Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 26, 1845, Image 4
Wise,Cf4tton. An Encounter with a Madman. When I first came out to Brazil I got a situation as clerk in the countinghouse of Diaz, " Brown & Co., the extensive merchants at Rio - Janeiro. The only .ocher white clerk in their place of busi ness was one Lopez de Pereira, a Portu guese by descent and birth, but edu clued in England. Ofeourse we became companions, and although he was eccen tric to absurdity, I found him a very agreeable fellow on the whble, his whints bang often irresistiblAritliculous, while he was not at all annoyed at any laugh ter, but would laugh himself with his whole heart, while he still persisted in the proceedings that caused it. These were often, while very odd, both hurt ful to himself and painful to his friends— , as, for instance : The inhabitants of Madcria have a singular head dress ; it consists of a blue little skull cap, lined with red, not suffi cient to cover the head of an infant, and having a small stiff pig-tail about four inches in length projecting in the air, from the middle of"it. This curious at', fair they perch on a bushy head of hair; and certainly acquire therelimn aspect sufficiently remarkable to a stranger. Now this - cap Pereira had seen at that island on his voyage out from England, and once he took his head to wear. one, made under his construction, at Rio; nor, did . he leave off his noticeable head piece till an attack of brain fev:..r made hint adopt a more shady - coven ,He was, of course, a Roman Catholic, and devoutly believed in the agency of the devil, upon whom, when his whims had left him, he invariably laid the blame. One day when we had been about a -year together, the day being a holyday, we resolved upon an expedition to the top of the Corcovado. • Accordingly, hiring : rses.- we rode up till horses could go no further. As we rode I be-' gan to laugh and question him about his singular. weakness. My thoughts w directed. to this subject by seeing him turn round on the horse's back and ride with his face to the tail; and this though the animal was very spirited, and the path so narrow that one horse only room to go upon it, With the stone to the aqueduct on one side, and a accession of wooded preCipices on then. On my enquiring the cause of this remar...r> hie inanceuvre, he replied, laughing loud ly himself, that he thought it was a good idea, as he could talk to me better face to face, for I was riding in the rear. But I remarked that we could conve..f. quite well without seeing each other, and reminded him ofthe misers who con versed in the dark to save candles. Upon this he stated that as all the view lay be hind us-, and nothing in front but -woods, this was the niost rational way of ridi for an admirer of the picturesque. bantered him out of this argument also, when he plainly confessed that he rode in that way from an internal impulse, 1. more to be resisted or controlled by him than the decrees of fate, that there was a devil within him who prompted him to make himself ridiculous, and that he could no more gainsay This mastering spirit than he could fly in the air. Fur the rest of the ride he continued to prac tice this uncavalier-likte style of horse manship, to the vast entertainment of sundry blackies we encountered work ing at small repairs on the aqueduct, or bringing down loads of sticks from the woods. Nevertheless he continued to - talk with infinite good humor of his own curious turn of mind. He told me that this devil of his ceased its malicious proniptings at all times when heavy busi ness occupied him—that co'd bathing went far against it, and that once, when fOr a considerable time under antr-inflam matory treatment for some complaint, it entirely disappeared. At length we arrived at the last col lection of houses on the ascent, and here we left our horses, mounting the last steps on foot. As soon ai‘;, we stood upon the rocky ball, and looked around us, overwhelm ed by the grandeur and danger of the scene, I was full of — exclamations. From the brim of the rock, we-s'ood on, the sight leaped down direct to fields aniflagoons, two or-three . thousand feet be neath'iis : and the precipices, from what J could see them, of - made my blood cold. The vastness of the horizon, with the distance and diversity of the, parts filling it up—the silence, the solitude, the appa rent eternal nature of the mighty rocks even the forests—all these ideas, bined with the precarious nature cf our position on this airyand often cloud covered pinnacle, and thedcertain dread ful fate that awaited'one who should top ple from such a stupenduous height (for on three sides were precipices of from one to two thonsand feet,) raised my mind to a very high- state of excitement. But when I looked at Pereira, expecting to see him in an equal enjoyment, I ob served his dark PortugueSe features pale with that tawny color which constitutes the pallor of southern Europeans; his bloodless lips quivered, and there wag a soil of convulsive starting of diffinent muscles of his body. " What," said I," yolia,re certainly not afraid of falling !--cOme nearer to the centre, and your head will not swim so much." " Afraid !"he replied, vaguely and in- T ,- coherently? " No !—Yes—afraid—fcr God's sake save yourself !" "No ! we shall r,ever go down that path—THE DEMON ! DENON ! MY HEART PROMPTS ME TO THROW YOU FROM THIS PINNACLE SHEER TO DESTRUC. TION, and he will not but be obeyed !- 0 Mother of Deity Queen of Heaven ! look on me in mercy !" Gracious Heaven !" said I ; you cannot mean what you say ?" As I stood horror stricken, he clasped his hands, and wringing them slowly but with his whole strength, raised them above his head, looking upward, , at the same time, with eyes syarkling from un nattr fire, and grinding his teeth, as if with- anguish, a moment—and with a wild howl of despair that rung like the cry of the vulture, he sprung upon me! A mercy it was that he gave me that warning 1. I was prepared so far that his onset drove= back but one step : anoth er step, would have been death to me ! He grasped me with his whole strength, and with convulsive grip of mortal fear, I closed. upon him—iand thus, to dread embrace, we stoop straining with the whole power of every sinew. It could not be called struggling, it wa's the slow and steady application of every alt of two athletic men, striving, the one in the frenzy of madness, the other in, the dread .of immediate dissolution. Now he bend me a little now I him !—Oh, what agony that minute was to me ! .At length, in about two minutes, I knew that his strength was giving way, e were equally matched in strength, but I had the full chest and long wind, produced by hard exercise through all my youth in afar northern climate ;!.he was narrow chested, and seon began to pant. Perceiving this, I sompressed his ribs with my whole strength and, bend ing in his back, gradually brought him down on the rock. Bat the moment he was down he commenced struggling vio lently, and rolled us both over towards the awful brink. I thought I was gone, and clutched the rough rock with my fingers till my nails were torn from them. Providentially my hand came against one of the rusted iron supports that had of old, 'Upheld the chain, and I grasped it with that clutch commonly called the death-gripe. Holding on by this, and getting my legs about it so as to have a good purchase, while he struggled cease lessly with , bands and teeth to dislodge me, I caught hold of the hair of his.tem ples and dashed his head violently against the rock. The blow affected his brains, the eyes which had just been glaring upon me in a maniacal fury now .roll ed obliquely in their sockets and his mo tions were no longer against me. With both hands I repeated the blow and he remained motionless; still 1 was not sure of him, for I had 'read and heard the insane were very cunning, and adopted ,uany schemes to accomplish their ends ; so, putting one: hand tcshis heart, and being able to perceive only a very faint and scarcely discernible beating, I got up and drew him to the middle of the rock. Then resting for a moment to breathe and thank Heaven that I had been sa ved alive. from % the fearful encounter, I began to descend the rock and dragging him after me until I got on a secure path when I shouldered him and carri ed him to where we had left our hor ses. Here I got some blacks to carry him down to the house of our mutual employer, Mr. Brown. Lamentable. A young planter it the upper part of the State lately married to a beautiful and highly intellectual lady, and after the honey-moon had passed, was pain ed to observe that his young bride 'often looked thoughtful at dunes, and seemed to sutler much front ennui. Thinking this might be caused by the absence of female companions he induced several young ladies, relatives, to make his house their home in hopes thereby to make her completely happy. This ar rangement had not its desired effect.— His beloved, though apparently joyous and cheerful while conversing with him, as soon as the conversationAagg cd, relapsed into her former mood.-- Surprised at this, he fell to pondering the cause, and after a lengthy reflection he came to the 'conclusion of sending to New York for a piano, 'to be forwarded by the first ship bound to Natchez, Vicksburg, or Grand Gulf.— Well, the musical instrument at length arrived—and a splendid one it was— of beautiful mahogany, ornamented and polished, to the value of a five hundred dollar bill. And then it discoursed such ravishing melody, as the snowy fingers of the wife passed over it, that . the young planter was in raptures, and congratulated himself on having pro: cured the thing needful to his angel's complete felicity. Poor man, he paid a poor compliment to his amiable part ner's intellect, if he thought she could con entedly pass her leisure hours in strumming over a piano forte ! He was mistaken. Though "music had charms," like love; is not the only desideratum in the world—for while it pleases the heart,. it ministers not to the mind ! The lady seldom courted Apollo, and her hifsband had the mor- tification to know to know that he had not yet made his domicilu, paradise to her he adored." At last, to solve the riddle of her discontent. he asked her if she pot at times regret having en tered the marriage state ? Oh, no, indeed," she replied with great earnest ness—"never fora moment have I been other than your happy wife, .but I-- Sometimes—" • Well sometimes what, dearest ?" 'lll must tell you, then—soMetimes I regret that you do not the newspa pers ! Papa takes half a dozen !" GREAT ATTRACTION At No. 1, Brick Row. EQ 0.2 NM= a ciao RECENTLY FROM ELMIRA, are now receiving and opening a splendid assort ment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils 4- Dye Stuffs, & in addition a full and complete assort ment of FAMILY GROCERIES. The stock consisting in part of the following I MEDICINES, 4.c. Alum Macassar Oil Alcohol Mace Aloes Magnesia Annette do calcined Antimony Manna Arrow Root Mustard seed Arsenic do grOund Aqua Fortis Nursing Bottles do Ammon. Nntgalls Bottles, assorted Nutmegs Bear's (111 . Oil, Fall, Winter and British Oil Summer strained Blue Vitriol Sp..rrn, bleached, Borax wht. and atural Bark Peruv.pulv. do Linseed - Bath Brick do Camphine Balsam Copaiva do Sweet Burgundy- Pitch Oil Vitrol Camphor do Wintergreen I Calomel do Peppermint Caraway Seeds do Aniseed Cantharides do Lavender Carb. Ammon. Opodeldoc Cayenne ,Pepper Paragoric Chamomile Flowers Pearl Bailey Cinnamon Pepper Sauce Cloves Perfumery court Plaster Pill Boxes copperas Pink Root confectionary Prussiate Potash Corks, of all kinds Quicksilver Cream Tartar Rhubarb, rt. & powdr. Curcuma Roll Brimstone Cubebs Red Chalk Emery, ass'd from No. Red Precipitate 1 to 6 Saffron, American and Epsom Salts Spanish Essence Bergamot Sand Paper do Lemon Sal. .Ammoniac do Peppermint do Glauber do and Oil Spruce Saltpetre Flor.Sulphur Sarsaparilla do Benzoni do Syrup Glue, of all kinds Scaling Wax Gold Leaf Senna Gum Opium Shaker's Herbs do Arabic Sponge, coarse & fine do Copal Starch do Assafcetida Snuff, Maccaly do Myrrh do Scotc do Tragacanth do Cephalic Harlwm Oil Soap, Castile Hiera Picra do Shaving Indigo, Spanish, float do Windsor do Bengal Spermaceti Ink Powders Spts. Hartshorn Ink, in bottles do Nit. Bute. do Indelliblc Sugar Lead Irish Moss Sup. Carb.Scala Isinglass Sulph. Quinine Itch Ointment Syringes, assorted Ivory Black Tart. Acid Jalap Tenter Hooks Laudanum Vials, assorted Liquorice Root Valerian Root do Ball. Wafers Lunar Caustic White and Red Tartar PAINTS. Black Lead Potty Cassia Paris White Chalk Spanish Brown Chrome Yellow French Green do Green Spt. Turpentine Copal Varnish Rosin Coach do Venetian Red Lead, White, dry and Verdigris Lead, Red [in Oil Vermillion Lamp Black Whiting Litharage Yellow Ochre DIE-STUFFS. Cainwood Cochineal Ext. Logwood Fustic Grain Tin Hatchwood Lac Dye Logwood Red Wood Nicaragua Madder • Muriate Tin Oxalic Acid Prussian Blue Pumice Red Saunders Rotten Stone P.IITENT MEDICINES. Thi great English re-Pills, Oriental medy, Buchan's Hun- do Dr. Post's garian Balsam of Life do Hooper's Sands' - Sarsaparilla do Moffat's Bristol's Eat, do do Persian Wistar's Balsom Wild do Brandreth's Cherry do Phinney Pectoral Honey of Li- do Lee's verwort Godfrey's cordial Cheeseman's Arabian Thompson's Eyewater Balsam GROCERIES. Tea St'm ref. Family Soap Coffee Sperm Candles Sugar Chemical Wax do Spice and Pepper Tobacco and Snuff starch ,Sal iEratus Raisins Pipes Soda Crackers Brooms Cinnamon Pails English Currants Ropes Nutmegs Refined Loaf Sugar Ginger Cassia TPIXDOW-GLrISS. Window Glas,e,7 by 9, 8 by 10,10 by 12, 10 by 14, 11 by 15, 12 by 16, 12 by 18 Mired Paints - VAIL times an band, ready for use. 'Towanda, December 16, 1844. ANNE X..i2TION ! AD. MONTANYE has annexed to his • former stock of DRUGS AND MEDI CINES, a fresh supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, such as' Tess, Sugar, Coffee, Pepper, Spice, Saleratus, Starch, Raisins, Cavendish, Smoking and fine cut Tobacco, Mambo' , Snuff, Span ish and Common Cigars, by the box or other wise. Together with many other articles too numerous to mention. Be sure and call at Montunye's Drug Grocery Store. Towanda, Dec. 4, 1844. &ar C_ • *Ark Ili 011 ULYSSES MERCUR has removed his Law Office to the room one door east of the office formerly oceupied by Adams & Met eor. Entrance as before at the west side of Montanye & Betts' building. December 20, 1844. HA TS for sale, and also the bast assortment of CAPS in town at B AIRDS. September 30. • No.. 3. Brick Row. • Wriglit'a Vegetable Indian Tills. IF, during during the continuance of Storms and Floods; the channels of OOR MIGHTY RIVERS become so obstructed as to afford an insufficient outlet for the superabundant waters, we can ex-, pact nothing less than that the surrounding country will bo • OVZIMILELMED WITU TOE FLOOD. In a like manner with the human body—if the skin, Kidneys, and Bowels, (the natural out lets for USELESS AND CORRUPT ILUMOES) becom so obstructed as to fail in affording a full diricharge of those impurities which are in all cases 18=13113 we sorely can expect no other results than that the whole frame will sooner or later be OVERWHELIIIED WITH DISEASE. As in the first place, if we would prevent an inundation we must remove all obstructions, to the free discharge of the superabundant waters. So, in the second place, if we would prevent and cure disease, we must open and keep open, all the Natural Drains of the body. WRIGHT ' S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, Of the North American College of Health, will be found one of the best if not the very REST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD for carrying out this beautiful and simple theo ry ; because they completely dense the Stomach and Bowels from all Billiaus Humors and oth er impurity, and at the same time promote a healthy discharge from the Lungs, Skin, and Kidneys; consequently, as all the Nature Drains are opened, Disease of every name is literally driver from the Body Caution—As the great popularity and consequent _great demand fur Wright's Indian vegetable Pills has raised up a host of cuontor feiters, country agents and storekeepers will be on their guard against the many imposters who are travelling about the country selling to the unsuspecting a spurious article for the genuine. It shotild be remembered that all authorized agents are provided a Certificate of Agency, signed by WILLIAM WRIGHT, Vice. President of the N. A. College of Health. Consequent ly, those who offer Indian Vegetable Pills and cannot show a Certificate, as above described, will be known as imposters. The following highly respectable Store keepers have been appointed Agents for the sale of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, and of whom it is confidently believed the ge nuine medicine can with certainty be obtained BRADFORD: COUNTY, PA. J.D.& E. D. Montanye, Towanda. D.Brink, P.M., Hornbrook. S. W & D. F . Pomeroy, Troy. Lyman Durfey, Smithfield. _ J. J. & C. Warlord, Monroeton. Win. Gibson, Ulster. Ulysses Moody, Asylum. John Horton Jr.. Terrytown. Coryell & Gee, Burlington corners. Benjamin Coolbaugh, Canton. L. 8. Ellsworth & Co., Athens. Allen & Storrs, Sheshe9uin. Guy Tracy, Milan. A. H.Soper, Columbia Flatts. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of the medicine wholesale and retail, 228 Greenwich street, New York, No. 198 Tremont street, Boston, and 169 Race street, Philadelphia. BILWARE OF COUNTF:IIFEITS.—The public are respectfully informed that medicine purport ing to be Indian Pills, made by one V. 0. Fakk, are not the genuine Wright's Indian Vagetable Pills. The only security against imposition is to purchase from the regular advertised agents, and in all cases he particular to ask fur Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. [nol.6rn INPORTANT INORMATION. IT is a prevailing opinion among the enlight cd Physicians of our country, that Cancer is a mass of living animalcule, which have ta ken up their abode in the human system. No matter how small, or bow low in the scale of animated nature, the individual composing Cancer may be, they were so tenacious of ex istence, that the knife or the most powerful caustic, are the only means by which they can be removed. When permitted to remain, they never fail to multiply and spread to neighboring parts, committing the most frightful depredations, un til death comes to the relief of their victim. Worms in children, may be considered some what analagous. If they arc less fatal, they are infinitely more common ; and if suffered to remain, produce consequences scarcely less alarming. If the testimony of medical writers is to be relied upon, they often produce mania, apoplexy, epilepsy, palsy,convulsions and many other diseases equally dangerous, and often fa tal. But here the parallel stops, Cancer neing pne of the most obdurate diseases, with which hysicians have to contend, while worms are easily dislodged by proper remedies. MERRICK'S YERMIFUGE, has Fovea one of the most valuable medicines ever offered to the public for destroying worms in children. Hundreds of cases might be enu merated, where it has produced the happiest re sults. It is a syrup, and therefore easily admi nistered to children. Price 25 cents per bottle. THE POCAHONTAS PILL. Is the present ago, when " Patent Medi cines" are so numerous, and their properties so unblushingly eulogized by their respective pro prietors, it becomes necessary for the public (to guard against imposition) to require some au thentic evidence of their sanative properties. The Pocahontas Pill is not offered as an an tidote for all the diseases to which flesh is heir. Wo merely purpose to show, by the successive publication of certificates, voluntarily offered, that theit present popularity is well founded ; and, that as a purgative medicine, they have proved pre-eminently beneficial. These Pills are compounded according to the rules of medi cal science, are entirely vegetible, and may be safely given to cleanse the stomach, purify the blood, remove inflammation, and correct the morbid Secretions, without regard to age, sex or condition. Certificate of Mr. Wm. Follmer, of Turbot, Northumberland county, Pa., says--" For some years past, I have been suffering from a severe and alarming disease of the Hier. several phy sicians had prescribed for me. and I had taken many articles highlyrecommended in the papers, without any benefit. About twelve months ago, I began using the Pocahontas Pills; and am happy to say, that in a few weeks I found my disease entirely removed; since which I have been free from cough and pain in the side, and consider my malady radically cured." Price'2s cents per box. Agents fur the sale of the above medicine in Bradford County : A. D. Montanye, Towanda; •• J. J.& C. Warford,' Monroeton ; - A .Dewing, Werrenbrun ;' Guy Tracey. Milan ; • • George A. Perkins, Athens; Wm. Gibso n , Ulster. GROCERY STORE. Keep it before the People, . tin)HAT the' Old Drug Store, west side•of -the Public Square, is now receiving the largest assortment of Drugs and Medicines ever offered in this, market, among which are the following, viz • Iph. Morphia, do. Qbinine, Eng. Calomel, lodid. Potassa, Red Precipitate, White do. Strychnie, Elateruim, Kreasot, Pulv. Jalap, Ext. do., Eat. Colycintb, do. Gentian, do. Cicuta. do. Hyosciarnue, A dbesive Plaster, do. Taraxecum, Spring and Thumb Lancets, Lancet cases Ike., The attention of PHYSICIANS is particu larly invited to the above articles, they being just received from one of the most respectable houses in New York and will therefore be war rented pure and free from adulteration in all cases, and disposed of at very low prices. OILS AND 'ESSENCES Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Rose mary, Wormsced, emlock,Sassafrass, Lemon, Lavander. Bergamot, Aniseed, Clo - tea,luniper, Amber, Cajput, Caraway, Monad, Fennel, Al mond , Origanum, Cedar, Amber, &g:, &c. The most popular of the day, such as Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Sands Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayt.e's Car manitive, Balsam Hoarhound, Turtington's Pink Expectorant Syrup, Bateman's Drops, Andersons do., Lamott's Cough do., Liquid Opodeldoc, Balsam Honey, Preston Salts, Mrs. Gardners Balsam Liverwort and Hoarhound, Dr. Spoons' Digestive Elixor,Dr. Munns of Opium, Dr. Benjamin Godfrey's Cordial, Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, Cheesman's Arabi an Balsam, Balm of Columbia. Butler's Mag nesian A parient, Henry's do., Dr. Thompson's Eye Water, British Oil, Harlem do., Maceassar do., Bear's do., Grave's Hair do., Croton do., together with many others to numerous to men tion. Compound Cathartic, Gregory's. Hoopets Female, German, Lees Windham Billions, Miles' Tomatto, Brandreth's, Wright's Indian Vegetable, Dr. Phinney's, Webstet's, Moirats and Bitiers, Alebasis, Bishops, &c., &c., PAITS, OIL & DYE STUFFS. White, Red and Black Lead, Chrome Green, Chro me Yellow, YelloW Ochre, Prussian Blue, Rose Pink, Sugar Lead, Lithaige, Blue Smelts, Venetian Red, Vermillion, Turmeric, Annatto, Indigo, Copperas, A Ilum, Crude, Tartar, Cochi• neat, Solution of Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitrol, Glass 7 by 9, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12, Putty, Linseed Oil. &c., &c. A. D. MONTANYE, Dnrcotsr. Towanda, Oct .25, 1844 . COLOGNE WATER by the ounce, pint ki quart, or gallon in fancy bottles or other wise to suit the Ladies. at 111 i VNTANYE'S DRUG STORE . FrIHOMPSONIA NS you will find Cayenne Pepper, Guru Murrh. Barbary Bark and other ingrediant.4 such as are used in your prac tice at MONTAN YE'S DRUG STORE. Oct. 25, 1844. - - PAINT, Hair, Shaving, Tooth and Nail Brushes at MONTANYE'S DRUG STORE. RLLE Writing Fluid by the ounce, pint, quart, Gallon or Barrel!, Black do., In &Bible and India, first quality at MONTANYE'S DRUG STORE. October 25, 1844. CANDIES, Raisins, Liquorice, &c., for the boys and girls, at MONTANYE'S DRUG STORE. Oct. 25, 1844. NEWEST st GOODS, Ind Cheape Prices BURTON KINGSBERY, haijust receiv ed and is now opening a splendid assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Paints, Chl, Dye , Stuffs, ic., 4-c. which he will sell very cheap for Cash Towanda, Sept. 7, 1849. Watch and Clock-Repairing. pr a. en.4.7IIIERL.L.r, RESPECTFULLY in .. ...i., t. , - .1 1, 4 - 4 - forms his friends and the , ~, public that he still contin f , ‘l ' 0 '14 . 1 . 1 1 ues to carry on the above ) 1., • 3 ))4 business at his old stand, w ..; ,o) ,„ —,, one door south of Elliott ' 4 9 ! :4" ' 7l' '' & Mercur's store, and .... „ _- ... -. . 7 neatly opposite the Hay Scales. Watch and Clock. &pairing, I Will be done on short notice, and warranted to be well done. From a long experience in the business, he believes that be will be able to ren der perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year, or the money refunded; and a written agreement given to that effect to all that desire one CLOCKS.—A large assortment just receiv ed and for sale very low for cash. ' If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at Chamberlin's Watch Shop. _ _ _ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALT. persons indebted to the estate of Scn'l Lewis, late of Warren township, dec'cl., are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the saute re quested topresent them, legally attested for set tlements. J.E. BULLOCK, D. A . CAREY. Warren, Dec. 5, 1844. Administrators. W ADIES LOOK HERE I Cashmeres, Al- JILAI paces's', Muslin do Lane's of the most beautiful patterns just received and for sale low, very low, for cash by O. D. BARTLETT. Nov. 11, 1844. 10,000 MAJORITY ! THE subscriber' has just 'received a large and spfendid variety of NE W COORS suited-to the wagon, which he will sell nt Unu sually low for cash. 0. D: BARTLETT. • Towanda, Plov.-rl, 1844. . 12-m6 31:11031111LILTEILVr • • AND ' • 'Blue Man, -.Nit. Silver, Quick do. Peperine, Ipecac, Tart. Antimony, lodine, Valerian Root, Seneca do. Serpentaria do Gentian do. Colombo do. Pink do Senna, Candiaridei, PATENT MEDICINES. PILLS. BOOT & SHOE NEAKIf On my own books stoic 4 STEPHEN HATHAWAY la w , public generally that he is still r , t , to manufacture, of the best material, and,)t most substantial and elegant manneroli scriptions of Boots and Shoes. Morocco, Calf and Coarse Boots and c. Ladies' oboes and 'gaiters ; yotah's do. All work made by me will be warrenit be well made. Call and try. Country Produce taken in payment fir Towanda, February 27th, 1E44. sow amr&z.,202z4;... BOOT. & SHOE & SAGE, h a " a „ (n. • ir - V the Boot ardS:,c,+. ing business, in the borough of Tewardi door west of the Claremont llonFe. Bad a share of public patronage. They inter,. a card; I selection of stock, and by effort : , the interests of their customers, to maken, and durable work as can be manufactL:i' this portion of the country. They_ keep conslantly on hand, and e. 41! nufacture to order, tnorocco, rah a n d boots and shoes; Ladies' Gait(,, slips; children's - do.; gent's vug , JOHN W. wynl.,(l4l:;' PHILANDER SAG Towanda, May 6,1844. - SADDLE A. ND HAP, is_auza. er.] ELK. 1.11.111 S.UNTII .S• 0.; HAVE • commenced the martm.ter;.r, Saddles, Bridies, ilarm•cs, 6c.t the borough of Tocrand3, in tt,l.ndiln. 2 raerly occupied 1 - Ettlaway • h". west of I. H. Stepla•a; r,l. re 7 ker.p constantly on 1 , -.1n.1, yr.. , :nif•t-vr, Order, Elastic Tlcb. c:10 -;N Harness, • Carr' 'Bridles, Tr it Collars, UaliBeN, Carriage Trimming and Mdilory 11 done to order. Mattrasses, Pew and Chair Cushion. a , on short notice and reasonable term= The subscribers hope by drone r , well, and by a strict attention merit a share of public pntrona ELKANAH 8A411 , 11 Towanda, May 19, 1844. SADDLE, HARNESS ~L~su~~:°..r' M.Wit 7 3 I N •CiVi.t44 412 BE SUBSCRIBER re-.eeth int 7 his old friends and theid.•• c m-- that he is howcamine on ir). hu:p in all its various branclics, in the n, 'th pr the building occupied by B." 1 ti , •nrs as shop, on Main street, nearly opi 0-tt• 111,7, stole, where he will he ham old and new customers. SADDLES, BRIDLES, MARTINGALS, HARNESS, 'WHIPS . (' of the latest fashion and ,I)e:•4 mat, ials r 1;. made to order on moderate terms for rear=r r Most kinds of country proeuce trill I.r !al, in exchange for work. April 17, 1844 D. C. HALL Against the lorld hr Wm!' THE subscriber has just rect:FP, • est variety of Stovesp er county of Bradford such as Crosses I • Drum Overt Cook Stove; Crosses he: cooking stove; Cross' iNi) 3 Parlur os stove with the elevated oven ; dining to cooking stove; parlors of thfll•rent star_ ea shapes; Climax cook ing.No. 3 Az . 4 with 3 to 4 boilers ; No. 2, 3 & 4 cooking, a ith 3 and boilers; No. 3 & 4 six plate and church sal which.the subscriber n ill sell at the most re,i• ced prices for cash, shingles. ei beet or oats also intends to keep constantly on bond or e: sortment of Russia and coMmon iron store ptj and elbows, sheet zinc, stove crocks of all size. coal scuttles &c.,; with a good assortment tinware svholsale and retail. Sheet Iron Dem Stove boilers, Tea kettles. Dripping pas, coo ductOTs, Eavo troughs, with even . kind of Jo work in his line - made and fitted up to order a , short notice. Also, stove trimmings at who sale retail may be obtained at his mantas( tory on the most reasonable terms. • Towanda, Oct. 10, 1844. CYA RN and Carpet Warp. Crla and White this day received at NO Brick Row. L _ Isl. OF LETTERS reinaiuing la th Post Office at Athens, Pa., quarter al ing i loc. 31, 1844. Brooks T I Montgosnery Prs ills Berman Eli F Marvin Edwin C. Casterline Lewis Nobles Levi Campbell Albert Northway L. Curry Ezekel 2 Overton W H Chandler Martha. Playfoot James Chatman Artemus Paine David Devaloe John Preston A bel Drown Mary Miss Rote John Elston Richard Renshay Mikel Finch R S Sparkes H § French Mary Ann Miss Stone Luther Gordon John Sawyer Samuel II Gillett Benjamin Smith Ellsie Miss Gillett. Nathan Stephens Lather Huston Thos Drr, Tozer Julius Jr. 2 boa Nicholas Warman John Hudson Alvin S Wells W C Jinits Elisha Williams A D LaMbertson 0 D 2 Wright Isaac Lape Thos Rev Williams Samue l. M'Dowell John Wead Dennis Middaugh Daniel Williston H Jr MI cker Peter W Horace IWKinney Samuel Willson Win fl AL C. S. PARK- P• • Athens. Jan. 1 1895. WRIGHT'S vEGET.ADLi SIRIT for sole ttt BAIR September 7. No. 3 Brick R ' Q ,1I . V.‘1,1( ' ' EOM JERE CUT