Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 19, 1845, Image 3

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ate is yet:to be consumed. before that
••• •
;111 passes both Houses.
A bill granting a comp a 4: the right
construct a Rail-Road from Cumber
and Virginia, to Pittsburg, has passetl
hrough.cointnittee of the whole in the
'enate. A cloud of-borers for this
teasure has darkened the legislative
, ;119 (for weeks past, and it is feared
; e m embers may be thiped and betray-
I into its support. It is calculated to
gild up a company at the expense of
, e State! A few years ago, our Legis
iure was filled with ,borers to get a
t ., e of Canals_ and Rail-Road from
Ildadelphia to Pittsburg,. in order to_
li e d a communication between those
',L e s materially to the advantage of
t j th. The obfrct Was accomplished--
='y state was Plunged:in debt to the
001 0 of ten or fifteen millions in
theie improvements=! And
' t Ac , while the people are groaning
of taxation put-upon them
pa y the interest on . thiTvast :expen
:llre, an attempt is made to: destroy
destroy the whole line thus construe
1, and take away every farthing of
'.venue derived from the tolls upon
'; e a t , for the purpose of building up it
,' . .rpurationa Rail-Road company to
'lwav from our state works all the
0e of the east and s west, and anddi
'itl.,it to another state, and another ci
tr. and this infamous and degrading
I • .
6'- ts
asuro finds advocates \ amono . those
ho claim to ,be great friends to the
eopele and the state ! every man who
Ipports this villainous and suicidal po
uy ought to branded as a traitor to the
i eople, and an enemy to the Common
Ns - a justification for their support of
iii base 'project, it is pretended that
lrginia will °construct or authorize a
Anpany to construct a Rail-Road from
'timberland to Farkershure, on the
hio, This is false. Virginia has re
'ired to' do either, and never will do
litter. 'What if she does,? It w ill do
s no harm. We are not to look to
legislation of other states now, after
have made our own improvements.
must protect our own interests, and
titer barter them a•ray to companies,
other States ! 1 trust sincerely, this
katthug scheme will be Indignantly
routed from the Legislature.
A bill is now pending before theoth
• House, more effectually to prevent
suppress riots. Many flaring
!eches have already been made, and
[By more are in embryo, on this ques-
The Natives " are boisterous
the subject. • . , .
The Election' Distitet. Bill has pas
! both branches, except that an un
mrtant amendment is before the
rse for concurrence.
several Divorce Bills have already
;sed into laws, and many more are
lding, - Let all wo are tired of their
;sbands or wives come on now, while
e members are in the humor of she
-- --------
Supper to Dr. Bullock.
We insert the following correspon
ire, between D. BULLOCK, and the
anittee of the Bar, on the retire
olthe fernier gentleman from the
profession, after a long and hon
k practice, being a deserved em
inent to his Je:gal attainments, and
atialuanly bearing. The supper was
rticipated in by the members of the
', and many other of out citizens,
ne best wishes go with_ the Doctor
is retirement from his professional
E. BALDWIN, as the eldest mem
'of the bar presided, assisted by H.
.usros and E. OVERTON ' Esquires.
somber of appropriate sentiments
re offered; after supper, and several
anent addresses' made by Judges
iINDRAM and Hirtractr, and also by
IN and others. We understand
addresses by Judge CONYNGIIAM
E. Ovy.nzos Esq., were highly
ressive. Dr. BALDWIN ' , too, made
irief address, inj,his usual mirth
ing vein. Dr. BULLOCK ' during
:vening, responded to a call upon
exhibiting a very proper appreeia.
of the :high Mark of respect and
shown him by the Bar ofßrad -
county, and the numerous respee
citizens present at the entertain-
TUESDAY, Februiry 4, 1845.
anis Bui.Locn, Esq. :—Dear Sir.
ring been appointed a Committee
• purpose, by the Members of the
if Bradford County—The under
respectfully solicit - your attend
2 supper to be riven vou. at the
house of A. M. Coe in
,Towanda, on
Wednesday evening, next.
'On the part of. our brethern - ..0f the
Bar, this invitation is tendered you on
the occasion of your retirement from the
practice' of the Law, after having been
engaged m it in the Court of this County,
for some twenty-five years—as , an hum
ble testimonial oTopi respect for your cha
racter I,s a citizen, and especially in view
of the honorable 'and gentlemanly de
portment which has uniformly character
ized your intercourse with your fellow
members of the profession. •
We remain, with much respect -
• and esteem, yOur friends, and
obedient servants,
‘ V v A EL D L ;' ,
FEBRUARY 5, 1845
GENTI,ENEN,—In accepting the invi
tation contained in your letter of yester
'day, I have to return to you and those
you represent My . thanks, my Sincere
and heart-felt thanks for the kind and
friendly sentiments therein expressed.
it gives me much pleasure to reflect
that in a long acquaintance and exten
sive 'professional intercourse with our
bar, the fullest harmony has at all times
existed between each member & myself.
In retiring from the practice of law it is
highly gratifying to know I have their
friendship. And I would repeat. my
gratitude for this thanifestation of the
confidence and esteem of gentlemen, dis
tinguished for urbanity, intelligence, and
high legal attainments.
Cordially yours,
Democratic County Meeting.
At a meeting of the democratic citizens of
Bradford county, held, pursuant to, notice given
by the Standing Committee, at the court house
in Towanda, Friday evening, the 11th inst.,
IRA H STEPHENS was called to the chair,
and the following gentlemen chosen Vice Pre
sidents—Leonard Pierce, Charles Stockwell,
0. D. Bartlett, James Gordon. N. N. Betts,
D.L.Scott, Luman Putnam, A .L.Cranmer,
Silas E. Shepard, Samuel Huston,Daniel Van
dcrcook, J. M. Piollet, Daniel Brink and Da
vid F. Barstow.
:Secretaries—A.S. Chamberlin, U. Mercur.
On motion of CoI.G.F .MasoN, a commit
tee was appointed by the chair, to report dele
gates to a State Convention for nominating a
Canal"Comrnissioner and draft resoluthips ex
pressive of the sense of this meeting, vg.:—G.
F. Mason, J. F Meats, Ceorge Scott,. Sf7Xen
Pierce, L E. Hew olf, .1 .M . W attles, H. C. Kel
ly, L.H. Pierce and E. W. Morgan.
Upon-their report, Eti wait n Mitts and H.
S. SaLsuunT were chosen delegates.
The committee, through its chairman, offer
ed the following resolutions which were unan
imously adopted :
Resolved, That our delegates to, the Canal
Commissioner's Convention be instructed to
seek the nomination of a man whose character
is a guaranty for carrying out the restoration of
the public revenues from the grasp of plunder
ers, to the legitimate uses of thepeople, so hap
pily begun, and nearly consummated, under
that thanks,worthy board, Messrs. Clarke, Mil
ler and Foster.
Resolved, That the election of Ja.s.K.Potx
and Gconos M. DALLIS, is an emphatic echo
to the voice of democracy which bas cheered
the progress of our nation from its struggling
into birth up to its giant youth ; making an an
swer, not to be misinterpreted, to the querulous
and croaking prophecies from the past, on each
aide of the waters, that the Republic is an ex
ploded experiment; and proclaiming to the
world a freehold yet, in the earth, of the equal
rights of man.
We confidently predict an administration,
under their auspices, so wise and just as to gra
tify the hopes of the good, and stifle the regrets
of the worst, upon the result of the late nation
al Canvass.
Resolved, That we retain the utmost confi
dence in our distinguished Senators, Jeans
shall rejoice to acknowledge an addition to their
claims on our gratitude, in the earliest efficacy
they can give to the public sentiment touching
the re-annexation of Texas and the re-assertion
of our right to the whole of the Oregon territo
ry. We hope soon to welcome our Elmo...vex
to the head of the national Cabinet.
Resolved, That David R. Pcirter's general
jail-and-penitentiary delivery, and the stock
jobbing arithmetic 'with which he has chosen
to mark the period of his public life, were not
at all wanting to give emphasis to the predic
tion in the closing paragraph of his last mes
sage—whose fulfilment his retirement, with the
honors already won, sufficiently signalized ;
i. e. that the State's redemption was at hand,
and "every true hearted Pennsylvanian must
rejoice to see her proud escutcheon purified
from the only stain thatbad ever defaced it since
the landing of her founder upon the shores of
the Delaware."
Is David also among the prophets
Resolved, That, if more than the retirement
of the late Executive were needed for the re
demption of our good old commonwealth, we
have its strongest assurance from the acces
sion to power of that sterling patriot and honest
man, FRANCIS R. SHUNK, who wears de
mocracy as a panoply of right, not a cloak of
ambition ; and this assurance is rendered dou
bly, sure by his eminent:y judicious selection of
constitutional advisers, whose integrity reflect
ing his own, may prove the guiding star to all,
in the path to honor.
Resolved, That JEssx Mrr.LEn, by his long
and faithful services as a State and National
officer, and specially by his generous and effi
dent aid in reforming the management of the
public works, and defending them from Execu •
tive usurpation, has nobly deserved the post of
honor, in an administration devoted to the
State's regeneration, to which hiS Excellency,
Gov. Shunk, has called him by giving voice to
the popular will.
Resolved, That we hail the resumption of
payments of interest on the State debt as h!gh
ly auspicious to the prosperity and honor like
ly to accompany an administration which has
begun by restoring figures, from the:crooked
talk of Indian dialects, to their proverbial; Cer
ndeular veracity. We cannot but the more re-
peat the obligations of PennsYlvariip to the Ca
nal Board of her own choice, .since his late ex
cellency appropriates to himself (with a facility
of reckoning, as if figures were all 99,006'5)
the savings made only by wresting from his own
hands the entire evenues.' It
.must _gratify_ ill
who case for the'" tranquility" vatted by that
functionary defunct, that at the recent junket
at the " American Hotel; just above the U, S.
Bank," Mayor Weall avoided ghost stories
in the nursery -spouting with which he indulg
ed his august auditor, and, gemmed and small
potatoes went quietly down midst the greater
things swallowed there—so that apparitions and
nightmare are not recorded among his guests
cul that festal night. •
Resolved, That it is high time frankness,
truth and justice were the characteristics of eve
ry State paper; and the Inaugural address and
message on the finances, by the Executive, are
significant evidences that the "redemption,"
promised by his predecessor, has come.
Resolved, That while we regard an equali
zation of State levies as, in the highest degree,
desirable, we are not satisfied that the late, law
is the most judicious and economical for attain
ing that object. We cheerfully leave our in
terests therein to the hands of our Representa
tives and Senator, on whose discretion we may
safely rely.
Resolved; That his Excellency, Gov.Snusrx,
receive the thanks of the democracy of Brad
ford county for promptly withdrawing the late,
splenetic nomination of D. M. Bull, as an As
sociate Judge, and substitotifira man, honest,
capable, and enjoying the confidence of the peo
ple: such is %nay 11,10n0,m
Resolved, That DAVID iVimitcrr, by his bril
liant talents, steady devotion to principles and
eminent service in the republican casse,as well
as from the persecution of the bloodhounds of
opposition, is fixed the affections of his
friends and In the general admiration.
The legions itif the North, who have saved
so many battles, will soon claim the honors of
a triumph for Iheir.most valiant leader.
Resolved, That the rc-iiastatment of Seth
Salsbury as State Librarian, is a tardy, but me
rited act of justice to tE,at worthy democrat, who
for the time fell a v mto the deviceful practices
of an executive whose political dereliction ho
earliest detected and most signally exposed.
Resolved, That these proceedings be publish
ed in the Reporter,' Union, Pennsylvanian, and
Lancaster Intelligencer ; and that copies be for
warded, by the 'Secretaries, to the President
and Vice President elect, the .Governor and
Secretary of the Crimnlth, the Canal Com'rs,
our Senators in Congress, and Senator and
Representatives in Assembly.
CONFIRMED.—The nomination of [TAR
RY Mono.v.v, Esq:, as Associate Judge
for this county, has been unanimously
confirmed by the Senate
BAD BREATH is always an evidence
of a disordered stomach and a corrupt
state of the blood. The food, instead
of being properly dissolved, remains
indigested until it becomes spoiled or
putrified ; consequently, a deleterious
fluid, called sceptic acid, is generated
in the stomach, which, mixing with the
fluids of the mouth, not only gives a
disagreeable odor to the breath, but is
the cause of decayed teeth, wasting of
the gums, and many other unpleasant
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills'are
a certain cure for bad breath, because
they cleanse the stomach and bowels
from those bilious and corrupt humors
which are the cause. They also aid
and improve digestion, and purify the
blood, and therefore not only give
health and' vigor to the body, sweetness
to the breath, and prevrit a premature
decay of the teeth, but new life and
energy to the whole frame.
. For sale at the store of 3. D. & E.
D. Montanye. in Towanda, and by
agents published in another column of
this paper.
Caution.—As counterfeiters
are abroad, avoid all stores of dobtful'
character, and be particular in all cap.
ses, to ask for - Wrighes Indian Vege
table Pillar.
In Sheahequin, on Wednesday evening, i2th
inst., by Rev .Julius Foster, E.A.P.susoss,
senior editor of the Bradford Argus, to Miss
Dritt.i3r A., daughter of Jesse Brown, of the
former place. ,
In Wysox on the 14th instant, HARRIET La-
Trutt, daughter of David P. Woodburn, aged
3 years and 7 months.
In Wysox on the 20th inst., Mesas LTMAN,
eldest son of Moses Woodburn dee'd, in his
22d year.
In Litchfield, January 19, Jonr;Ton., egad
63 years, '
cated to the service of Almighty God,
the meeting house erected for the use of the
Monroe and Towanda Baptist Church, in this
borough, on the 26th inst. Services by Elds.
Grennell, of Elmira. P. B . Peck, of Owego, and
C.A. Fox, of Spence?, assisted by others, at the
hours of 10, A. M., 2 and 3 past 6, P. M.—
Collections will be taken up at the close of each
service. JOSEPH HOMET;
President of thoßoard of Trustees
LOOK AT THlS . —Cooking, and other
Stoves selling at Montanye's for less than
cost, likewise a quantity of Tin Ware, 90 tons
Ground Plaster, also at Moutanye's one ton
- best Bellefonte Iron just received, also one ton
of Nails.
January 22d., 1845.
PUBLIC NOTICE is het eby giventbat let
ters of administration have this day been
granted to the subscribers of the goods, 'chat
tels, rights and credits of tlfe estate of Arvind
Clark 2d., late of •Bidgbury township in the
county of Bradford, doc'd. All persona hav
ing legal demand against said estate are reques
ted to pre'serit them duly attested for settlement
and all persons indebted to the said estate aro
notified to make payment without delay-.
January 27, 1845. Adminisirrators
, & IL Booth, respect
' al * fully inform the public that having re
cently forrtied . a'connection in business, they
will promptly and punctually render their proles-.
Glottal services in Agencies, Collections and
other matters entrusted to their care; and they,
respectfully solicit, as' they, hope they shall de
serve, a liberal share of. Fatronage. Office in
Main street, a few doors south' of tlieSpiscopal
church, where one or both willbe found,during
all hours of business. * • _
Totearla,..tanr 13, ISIS.
- Information Wanted, •
my house about the middle of O s cti:iber
last, and when last heard of was seen in the vi
cinity of Wyalusing. He was about 13 years
of age, rather large for one of his age, of a Dan
dy complexion.' with fair hair.' Any' informa
tion concerning him will be thankfully received.
Address the subscriber at Towanda, Bradford
Asylum. February . 17, 1845. _
(Patrol insert and 'charga this , office.)
NOTICE is given that never having receiv
ed a consideration; we shall not pay (un-,
less compelled by law) two notes of hand given
by us to James Magee. One note of fifty
dollars, payable six months from date ; the oth
er for fifty dollars payable in eightesn months.
The public are cautioned against purchasing
them as the terms of the contract for which
they were.given have never been complied with
and we are determined to pay them.
Wyalusing, Peb. 17, 1845.
Is hereby given that the following classifica
tion of retailers of foreign good s and mer.
chandiss has been made by the subscribers, and
that Associate Judges and Commissioners of
Bradford co:, will meet at the Commissioners
Office in the Borough of Towanda, on Tues
day the first day .of April next, and remain in
session two days, to hear those who may feel
themselves aggrieved and are desirous of ap
pealing from the classification herein made
Welles & Satterlee, 10 820 00
L. S. Ellsworth, 10 20 00
Kingsbery & Comstock, 11 15 00
Chester Park, 13 10 00
G. A. Perkins, 14 7 00
Wm. H. Perkins, 14 7 00
C. Paine, 14 7 00
d2THENS 7'P.
John Watkins.
John Horton Jr., 12 12 50
Elmar Horton, 13 10 00
Corvell & Gee, 13 10 00
A. &S. H. Morley, 13 • 10 00
Lockwood Smith, 13 • 10 00
A. H. Gaylord, 13 10 00
U. Moody & Co., 12 12 50
0. D. Chamberlin, 13 10 00
R. K. Hawley, 13 110 00
J. W. Nlercur, 13 110 00
JJ & C Warford, liquor, 10 20 00
Hanson & P . hinney, .. 11 15 00
DC& 0 N Salsbury, ~ 10 . 20 00
Rogers Fowler, 11 15 00
John Nagle & Son, 14 7 00
H Gibbs,
T Umphrey.
Daniel Bailey, « 14
Smith & Little, .‘
R Barnes & Co.. 14 7 00
L C Belding & Co., 13 10 00
I Norton, • 14 7 .00
John Passmore, 13
L S Maynard, 14
Clark & Coolbaugh, 13 10 00
Abner Roberts, 13 10 00
- Coleburn. 12 12 50
Lyman Durfey, 11 15 00
E S Tracy. ll 15 00
Eleazer Norman. 14 7 00
Allen & Storrs, 13 10 00
Horace Kinney & Co., •• .6
Welles & Nichols,
N D Warford, 13 10 00
Albert Newell, 13 10 00
H\V Tracy, 11 15 00
H Mix & Son, ; 11 15 00
Elliott & Mercur, liquor, 10 20 00
O D Bartlett, 12 12 50
JD&ED Montanve, 10 20 00
B Kingsbery, liquor, • 12 12 50
J Kingsbery Jr., 14 7 00
S& M C Mercur, 10 20 00
C Reed, liquor, 12 12 50
WH: Baird & Co., iigior,ll 15 00
Tracy & Moore, liquor, 12 12 .50
J F Means & Co., 12 12 50
E FI Mason, 14 7 00
S S Bailey, 'l4 7 00
E 0 Halsted, 14 7 00
A D Montanve, 14 7 00
I S Wood & Co.. •_l3 k 0 00
D Kellogg, 14 7 00
P O'Slatn, 14 7 0.0
SW&DF Pomeroy, 10 20 00
Eli Baird, 12 12 50
P Ballard, , 12 12 50
Layton Runyon, 14 - 700
W A Gustin, 12 12 50 .
Guy Tracy, 13 . 10 00
L Truman.. .•
L S Ellsworth, ' " • 41.
William Gihson, " 44
John McKinney, dr,..Son„ 14 700
Elisha Lewis.. • 14 , 7.00
A Dewing, 13'' 10 00
Marcus Tyrrell, . 13 . 10.0 Q
('Buffington, ' • -. 7'00
Robert Cooper, . 14
.•:, QD
And every seller or vender of wines or distill•
ed liquors as aforesaid shall pay for his license,
fifty per cent. in addition to the foregoing clas
n'O'n§ 20)113 ga12:13
CONSTANTLY on hand a W. hand Bo;
Stove fer sale cheap at BAIRD'B,
MILE cepartnership heretofore existing he
.t.!iveitn O. W._Gray dt A.H. Gaylord, of
Canton s Pa., is this day dissolved mutual
consent. All debtwdue the late'Grm ara to be
paid by' A. li , Gaylord,' and all claims against
the said firm are to he seitled by sald'Gaylord,•
• • •• • G. W. GRAY, .". -
Canton, January 27th, 1845.
• -Nctice to Delinquents.
IVOTICE is hereby given - that all persona
1111 indebted to J. &D. Ingham, must make
immediate payment by note or otherwise by
thefirst day of March next. All persons
knowing themselves indebted will see the,ne
cessity of attending promptly to this notice.
Ivionrocton; January 29, 1845.
Jilr e , having formed a copartnership for the
practice of law in Bradford mid the adjoining
counties, will givo prompt and careful attention
to all business entrusted to their charge. Their
office will be found in Towanda, No. 2, 'Brick
Row,' on the second floor; where one. or the
other•may be found at all business hours.
Towanda, January 6, 1845. •
CORN & OATS, wanted at this o ffi ce,
on account.
Of the Reeeivals and Expenditures of Brad
' ford County, for the year 1844.
Auditors, $33 00
Assessors 576 17
Bridge Contracts 250 75
Bridge Views 9 00
Coroner's Inquests 6 02
Counsel Fees 25 00
Damage Views ........ .114 50
Damage by road thro' uiprovements.663 13
Fuel 23 44
Incidentals 7 28'
Grand Jury 482 38
Traverse Jury 2,420 47
Offixo 800k5.... 37 50
Moneys refunded " 26 81
Crier of Court 83 00
Wild Cat Certificates.... ...... ......12 75
Prisoners Support • . 368 79
Printing 195 50
Public Buildings.. 61 65
Recording ...... .............. .......2 06
Stationery 21 •24
Civil Suits 105 00
Wolf Certificates 50 00
Transcribing Indexes 34 50
Prothonotary & Clk. Quarter Sessions.s3 51
J. Towner Corn, balance due January
14 7 00
J. Towner for services in 1844,
E. Asppnisvall Com. balance due Janu
ary 1,1844
E. Aspenwall fer s ervices in 1844...
D. Brink Com. balance due January 1,
1844 64 50
D. Brink for services in 1844. ..... ..128 42
L. Putnam for services in 1844 11 00
A. S. Chamberlin Corn. clerk, balance
due January 1, 1844 383 67
A. S. Chamberlin'for services in 1844..21 83
Commonwealth suits 1396 66
Sheriff's fees 414 00
Road Views : 4 61 00
Elections . • 1405 41
Constables attending court .321 27
13 10 00
la 44
if Collectors of County Taxes.
Townships. Names of I Amountl'Amount
Collectors I ReceivMl due
Wells, A. Whartendyke 1839 $22 39
Granville, Wm. Ross 1840 9 32
Smithfield, E. King " $11,68 19 88'
Towanda tp. R. Horton" 196 35 .
Wells, Wm. Striedly. " 72 92
Herrick. R. Depew 1841 129 20
Litchfield, T. B. Merrill " 19 e 80
Pike,* John Dahlwin " • 12 25
io oo
Sheshequin, Elijah " 63 60 87 55
Wyalusing,* E.Vauglsn jr" • 51 11 38 82
Wysox, David Owen " 782 46 89
Athens bo., G. 0. Welk§ 1842 39" 18
" tp., .L Watkins " 153 98 135 08
Burlington, J. S. " 139 05 28 57
Columbia, H.Sbnrwood " 103 50
Canton, J. Bothwell " 16 14 27 45
Franklin, D. Webber " 15 75 351
Pike,* J. Baldwin " 83 14 39 05
Wysoz, A. Lent " 75 41 29 86
Windham, .1. Russell 38 15 197 47
Wyalusing, J. Vaughn " 49 00 27 94
Athens boro.,* G. Merrill-'43 107 86 13 31
Burlington, C. Taylor " 177 04' 24 37
Canton,* J.Rockwell, " 192 45 833
Franklin,C. W. Stephens " 41 10 770
Herrick, B. Wetmore " 33 18 51 54
Leroy, IL Holcomb, " 92 88 46 04
Litchfield, T. B. Merrill " 76 75 24 90
Orwell, G. W, Welles ' " 155 19 73 71
Smithfield, L. Adams " 288 87 20 23
Sheshequin, W. B. Horton " 268 16 26 04
Stand. Stone, H.S.Stevens " 82 09 106 05
Towanda bo., A. Cooley " 42 91 39 39
Wysos, A. Whitney " 153 66 100 2!
Wyalusing, S. W. Biles " 201 13 64 . 82
Ulster, N. Shaw x• 114 37 46 60
Asylum, J. Horton 1844 211 16 76 70
Armenia, Sam'aloore " 58 54
Albany, Moses A. Ladd " 135 72 96 86
Athens tp., R. Sutton " 174 28 686 21
't boro., M. Sawyer . " 241 60 74 21,
Burlington, L. A. Pratt- " 67 22 277 55
Columbia, Q Besly " 363 56 '64 49
Canton, E. Bloom " 202 16 161 98
Duren, F. X: Hornet " 76 21 108 14
Franklin, S.. Annablo ". 112 60
Granville, H. Saxton - " 123 55 72 11
Herrick, Calvin Stone " 34 09 136 31
Leroy, H. L Stone " 61 21 114 28
Litchfield. H. McKinney "- 124 60 174 39
Monroe, G. Smith' " 140 27 240 11
Orwell, J. Chubbuck ' "' 315 10 60 14
Pike, S. Brink " 154 99 373 56
Ridgbury, S, Van Buskirk 9 179 75 112 63
Rome, S. Murphy " 128 20 144 92
South Creek. 11. R. More " 118 92
Sheshequin,, D. B. Culver ,180
. 36 Al 3 00
Springfield, K.:Stockwell
_" 413 23 59 91
Smithfield, Adams " 241 41 250 11
Standing Stone, J. Ennei " .81 . 39 158 - 54
Towanda Um; E. - Baldwin " 554 I 3
tp., ft. H. Mace 238 88 645
Troy, G P. Freiman • ,, 499 65
Springhill,VoThotopson , !' • as 19 129 42
Ulster; L. Fuller- -" 178 90.153.59
Virnlhrini, W. Sibley " 95 13 183. 04
" 125 24 62 43
,Wyalusing, C. Flollenback`" • 13 '5B - r 3, 62'
Wyeox; 14..Strope ' " 245 27 21Q 21
Warren, W;Bowen " 283 60 83 68
$11.661 00 47310"0:
Thou marked thus-C9 hac been seillcti sinco
Tinuary,l, 18.15
Amount due on duplicates: of Cu. taxes ,,, _
for 1837.--4-40—lf , , ft: 1415
do. foi'lB42,`' .: 2011 39
do. for .1844: 5298 03
do. fur 1844, - • 1:.335 80
Ilec'd on judgt against C.; L. 'Ward; 1000 00
Bonds, judgts, deeds, &c. charged, ' 1686 58
ilwated Land Transcripts, • -. 449 83
By county orders returned $13310. 410
Commission on • do. 266 20
Amount . returned
_on duplicates of
1837-8-3 .7 40-41
do. for 1842
, .
do. for 1843
do. for 1844
On bonds, judgments, Treasurer's
and Commissioner's deeds
By callector7a per centage,
Cost of advertising ten tracts Un
seated Land,
Co. orders t outstanding Jan. I, 1844, $7797 46
do Issued in 1844 19116'20
Co. onleto returned in 1844
do. outstanding January 1,'45 . fe46366 -
We, the commissioners of said county,
IL. s.] do hereby certify the foregoing to , be a
, . . .
true statement of the receivals and ex
penditures of the 'county of Bradford for the
year 1844. Witness 'our bands and of
seals, this lid day of February, 1845.
J. TOWNER, Corato',rs.
.- , 4
Attest—J. M. WATTLES, Clerks
Towanda Bridge Company, - -
NOTICE is hereby given that.a meeting - of
the President and managers of said coin
pany 'held this 13th day of January; 1845, it
was unanimously resolved that all persons who
have commuted or may hereafter commute for
tolls, shall have the privilege of drawing coal,
stone and sand across said Bridge on their own
account without paying any additional toll
That the said company are now ready to en
ter into commutations with any persons for the
privilege of crossing the bridge from this till
the first of March 1846.
That the company continue to charge toll
but one way to all persons crossing into the
borough with produce for market but with no
right of carrying passengers. That Harry
Morgan esq., and Daniel Brink be a committee
to make out a list of names and rate of commu•
tations and report the same to the board.
By" order of the board,
C IrIBRCUR, Secretary
Towanda, January 13, 1845.
.10 00
126 00
New Blacksmithing
imotuE32 , ..ugumgassuo
THE SUBSOMBER e having formed
partnership with his brother, continues
to carry on the business at his Mother's old
stand, west side of Main street, south part of
the boTolik where he is prepared to execute
all orders for Horse-shoeing, Carriage & Coach
work and Edge Tools.
He assures the public that all work entrusted
to his care will be well done, as he has thor
oughly learned his-trade and is determined to
render satisfaction.
Towanda. 1/tcembet N), 1844.
36 80
73 20
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Hen ,
ry Wilhelm decd. late of Burlington tp.
are requested to make immediate payment, and
all those• having demands against the same are
requested to present them, legally attested, for
Burlington, Jan. 9, 1845.
"mot Sumner, Dentist, ,
wILL make his next professional visit to
Towanda early in May 1845. '
BMW CSC I 01524-
IIAviNG taken the Store no. 2, new brick
block has opened a complete assortment
of Merchandize selected with great care expess
ly for this market, which he °TEM . for sole on
the most reasonable terms. Cash, Produce,
Feathers, Furs, 4'c., 4'c., will be taken in ex.
change for goods. His stock consists of
Fordo!' & Domestic Dry Goods,
Pilot, beaver, broad and gray clotbs, assi
meres, satinet's, hard times, Linsey-woolsey,
Canton and woollen flannels, brown and blea.
shirting; sheetings and drillings; a splendid
assortment of Prints, of all prices and patterns,
book, swiss, striped and cross-bar muslin; plain
and figured laces, Irish linens, plain and fig'd
and silk warp alapacas, chameleon lustres, Aff
ghan crape; mouselin do !Rine; cable and plaid
shawls, cravats, gloves, hat riblinds, hosiery,
suspenders, &c.
Wet anti J prOcotles.
Brown, erdshett and loaf . sugart - ; teas of all
qualities ; molasses. fine cut; Virginia and stno•
king tobacco; snuff, apices, Mustard. lamp oil,
coffee, soap, starch, 4c. Also a complete as.
nortment of
• films nod Liquors.
Putt. cagnac, brandy; Holland gin, -port wine,
Crockerti 'and' Glass Ware.
Ha rdwareand Cutlery, 'cross cut and mill saws,
gjass, &c. , •
. • Boots atuf •Shoesv;.,, . • -•
Men's coarse, and fine boots; ladies' fur Teri,
plain end' figured India robbers; French
pers., buskins, children's cloth and morocco
shoes, buffalo robes, &c. .
Hats mid
Brush, silk and ftr hits . ; Olesull , leathCr.
fur..velvet . and :hair seal caps; men's white
wool and rowdy lints. 4era •
Every exertion will be mad to .please ana
slatisfy . every one who may..givc hina a calk r ,
Towanda, Dee. V.41,-1844.
- - -
.A LL PERSONS iiitioltied•to The estate eit
I* John .1.1, Smiih,,ileceasett of Springhill:
ere requested -to make immediate payment, and
all ibcwe having demands againet. the same Are
requested to present them, legally attested, fek
settlemrnt, - without Anther - delay.•
CFI4I2I.ES SNIITH, A dminiltiratiii,- '•
Sprineliilh Peeetuber 1E44
$23217 73
785 31
631 17
653 25
1871 77
732 69
5 00
` ' 523,217 -73
$17913 66