r.c4i%4litso,_ . z Roma . Homeoby joys are passing timely.— Joys no stranger begirt con tell." , - What a charm rests upon theindear ing name—my hothe I consecrated by domestic love—that golden key of earthly happiness ! Without this, home would be like's temple stripped of its garlands • there a father welcomes with loud aff ection; a brother's kind sym pathies comfort in the hour of distress, and assist in every trial; there a pious mother first '.taught the infant lips to• lisp the name ofJesus ; and there a loved sister dwells, the companion of early days. Truly, if there is aught that is lovely here below, it is home—sweet home ! It is like the oasis of the desert. The passing of our days may be painful— / our path may be ch ckered with sor -row and care—unk . 'loess and frowns may wither the jojusness of the heart, efface the happy s ilea from the brow, and bedew life's way with tears,—yet, when the memory hovers over the past, there is no place upon which it delights to linger, as the loved scenes of child hood's home ! It is the polar star of existence. What cheers the mariner far away from his native land in a for eign port ? or tossed upon the bound ing billo ws , .as he paces the deck at midnight alone, what thoughts fill his breast? He is thinking of the loved ones far away at his own happy cot tage, in his mind's eye he sees the smiling group seated around the cheer ful fireside. In imagination he hears them uniting their voices in singing the sweet songs which he loves. He is anticipating the hour when he shall re turn to his native land, to greet those absent ones, so dear to his heart. Why rests that deep shade of sad ness upon the, stranger's brow as he seats himself amid the family circle! He is surrounded by all the luxuries that wealth can afford; happy faces gathei around him, and strive in vain to win a smile. Ah I he is thinking of his own sweet home, of the loved ones assembled within his own cheerful cot. Why those tears which steal down the cheeks of that young and lovely girl, as she mingles in the social circle ? Ah 1 she is an orphan ; she, too, had a happy home ; but that house is now foritakert and desolate ; its loved ones are now sleeping in the cold and silent tomb. The gentle mother who watch ed over her infaney, and hushed her to sleep with a lullaby, which a mother only can sing; who in girlhood days taught her of the' Savior, and turned her youthful voice to sing praises to his name,—has gone to the mansions of joy above, and is mingling her songs, and turning her golden harp with bright angels in Heaven. Poor one ! She is now left to tread the thorny path of life, a lonely, homeless wanderer. Thus it is in this changing world.— The objects most dear are snatched away. We are deprived of the friends whom most we love, and and our cherished home is rendered drear and desolate. .6 Passing away " is engra ver', on all things earthly. But there is a home that knows net, changes, where separations never take place. where the sorrowing ones of this world may ob tain relief for alt their griefs, and where the sighs and tears of earth are exchang ed for unending songs of That home is found in . Heaven. In the shadowy past. there is one sweet reminiscence which the storms of life can never wither ; it is the re collection of home—of childhood's home. In the visioned future, there is one bright slat whose lustre never fades; it is the hope - of home—of a heavenly home.—Musical Visitor. My First Order. A young man commenced trying to obtain a livelihood by what is called canvassing for a bookseller. viz : call ing at houses. with specimens of first numbers of periodicals, &c., and soli citing orders. On pulling a bell for about the third time in his life on this business, a portly military looking per sonage appeared as quick as if he had been tied to the other end of the bell wire, and demanded what he wanted. The danvasser proceeded with some diffidence to explain his errand, when the gentleman rather petulantly asked, Pray, have you ever been in the ar. my i The answer was Yes sir, for .a 81141 time." , 0 Let me see you right about face then." This mama vre accomplished. brought the front part of the young tradesman's person oppo- Alta the yard gate, when the military looking gentleman bawls out in a voice - of thunder, "Quick march—out of the ward, for nobody wants you here."— The halls ffrighted canvasser, of eau rae. immediately complied, and on gaining the outside of the palisades, cooly took out his order book, and frisking a snow of writing, replied. "t h ank you sir, I'll book this as my first order." `-- To-DAY AND To-Alosmow.—The teat `tif husbandry, depend upon it is to sift the corn from the chaff, to sep arate the gold from the dross, in - the portion of time that ill allotted to ne,and not to mingle thiisorrow with the en? joyment of 10-day. " I feel lazy to "work." said a loafer. sod. halve no time to play: J think I'll go to bed-nod !plivenittiffer ence." I I Wedding lide. Horses; were: scarce at the first settle ment of thin country. it - is not recard-, ed that they were introduced, into the Plymouth,Colony until about twenty ' years after the landing ofthe.rilgrims ; but the young folks would hive • their ride notwithstanding: When John Alden was married- 4 -and John Alden was a great man in this day, a worship ful magistrate - and counsellor withal, and a great favorite with the ladies, in somuch that he madelnothing at all of cutting out the ren owned . Captain Stand ich, who cut down the Indians. like . stubble—when John Alden was mar there was a great carrying .on about Cape Cod, where he' wooed and won the Captain's intended / Miss Pris cilla "Mullenk, the great belle of the Cape and Colony. He was determin ed to do the thing in style, as became a gentleman, so he put a ring on his bull's nose, covered his back with,a piece of broad cloth, mounted and rode to the wedding. Miss Priscilla might well be proud of such a husband ; and to prove-herself worthy of him, she reso lutely mounted the bull at the moving home, and amhled along without fear, wile her gallant spouse led him by the nose, and walked proudly by the side of his valuables. The gentleman who lend, and the lady who rode, were the ancestors of some of the first families in the country, including members of heads of colleges, and to Presidents of the United States.—Exeter News. The flock of Louden. The Cathedral at Lunden,in Sweden, is a magnificent structure, and has a very lofty spire, which serves as a mark for , sailors, being seen at a con siderable distance. The altar of this church is a beautiful piece of work ; but what most engages the attention of strangers is, its curious clock, which, from the_number of its movements and fingers, may vie with Lyons and Stras burg.: Every hourtwo horsemen come out and encounter, and a door opens which discovers the _Virgin Mary sit ting on a throne pith her divine infant in her arms, and the magi, with her retinue, marching in order, and presen ting their gifts, two trumpets sounding all the time of the procession. The clock, besides the hour, shows the month and day. and every festival throughout the year.—Smith's Won ders. SHOOTING BY ACCIDENT." Plaise your lordship's honor and glory," re replied Tim, I shot the hare by hac cident." By accident ?" aaid his lordship 4 , By haccident," repeated Tim ; 1 was firing at a bush, and the baste ran across my aim, all of his own accord." • The game-keeper tells a different story," replied his lordship. • Oc h ! don't put faith in what that man says," replied Tim, as he never cares cares about speaking the truth any how. Re tould me t'other day, yer lordship was not so fit to fill the chair of justice .as a jackass !" Ay, indeed ! and what did you say ?" • Plaise yer lordship, I said yer lord ship was:" REAL GENTLEMEN—He never dres ses in the extreme fashion, but avoids singularity in his person or habits. He is affable with his equals. and pleasant and attentive to his inferior. In conversation, he avoids tasty, ill tempered, or insulting remarks. He pays punctually for his newspa per. He never pries into anothers' affairs. Ileoletests eaves dropping as among the most disgraceful of crimes. lie never slanders on acquaintance. He never, under any circumstances, will speak ill of a woman. He never cuts an an acqnaintaince, who has met with a reverse of fortune ; and Ho always pays the postage on hie letters of business. A Foactip.r. ZAROLMENT......." Gentle men of thijury,". said a hoosier law yer, addressing a real shelfbark jury, " I say that ere magnanimous sun shines in the heavens though you can't see it, kale it's behind a cloud ; but you know it, though I can't .prove it; so my client, who rises airfy and hunts coons like an honest man, has a good case, though he cant prove it. Now if you believe what I tell you about the yon are bound by your bible oaths to believe what I tell you about my client's case—and if you don't then you call me i liar. and that I'll be squatawe'd if I'll stand it anyhow ; so if you don't want lo swear false, and have no trou ble, you'd better give us our case." - A BRIGHT 11.1.u9tcns.—A bachelor in Pittsburg, 'Picked up a thimble.—lle stood for some moments meditating on the probable beauty of the owner, when he pressed it to his lips and exclaimed ; Oh. that yen were the bright lip of the owner!" Just as he had finished. a big wench looked...put of an upper win. dow and sai/I: Hoss, list please to frow that are now of _mine in the entry ; I jist now drapt it. o The bachelor is said to have drop'd it, also. ' • Twa.Lormos Tune a hot Tory.pa perotaye :that Gen. 'l:whorl's life has neither been useful or ornamental." The . Columbianl Register thinks. how.. -ern. the Times will admit itis " illus• toted by cuts," as at New Orleans ! GREAT ATTRACTION ..,,At:Ao.j,-.Tkie‘,k..-.4ow,':' . . lin 04 WAD .6 Woo • RECENTLY FROM ELMIRA; are now , "receiving and °tailing a splendid' assort meat of Drrigs,Medicinei, Paints; Oil. ii Dye Stufs, & in.addition's full and complete assort- meat of FAMILY- GROCERIES. ~The stock consisting in part of the &Bowing: MEDICINES, ikc. Alum Macassar Oil " Alcohol Mace Aloes Magnesia Annatto do calcined 0.. Antimony Manna Arrow Root - Mustard seed Arsenio do ground Aqua Fortis ' Nursing Bottles do Ammon. Nutgalls Bottles, assorted Nutmegs Bear's Oil Oil, Fall, Winter and British Oil Summer strained Blue Vitriol Sp.rm, bleached, Borax wht. and natural Bark Peruv. pulv. do Linseed Bath Brick do Camphine Balsam Copaiva do Sweet Burgundy Pitch Oil Vitro!' Camphor do Wintergreen - Calomel - do Peppermint Caraway Seeds do Aniseed Cantharides do Lavender Carb.Ammon. Opodeldoc Cayenne Pepper Paregoric Chamomile Flowers Pearl Barley Cinnamon Pepper Sauce Cloves Perfumery Court Plaster P ill Boxes Copperas' ' ink Root Confectionary , Prussiate Potash Corks, of all kinds Quicksilver Cream Tartar Rhubarb, rt. & powdr. Curcuma Roll Brimstone Cubebs Red Chalk Emery, ass'd from No. Red Precipitate I to 6 Saffron, American and Epsom Salts Spanish Essence Bergamot Sand Paper do Lemon Sal. Ammoniac do Peppermint do Glauber do and Oil Spruce Saltpetre Flor.Sulphur Sarsaparilla do Benzoni do syrup Glue, of all kinds Sealing Wax Gold Leaf Senna Gum Opium Shaker's Herbs do Arabic Sponge, coarse & fine do Copal Starch do Assafcetida Snuff, Maccaboy do Myrrh do Scotch do Tragacanth do Cephalic Harlem eil Soap, Castile Hiera Piers do Shaving Indigo, Spanish, float do Windsor do Bengal Spermaceti Ink Powders Spts. Hartshorn Ink, in bottles ' - do Nit. Dulc. do Indellible Sugar Lead Irish Moss Sup. Carb. Soda Isinglass Sulph.Quinine Itch Ointment Syringes, assorted Ivory Black Tart.Actd Jalap Tenter Hooks Laudanum Vials, assorted Liquorice Root Valerian Root . do Ball - Wafers Lunar Caustic White and Red Tartar P.IINTS. Black Lead Putty Cassia Paris White . Chalk Spanish Blown Chrome Yellow French Green do Green Elpt.Turpentine Copal Varnish Rosin ( Coach do Venetian Red Lead, White, dry and Verdigris Lead, Red (in OilVennillion Lamp Black Whiting Litharage Yellow Ochre Dl'E-STUFFS. Caniwood Cochineal Est. Logwood Fatale , Grain Tin Hatcbwood Lac Dye Logwood Red Wood Nicaragua Madder Muriate Tin Oxalic Acid Prussian Blue Pumice Red Saunders! Rotten Stone P.IITENT MEDICINES. The great English re-Pills, Oriental medy, Buchan's Hun- do Dr. Poses garian Balsam of Life do Hooper's Sands Sarsaparilla do Moffat's Bristol's Ext. do do Persian Wistar's Balm= Wild A► Brandreth's Cherry do Phinney Pectoral Honey of Lt- do Lee's verwort Godfrey's cordial Cheeseman's Arabian Thompson's Eyewater Balsam GROtTERIES. . Tea St'm ref Family Soap Coffee Sperm Candles Sugar Chemical Wax do Spice and Pepper Tobacco and Snuff Starch Sal /Emma Raisins Pipes Soda Crackers• Brooms Cinnamon Pails English Currants Ropes Nutmegs Refined Loaf Sugar Ginger - Cassia IFINDOW.G.MSS. Winnow Glas, 7 by 9,8 by 10,10 by 12,10 by 14,11 by 15,12 by 16,12 ty 18 Mixed Paints at all times on hand, ready. for WM Towanda, December 16, 1844. , Orphan's Court of Bradford County. In the matter of the estate of L.Hodges deed. THE undersigned having been appointed .1 . by - the Orphan's Court-of Bradford co.; an Auditor to settle and adjust the account of David F. Barstow and Isaac Myer executors of the last will and and testament of Lyman Hodge dec'd., will attend for that purpose at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on Mon• day the 27th day of January; 1845, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon,of which all persons interested will take notice. ' E. W. BAIRD. Towanda, Dee. 23. 1844. - Auditor. XILIIF-a1.111P1106"1170 mizy,tssEti !REECE% bas rem: ed bia IL) I.eir Office to the roiun one d• • east of the office formerly oceuliied by Adams • Me/- cur: Entrance as before at thi west side of Montsnye & Bette' ' • • December 20. 1844; ATIS for sale, and alio tho.bist meat of CAPS in town at . 8A !: Sertectlber 30. . No. 3. Brick R,910. • SHERIFF'S SALE S. livhtue' of a writ gra Pecks ism. , jup..x.l from the noun of • common pleas id Bradford 'county, to nie directed,i 1;114811 expose ' to public - sale it,the house of IWst: Baions in the Borough of Tovianda, On Monday the ; 3d day of Febriaary next at cute ; olelock apiece or pared offend lying and; being in the township pf Wells and ciniaty ford; beginning - a - post corner in ;the eastern bounder3r.lina of.the said larger tract thence by land granted hy . Heiman . Keeled and wife to ,the said William R. Knipp.northeighty seven . degrees 'West one hundred and - tvaetity pe!ches to a post corner in, thetiaesterti. boundary line of said larger tract; - thence' by ; the giante sleuth one degree west:twenty five perches to a post corner; thence by land conveyed-to Rebecca Horton eighty seven degrees anti one hundred and ninety two perches in the eastern bounda ry line , aforesaid, thence by the; same north 3° east 25 perches to the beginning.! Containing twentpeight acres and allowance; being part of a tract called Ryeland. - ALSO—That Lertain other piece or parcel of land situate .in said township,; beginning's% a post in the eastern bounday line of the original larger lot or tract, thence cy land of Samuel Gaylord north 87° west 196 E4lO perches to a post colter, thence south 87° east 194 perches to a post corner in the eastern boundary line aforesaid. thence extending by, the same north 3° east 58 perches to tho . place of beginning. Containing raxty.seven acres, and the usual al lowance for roads &c. with a trained Iniuse and occupied as a house of public entertainment; and framed barn with an open shed attached to the same, one building formerly used - as a blacksmith shop, now used as a horse shed, and a small orchard thereon, about sizty acres e proved. Seized and taken in execution at the -suit of Henry T. Benedict vs. Wm. R. Knapp. J. N. WESTON, Sheriff. Therifrs Office, Towanda, December 30, 1844. S MILITARY ELECTION. NOTICE is h6aby given to the Militia of the sth regiment. (former ; ly part of the 15th) 2d brigade,9th , division, P. M., that an election will ,r j j be held on Saturday, the 25th day • ofJanuary neat, for the election of one Colonel and one Lieut. Colonel for said regiment,, and one Major for the first battalion, and one Ma jor for the second battalion of said I regiment. The first battalion , com posed of the townships of Athens, - • 1 . Ulster, Shesheqiiin,. Litchfield and Athena borough. will meet at the house of E. S. Mathewson, in Athens borough. The 2d battalion, composed of the townships of Wind ham. Warren, Pike and Orrell, will meet at the Stone Tavern in Windham township. Polls to be opened at 10 o'clock, A. and close at 6 o'clock, P. M. W. Ej BARTON. Inspector's Office, E. Smithfield, Dec. 10, 1044. 5 2d brig. &c. PROCLAMATION. Marian B. Allen,l by her next friend I No. 181 Dec. T. .1844. Adonijah Moody, Libel for Divorce. vs.- I In Bradford Com. Pleas. Charles H. Allen.) MO CHARLES H. ALLEN, the defend .. ant in the above libel., You are hereby notified that Marian B. Allen, your wife, by her next friend, Adonijah Moody, has filed her petition for divorce from you from the bands of matrimony. And that an alias subpcena has been returned, and proof made that you were not to be fours.' in said county. You are therefore hereby required to appear at the Court House in the Borough of Towanda, at the February term of said common pleas, ma Mon day the third day of February next. to answer the said complaint, and shave .cause if any you have, why the said Marian should not be di vorced from you. J. N. WESTON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Towanda, December 30, 1844. t 'Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in terested that William Osborn and Reuben Park administrators of the eitate of Daniel Park, deceased, have filed end settled in the office of Register of Wills for Bradford county an account of their said administration in the estate aforesaid, and that the same will be presented to the Orphan's court of said county on Monday the third day of February next for confirmation and allow ance. JULIUM RUSSELL, Register, By C. S. RUSSELL, Deputy. Register's Office, Towage, Dec. 27th, 1844. S SALE OF REAL . ESTATE. BY virtue of an order of the Orpban's Court of Bradford County, will be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry at 2 o'clock, P. M., on Friday, the 31st day of January, 1845, at the Mansion House, on the premises, the following described real estate, late the pro perty of Edmund Russell, deceased, to wit: one tract of land situate in Windham tp., county of Bradford, bounded on the north by lands of Henry Russell and Joseph Elahee; on the east by lands of Joseph Bisbee ; on the south by lands of Edmund Russell. deed. ; and on the west by lands of Julius Russell. Containing ninety-six acres, with about fifty acres improv ed, with three dwelling houses, one stone and two framed, and three (framed barns thereon erected. One other4rect, situate in said town ship, bounded on the north by the aboVe des cribed lot of lend and lands of Joseph Bisbee; on the east 14 , idas of George Pitcher ; on the south by Ziba Hotchkiss:; on the west by Ja cob Smith. Containing two hundred acres or thereabouts: with about fifteen sews improved. with a grist mill and orofourtb of a saw-mill and; privileges thereon. Terms made known en the day of sale. CLARISSA RUSSELL, j Administratrix of Edmund Russell, dc'd. December 18, 1844. • WATCHES r WATCHESI i A. M. WARNER. WOULD announce to his old customers and the publiCigenerally, that he has reopened his shop in Vett* & Montsnye's three story building. south side the public square and one dooi east of hiontanyees store; and that be is now prepared to do Id! kinds of Clock if Mitch Repairing, onithe shortest notice. bid an' eip!ri race of eleven years in the business, he is now fully pleptired.to say that his work shall not be surpassed by any establishment in the country. ' All kinds of, produce, wood, etc., -taken-in payment;, • , • 11. Towanda, Nov: 1.1844:` appagoas, a, fin; wteinr, for gala W! titaCERY STORE. Keep it: before -.the People TIIAT the - Old Ding Store, weet side of the Pnblie Square, ii now receiving the largeit assortment.of Drugs. and Medicines ever *Offered in. this market; among which are the following, viz ; = • * • pulph. Blue Msre, ' • ' do. Quinine, Nit. Silver,* )Eng. Caloniel, Quick do; , lodid. Patinas, Peperine, Red. Precipitate, Ipecac, - White do. Tart. Antimenr, Strychnia,_ Oaten/imp IcOasot, , Jalap, Ext. Colycintb, do. Gentiati„ Spring and Thumb Lancets, Lancet cases &c., The attention of PHYSICIANS . is particu• larly invited to the above articles, they being just received from one of the most respectable houses in New York and will therefore be war. ranted pure and free from adulteration in all cues, and disposed of at very low prices. Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Rose mary, Wormseed, Hemlock,Bassafrass, Lemon, Lavender, Bergamot, Aniseed, Cloves, Juniper, Amber, Cajpot, Caraway, Monard, rennti, Al mond.Origanum, Cedar, Amber, dcc., &c. The most popular of the day. such as Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Sands Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayr.e's Car manitive. Balsam Hoarhound, Turtingtonis Pink Expectorant Syrup, Bateman's Drops, Andersona do., Lamott's Cough do., Liquid Opodeldoc; Balsam Honey, Preston Salts, Mrs. Gardners fßalsam Liverwort and Hoarhonnd, Dr. Spoons' Digestive,Elixor,Dr. Munns Elix. of Opium, Dr. Benjamin Godfrey's" Cordial, *Dr. Weaver's - Worm Tea, Cheeemen's Arabi an Balsam, Balm of Columbia, Butler's Mag. nesian Aperient. Henry's do., Dr. Thompson's Eye Water, British Oil, Harlem do., Maccaesar do., Bear's do., Grave's Hair do., Croton do., together with . many others to numerous, to men tion. Compound Cathartic, Gregory's Hoope►a Female, German, Lees Windham Billions, Miles"flimatto, Brandreth's, Wright's Indian Vegetable, Dr. Phinney's, Webstet's, Moffats and Hiders, Alebasis. - Bishops, &c., &c., PAINTS, OIL & DYE STUFFS. White, Red and Black Lead; Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue, Rose Pink. Sugar Lead, Litharge. Blue Smalls, Venetian Red, Vermtlli.n, Turmeric, Annatto, Indigo, Copperas. A Hum: Crude, Tartar, Cochi• neat, Solution of Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitrol, Glass 7by 9. 8 by 10, and 10 by 12, Putty, Linseed Oil, &c., &c.' A. D. MONTANYE, DRUGGIST. Towanda, Oct. 25, 1844. COLOGNE WATER by the ounce, pint, quart, or gallon in fancy bottles or other wise to suit the Ladies, at M 'NTANYE'S DREG STORE.' THOMPSONIANS you will 6nd'Cayenne Pepper, Gum Nturrh", Barbary' Bark and other ingrediants stet as are used itr Vuepisc lice at MONTAN YE'S DRUG STORE. Oct. n, 1844. PAINT Hair , Shaving, Tooth and ;Coil Brushes at MONTANYE'S DRUG STORE. BLUE Writing Fluid by the ounce, pint, quart, Gallon or_Barrell, Black do., In dellible and India, first quality at MODiTANICE'S DRUG STORE. October 25, 1844. CANDIES, Raisins, Liquorice; &c., for the boys and girls. at MONTAN YE'S DRUG STORE. Oct. 26, 1844. FEWEST e G p oops, BURTON KINGSBERY, has just remit ed and is now opening a splendid assort meat of FALL AND WINTER GOODS consisting of Pry, Goods. Groceries, Hardware, 1 ` Crockery. Paints, Oil, Dye Shp, 4.c., 4.c. wllieh he will sell very cheap for Cash rciande, Sept. 7, 1844. Scales Will be done on short notice, and warranted to be well done. From a long experience in the tinsiness, he believes that - he will be able to ren der perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. _ i N.B. Watches warranted to !tin well one ;ear, or ,the money refunded; and a written greement given to that effsat to all that desire ono I CLOCKS.—A large assortment just receiv. E"l and for sale very low for cash. If you want to buy. Jewelry cheap call al hamberlin's Watch Shop. . i . 1 IN raw, darts% Ash H. ea kt Y mp & co. No. 3 Brick Bowl mumulliLliLTaia• lodine, Valerian Root, Seneca do. Seipentaria do. tiention do. ColomPo do. Pink do. Senna. Cicute. Hyoschnites, Adhesive Piaster, Taraxecem, Cantharides, OILS AND • ESSENCES. PATEST MEDICINES. PILLS. Watch and Clock Repairing. Jr. 4. CII4.INBERLI.r,- RESPECTFULL'i in forms his friends and rho public that he btill contin ues to carry on the above business at his old stand, One door south of Elliott & Mercur's store, and ready opposite the Hey i 7- : 1" k -ft 7"." ..:-- i _ - dia , I "% TIP. ) I( a „',..,.#,, ), . .. .., ~...-..,.. kl . 6. , -e2 - - ,---,_.„- - .__. Watch and. Clock Repairing, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A 1.1. persons indebted to the estate of Sam'l j eL -Lewis, late of Warren township, deed •.‘ are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same re quested topresent them, legally attested for set nta. . • ' E.DULLOPK, D. A .CAREY. • Warren, Dee. 5, 1844. Administrators. 4 ADIES LOOK HERE! Cashmeres, AI- M paces's, Muslin de Lane's of the most beautiful patterns just received and for tittle low; very low, fa! cash b 7 O. D. BARTLETT. • 10000; MAJORITY I II'MBE extbseriher ban just received a large 'and - splendid Variety of NEW GOOD exited to the season, which he will sell at MP. Star -low for eash. 0. D .'IIA WllllTl'.' - Towanda, Nov. 11,1814. . BOOT & SHOE MAKINO. On:my own books awl . 4 014 i • ID HARNES /WICAL..IIHILXIIST • --- EL1144.3:411 SMITH boar', 11 AVE commenced the manufacture o 'Saddles, Bridles, Harness, See., &c., i. the borough of Towanda, in the building for mcrty occupied by S. Hathaway, two door west of 1. H. Stephens' tavern, where they wit keep constantly on hand, • and manufacture 1. order, Elastic fJ'eb, Common_ and Quilted nialrZa, t Carpet Bags, Trunks, Palises, and Military Harness, Bridles, Collars, Carriage Trim Ming done to order. Mattrasses, Pew• and Chair Cushions mad. on short notice and reasonable terms. The stkbscribeni hope by doing their wet' well. and by a strict attention to business, merit a share of public patronage. EI.KADJAH SMITH & 20N. Towanda, May 14, 1844. SADDLE, HARNESS &,V" c OMMin:t - Millina4lllßOUT:b SUBSCRIBER- respectfully Went his old friends and the public genera_ thit he is uow carrying on the above helm.: all its various branches, in the north part e the building occupied by 11.1bornas. ns s Hr shop, on Main street, nearly opposite Mcrae' store, where he will be happy to accomode old and new customers. SADDLES, BRIDLES, MARTINGALS, HARNESS, COLLARS„ dkc , of ie fittest fashion and be mairtials sill o to order on moderate terms for ready R 7yl t kinds of country produce will be take in (exc • sago for work. April 17, 1844 D. C. •H ALL Against the World for Stuirs!! NIHE subscriber has just received the grer est variety of Stores ever bruughtiblot , county of Bradford such as Crosses pant Lo Drum Oven Cook Stove; Crosses high oN cooking stove; Cross' no 3 Parlor coat, stove with the elevated oven; Liming Too cooking stove; parlors of ,driri rent sizes shapes; Climax cooking No. 3& 4 wi h 3 a 4 boilers; No. 2, 3 & 4 cooking, with 3 and boilers; Na 3 & 4 six plate and church slot• which the subscriber will sell at the moat red , ced prices for cash, shingles, e heat or oat, also intends to keep constantly on hand on sortment of Russia and conanon iron stove in and elbows. sheet zinc, stove creaks of all star coal scuttles &c.; with a good 9ssortreint tinware wholsale and retail. Sheet Iron Drum Stove boilers, Tea kettles. Dripping pans, co doctors, Live troughs, with every kind of j. work in his line made and fitted up to order o short notice. Also. stov e trio mines it ehal• sale and retail may be obtained at his rrautife• tory on the most reasonable terms. Towanda. Oct. 10, 1844. rIOT.YA RN and Carpet Warp. Color. 1,..) end White this day eds dat "So. Buick Row. w 111 IS OF LETTERS rernaininp in t: Pot.t - Offire at Athena, Pa., quarto:en , lug o ft .. 31 , 1844. Brooks T 1 ~, if so on :i t ie g r: o m t:c e dv r , v vi i i P i I c a '. i 111 Beam Eli F Casterline Lewis Campbell Albert 'Northvkny L. Curry Ezeket 2 Overton W H Chandler Martha.Playfoot James. Chatman Artemus - Paine David Devaloe John Preston Abel Drown Mary Miss Rose-John Elston Richard Rensltsw Mikel Finch R S Sparkea H S French Mary Ann Miss Stone Luther Gordon John' SOwyer 2-amorl H. Gillett Benjamin • Smith Elhae Mils, Gillett Nathan Step hens Lu th er Huston Thos Dr Tozer Julius Jr.: Hoos Nicholas Wamuun John Hudson Alvin 8 Wells W C Jinks Elisha Williams A U LimhertsCin 0 D 2 Wright Perm Lape Tiros Rev Williams Samuel M"Dowell John Weed Dennis Middaugh Daniel !.. , Willis* HJr M cker Peler W . , Williston Horace M'Kinuey Samna Willson_Wm l i ~ . C. s. PARK F's. • A thens, 2' , 1845 . RIGHT% VEGETABLE 8114 W for sale at `o -a Hrir September 7. k CARPET BAG:. VAL) C ES, TRUNKS JERE CULP