Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 01, 1845, Image 2
REPORTER : Wednesday, January 1, ,1844. 4' 4 41 4 The Office of the firadfordße. - porter has been removed to Col. Means . Brick'Store, (up stairs,) entrance on the North side. The Issues involved In the late Contest. The editor of the Democratic Review has, in the last number'of that work a - most ably written article, speCifying and elucidating most clearly thel‘aarticular -questions of pOpular will and opinion settled, settticd or signified in the elee i, tion of harks K. Pins. The general questions agitating the country in the late contest were fairly and fully met by the Democrats, and in the'administration of the general gov ernment, fox the next four years the an cient land-marks and modern guide boards of the democracy, point the way with such unerring certainty, that there can 'be no pretext for deviation. The editor gives the folfoivitigieview of the:canvass, as conducted over' the whole Bur race of the political field ; to which wel would i but add, that ,the first and leading principle of Democratic Party, and the guiding star of all their declarations and protestations, was the 1" GREATEST 0001) OP THE GREATEST NUMBER, " as most likely to be effected by the success of their ptinciples. 1. There can be no mistaking the voice of the people in regard to a Nation al bank. • The voice of the people even where our opponents dare moot the ques tion has been decisively and pointedly against' the erection of such an institu tion, that he must be fool-hardy indeed, who would call up its spirit " from the misty deep." 2. That plundering, squandering, scheme, y'clept distribution, has been put at rest quite effectually. Peace to its slumbers! 3. The Abolition of the Presidential Veto was made more particularly a sec tion of the great Bank measure, owing to its having strangled two of these mon sters, under direction of John Tyler, and has met with a most decisive rebuke. The editor has selected an epitaph,which he says l recommends'itself by its pathet ic and tender beauty. " Since I was so early done for I wonder what I was begun for." 4. The Independent Treasury policy was a question, but little agitated in the preceeding contest. Still, we think with the Review, that - the voice of the people is substantially, in favor of its immediate restoration. ' 'A National Bank has hien fully exploded; the " pet bank" mea sure lyas long ,since fell into public con demnation ; and the present " Indepen dence of the Treasury " under the origi nal act of 1789, is full of faults. - We arc glad to perceive that the Independent Treasury Bill has passed the House of Representatives by a decisive vote. 5.' The will of the people has most undoubtedly been strongly expressed for " economy in :the public expenditure— for strict constitutional construction in all cases that may arise—and against the incurring,of public debt. 6. The Taii i ff has, at least in this sec tion, been the vexed and great question. And we give the opinion of the editor of the Democratic Review, a periodical, fa voring and sustaining, and with consu mate ability too, as it does the principle of Free Trade, as a set-off to the declara tions of the whigs, that the late glorious victory of the democracy has been the triumph of southern free trade principles. We give his words But it cannot be said with - truth—would that it might! that the decision has gone to the - prinCi ple of Protection, and has pronounced in favor of that Freedom of Trade which has always been advocated in :this . Re vievi. The repeal of the excesses and inequalites of the present Tariff, vvith a liberal measure of incidental discritiiina tin 'Protection, in distributing the duties of an- honest revenue Taritr---this is the extent to which alone we can claim the benefit of this deciiion. The question has not indeed been placed on as strong ground f —or nearly as strorg,—as it was in Mr. Van Buren's Indiana Letter, se verely as that was attacked by a portion of the Free Trade opinion of the country. Mr. Van Buren took ground -specifically for a retina. to the Compiomise Act, with no other discriminations than such as might range below a maximum of 20 per cent., or, for the present, in the ac, tualreduced condition of; . the Treasury, 25 'per cent. But' - such Wine was made Up at the North, espeCiall7in the great States of Pennsylvania and -New York; 'and, as before said, the question now lies . widel y open, to be settled by the 'votes of the legislative Representa tivee of the . People, each voting'accord ing to his understanding of the issue as made up in his 'district, and to his con viction of the true interest and will of his own consituency. And Mr. Polk will have loyally and honorably dischar ed Ins duty in the. matter, when he has signed any big that may be sent to him which shall avoid the extremes of either side of the question." A Happy New Year. This day commences the year 1845. 18451 How strangely it sounds and Writes. But scarcely shall we. have become familiarized to it, before it will be jostled off,. as has the past year, to make room for the new. There is a general complaint of the scarcity of holidays, in this country, and Europe ans designate us as a plodding matter of-fact people ;who care little for a day of pleasure and happiness. We sin cereTy hope this, at least, will be at " HapPy. New Yiii" to all, old and' young, and middle aged, that the heart when sorrow sits enthroned, will be made light r and the brow of care be re- lased; that all grill hail this commence ment of the new-born 1845 with hearts throbbing with joy, ands ith retrospec tion upon the past withprofitfor the future That in each heart may spring anew the fount of charity and benevolence, and from each bosomffinmost recesses, well r ilia fount of affection and love, wide as the world itself. When each can say, "Here to the houseless child of want, My door is open still ; And though my, jportion is but scant, I give it with good will." and there is less piling up of the " gpl. den God," and more attention paid to the necessities of the suffering ; when there is less thirsting for the things of the "earth-earthy," and more Univer sal Benevolence, diffusive and general in its nature, shall all hail the coming year with emotions of pleasure, and all bid adieu to the departed, with a su preme delight, flowing from a tranquil and generous heart. A Crying EvIL We call the attention of the Post Of fice department to the condition of our county, particularly the western portion, as regards the facilities for obtaining information through the mails. The Department in seeking for economy, have seriously damaged the population of the Western townships of this coun ty. 'Composid of a mist intellident and wealthy population, proverbial for their taste for reading, and the liberal support rendered by them to the press, they are now almost totally deprived of the bene fits of post offices and mails. The route which supplied the whole west has been stopped, viz :—that from Towanda to Wellaborough, and we are informed by subscribers to the Reporter residing in Wells and adjacent townships. that they are unable to obtain papers in less than from 7 to 10 days ,from Towanda and elsewhere. This should not be; and we call upon our member of Congress to lay the matter before the Department, and have some arrangement effected to accommodate the west. In order todo this, the ciiizens aggrieved, will have to forward a petition to the Department setting forth their grievances. We hope it will be speedily done. DESIOCRATIC CELEBRATION.--The democratic Ladies of Dillsburg, York co. Pa., partook of a. Polk, Dallas and Shunk supper—,prepared wholly - by hemselves—on the 4th ult:— " Oh ! the Ladies' hearts are with us r Among the toasts, given by the la- dies. we find the following : BrXissSusalt M'Mtru.tx Whiggerp— The longer it stands the shorter it grows. Br Miss MART Toanswr.--latnes K. Polk and George M. Dallas—by their virtuous con duct and just administration will win the hearts of their enemies. Who says they don't. all deserve good, loco-loco husbands I .TILE 808 TREASURY. BILLi W3B pais ed-on Saturday 91at_uit.,: in die • -,House of Represeritativea by a vote.of•l23 tO 69. _ • • • - FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENTS. ;The following fatalfoccurrenees of an agon izing character,we leardfroto the Potts ville (Pi) papers. Oa Thursday last. as a coal trait i was,going down, a coup ling broke and the train became detach ed. After _the engine and part of the train passed through the first bridge above Port Clinton, the watchman, sup posing the whole train had passed, went to examine whether any sparks hadfar len in the according to his usual comm. One of his children followed him, and also *wife. After they . Were on the bride some distance, they observed the balance of the train ap proaching, when both parents rushed to save the child—but unfortunately too late to make their escape—the cars pas sed over three, completely severing the head from the child, cutting off the leg of the man and the arm of the woman. The child of course was killed instan taneously. We have not learned the names of the sufferers. On Friday last, a son of Mr. Mittens, of Schuylkill Haven, was knocked down by the cars on die railroad, which pas sed over him severing an arm and a leg. He died shortly after. He was stand the end of a train talking to his mother, when the train was backed, which caused the accident. THE ATTACK UPON MR. ADAMS.--A 'corrrespondent of the Newark Daily Advertiser describes Sangster as an old fellow who has been about the city of Washington for some years past. lie says 6. it is now something like two years since he was successful in pro‘ curing favorable action on the part of Congress on a certain claim he had been urgin i g upon its consideration, the re sult of which was his being able to pocket a very handsome. sum of money. Shortly after this event, so important to him in a financial point of view, the temperance excitement, and reform reached him, he having been an almost abandoned inebriate at that period. He became a member of the Temperance Siiciety, and in the ardor of his zeal for the success of the cause, and the society in this city in particular, he paid off all its outstanding debts, and thus relieved it from its then embarrassed condition. Of course the Washingtonians here congratulated themselves upon having secured so fine a haul, and rescued a victim from immolation upon the drunk ard's beastly altar. For six months, I understand, he adhered to his pledge, and then fall to a much more degraded point than he occupied prior to giving in his adhesion to the temperance cause.". RIOT AT POTTSVILLE..—.-The Phila delphia Sun contains a letter giving lan account of a serious riot among thela borers of the Schuylkill Valley Rail road. Some of the contractors had re duced the wages of their workmen from eighty to seventy-five cents per day, when a general turn out took place, those disposed to work were prevented, and some outrages were committed r on the persons and property of the con tractors. Four companies of military were ordered out from Pottsville, but the rioters to the number of about five hundred, fied before they reached the ground. They however arreSted a few, and committed them to jail., A post script to_ the letter says : it I lhave this moment seen a letter from 11ir. Blusin ger, brought heredby an 'express, in which he states that the rioters have surrounded his house and threatened his life. The military will be ordered out to-morrow morning earl Y, perhaps to-night, in which event If ar blood will be shed." THE POST OFFICE BILL.—A corre spondent of the Journal of Commerce mentions the features of the bill report ed by the post-office committee for re ducing the rates of postage. The Post-office Committee report-, ed a bill to-day reducing the rates, of postage to 5 cents for 500 miles„ find - 10 cents for any greater distance and greatly reducing the postage on news papers and periodical. The Treasury is to pay $ i . 750,000 nnually for five years, as an equivalent for the transpor tation of the public correspondence ; after which it is to pay the same postage as private letters. I 'think the bill will Foss the House without any difficulty. It adopts the penal bill of last session." Punt= DocortiNTe.—Our thanks are tendered lion. GEORGE FULLER for valuable pubiic'doeutnents. *•, TUE ANTI-RENT 0UTRAGE......1 man proceedings of the . New York Anti-Rent party, as it delominates itself, are becoining bolder and bolder. every day owingto the imial4ty.which is allowed- their acts. 7 From !lynching they have gone to the next step, mur der, to which personal outrage usually leads unless checked at :the beginning. We learn from tie Albany Argus that at a meeting held at Claverack, Colum bia-county, on the 18th inst., a man i from Hillsdale was there as a spectator, named Rizenbu l rgh. He had spoken against the proceedings, as isrsaid, and was required by one of the Indians to . cry "down with the rent." He refus ed, and the Indian presented his pistol and repeated the demand. Upon the second refusal, the Indian ! shothim through the bod, i and he expired im mediately.- The Indians 'thereupon broke up their meeting and dispersed. Big Thunder and two ,of his as sociate Indians, have beeri arrested, and are in jail. NOMINATIONS AND CONIMMATIONS.- The Madisonianstates that the various Committees of the Senate have adopted the just rule of listening to no charges againstnny nominee made orally ; but that if tiny one has any thing to allege against any person' nominated by the Executive, the allegations must be made in writing,and signed by the accuser. The adoption offthis rule is calculated, in a great degree, to prevent injustice being cone to those against mlbom alle gations might be made, as well as to defeat j the machinations of designing and interested individuals. IMMENSE ROPE.-Mr. George J. Weaver,ship chandler, has juit comple ted, at his _extensive rope walk in Phil adelphia, one. of the longest and most perfect ropes ever manufactuied in the United States, designed for the inclined plane at the Schuylkill rivet, on the Columbia Railroad. It is six thousand feet long, and nine and a half inches round, composed of three strands, each strand containing one hundred and eigh ty four threads, all of an entire length. The tope is made without splicing from end to end, uniform in thickness, weighs about ten tons, and exhibits great skill. THE CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL ROAD COMPANY, will receive proposals until the 15th January; 1845, for. re building'their Bridge across the Susque hanna river, at liarri4bing. The length of the bridge is four thousand feet.— The plan, materials, and workmanship, to be furnished] by the contractor, ex cept such materials as are left of the, old bridge, inchiding the piers and spans yet standing. The plan to combine both a rail-way and a road-way, and the whole to be completed by the let ofJanuary, 1846. Proposals will be addressed to Frederick Watts, at Car lisle. COMPLIMENTARY.—The %Vashington correspondent kthe Baltimore Patriot, a Whig paper says :—Col. Pm( will make a capital Inaugural Address. He is a good speaker—chaste, correct, and animated. He strives after no flowery or high wrought metaphors, but speaks straight on, in good English, to the on derstandlogs of p the people, while every lineament of his rather peculiar, to some repulsive, to others ~interesting, face, is - lit up I with animation. I heard him deliver hts inaugural address in 1830, as Govet•nor of Tennessee. PROPHETIC 1 EPITAPH.—AfIer Mr. Clay had made his fierce and unexpect ed attack on the Hon. JohniM. Niles, of Connecticut, three years ago, the latter gentleman closed his' reply with i; the following ' ords, which , he declared would be the e itaph on Clay's political grave,-after 1844: ~ Heie lies Henry Clay, of Kent i cky, the four times de feated candidate for the Ptesidencv !" DEATH OF How. Tues. MORRIS.—By the CincinnatiiHerald, we learn that the Hon. Thomas Morris,died suddenly at his residence', Dear, Bethel, Clermont county, on Saturday morning init.— Mr. Morris 'was the Liberty candidate for the Vice' Presidency, at the late election. He was for many years a highly influential member of the Chio Legislature--lhas been one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, ,;and for six years was 'member of the Uniteik. States Senate OFFICIAL yOTEEleiliiliol.9.. gives 12,392; 41abe' ' ffia, 11,207 ;1 Mississip pi, 8,075;. all for Polk and • News from all Stallone. Greenhalgh, the ,celebrated pedestri an, sails forthwith for England: He promises to return, in the spring, when ills . reported that a l match will be made between hirat,and the Indian "Steep rock." The friends of Greenhalgh have made him up a handsome subscrip tion, equal to the amount of all his ex penses since he left home, and up to the time of his reaching England. This, with the ptirses lie has taken, enables him to - go back with much eclat. He says Gildersleeve is the best man he ever started with. 'A letter from Naples, of. November 5, in Galignania says—!" The famous volcano,of the Valley of Solfatara, near Pazzoli, in the Kingdom of Naples, of which the last, eruption took place in 1198, but which sent-up it 1807 quan tities of boilingwater, has been for some days.exhibiting the last mentioned phe nomenon. The water• which it now emits is strongly charged with sulphur. It issues from the eastern-crater in jets• of about fifteen to twenty feet high." Mr. Thorne, the millionaire, has ta ken a new hotel in Paris, and is fitting up a theatre within it, in which the elite of French society are to perfcrm. A new opera by Cappola; Nina Pazza per Amore, has been selected as the opening piece. The principal' charac ter will tie sustained by ,the eldest daughter of Mr. Thorne,. who was a distinguished cantatrice at the concert of the Prince'de la Moskowa. A small steamer is building for Queen Victoria, of light draught of water, in order that her Majesty may be able to obtain a nearer and better view of coast scenery in her marine excursions. Of 22 steamers built and building on the river Clyde this season, 21 are' of irop. Wood appears to be going altogether out of fashion in this particular depart- ment. William Foy, sent up to Blackwell's Island i3OMO time since, a few days ago broke priso i n and was retaken before having got blear from the Island. His time was nearly out when he tried to effect his escape, but now he awaits the' more serious charge of breaking jail, and will be tried for that offence. The Missouri House of Representa tives has passed a resolution, by a vote of 69 to 25,that the Legsislature has not the constitutional power to grant divor ces, and passed a resolution for the ap pointment of a committee4f thirteen .to report a bill for districting the State for the election of Representatives to Con gress. The case of Fairbank, in jail at Lex ington Ky., for abducting slaves, has been postponed until_pay next. Miss Webster, charged with the same offence was put upon trial, and the evidence was-being taken at last accounts. A chemist,at Stourport, has been held to bail on :a charge of accelerating his wife's- death. The - wife wr never so ber *heti she could help it, and the husband beat her and gave her brandy ad libitum. The Black Tongue is. raging with fearful violence in Gibson, la., A great number of deaths have occured, and some cases have proved fatal in four or five days from the 'first attack. Nineteen individuals have subscribed 219,000 to build a college ili'connection with the Scottish Free Church. Ten of them belong to Baillie Nicol Jarvie's native place—Glasgow. A gentleman of Banger, Me., has a Family. Bible belonging to hispather,and which was printed in London in the six teenth centuary. The,. paper is very; fine and the printing clear and neat. Meetings are being held .in a great number of the large towns in England, for the establishment of public baths.— At the Birmingham meeting -R3,000 were subscribed in the room. It was stated that 15,000/mould be required. Mr. Macready was prevented from leaving London for Paris at the time contemplated,' by fatting over some boxes and injuring his knee.' He has recovered from the' wound, however, and left ler France.. The bill for the relief of the heirs of Robert Fulton, which has passed the Senate, appropriates $76,300 for that , purpose. It is in the same j shape as it passed the Senate at the last Session. The Earl of S i hrewsbury (of the fa mous Utica_ *family, mentioned to Shakspeare (has given - 4'19,000 to wards huilding anew Roman Cetholii Chureh at Nottinglianr. _ : TIM PRICE OF Croon. rialature of Ohio, i 1 a fit of t ree/ urged a • resolution lately, askit, he Secretary of State, the pri ce/4 ' f Iles, that functionary furnishin g It ight. His answer is short but lei !MI To that resolution,Theuudeniiu t as the honor to answer—pric en_ is per pound; ijuality, prime. Respec4ully submitted, 1, SAM CALLOW Secretary olSiai HORRIE.—One of the very et utcheries oi3 record occorred a • eeks since, at Evansville, (Ark) offensive Indians were sitting qu i l a grocery, where they were diseoi d by two Cherokees, named EN' nd Jim Daniels, who entered th e, erv, drew their knives, and with ord being spoken butchered bo t h dians. OFFICERS OF CONOREB9.--The wing are the officers of the pre ongress : ;President.—Hon. .W. P. Mang 'Secretaty.—Ashbqry Dickens.- Chaplain.—Rev. Septimus Tus PrinlerB.—G ales and Seaton. ROUSE Speaker.,—Hon. John W. Jones Clerk.—C. J. Al'Nultr. Chaplain.—Rev. William Dail! Printers.—Blair and Rives. „ HABEAS CORPUS.---A b i ll h as pa;? e Senate of South Carolina; and! ad in the House, to amend un-, revent free negroes and persoul for from entering the State, uhil mong other penalties and deprival'', enies to such persons the right of rit of Habeas Corpus. ILLINOIS U. S. SENATOR.-41 emple (Dem.) has been elected a&t r of the United States by the Leg. `re of Illinois, in place of Samuel 111 oberts, deceased. Gen. Bailin), tl epresentative from the Spring& strict, was voted for by the WEIL THE "LEGISLATURE meets next Ta y, it being the first in January. . 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