Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 26, 1845, Image 3

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E I moriDINARY -
—it man, named
THE NEW Yc" 1-1-t •
arr , ested in New
Postley, has been
York, on a charge oi rocuring a per
assassinateMr. Hackett, son of
the comedian, a young lawyer of that
city. The cause of this affair is stated
as follows ._Mr. Postley is the son-in
taw of Mr. Contoit, well known; as the
owner of the New York Garden. • He
has an unmarried daughter to • whom
Mr. Hackett is repOrted to be attentive.
This was pot agreeable to Mr. Postley,
Rho: as the story - goes. procured a man
to assassinate him. The Herald says :
" The name of the accused is !Thom
as Postley, who is well known to many
of our citizens as belonging to a Efigh;
ly respectfible and wealthy family.
Abont•twci weeks . since, Paulett,
colored man, also well known in this
city, ands general favorite where he is
known, appeared at the police office,
and stated to Justice Matsell that a pro
posal had been made to him to assassi
nate Mr. Hackett, by a gentleman with
whom he had some misunderstanding,
whose name was Postley. On being
-questioned,,he stated that lie had agreed
to do it, intending to disclose it to the
police,'and that the tune fired was
'Saturday evening, two weeks ago, in
front of St. John's Church. Mr. Hack
ett was to be induced to come there at
a certain hour, by a letter which -was
to be sent-to him, purporting to come
from a lady, and then Paulett was to
set upon him and kill him. The pro
posal-was first made to him in the lamp
store of Mr. John Morgan, in Broad
way, on the evening of the• great snow
" The Magistrate sent for Mr. Hack
ett, and it appeared that he had receiv
ed a letter in the handwriting of a fe
male, requesting hint to meet her at St.
John's park, at a certain hour on Satur
"It was agreed, after consultation,
that Mr. Hackett should go at the hour
_ .
specified, and that Paulett should ap
parently attack him, and that two offi
cers should be on the watch and arrest
‘Postley, if he should be near the place,
.-as be had agreed to, in orderto see that
:'Paulett did not play him foul.
.The mock,attlack came off as pro
;.-posed: and officers Welsh and Bowyer
were on.the spot. but did not see Post
.le.y. although Paulett told them after
wards where he. had been.
..The matter was then laia before
the Grand Jury. summonedfMr. Mar-
gac to testify before them, and on do
ing so he declared that the letter Which
had been received by Mr. Hackett.was
writtsn. by Mr. Postlev in his store, and
exhibited to him to read. Postlev was
arrested by officer Welsh 'yesterday,
and held to bail in the sum of $5,000 to
answer die - charge of conspiracy."
GEN. J ACKSON:—Saturday. 15tbin-st.
was the 79th anniversary of General
Jackson's birth-Jay. His health is im-
1• THE NEW COUNTY, projected out of
parts of Bradford and Lycoming• has
been defeated in the Senate, by a vote of
14 to 2i.
DYSPEPSIA is a Areakn.ess of the di
gestive. organs, and, like every other
complaint, is caused by impurities of
the hood. The aastric juice, a fluid
peculiar to the stomach, when secreted
from bail blood, is deficient in those .
astonishing solvent properties phielt
are so essential to proper digestion,
consequently the body is not suitably
purified, - the bowels are imperfectly
evacuated, and indeed all the functions
of the body are deranged.
Wrig,hesindian Vegetable Pills are
one of the 'most ' , extraordinary medi
cines in'the world for the cure of Dys
pepsia; because they thoroughly cleanse
the stomachs and bowels of all billions
affections, and completely purify the
blood. -Hence, as they rioinove the
cause of every kind of disease, it is ab
solutely impossible for them to fail in
curing Dyspepsia. _ _
.Foi:sale at the store ofJ. D. & E.
MOntanye, in Towanda, and by
agents . published in another column of
this piper.
sore. Caution.—A s counterfeiters
are abroad, avoid all stores of doubtful
tharacter, and be particular in all cas.
see, to a sk for Wright's - Indian reg,e
table Mils.
zi ,b, -awlia)100
IVED .to the North side of the
quare, in the room formerly occu-
Wilmot. March 22, 1845.
411 en by her next friend
di Moody vs. Chas. 11. dllen
'radford Common Pleas no.
.!ember Term 1844.
.ARLES R. ALLEN, the defend
the above libel. You are her 4w
Marian 'B. Allen. your wife, By
id Adonijah Moody, has filed her
ivorce from you from the banns
f. And that an alias • aubptena
etumd. and proof mado that you
be found in said county.:, .You are
teby requested. to appear at the
in the borough of Towanda, at
i of said common pleas, on Mon
day- of May next, to answer the
u, and show cause if any you have
Marian should not he divorced
J. N. WESTON, Sheriff'.
ifrs Office, ?,
\larch 25, 1R45. )
DIED, suddenly, at Wysox, on Wednesday
night, the 19th inst., aged 22 years and 9
months, Mrs. ELIZABETH J•, wife of D'
ALANcoN C. SALSBURY, of Monroe, and
- daughter of J. hI. I"roLivr, of Wysoz.
After a short, but agonized illness, she fell
gently asleep in the blessed Christian's Hope.
The absence of a broth'er and sister rendered
her departure peculiarly afflicting.
In one year and a half she passed from the
bridal robe, a young mother, to her shroud.
The world had dawned upon her with every
ray of promise; but her hopes have gone down
with her into that night whose morro&is in
the far and better land.
Sad wife ;—he, who upon her smile -
Had hung , life's sweetest joys and hopes,
Found there a farewell gleam, the while,—
But now alone in• darkness gropes.
Sad mother ;—as her child she press'd,
With the last earthly feeling warm
She saw, through tears, what God bath bless'd,
The bow, but ah ! she saw the storm. •
Sad sister ;—two wept at her side
To close her eyes as last they beamed ;
But two, who joyed around the bride, •
Must wake to learn how false they dreamed
Sad daughter ;—ho who watched with care
Birth, bridal, all her hopes and fears,
Aged and sect, stands lonely there
To drain life's fastly-ebbing tears.
Glad daughter, sister, mother, wife
This gloom below is brief, as dark ;
The floods, which sweep the tracks of life,
Bear up the blessed in the ark,
Till in its haven anchored home,—
The olive shades a realm of peace,
The dove returns, no MOTS to roam,
And love and bliss shall never• cease!
JO' • By a resolution passed at the last an
nual meeting of the Bracford County Tempe
rance Society, holden on the 3d air February
last, it was made the duty of the Secretary to
address, through the medium of the papers, the
officers of the respective societies, auxiliaries of
this Society, requesttng them to call meetings
often, and effect a thorough organization. And
that, if possible, every township may be repre
sented by some person or persons, at the next
quarterly meeting of this Society, to he holden
on the first Monday evenit'g of next May court.
The Society deeply lament the backsliding
of many of its members, and regret exceedingly
that some of our respectable ciiizens, late advo
cates of the Temperance cause, are exerting a
deleterious influence in society, anil such an in
fluence as is well calculated to promote drunk
enness with all its concomitant evils
WM. SCOTT. Sec. B. C. T. S
ant to notice previously given, a mee t
ing of the colored citizens of Bradford county
was held at Towanda for the purpose of calling
a County convention on the 16th of June neat,
to take into consideration the propiiely of cal
ling a State convention. The meeting was
organized by calling DANIEL GREEN to the
Chair, and appointing J. C. JOHNSON Secrete
and after an interchange of sentiment the
following resolutions were passed unanimously:
Resolved, That there shall be a meeting of
Bradford county to take into consideration the
propriety of the abolition question, and to con
sider with the adjoining counties so as to call
a state convention.
Resolved, That David Miller. Henry Butler
and Joshua C. Johnson be appointed to address
the meeting.
- Re eked, That the object of this meeting be
published in the papers of this place and signed
by the officers.
(Siguefi by the Officers.)
..'"HEREAS the Hon. John N. Conyng
, ham, President Judge of the 13th Ju
dicial district, consisting of the counties of Lu
zerne. Bradford and Tiogo, and the Hon. Har
ry • Morgan and Reuben Wilber, Associate
Judges in and for said county of Bradford, have
issued their precept bearing date the 12th day
of March A. D. 1945, to me directed, for hold
ing a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Common Pleas
and Orphans' Court at Towanda, for the coun
ty of Bradford on the first -Monday of May
next, being the fifth. to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given,
to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and
Constables of the county of Bradford that they
be then and there in their proper persons at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
records, inqusitions, examinations and other
their remembrances to do those things which to
their of appertain to be done; and those
who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to
prosecute againstAthe prisoners who are or
may be bound to appear, at the saia curt, are
to be then and there to prosecute against them
as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be
punctul in their attendance, agreeably to their
Dated at Towanda the 24th day of March, in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and forty five, and of the Indepen•
deuce of the United States the sixty-ninth.
J. N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Y virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas
v. issued from the court of common pleas
of Bradford ,county to me directed. I shall ex
pose to r iublic sale at the house of Wm. 13nggs
in t h e b o rough of Towanda, on Thursday, the
20th day of MARCH next at one o'clockl . P.
M.. the following described piece or parcel of
land situate in Towanda township and bounded
"as follows: .on the north by lands of Ins Mau:
ger, west by Jas. Mercur. south by Myer and
Manville, east by the Susquehanna ziver ; con
taining 100 acct S more or less about 35 acres
improved, .vvith r.• log house, log shed and peach
and apple orchard thereon.
Seized and takeu in execution at the suit of
Ziba Grist to the use of Benjamin C. Thomas
vs. Seneca Simmons.
JOHN N. WESTON, Sheriff:
Sheriff's Office.
Towanda, Feb. 22, 1845.5
The above sale stands pOstpcned until Thurs.
day, the 17th day of April next, at the same
place and time of day.
• 7.N WESTON, Sheriff.
March 21, 18;5.
r IST OF JURORS drawn for May Term
KA and Sessions 1845.
Troy—Eli Baird ;
Pike—Alba Bosworth ;
Wyalusing—S. W. Biles, E. Lewis;
Burlington—J. Ballard, A. M'Kean, Jehial
M'Kean, J.E.Vosburg ;
Albany—Jeremiah Blackman;
Rome—Asa Fuller;
Towanda tp.—H.C.For ;
" boro.—J.E.Geiger ;
\Varren—Eben Griswold;
Shesheguin—Obadiah Gore;
Durell—Oliver Gilbert;
Ridgberry—Elias Impson ;
Windham—Pardon Kinyon
Monroe—E. Mason ;
Orwell—James ;
Ulster—G. W. Russell
Wells—W. R. Shepard;
Athens tp.—Robert Sutton. G. H. Welles .
Leroy—Nathan E. Wilcox.
Canton—Elish.a Bloom ;
Towanda bor(r.—W . Browning, Henry Mer
cur, Joseph Marshall ;
Troy—lra Ballard, Alonzo Long, C. G. Man
ley, J. A. Pierce, Alfred Parsons ;
Burlington —Josephus Campbell, W. Wklean,
David Soper;
Durell—O. D. Chamberlin, D. L. States ;
Columbia—John Calkins . ;
Sheshequin—Ahram Fretts, Rockwell Horton;
Athens tp.—John Griffin, Forbes Lowe;
Towanda tp.—Horace Granger;
' Soot h . Creek—Wynthrop Ohms ;
Ulster—Simmons C. Hovey ;
Athens born.—Wm. Kendall, E. 8. Mathew
son, Moses Sawyer, H. Williston Jr.;
Mortroe-IWilliam Lewis;
Wysnx—Orrin Noble ; •
Wells—A. C. Noble, W. P. Wylee ;
Litchfield—William Payson ;
Standing Stone—John Taylor;
Herrick—Hollet Titus;
Springfield—Alanson'Trask ;
Smithfield—John L. Webb, Gordon- Wilcox.
Canton—George Brigham, E. Rockwell.
Springfield—Wakeman Brooks, Asa Brown,
J. Harkness, N. P. Stacy.
Orwell—W.G. Barnes, Channcy Frishie;
Trov—Wm . Baker.
Wyalusing—lsrael Camp.
Warren—Ebenezer Coburn.
Wells—Jesse Edsall.
Pike—A. Fairchild, D. Johnson, L. Pratt.
Leroy—Eli Holcomb.
Monroe—Elias W. Hale.
Athens boro.—Thomas T. Huston.
South Creek—Bery Inman.
Smithfield—G. M. King, Jared Phelps.
Towanda horo.—A.D.Montanye, H. Mix Jr.,
I Makinson.
Athens tp.—Geo. Northrup, John F. Satterlee,
S. B. Shoemaker.
Burlington—J. Pratt, W. Stevens.
Armenia—Wightman Pierce.
Granville—Darius B. Ross,
Ulster—Norman Shaw.
Rome—John Towner, John W. Woodburn
Asylnm—Ebnezer Terry. •
Springhill—Cheiter Wells.
eJ^. 1" virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas
3: issued from the court of common pleas
of Bradford county to me directed. I shall ex
:lose to public sale at the house of Wm. Briggs
in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday the
1.70 . day of April next at one o'clock P. M.,
the f o llowing lot of land situate in Canton tp.
bounde.•l north by lands of A. Bothwell and Jaa.
Bothwell ; east by lands of said Bothwells and
Amos Wilcox and S.E.S.hepard ; south by the
Williamsport and Elmira road; and the south
west by lands of J. Smith; 100 acres or there
abouts, 50 acres improved, and a log house.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit cf
Anthony Short). David Stewart, W in. C. Ste
wart, Wm. M.Lyon, John Lyon and John T.
Matthias, trading under . the firm of Short), Ste
wart & co. 1/Ul.ll to ti,e use of S. E. Shepard
vs.-Joseph J. Lingle and Anderson Harvey.
lately trading under the firm of Lingle & Har
vey. N. WES.rON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
. Towanda, March 21, 1845.5
THE Trustees of this institution encour
aged by its present prosperous condition
have been induced to make arrangements for
rendering it still more worthy of patronage.—
The free school hereto r ore taught in a part of
the building, is to be rerooved and the necessa
ry repairs made. The next term will com
mence on the 7th of April• The school will
( ontinue under the superintendence of REV.
C. NASH, aided by such assistance as he may
find necessary to procure in ti.e male depart
ment, and by Miss M. REED as principal of the
female department and Miss S. F. Wo went Nri:
Miss Reed has been thoroughly educated at the
Homer Academy, an institution of high repute,
and besides possessing literary qualifications of
a high order, has had the advantage of experi
ence in teaching, having been for some time
Principal of the Montrose Female Seminary,
which station she is known to have filled in a
manner highly creditable to herself and sans
factory to the public. Miss WoRTHING is al
ready too well known as a successful teacher to
require further recommendation.
The following are the rates of tuition per
quarter of twelve weeks:
Common English branches. including
Arithmetic, Grammar & Geography, 0 00
Natural Science, embracing Philosophy
Natural and Moral. Botany, History,
Astronomy, Chemistry, Logic & Rhe-
Latin, Greek, French, and the higher
Drawing and Painting extra,
Music, with the use of Instrument,
do. without
CLOVER and Timothy Seed of the best
quality for sale by C. REED.
29000 i L e ß at S he . r
fSoorlealaend cheap Upper
cash-by C. REED, ' No. 2 Brick Row. or
Second and Last Call !
VISHE subscribers have a large amount of
ft unsettled accounts and notes, which have
been standing from ONE to six years, and
which they have determined smut. BE fiLT•
TLED.' They have waited patiently through
the recent exciting political canvass, without
asking for their dues. Now, circumstances
render it necessary that they should be paid ;
and they would say for once and for all, that
every person indebted to them must come for
ward immediately, and pay their accounts, or
suffer the consequences. Will those indebted
heed the warning, or will they pay cost f
Monroeton, March 15, 1895.
GLASS & NAILS. for said cheap in any
finantit.t.. O. D. BARTLETT.
NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance'
of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Bradford county, there will be exposed to pub
lic sale at the house occupied by A. Cooley, on
the premises, on Monday the 7th day of April
at 1 o'clock P. M., the following piece or par
cel of land situate in Wysox township, boun
ded on the south by the honiestead and Pond
IEII road, on the west by Angevine Bull and
E. C. Spencer, on the north by Benj. Bennett
and Chamberlin, and on the east by Samuel
Coolbaugh and Patrick. Containing about
190 acres with about forty acres improved, with
a grist-mill, saw-mill and half of another saw
mill, store-house, tavern house and a building
occupied as a carding machine, two barns and
other out buildings thereon.
'P.S. Terms made known at the time and
place of sale. •
E. Y. MYER, Administrator
Wysox, March 42. 1845.
CORN & OATS, wanted at this office
on account. ' •
Auditor's Notice.
/SHE undersigned appointed by the Or
li phan's Court an auditor to distribute the
monies remaining in the hands of the executors
of eie last will and testament of Philinda Ladd
deceased, will attend to the duties of his ap
pointment EA his office in the Borough of Tow
anda, on Thursday the 24th day of April next
at one o'clock in the afternoon, when all per
sons are hereby notified and required to pre.
sent their claims, or be debarred froin coming
in for a share of said fund.
H. C. KELLY. Auditor.
Towanda, March 17, 1845.
M. C. Mercur vs. Thomas Morley,
John Morley and Daniel P. Lacey,
Bradford Com. Pleas—No. 218.
May T. 1844.
Stephen Pierce vs. Charles Colony—
Bradford Common Pleas.
THE undersigned having been appointed
an Auditor for the hearing and adjusting
of the several claims to the money raised from
the sale of real estate, by virtue of an execution
issued in each of the above case, will attend
at his office in the borough of Towanda, on
Thursday, the 17th day of April next at 1 o'-
clock, P. M., when all persons are required to
present their claims, or be debarred from a share
n said fund. G. SANDERSON.
i March 19, 1895. Auditor.
John Snyder vs. Samuel H. ilt.lffee,
Bradford Common Pleas—No. 524,
May Term, 1842.
THE undersigned having been appointed
g an Auditor for the hearing and adjust
ing of the several claims to the money raised
from the sale of real estate, by virtue of an ex
ecution issued in this case, will attend for that
purpose at his oflice in the born' of Towanda,
on Thursday, the 10th day April next at 1 o'-
,clock, P. M., when all persons are required to
present their claims, or be debarred from a share
in said fund. ULYSSES MERCUR,
March 6, 1845. Andiior.
Joseph C. Powell, to the use of Hap.
Elliott, Lyon Gosh vs. Hiram M.
Jllyer, Isaac Myer andjacob Myer.
—No. 12, February T., 1843.
THE undersigned. having heen appointed
by the Court of Common Pleas of Brad
ford County, an Auditor to report the liens up
on certain real estate levied upon and extended
in this case, will attend for that purpov3 at his
office iii the borough of Towanda. on Monday,
the 14th day April next, at 2 o'clock in the af
ternoon. All persons are hereby not;tied and
required to present their claims or be debarred
coming in upon said fund.
_ .
E. W. BAIRD, Auditor
Tocvanda, February 27, 1815.
Crjz - 1, alt,i,Lu 7,9, 3
EACH and every person knowing them
selves to be indebted to the late firm of
°STANT E & BETTS, are respectfully request
ed to attend to this last call, to settle and pay
up by the first of June next, or their account
or note will be left with a proper officer for col
lection, without further delay.
March 6, 1845. J.D.MON'I'ANYE
Administrator's Sale.
WILL be exposed to sale, at my house
late the residence of Oliver Arnold,
deceased, in Smithfield, on Tuesday, April
Ist., 1845,
will the Permal Property belonging,
to the estate of 0. 11rnold,
Terms rtic known at the day of sale.
B. THOMAS, Administrator.
Smithfield, March 4, 1845.
EDY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas
issued from the court of common pleas
of Bradford county, to me directed. I shall ex
pose to public sale at the house of Win. Briggs
in the Borough of Towanda, on Thursday the
2'iHr day of March next at one o'clock
P. N., the following described piece or parcel
of land situate in Wysox township and boun
ded on the north by lands of Caleb Shores, on
the east fly lands of Stephen Strickland, on the
south by 13nds of John and Daniel P. Bartlett.
Containing 100 acres, more or less, with about
25 acres improved, With a log house and log
shed thereon erected, end an apple orchard
thereon growing.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Shepard & Dorrance, now to the use of C. L.
Ward, vs. Asahel M. Coe, administrator of the
estate of John Atwood, deceased.
JOHN N. WESTON. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office.
Towanda, March 1. 1845.
4 00
11 00
2 00
I 0 00
8 00
aumiyuacTar 2
ALi. PERSON:_lexpecting, to pay the sub
ill scribers in graill or produce of any des
cription,- must deliver it before the first of April
next, as cash will be required on all debts due
at that time. W. H. BAIRD & CO.
March 5, 1845. No. 3, Brick Row.
WU best quality, at BAIRD'S,
March 5. No. 3, Brick Row.
lU, any quantity, at BAIRD'S,
March 5. N0.3,11,-ick Row.
ExecutWs Notice.
ALL persons indebted to' the estate of Ozi
as Bingham, deceased, late of Wysox tp..
am requested to make immediate payment. and
all those having demands against the same are
requested to present them, legally attested, for
settlement. -
Wysox, March 4, 1I5;
Of the Receipts anif Expenditures of the Hl
rough of Towanda, for 1844,
Amount on duplicate for 1844 $585 13
On old duplicates
On rent for Engine House
On judgment against A. Martin
Labor done on the streets by Street
Paid for flagging &c.
Publishing Report for 843, and no-
lices to taxables
Special Election expenses
Paid for removing nuisance opposite
the old Red Tavern 17 50
Trout & Smalley for smith work 10 53
Justice fees to J. D. Goodenough 1 03.
Office rent
Exonorations to Collector
Collectors percentage
Treasurer's do.
Stationery &e.
Burgess 45c Town Council
Outstanding orders Ist March 1844 $494 02
Orders. issued in 1844 228 36
Orders ret'd and cancelled in 1844
Outstanding coders Feb. 16, 1845. $495 75
Reed from collectors co duplicates $16744
" Street Com'rs and others 40 15
" for rent of Engine house 12 87
" A. Martin on judgment 9 56
, $230 02
Order returned & cancelled $2Ol 63
Treasures's percentage 6 90
Account rendered far services as clerk
to balance
Amount of poor duplicate for 1844 $4:37 54
Paid E. Baldwin, as poor-master for '43
balance on settlement - 170 40
Paid. on old judgments 27 . 75
" for support of poor in 1844 111 31
" exonerations on duplicate 1844 1 41
Duplicate as above
Ballance due from poor-master Bailey.
uncollected Feb. 1, 1845 $126 67
Borough of Towanda,s.T.
We, the Burgess and Town Council of the
Borough of Towanda, do hereby certify the
above to be a true statement of the Receipts
and Expenditures of said Boro. A. D. 1844.
E. D:MONTANYE, Burgess.
N. N. BE"1"1"6, Council.
Attest-..-N..1. KEELER, Boro. Clerk.
,71 Overton Si. B. Booth, respect
„, fully inform the ?laic that having re
cently formed a connection
„in business, they
will promptly and punctually render their profes
sional services- in Agencies, Collections and
other matters entrusted to their cap , ; and they
respectfully solicit, as they hope/fhey shall de
serve, a liberal share of Patronage. Office in
Main street. a few doors south of the Episcopal
church, where one or both will be found during
all hours of business.
Towanda, Jaw 13, 1945.
Ohio Grindstones. -
article fur farmers for snli , low at
Towanda. Feb. 26, 1814.
11E MC_ 012 D MY - co
A FRESH ! supply, making a complete as
sortment of IRON just received and for
sale low by O. D. BARTLETT
iNFORMATION is hereby given. that the.
Dental Group of the Leraysville Phalanx,
has leen duly'organized. and work will be done
in that business at the most reasonable rates.--;
Where cash cannot be conviently paid, the pro
duce of the country will be received at proper
prices. Dr. Solyruan Brown, of New York
city, is at the head of the group. Work wig
be as well done as in any of the Atlantic cities.
The Dentist's rooms are, at present, at Dr. Bel
ding's hear the Phalanstery.
Feb. 17, 1845. L. PRATT, Secretary.
Listen to James M. Gillson,
WHILE he prw.laims to the world that
he has just received a very large and
very nice asseitment of
Watches 4•. Jewelry (5• Fancy Goods,
which he will sell at remarkably low prices.—
Just call in and take a look, and see if he don't
sell cheaper than any body else in town. •
Towanda, February 26, 1845,
Doctor Sumner, Dentist,
rnakejais next professional visit to
Tow anda early 'in May 1845. •
Watch and Clock Repairing.
W. .1. C11.1.718ERL1.r.,
forms his frieu.ds and the
public that he still contin
‘` 12 .r ' V. ties to cam/ on the above
/.'' '' ' business nt his old stand,
'. ( c :,,,_... 7,' . d on e . door south of Elliott
VI .. k..
t . .Z . 9 . 5 ' 4 • ' & Mercur's store, and
- " • '''' nearly opposite the Hay
Watch and Clock Repairing,
Will be done on short notice, and warranted to
he well done. From a long experience in the
'business, he believes that he will be able to ren
der perfect satisfaecion to all who may favor
him with their ratronage,
N• B. Wanzhes warranted to run well one
year, or the money refunded; and a written
agreement given to that effgz. to all that desire
CLOCKS.—A large assortment just receiv
ed and for sale very low for cash.
If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at
Chamberlin's Watch Shop.
CT' MAPLE SCGAR, Wood, and All
of Countr - y Produce received in pay omit.
Towanda, March :5,
. , .
OF the subscribes to My old triends and Aber
public, generally, who wish
Cake or
bread, if they 'fetch a grist of Wheat, Rye,
Corn or Buckwheat , to the old Overton Mal,
which has been lately fitted up new for doing
as good work as can be done in the State. wino
excepted. If you do not believe this, call and
try, and r will prove it to your satisfaction, o n ,
short notice; only come, and yow shall be antis
fled. • A. H. Shtlnit
Ulster, December 16,1844. I y
15 )5
12 87
9 56
$622 71
$299 32
111 73
Caving formed a co•partnership for tho
practice of law in Bradford and the adjoining
counties, will give - prompt and careful attention
to all business entrusted to their charge. Their
office will he found in Towanda; No. 2, 4 Brick
flow,' on the second floor, where one or the
other may be found at all business hours.
Towanda, January 6, b 84.5..
9 50
6 50
5 00
29 46
A 58
6 90
47 60
25 00
r * ROOMS, Pairs and . Looking Masora hr
Al • W. - H.DLA IRD & CO.
No. 3 Brick limo
September 7tb
$678 48
".."3E'Vtg3D3lEilLilha', 9
$697 38
201 63
MIAVING taken the Store no. 2, new brick:
RA . block has opened a complete assortment'
Ifylerchandize selected with great care eipeas
ly for this market, which_he offers for sale on
the most reasonable terms, Cash. Produce,
Feathers, Furs, 4-c.. will he taken in ex.
change for goods. His stock consists of
Foreign & Domestic Dry Goodg.
Pilot, beaver, broad and gray cloths. cassi•
- therm satinetts, hard 'times, linsey-tvuolsey,
Canton and woollen flannels, brown and Men.
shirtings, sheetings and drillings: a splendid
nisortment of Prints, of all prices and patterns,
book, swiss, striped and cross-bar muslins, plain
and figured laces, Irish linens, plain and fig'd
and silk warp alapacas, chameleon lushes, Arr.
ghan crapes,,mouselin de Nines, cable and plaid
shawls, cravats, gloves, hat ribands, hosiery,
suspenders, &c.
• Wei and Dry Groceries. .
$230 112
Brown, crushed and loaf sugars; teas of all
qualities; molasses. tine cut, Virginia and smo
king tobacco; snuff. spices. mustard. lamp:011.
coffee, soap, starch, 4-c. Also a complete as
sortment of
!Ulises and Liquors:
$3lO Si
437 54
Pure cogninc brandy, Holland gin, port wine,
whiskey .
Craclary and Glass Ware.
Hardware and Cutlery, ere . s4 and mill saws,
nails, glass, &c.
Boots and Shoes.
Men's coarse and fine hoots; ladies' furred,
plain and figured india robbers; French slip
pers; buskins, children's cloth and morocco
shoes, buffalo robes, &c.
Hats mut Caps.
Brush, silk and fur hats ; Ole Bull, leather.
fur, 'elect and hair seal caps; men's white
wool and rowdy hats, &c.
Every exertion will he made to please and
Satisfy every one who may give him a call.
Towanda, Dec. 2d, 1844
vl - =l - L%-1 sN7..L'ro
A D. MONT.ANYE - has removed his
1-2" Drug Store to the third door below J.
D. 4- E. D. Montanye's store. Main street
where you will at all times find a good assort
ment of Drugs 4- Medicines.
Nov. 25, 1845.
OR PRA. 2 Er S CO UR T S.l LE.
ig - ti pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Bradford County, there will be
Exposed to puld'e sale. on the premises, oli
Wednesday, the 15th day of January, 1845, at
me P M.. a certain lot of land, situate
in tho borough of Towanda, bounded and des
cribed ar follows: on the North bv land of Wm
Mix ; on the East by River street ; on the west
by land of John N. iiVe:.ton, and on the Send,
lw a certain lane leadingafrom Main street Is
the aforesaid River street; said lot measuring:
75 feet on River street and 112 feet on the of
said lane, .with a two story frame dwelling house
Credit will be given for a portion of the pur
chase money . Attendance will he given by
the subscriber at the time and place aforesaid.
termsof sale more fully made known.
ToWanda, December 16, 1844.
The above•ale is further postponed to Sawn
day, the 20th day of April next. at the house
of Wm. Briggs, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
inIII.7BLIC NOTICE is hereby giventhat let
ters of administration have this day been
granted to the subsoriters of the goods, chat
tels, rights and credits of the estate of Arvine
Clark ed.. late of Bidgbitry township in the
county of Bradford, dec'd. Ail persons hav
ing legal demand against said estate are reques
ted to present them duly attested for settlement
and all persons d indebted to the said estate era
notified to make payment without delay.
January 1845. Atlministrrator..
Lf C,711a gjEalr„ Q
AFRESH supply of Clover Seed, unusu
ally plump and clean, just received. and
for sale low by 0. D. BARTLETT.
~~L~~~~i~9~ 1?iL3'~~o
WiLCOX & SAGE have removed their
Beot and Shoe shop. directly opposite
their old stand. and in the building lately occu
pied by E. Smith & Son, two doors west of
the Exchange,
Towanda, March 19; 1845.
AFILOVER and Timothy Seed, nn extra au
perior article for Sale by
March 19, 1845. B. KINGSBERY.
D. MONTANYE lots annexed to hie
o former stock of DRUGS AI ND MEDI
CINES, a fresh supply of
such as Teas. Sugar. Coffee, Pepper.
Salentils, Starch, Raisins, Cavendish. Smoking
and fine cut TObacro,,Maccaboy Snuff, Span-.
ish and Common Cigars. by the box or other,
wise. Together with many other articles too
" macro n. t o Mcc!lon, Be. sure and call at
lfanPanye's fr'rnicry Store: •
Towanda . . Dec. 4,1g44. •