Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 29, 1845, Image 3

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    RY virtue of a writ of Fiera
of Facias issued
from the court of common pleas Brad
lord county, to me directed, kllsha 'expose to
public sale at the house of m. Briggs in the
borough of Towanda on Satu dray the first day
Of February next at one o'clock P. M. thituate'e fol.
!Coning described piece or parcel of land s
In Wysoy township bounded on the north by
isnds in the possession of V. E. Piollet, on the
ast by Alanson . Whitney, on the south by
bnds of Samuel Owen , and George Davidson,
on the west by Isaac Bull. Containing one
;unfired acres more - or less with about four
Fri Zed and taken in execution at the suit of
N7(Y . :•il)a!ding surviying paltrier of the
rn 0! ,dvcr & Spalding, Ao the use of Eliza
:l4i N'el•te vs. Jeremiah Whaling & Orrin
J. N. WESTON. Sheriff.
sheriff's Office,
md,t, January Bth, 1445. 5
. •
virtue of sunary writs:of Vend. Expo.,
trp issued from the court of common pleas
Orld!ord county to me directed, I "shall ex
- to t lutilic sale at the house of Wm. Bnggs
, 1 ; ; • : 'borough of Towanda, on Monday the
by of February next .at one o'clock P.
31.. the following described 'piece or parcel of
re d,'ituate in South Creek township and boun-
Jtj en the east by land of Samuel•retting,all,
i abth by Bingham lands, on the we by Isaac
ttells, and on the north by land of Cornelius
Containing one hundred and forty
vrLs mar t :. or less with about forty acres impro
,..]. two log houses and one framed barn there
r, with an apple orchard, with some scattering
tees thereon.
and tahen in , execution at the snit of
L. VV-61, V.!. John. Campbell Si. Stephen
5 : ,:,.f.. also Phi:o Fassett vs. John Campbell,
.11‘1 IL Potter & co, to the use of John L.
Stephen, &les & John Carmpball,
Hannah Mitchell and John L. Webb rid
of S. W. 'Mitchell ilec'd vs. John
& Stephen .stiles.—T.lie following piece or parcel of
! situate in Wysolt township bounded and
,:,1 4 7:'`ed as :follon a, on the north by lands be-,
to the estate of Elliott Whitney dec'd.,
est by lands in possession of E.R.
-7 1f,r en the soUth by lands of Robert Spa l
• on tLevast by lands lately claimed
k% nnett and other,. Containing
elred acres more or less, about eighty
improved, with a dwelling house arid barn
rckm erected.
Sdrzed and taken in ei•ecntion at: the suit of.
& Hart ws. Elijah '.l2.4lMyer
Harry Morgan adinrs. of Wm. Myer dee'd
n_ntice to Lamira Myer-widow of Wm.
Ilver, Elijah R. Myer, Hetet 'Myer. Wm. L.
..iyer,`by his guardian Robert Spalding & Ann
Elizabeth Sweet by her guardian Thomas
•weet, heirs at law of the said William Myer
ALSO—The following described piece or
.reel of land situate in Wysox township.
p;nded and described as folltres : on the north
tlie Pond hill road, and lands belonging to
estate of Win. Myer dec'd., on the west by
ials of Jacob Myer, Harry tittope and John
Owen, on the south by laiiils-of David Bars
s W. C. Green, and on the east by
muds of S. Coolbaugh, Patrick & othets.—
', , afam'ng two hundred acres more or less
about one hundred acres imphwed two
houses one hare one waggon . , house
wood shed thereon erected.
4 ,lzed :ind• taken in
,exebution at the suit of,
Welch, David Longnecker, - Wm. E.
& lluvtil Schrincr partners_ under the
f Welch, Longenecker Co. vs. Elijah
1 \Hr. & Harry Morga nadrnrs. of Witn.My
der'd".. notice to Lamira Myer widow of the
ai Wm. Myer, Elijah IL Myer, Helen Myer,
Myer by his guardian, Robeit Spul
nod . A nn• Elizabeth Sweet by her guar
. ,n TP , MaS Sweet, heirrs at law of the said
.;:i. M er. ...
i .—The following piece or parcel of
ll,' situ ite in flidgliury township thud. Co.
..::led - on the north by laud of Ira C. Hill.
tar by land in the possession of Sturges
00 - the south by land of Israel Hickey
Be: !in I 3 art and on the west by lands of
& Wynkoop.. Containing
acres or thereabouts about tlfty
i 4;•.
k ravcd with- a hewed log house a fra
barn, two to barns, two apple orchards,
other fruit trees thereon.
17.t 1 and taken in execution at the suit of
bob adinrs.olA. A . Beckwith who
•;1-`3. , 7;retl H. W .Strong, vs. Peter, Squires.
;L )—'T following piece or parcel of
.i!uate. in Granville township bounded and
on the north by Wm. Bendy, on the
hv Luther Clark, on the south by William
.Ind others and on the west by. Wm.
' , alker & M. Ayrea. Containing about
• .^-;? two acres improved.
, n e other lot in - Granville town
bwmtled north by lands of_David Coe, on
by 1 nds of Leonard Ayres, south by
Ayres, west by lands of Wm. Browrk,
- about fifty-five acres or thereabouts
fifteen acres improved with a framed
and taken in execution at the suit of
P. Ballard vs. Gilbert Ayres.
:A.ll;so—The following described piece or
of lan'd situated in Leroy towriliip boun-
It on the north by - Jacob M. Farr, on the east
- ierling Holcomb, on the south by the To
: 1 creek, on the west by Seely Holcomb,
; - ised to contain one hundred and fifty acres
4tventy, five acres improved with a log barn
'• , 3lv mill thereon.
'tizeil and taken in execution at the suit of
P-Ballard vs. Sterling Holcomb, Seely Hol
rs' 6: 'Orison Royse. •
1 L. O—A lot of land situate in Leroy tp.
•. :: ,, :eil:on the north by lands ofJohn Vaughn,
:e west by lands of Stfrling s Holcomb, on
°'3uth by Towanda creek, east by lands of
;'i Holcomb. Containing two hundred
't be the' same more or less, with a framed
•E', tsood shed, corn house and three-framed
1 a large apple orchard thereon with
hundred acres Unproved.
and taken in execution at the suit of
lard vs. Sterling HCilponah, Seely Hol-
Orrison Royse.
)—The following piece - Or piece or par
land bounded on the north by William
Ist by Roswell Dunbar, south by . L.&
on the west by estate of Almond Her
!. Containing eighty seven acres or,
its with about five acres improved, log
d- frame of log barn thereon. erected
Troy township.
and taken in execution at the suit of
Hard vs. William Bentley.
1 -- I The following described hit of land
in Troy township bounded on the north
rell Dunbar, on the east by William
i the south by J. M. Scott, on the west
Ross. Containing about fifty acres
Ait twenty five acres improved with a
Ise and few apple trees thereon.
i and taken in execution at the suit of
iallard %r. Zina L. Scott.
e li
ALSO—The folliiiwing lot of land baunded
and described on the well by land Of Henry
Hoyt, on the north and east by land of Francis
.Smead; on the south by the highway. Con
taining one and a half acres all improved with
a framed house and horse barn thereon - erected,
in Troy township.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
O.P. Ballard vs Charles King.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in
Ulster township and bounded ctri the north by
land of Andrew King, on the east by-land of
Patrick Higgins, south by T, Ransom, west by
land of Newman Colvin. Containing about
fifty acres more or less with about six acres
thereof improved and a log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Jones & J. : ohnson vs.l-lenry Coffin.
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in Towanda hero. boun
ded and described on the north by .Col. Hiram
Mis. on the east by David Cash, on the south
by a street leading from -main street to the Sus
quelannah river, on the west by land of Col.
Hiram Mix, of-an acre more or less with a
framed dwelling house thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
John Hibber vs. Joseph C. Powell & Percival
ALSO—The following described lot of land
situate in Rid;bury township bounded on the
north by lands of George Cooper & Wilcox,
on the west by Campbell, on the north by
Luke N. Pitts and Alex. Bow, on the east by
Isaac Fuller, Luke N. Pitts, and Wm. Covill.
Containing about one hundred acres be the
same more or less with fifteen improved with a
log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Leonard Pierce vs. John C. Fuller & Royal
Fuller. •
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in Springhill township and boun
ded as follows: beginning at John Ford's N
E corner, thence running south 833. E 13,. p.,
thence N 20 E 42 p. to an oak, thence N 70
E 100 p. too stake and stones, thence south 20 .
west 100 p. to an oak, thence south 70 west
100 p, to John Ford's land, thence along said
Ford's land 54 p. to the place of beginning.—
Containing sixty four acres 134 p. all impro
yed with a dwelling house, barn and other out
buildings and a good orchard thereon being part
of a tract of land m the warrantee name of W.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Mercur vs. Thomas Morley, John Mor
, ley & D. P. Lacy.
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in the borough of Athens
bounded and described,on the north by land of
William Kill, east by tte public h'rghway, south
by lane of Nathaniel Clapp, and west by land
of E. Perkins. Containing one acre more or
less with a large tavern house, two framed barns
and other out buildings thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Motes Sawyer now to the use of H. Williston
Jr. vs. C. S. Park St N. C. Harris.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel
of land situate in South Creek township
and. bounded on the north by John Ban
ning, on the east by Wm. Hitcher and
White. on the south by the public road,
and on the west by Hiram Semple.—
Containing Ilfey acres about fifteen acres
improved a log house and a log barn and
a small apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit. of Levi Godard vs. Daniel Stevens.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land sit
uated in Burlington township bounded
.on the north by land in possession of
Samuel Snore, on the west by land' of
Henry -Strope, and Thomas Waters and
on the the south and cast by land of C.
1,. Ward (c.:. J. F. Means. Containing
about eighty acres more or less,-about
thirty arces improved with a framed
house and the frame of a barn thereon
erected and a small orchard thereon'
Seized and taken in execution at the
snit of S. S. Ar M. Bailey to 'the use of
Jeduthan Simons t.s. Alfred Strope.
ALSO—Ille following property situ
ate in 13urlington township, one equal
half part of a saw mill and its privileges
situate upon Bailey Vim.
Seized and taken in' exeCution at the
silt of S. S. 6.; M. Bailey to the use of
Jeduthan Simons vs. Wm. McNeal.
ALSO—A lot of land in Leroy town-
Ship, bounded on the west by P Turner,
north by Jonathan Underwood, east by
Joseph L Bailey and Joseph Bush, south
by lands owned by Henry Smith. Con
taining 57 acres, with about 30 acres im
proved, a framed barn and log house,
thereon, with•2s apple trees.
Seized and taken in execution at the.
suit of P 11 & W II Titus vs II Smith.
ALSO—A lot of land in Springfield
bounded north by lands of Alonzo Sher
man, eastly land of Jere Adams, south
by - land owned by the Bank of N. Ame
rica, and west by land of E. Dickinson ;
Containing about 48 acres; abont 20 acres
improved. with a log-house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at 'the
suit of Chas. Drake vs. Henry L. Ross.
• ALSO—A piece of land in Ulster tp.,
bounded north by lands of Udall Shaw,
west by the public highway, south by D
Waltman, and east by Jared Holcomb ;
Containing one half acre, more or less,
all improved, with a framed house.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of John F. Means, to the use of G
Fox, vs Horatio Black. •
ALSO—Apiece of land in-Fradklin
tp., bounded north by Daul Cokely'and
0 \V Dod g e jr., east by Wm Deemer,
west by Nl4 Dodge, south by the To
wanda creek : Containing 134 acres, &
about 40 acres improved, a saw-mill, log
house and shed thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at •the
suit of Mason & Smith; to the use of J.
T. Kirtpatrick, vs Dan'l L Dodge.
ALSO—A lot of land in Armenia tp.,
south by land of ‘Vebber and Monroe,
West by A. Crandall'and Webber, north
by the highway, east by. N P Case ; Con
taining 62 acres, 10 improved, a small
framed house thereon erected.
. Seized -and taken in execution at the
suit of Charles Drake vs Luther S Potter.
ALSO—A piece of land in Franklin
tp, beginning at a hemlock south east cor
ner of lot No 203 on warrant lot No 1686
on the south line of said warrant, Aherne
north 142 1-10 perches to hemlock N E
corner *of Said lot No 203, thepce east 10
perches 'to the E corner of John Ma
_tier's lot, thence north 142 perches to N
E corner ,of said Matier'slot, thence east
101 'perches to a post in a , small creek,
thence 264 5-l0 perchesto a post
on the south side of said warrant lot, and
thence south 80° west on said_ warrant
line 112 7-10 porches to the beginning ;
ContatninglBl acres, 67 perches, strict
measure, it being part of 194, and the
whole of No. 204.
Seized and taken- in execution at the
suit of R. M'Kee vs Dau'l D Fairchild.
ALSO—One equal undivided half part
of the foll Owing described piece or parcel
of land in South Greek tp, bounded north
by lands of •Cornelius Haight, east by
lands of Samuel Pettmgill, and south by
Bingham lands (or lands of Bingham) &
west by lands of , Isaac Wells ; Contain
laining 140 acres, be the same more or
less, With about 40 acres improved, with
2 log houses and 1 framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of John L Webb vs Stephen Stiles.
ALSO—A piece of land in Leroy tp,
bounded south and east by Sterling Hol
comb, north by Osden Streeter, east by
Hugh Holcomb ; Containing 171 acres,
with a framed house, framed and black
smith shop thereon erected, with abou
five acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of P II & W II Titus vs 11. Smith.
ALSO—A piece of land:in Troy tp.,
bounded north by. the highway, east by
lands of F Orwan, south by•lands of V
M Long, and west by lands of Danl Dob
bins ; Containing one acre and filly-three
perches, he the same more or less, with
a framed dwelling Louse thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of Stephen Pierce vs Chas Colony.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in
Troy tp., bounded north by land of E.
Loomis, east by Jesse Beach, on the
south by Noah Leonard, and on the west
by Robert Claillin. Containing about
150 acres, more or less, with about sixty
acres improved, with a framed house &
framed barn and saw-niitrtiOeon. Also
a large orchard thercon."-------,
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of Wm. Vroman vs. Beriah Pratt
and Allen 11Pliean.
ALSO—A pieceiof land in Granville
township, bounded; north by Hawley's
land, east by Geo. Merrill, south by J.
Taylor, and west by Eber Swain. Con
taining 50 acre t, one: acre improved, with
plank house thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of Charles brake vs. Thos. Pratt.
ALSO—A lot of land in Leroy town
ship, bounded on the east by N. Bullock,
south by Barclay lands, west by Justin
Wooster, on tl.e east by the highway
running up and down Towanda creek.
Containing 40 acres with three acres im
proved, with a log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of P. 11. & W. 11. 'Fiats vs. Hobart
K- Holcomb. •
ALSO—The following property situ
ate in NVvsox, bounded east by lands of
Shepard 'Pierce, south by lands of Luke
Strickland, west by lands of S. Strick
land and north by lands of Anlahon.—
Containing 70 acres, more nr less, all
improved, with 2 framed dwelling holt
' s-cs and 2 framed barns thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution
! of V. E. Piollet, to the use of B. F.
Hedges vs. Cornelius„Coolbaugh.
ALSO—A lot of land in Canton tp.,
bounded south by lands of Andrew Ta
ber; west by B. Norris' lands and J.Glea
son, morth by Gen. Bingham, east by Z.
Thomas. Coritaining . 70 acres, S acres
improved, with two log houses thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of Samuel Moore vs. Thos.W. Ran
dall and John McNaught.
ALSO—A piece of land in Wyalusing
township, bounded north by land of C.
Hornet, east by land of James Vanuken,
south by land of John_
- Donley and Barter
Badger, and west by land of John Huff.
Containing 45 acres or thereabouts, 10
acres improved, with 'a
framed house, &
one slab shed thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of 11. M'Kinney' vs. Josiah Nurse
and Solomon Nurse, terrc tenants.
ALSO—A. tract of land in Athens tp..
bounded north by the N. Y. & Pa. state
line & Luther Stone, east by lands in pos
session of Overton& Co., south by lands
of Job Fhepard and,O. B. Spring and the
Shakenberger latu the west by land of
Thomas Wilcox. Containing 59 acres.
more or less, all improved; with a small
house and shed thereon erected, subject
to the right of overflowing a part thereof
by the owner of the mills formerly of
Overton, Jenkins & Co. as there is now
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of Wm. H. Overton to the use of E.
Overton vs. John C. and Chas. Jenkins.
ALSO—A lot Oland in Troy village,
bounded north and west by land of 0.
P. Ballard, cast by lands of B. Shattuck,
south by tide highwagt Containing a
fourth of an acre, all improved with a
framed house thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of Taylor. Long & Thomas, to use
of Willi,"Brothers vs. L.. 1. Bradtbrd.
ALSO—A - parcel iifland in Otwel tp,
bounded on, the north by John Lyons &
John Wages, east by lands formerly
owned by Wm., B. Robinson, south
. by
Theron Vance, on the west. by Jeremiah
Allen. Containing 60 or 70 acres, about
ten acres chopped, one log house. •
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of Ann t. Bull. executrix of James
P. Bull, deed., vs. David Beers.
ALSO—AII that farm in Herrick tp.,
bounded north by buds of Edwd Over-
tou, yest d - by lots
_of land. surveyed .01-Is
rael Bishop:and-John
.Bishop, south by
Earl C. Auitin7s,lot and east; bp' land, of
'Timothy Oogghis and Isaac' Baibei;..—
Containing fifty acres, 'more or less, the
same having . a small- framed house and
framed,barn thereon; :and abotif 30 acres
of land : irniiroved.
Seized .auti at the
Olt of Edwd Overton v's. Jesse UarntUrt.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ. of Levari
Facias, a tract of land in • Wells tovin-
ship, beginning at a Halewood tree 'which
is the south-west corner of lottery num
ber 121, thence along the same 41° - east
502 perches . to a post, on the York line;
thence along the sate south 87° east 357
5-10 perches to a stone corner; thence
by lands of Stephen Garner south 41°
west 2071 perches to a beech corner ;
thence along the same south 87:1° east to
a hemlock on the line of Johnson &
fin 170 perches ; thence along the sate
south 35 perches to a hemlock ;' thence
by laud of Joseph, Tewit west 65 perch
es to a beech, thence east 65 perches 'to
the line of Johnson & Mifflin, thence
along the same sohtlr'3s perches. to a
stake ; thence west 1 s'4 perch. to a,stake
and stones; thence south 4° west :20
perclies,to a post. thence west 287 per.
to a hemlock, theitce north 361° west to
the place of beginning. Containing 1350
acres, with about 30 or 35 acres improv
ed, one small plank house and one small
framed barn•and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in executirn at the
suit of Henry Johnson, vs. Whittington
Sayre, Win. M. Sayre and W.J. Sayre.
ALSO--:A tract of land in Granville
tp., beginning at a post on the west side
of William Bunyan's land, thence north
COB' 4 l west 174 perches to a post; thence
south 1.1-° %test 158 5-10 perches to. a
post; thence south 88 3-10° cast 174
perches to a beech ; thence north Ij°
east 158 5-10 perches to the place of be
ginning. Containing 162 acres and 103
perches, with about ten acres , improved,
with a.log house thereon erected.
Seized and taken iii execution at the
suit of Calvin Vandusen vs. Geo. Mor
ris, and Amelia, his wire.
ALSO—A tract of land in Monroe tp.
beginning at a certain corner on the south
side of Towanda creek, thence south 31'
east 171 perches to a post and stones;
thence north SO' west 202 perches to the
hank of said Towanda creek, and thence
down the south bank of said creek, the
several courses thereof to ,the place uf be
ginning. Containing .about 100 acres,
about 80 acres imprOved, with 3 dWel
ling houses, one grist mill, one sawntill,
two barns and other out-houses, and one
orchard thereon. -
Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of Nathaniel N. Betts, who survived
John M. Means, co-executor of the last
will and testament of Wm. Means, de'd.
vs. Ueorge H. Bull and A. L. Cranrner
adMinistrators of the estate of Jacob Ar
non t, dee'd., and Sylvester White; tet re
ALSO—By virtue of writs of Lc. Fa. a eel . -
trin tract of land either] Cato, surveyed to Geo.
Castator, situate in Bradford County, begin
ning at a hemlock sapling, thence by land of I
Peter Hampton north 61° west 160 perches to
a post, Mance by land of Jonathan Hamptim
south 29°'west 424 perches to a post, thence
by land of Henry Hardy and Stephen Hollings
worth south 61° east 160 perches to a post, and
thence by land of Joseph Castator north 29°
east 424 perches to the beginning. Containing
400 acres and allowance.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called Fair
field, surveyed to Peter Seely, situate on the
waters of Towanda creek, Bradford county, be
ginning at a post, thence by land of tenathan
Ilainptori north 29° east 424 perches t a sugar
sapling, thence by lands of Nathan Haga north
61° west 160 porches to a !,ost, theme by land
of Andrew Siddons south 29° west 424 perches
to a post, and thence by land of Joshua Cooley
and Henry Hardie south 61° east 160 perches
to the beginning. Containing 400 acres, and
ALSO—A certain tract of land called Ca
pod, surveyed to Joshua Cooley, situate on the
waters of Towanda creek, Bradford county, be
ginning at a post, thence by land of Peter See
ly, Andrew Siddons and George Siddons north
61° west 320 perches to a post, thence by land
of Paul Moore south 29° west 212 perches to a
birch, thence by old surveys south Gl° east 320
perches to a sugar tree, and thence by land of
Henry Hardy north 29° east 212 perches to
the beginning. Containing 400 acres and al-
' vet O—A tract of land called Derry, stir
te Henry Hardy, situate in Bradford cia.•
beginning at a post, thence by land of George
Castator, Jonathan Hampton and Peter Seely,
north 61° west 320 perches to a post, by land
of Joshua Cooley, south 29° west 212 perches
to a sugar tree, thence by old surveys south 61
degrees east 320 perches to a post, and thence
by land of Stephen Hollingsworth north 29°
east 212 perches to, the beginning. Containing t
400 acres and allowance.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called Cy-
press surveyed to Peter Hampton situate on the
waters of Towanda creek Bradford co. begin
ning 'at a hemlock sapling; thence by land of
Jonathan North twenty nine degrees east four
perches to a post; thence by land of Jas. Lad
ley north sixty one degrees west one hundred
and sixty perches to a post; thence by land of
Samuel Hagn [south twenty nine degrees -west
four hundred and twenty four perches to a post,
and thence by land of George Castatur south
sixty one' degrees east one hundred and sixty
perches to the beginning. Containing four
hundred acres and allowance.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called Dry
den, situate on the waters of Towanda creek
in Bradford Eco:, beginning at a sugar sapling.
thence by land of Peter Seeley south 29° west
424 p. to a post; thence by land of Henry Har
dy south 61° cast 160 p. to a post; thence by
land of George Castator north 29° east 424 p.
to a post; and thence by land of Samuel Haga
north 61 ° west 160 p:to the beginning. Con
taining four hundred acres and allowance.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
• Abraham B. Shaw assignee of Robert Bird,
Clements S. Miller and Jacob Snider jr. as
slghees in trust Of the estate of John Vaughn
vs. Nathan Smith.
J. N. IVESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, ,
Towanda, Jannary 8, 18-15..( „ '
Of the;ialuj . of 001 and personal property in BntiWard . dOtinty as ieturnid bitheAsessora
'of the iever, and liorooghp, in the fall of A. D. 1844, for thesent 1845.
l'ownships and Boroughs
Athens Borough,
Athens TOwnship,
Asylum, -
Springfield i
South Creek, A ;
Standing Stone,
Towanda boro.,
Towanda tp.,
'l'ro, ' 128637
Ulster, 55188
Wys - ox, 74444
Wells, 29711
Warren, - 79570
Windham. 35121
Wyalusing, 71955
We the commissioners-of said county do hereby certify the aboio to be a corral, state.
[L. a.] ment, according to the retnms made by the assessors of the several toirnships and bo
' rough's in the said county of all taxable property for county and state purposes. And
we hereby give notice that the board of revision of said county will meet at the - commissioncis
office in the Borough of Towanda on Thursday the 30th day of January inst., and continue in
session until Saturday the let day of February 1845 to correct and equalize the above valuation.
Witness our hands and seal of office at Towanda this 14th day of Jannary, A. D. 1845.
JOSEPH TOWN E 11 , 1? Cocarni&x:uncr.s.
Administrator's Sale.
TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
'Court of Bradford county, there will 'be ex •
posed to to public sale at the house of J. P.
Smith in Monroeton, a'. two o'clock in the af
ternoon on Tuesday the 4th of Februa
ry next, the following tract of land belong
ing to the' estate of Jacob Arnot, situate in
Monroe tp., and bounded on the north by lands
Of George 'Tracy and Timothy Aldens, on the
cast by lands of Jacob Summers, on the south
by lands of Noah Cranmer, and on the west
by lands of Jacob Arnot, deeded in his life time
to H. S. :Salsbury, and land of Elcazor Sweet.
Containing about- one hundred and eight acres.
G. IL BULL? Adminers of the
A. L. CRANMER cestate ofJ.Arnot.
Monroe, Jan. 4, 1845.
Jesse Koss guardian of Lord -) In the
Hancock, Elizabeth Hancock, Je- v i Orphans' r
rushy Hancock, Henry Hancock, Court of
John Hancock & Mary Hancock....) Brad. Co.
NHE undersigned having been appointed
by the Orphans' Court of Bradford
County, an Auditor to ascertain and report in
this case w;t11 attend for that purpose at the
Court House in the borough of Towanda on
the 30th day of January inst., at 1 o'clock. P.
M., of which persons and parties in ten'soni arc
herebs notified. H. BULLOCK, .1 tul; tor.
Towanda, Jan. 2, 18,15..
ALI. persons indebted to the estate of Hit—
ry Wilhelm deed. late of Burling.tun t r .
are requested to make immediate payment, and
ail those halving demands against the same arc
requested to present them,degally attested, fur
:Burlington, Jan. S, 1545.
Doctor Sumner, Dentist,
VV ll 4, L ow m a a n k d e a rt e iv l 7 n t p 7s t i o i f v es i s s iot i i;,i , I ‘hit to
New Blacksmithing
7 11 4 `ZS=- nrSYI 7 : 79
Tilt SUBSCRIBER, having for.:iled
partnership with his brother, continues
to carry on the business at e his ht other's old
stand, west side of Alain sheet, south part of
the borough, where he is prepared to execute
all orders for Horse-shoeing, Carriage & Coach
work and Edge Tools.
He assures the public that all work entrusted
to his care will he well done, us he has thor
oughly learned his trade and is determined to
render satisfaction. -
Tovvandil. 11ccember 30, 1844
ALL PERSONS-indebted to the estate of
John 11. Smith, deceased, of Springhill,
are requested to bake immediate payment, and
all those haying demands against the same are
requested to present them, legally attested, - for
settlement, without further delay.
CHARLES SMITH, Administrator.
Springhill, December 16, 1849.
= Ya. wam
A D. MOSTAN YE has removed his
„, Drug Store to the third doted heloW J.
D. 4.• E. D. Montanye's store, Main street
where you will at all times fi nd a good assort
ment of - Drugs LS• Medicines.
Nov. 25, 15415.
A N Y quantity if good kind of Woolen
Socks taken in exchange for goods at the
stare of 0. D. BARTLETT
Toivanill.l Nov. 23, 18444 •
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Da- iII'IMPS, Linen Laces, Zephyr Worsted.
vid M. Ctiok deceased. late of Athens tp.
‘llll - Working Canvass, Cambrics, Gloves,
Gitigharns, Fringes, Cords, Lawns,. Ribbons,
are requested'lo make immediate paymenteanp
etc., for the ladies, at MIX 4- EONS,
all, those having demands against the same are
requesyd' to present them, legally attested, for 90033 I'DS. MEETINGS:And
4 SHUMNO, HI - ached and
• 0. R. TYLER, Administrator
Towanda, November 18, 1844._ .
, .
unbleached, at prices so exceedingly low as to
_ • ' make it an ohject,for.persons twexatuitte quali ;
OATS, wanted at this office, tie 4 Ilefo• - e tuircitatting elsewhere; at
‘,) on account. Ynvls, )ll\ .S SOiNi:3,
et, F
= --
7: V
:.. t .
- E -a
V 3 • •
1 0 .
OHL -11 E: az 1 mr
HAVING taken the Store no. 2, new brick
block has opened a complete assortment
of Merchandizo selected with great carC expess
ly for this market, which he otl1•rs for sale on
the most reasonable terms. Cash, Prodirce,
Feathers, Furs, 4.c.. 4-c., will be taken ih
change for goofs. His stock consists of
Foreign Domestic, Dry Goods.
Pilot, heaver s broad and gray cloths, cassi
mares, satinetts„ hard times, linsey-woolsey,
Canton and kvo,illen flannels, brown and blca.
shirtings, sly:Clings and drillings; a splendid
assortment of Prints, of all prices and patterns,
book, swiss, sniped and cross-bar muslins, plain
and th.lured laces, Irish linens, plaid and 110
Mid silk warp alapaeas, chameleon lustre,, All
ghan crapes, oouselin de laines, cable and plaid
shawls, cravats, gloves, hat'ribands,
suspenders, &c. •
Ira and Dry Groceries.
Brown, crushed and loaf sugars; teas of
qualities; molasses. fine cut, Virginia and snic
king tobac - cu snuff, spices, mustard. lahip..Ml,
coffee, soap, starch, 4-c. Also a complete as
sortment of ,
Pure engniac brandy, Holland gin, port wine,
whiskey . ' •
Croclary and Glass Warr.
Hardware and Cutlery, cross cut and frill saws
nails, glass, &c. •
F Men's coarse and fine boots; Indies' furred,
plain and figured iniia rabbets ; French slip
pers, 'buskins, children's cloth and inorocc,i
shoes, buffalo robes, &e.
Hats and caps.
Bru.h, silk and fur hats; Ole Bull, leather.
fur, velvet and hair seal caps; men's white
wool and rowdy hats., &c.
Every exertion will he made to please arul
satisfy every one who msy give him a 'tall
Towanda, Dec. 2d, 1844.
AT 111 MIX St SONS',
111X,T HO are just receiving direct from Ncw-
York City, a general assortment of
%%birch will positively be sold cheap for cash of
ready pay !
The public are respectfully invited to call
and examine - our stock for dientselves.
Towanda, November 8, 1844.
- -
11 4 11:11111Eit taken iu payment r fur goods at
ant ARPETINGS and Oil Glottis, beautiful
TILI patterns, at low prices, at
N0v..15. 11. MIX 4\SONS.
200 PS. NEW PRINTS, just recd
and fur sale at extremely low pri-
ePs. AI
EPACCAS, M. de Laines,
..t9lL:silks and Velvets, beautiful articles for
Ladies' dresses, by MIX 4- SONS.
Iir 4i ADIES' SHAWLS, silk and wool Cra
ig vats, velvet and silk of every deseription,
at the lovr-priced store of - MIX SOI S,
- - • """" "tn
0 3"*
•ei ta • - -
. . ,
-ett 4 ts:.i. •
ce - r. ,1
tn. 0. 0 = O .°••••
E - V
; S•
$17845 $82733
5650 • 198837
790 54586
100 - 18787
615 • 42034
290 . 105170
2040 _ 78095
.290 , 79788
75 . - 46010
375 . 21585
140 40881
365 37728
430 . 7224 N
50 '32007
1785 . - 96091
a r :r2W e#(0; I Cag
Prints and Liquiprs.
Boats and Shoes.