Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 26, 1845, Image 3

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    Bradford Vututy Court.
- • • FEB. 14, 1845.
Drain F. BARSTOW vs. Joe KIRBY.
hfs was mact i o n o f debt on a prom's
ory note in the following terms :
„s3oo.—Ninety days after date, I
l emise to pay to the order of J. P.
iirhy, at the Towanda Bank, three
jai-hired dollars without defalcation, for
,aloe received,
-Towanda, Dec.
This . proinissory note was delivered
;$. CoOlbaugh to Kirby, and Kirby, be - -
fire the note became due, endorsed and
; e !i - reredit to the Towanda - Bank ; and
/ I , Towanda Bank, before the same be
; lin e du (endorsed and delivered it to
tD F. Barstow. _
This &as, one of many other notes
I, ss igned to D. F.. Barstow on the 15th
0 3n , 1842, and a question arose as to
!, e validity of this assignment.
; . 4 The defendant by his % counsel, ton.'
- 54 soled that this assignment was made
'' i t : r the benefit of the Bank, and that be
as ready, and had been ready ever
i ,• : lre the note became due, to pay it in
, e tills of the Towanda Batik.
';,.The Court held the assignment valid,
I: ,:l . directed the Jury to find for the
; ,.1::t:t1 - .; - which was accordingly done.
i:- FEB. 15, 1845.
an action on the guaranty of
:;ote dated Mny - 18ih. 1842. given by .
i;?orge A. Via to Joseph Alen, and
Joseph transferred to Peter, with a
:uaranty of its being good.
The defendant introduced testimony
to show that the plaintiff made an agree
ment With. Mix to wait on him longer
:Ilan' by the terms of the note, he would
bound s to do, and on this ground con
tended that he was. released from all
liability. The Jury found for the de
:endant. ,
[Correspondence of the Public Letlgel.3
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18, 1845.
,11c. Choate's great speech on ./Innexa
. Crowded Gallery--The
Neu , Cabinet—Mr. Buchanan pro
bu'dy at its head—Mr. II "alker to the
Treasury,'" sweep in the Offices—
l'yler. has • taken Lodgings—
Long - John Wentworth outdone—. 4
Qcestion of Etiquette.
The most classical and finished
.beech on the question of Annexation,
made at this session, was delivered to
,ltv by Mr. Choate. His distinguished
'putation \ attracted even a larger audi
ce, were it possible, than any that
reviously attended ' the debate, and so
iitease was the anxiety to hear him
hat the galleries were thronged one
mur before the meeting of the Senate.
he ladies, whose presence is a good
Nierion of the fame and quality of the
leaker, paid. Mr. Choate the high
miplintent of -a hasty toilet and an
any attendance, and in their usual gra
:Gus manner 'expelled every thing of
masculine : complexion from either the
ramlort or convenience of:hearing the
speech. Such was the extraordinary
tilterest manifested on the occasion by
' Ileeven's last best gift," that but two
!aided faces were visible in the large
.111 i-circular gallery, and they stood
It as a sort of forbidden fruit in the
giticat Eden.
Mr. Choate devoted himself mainly
the investigation of the Constitution
objections, and therefore was More
lid than eloquent: His was a pow
al, not a brilliant effort. It enchain
, the reason without exciting the pas
an of the listener. As a speaker he
I callable of the highest intellectual
ievation. being one of the most accom
lithedi scholars and universally read
I our public men. He may in fact be
tiled the belles-lettres statesman of the
;ales, being without a superior at home
'abroad. Like most who come from
East he lacks the fire and !energy
rich .giVe effect and power to elo
mace. 'But he is, at times, strikingly
Llime, without ever being impres
irely grand as an orator. Having
ery advantage of cultivation and
industry_ and study. he is. the
aist ready acid most perfect of the
real public debaters.
I have no doubt in my own mind
tithe Cabinet is now fully -determin
. upon, hut will not be revealed, for
!asons of State and other riffportant
lsideratinns, unid—near_the 4th of
If the formation of the new
'erninent was now proclaimed, eve-
Cabinet Mfinister. would be , inunda
d with applictions and beset With the
It - annoying importunity every hour
the period of his instalment. From
very credible source, I learn that hire,
:Italian was tendered the Depart
ant of State on Saturday, which was
)ntirmed at a special interview and ac
!pled this morning. There are also
) me'indications that Mr. Walker will
invited to the Treasury. If the first
?ointment` is made, the other seems
Ire than probable.
/he appearances, and the impres-
Ins of those best informed, incline me
the belief that there,will be a general
lep in the offices here and elsewhere.
rani see how it will be possible for
Ir. Polk to resist the pressure that will
be made in the name of the party.
he does; he will surprise many and dis
appoint not a few.
Mr. Tyler has engaged appartments
at Fuller's Hotel, for his occupancy af
ter the 3d of March,- where it is sup
posed that he will lead a much more un
disturbed life, than in his days of pow
er and Presidency.;
The Senate, determined not to be ex
celled by the House in the dimensions
of its humanity, is soon to be graced
by the presence of a _successor to Mr.
Henderson, Judge Speight, originally
of North Carolina. who can beat long
John Wentworth some four inches in
heighth, and is in every way a better
proportioned - man. by all odds,
the tallest specimen of ; a Congressman
ever Sent to the hills of legislation.
'There has been a good deal of eti
quette war going' e on between the Presi
dent elect and the President in fact, as
to which of them should make thefirst
ceremonious call, and up to this hour I
understand that visit's have not been ex
changed. The ladies took the thins in
hantrto adjust a. c , improinise, and Ma
dame Tyler drove up in her state equip
age' to make Mrs:Polk a call as a stran
,g,cr—tigt as the Presidentess elect.—
Really, this is getting to be'a very great
country:, and by and by, as we grow
lolder, more jaristocratic. and have wi
ped out the rust of
„out forefathers' an
vils. it will he necessary to send over
to Mrs. Victoria for the Court system of
the laws of etiquette observed het , reen
the reigning and expectant Queen.
%V ET FEET.-It should he remem.
bered that colds, coughs, consumptions,
asthma, 'inflammation of the lungs,
pleurisy, and many other fatal , disor
ders, are often the result of catching
cold, in consequence of wet feefi damp
clothes, night air, &e.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are
undoubtedly the best medicine in the
World for carrying off a cold, because
they 'purge from the system those mor
bid humors which, when lodged in va
rious parts
. of the body, give rise to
every malady incident to man. A sin
gle twenty five cent box of said Pills
I will not only afford relief, but will, in
a majority of cases, make a perfect cure
of the most obstinate cold, at the same
time the digestion will be improved.
and the I blood so completely purified,
that all evil consequences resulting
from catching cold, will be entirely
prevented.• _ _
I_,For sale at the store of J. D. & E
r Alontanye, in Towanda, and by
ageilts published in another column of
this paper.
EV" Caution.—As counterf6iters
are abrOad, avoid all stores LA dobtful
character, and he particular in all cas.
ses, to ask for It - right's Indian Vege
table Pills.
Married. .-- 7 ,
In Totianda, on Thursday morn. 21tKin4'
by Elder G. NI .Spratt, A. K. PEc - Kiwt; : ri
Tuukhannock Pa., to Miss JANt itiT'
' . ' 1.4.NV1i.i.r., of the former place.
DEDICATION.—wiII be dedi
cated to the service of Almighty God,
the meeting house erected for the use of the
Monroe and Towanda Baptist Church, in this
borough, on the 26th inst. Services by Elds.
Grennell, of Elmira. P B Peck, of Owego, and
C.A. Fox, of Spencer, assisted by others, at the
hours of 10, A. M., 2 and 3 past 6, P.M.—
Collections will be ten up at the close of each
service. JOSEPH HOMET,
President of the Board of Trustees
INFORMATION is hereby given, that the
Dental Group of the Leraysville Phalanx
has been duly organized, and work will be done
in that business at the most reasonable rates.—
Where cash cannot be conviently paid, the pro
duce of the country will be received at proper
prima . . Dr. , Solymati - Brairvn, of New York
city, is at the head of the group. Work will
be as well done as in any of the Atlantic cities.
The Dentist's rooms are, at present, at Dr. Bel
ding's near the Phalanstery.
Feb. 17, 1845. L. PRATT, Secretary.
Listrn to James 11. Gillsom,
WHILE ho proclaims to the world that
he has just received is very large and
very nice assortment of
Watches 4. Jewelry 4. Fancy Goods,
which fie will sell at remarkably low prices.—
Just call 'in and take a look, end see if.he don't
sell cheaper than any body else in town.
Towanda, February 26, 1845.
- Ohio Grindstones.
article for farmers for sale low at
Towanda, Feb. 26,'1644.
A FRESH supply, making a complete as
sortment of IRON just received and for
sale low by 0. D. BARTLETT
ozzvam gaim,
A_ FRESH supply of Clover Seed, unusu-
IA ally plump and clern, just received, and
for sale low by 0. D. BARTLETT.
(r LASS & NAILS, for sale cheap in any
quantity. , 0. D. BARTLETT.
OF the subscriber,to my old tri4uli and - the
public generally, who wish gook Cake or
Bread,, if they will fetch a grist of Wheat, Rye,
Corn or Buckwheat to the old Overton Mill,
which has been lately fitted up new for doing
as good work as can be done in the State.none
excepted. If you do not believe this, call and
try, and I will prove it to your satisfaction, on
short notice; only come, and you shall be satin
fled. • A. B.
Ulster, December ;16,1844. ly
RI ROOMS, Pails and Looking Glasses by
"gytemLer 7th. No. 3 Brick Bow.
BY virtue of sunury' writs of Vend. Expo.,
issued from the court of common pleas
of Bradford county to me directed, I shall ex
pose to public sale at the house of Wm. Bnegs
in the borough of Towanda,' on Thursday, the
20th day of MARCH next at one o'clock P.
M., the following described piece or parcel of
land situate in Ridgberry township and bounded
on the north by land of C. Merritt, ea :t by land
of M. Griswold and 0. Root, south by land of
T. Krumloff and M. Weeks, and on the south
by land of Jacob Weeks ; containing about 54
acres, about 30 or 34 acres thereof improved,
with one log house, one framed barn '-and a
small apple orchard thereon. •
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
H. W. Patrick, to the use of Thomas Swan
and Richard Dorsey vs. Samuel G. Rightmire.
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in the township of Her
rick;bounded north by land of A. Stephens,
on the east by land of 0-Stephens, on the south
by land of J. Goodwin, and west by land of
Kingshery ; containing about 40 acres, be the
same more or less, about 30 acres improved,
with one framed house, one framed barn and
an apple orchard thereon.
Seized end teken in execution at the suit of
Jonas Ingham vi. Jonathan Stevens.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in To
wen& tp. bounded north by lands of Jas Mau
ger, west by Jas. Mercur, south by Myer and
Mans:lle, eaFt by the Susquehanna river; eon
taining 100 acres more or less about 35 acres
improved, with a log house, log shed and peach
and apple orchard thereon.
Seized and I •ken in execution at the suit of
Ziba (hist to the use of Bet •arr'n C. Thomas
vs. Seneca Simmons.
ALSO—A piece of lend in Leroy township
hounded north by Towanda creek, east by Da
vid Cole's lands, south by Barclay's lends, west
by L. M'Kce's lands, with a small framed house
thereon ; containing 45 acres, about 5 acres
thereof improved, more or less.
ALSO—A lot in Frenklin tp. bounded on
the west by Towanda creek, all other sides by
J.C.Ridgway's londs; contzining about half
of eh acre more or leer.
Seized end taken in elm ution at the suit of
Jas C. Rockwell's use, vs. Henry B. Myer.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ridg
buiy township, bounded on the north by land
of Henry M. Peterson, on the eaat by lend of
Samuel Rouck, south by land of David Burt,
and west by land of Isaac Miller; containing
6.0 acres, about 40 or 45 improved with t twolog
houses, one framed barn end an apple orchard
thereon. •
Reized and taken in execution at the suit of
R. & E. Covell ve.Robert Miller.
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of lend in Springfield tp. bounded north
by lands of Wm. Cowell and others; south by
lends of Luke N. Pits; containing 50 acres
or thereabou's with about 30 improved, end a
small framed house snd amed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
J C . Sampson vs, J. W. Brown.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land
in Smithfield tp. bounded north by lands of J.
Geroulds, east and south by lands of J. Phelps,
and west by the main road running south from
Smithfield centre ; containing one half acre
more or less a meeting house thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
, Samuel Farwell vs. D. Andrews and William
Fairman, trustees of the first society of the Me
thodist Episcopal Church in Smithfield.
ALSO—A lot of land in Canton township,
bounded south by lands of A. Taber ; west by
John Norris and J. Gleason north by George
Bingham ; east by Z. Thomas; containing 70
acres, with about 8 acres improved, with two
log houses thereon erected.
Se red and taken in execution at the suit of
Sylvester Bailey vs. Joel Hall jr.
7 ALSO—A lot of land in Canton tp. bound
ed north by lands of A. Bothwell and James
Bothwell ; east by lands of said Bothwells and
Amos Wilcox and S.E. Shepard ; south by the
Williamsport and Elmira road; and the south
west by lands of J. Smith; 100 acres or there
abouts, 50 acres improved, and a log house
Seized and taken in execution at the suit cf
Anthony . Shorb, David Stewart, Wm. C. Ste
wart, Wm. M. Lyon, John Lyon and Jobn T.
Matthias, trading under the firm of Shorb, Ste
wart ct. co. now to the use of S. E. Shepard
vs. Joseph J. Single and Anderson Harvey,
lately trading under the firm of Single & Har
ALSO—A piece, percel or lot of land situ
ate in the boraugh of Athens, bounded north by
Chester Park ; west by main street ; south by
Patrick, Clapp & Satterlee ; east by J. & W.
Kendall ; with a framed dwelling house ; con
taining one-fourth of an acre more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
John Spalding, to the use of H. Williston Jr.
and F. Tyler, assignees. of Gco. A .Perkins-vs.
0. R .Ty ler, admn'r of D. Cook, dcc'd.
JOHN N. WESTON, Sheliff. l
Sheriff's Office,
Towanda, Feb. 22, 1845. 5
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Bradford County, there v4l be
Exposed to public sale, on the premises, on
Wednesday, the 15th day of January, 1845, at
ene o'clock, P M., a certain lot of land, situate
in tho borough of Towanda, bounded and des
cribed as follows : on the North by land of Wm
Mix ; on the East by River street; on the west
by land of John N. Weston, and on the South
by a certain lane leadinghfrom Main street to
the aforesaid River street; said lot measuring
75 feet on River street and 112 feet on the afore.
said lane, with a two story frame dwelling house
Credit will be given for a portion of the pur
chase money. Attendance will be given by
the subscriber at the time and place aforesaid,
termsof sale more fully made known.
Towanda, December 16, 1544.
The above sale is further r omp.] to Satur
day, the `22d day of Merch next, at the house
of Wm. Briggs, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
I 4 OOK AT THlS—Cookie: and other
Stoves selling at hiontanye's for less than
cost, likewise a quantity of Tin Ware, 90 tons
Ground Plaster, also. at Montanye's one ; tort
best Bellefonte Iron just received, also ontOon
of Nails. •
January 22d., 1845.
PUBLIC NOTICE is timely giventhat let
ters of administration have this day been
granted to the subscribers,of the goods, chat
tels, rights and credits of the estate of Arvine
Clark 2d., late of Ridgbury township in the
county of Bradford, decd. All persons" hav
ing legal demand against said estate are reques
ted to present them duly attested for settlement
and all persons indebted to the said estate are
notified to make payment without delay.
January L 7, 1845. Administrrators.
Information Wanted,
my house about the middle of October
last, and when last heard of was seen in the vi
cinity of Wyalusing,. He was about 13 years
of age, rather large for one of his age, of a San
dy complexion, with fair hair. Any informa
tion concerning him will be thankfuly received.
Address the subscriber at To‘wanda, Bradford
Asylum, February 17, 1845.
(Patrol insert and charge this office.)
C T9K41131110 1- sis
'NOTICE is given that never hwiring recciv
ed a consideration, we shall not pay (un
less compelled by law) two notes of hand given
by us to James Magee: One note of fifty
dollars, payable six months from date ; the oth
er for fifty dollars payable in eighteen months.
The public are cautioned against purchasing
them as the terms of the contract for which
they were given have never been complied with
and we are determined not to pay them.
Wyalusing, Feb. 17, 1845.
IS hereby given that the following classifica
tion of retailers of foreign goods and mer.
chandise has been made by the subscribers, and
that Associate JudgCs and Commissioners of
Bradford co., will meet at the Commissioners
Office in the Borough of Towanda, on Tues
day the first day of April next; and remain in
session two days, to hear those who may feel
themselves aggrieved and are desirous of ap
pealing from the classification herein made. •
WeVs & Satterlee, 10 320 00
L. S. Ellsworth, 10 20 00
Kingsbervi&.Coms.toek, 11 15 00
Chester Park, 13 : 10 00
Q. A. Perkins, 14. 7 00
Wm. H. Perkins, 14 7 00
C. Paine, 14 7 00
John Watkins,
John Horton Jr., • 12 12 50
Elmar Horton. 13 10 00
Coryell & Gee, 13 10 00
A. &S. H. Morley, 13 • 10 00
Lockwood Smith, 13 10 00
A. 11. Gaylord.
U. Moody & Co.,
0. D. Chamberlin.
R. K. Hawley, 13
J. W. Mercur, 13
J J & C Warford,
Hanson & Phinney,
D C & 0 N Salsbury,
Rogers Fowler,
John Nagle & Son,
II Gibbs,
T Umplirey.
Daniel Bailey,
Smith & Little, '• $4.
R Barnes & Co., 14 7 00
L C Belding & Co., 13 10 00
G 1 Norton, 14 7 00
John Passmore, 13 10 00
L S Maynard, 14 7 .00
Clark & Coo Waugh,
Abner Roberts, 13 10 00
- Coleburn. l2 12 50
Lyman Durfey, 11 15 00
E S Tracy. 11 15 00
Eleazer Norman, 14 7 00
Allen & Storrs, 13 10 00
Horace Kinney & Co.. "
6 6
Welles & Nichols. 6 4
N D Warford,
Albert Newell,
H W Tracy, 11 15 00
H Mix & Son, 11 15 00
Elliott & Mercur, 10 20 00
O D Bartlett, 12 12
J D & E D Montanve, 10 20
B Kingsbery, 12 12
J Kingsbery Jr., 14 7
II S& M C Merc9r,,. 10 20
C Re'ed, 12 12
WII Baird & Co., 111 15
Tracy & Moore. 12, 12
.1 F Means & Co., 12, 12
E fl Mason., . 14 7
S S Bailey, 141 7
E 0 H slated, 14 7
A D Montanye, 14 7
I S Wood & Co.,A 13 10
I) Kellogg, 14 7
P O'Slatn, 14 7
SW &DF Pomeroy, 10 20
Eli Baird,
0 P Ballard,
Layton Runyon.
12 12
W A Gustin,
Guy Tracy,
I, Truman,
L S Ellsworth,
John McKinney & Son, 14
Elisha Lewis.
A Dewiniz,
Marcus Tyrrell,
B Buffington,
Robert Cooper, 14 7
And every seller or vender of wines or disc
ed liquors as aforesaid shall pay for his license,
fifty per cent, in addition to the foregoing clas
sification. _ _
D. M. BULL. Associate Judge.
J. TOWNER. Com'rs
Commissioner's Office,
Towanda, Feb; 15, 1844. S . -
Firm copartneruhip heretofore existing be
lateen G. W. Gray at A. H. Gaylord, of
Canton Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. All debts due the late arm ara to be
paid by A. H. Gaylord. and all . claims against
the said Irm`are to be settled by said Gaylord.
Canton, January 271h,1845.
Nuke to Delinquents,
NOTICE is hereby given that all persons
11 indebted to .1, &D. Ingham, must make
immediate payment by note or otherwise by
the first day of March next. All persons
knowing themselves indebted will seo the ne
cessity of attending promptly to this notice.
Monroeton, January 29, 1845.
; , ,L)Lum - §mguaa . 2o
o having formed a copartnership for the
practice of law in Bradford and the adjoining
counties, will give prompt and careful attention
to all business entrusted to their charge. Their
office will Ike found in Towanda, No. 2, `Brick -
Row,' on the second floor, where one or the
other may be found at all business hours. -
Towanda, January 6, 1845,_
CORN & OATS, wanted at this office,
on account.
the Reecivals and Expenditures of Brad
ford County, for the year 1814.
Auditors, $33 00
Assessors 576 17
Bridge Contracts 250 75
Bridge Vievis 9 00
Coroner's Inquests 5 02
Counsel Fees 25 00
Damage Views 114 50
Damage by road thro' wlprovcments.663 13
Fuel 23 44
Incidentals 7 28
Grand Jury 482 38
Traverse J ury 2,420 47
Of f ice. Books 37 50
Moneys refunded 26 81
Crier of Court • 83 00
Wild Cat Certificates 12 75
14 7 00
Prisoners Support
Public Buildings
13 10 00
Stationery ...
Civil Suits
12 50
10 00
'Wolf Certificates
Transcribing Indexes 34 50
Prothonotary & Clk. Quarter Sessions.s3 51
3. Towner Cora. balance due January
10 00
10 00
'l, 1844 10 00
J. Towner for services in 1844, 126 00
E. Aspenwall Com. balance due Janu-
10 20 00
11 1 . 5 00
10 20 00
11 15 00
14 7 00
ary 1,
.1841 36 80
E. Aspenwall fer s ervices in 1844.-73 20
D. Brink Corn. balance due January 1,
1844 64 60
D. B rink for services in 1844. .......128 42
L. Putnam for services in 1844 ..... —.ll 00
A. S. Chamberlin Corn. clerk, balance
due January 1, 1844 383 67
A. S. Chamberlin for services in 1844..21 83
Commonwealth suits 1396 66
13 10 00
66 i 46
Sheriff's fees
Road Views 00
Elections 1405 41
Constables attending court 321 27
Accounts of Collectors of County Taxes.
Townships. I I\ c ' u a l m ie e e s tu o ru f r ite m c o ei n i ll Amount
Wells, A. Whartendyke 1839 $22 39
Granville, Wm. Ross 1840
13 10 00
Smithfield, E. King
Towanda tp. R. Horton"
Wells, Wm. Smcdly
Herrick, R. Depew
Atchfield, T. B. Merrill
Pike,• John Baldairi
Sheshequin, Elijah -- 63 60 87 55
Wyalusing,• E.Vaughn jr" 51 11 38 29
Wysta, David Owen 782 46 88
Athens bo., G. 0. Welles 1842 39 18
" tp ,J. Watkins
Burlington, J. S. M'Kean,
Columbia, H -Shnrwood " 103 50
Canton, J. Bothwell " 46 14 27 45
Franklin, D. Webber " 15 75. 351
Pike,• J. Baldwin " 83 14 39 05
Wysox, A. Lent ." 75 41 29 86
Windham, J. Russell 38 15 197 47
Wyalusing, J. Vaughn " 49 00 27 94
Athens horo,• G. Merrill '43 107 86 13 31
Burlington, C. Taylor " 177 04 24 37
Canton,• J.Rockwell, " 192 45 833
Franklin, C. W. Stephens " 41 10 770
Herrick, N. B. Wetmore " 33 18 91 54
Leroy, H. Holcomb, " 92 88 46 04
Litchfield, T. - B. Merrill " 76 75 24 90
Orwell, G. IN, Welles " 155 19 73 71
Smithfield, L. Adams " 28.3 87 20 23
Sheskequin, W. B. Hotton " 268 16 26 04
Stand. Stone, H.S.Stevens " 82 09 106 05
Towanda ho., A. Cooley " 42 91 39 39
Wysox, A. Whitney " 153 66 100 21
Wyalusing, S. W. Biles " 201 13 64 82
Ulster, N. Shaw " 114 37 46 60
13 10 00
13 10 00
Asylum, 1. Horton
Armenia, Sam'l Moore
Albany, Moses A. Lath! " 135 72 96 86
Athens tp., R. Sutton " 174 28 586 27
boro., M. Sawyer " 241 60 74 21
Burlington, L. A. Pratt " 67 22 277 55
Columbia, 0. Besly _ " 363 56 54 49
Canton, B. Bloom " 202 16 161 98
Durell, F. X; Hornet " 76 21 108 14
Franklin, S. Annablo 112 GO
12 12
12 12
Granville, H. Saxton " 123 55 72 11
Herrick, Calvin stone 34 09 126 31
Leroy, H. I. Stone " 61 21 114 28
Litchfield, H. McKinney " 124 50 174 39
Monroe, G. Smith , " 27 249 11
Orwell, .1. Chubbuck " 315 10 60 14
Pike, S. Brink " 154 99 373 55
13 10
Ridgbury, S. Van Buskirk "• 179 75 112 64
Rome, S. Murphy . " 128 20 144 92
South Creek, D. IL Moore " 118 92
Sheshequin, D. B. Culver " 180 36 - 313 00
Springfield, E. Stockwell " 413 23 50 91
Smithfield, L. Adams " 241 41 250-71
Standing Stone, J. Ennes " 81 - 39 158 54
ToWandu ho., E. Baldwin " 554 13
" tp., H. H. Mace " 338 88 645
Troy, G. P. Freeman " 499 65
Springhill, W., * Thornpson " 3i 19 129 42
Ulster, L. Fuller . 178 90 153 59
Windham, W. Sibley " 95 13 183 04
Wells, Peter Knapp " 125 24 63 43
Wyalusinu, C. Hollenbaek " 13 58 373 52
Wygox, H. Strope ) " 245 27 - 210 21
Warren, W, Bovvcit " 283 GO 83 G 8
$11,661 00 $7310 62
Those marked - thus et) have been settled since
January 1; 1845.
Amount due on duplicates of Co. taxes
for 1837-S-9-40-41 $ 1435 95,
do. for 1842, 2011 39
do. for 1843, • 5298 08
do. for 1844, 1 335 'BO
Rec'd on jndgt against C. L. Ward, 1000 00
Bonds, judgts, deeds, dm. charged, 1686 58
Unseated Land Transcripts, 449 83
By county orders returned $ 13310 00
Cominission on do.
Amount returned on doplicateo of
W 37-8-9-40-41
do. for 1842
do. for 1843
do. for 18 44
On bonds. judgmenol, Treosurerra
and Commissioner's deeds
By cellectoes per centage, agc. - •
Cost of Advertising ten tracts Ca
Co. orders outstanding Jan. 1, 1844, $7797 46
do Issued in 1844 10116 20
Co. orders returned in 1844
do. outstanding January 1,'45 $4603 66
We, the commissioners of said county,
(i. s.) do hereby certify the foregoing to be a
true statement of the receisals and ex•
Penditurcs of the county of Bradford for the
year 1814. Witness our hands and official
seals, this 3d day of Fithruary, 1845.
.1. TOWNER, (lorekm'rei
Attest—S. M. WATTLES, Clerk.
• Towanda Bridge Conipany.
IWOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of
the President and 'Tanagers of said com
pany held this 13th day of January, 1845, it
was unanimously resolved that all persons who
haVe commuted or -may hereafter commute for
tolls, shall have the privilege of drawing coal,
stone and sand across said Bridge on their own
account without paying any additional toll
That the said company are now ready to en
ter into commutations with any persons for the
privilege of crossing the bridge from this till
the first of March 1846.
368 79
Tfi,at the company continue to charge toll
but one way to all persons crossing into the
borough with produce for market but with no
right of carrying passengers. That Harry
Morgan esq., and Daniel Brink be a committee
to make out a fist of names and rate of commu
tations and report the same to the board.
By order of the board,
M. C MERCUR, Secretary.
Towanda, January 13, 1895.
195 50
61 65
2 06
105 00
50 00
THE SUBSCRIBER,. having for..sed a
partnership with his brother, continues
to carry on the business at his Mother's old
Stand, west side of Main street, south part of
the borough, where he is prepared to execute
all orders for Horse-shoeing, Carriage & Coach
work and Edge Tools.
He assures the public that all work entrusted
to his care will he well done, as he has thor
oughly learned his trade_ and is determined to
render satisfaction.
114 00
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Hen
ry Wilhelm decd. late of Burlington tp.
are requested to make immediate payment, and
all those having demands against the same are
requested to present them, legally attested, for
$10,116 20
$11,68 19 88
196 35
- 72 92
1841 129 20
Doctor Sumner, Dentist,
WILL make his next professional visit to
Tow ands early in May 1845.
19 86
k - Nii• • 71 Z-111--
" 153 98 135 08
" 139 05 28 57
HAVING taken the Store no. 2, new brick
block has opened a complete assortment
of Merchandise selected with great care experts
ly for this market, which he offers for sale on
the most reasonable terms. Cash, Produce,
Feathers, Furs, 4c., 4-c., will be taken in ex
change for goods. His stock consists of
Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods.
Pilot, beaver, broad and gray cloths, cassi
mores, satinetts, • hard times, Linsey-woolsey,
Canton and woollen flannels, brown and blea
shirtings, shertings and drillings; a splendid
assortment of Prints, of all prices and patterns,
book, swiss, striped and cross-bar muslins„ plain
and figured laces, Iriel linens, plain and fig'd
and silk warp alapacas, chameleon Mattes, Aff
ghan crapes, mouselin de lainea:cable and plaid
shawls, cravats, gloves, hat ribandi hosiery,
suspenders, &c.
1844 211 16 76 70
" 58 54
Treasurers Account.
New Blacksmithing
Towanda. 11e6ember 30, 1844.
HENRY. B. WILHELM Admistirs.
Burlington, Jan. 8, 1845.
ANDSw ..c)m
w a zgi
Wet and Dry Groceries.
Brown, crushed and loaf sugars; teas of all
qualities ; molasses. fine cut, Virginia and smo
king tobacco ; snuff; spices, mustard, lamp:oil,
coffee, soap, starch, cl.c. Also a complete as,
sortment of
Wines and Liquors
Pure cogniac brandy, Holland gin, port wine,
whiskey .
Crockery and Glass Ware.
Hardware and Cutlery, cross cut and mill eawe,
nails, glass, &c.
Boots - and 'Shoes.
Men's coarse and fine boots; ladies' furred,
plain and figured India robbers; French slip
pers, buskins, children's cloth and morocco
shoes, buffalo robes, Arc.
hats and Caps.
Brush, silk and fur hats; Olc Dull, leather,
fur, velvet and hair seal cops; men's white
wool and rowdy hats, &c.
Every exertion will be made to please and
satisfy every one who may give him a call.
Towanda, Dec. 2d, 1844.
AJ,L'PERSONS indebted to • the estate of
John H. Smith, deceased. of Springhill
arc requested to make immediate payment, asid
all those haying demands against the same are
requested to Present them, • legally attested, for
settlement; without further delay. -
CHARLES SMITH. Administrator.
Springhill, December 16;1844 .
$23217 73
266 20
785 31
631 17
653 25
4962 34
1871 77
732 69
5 00
$23,217 73
$17913 66
13310 00