Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 22, 1845, Image 2

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    sustain itself without having recent*,
as heretofore,. to the Treasury of the .
State for amount Of fines as
sessed the last year, fur nod-perform
ance of militia duty, is more than.suffi
cient to defray the expenses fora the
same time. The brief period front the
enactment of the law, until the collect
ors were required to accomplish their
duties under-it, - - was-not sufficient -for
them to complete - . their collections.- 7 -
Tiie - olitstanding fines Orthe past
however, array be; collected with those
of the present, arid thus a sum *Obtain
ed sufficient lo meet the expenses' of
cantiat too strongly reiOrifirie - ndl6
your care and encouragement,-the-vol
unteer troops of our Commonwealth:--
They' will lose nothing when compar
ed with the troops Of this or:any-other
country. Their courage and efficiency
as soldiers have been tested and:espb.
lished, and they have deservedly .-be
come favorites with . the people. ' In
cases of exigency, we must chiefly de
pend upon them to protect from injury
:Ind destruction our individual property,
Our national honor, and our political
liberties. •
Qnder the provi-iens of the act of
29th April, 1844, entitled t, An act to
reduce the State debt, and to incorpor
ate the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail
road Company," the question of a sale
of the main line of imprOvements, sub-:
mined to a vote of the people at Of; elec
tion in October Fast, was decided in the
atliirmative. The requisite notice was
given by the Secretary of the Common- -
wealth to the commissioners named in
the act, and they have proceeded so far
in , the performance of their duties as to
advertise that the
. sale the stock of
the proposed company will commence,
in the city of Philapelphia, on the 20th.
,or January inst.- The time has, there
'fore,- not yet arrived when the practi-.
cability of disposing ofthese improve
meats; on the terms specified in the
law, will be tested. I am not aware
that any legislative proceedings on this
subject are called for at the present
time. •
The proceedings of the commission
ers nam ed in the act of the_l3th
1844, entitled " An act to authorize the
Covknor to incorporate the Delaware
Canal Company," will appear from a
report accompanying this message, set
ting forth their inability to dispose of
the Stock. It will be for the legisla,
Lure to determine what further action,
if any, on this subject, is necessary:
In my last annual message I inform
ed the'Legislattire that in pursuance of
the act of the 7th March, 1843, a char- l
ter had been issued to • the Erie Canal
Company, and
.possession given to it
of that portion of the public improve
ments from the town of New Castle, to
the harbor of Erie. On the 18th De
cember last, the necessary pro - olhaving
been laid before me, thatthe work had
been completed, and was in actual use
for the transportation of merchandize
throughout its whole length, I directed,
in conformity with-the terms of the act,
notice to be given to-the superintend
ent of the line, to deliver the company
possession of the Beaver Division, from
the mouth of the Beaver river to New
The District Court of the city and . ,
county of- Philadelphia, exercising a
jurisdiction in. all civil demandt abcive
the' slim — of one hundred dollars, will
expire during the present session of the
Legislature, by a limitation contained
in The act creating it. This court, on
which, from the nature of its jurisdic
tion, it•necessarily devolves to deter
mine the majority of the more import
ant cases arising in Idiot j udieial distrlet,'
has been labortouslyengaged.lribie l
discharge of its duties, for a space of
nearly ten years. The manner in
Which these duties have been perform
ed, besides securing the confidence of
the bar and the. community, Would
seem to hOve produced the very .gener-''
al impression that - this tribunal is indis
peniible to a duediniiiistration of the
law in that city and county. I would,
-therefore, respectfully recommend the
passage yf an act continuing the court
in its present form, and securing 'to it,
in every proper manner, the services of
faithful and able judges.
Fortunately for the Legislature and
the people, the subject of the public
printing, for a long time - a topic of just
complaint, on account of the unreason
able amount expended for that purpose,
was put to rest during the last session,
by allotting it to the lowest bidders, af
ter the just precaution of exacting se
curity for its faithful execution. The
parties to whom it was given. flied
their own.rates of cempensation, and
'lave no doubt made ample provision
against'all haiard of loss ; and we may,
therefore; hOpe` that this item'. of the
public expenditure will not be swelled
.to its- usual alarming amount, by de"
Man& fdr extra eompensation.
'Before I' coneltide this. communica
tion, I will! canyonr attention to a sub
ject in Which; I believe, :State; of
.Pennsylvattia 'had a 'deeper Stake than
in any other nOw.pending, or likely to
be brought,"either before . her'own Leg
islature or the Legislature Of the Union:
I refer to - the maintenance,_ hi all sob ,
stantial points, of the existing relvenue
laWs of 'the 'Union, :niore - geneially
known as the tariff laws. The great
varietY' and complexity of interests iii
the different quarteri of the' Union,
render the adjustment of any tariff sys
tern an extremely difficult and deli.'
cat; undertaking. Could (the people
of every. section' of the Union, survey
the entire . ,circle-; of,iational,,inelrests,-•
with a - -perfect4i:‘:cool. and amejtitticed.
,eyi, thisilifficnity and 'delicacy .avould
almost while cer
tain sections of the Union are wedded
to certain notions, without regard to
their foundation_ in reason and in truth,
it will - be'almost impossible expect:
,from any body 'of men, asssembled iu
Congress, a perfectly free and unpre
judiced-examination. of this exciting
question. We must deal with men and
things, as' c we 'find them, and . we
would desire to have them. In a con
-diet- *here prejudice self-interest
biaathe.jtid,gment,'.it behoves- the ;rep
resent.atives. of e.very section, while they
yield a due regard to the claims of'oth•
.ers, to stand firmly by their :own:- . I
have,•from year. to year, , in addressing'
communications to the Legislature, re
ferred- to this . subject, not so ninth for
the purpose of inducing action in the
National Legislature, as to .keep' it be
fore the citizens of this Commonwealth,
to familiarize it in their minds, and to
prepare them to unite, in maintaining
their. own interests might be endanger
I was assailed when I -first took.
this high ground in defence of the wel
fare of Pennsylvania, from virions quar
ters, and denounced fur advocating doc
trines to %diet) the Majority of the peo.
pie of this State -were asserted to be op
posed ;. but, regardless of these idle and
futile assaults, I have reiterated the
same sentiments, and have the sausfac
tien of knowing that, in the recent Pres
dential election, in which the tariff was
believed to be involved, both political
parties, nearly to a man, assumed the
same positions .1 had taken, and advo
cated' the same doctrines whice I had
endeavoredto enforce upon the consid--
el-alien oldie Legislature. I advert to •
this matter now, net so much to justify
myself, as to prove, whatever has been
ailed to the contrary, that there is but •
one party on this question, in Pennsyl
vania, and that party is nearly the en
tire' mass of her citizens. .1 'hazard
nothing is asserting that neither of the
Presidential candidates could have hop
ed, for a moment, to get a majority of
the votesin this State, had not his
claims been based upon. the assurance
that he was friendly to-the continuance
of the present tariff laws, substantially
as-they stand..
The iron and coal interests in this
State, great as they have been consid
ered to be, are yet in their infancy.—
Deposits of these minerals. scattered
throughout almost every hill and valley
in the Commonwealth, are exhaustless,
and are so peculiarly distributed, in all
quarters, as to create a direct interest
on the part of nearly every citizen, in
the development and encouragement
of every system of policy which can
render.them available. The owners - of
the lands in which they are embedded,
the agriculturaliit who, furnish the
workmen with their supplies, the mer
chants, mechanics and artizans of all
descriptions, look_ to these resources
ultimately, as the great fountain from
which State and individual prosperity
, irtust be derived. liere, it is believed,
must be founded and sustained the
great counterpoise to foreign importa
tions of all species of iron, raw and
manufactured, with which the whole
Anierican people are to be supplied.
Here, too, is to be found a deposite of
fuel for the family use of the poor, as
well as for the more extensive use in
the manufikuring purposes of the rich.
Possessing such advantages, how can
any rational man consent to relinquish.
and forego them, to gratify the caprices
of those who certainly mistake ~their
mown, and are incapable of appreciating
the interests of others? We seek no
unreasonable, prohibitions: We ask
not the protection of the government at
the expense of the rights of,our sister
States, hut we do ask, and we think
we have a right to ask, that the system
of encouraging and. protecting the do.
mestic interests of this country, thd
corner stone of which was laid ill the
net of Congress of Ist .: June, 1789,
should not be abandoned without some
more substantial reason than the empty
notions of visionary theorists. We be
lieve that the tariff law of 1842, now
in force, making reasonable allowance
for inaccuracy and inconsistency in its
minute details, is founded in a spirit of
compromise and fair dealing, equally,
just to the great national interests of
the different sections of the Union.: To
disturb it now, except to correct its mi.
nor details, is to unsettle the whole
system, to weaken its stability, and to
destroy the confidence, at heme and
abroad, in the wisdom and, consistency
of the National Government, and to
break down, now - and forever, all hope
of ' competing with foreign rivalry in
the interests to which this law' extends
some cherishing protection. : The great
interests of Pennsylvania do not
for additional protection, or, for new
safeguards; but, , sinall as the.discrim
inations are in their behalf, to let them
. remain _as they are, with a. certainty
that they shall-not be changed without
s ubstaniLal reasons,- and the conceur -
ranee of the citizens of Pennsylvania.
There seems ' to' be: a disposition
among some members of the. National
Legislature to interfere with this subject
and I think the 'Present a prOperocea ,
iion for the, Legislature - of Pennsylva
to spenk out in decided terms, and ,an
nonnee to those who repreacut the peo
ple of this great Commonwealth the
councils of the nation, what . course it
is expected ,by'their constituents they
wilt pursue., If the issue is to be dis
tiactly:niade betnrceit the coal and iron
interests - of Pennsylvania, and itictite..of
fereigtt:naticttni;•the sooner 4 - isltnown
the better; I 'unit ivhenniet: such
an issue is tu be deiermined, cit
izen of Pennsylvania, whether in office
or out-of office; found - on the
side of his country. For my own part,
in such an emergency I shall ncif.hesi
tate inyesolving to take my stand on
the same side .where I have always
been found',:whenever this subject has,
been agitated.
'Mil% int& tie - pielaiTre - tititing the
few remaining days of my ,administra
tion,, cooperate , with you in, the
adoption Of any measures, which we
mutually believe to be , conducive- to the
public geed.; .1 - do not doubt . that.. we
rshall fully Aaarmonize in opinion on
this subject.
I have had frequent occasion to em
ploy-the veto power entrusted. to the
ExedutiO, by . the', constitution. to ar
resttbeluccess of measures which ap
peared to me fraught with evil; but, I
have, on no occasion; resorted to this
great power of preservation,• until all
other . hope of rescue had failed. In
such emergencies, I have appealed to it
without scruple nor reservation, and I
have yet to learn that the acts defeated
by its operation have. been regretted by
the people. Confederacies to thwart
Executive recommendations; combine
.tions to promote particular personal or
political interests, have, tt is true,
clamored loudly against Executive ty
ranny, ,and imputed motives to me,
which existed only in the imaginations
of those whose objects were frustrated ;
but the . - vast body of the enlightened
community has looked on, not only
without murmuring, but 'vitith unequi
vocal commendation.. I find, abundant
reason to be satisfied in this manifesta
tion of-popular opinion.
I retire fromthe cares and 'solicitude,
of office, with feelings of no ordinary
satisfaction, and with a heart grateful
to the honest and intelligent yeomanry
of my native State, for the cordial and
undeviating support which they have
given me, in the midst of the Worst
difficulties it has been my fortune to
encounter. On this support, I have
steadfastly relied, as the guarantee that,
come what might, Pennsylvania would
speedily regain the confidence she had
lost—prove to the world, the falsity of
the reproach heaped on her integrity,
and rise with renewed vigor; to run her
race, from the ,temporary : depression
that had borne her down. My 'confi
dence has' been- realized; the day of
her redemption is at hand, and every
true-hearted Pennsylvanian must re
joice, to see her proud escutchrin puri
fied,from the .only stain that had ever
defaced it, since the landing of her
founder upon. the. - shores of the Dela
ware. ,
Harrisburg, Ja n . 8,1845.
t 34
dered by a 'Father.—We learn from
the Lynchburg Virginian, that a most
horrid and aggravated murder was per
petrated on Christmas day in the vil
lage of Madison, on the Amherst side
of the river from Lynchburg. by a fa
ther imbruing his hands in his own
son's blood. It appears that the son,
Edmund Manhone, between 23 and 25
years of age, with the remainder of the
family, were sitting at the dinner table,
when some very trivial dispute arose
bet Teen him and his father, Blanks
Manhone. The old man then stepped
up behind his son with a large knife,
(perhaps prepared for the purpose as it
is understood he had often before threa
tened to commit the deed,) and stabbed
his son through the breastbone to the
heart. A large stream of blood imme
diately flowed ont. and the unfortunate
iictim soon died. The Father is lodg
ed in Amherst jail, awaiting his trial
before the proper tribunal.
COLD FEET are always an evidence
that the blood is encumbered with mor
bid humors, which not only render the
circulation sluggish and unequal, tint
prevent a. proper supply of the vital
fluid to the extremities. Henc3 cold
ness of
,the hands and feet, accompani
ed with headache, giddiness and many
Other unpleasant complaints:
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are
one of the best preventives in the world
againsWold Feet, because they not
only cleanse the blood from those im
purities which are ' the Cause, but they
impart an energy to the circulation
which carries it with vigor to every
part of the system' Consequently the ex
treinities; being properly supplied with
the vital fluid, receive their duepropor
tion of animal heat, and coldness of the
feet, headache, giddiness, palpitation
of the heart', and other symptoms of a
disordered ''circulation will be rapidly
driven from the body i ,
For., sale at the, store of 3. D. & E.
D. Mpntanye, Towanda; - and by
agenti,published tn.anothercoluturi of
this paper- „
iter. Caution.--4s counterfeiters
aro abroad,-avoid all stores of doubtful
character, - and be Rarticular, caste
es: to 'Ask - for Trigln's Indian Vege
table Pill'.
- -
The Office of the BradfOrdße
porter has been removed to Col.
Means' Brick Store, (up stairs,)
entrance on the North j side.
Man to Covlogtoiat..
Qur,Weioeinreailera gratified
to learn by the folleviing letter , from
Hon. Vigo. FULLER,.thatihe mail route
from Towanda to Covingion is about
to'be resumed. This was' an act of
strict justice to the inhabitaig.s of the
West, and will relieve them from the
embarrassment under whichithey labor.
Hon. Mr. FULLER deserveti credit for
prompt manner in which he acted in
the matter.
WABHIN4TON, Jan. 8, 1845.
FRIEND GOODRICH.—I notice in your
-paper" a reference to the fact of - the sus,
pension of the mail from Towanda to
Covington. I received some , ten days
since information touching that matter
&Om Tioga county, and the arrange.
ment is already-made I eupposelor re
suming the transportation of the mail
on. that route. Mr. Hustetl of Coving
ton has made a proposition which the,
department is- understood, to -have ac
cepted, and as soon as the arrangement
is completed
,the mail will again be
carried on that route. • . a 3.
Very respectful l y,
Auditor General.
We insert the following communica
tion with pleasure. We know the
writer; and we know him to be one of
tne most fearless and unfaltering de
mocrats in the Commonwealth—one .
whose political opinions are worthy of
regard ; and who seldoministakes pub
lic sentiment. And we 'may add that
we know Mr. STRICKLAND, thccantli
date proposed by Junius to filllthe office
of Auditor General. , We say we know
- him. We know him to bean honest
man. We believe the Commonwealth
does not contain an individual, posses
sing more abundantly all the attributes
constituting a first rate officer than
Nimrod Strickland, and in our beaks
would we rejoice to see him appointed.
[For the Bradford Reporter.)
MESSRS. EDITORS.--It is needless to
say that the result of ; the late political
campaign is a complete triumph of de
mocracy. All who took part in that
contest, know, with what bitterness it
was conducted by our opponents, All
how shamefully were the principles of
party - misrepresented. Public thieves
and robbers were epithets unsparingly
applied to democrats,,by the small fry
of the whig party, while the more gen
erous and liberal were content to charge
us with abusing public confidence and
opposing popular Wilt. The result,
however, proved, what was always be
lieved, ..That those ; who do steal are
the first to cry stop thief."
With a knowledge then, of the course
of the W hig party, and the false charges
made against us previous to the elec
tion, to deceive an unsuspecting peo
ple, what is •the duty of the Governor
elect - in this State, as to the formation
of hjs Cabinet? The people desire »o
thing more than a just adherence to the
principles of honorand honesty on the
part of public servants ; and they now
look to the coming Administration for
the appointment' of such men, who will
in all their public acts show 'to the
world, that there are yet in the 4 . Old
Keystone." citizens , patriotic enough
to save her from the blighting curse of
repudiation.. 1 ) - . sr
Francis R.
i hunk was elected ' be
cause he Nv's imown to be honest.—
Craft and Cut fling. the' forerunners of
dishonesty,! n ver) yet found a place in
his bosomy and While with One voice
the people ;accorded to hiiii the familiar
name ~ of lionest; Frank Shunk," they
nevertheless regarded, his l .eleckin • as a
restoration of : public faith' and confi
dende. • The duty then devolves ;upon
him of making , such selection as will
redound to his praise, and that of the
people of this C l ommtinwealth. With
this aim ) of the case, Messrs. Editors,
permit me , through the'colum»S of your
excellent paper,ito recommend ?lumen
STRicKLAND, the talented and enterpris
ing-Editor Of the Wesf-Chesier Repub
lican; for the'ii4ice of AuditOr - Geperat.
'A more worthy individual lives nut in
the State ; and I ventnre to
that in .the length and breadth cs this
great Commonwealth, there is not fobs"
found, , a'Sentinel who has been `more ,
vigilant and energetic on the•watch
,towee of our political faith. Long;
long has he contended agajnit - that
fierce and uncompromising federalism,
that upon the prostrate . body of Antima
ionry new raises its head in - the shape
of Whiggery. Let justice therefore be
done to an honest and faithful servant—
nee that has contributed much—very
Irina), indeed, to the triumphant succass
of those principles on,which the, demo.,
eratic party is established. It is , not
because he is a violentpolitical partizan.
that I feel somewhat, anxious about his -
appointment, but . because I Allow, as
does also every other per.son who has
had the pleasure - of his acquaintance,
that he is just the man who would add
weight and character to the administra
tion. Strictly honest in all things—
possessing a high reputation for busi-,
:less habits,—none could doubt, but
that the duties; which would devolve
upon him by his appointment to the
office of Auditor General, would be
discharged with due regard to the
rights of the people and ttie interests of
the Commonwealth.
Sun says, that consequence of ,the
apparent determination' . to oppose
acts of the latiCenvention, and to.dis
credit the testimony of the respectable
females who a:ppeared at the trial, a
second presentment has been talked of
in a quarter, which gives the rumor
probability. Without wishing to add
to the difficulty of the case, we can on•
ly say, that-circumstance have risen to
make such a course : possible, and .our
readers will, in a few days; see a pam-
phlet from the pen of a Presbyter of the
Church, in .which new charges are
made, and with some feeling."
ington correspondent of the Baltimore
Sun says : Whis morning, Chief Jus
tice Tanny delivered the opinion of the
Court in the case of Stockton & Stokes
vs. Amos Kendall: The decision is in
favor of Antos Kendall, - Who is now a
free man. Mr., K. - received the warm
est congratulations of his friends.
Capture of one of - the Leaders.—The
Sheriff of Columbia county has suc
ceeded in capturing one of the princi
pal ringleaders of the disturbances in
that county. His name is Walter
Hutchins. and he is a man of considera
ble influence in his own neighborhood.
Several attempts had been previously
made to arrest him.
U. S. SENATOR.—The election for
United States Senator from this State
took place at Harrisburg on Tuesday
14th inst. DANIEL STURGEON was re
elected, receiving 72 votes ; Cooper
(Whig) 49 ; Scattering IQ.
host of legal advertisements have crowd•
ed almost everything al interest from
our columns. Will our readers bear
with. us for another week --when we
will:endeavor to make ample amends.
Mil Overton wit, H. Booth, respect
fully inform the public that having re
cently formed a connection in business, they
will promptly and punctually render their profes
sional services in Agencies, Collections and
other matters entrusted to their care; and they
respectfully solicit, as they hope they shall de
serve, a liberal •share of patronage. Office in
Main street, a few'doors south of the Episcopal
church, where one or both will be found during
all hours of business.
Towanda, Jani 13,..1845.
KV. having formed a co-partnership for the
practice of law in Bradford and the adjoining
counties, will give prompt and careful attention
to all business entreated 'to their charge. Their
office will be found in Towanda, No. 2, 'Brick
RoW,' on the second floor, where one or the
other may be found at all business hours.
,Towanda, January &, 1845. . •
A GO,Ol, ,assortment of schOol, classical
AL and miicellaneous also, -a great
variety 'of the cheap publications of the day—
also a large assortment end great variety of
Note, Letter, Oap and • Wrapping,Baper, for
sale low for cashovholesale or-retail by
Towanda, Nov. 18, 1844,
("IMAM into thri endoiero of the subseriher
411} . norrietima in September ;lout three stray
-Calvert; . ..Two red beifey calves and one Tine
back steer calf the reque, ,proye property
pay ebargs snd.take them away. -
Nov, 9, 1844.. Cii.NIVDLLIZIRINK.
ity virtue of sundry writs of Vs n d . E xo,
• issucd from the court of common
of Bradford county, to me directed, shell
e eu x.
pose to public sale at the house of IVm.A.,: to
in. the Borough of Towanda, on Saturday rh e
18th dig of January, next at e ns e s eto ,.
P..M., the following described pir
of land , situate in Troy townshi
ded"‘On the west by A. D. Spalditn
Pierce ; on the north by lands of
A & C. Fitch dc Co., E. C. Oliver
rem:Herrick ; on-the east by land
and Thomas IL Guitin ; and on
larids of Vouris H. Fitch, John
and Thomas H. Onstin, Containi
dred - scres of land or thereabriuts
seventy acres improved with a snn
a framed house and bani and saw •
houses thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at
1:14 P.)3tillard vs.. Seely Mann.
ALSO—A• pieta of pared of cal
Monroe township bounded on tla
Timothy Alden; on the east by Eh
on the south by Ira. C. Fowler di
west by the Towanda creek.
about sixty-four acres all improved,
homse,32 by 36'0n0 frame barn and
and thereon:
Seized.and taken in execution al
J. P.Kirby vs. G. 11. Bull 4 A.
administrators of Jacob Arnout dec
ALSO—A piece or parcel or pal
situate in the township'of Wells, 1
'the north by land of Caleb Lamm
the public !highway; south by lent'
Beardsley, and west by land of Het
Containing fifty eight acres about
acres improved a small framed Li;
small orchard thereon::
• Seized and taken in execution at
E. C. Oliver vs. Joseph H. Deers.
ALSO4--A; tot of land situate in
and bounded on the south ,by Os
creek ; on the west by lands of O.
on the north by Silas Smith and Chai
well and on the cast by Charles St
Containing Ft'verny one and a half acres wr
about fifty acres improved with a framed hoot
and framed horn and orchard thereon.
Seized and taken-in execution at the suit
0. P. Bollard's vs. Sullivan Hickok.
J. N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
Towanda, December 10, 15441
The above salea.are postponed to Moab
the 3d day of February. at the same place
time of day. J. N. WESTON, SbIL
WN pursuance of an order of the Orphan
Court of Bradford County, there will
Exposed to publc sale, on the premisra.
Wednesday, the 15th day ofisrinary, P 345,
cne o'clock, P M., a certain lot of land, atel
in tho borough of Towanda, bounded and di
cribed as follows : on the North, by !ant.: W
Mix ; on the East by River street; on Lear
by land of John N. Weston, and as the .9ou
by a certain lane lcadingsfrom Mann qatt II
the aforesaid Riier street ; said lot ireskiii
75 feet on River street and 112 feet oath de
:aid lane, with a two story frame dwellinghol
thereon. .
Credit will be given for a portion of tbept
se money. Attendance will be given I
e subscriber at the time and place nforessi
rmsof sale mum fully made known.
Towanda, December 16, 1844.
The above sale is adjourned to Thursday.
4th day of February nest, at the lam
Tm. Briggs, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
ROOMS, Pails and Looking Gins.
W. H .BAIRD & Cl,
110. 3 Brick
September 7th
gvIMOVII 7.623
ONSTANTLY on hand a 2d. hand
Stove for sale cheap at BAIRD'
No. 3 Br;ek
D. MONTAN YE has annexed t.
A • former stock of DRUGS .110 Ml
,NES, afreshouppiy of
ich as Teas, Sugar, Coffee, Pri per, S
31eratus, Starch, Raisins, Ca‘ endish, Sm
zd fine cut Tobacco, Maccaboy Sault
h and Common Cigars. by the hoz Cr
ise. Together with many other article
omerous to mention. Be sure sna
ontanye's Drug 4- Grocery Store.
Towanda, Dec. 4, 1844.
Towanda Bridge Comps'
OTICE is hereby given that a Inero
Jthe President and managers of said
any held this 13th day of January, tg ,
'as unanimously resolved that all person
ave commuted or may hereafter Cowan
Ills, shall have the privilege of drawing
tone and sand across said Bridge on Mei
cconnt without paying any additions
reref.o. -
That the said company are now ready
•r into commutations with any persons f
rivilege of crossing the bridge from to
ie first' of March 1846.
That the company continue to char
ut one way to all persons crossing in
orough with produce' for market but lc
ght of carrying passengers. 'That
[organ esq., and Daniel Brink I,e a CO
make out a list of names and iMie of co
itions and report the sa me to t h e heard.
By order of the board,
Towanda, January 13, 1845.
AP the subscriber to my old trieials
public generally, who irish.gook 1
read, if they will fetch a grist of We'
;orn or Buckwheat to the old Ov" I°
Ibieh has been lately fitted up new fu .
alood work as can be done in the SU'
xcepted. If you do not believe this.
and I will prove it to your satisfac
host notice only come, and you shell
cd. A. 13. SM
Ulster,. December 16, 1844.
zesarzazasi avva:aio'
At No, 3 Brick Row,
ling subscribers have just irceiv
lot of Cassinieres, Brawl cloths
inetes. Also another large suppil o r
'c cotton goods. W. H. 1,1-A lO
Nor. 18, 1844.
ATENT Mould and Dipped L a
sale at
BLE PILL'S fur sale at 0 1 ,)
1",) . 8"
Nor• 18