Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 19, 1845, Image 4

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The Shot in the Eve,'
a rifle.was discharged. He fell back
dead—shot through the eye! The boy
said that his master suddenly cut short
I t,
his oaths, and exclaimed, ..T1 re is!"
—at that moment the gun fir' He
saw a tall man with a beard h. ging
down on his breast dressed in skins,
off through the brush with his
rifle on his shoulder.
The next man rimed Garret, about
Iwo weeks after this, got up one mom-
Mg 'about sun rise, anßin his shirt sleeves
stepped to his door and .threw it open to
breathe the fresh air. He was rubbing
his eyes, being about half asleep ;' and
when he got them fairlyOpTr; there,
. s i oo d,th e gaunt avenger besidea treeln
the yard—the fatal rifle levelled, .and
waiting till his victim shout see him
distinctly. He did•see him— ut_it was
with his last 100k . .i!.--The bullet went
crashing through his brain too ! Long
is said to have told one of his friends
that' he never in a single instance shot
one of these men till lie was certain the
man saw and recognized him fully.
All were now 'gone but. Hinch and the
two youngest men of the party, Williams
and Davis. The two latter wee permit
ed to escape. Whether it tAs from re
lentment on the part of the dread avenger,
--;-or that he had observed some trifling
thing in their demeanor on the occasion
of ice outrage he was thus punishing,
which recommended them to mercy,
now that - his 'resentment had so deeply
drank of the bitter delight of atonement,
—or that in his anxiety to secure Hinch,
he confined his efforts and watchfulness
to him alone—l do not , know. They
made . a forced and secret sale of their
property, and cleared out during the
night. But it was for flinch lie had
with passionless calculation reserved the
most inconceivable torture. He had
passed him by all this time, while one
after another lie struck down the tools
and companions of his crimes. .He
doomed him to see them falling around
him with the certain knowledge that
the avenging hate which slew them burn
ed with ten-fold intensity for his life—
that it must and would have it ! But
when would the- claim be made ?
Should he be the next one ? No ? the
next one ? No ! But then each succeed
ing death, so sure to take one of their
numbdr, drove away eiery sophistry of
hope, and realized to iiim in bare and
sterner horror that his own fate was as
fixed as theirs.: As each one fell away,
the circle of doom narrowed—slowly,
gteadily closing in about him. Soon
there would, be no one left but him!
How could he call au hour his own ?
.When could he feel safe 2 That relent-
less subtlety had baffled them all l'One,
two, three, four, five, six, seven, strong
men had all gone down before that fear
ltd rifle—every one Of them shot through
. the eye God of 'Heaven !—and the
(sharp agony would spangle keen points
of burning light thro' his brain, as if the
ball were already bursting through a
socket ! " I too must be shot through
the eye !” It was worse than ten thou
sand deaths, and he then in lingering
tortures told over day by (lay
From the time of Ree's death he look
ed a changed and strickettman. Ida few
weeks he had lost a greatqlcal of flesh,
and become piteously haggard—his eyes.
and voice and gait - was , all humble. His
turbulent and,fierce"animality faded be-
fore the harroWing suspense of this feari
TheAmlly and murderous ruffian trem
bled at the rustling of a leaf. His own
.imagination become his hell—and hut*
t:ry remorse grew stronger and strongei
with feasting at his heart ! He nevet
left his house for weeks, until the escape
.if Williams and Davis inspired him with
son►e hope; lie procured a fine horse,
And set off one dark night for the Red
!liver! Everybody regretted his escape
—for men IVA looked in quiet expecti
non upon the progress of this affair,anil
in strong faith that the sense of wild bor-
der justice would be gratified in seeing
this stern, righteous and.unparalleled ven
,;eance consumated by the fall of Hinch
--the monster instigator and chief actor•
io aIF the grievous outrages which had
roused the simple-hearted Long, into a
demon-executioner of doom.
:flinch reached thebanks of Red Ri
ver—sprang from his foaming and ex
hausted horse, after looking cautious
ly around—and threw himself upon the
grass to wait for a steamboat. In two
yours he heard one puffing down the
stream, and saw the white wreaths of
steam .curling up behind the trees.
Flow his heart bounded! Freedom,
hope and life I—once more sprang
through his shrivelled veins and to his
lips. He signalled the vessel ; she
rounded to and lowered her yawl. His
pulse bounded high, and he gazed with
absorbing eagerness at the crew as they
pulled lowly towards the shore. A
click—hehindYim ! He turned with a
shudder. and THERE HE WAS ! That
long rifle was, bearing straight upon
him—those cold eyes dwelt steadily
upon him fora moment—and crash !
all was. forever blackness to Hindi the
Regulator! The men who witnessed
this singular scene lauded, and found
him Mot through theeye awl saw the
murderer galloping swiftly away over
the plain stretching out frorri;the top of
the bank And so the venteance was
consummated. and the stern hunter.ttad
wiped out with-m . lllh blood the stain of
stripes on his free limbs;• and could
now do. what I was told he had never
done since the night of those f an-1
l fatally expatiated stripes-.--look his wife
I again in the eyes,'auti receive her form
again to rest upon his breast.
It was an awful deed. In view of all
, its circumstancesi the- -provocation, the
character oflong, the influence of the
outrage upon his brain, other
indication appeared ,of impaired sanity
—the mind is lost in uncertainty as to
the judgment which should be • passed
upon it. He did not remain in Shelby
county; but in what direction he had
intended to go after returning to Arkan
sas for 'his wife and children, I could
never hear. He is probably living now
his old quiet and good-natured life in
the heart of the green, wilderness ; and
it is as likely as not that one of those
two chubby boys who rolled with hun
about the floor of his log cabin on that
memorable night of which I have above
simply related the events and the con
sequences, will some of these days
comet() Washington from congressional,
districts beyond the Rocky - Mountains.
Robcrt Emmet and his Love.
"rwas the evening of a lovely day—
. the last for the noble ill-fated Emmet.
A young lady stood at the castle gate and
desired admittance into the dungeon.
She was closely veiled and the keeper
could not imagine -who she was, nor why
one of such proud bearing should be a
suppliant at the prison door.; However,
he granted ithe boon—led her to the
. dungeon, opened the massive door, then
closed it again, and the-lovers were alone.
He leaned against the prison wall, with
a downcast head and his arms were fold
er] upon his breast. Gently she raised
the,veil from her face, and Emmet turn
ed to gaze on all that earth contained for
him—the girl whose sunny brow in the
days of boyhood had been his polar star
—the maiden who had sometimes made
him think the world was all sunshine."
The clanking of the heavy chains sound
ed like a death-knell to her ear, and she
wept like a child, Emmet said but lit
tle; yet he pressed her warmly to his bo
and- their feelings held a silent
meeting—such, perchance, as is held in
heaven, only there we part no more.
in a low voice he besought her not to
Forget him when the cold grave received
his inanimate body—he spoke of by
gone days—the happy hours of child
hood when his hopes were bright and
glorious, and he concluded by requesting
her sometimes to visit the place and
scenes that were hallowed to his memo
ry from the days of his infancy ; and
should .the world pronounce his name
with scorn and contempt, he prayed she
would still cling to him with affection,
and remember him when all. others
should forget. Hark the church-bell
!sounded and he remembered the hour of
l execution. The turnkey entered, and
after dashing the tears from his eyes, he
Iseparated them from their long embrace,
and led the lady from the dungeon. At
the entrance she turned, and their eyes
met=they could 01 say farewell- , =the
door swung on its heavy hinges, and they
parted forever. No ! not forever ! Is
there no heaven ?
At Sunrise next morning he suffered
gloriously—a mattyr to his country and
to liberty,
" And one—o'er her the myrtle showers
It's leaves by soft winds fanned;
She faded 'midst Italian flowers—
That last of that fair band."
, 'Twas in the land of Italy—what a
gorgeous time of sunset in Italy--what
a magnificent scene ! A pale emaciated
girl lay upon her bed of death. Oh !
it was hard for her to die, far from home
in this beautiful land, where flowers
bloom perennial, and the balmy air comes
freshly to the dying soul. Oh ! no--
her star has set ! the brightness of her
dream had faded—her heart was broken.
When ties have been formed on earth—
close, burning ties, what is more heart
rending and agonizing to the spirit, than
to find at last the beloved one is snatch
ed away, and all our love is given to a
" passing flower!" Enough ; she died
the betrothed of Robert Emmet, the love
ly Sarah Curran. Italy contains her
last remains—its - flowers breathe their
fragrance over her grave,- and the lulling
antes of the shepherd's flute sound a re
quiem to her memory. .
Statistics of Muscular Power.
Man has the power of imitating - every
motion but that of flight. To b effect
these, he has, in maturity and health,
sixty bones in his thighs and legs, sixty
two in his arms and hands, sixty-seven
in his trunk. He-bas also 434 muscles.
His heart makes sixiy-four pulsations in a
minute ; and therefore 3840 in an hour,
and 29,160 in a day. There are also
three complete circulations of his blood
in the short space of an hour. In re
spect to the comparative speed of anima
ted beings and of impelled bodies, it may .
be remarked, that size and construction
seem to'have 'little influence ; nor has
'comparative strength, altho' one body
giving any quantity of motion to another
is said to loie so much of its own. The
sloth is by no means a small animal, and
yet it can travel only 50 paces in a day ;
a worm crawls only 5 inches in fifty se
conds ; hut a lady-bird. can iiy twenty
million time/ its own length in an hour.
An elk can run a mile and a half in se
ven minutes, an antelope can run a mile
in a minute; the wild mule of Tartary
has 'a speed even greater than that;' and,
an eagle can fly eighteen leagues in an
hour ; and a canary falcon can reach 250
leagues in the short space of sixteen
At No. I, Brick Row.
no.Co NATOTEIID C 9 ®oo9
JIM, reEeiving and opening a splendid assort
ment of Drugs, Medicines, Paint., Oils ter Dye
Stuffs, & in addition a full and complete assort
ment of FAMILY GROCERIES. The stock
consisting in part of the following :
Alum Macassar Oil
Alcohol Mace
Aloes Magnesia .
Annatto do calcined
Antimony Manna
Arrow Root Mustard seed
Arsenic - do ground
Aqua Fortis Nursing Bottles
do Ammon. Nutgalls
Bottles. assorted Nutmegs
Bear's Oil Oil, Fall, Winter and
Bridal' Oil Summer strained
Blue Vitriol Spurn, bleached,
Borax wht. and natural
Bark Peruv. pulv. do Linseed
Bath Brick do Camphine
Balsam Copaiva do Sweet
Burgundy Pitch Oil Vitrol
Camphor do Wintergreen
Cukmel do Peppermint
Caraway Seeds do Aniseed
Cantharides do Lavender 1
Carb. Ammon . Opodeldoc
Cayenne Pepper Paregoric
Chamom;le Flowers Pearl Barley
Cinnamon Pepper Sauce
Cloves Perfumery
Cour Plaster Pill Boxes
Copperas Pink Root
confectionary Prussiate Potash
Corks, of all kinds Quicksilver
Cream Tartar Rhubarb, rt ..* powdr :.
Curcuma Roll Brimstone
Cubebs Red Chalk
Emery. ass'd from No. Red Precipitate
Is to 6 Saffron, American and
Epsom Salts Spanish
Essence Bergamot Sand Paper
do f.emon Sal. Ammoniac
do Peppermint do Glauber
do and Oil Spruce Saltpetre
Flor. Sulphur Sarsaparilla
do Benzoni do Syrup
Glee. of all kinds Scaling Wax .
Gold Leaf Senna
Gum Opium I Shaker's Herbs
do Arabic Sponge, coarse & fine
do Copal Starch
do Assafcetida Snuff, Maccaboy
do Myrrh do Scotch
do Tragacanth do Cephalic
Harlem Oil Soap, Castile
Hier& Piers do Shaving
Indigo, Spanish, float do Windsor
do Bengal Spermaceti
Ink Powders Spts. Hartshorn
Ink, in bottles do Nit. Dula.
do fridellible Sugar Lead
Iris)' Moss Sup. Carb. Soda
Isinglass Sulph.Quinine
Itch Ointment Syringes, assorted
Ivory Black Tart. Acid
.lalap Tenter Hooks
Laudanum Vials, assorted
Liquorice Root Valerian Root.
do Ball Wafers
Lunar Caustic White and Red Tartar
Black Lead Putty
Cassia Paris White t
Chalk Spanish Brown
Chrome Yellow French Green
do Green Spt . Turpentine
Copal Varnish Rosin
Coach do Venetian Red.
Lead, White, dry and Verdigris
Lead, Red [in Oil Vermillion
Lamp Black Whiting
Litharago Yellow Ochro
Red Wood Camwood
Nicaragua Cochineal
Madder Ext.Logwood
Muriato Tin Fustic
Oxalic Acid Grain Tin
Prussian Blue Hatchwood
Pumice Lac Dye
Red Saunders Logwood
Rotten Stone
The great English re-Pills, Oriental
` metly, Buchan's Hun- do Dr. Post's
garian Balsam of Life do Hooper's
Sands' Sarsaparilla do Moffat's
Bristol's Ext. do do Persian
Wistar's Balsom Wild do Brandreth's
Cherry do Phinney
Pectoral Honey of la- do Lee's
verwort Godfrey's cordial
Cheeseman's Arabian Thompson's Eyewater
Tea - - St'm ref. Family Soap
Coffee Sperm Candles
Sugar Chemical Wax do
Spice and Pepper Tobacco ff
, and Snu
Starch ' Sal .Eratus
Raisins Pipes
Soda Crackers Brooms
Cinnamon 'Pails
English Currants Ropes
Nutmegs Refined Loaf Sugar
Ginger Cassia
Window Glee, 7 by 9, 8 by 10,10 by 12, 10
by 14, 11 by 15, 12 by 16, 12 by 18
Mixed Paints at all times on hand, ready for
Towanda, December 16, 1844.
AD. MONTANYE has annexed to his
• former stock of DRUGS AND MEDI.
CINES, a fresh suppiy of
such as Teas - , Sugar, Coffee, (Pepper, Spice,
18alamina, Starch, Raisins, Cavendish, Smoking
and fine cut Tobacco, Maccaboy Snuff, Span
ish and Common Cigars, by the box or other
wise. Together with many other articles too
numerous to mention. Be sure and call at
Montanye's Drug 4 , Grocery Store.
Towanda, Dec. 4, 1844.
ULYSSES MERCER has removed his
Law Office to the room one door east of
the office formerly occupied by-Adams"& Mer
cer. Entrance as before at the west side of
Montanye & Betts' building.
.December 20.1844.
ATI3 for sale, and * h the but assortment
_IFS of CAPS in town at BAIRD&
September 30. No. 3. Brick Row.
is hereby given tilt the following classifies
' don of retailers of foreign goods and met..
cuandise has been made by the subscribers, and
that Associate' Judges and Commissioners of
Bradford 034 - Igill meet at the Commissioners
Office in thellorough of Towanda, on Tues
day the first day of April next, and remain in.
session two days, to hear those who may feel
themselves aggrieved and ere desirous of ap
pealing from the classification herein made.
Welles & Satterlee, .10 $2O 00
L. S. Ellsworth, 'lO 20 00
Kingsbejy & Comstock, 11 15 00
Chester Park, 13 10 00
G. A. Perkins, 14 7 00
Wm. IL Perkins, 14 7 00
C. Paine, 14 7 00 .
John Watkins,
John Horton Jr., 12
Elmar Horton. 13
Coryell & Gee, 13
A. & S. H.'Morley,
Lockwood Smith,
A. H. Gaylord,
U. Moody &Co., 12
0. D. Chamberlin, 13
R. K. Hawley, 13
J. W. Meteor, 13
J J & C Warlord, 10
Hanson & Phinney, 11
DC &ON Salsbury, 10
Rogers Fowler, 11
John Nagle & Son,
H Gibbs,
T Umplirey.
Daniel Bailey, . ~ {6
Smith & Little. Ai 41i
R Barnes & Co., N 14 700
L C Belding & Co., 13 10 00
G I Norton, l4 7 00
John Passmore,
L S Maynard,
Clark & Coolbaugh, 13 10 00
Abner Roberts, _ 13 10 00
Coleburn, 12 12 50
Lyman Duffey, 11 15 00
E S Tracy. 11 15 00
Eleazer Norman, 14 7 00
Allen & Storrs, 13 10 00
Horace Kinney & Co., "
Welles & Nichols, 66 66
N D Warlord. 13 10 00
Albert Newell, 13 10 O 0
H W Tracy, 11 15 00
H Mix & Son, 11 15 00
Elliott & Mercur, 10 20 00
O D Bartlett, 12 12 50
JD&ED Montanye, 10 20 00
B Kingsbery, 12 12 50
J Kingsbery Jr., 14 7 00
H S&MC Mercur, 10 20 00
C,Reed, 12 12 50
W H Baird & Co., 11 15 00
Tracy* Moore, 12 12 50
J.F" Means & Co., 12 12 50
E H Mason, 14 7 00
S'S Bailey, 14 700
E 0 Halsted, 14 7 00
A D Montanye, l4 7 00
I S Wood & Co., 13 10 00
D Kellogg, 14 7 00
P O'Slain, 14 7 00
&D F Pomeroy, 10 20 00
Eli Baird, 12 12 50
0 P Ballard, 12 12 50'
Layton Runyon, 14 7 00
W A Gustin, 12 12 50
Guy Tracy,
L Truman,
I, S Ellsworth,
William Gibson,
John McKinney & Son, 14 700
glisha Lewis, , 14 7 00
A. Dewing,
Marcus Tyrrell,
B Buffington,
Robert Cooper,
And every seller or vender of wines or distill
ed liquors as aforesaid shall pay for his license,
fifty per cent. in addition to the foregoing clas
D. M. BULL, Associate Judge.
J. TOWNER. . Comes.
Commissioner's Office,
Towanda, Feb. 15,1844. S
New Blaeksmithing
1 1102.&12ELQUELIMEVo
rollE SUBSCRIBER, having forced a
R partnership with his brother; continues
to carry on the business at his brother's old
stand, west side of Main street, south part of
the borough, where he is prepared to execute
all orders for Horse-shoeing, Carriage & Coach
work and Edge Tools.
He assures the public that all work entrusted
to his care will be welt 'done, as he has thor
oughly learned his trade mats determined to
render satisfaction.
Towanda, December 80, 1844.
fLUE Writing Fluidly the ounce, pint,
quart; Gallon or Bartell, Black do., In..
dellible and India, first quality at -
October 25, 1844:
TROMPSQNIANS you will find Cayenne
Pepper, Gum Mirth, Barbary Bark' and
other ingredients such as are used itiyourr prac-
Oct. '25, 1844.
Keep it before the People,
THAT the Old Drug Store; west side of
the Public None, is now receiving , the
largest assortment of Drugs and Medicines ever
offered in this market; among which are the
following, viz ?
Sulph. Morphia, Blue Man,
do. Quinine, Nit. Silver,
Eng. Calomel, • Qiiick do.,
lodid. Nunn, Peperine,
Red Precipitate, Ipecac,
White do. Tart. Antimony,
Strychnia, lodine,
Elateruim, Valerian Root,
Kreasot, Seneca do.
Pnlv. Julep, . Serpentaria do.
Ext. do., Gention do.
Ext. Colycinth, Colombo do. -
do. Gentian, Pink - do.
do. Ciento. - Senna,
7 00
12 50
10 00
do. Hyosciamus, Adhesive Plaster,
do. Taraxecum,
Spring and Thumb Lancets, Lancet cases &c.,
The attention of PHYSICIANS is particu
larly invited to the above articles, they being
just received from one of the most respectable
houses in New York and will therefore be war
ranted pure and free from adulteration in all
cases, and disposed of at very low prices.
10 00
10 00
10 00
13 10 00
Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Rose
mary, Wormseed, Remlock,Sassafrass, Lemon,
Lavender. Bergamot, Aniseed, ClovesOuniper,
Amber, Cajon, Caraway, Monard, Fennel, Al
mond. Origannm, Cedar, Amber, &c., &c.
12 50
10 00
10 00
10 00
The most popular of the jay, such as. Dr.
rayne's Expectorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild
Cherry, Sands Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayne's Car
manitive, Balsam Hoarhound, Turtington's
Pink Expectorant Syrup, Bateman's Drops,
Anderson do., Lamott's Cough do., Liquid
Opodeldoc, Balsam Honey, Preston Salts, Mrs.
Gardners Balsam Liverwort and Hoarhound,
Dr. Spoons' Digestive Elixor,Dr. Monne Elix.
of. Opium, Dr. Benjamin Godfrey's „Cordial,
Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, Cheesmais Arabi
an. Balsam, Balm of Columbia, Butler's Mag
nesian Aparient, Henry's do., Dr. Thompson's
Eye Water, British Oil, Harlem do., Maccassar
do., Bear's do, Grave's Hair do., Croton do.,
together with many others to numerous to men
20 00
15 00
20 00
15 00
7 00
13 10 00
4 6 1{
Compound Cathartic, Gregory's Hoopers
Female, German, Lees Windham Billions,
Miles' Tomatto, Brandreth's, Wright's Indian
Vegetable, Dr. Phinney's, Webster's, Moffats
and Butlers, Alebasis, Bishops, arc., &e.,
13 10 00
14 7 00
White ? Red and Black Lead, Chrome Green,
Chto me Yellow, Yellow Ochre,Prussian Blue,
Rose Pink, Sugar Lead, Litharge, Blue Smelts,
Venetian Red; Vermillion, Turmeric, Annatto,
Indigo, Copperas, Allum, Crude, Tartar, Cochi
neal, Solution of Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitro!,
Glass 7 by 9, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12, Putty,
Linseed Oil, &c., &c.
A. D.: MONTANYP, DnuoorsT.
Towanda, 0ct.25, 1844.
COLOGNE WATER by the ounce, pint,
quart, or gallon in fancy bottles or other
wise to suit the Ladies, at
PAINT, Hair; Shaving, Tooth and Nail
Brushes at
Information Wanted,
my house about; the middle of October
last, and when last heard of ages seen in the vi
cinity of Wyalasing. He wits about 13 years
of age, rather large for one of his age, of a ean
dy-complexion, with fair hair. Any informa
tion concerning him will be tharitfully received.
Address the subscriber at Towanda, Bradford
Asylum, February 17, 1845. •
(Patrol insert and charge this office.)
ANDIEB, Raisins, Liquorice, &c., for the
boys and girls, at •
Oct. 25, 1844.
.4nd Cheapest Prices I
BURTON KINGSBERY, has just receiv
ed and is now opening a splendid assort
consisting of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery, Paints, Oil, Dye
Stuffs, 4c., c.
which he will sell very cheap for Cash.
Towanda, Sept. 7, 1844.
13 10 00
a. •
LADIES LOOK HERE ! Cashmeres, Al
pacca's, Mtislin de Lane's of the most
beautiful patterns just received and for sate low,
very low, for cash by 0. D. BARTLETT.
Nov. 11, 1844.
13 10 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 1 7 00
10,000 MAJORITY !
THE subscriber has just received a large
and splendid variety of NEW GOODS
suited to the season, which he will sell at unu
sually low for cash. 0. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda, Nov. 11, 1844.
LOK AT THlS—Cooking and other
Stoves selling at Montanye's for less than
cost, likewise a quantity of Tin Ware, 90 tons
Ground Plaster, also at Montanye's one ton
best Bellefonte Iron just received, also one ton
of Nails.
January 22d., 1845.
ELKALirail MUTH 4 SO. r,
AVE commenced the manufacture •of
Saddles, Bridles, Runless, &c., &c., in
the borough of Towanda,' in the building for
merly occupied by S. Hathaway, two doors
west of I. H. Stephens' tavern, where they will
keep constantly on hand, and manufacture to
, .
Elastic Web, Common and Quilted
eizarmao 9
Carpet Bags, •
Valises; 4•c. 4-c..
and Military Work
Carriage Thimming
done to order.
. -
Mattrasses, Pew and Chair Cush ions made
On shilit notice and reasonable terms.
The subscribers' hope by doing their work
well, and bye strict attention to business, to
merit a share of public patronage.
Towanda, May 14, 1844.
3/3W akovactlazaiami
WLCOX & SAGE ha te ailociat
themselves in the Boot and h
ing business, in the borough of Towotanda,
door west of the Claremont House, and kr.,
' share of public patronage. They intend
a careful selection of stock, and by attention
the interests of their customers, to make * ,
and durable work as can be manufactured
this portion of the country.
They keep constantly on hand, and will
nufacture to order, morocco, calf an d
boots and shoes;
.lips; children's do. ; gent's gaiters ma pa,
Towanda, May 6, 1844.
On my own hooks anis!
. 4 /414
0 public generally thal . be is still prep
to manufacture, of the best material, and i n
most substantial and elegant manner, an
scriptioni of Boots and Shoes.
Morocco. Calf and Coarse Boots and Bh.
Ladies' shoes and gaiters ; youth's do.
All work made by me will be wartime
be well made. Call and try.
Country Produce taken in payment tore,
Towanda, February 27th, 1894.
• Wright's Vegetable Indian Pills,
IF, during during the continuance of St o
and Floods, the channels of
become so obstructed as to afford an iusuffici
outlet for the superabundant waters, we car
pect nothing less than that the surround
country will be
In a like manner with the human body—if
Skin, Kidneys, and Bowels, (the natual o
lets for
t9F.LF.S.3 AND COILAUPT Ilt310115)
becom so obstructed as to fail in affordin,
full discharge of those impurities which crt
all cases •
we surely can expect no other results
the whole frame will sooner or later be
As in the first place, if we would pont
inundation we must remove all obstruction,
the free diseharge of the superabundant vas
So, in the second place, if we would Time
and cure disease, we must open and leap opt
all the Natural Drains of the body.
Of the North Ameriean College of Hull
will be found one of the best if not the 'tell
for carrying out this beautiful and simple t
ry ; because they completely dense the Stem,
and Bowels from all Billions Humors and
er impurity, and at the same time promos
healthy discharge from the Lunge. Skin.
Kidneys; consequently, as all the No.
Drains are opened,
Disease of erery name is lifi'rallY drirtsfn
the Body.
Caufecm—As the great popularity
consequent great demand for Wright's In
Vegetable Pills has raised up a host of neon
'feiters, country agents and storekeepers sill
on their guard against the many impostersw
are travelling about the country selling to
unsuspecting a spurious article - for the geouii
It should ba remembered that all stab°
agents are provided a Certificate of :km
signed by WILLTAM WRIGHT, Vice Paint
of the N. A. College of Hhalth. Cooseque.
ly, those who offer Indian Vegetable Pills s
cannot show a Certificate, as above deseri—
will be known as imposters.
The following 'highly respectable Sto
keepers have boea appointed Agents for the s
and of whom it is confidently Ilelieved the
nuine medicine can with certsinu - be obtain
J ,D.& E. D. Montanye, Tow =la
D.Brink, P.M., Hornbrook.
S. W.& D.F. Pomeroy, Troy.
Lyman Durfey, Smithfield.
J. J. & C. Warlord, Monreeton.
Wm. Gibson, Ulster.
Ulysses Moody, Asylum.
John Horton Ji.. Terrytown.
Coryell 4, Gee, Burlington corner.
Benjamin Cootbaugh, "Canton.
L. S. Ellsworth & Co., Athens.
Allen & Storrs, Sheshequin.
Guy Tracy, Milan.
A .R.Soper, Columbia Pleas.
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of
medicine wholesale and retail, 22 Greenni
street, New York, No. 198 Tremont str
Boston, and 169 Race street, Philadelphia.
are respectfully informed that medicine putp.
ing to be Indian Pills, made by one V.
Patch-, are not the genuine Wright's
Vagetablo Pills.
The - only security against imposition i
purchase from the regular advertised ste
and in all cases he particular to ask for lirig
Indian Tegetable Pills. [not.
HE SUBSCRIBER respectfully
his old friends and the public gai t
that he is LI OVD carrying on the above tvol
in all its various branches, in the north T 4l
the building occupied by B.Thomas, e s 's
shop, on Main street, nearly opposite Moe
store, where he will be happy to scoriae
old and new customers.
CI S T : :
of the latest fashion and best materialsady Ir
made to order on moderate terms for re
Most kinds of country produce W ill he
in eichange for work
April 17, 1844
C OT Y.A KIN; and Wt
arP ,C°
and White this day recciTol s
Brick Row.