M 1.; . ..2irtscatsv".— ills dreadful complaint - 4 i erally begins with chillness;; and sertng, followed-by heat, thirst - and ::lessness; to these succeed a violent irking pain in one`of the sides, among cribs, anti which is generally most vere when the patient draws his eath. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are speedy and certain cura for the Hen. because they purge from the body )se morbid _humors, which, when Jged in the inside lining of the breast, ?, the cause of that acute and slianger . s malady called Pleurisy. • In all ur :lt cases, from four to eight of said als should kbe taken every night, or ‘ 2 !ve hours, until all intlamation and -. 0 is removed; after which, three or ", : r Pills, taken once in twenty-four ', acs , will, in a short time, make a ft:ld effectual cure of the most vio ; attack of Pleurisy. cor sale at the store of J. D. & • E. Monianye, in Towanda, and by published in another column of paper. ptr Caution.—As counterfeiters a broad, avoid all_ stores of - doubtful ' gutter. and be particular in all cas. to ask for Wright's Indian Ven- Pills. • Married, oo the 22d ult., by'Rev. W. R. DeWitt, RICHARD C. DEA,n3to7to, Esq., o Pililadelßhia, to Miss E. M. KELLOGG, o Toaanda, Po. Monroe. on the 25th inst., by ! Rev.. J. W, NCVats,. WILLIAM L. linos& to Miss Lz:nz FISILEK, all of that town. Died, c : i:aithfield, March 22, after an illness of five I- weeks, !terve WILIGUT, aged 62 years. i‘rtvell, Sabbath evening, April 27,-Enw.i.ms C. aged 43 years. • ULSIM HEAD OF NAVIGATION A perfect Jam at N0.3,1i rid Row! 11.173.1. H. BAIRD & CO.. AS USUAL, are in the first boats, v t ,ith a large and assortment of merchandize in ge ,.nd. In the line of DRY GOODS, • -0 cannot enumerate but a small number of .Mcles, but beg leave to say for the benefit of Ladies, that we have a splendid assortment of Pandora niuslinb, gingham muslins, organ . balzarines, muslin de laines, (new styles) painted muslins, Scotch and French ginghams, ,taped tapered jaconet, (a beautiful article for ; white dresses) 200 pieces French, English and American Prints, comprising some of the most • choice and fashionable styles; summer shawls :adcrarats, Victoria skirts, bonnet lawns, oiled ~! k, black gro de Rhine silk, bobinett, Grecian 1,4,t0n and silk lace, black silk veil lace, mus- I..! , :lging. and iiiseiting, LiAle thread and linen !:in„ light and dark kid Gloves, pie nic and ,tt,,n do., linen pocket handkerchiefs, fans, Rib/Wins, a great variety ; 20 bores Ar white and black bade beads ; cotton, and silk Parasols and Sun shades, the a,scztrnent ever exhibited_in Towanda. — ROOTS & SHOES • turd lifil-cobirid kid slips, buskins and tws, do. do., gaiters and half gaiters, misses shoes, &c. Combs, toilette brushes,&c. BON.,NE'IsS. D:amond lawn, shirr& lawn, fluted lawn, wil modena, plain straw, and Rutland straw. and misses' Bonnets. Also, 100 Leg- R ~ 7 111th, comprising plain Florencebraid, sad almond braid, diamond and peddle ,-,id, shell and imperial do., bird's eye, ditto. and .misses: _Neapolitan 'lace, misses' I.,Aorn flats, straw cords and tassels, &c.&c. GENTLEMEN, nc are just opening 20 pieces, different styles, piann and striped double and single milled Cm- Broadcloths and Satinetts, all colors and_ipialities; Summer Cloths, for men and )•'s near, by the piece or less quantity ; :,±ched arid brows sheetings and shillings; rd:penders, elastic vest backs, &c. 'IOU doz. Palos leaf hats, 20 doz.' Leghorn G cafes Fur do., white, drab and black. A very heavy stock of Gmeeries, Hardware, Cr , rkeril; 4-c., 4-e. We-are prepared to sell at wholesale or re. :all. and will do so as low, (if not a little low , . 1 \ th In the same qualities can be bought at r.y stare within WO miles of this place, for • pay. And by way of encouraging the "nest and industrious " tillers of the soil," we w:11 exchange any of our goods for Good. But ; :V* sf . Produce of almost any - kind. Those, , 11.r..11. - e. who have wisely come to the condo •;lat it is not good policy to get in debt- to ;11,- merchants, will be enabled to exchange the . - !z • ucts of their-labor for all articles necessary • ti their comfort. and convehience. Yours,in haste, Whf. H. BAIRD & CO. Towanda, May 5, -1845. a BALES Portsmouth SHEETING, the Ayd heaviest and best in market, for sale cheap at DAUM'S, No 3, B. R. 1000 LBS. COTTON YARN;— Also, white and colored Car ,varp; cotton wick, &c., for sale by May 5. BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B.R. TONS NAILS, just arrived, and for sale cheap as the cheapest, at '. ay 5. BAIRD'S. No. 3, B. R. DIDINT'S dr. OILS.--Pure Linseed Oil, spirits turpentine, dry white lead, ditto 1 / 2 round in oil, spainisb brown, do. white, gum , •opol, glue, &c., can be bad cheap at kl ay BAIRD'S,- N 0.3, B.R. - agriNDow . GLASS, all sizes; also Co -7 V pal Varnish, lampblack. putty, &c., BAIRD & C0.'., 4 No. 3. B. R. tAll BBLS. SA - LT, just arrived, and gvu‘jr for sale CHEAP at BAIRD'S, No. 3, B. R. EC rORATELING Baskets acd Reticules, a .great variety at BAIRD'S. .1111ATENT PAILS. Brooms, vire seives, tr tea servers, looking glasees, etc., at siap S .BAIRD'S, No. 3, B. R. , F nft , BUSHELS WHEAT, and any quantity of Com. Bye. Buck wheat, Flax seed., Dried Ages and Maple cam, for sale cheap, by Nlav 5. BAIRD 43c CO. 110. 3, 13..R1, F tsH.—Codfish. Mackerel and:/Shad, at - Doctor Sumner, Dentist) - ESPETCFULLY informs the public diet he may be found at I. H. Stephens' where he will be happy of wait on those requir-• ing his professional services. Towanda, May 5, 1845. Wplch, Mann & Delavan's -- • I§ZUMWONIE OEMVI7O9 jATE of the Park Theatre, New York, and the National Theatre, Philada:,consist ing, of finest selection of highly trained' horses and the largest and most popular com pany of Equestrians in the United States. _ The celebrated New York Brass Band, will precede the cavalcade of Equestrians on enter ing the Town, in a magnificent carriage, drawn by eight splendid cream horses. For' full par ticulars see large bills at the principal hotels. Will be exhibited in Towanda, on SATUR DAY, MAY 17th, 1845. Doors open at Itj o'clock ; performance to commence at 2,.P. M. Admittance, 25 cents, only. G. DAVENPORT, Agent. N.B. The above will be at Leßaysville on 16th May, at Skinner's Eddy, May 15. GREAT BARGAINS; May be bad at the Old Stand of OQ M2-121071M9 WHO are now receiving a new assortment of GOODS, whiCh are offered for low er prices for cash, than goods have ever been sold in Bradford County. Towanda, May 1, 1845. jßUlT—Raisins by the box, half box and quarter box. Also, Oranges and Lemons. May 5. BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B. B. 141--41/311r3CC I , ON the 26th April, on Main street, between Mr. Conklin's and the Watering Trough, a Black Silk Lace VEIL. The finder is re quested to return it to this office or GEORGE BOWMAN. Towanda, May 5, 1845. WIN WARE, a first rate assortment; also a quantity of Stone Ware, at May 5. BAIRD'S, N 0.3, B. R. A NEW SUPPLY! BURTON KINGSBERY informs the pub lic generally tliht he has just received di rect from New York City, his spring stock of Goods. It comprises a very general ass ,,t_ ment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware &c. His goods have been selected with much care, and will be sold as cheap as can be bought in Towanda. ' Call in and see it it is not so. Towanda, April 30, 1845. TEXAS ANNEXATION ! A Death Blow to all Monopolies! H. & H. S. PHLNNEY, out of the combination, and are just recei%ing_a ge neral assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, adapted to‘the Season, which - they will sell for cash as cheap as any other estab lishment this side of New York, or exchange them for Lumber or Country Produce. We particularly advise the public to call and ex amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Wanted, 1000,000 Shingles, 500,000 feet of Boards, and GraitPwithout limit. Monroeton, April 30, 1845. DISSOILuTio.r. NOTICE is given, that the co-partnership 111 heretofore existing between John Hanson and James H. Phinney, Jr. of the fum of Han son & Phinney, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The'accounts and notes of the late firm will remain in the lianas oil H. Phinney Jr., for settlement; the business hereafter will continue in the name of J. H. & H.S.Phinney. Monroeton, April 29, 1845. PUBLIC NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that there - xcill be ex posed to public sale at the Exchange Hotel in Monroeton, on the Bth day of May next, at 1 o'clock; P. M., $lBO TOWANDA BANK money, to the highest bidder for cash. , By order of the board of School I Jirectors, J.H.PHINNEY, Clerk. Monroeton, April 'a, 1845. MEDICINE; & SURGERY. DR. JAMES 11i. UOODRICH has loca ted himself at MONROE, for the prac tice of his profession, and will be pleased to wait on those requiring his services. , He may be found at J. L. Johnson's tavern. Refeienec may be made to Drs. HUSTON & MASON, of Towanda. April 23, 1845. ANOTHER CHANCE ! LARGE amount is still due, on the books At of the Bradford Porter, for advertising, job work, and newspapers, previous to the'4th of December, 1843, which MUST be arranged in some manner soon. May court Will be a good occasion far those knowing themselves in debted, to call at the Reporter and settle up, which may be a matter of economy. E. S. GOODRICH. Towanda, April 22, 1645. . A LOUD - CALL ! PERSONS knowing themielves indebted to the subscriber, are hereby notified that they must "fork over." Moreover this re quest knows no distinction of persons, but calls on each and every one in debt to him to pay up, that he fiiay serve his creditors with the same sauce. .1. M. GILLSON. Towanda, April 22, 1845. Direct from New York City 0 .MMES M. GILLSON, has just received, 'direct from New York City, an'extensive assortment of splendid Watches 4• Jewelry 4 Fancy Goods, which must, be disposed of et Some price, and will be. Just step in, at the next door to the Post Office, and take a peep at his new goods. 7:: - --=.zda, April 22, 1845. iit#M 11 II lil -_-~-~-~ lAE preceding figere is to represent the INSENSIBLE PERSPIRATION. It is the great evacuation for the impurities of the body: It will be noticed that a thick cloudy mist issues from all points of the surface, which indicates the wonderful process going on with in. • This perspiratiOn flows qninterruptedly -when we are is health, but ceases when we are sick. It.should be the care of every one to see that it is not checked. Life cannot bo sustain ed without it. It is thrown off from the blood and other juices of the body, and disposes by this means. of 'nearly all impurities within use. The blood by this means only, works itself . pure. The language of Scripture is, "in the blood is the life." If it ever becomes impure, it may be traced directly to the stoppage of the insensible perspiration. It never requires any internal medicines, to cleanse it, as it always purifies itself by its own heat and action, and throws off all the offending humors, through all the offending humors, through the insensible perspiration. Thus we see, all that is necessa ry when the Need is stagnant or infected, is to open the pores, and it relieves• itself from all impurity instantly. Its own heat and vitality are sufficient; without ono particle of medicine, except to open the pores upon the surface.— Thus we see the folly of taking so much inter nal remedies. All practicioners, however, di rect their efforts to restore the insensible pers piration, but it seems to be not always the pro per one. The Thompsonians for ,instance, steams, the Hyi'ropathist shrouds us in wet blankets, the Homopathist deals out infinitissi mals, the Allopathist bleeds and doses us with I mercury, and the blustering quack gorges us with.pills, pills, pills. But one object only is, in view, viz: to re store the insensible perspiration. If this can be done, they say, we will take care of the rest. It will be seen, therefore, that all physicians understand alike what is necessary to a recove ry, how much they may differ as to the mode, of obtaining it. To give some idea of the amount, and con sequently the importance of the insensible per spiration, we will state that the learned Dr. Le wenhock, and the great Boerbaave, ascertained that five-eights of all we received into the sto mach, passed off by this means. In other words, if we eat and drink eight pounds per day, we evacuate five pounds of it by the in sensible perspiration. This is none other than the used up particles of the blood, and other- juices, giving place to the new and fresh ones, by carrying with it all the impurities within, up to the surface. To check this, therefore, is to retain in the system five eights of all the virulent matter that nature demands should leave the- body. And even w hen this is the case, the :blssid is of so active a principle, that it determines those particles, to the skin,. where they form scabs, pimples, ul cers. and other spots ; but if it is directed in wards, and falls upon the lungs, the conse quences aro generally fatal. By a sudden transition from heat to cold, the pores are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and disease begins at once to developo itself.— Hence, a stoppage of this flow of the juices, originttes so many complaints. It is through the surface that we imbibe nearly all our ills. It is stopping the pores, that overwhelms mankind with coughs, colds. and consumption. Nine-tenths of the world die from di6eases in duced by a stoppage of the insensible perspi ration. It is easily seen therefore, how necessary is the flow of this subtle humor to the surface, to preserve health. It cannot he stopped ;it can not even be checked, without producing dis ease. The blood and intestines must relieve thernselves,of all their worn-out particles, and poisonous humors, and they must go through the pores as nature designed. Let me ask now, every candid mind, what coarse seems the, most reasonable to pursue, .and unstop the pores, after they are closed. and let the perspiration flow, that the blood may re lieve itself of its impurities? Would you give physic to unstop the pores 9 Or would you apply something that would do this upon the surface, where the clogging actually is I Would not this,be - : - cornmon sense'! And yet I know of no physician who makes an internal appli cation to effect it. The reason I assign is, that no medicine within their knowledge. is capable of doing it. Under these circumstances, I pre sent to physicians and to all others, a prepara tion that has this power to,the fullest extent— It is McAllister's All-Healing Ointment or the World's Satre. It has power to restore perspi lotion on the feet, on the head, around old sores, upon the - chest, in short, upon any part of the body, whether diseased slightly or severe ly. When the perspiration is restored, it has power to penetrate the lungs, liver, or any part of the human system, and fo pet upon. them, if they be diseased, 'by separating the inflamed morbid particfes'therefrorn, and expelling them to the surface. It has power to cause all external sores,-scro fulous humors, skin diseases, poisonous wounds to discharge their putrid matter, and then heals them. It is a remedy that sweeps off the whole cata logue of cutaneous disorders, and restores the entire cuticle to its healthy ftinctions. It is a remedy that foihids the necessity of so many ant deleterious drugs taken into the stomach. . It is a remedy that neither sickens, gives in convenience, or is dangerous to the intestines. . - This remedy is probably the onlyone now I known, that is capable of producing all these great results. Its great value is in restoring at once, the circulation of the juices when check ed, or disarranged by cold or other causes. It preserves and defends the surface from all de rangement of its t unctions, while it keeps open the channels for the blood to avoid all its impu rities and dispose of all its. useless particles.— There-is a connection, hartriony, and feasibility in all that defies contradiction. It is a simple, but wonderful principle that preserves in heal thy operation the entire machinery of our be ing. It indissolubly holds together the surface and the internal viscera, the internal viscera and the surface. They are inseparably con nected and cannot be disjoined. The surface is the outlet of five-eights of the up matter within:- It is ierced with milieus of openings to relieve the ntestincs. Stop up t i these pores, and death kr) cks at your door.— It is rightly termed All- ealing, for there is scarcely a disease, e=ternal or internal, that it will not benefit. It will be found the most use ful as well' as the cheapest family medicine in the world. I have used it for the last fourteen years with success without 'a parallel. . I have used it for all disease of the chest, consumption, liver; end the most dangerous of internal mala dies. I have used it in cases , of . extrerne per& and hazard, involving thO utmost danger and responsibility, and-I declare before Heaven and man, that not in one single ease has it failed to benefit, when the patient was within the reach of mortal means. - I never, .to my. recollection had more than five or six amoup the thousands who have used it, say that it was not favorable to their complaint. On 'the contrary I have had hun dreds return voluntarily. and in the warmest and most pathetic language speak in its praise. I have,had physicist* learned in the professiim; I have" had ministers of the gospel, Judges on the bench, aldermen and lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition and multitudes of poor, use it in every variety of way. and there has been but one voice, one united. universal voice , saying "McAllister your ointment is good." Consumption. 7 -Of. all diseases, we find this the most important, and concerning _which we meet with the most opposition: It can hardly be credited that a salve can have more effect upon the lungs, seated as they are within the system. But gwe, say once for all, that this ointrneat will reach the lungs quicker than any medicines that can be given internally. Every body consents to the fact that if healing me dicine could be applied on the lungs, there would be great hopes of recOvery. The diffi culty is to get the medicine there. Now the Salve has the wonderful virtue of extracting the putrid humors from all external sores by causing them to discharg e. In like manner it operates upon internal aections by driving all the impurities through the pores to the surface. Thus with consumption, if placed upon the', chest, it penetrates directly to the lungs, sepa rates the poisonous particles that are consuming them and expels them from the system. It is the simplest and most rational procesis in creation, if one has the medicine capable of doing it. The All-Healing Ointment possesses this power tol the fullest extent: I need not say that it is curing persons of Consumption continually, although we are told it is foolish ness. I care not what is said, so long as I can cure several thousand persons yearly. If this medicine was in the hands of some' patent me dicine brawlers, they would make' an uproar through the cotintry that would be insupporta ble. Scrofula orllKing'B Evil.—This disease is really inveterate, and hard to be subdued. It is generally seated in the sides of the neck, be hind the ears and under the chip, yet scarcely any part of the body is exempt. It sometimes falls upon the lungs and produces consump tion. It is a dreadful circumstance, that this disease is transmitted from parents to children. The Salve will extract all the morbid mat ter by causing the sores to discharge ; and then let then the Solar Tincture be used to drive it to one point, which done, a continuance of the Ointment will completely remove this disorder. This is the safest and most effectual of any me thod. It should be adopted without a mo ments hesitation. Erysipelas —This complaint arises from im purities being driven out to the surface by means of the insensible perspiration, and lodging in the cuticule, forms sores, pimples &c., it being of a caustic, acrid petrifying nature. It only requires that it should discharge its virulent particles through the skin, and the difficulty will pass off. If suffered to remain, and driven inwards it is frequently fatal. Let the Salve and Solar Tincture be used as in scrofula and the patient will soon get well. Salt Rheuni.—This is another obstinate dis ease but can be cured effectually as - the scrofu la. There is no difficulty in this disease. Head ache, Ear ache and Deafness.—The Salve has cured persons of the Head-Ache of 12 years standing and who ba s il it regularly every week, so that vomiting often took place. It cured the wife of a man who laughed in my face for proposing such a cure, and who now would not be without it for the best farm in the State. If any one will take the trouble to call I will give. his name. Deafness and Ear-Ache are helped with the like success as also Ague in the face. Cold Feet.—Consumption, liver complaint, pains in the chest or side, falling of the hair, one or the. other always accompanies cold feet. It is a sure sign of disease in the system to have cold feet. Some persons arc totally una- ble to get them warm, and endure much suffer ing thereby. The salve will restore the insensible perspi ration and thus cure every case. It is infittli ble for this., Asthma, Tightness of Breath.—lf this (Es ease is not hereditary and produced by the mal formation of the chest, the salve will cure it. Dyspepsia.—One would suppose a salco would not effect this disease much hut the All- Heating Ointment will cure two sooner than any internal remedy will cure one. Sure Eyes . —The intlamation and disease al ways lies back of the ball of;the eye in die sock et. Hence the utility of all remedies that are used upon the lids. The virtue of any medi cine must reach the seat of inflation or it will do little good. This salvo if rubbed on the temples will penetrate directly into the socket and infuse all its virtues upcn the disorder:— The pores will be opened. a proper perspiration will be created and the digPasP will soon miss off to the surface. How easy and how natu ral ! It is as perfect and valuable as it is sim ple and philosophical. Sore Lips, Chapped Hands sell a great deal of salvo to Seamen, who say it is the only thing they can depend on to cure their raw hands, when exposed to the weather at sea. It acts like a charm in these complaints. Two or three applications cures. Pimples on the face. freckles, tan, masculine skin, gross surface.—lts - first action is to expel all humor. It will not cease drawing till the face is free from any matter that may be lodged under 1116 skin and frequently breaking out to the surface. It then heals. When there is nothing but grossness, or dull repulsive surface, it-begins to soften and soften until the skin be comes as soft and delicate as a child's. It throws a freshness and blushing color upon the now white transparent skin that is perfecdy enchant ing. Sometimes in case of Freckles it will first start out those that have lain hidden and seen but seldom. Pursue the salve and all will soon disappear. The reason for this wonderful change in a lady's face is that it excites into natural and healthy activity the Insensible Perspiration, while it renovates and renews the airtime, and leaves the skin in as lively and delicate a con- dition as the most fastidious could desire. It is put up in fine jars and beautifully scented on purpose for the toilet. Burns.—Life =Always be - saved if the vi tals arc not injured. I have so many testimo nials for the cure of this complaipt thdtLrt•'''t fill a book. I suppose there is not a family in the United States, that would consent to be with Out this salve a single day if they knew its balm in healing Burna alone. It'extracts the pain and leaves the place without a scar. Quinsy acre *oat, Influenza, Bevnehitis. —There is not an internal remedy in existence that will Cure these disorders as quick 'as the salvo. It opens .-the pores on, the neck and draws off all the inflammation 'and impure jui• ces,iind a few days will see the patient well. It is sovereign in these cues. Piles.—The salve sets upon the piles as up on sore eyes. There is on inflammation which must be drawn dem the parts. 'rho salve does this. Hernia oreßupture.—This salve has cured . some very bad cases of rupture, and although it might not all, yet it would be wise to try it.—. It is a pecular complaint, but it may be helped some, if not cured entirely. I have not the shadow of a doubt that it would cure thousands if the trial was made, who believe no medicine of the least benefit. Two - shillings worth would satisfy any one, whether it. would do good or not. . Worms.—ff- parents knew how fatal most Medicines were to children taken inwardly, they would be slow to resort to them. Especially " mercurial lozenges," called "medical Men ges," " verrnifuges, pills, &c. 'Even were it possible to say positively that worms were pm sent, it is got safe. The truth is, no one can tell, invariably, when worms are present. pi course the remedy isnot applicable to the com plaint. Now let me say to parents, that 'this salve'will always tell if a child has worms.—; Let it be rubbed on the neck and chest, to keep them from going up, and then down on the bowels and they will soon leave. •It will drive every vestige of them away. This is a simple and safe cure. No injury can come of it in any way. But should it be cholic, inflation of the bowels, or gripe of the intestines, it will ef fectually cure . them as the worms. There is probably no medicine-on the face of the earth at once so sure and safe in the expul sion of worms. It would be cruel, nay wicked, to give inter nal douLffut medicines, so long as a harmless, certain, and effectual external one could be had. Cholic, Pain, or Irtflammntion of the Bow els.—Let the salve be rubbed in and heated with the fire or hot flat irons, and all pains and difficulty will soon cease. Swellings of the joints, or weakness, or any affection of the bone, nothifig is so good for as this salve. Poisons.-mfeticnsiv anything an good as this salve. It causes the poison to discharge immediately, and leaves not the slightest cause of alarm. Poisons by nails, bites of animals, or burns, it removes.whe'n nothing else will. have it done up in fine order for the dressing case. Although I have said little about it as a hair restorative, yet I will stake it against the world ! They may bring their oils far and near, and mine will restore the hair two cases to their one. These are no idle words, for I am ready to hack *it with any reasonable amount. Old Sores, Mortification, Ulcers, 4-e.—There is no effectual way of curing these; but drawing off the putrid matter. To merely dry it up would only endanger one's health more. That some sores are an outlet to the impurities of the system, is.tho only reason, because they cannot pass off throegh the natural channels of the In sensible Perspiration If such sores are healed up, the impurities must have some otherPutlet, or it will endanger life. This is the reason why it is impolitic to use the common salves of the day in such cases. For they have no power to open other revenues, to let off all this morbid. matter, and the consequences are always fatal. This salve will always provide for such emer gencies. There need be no fear. It is perfect. Broken Breast.—Persons need never have a broken breast. The salve will always prevent it, if used in season. Liver Complaint.—Personshaving this com plaint frequently have eruptions of the bands, face and other parts, and never once chit k that it arises from the liver. Their utter inability to remove these irruptions, proves their misappre hension of the disorder. Such must use it first on the feet, then wear it on the chest, and the difficulty will soon go away. Elias Passion or Griping of the Intestines. —This disease caused the death of the late H. S. Legere, Attorney General and acting Secre tary of the United States It is the stopping up of the smaller intestines, and sometimes the twisting of them. It is brought on by a neg lect of the daily evacuations, or from incarcera ted Hernia. The pains are awful, and unless help comes speedily, the sufferer loon dies. The All-Healing Ointment would have saved the life of Mr. Legere and all others under sim ilar circumstances. Corns.—lf the salve is used according to di recti one, people need never be troubled with corns—especially - cut out by some trivelling mountebank who knows he is doing more mis chief than he can possibly repair. A little of this ointment put on now and then will always keep them down. Indeed there are few complaints that it will not benefit. It is a Family Salve of-untold value. As tong as tho sky rolls over one's head and grass grows upon the earth, it will be sought after, used and valued. As there is no mercurial substance in it, but composed entire. ly of vegetables it gives no good ground for ap prehension. We have full certificates, from* all tho per sons whose names are here given, but not hav ing room for them, we merely give their names, Nos. and the disease of vvlaich they were cured. Thomas Moshier, 179 Ninth-st—weak back; W W Way, cor. King and McDonough els.-- soie eyes ; M .1 Way do erysipelas ; Dr J Clark, 210 Stanton-st—ulcerated sores; Dr J Covet, 132 Sullivan-st—ague in the face; F R Lee, 245 Bowery—pain in the breast ; Rev J Gibbs Dover-st—family medicine; Henry Gibbs, 113 . Bowery—influenza; A .Stuckey, 608 Fourth st—family medicine; E Conway, U S Court -bums, scalds ; Eliza Bunker, Flattmsh—con gumption ; M A King, 100 Oliver st-s-burns ; E Kipp, 275 Second-st—quinsy ; J Vanderpool Cherry-st--caneer; Burr Nash—piles; W E Turner, 91 Ridge-at—tlo ; C Mann, Globe Ho tel—ruptures; J. Hurd, 17 Batavia-st—sal'. rheum ; G Summer, 124 Division-sty--do ; 3 Medic., 20 Mercer-st—do; H A West, to Marks place—burns, frosted feet, I) Ti lor p, 145 Norfolk et--sore eyes; F. Cretin, 225 Broome st--do; P Bowe, 36 Willett st—do ; H.. 8 Jenkins, Phoenix .1 p H o my, do--caused by gunpornler ; Dr Mitchell; .79 Mercer-at—broken breast; C D Jacobson, 199 Stanton-strheur,enism ; B J Russell — an; Willetts, 303 Pearl st—bruPtions; E Robb, 2 37 Bleck^,r-st—agae in the face ; C Frances, 39 Bowery—family medicine; D S Judd.; 657 .Water-st—family ointment; F Otten, 124 Di vision at—rheumatism in the head; S W Re hinson, 70 Essex st--4amili ointment; S The riot, 45 Allen at'—tore eyes; G Coward, 145. Division si- - -do; Athevelin. 313 Water A— corns, ire ;.P homiest, 388 Hudson st—in flainmation in the chest; fit Achinson. Ruston .st—astlanni; M A Burnett,. 66 Suffolk, st— ague in chest; N :Wyeath, 120 Division at— bite of- a deg and piles; J Vincent, 121 Allen st—weak back ; f Cliapmam 259 Division its affection of the firer?' W Grisham, 19 ElEstevat.: —pain in the side ';` l 2 Hamel, 19 Norfollott,t— cutaneous eruption ; B Bingbain, 841.4101.41' —pain in the bread; A Knox , 80 Laight.st- - - chapped hands ;' 1 Culver, 11W: Stanton st— ulcerated soma:* .1 P Bennett, sore throat' rheu— matism; G P Taylor, 46 Forsyth st—fiver complaint; W Dokins,lloston—conaumption Sold by H.S.le M.O .111ERCUR., Totvando,. and G. A.PERKINS. Athena. (47y SPECIAL COURT. WHEREAS the Hon. Virx;'.lssitre;• ' President Judge of the llth district has appointed" a special' court of com mod pleas to be holden• for the trial causes certified to _him, in Bradford county, on Mon-. day the 23d day ofJune next at two O'clock in the.afternoon, of ,which the following is n• list,. to wit: ' ' Alexandei Baring et:al., vs: .f. Harkness et.sl.. Life insurance and trust winpany. va, Edward; Overton;• - ' Samuel Benight vs. I•Vm.Seely same : , vs. Lewis M. Palmer et.al:;: Chester Butler and wife vs. Amos Acklai same vs. John Bennett;' G. M. Hollenback et. al, vs. David Bingham, et. al. ; Alexander Baring et. al. vs.l.Kingsley et. al.;:, same vs. James 0. Tracey at. al.;; same vs. Hezekiah Crowell et. al:. same vs. ..same ; same vs. Ezra Allen ; Bathe vs. Soloman Bovier et. at; amnia vs. • William Harkness et.al ;- same vs. Sally Welles & Geo. H.. .Welles executors dr.c. • same vs. William S. Ingalls; same • vs. James Roe ; ' same vs. Shubel Rowley et. al.; • same vs. Richard Garrison et. a 1.,. same vs. Stephen Wilcox et. al.; ' same vs. Zepeniah Knapp et.al.. same vs. Wm Cooper, et al. same vs. Jesse Shepard. AARON CHUBBUCK Prothonotary's Office. Towanda, April 14, 1845. CHAIRS 4- BEDSTEADS- THE subscribers still• continue. to manufecture and keep on hand at that old stand, all kinds of Cane and Wood seat Chairs; also' Settees of various kinds and BED STE.d DS, of • every description, which we will sell low for cash or produce.. TURNING done to order. TOMKINS & MAKINSON. Towanda. April 23, 184& • Opening of Navigation, A . ND with it arfew Bbls. Mess Pork, and fig also .6 .or 8 cwt. of Hams. Au assort ment of Bonnets, also a lot of Palm Leaf, Leg horn and other .Hats of the newest style and. fashion which will be disposed of on the most' reasonable terms. The first Boats from N. York City Will bring us new Spring Goods. A few bushel yet remaining on hand of large' and small clover seed! Wanted from our friends all the aid they can give us in the way of funds, to enable as to furnish them with cheap and good Good which we pledge ourselves to do if they will lend a helping; hand. J. D. & E. D. MONTANYE. April t 2, 1845. New Blaeksmithing ag ) TPLE,VRAELEZUM . - 7 0 0 THE SUBSCRIBER, hating for.zed a partnership with his brother, continues to carry on the business at his brother's new stand, east side of Main street, south part of the borough, where he is prepared to execute all orders for Horse-shoeing, Carriage & Coach work and Edge Tools. • , He assures the public that all work entrusted to his care will bo well done, as he has thor oughly, learned his trade and is determined to render satisfaction. JOHN A. ESENWINE. Towanda. leccember 361, 1844. 'EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. grETTERS Testamentary having been A Granted to the subscribers, on the estate of Deborah Ennis, late of Standing Stone, Dec'd. Those indebted to said estate are here by requested to make payment, and those hav ing claims, will please present them duly attes ted for settlement to SAM'L KELLUM, ASA STEVENS, Standing Stone, April 30, Executors. 311.21[110111CDIVIT• A FRESH supply. making a complete as kik sortment of IRON just received anti tot sate low by - 0. D. BARTLETT George Sanderson, ..LUUO .I 2. I SMTAZ L. 2 M&W . HAS REMOVED his office to the North side of the public square, ißusinessen trusted to his cars, by letter or otherwise, will receive prompt attention. Towanda, April 3. 18.15: RRANGEME.NTS have been made by the subscriber, by which he call facilitate the transaction of business at the Pension Of five. Having had considerable experienCe in procuring Pensions, he flatters himself that he can give the necessary information to those who may call on him in this branch of business. GEO. SANDERSON, Office North side of Pudic Squtv. Towanda, April 5, 1845. o 9: aleartaggs LAW OFFICE, .IS REMOVED to the North side of the A Public Bquare, in the room formerly mu:. pied 14 A Wilmot. Minch 22, 1845. Ohio Grindstones. ALOT OHIO GRINDSTONES, • a tooa article for farmers for sale low ht 0. D. BARTLETT: • Towanda, Feb. 26, 1844. • k) LOVER and Timothy Seed, an extra au perior article for sale ley March 19, 1845. B. KIN.GSBERY. 3Mak.IaiZILEATECAZ 8 EACH and every person knewing . then. selves to be indebted to the late firm of MODITANTE & Bares, are respectfully request ed to Attend to this last call, to settle and pay up by l / 4 the first of June next, or their account or note will he left with a proper officer for col lectien, without further delay. N March 6, 1645. . .NIONTA Il