh-riding party went out to
Rush, in the Great Western," and
after dancing- and frolicing to their
heart's.content; they set their faces
homeward,.at two o'clock in the morn
ing. At four o'clock, the storm bemg
at its highest, the party had to stop for
day light; at a small town near the city,
where, huddled togethei in a room too
small for a dance, the leaders set their
heads to devising a new method of
killing time. A wealthy 'old bachelor
and a pretty girl of eighteen were haul
ed up to be married, and a young at
torney in was selected to
play the parson, or the magistrate.
The young knot-tyer, thus unceremo
niously pressed into service, and duly
sensible of the part he was playing, de
livered himself of a most eloquent ad
dress to the parties, in reference to the
solemn step they were about to take ;
but the impromtu eloquence of the offi
ciator only brought down peals of
laughter at 4 his mock-seriousness, and
made the party more urgent to have
him proceed ;,and the bachelor -being
too much of a gentleman to back out,
and the girl pleased with the sport,
pronounced the words in imitation of
her partner, and in the presence of the
selected witness, which, according to
the laws of New York, constituted the
parties husband and wife, till death shall
them part. The attorney having de
clared the parties man and wife, and
given each of them it certificate, and
tiled a - copy with the town clerk, in
formed the company that he had done
all the law required—and the driver
declaring that all was ready, the party
left the tavern in high glee. and made
their way into town. The next day,
the legal adviser of the bridegroom in
formed him that he was legally married,
and that the laws of this State made no
provisions for joking. So much for
being marred in fun.
OATS.—Let your oat-ground be forth
with ploughed, and put in fine tilth by
thorough horrowing, and if you have
ashes or lime enough to give to each
acre five or ten bushels, be sure to sow
it thereon—if you have neither of these,
and you can procure plaster,-sow a
bushel of it on every acre. Should
you fear the depredations of the worm,
strew a bushel of salt per acre over
your field. Among all your fears don't
let that of your oat ground being too
rich disturb your nightly slumbers.—
If there be potash enough in your soil
to give strength to the straw, the danger
of falling and lodging, you may treat
as moonshine and green-cheese.
yen Courier says :—A man of wit be
ing asked what pleasure he could find
in the company of pretty woman, who
was a loquacious simpleton, replied,
I love to see her talk !" This re
calls to our mind a fact which happen
ed in one of our public schools not long
ago. A boy about seven years old was
called up and flogged by the teacher for
squeezing a little girl's hand. After
the punishment. was inflicted he was
asked why he did it. He replied, It
looked so pretty that I could not help
it." Did not the teacher deserve a
flogging for punishing the boy.
WOMAN'S REAsoxs.--=Some one tells
us that a woman's reasons are (in num
ber) three—Because I did—because I
will—and because I should like ! The
first cannot be retnedied--if you op
pose the second, you will have a stormy
time of it—and, as for the third, even
an old bachelor cannot overcome it,
when backed up by sweet smiles and a
pleasant manner. `.l
In the Isthmus of Darien, the ladies
make every year a leap year" by ask
ing the gentleman if they fancy to mar
ry the ; indeed the principle is exer
cised promiscuously by both sexes.—
When that ship canal is completed,
what cargoes of bachelors will see
Panamas' plains to have the question
popped by sunny Indian maids.
SET 'EM VP !—Four hundred ladies
of Concord (N. 11.) have petitioned to
the Legislature •to abolish all the ten
pin alleys in that town. They take
their husbands from them, and carry
oil the beaus when they ought to be
KEEN RETORT.—•Boewelt asked John
son once whether he had heard that
people compared him to a mad dog.--
Have you heard, sir," said the doctor.
that people compare you to the tin
kettle tied to my tail ?"
WHAT IS LIGHT ?--" ' What is light ?"
asked' a schoolmaster of the booby of a
.6 A sovereign that is n't full weight
is light," was the prompt reply.
A GLORIOUS Rcynnon.—lf you feel
inclined to exercise your vengeance
against any one who has deeply injured
you, take the first opportunity of doing
him a service. If he has any feeling,
you will wound him to the quick.
AN UPSTART.—The moat bitingmor
tification you can inflict upon an up
start is. to take no notice of him.
At No. 1,. Brick Row.
Ito WOOLD 0009
receiving and opening a splendid assort
ment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils ¢ Dye
Stuffs; & in addition a fulland complete assort
ment of FAMILY GROCERIES. The stock
consisting in part of the folltiwing:
Alum Miramar Oil - •
Alcohol MaCe•
Aloes Magnesia
Annetta ' do calcined
Antimony / Marina
Arrow Root Mustard seed
Arsenic "do ground
Aqua Fortis Nursing Bottles •
do Ammon, . Nutgalls
-Bottles, assorted Nutmegs
Bear's Oil Oil, Fall, Winter and
British Oil Summer strained
Blue Vitriol Spam, bleiched,
Borax wht. and natural
Bark Pertly. pulv. do Linseed -
Bath Brick do Camphine
Balsam.Copttiva do Sweet
Burgundy Pitch Oil Vitro!
Camphor do Wintergreen
Calomel do Peppermint -
Caraway Seeds do Aniseed
Cantharides do Lavender
C arb. Ammon. Opodeldoc
Cayenne Pepper Paregoric
Chamomile Flowers Pearl Barley
Cinnamon Pepper Sauce
Cloves Perfumery
Court Plaster Pill Boxes
Copperas - Pink Root
Confectionary Prussiate Potash
Corks, all of kinds Quicksilver
Cream Tartar Rhubarb, rt. & powdr.
Curctima Roll Brimstone
Cubebs Red-Chalk •
Emery, aas'd from-No. Red Precipitate
1 to 6 Saffron, American and
Epsom Salts Spanish
Essence Bergamot Sand Paper
do Lemon Sal. Ammoniac
• do Peppermint do Glauber
do and Oil Spruce Saltpetre
Plot. Sulphur Sarsaparilla
`do Benzoni do Syrup
Glue, of all kinds Sealing Wax
Gold leaf Senna
Gum Opium Shaker's Herbs
do Arabic Sponge, coarse & fine]
do Copal Starch I
do Assaf:elide i snuff, Maccaboy
do Myrrh 'do Scotch •
do Tragacanth do Cephalic
Herb= Oil Soap, Castile
Hiera Piers do Shaving
Indigo, Spanish, float do Windsor
do Bengal Spermaceti
Ink Powders Spts. Hartshorn
Ink, in bottles do Nit. Dulc.
do Indellible Sugar Lead
Irish Moss Sup. Carb Soda
Isinglass Sulph. Quinine
Itch Ointment Syringes, assorted
Ivory Black Tart. Acid
Jalap Tenter Hooks
Laudanum Vials, assorted
Liquorice Root Valerian Root
do Ball Wafers
Lunar Caustic White and Red Tartar
Black Lead Putty
Cassia Paris White
Chalk Spanish Brown
Chrome Yellow French Green
do Green Spt. Turpentine
Copal Varnish Rosin
Coach do Venetian Red
Lead, White, dry and Verdigris
Lead, Red [in Oil Vermillion
Lamp Black Whiting
Litharage Yellow Ochre
Ext. Logwood
Red Wood
Muriate Tin
Oxalic Acid
Prussian Blue
Red Saunders
Rotten Stone,.
The great English re-Pills, briental
medy, Buchan's Hun- do Dr. Post's
garian Balsam of Life do Hooper's
Sands' Sarsaparilla do Moffat's
Bristol's Ext. do do Persian
Wistar's Balsom Wild do Brandreth's
Cherry do Phinney
Pectoral Honey of Li- do Lee's
verwort Godfrey's cordial
Cheeseman's Arabian Thomp.son's Eyewater
Grain Tin
Lac Dye
Tea -• St'm rof. Family Soap
Coffee Sperm Candles
Sugar Chemical Wax do
Spice and Pepper Tobacco and Snuff
Starch Sal ./Eratus
Raisins Pipes
Soda Crackers Brooms
Cinnamon Pails
English Currants Ropes
Nutmegs Refined Loaf Sugar
Ginger Cassia
Window Glee; 7 by 9, 8 by 10,10 by 12,10
by 14, 11 by 15, 12 by 16, 12 by 18
Mixed Paints at all times on band, ready for
Towanda, December 16, 1844.
Second ,and Last Call !
THE subscribers have a large amount of
unsettled accounts and notes, which have
been standing_ from env. to stx years, and
which they have determined snit/. BE sET
TLED. They have waited patiently through
the recent exciting political canvass, without
asking for their dues. Now, circumstances
render it necessary that they should be paid ;
and they would say for once and for all, that
every person indebted to them must come for
ward immediately, and pay their accounts, or
suffer the consequences. Will those indebted
heed the-wanking, or will they pay cost
Montocion, March 15, 1895. -
MUI 2 p7fRI/LO:DWA\_3IL..g•
ITLYBBEB MERCUR has removed his
Law-Office to the room one door east of
the office formerly occupied by Adan:is'& Met
eor. Entrance as before at the west aide of
Montanye & Betts' building.
December 20, 1844.
HATS for sale, and ciao the beat assortment
of CAPS in town at DAIRDS.
September 30 . 1. Brick Row.
Wright's Vegetable Indian Pllle.
IF, during dining the Continuance of Storms
and :Floods, the channels of
OEM MIGHTIC mune : •
become so . Obatnicted - aa toafford an insufficient
outlet for the superabundant waters, we can ex
pect nothing leas than that the innounding
country will be °
oranwasymmo WITS TIfE111.001):
In a like manner with the , human body—if the
Skin, Kidneys; and Bowels, Oho natural out
lets for
rsar.uss ♦ND CODIMPT nvnona)
becom so obstructed as to fail in affording a
full discharge of those impurities which are in
all cases •
we surely can expect no other results than tha
the whole frame will sooner or later be
As in the first place, if we would prevent an
inundation we must remove all obstructions, to
the free discharge of the superabundant waters.
So, in the second place, if we would prevent
and cure disease, we mast open and keep open,
all the Natural Drains of the body. -
Of the North American College of Health,
will be found one of the best if not the very
for carrying out this beautiful and simple.theo
ry ; because they completely cknac the Stomach
and Bawd: from all Billioua Bumoia and oth
er impurity, and at the same limo promote
healthy discharge from the Lungs, Skin, and
Kidneys; consequently, as all the Natura
Drains are opened,
Disease of every name is literally driven front
the Body.
ca. Caution—As the great popularity and
consequent great detinind for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills has raised up a host of mentor
feiters, country agents and storekeepers will be
on their guard-against the many imposters who
are travelling about the country selling to the
unsuspecting a spurious article for the genuine.
It should be remembered that all authorized
'agents are provided a Certificate of Agency,
signed by WILLUM Witmer, Vice President
of the N. A. College of Health. Consequent
ly, those who offer Indian Vegetable Pills and
cannot show a Certificate, as above described,
will be known as imposters.
The following highly respectable Store.
keepers have been appointed Agents for the sale
and of whom it is confidently believed the ge
twine medicine can with certainty be obtained
J. D. & E. D. Montanye, Towanda
D.Brink, P.M., Hornbrook.
S.W.& D.F.Pomeroy, Troy.
Lyman Durfey, Smithfield.
J. J. & C. Warford, Monroeton.
Wm, Gibson, Ulster.
Ulysses Moody, Asylum.
John Horton Jr.. TerrytOwn.
Ceryell & Gee, Burlington corners
Benjamin Coolbaugh, Canton.
L. S. Ellsworth & CO., Athens.
Allen & Storrs, Sheshequin.
Guy Tracy, Milan.
A .R.Soper, Columbia Flatte.
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of the
medicine wholesale and retail, 228 Greenwich
street, New York, No. 198 Tremont street,
Boston, and 169 Race street, Philadelphia. •
are respectfully informed that medicine purport
ing to be Indian Pills, made by one V. 0.
Falek, are not the genuine Wright's Indian
Vegetablo Pills.
The only security against imposition is to
purchase from the regular advertised agents,
and in ail cases be particular to ask for lifright's
Indian Vegetable Pills.' [nol.6m
Keep it before the People,
WHAT the Old Drug Store, west side of
the Public Square, is now receiving the
largest assortment of Drugs and Medicines ever
offered in this market, among which are the
following, viz
Sulph. Morphia, Blue Mass,
do. Quinine, Nit. Silver,
Eng. Calomel,
Quick do. a
lodid. Potassa, Peperine,
Red Precipitate, Ipecac,
White do. Tart. Antimony,
StiTchnia, lodine, -
Elateruim, Valerian Root,
Kreasot, Seneca do.
Puly. Julep, Serpentaria do.
Ext. do., Gention do.
Ext. Colycinth, Colombo do.
do. Gentian, Pink do.
do. Cicuta, Senna,
do. Hyosciamus, Adhesive Plaster,
do. Taraiecum, Cantharides,
Spnng- and Thumb Lancets, Lancet cases &c.,
The attention of PHYSICIANS is particu
larly invited to the above articles, they being
just received from one of the most respectable
houses in New York and will therefore be war
ranted pure and free from adulteration in all
cases, and disposed of at very low prices.
Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Rose
mary, Wormseed, Hemlock,Bassafrass, Lemon,
Lavender, Bergamot, Aniseed, Cloves,►Juniper,
Amber, Cajput, Caraway, llionard, Fennel, Al
mond. Origanum, Cedar, Amber, &c., &c.
The most popular of the day, such as Dr.
r ayne's Expectorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild
Cherry, Sands Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayne's Car
manitive, Balsam Hoarhound, Turtington'a
Pink Expectorant Syrup, Bateman's Drops,
Andersons do., Laroott's Cough do., Liquid
Opodeldoc, Balsam Honey, Preston Salts, Mrs.
Gardnera Balsam Liverwort and Hoarhound,
Dr. Spoons' Digestive Elixor,Dr. Munni Elix.
of Opium, Dr. Benjamin Godfrey's Cordial,
Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, Cheesman'a Arabi
an Balsam, Balm of Columbia, Butler's Mag
nesian Aparient, Henry's do., Dr, Thompson's
Eye Water, British Oil,Harlem do., Maccassar
do., Bear's do., Grave's Hair do., Croton do.,
together with many others to numerous to men
Compound Cathartic, Gregory's Hoopers
Female, German, Lees Windham Billions,
Miles Tomatto, Brandreth's, Wright's Indian
Vegetable, Dr. Phinney's, Webstet's, Mofats
and Bitiers, Alebasis, Bishops, &c., &c.,
White, Red and Black Lead, Chrome Green,
Chro me Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue,
Rose Pink, Sugar Lead, Litharge, Blue Smelts,
Venetian Red, Vermilliun, Turmeric, Annatto,
Indigo. CopperakAllum. Crude, Tartar, Cochi
neal, Solution or Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitro!,
Glass 7by 9, Bby 10, and 10 by 12, Putty,
Linseed Oil, &c., &c.
A. D. MONTANYE, Dnrcsisr.
Towanda, 0ct.25, 1844.
meaT ifulunisfamalr,
• WILMOT de. srEPIIET lami te
D, havingformed a copartnership f or
practice of law in Bradford and the it
counties, will give prompt and careful atter*
to all business entrusted to their charge, T he
office will be found in Towanda, No. 2, , B r r
Row,' on the second Boor, where one or 0,
,AlRdig 11.1,1
D dc CO.
No. 3 Brick
mbet Ttb.
rar3....vigar. snrits .;
WaV7 Olg
'HEAVING taken the Store no. 2, now 4,
block has opened a complete arsortme,
of Merchandise selected with great care tape,
ly for this market, which be offers for sale
the most reasonable terms. Cash; Prod u
Feathers, Furs, 4n., will be takerrin e
change for goods. His stock consists o f
Foreign & Domestic Dry Good.
Pilot, beaver, broad and gray cloths, e t ,.
meres, satinetts, bard times, linscy.w oo l,
Canton and woollen flannels, brown and bk
eheetings and drillings; a spina
assortment of Prints, of all prices and pattirs
book, swim), striped and cross-bar marline, pl •
and figured laces, Irish linens, pl a i n „fid fig
and silk warp alapacas, chameleon lustre', A
ghan crapes, mouselin de !eines, cable and pia
shawls, cravats, gloves, hat ribands, basic!
suspenders. &c.
Wes and Dry Crocerks.-
Brown, crushed and loaf sugars; teas rf a
qualities ; molass'ets,,Sine cut, Virginia and sm.
king tobacco ; snuff, Apices, mustard, laMP:oi
coffee, soap, starch, 4.c. Also a complete a
sortment of
Trines and Alvan's.
Pure cognise brandy, Holland gin, port win
Crockery and Glass 'Ware.
Hardware and Cutlery, cress cut and mill sawF
nails, glass, &c.
Roots and Shoes.
Men's coarse and fine hoots; ladies' farm
plain and figured india robbers; French slip
pers, buskins, children's cloth and Marva
shoes, buffalo robes, &c.
Hats and Caps.
Brush, silk and fur hats; Ole Bull , leathrr
fur, velvet and hair seal caps; men's aim .
wool and rowdy hats, &c.
Every exertion will be made to please and
satisfy every ono who may give him a tall
Towanda, Dec. 2d, 1844. `4,
HAVE commenced the manufacture
Saddles, Bridles, Harness, &c., &c.. iu
the borough laf Towanda, in the building tat
merly occupied by S. Hathaway, tao door,
west of I. H. Stephens' tavern, where they vtill
keep constantly on hand, and manufacture to
Elastic ifeb, Common and Quilted
Harness,. Carpet Bags,
Bridles, Trunks,
Collars, Valises, 4-e. kr.
Carriage Trimming and Military MT'
done to order.
Mattresses, Pew . and Chair Cushions ma"
on short notice and reasonable terms.
The subscribers hope by' doing their In!
well, and by a strict attention to business,
merit a share of Oldie patronage.
Towanda, May 14, 1844.
al©Qm ualzg
AID. MONTANYE • has removed Lis
e Drug Store to the third door below J.
D. 4 E. D. Montanye's store, Jain wee.
whete yon will at all times find a good meat
ment of Drugs 4 Medicines.
Nov. 25, 1845.-
Watch and Clock Repairing
forms his fnends and 11 . A
public that he still conttn ,
ues to carry on the abarq
business at his old stand,
ono door south of Ellioti
& Mercur's store, 111:1
nearly opposite the Bo
Wald and Clark Repairing,
Will be done on short notice; and warranted t ,
be well done. From a long experience in th
business, he believes that he will be able to re
der perfect satisfaction to all who may ban
him with their patronage.
N.B. Watches warranted to run well on
year, or the money refunded • and a writte
agreement given to that effee• to all that aeon
CLOCKS.—A large assortment just rents
ed and for sale very low for cash.
If you want to buy Jewelry chop call t
Chamberlin's Watch Shop-
MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, end all lar'
of Country Produce received in payment
Towanda, March 5, 1845.
AD. MONTANYE hnas soaped to
• former stock of DRUGS .I:CD ME
CINES, a fresh soppy of
such as Teas, Sugar, Coffee, Pepper,. SRI
Saleratus, Starch, Raisins, CovenJish, SO 5,
and fine cut Tobacco, Maccahoy SnalF 6 0"
lab and Common Cigars, by the box or 0 0
wise. Together with many other articles to
numerous to mention. ,Be sure add d i
Illontanye's Drug. ¢ Grocery Store.
Towanda, Dee. 4, 1844.
AFRESH supply of Clover Seed, uncoil
ally plump and clean, just received ,
for sale low by 0. D. BARTLETT.
CIOLOGNE WATER by the o unce. Pul l
quart or gallon in fancy bottles o r rotba
wino to spit the Ladies, at .
PAINT, Hair, Shaving, Tooth end
Brushes at'
account.O ALTS, wanted at tOla (Pc