GeOrge Sanderson, 2 7 • ITLIWYS 1-1, 26.0i79e HASIIENI.OVED his office to the North side of thipublie s quare. Business en trusted to his care, b'y letter.or otherwise, w ill receive prompt attention. .. Towanda, April 3. 1845. t • jumji -.111: S-WILIIILCOIIIIIIT ._ • iRRANGEMENTS have been made by , the subscriber, by which he can facilitate .4. , T , v a n:action of business at the Pension 0f ,•,,..e. Having had considerable experience in ~;wing Pensions, he flatters himself that he 1 r 3i fl oe the necessary information to those who ~,v call on him in this branch of business. GEO. SANDEESON, . Office North side qfldfc Square Towanan, April 5, :1845.. • fin- eitsrM ADZ 'WC ' AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. :II THE subscriber has opened at the old stand formerly occupied by S.S. & .13ailey, , R. S. Clark, in front ofthe pub , 1 , ,, c square, an Agency Store for the purpose of +elle; on commission any articles that may be • - n sirmcd to him. or sale. Any person desirous d— ,ppoinung him Agent for tho sale of any sr ;l..:t; ran do so at any time. I:el - cremes may be had to either of the fol .V,a,tag. gentlemen;--N. N. Betts, Hiram Mix, .-T';l d rimi. Elliott, J. I)..Montanye, M.C. Mercur, 11. I'. Barstow, J C. A dams,`.l. D. Goodenough; Means, Hiram Nlercur,Burton Kingsbury, F,. W. Baird, E. 1). .Moritanye, floe subscriber intends to keep on hand at all a supply of ProrisiOns and Groceries. just.received, r.of sell on commission„the fol ; `.%:11L,' articles; PROVISIONS. • • ti'..rk and Flour, by the bid. or less quantity ; EtJrkihire cheese, (No. I,) lard, codfish,. Boston and common crackers, smoked le ,:rfing, hams and shoulders. GROCERIES. • I , e re „co free, loaf and brown sugar, molasses, ..!,:7ound arid common pepper, spice and cinna n ,Sn, ginger, salaratus; raisins, cloves, mace, prunerk figs, starch, fine cut, smoking in.d chewing tobacco. Brazil nuts, filberts, al .:goads; pea nuts,,English walnuts, Zante • rut-. bar and shavilrgsoap, cavendish and corn e mon plug tobacco, Spanish and common cigars, i.„llarrlisit mustard, fresh garden seeds, (warrant ' el; shoe blacking, tallow, mould candles. - . CANDIES. • ' Ifieppermint, hoarhound,cinnamon,wintergreen, srn, cocoa nut, cream, pepper, medicated, 0 - cough, mottoes, sour drops, sugar sand, &c. •• • DRUGS d: 11EDICINES. Camphor grim. essence peppermint, cinnamon, _ and wintergreen, liquid opedeldoc, Harlem cordial, paregoric, Mixer, laudantim, • Lees' pills, German pills, oil spike, Harris' . ce . airnati,- soul?: ca , toe oil, cologne, seid • Litz powders. soda powders, pearl powders, Mer , vermifuge, &e. &c. ' • SIDNEY S. BAILEY. Towanda. April S. 1815. SHERIFF'S SALE 4 - 11 - virtue of a writ of Fiera Fads issued ' from the court of common pleas of Brad !.-.lcounts,, and to me directed, I shall expose. . 7 .i. public sale at the house of Wm. Briggs in ::.,i borough of Towanda on :•;aturilav the 3d iri et May next at l' o'clock P. NI., the fol- Jwing piece or parcel of land situate in Colum- ,:, township:: bounded on the] north and i ,'r4 by hinds of Paul Putman, east by lands Leonard Gregory and on the south by land qes Parsons. Containing forty two acres, . iii about forty acres thereof improved, with zoned house, framed barn, with an apple diard•and 'other frnit trees thereon. s,.ir.ed and taken in 'execution at the suit oft. U P. Ilillard vs. John Ilurlburt. - J. N: WESTO:,c, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ? . Towanda, April 9, 1845. • SHERIFF'S SALES. t V v . vtueof sundry writs of Vend. Expo. -1. issued from the court of common pleas lir id ford county, to me directed. I shall ex .; ~.i2 to public sale at the house of Win. Briggs V .;1 the Boroogh of Towanda, on Monday the "lh ; _d ly of May next at one o'clock P. lf.. t:e- following described lot of land situate •. - ;;i llelrick tp. and bounded on the north by :2,1, of Lewis Rogers, east by lands of Ewd. . overlon, south by hind of Isaac Barber, west lauds of Jesse Carman and a public road.-- i . roataining about fifty five acres with about veatv five acres improved and a small log or . ;.ancd house and harm thereon. - Seized and taken in execution at the suit of r - ':,lward Overton vs. Timothy Coggins. .• - AI•SO—A lot of land in Rome tp., bounded. i , .):111 by lands of Edwin Taylor, south by lands t -I Jahn Parks, and cast and west -by lands of .f..1-vasd Crveiton. Containing seventy acres, 1- - .l‘ing thereon a house and barn, a small or : .r.ard, and about thirty acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of iihvard Overton vs. Barnabas Clark: ',, A LSO—.A piece of land in Athens township .•)unded north by the lot occupied by Isaac Hrvg.ory and Joseph T. Cox, east by Thomas •,, :J. Ruckman, dec'd., south by lands of H. 'VVil, west by Peter - Little, being lot no. 4, on „';arrant lot 1516 of the Carroll tract. Con ,i-illing one hundred and fifty acres and about :,) acres improved thereon. .'; `cited anti taken in execution at the suit of 1 . l i'll•ice Willlston Jr. to the rise of 1.). II: Sher [zaa vs. Harry Butler: .-.' LSO—The following lot of land situated troy and Armenia townships and bounded „ -• the south by Drinker lands, on the west by '•llsi Burnham, l on the north by N.P.Case, _ ethe east by Win. S. Dobbins and A lanson i :Ltterson. - Containing sixty two acres with t ~i Pit fifteen acres impioited, with a log house :. .preon. seized'aud.taken in execution at the suit of '.• P. Ballard vs. William Covert. ALSO—The following piece or-parcel of fi Ind situate in Wyalusing township and bowl; ::: . and described on the north, east and south . Y lands of William Camp, west by the estate 11. W. Camp deceased and J. 1). Smith.— \ • 'staining one hundred and four acres more • , livis, with about sixty acres improved, with - . :r,oned house, framed barn d shed, and orchard , ICOII. !: r eiztql arid taken in execution at the suit of ; lenlv Sheldon & Co. vs. Israel Camp who i. ;;%iv e d !Imam W. Camp. . , ALSO—The following described piece or ;.: ..i;r -, .7c c l of land situated in the townships of Wyo.- ~. , ingHerrick, bounded on . the north by -',- z 1 of Asa Bigsby and Charles A-. Squires, on -- •scast. by land of John Erskine, south by land -t,‘• John Holly and John McCollister, and on '''e'' by land of John Flinri and Charles A. ;:fires: Containing one hundred acres or 7. - ...7- ,- ...' , outs, about thirty five or forty acres I• '! , ''lf improvetcysith one double log house, - .• small framOvl: houses and one small log ~; , • thrßon, . Seized and taken in exeeution at the suit of Peter C. Ward vs. Henry WeEel: ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Welles township, bounded on the north by, land of Caleb Lawrence, east by public high- Way, south by lands of • Oliver Beardsley and West by lands of Henry Beers. Containing fifty eight acres, about twenty two acres impro ved, a small framed house and a small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. C. Oliver vs. Joseph H. Beers. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Springhill township and bound Jed on the north by Roswell Johnson, east and south BF Rosecrants M'Clash, and on the west by AV .H. Brown. Containing one hundred and seven acres mote or less, about forty acres improved, with a framed house thereon, one framed barn and log house thereon. Seized and tauten in execution at the suit of D. W. Drown to the' use of M. Ingalls vs. L Rosecrants. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Standing Stone town ship and bounded on the north by land of Fred erick Whitman, east by land of Hiram Gordon, south by land of Nathaniel Mosier, and west by land of Frederick Whitman. Containing forty seven acres be the same more or less, about ten acres improved, with one small plank house and one log shed thereon. Seized and take? in execution at the suit of P. C. Ward to thOuse 6f .1. E. Brooks vs. P. Benjamin. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Smithfield township bottniled on the north by lands of A. Adams, east by lands of I'. P. Sweet, south by land of I Edwin French and west by Lind of A. Preach, Containing sixty acres or thereabouts. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Adams vs. Horley P. Smith. ALSO— A certain piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda bore., and bitnded north by D. Murphy, west by Wm. Trent, south by Patrick O'Slain. and east by water street, with a framed building thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 'Patrick O'Slain to the use of David M. Bull vs. Michael Malay. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield township and bounded as follows: beginning at a pine root and stones and rock calk witness N. 67° west 15 links, thence N. 34° west 100 ps. to a white oak sapling for a corner, thence E. 120 p. to a chesnut sapling for a corner, thence N. 24 p. to the S.W. cor ner of a reserved lot for Solomon Merrill a post, thence E. 130 2-10 p. to a post a corner- for Chauncy Parks, thence S. 184 p. to a post on the north line of David M'Kinney's lot, thence west 231 2-10 p. to a post a white oak N. 8° west marked, as a witness, thence N .16 p. to a post S. E. corner of a lot bought by the parties of the first part from Robert Spalding, thence W. 150 p. or to a post on the town fine between Athens & L'tchtle:tl, thence-N. on said line 60 p. to a post, thence E 55 p. to a corner south 6 8-10 p. of a lot formerly deeded to David Park, thence N. 6 8-10 p. to said Parks' cor ner, thence E. 19 p. to another of Parks' lots or s pla-e of beginning. three hundred and twen ty seven acres and twenty eight perches more or less. ALSO—An other lot begining at a crooked chesaut the S. W. corner of a lot surveyed to Don't bonne, thence N. 100 p. to a hemlock sapling, thence E. 80 p. to n post, thence south 100 p. to a post,' thence west 80 p. to ginning. Containing fifty acres more or less and both pieces inclusive-containing 237 acres and f.'B perches with 90 acres* improved, a fra med house and one framed and ono log barn and two apple orchards and all the interest or title of defendant in saw Mill on the waters of Satterlee creek, supposed to be I with the pri vileges &c. arc. •Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Benjamin Lambert to the use of Job Shepard vs. Charles Chandler. ALSO—The following described piece or• parcel of land situate in Granville township, and bounded and described as follows : On the north by Jeremiah Taylor, on the east by the main road leading through Granville to Leroy, on the south by Charles Drake, and on the west by land of Levi Taylor and Luman Put nam. .Containing about eighty four acres, be the same More or less, with about twenty-five acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. W. Shepard now assigned to Charles Drake vs. Samuel D. Perry. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Athens Borough, bounded on the north by land of H. %V. Patrick, east by the Main street, south by W. H. Wilson, and west by a lane next to ; the Methodist Church, being twenty-five feet front and seventy-five feet rear with a shop thereon erected. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Athens tp. bounded north by Hall Davidson and M'Ewen, cast by lands late in possession of RiChard -Elston, south by Harry Butler, and west by lands of H. W. Patrick. Containing one hundred acres more or less, fifty acres im proved with a log house framed barn and small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Arobel Tracy vs. Joseph T. Cox. ALSO-The following described lot of land situate in'Granville tp. bounded south by S. M. West, cast by A. Monson, north by E. Blakesly, west by Wm. Morrison. Containing 60 -acres 2.5 acres improved with n log house and log barn and small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. T. Evans to the use of Frederick Or wan vs. Simmons Patrick. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Ulster tp. bounded on the north by land of —Ellsbrce, on the east by land of Joseph Ellsbree% on the soutliby land of Patrick Hig gins, and on the west by land late of Philip Sweet. Containing eighty five acres or there abouts, with about fourteen aeres improved and a framed house and log barn thereon erected. ,Seized and taken in execution at the suit of W. F. Kellogivs. Ch es ter Mallery. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Sheshequin tp. bounded as fol lows: on the north by Moody and Gore, on the cast by Morgan Thompson, south by Douglass Davidson, on the west by Walter. French. Containing about 40 or. 41 acres, about 15 or 20 acres inoproved a log house and lo^ ° barn. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sohn Tompkins now assigned to Job Shepard vs. Hiram Tompkins. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land sittmte in Athens Borough, seventy six feet in width by ten rods rear, witli another lot of land adjoining the sante, thirty feet front in width by seventy-five feet rear; bounded cant by main street, north by C. S. Park, south and West by land late of Henry Welles de ceased, now in possession of E. H. Perkins, with a two story dwelling house, 20 feet by 40 with a kitchen in rear 20 feet by 24 feet, barn, wood house and well thereon. Now io posses bioll of N. Clapp. Seized and taken in execution al the suit of Dad Paine, vs. N. Clapp. t pica of latiti :rituatc in Gram-iire tp. and bounded on the tiotth by lands of James Morrison, on the east by lands of James Ross, on the south by lands of Harrison Ross, on the west by lands of Dunham Ross. Con taining one hundred and twenty five acres mole or less, thirty acres improved, two log houses and one log barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David Cash vs .- Sy I vester Taylor. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield and bounded on the North by land of Peter Myers, on the east by Benjamin Starkhouse and Vanduzen Tidd, on the south by Zophan Tidd, and on the west by Cyrus Bloollgood. Containing one hundred acres more or less, with about sixty acres improved, one framed house, and one framed barn and one log barn and other out buildings thereon erected, with an orchard of grafted fruit. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. Norton to the use Nehemiah Platt vs. John S. Rogers. ALSO—The following described property, a lot of land situate in Rome tp. and bounded on the north by lands of the estate of Abraham Lent, deceased, on the east by lands of Joseph Kingsbcry and Gore, on the south by lands of Frederick Morley, and on the west by lands of William Gore-97 acres mpre or less, fifty acres improved, with a log hodse and log barn thereon erected, and a small orchard. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. N. Spalding surviving partner of the firm of Myer and Spalding to the use of James H. and .Wm. B. Hart vs. Roderick B. Morley. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Springfield tp. and bounded on the north by land of Eli Stockwell east by land of . Eli Stockwell, south by land of- Salmon Robinson and west, by land of Amos Knapp, Jacob Harkness and Chester Harkness:Containing one hundred acres or thereabouts, about ninety acres thereof im proved with one plank house one framed barn and about five hundred fruit trees thereon. - Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David F. Barstow ye. Ames Knapp. " ALSO—The following property situated in Orwell township, hounded north by land be longing to . Anson Collins, east by lands of John Frost, south by lands of Simeon Dimmick, and west by unseated lands. Containing eighty nine acres more, or less--forty acres improved, one framed house and two framed barns, Seized and taken in execution at suit of E. R. Myer and Harry Morgan, administrators of Wm. Myer, dee'd. vs. Erastus Lovett. ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Wyalusing, bounded as follows—Beginning at a corner fornied by the intersection of the post road and the Merryall road; thence northwest wardly along the post road 284 feet to n cor ner; thence along the line of a narrow strip of land reserved and owned by Humphry Brown, dec'd. southwestwardly 282 feet to a corner in the line of the Merryall road aforesaid, thence along said road southeastwardly one hundred and eighteen feet to the place of beginning, in the line of said post road, it being the place and jot known as the tavern stand of Humphrey Brown, dec'd., be the same more or less, with one tvvo-story framed dwelling house, one fram ed barn, one framed cow-house, one framed waggon liouse, and a number of fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John H. Cowden, executor of John Cowden. deed., vs. John Elliott and Charles Hornet, ad ministrators of Humphrey frown, dec'd., and H. W. Brown, terre .tenant. ALSO—By virtue of sundry Writs of T.evari Facias a piece of land in Athens boro' bounded as follows—to wit, one undivided third part of of a certain lot beginning at the south west cor ner of a lot late the property of D. M. Cook, dec'd.; thence south along the line of the street 64 feet to a corner; thence east parallel with the said Cook's lot, 65 feet to a corner ; thence north 64 feet to a corner; thence west along the south line of said Cook's lot 65 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO—One other lot beginning at a locust post standing on the west side of the malt street leading through said borough ; thence running along the line of E. H. Perkins south 773° west 12 8-10 perches to a post; thence north 123° west 4 perches and 16 links to a post; thence north 773° east 12 perches and 8 links to a post for the north east corner on the west side of said street; thence south 123° east 4 perches and 16 links to the place of beginning. Containing 56 and 6-10 perches. ALSO—One other lot beginning at the south west corner of the Comstock lot, thence north 353 feet along main street ; thence east 883 feet —thence south 353 feet ; thence west 883 feet to the place of beginning. Being the storeand lot situate between J. & W.Kendall'S on the north and C. Comstock on the south,- ALSO—A strip of land thirty feet front and SO feet rear, adjoining N-Clapp's house and lot above described sp the south, and E H Per kins on the north ;eing the same as lately contracted to the said N. Clapp by George H. Welles as trustee of Francis Maria Stewart and Susan Perkins. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel Ovcnshire vs. Nathaniel Clapp. • ALSO—A lot of land in Burlington tp. and bounded as follows—Beginning at the south west corner of lot No 27R. (a white oak) on warrant lot No. 4436 ; thence north 162 per ches to a hemlock sapling, for a corner; thence west 100 perches to a white oak for h corner. N W corner of lot No 277 ; thence south 162 perches to a post; thence west 100 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 100 acres and forty perches, about 15 or 20 acres improv ed, two small log houses thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Timothy Paxton and Wrn. Davidson, trustees for the Bank of North America vs. Simeon Moreton. ALSO—ft lot of land in Canton toOgnship,. beginning at a post corner on the warrant line to numbered 4591, thence by land surveyed to Silas Gray and Stephen Gavit north 65 5-10 fie ches to a post; thence east 99 perches to a. st; thence north 67 5-10 perches,to a post; thence east 40 perches to a post ; thence south 135 perches to n post on the said warrant line, and thenee,north 89 ° west along the same 139 per ches to the beginning. Containing 70 acres and 90 perches, 10'or 15 acres improved, with a log house and log shed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit. of Gorden P. Mason vs. William D. Elliott and Isaac Farmer, term tenant. ALSO—A lot of land in Monroe township, beginning at a4hite oak the N W corner of a lot in, the warrantee name of Daniel Torbit, and thence south 51° cast 84 perches to a post; thence by land sold to John Decker, soUh 41° west 115 perches to a post ; thence north 51° west 84 perches; thence 41° east 115 perches to the beginning. Containing 57 acres and 40 perches, with YO or 25 ,acres. improved, a log house and log bartitheteon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gorden F. Mason vs. Wm. M. Gott 1r ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Franklin township and hemmed as follows: beginning at the north west corner of a lot deeded by the parties of the first part in the mortgiige to David Cole, thence soutlf 190 3-10 p. 'o a post on the warrant line. thiTcc, 67° west 38 perches on said , Warrant line, to Tallman Bardsleys south east corner, thence north on said Bardsley's east line 190 3.40 p. to the Towanda creek, thence down the said creek according to _the several courses of the same to the place of beginning. Containing forty-five acres and 96 p. bathe same .more or less, with about ten acres improved and a dwel ling house thereon erected• Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Bank-of North America vs. Henry 13.-. Myer. J. N. WESTON, Sheriff: Sheriff's Officr, Totvanda, April 91h, 1845. .} Register's Notices. NOTICE is hereby given to ail persons in teresteii that Asa Stevens and F. S. Whitman administrators of the estate of Isaac Ennis, deceased , and Elizabeth Howell and Henry James execu tors of the last will and testament of Thontas Howell, deceased ; and John Philips, administrator of the estate.of Richard Williams, of Pike, dsed., have filed and settled in the office of Register of Wills for Bradford county an account of their said administration in the estate aforesaid, and that the same will bo presented to the Orphan's court of said county on Monday the fifth day of May next for confirmation and allowance. JULIUS RUSSELL, Register, By O.S.RVSSELL, Deputy. Register's Office, ? Towanda, April .2, 1845. S ATTENTION THE WHOLE ! HE subscriber having rented the well ge_ll, known Tavern. Stand owned by M. S. Warner, east of the Towanda bridge, solicits the patrcnage of the good people of Bradford. All those wishing to attend court will do well to call on the subscriber. Travellers also will be accommodated—young men from the bore. wish ing to get board for the season will he accom modated, as the subscriber wishes to g t a few steady boarders. Prices will be in conformity to the times—please call and see. March 27, 1845. M.D. F JUNES. Assignee's Sale. jBE subscribers will expose to sale of public vendue on the 17th of April next at the house of I. H. Stephens in the borough of Towanda, the building on Main street im mediately north of the. bank, known as the Ca nal Office, subject to any claim which ,D. L. Scott may have upon the same for rent. Ten dollars in money will be required and the resi due will be received in the on demand notes of the Towanda Bank. The sale of shares in the Towanda rail road and coal company stands adjourned to the same place and time of day. DA RI US BULLOCK,) Assignees G. F. MASON, . Towanda WM. ELWELL. Bank. Towanda, March :::6, 1895. In matter of the application of .4r:cry Gore and others, to be incorporated under the name 4. title of the First Universalist Societyof Nheshequin." NoncE is hereby given that Aveiy Gore, Ebenezer Shaw, Joseph Kingsbery, Reu ben Griffin, Franklin Blackman and others, have presented to the said court an instrument in writing, and the objects, articles and condi tions set forth and therein contained appearing lawful, and not injurious to the community, di rected that said writing be filed and that notice be given in one newspaper printed in said coun ty, setting forth that an application has been made to said court to grant such an act of in corporation according to the act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. - A . CHU BMX; K, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's Office, Towanda, April 2, 1895. S IIST OF LETTERS remaining in the 4 Post office at Towanda, March 31, 1845. Avery Susan M. Misslhrzard E. W. Atwood George Jones Harvey Adams James Kellum Sainuel Barnes Abram Kinney George Bancroft L.G. 2 Kellogg W. H. Beardsley H.T. Kellogg Matilda Brovvnson Wyllyg Long E. 0. Brownell William Malony Moroso Crowley Timothy Markins Loyer • Cse A. M. McAndrew Martin Coughlin John McHale Richard Currin Michael McDonely Patrick Cary Mary Ann, Mrs. Moody Mariam B. Cook David M'ltitiro Harriet Chester C.B. Nathan Isaac Clark E.S. Phinney James Cooly M. _ Pierce James Divany Patrick - Patrick Edwin Dowers Joseph 3 Powell William B. Dolan Bridget Powell Stephen Davis John Jr. Pratt Isaac Dunham Isaac Potter Joseph Day Charles Quigley Sarah Daniel Fermia Riley James Frazer F. Smith Jease R. Finlan Rodger Slain Patrick Goff Ageiine P. Smith E. Col. Gregg Cerene Smith H. . .Hennington Aaron G. Spaldin ,, Erastus Hassad James, Tinch Cohn Horton' .avid Vandyke John Harris N. C. Walker Salinas Hayden] William Wattles David C. A. S. CHAMBERLIN, P. M. Z?) AIDAMI-3,? LAW OFFICE, IS REMOVED to the North side of the Public Square, in the room formerly occu pied by D. Wilmot. March 22, 1845. PROCLAMATION, • Marian B. dllen, by-her next friend Alonijah Moody vs. Chas. H. .1111 en —in Bradford Common Picas no. 181 December Term 1844. WO CHARLES H. ALLEN, the defend- ant in the above libel. - You are hereby notified that Marian B. Allen, your wife ' by her vest friend Adenijah Moody; has filed her petition for divorce from you from the banns of matrimony. And that an. alias subpoena has been return& and proof' made that you were hot to be found in said county. You arc therefore hereby requested !to appear at the Court House in the borough of Towanda, at the May term of said common pleas, on Mon day the fifth day of May next, to answer the said complaint, and show ca ise if any you have why be said Marian should not be divorced from you. J. N. WESTON, Sheriff,. ' Sheriff's Office, Towanda March 25, 1845. i :6 Grindstones. Oh A LOT 0 10 GRINDSTONES, 'a good AL article fo' farmers for sale low at 0. D. BARTLETT. . Towanda, F 26., 1844. - nti Timothy-Becd, an extra su icic fur o v.e by KINGSBERY. CLOVER 1.1 periur ar Martir 1'). 1 TOWANDA ACADEMY. THE Trustees of this institution eneour aged by its present prosperous condition have been induced to make arrangements fur rendering it still more worthy of patronage.— The free school heretofore taught in a part of the building, into be removed and the necessa ry repairs made. The next term will corn menceon the 7th of April. The school will continue under the Superintendence of Rev • C. Newt, aided by such assistance as he may find necessary to procure in the male depart ment, and by Miss M. Rsan as principal of the female department and Miss S. F. NV OUTHI SG. Miss Reed has been thoroughly educated at the Homer Academy, an institution of high repute, and besides possessing literary qualifications of a high order, has bad the advantage of experi ence in teaching, having been for some time Principal of the Montrose Female Seminary, which station she is known to have filled in a manner highly creditable to herself and satis factory to the public. Miss WORTLIFNO is al ready too well known as a successful teacher to require further recommendation. The following ate the rates of tuition per quarter of twelve 'weeks t Common English branches, including . Arithmetic, Grammar & Geography, $3 00 Natural Science, embracing Philosophy Natural and Moral, Botany, History, Astronomy, Chemistry, Logic & Rhe toric, 4 00 Latin, Greek, French, and the higher Mathemathics, 5 00 Drawing and Painting extra, 'L.' 00 Music,, with the use of Instrument, I 0 00 do. •wititout - do., 8 00 SIIERIFF'S SALES. virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas WIP issued from the court of common.pleas of Bradford county ta me directed, I shall ex pose to public sale at the house of Wm. Briggs in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday the 17th day - of April next at one o'clock P. M., the following Mt of land situate in Canton tp. bounde4l north by lands of A. Bothwell and Jas. Bothwell east by lands of said Bothwells and Amos Wilcox and S. E. Shepard ; south by the Williamsport and Elmira road ; and the south west by lands of J. Smith; 100 acres or there abouts, 50 acres improved, and a log house. • Seiird and taken in execution at the suit cf Anthony Shorb. David Stewart, Win. C. Ste wart, Wm. M. Lyon, John Lyon and John T. Matthias, trading under the firm of Shorb, Ste wart & co. now to the use of S. E. Shepard vs. Joseph J. Lingle and Anderson Harvey, lately trading under the firm of Lingle & Har vey. J. N. WESTON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 21, 1845. CILOVER and Timothy Seed of the best ILI quality for sale by C. REED. 4)000 LLB'S. Solo and Upper cash- by - C. REE ea D the N r o for 2 spalrieckchßeoawisrfor Second and Last Call ! THE subscribers have a large amount of unsettled accounts and notes, which have been standing from oat to six years, and which they have determined SHALL lie SET TI.tI7: They have waited patiently through the recent exciting political canvass, without asking for their dues. Now, circumstances render it necessary that they should he paid ; and they would say for once and for all, that every person indebted to them must come for ward immediately, and pay their accounts, or suffer the consequences. Will those indebted heed tho warning, or will they pay cost ? J. & D. INGHAM Alonrocton, March 15. 1845. LAW PARTNERSHIP. - 9 Overton Sc. U. Booth, respect ., fully inform the public that having re cently formed a connection in business, they will promptly and punctually render their profes sional services in Agencies. Collections and other matters entrusted to their carer and they respectfully solicit, as they hope they shall de serve, a liberal share of Patronage. Of in Main street, a few doors south of the Episcopal church, where One or both will be found (hiring all hours of business. Towanda, Janr 13, 1846. DMMVAM INFORMATION is hereby given , that the Dental Group of the Leraysville Phalanx has been duly organized, and work will he done in that business at the most reasonable rates.— Where cash cannot beconviently.paid, the pro duce of the country will be received at proper prices. Dr. Solyrnan Brown, of Netv York city, is at the head of the group. Work will be as well done as in any of the Atlantic cities. The Dentist's rooms ate, at present, at Dr. Bel ding's neat the Phalanstery. Feb. 17, 1845. I.: PRATT, Secretary. Lista to James M. 'GiNon, WHILE ho proclaims to the world that he has just received a very large and very nice assoitruent of 4• Jewelry 4• Fancy Goodsi which he will sell at remarkably low prices.— Just call in and take a look, and sec if be don't sell cheaper than any body else in town. SHIPPING PHURS purchased. Towanda, February 26, 1845, Doctor Sumner, Dentist, WILL make his next professional visit to Towanda early in iMay 1845. Watch and Clock Repairing. Tr. .1. CH.1.71111E121.1.1". RESPECTFULLY in forms his fnends and the public that he still contin --- ues to carry on the above /41. l'' ' ‘AS2 l7 ( businiess at his old stand, one door south of Elliott O 4 9 e "1 .4.. & Melvin's store, and pearly opposite the Bay Scales. Watch and Clack Repairing, Will be done•on short notice, and warranted to be well done. From a long experience in the builiness, he believes that he will be able to ren der perfect satisfaction' to fall who may favor him with their' pstronage. I N.B. Watches warranted to 'run well one year, or the money refunded; and a written agreement given to that ell:rzt to all that desire one CLOCKS.--A large assortment just receiv ed and for sato very low for cash. If you want to buy Je i miry cheap ca i ll at Chamberlin'a Watch Shop. MAPLE SUGAE,IWona, and all kinds of Country Produce received in payment. Towanda, March 5,1845. - - VEIL EIC2011D:• FRESH supply, making a enenpleio sortruent o IRON jut received and 'ale low by 0. D. -11.1RTLE1 Auditor's Notice. T HE • undersigned appointed 11the Or" phan's Court an auditor to distribute the monies remaining in the hands of the executors of tic last will and testament of l'bilinda Ladd deceased, will attend to the duties of hii ap pointment st his office in the Borough - of Tow anda, on Thursday the 24th day of April next at one o'clock in the afternoon, when all per sons are hereby notified and required to pre sent their claims, or be debarred from coming in for a share of said fund. H. C. KELLIC..AtIitor Towanda, March 17, 1845. IST OF LETTERS, remaining in Jl.l the Athens Post Office, for the quarter ending March 31, 1845, Ausburn Sarah M6s Lowery Leonard Arnold Epbriam Marvin E C Bull Catharine Miss Mortdn Speicer Burnside Rachel Miss Morley Alvan 2 Butler Jeremiah Moody Miss A 7, Cooper Ira Merchant M Clark Samuel McDuffie Samuel Drake E C , Pollard Samuel Devalue John Park John Deming Abner Post John Dodge C Rice Wanton Gaslay Samuel Royce Benjamin Gates Jane Stodard Leonard Harris Daniel N Stephens Edwin Hoyt Giles Stewart C II How Horace Smith Ira H Hudson Oliver A Schroce Alexander Horse Horace Ward Richard " Raskin Samuel Watson J Jarnagin S Warner Wm Kinyon Smith C. S. PARK, P. M M. C. Mereur vs. Thomas Morley; John Morley and Daniel P. Lacey, Bradford Corn. Pleas—No. 218, May 'T.1843. Stephen Pierce vs. Charles Colony— _Bradford C'wrnizon Pleas. THE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor for the hearing and adjusting of the several claims to the money raised from the gale of real estate, by virtue of an execution issued in each of the above case, will attend at his Mace ih the borohli of Towanda, on Thursday, the 17th day of April next at 1 o'- clock, P. M., when all 'persons are required to present their claims, or be debarred from a share said fund. G. SAN DERSON. March 19, 1315. Auditor. John Snyder vs: Samuel H. 111'.9free, Bradford Common Pleas—No. 524, May. Term, 1842. THE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor for the 'hearing and adjust ing of the several claims to the money raised froth the sale of real estate, by virtue of en ex ecution issued in. this case, will attend fur that purpose at his office in the boro' of Towanda. on Thursday, the 10th day April next at 1 o'. crick, P. M., when all persons are required toI present their claims, or be debarred from a share in said fund. ULYSSES MERCUR, March 6, 1345. Audithr. Joseph C. Pavel!, to the use of Hays. Elliott, Lyon Gosh vs. Hiram 31. Myer, Isaac Myer and Jacob Myer. —No. 12,_rebruary T., 1843. MIRE undersigned, having heen appointed by the Court of Comrrion Pleas of Brad ford County, an Auditor to report the liens up on certain real estate levied upon and extended in this case, will attend for that purposeat his office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 14th day April next, at 2 o'clock in the af ternoon. AU persons are hereby nailed and required to present their claims or be debarred coming in upon said fund. B. W. BAIRD, Auditor. tosvanda, February 27, 1515. 3)II3COILIVX2L - ZEOR 3 EACH and every person knowing them selves to le indebted to tho late firm of MONTI.XIX & BLTTS, are respectfully request ed to attend to this last call, to settle and pay up by the fast of June next, or their account or note will be left with a proper officer for col lection, witheut further delay. N.l\. - BETTS, March 6, 1815. J. D. MONTANY E. ESTR.IY CAME on the domain of the teßaysvillo Phalanx, on Tuesday, the 25th ult., a RED ROAN MARE, about 8 years old—ra ther larger than the common size, and has the heaves a little. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. Leßaysvillc. April 1, 1845. LASS & NAILS, for sale cheap in any quantity. O. D. BARTLIVOUT. 11_216,,:111E.3711triltarittlEg. NOTICE is given that never having receiv ed a consideration, we shall not pay (un less compelled by law) two notes of hand given by us to James Magee. One note of. fifty clause payable nix months from date; the oth er for fifty dollars payable in eighteen months. The public are cautioned against purchasing them as the terms of the contract for Which they. were given have fever been complied with , and we are determined not to pay them. . WILLLIAM JENISINGP, 106 1 AH NURSS. Wyalusinq, nib. 17;1845. ' &IFIMMEOSS' S A LL Pf & RSOIVS expecting to pay the . sub- AIL scribers in grain or produce of ani, des cription, must deliver it before the first of April next, as cash will be required on all deb it due at that time. W. H. BARD 'St CO ' 0 March 5, 1845. No. 3, Brick Raw. CLOVER & TIMOTHY :strp. ( if the hest quality, at BA,IRD'S; March 5. . N 0.3, Brick 1614 r. iri D. RIED APPLES & MAPLE STAGtAIi,. any quantity, at BAIRIY,* March 5,' - . No. 3, - Brick te ttv Executor's Notice, ALL Bingham, Indebted to the estate as Bingham, deceased, late of Wy are "requested to make immediate payme all those having demands against the as requested to present them, legally attes settlement. HARRY MORGAN, Exec Wysoz, March 4, 1895. lik11.3IMMIC411:01117.11111. WILCOX & SAGE have rem° Beot and Shoe shop, directly o' their, old stand, and in the builditig latel pied by E. Smith & Son, two doors • the Exchange, Towanda, March 19, LEO:), 4 • ". for Ozi .x fp.. t. rtnit 'no are d, for their posho ocru ct 1:4