Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 01, 1845, Image 1

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    1 - 73`Da3aDa.401
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To My Wife.
61 .11.41 1 BOLTON 1101316.1150 N
thee ; is pale with many cares,
g trots. is overcast ;
L byl,fair face a shadow wears
,„„eteltv of sorrows past;
bath thy tongbe for me';
6trksoe'er my lot may bo
l iar comfort, love, to thee,
eautiful, my wife !
,centre eyes are not so bright
i oihen I wooed thee first;
. ".!'they have the same sweet light
long my heart bath nurst i -
,v have the same enchanting beam
cliarm'd me in love's early dream,
sull.with joy on me they stream,
ly beautiful, my wife,!.
:n 4 without looks dark and cola,
0 voices change th4r. tone,
; pet me as they did of oltb
IkA I am not lone ;
my love, are aye the same,
~ l oaks and deeds thy Faith proclaim ;
•Agli all should scorn thou would'st not
My beautiful, my wife!. , [blame,
51:a30w comes across my heart
Ail orerclouds my. fate
.:eifer I think thou mey'st depart
And leave me desolate ; -
:r 3s. the wretch who treads alone
, an gloomy pith in wilds unknown,l
'ch shouldl be if thou wert gone,
My beautiful, my wife !
thou wert dead the flowers might spring,
But I should , heed them not .
le merry birds might soar and sing,
['key could not cheer my lot.
;.fore me. dark despair would rise
id spread a pall o'er earth and skies
iliae no more thy loving eyes,
My beauaul, my wife !'
these deaf eyes hare shone through tears,
But never looked unkind,
m shattered hopes and troubled years •
S;:ll closer seem to bind
2p pure and trusting heart to mine.
lifer thyself did'st thou repine,
all thy hu4nd's grief was thine.
lip beautiful, my rife !
Shen; at the eventide, I see
f.; children throng around,
.;,id know the love of them and thee,
spirit still is bound
eartli, despite of every care
eel my soul can do and dare
a-s thou my, lot dolt share,
Ily beautiful: my wife !
The Angel's Visits,
111 iUS. S. I . HALE
.12 earth was at rest, and the evening air
tieeto'd like breath of the evening sleeping ;
Cal the stars stole forth like fancies fair,
,iat come in / the light;of the mother's prayer,
When love is her vigils keeping.
B.:t the mother felt in her trembling breast,
That the Angel's presence was o'er her,
she . shook with a /nameless fear distressed,
thutved like a reed by the dews oppressed,
T. guard the dear babe before her.
clouds gathered dark as the funeral pall,
The midnight winds were sighing,
hi the mother's tears like the rain-drops fall,
hath heard the soft tone of the Angel's call,
And she knows that her babe is dying.
"he sus is bright in the,Qaing sky,
•he when s its first smite was given;
.3,1 the Angel soars to his home on high,
7, 111 e filth. reveals to the mother's eye
That he bears her sweet child to Heaven.
yon bright stars which gem the night
Be each a blissful &Welling sphere,
Where kindred spirits re-unite •
Whom Death has trim asunder here:
Ilast sweet it were at once to die,
And leave this blighted orb afar !
and soul to Cleave the sky,
And soar away from star to start
! how dark, how drear, how lone
Would seem the brightest world of bliss,
wanderingthrough each radiant zone,
W e failed to find the loved of this ?
`there no more the ties shall twine,
Which Death's cold hand alone can sever,
.th! then those stars in mockery shine
More hateful, as they shine for ever! •
ea:loot be—each hope and fear, -
That lights the eye . or clouds the brow,
Proclaims thereis a - happier sphere
Than this bleak world that holds ns now!
i lers is a voice which Sorrow hears,
When heavtest weighs Life's galling chain ;
161 r Heaven that - whispers dry thy tears —
The pure in heartfhall meet again."
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A Shark Story.
. .
We copy from, the NeW York Spirit
of the Times, the following' really_good
fish story :" •
Well, gentlemen, I'll go ahead, if
you say so. 'Here's •the story. .. It is
true, upon my honor, from beginning
to end—every word- of it. I once
crossed over to Faulkner's Island, to
fish for tautnugs, as the north-side peo
ple call black fish, on the reefs hard by
inthe Long Island Sound. Tim Titus,
(who died of the dropsy down at Shin
-necoc's point, last spring,) lived there
then. Tim was a right good fellow,
only he drank rather too mud,.
' 4 It was during the latter part of July;
the sharks and dog-fish had begun to
spoil sport. When Tim told me abotit
the sharks,' resolved 'to go prepared
to entertain these aquatic savages with
all becoming attention and regard, if
there should chance to be any interlop
ing about our fishing ground. So we
riggedd - a sett' of extra large hooks, and
shipped some ropeyarn and steel-chain,
an axe, a couple . of clubs, and an old
harpoon, in addition to our ordinary
equipments;and Off we started. We
throwed out our anchor at half ebb tide,
and took some thumping large fish :
two of them weighed thirteen pounds
1 —so you may judge. The reef where
we lay was about a half mile from the
island, and perhapi a mile from the
Connecticut shore. We floated there
very quietly. throwing out and hauling
in, until the 'breaking of my line, with
a sudden and severe jerk, informed me
that the sea attorneys were in waiting,
down stairs ; and we accordingly pre
pared to give them a retainer. A salt
:pork cloak upon one of our magnum
hooks, forthwith engaged one of the
gentlemen in our service. We got
him alongside, and by dint of piercing,
and thrusting, and banging, we accom
plished a most merry and exciting mur
der.: We had business enough of the
kind to keep us employed until near
low water. By this time, the sharks
had all cleared out, and the black fish
were biting
_again ; the rock began to
maker.its appearance above the water ;
and in a little while it, ;hard bald head
was entirely dry. Tim now proposed
to set me out upon the rock, while he
rowed, ashore to get the jug, which,
strange to say, we had left at the. house.
I asssented to this proposition—first,
because I began to feel the effects' of
the sun upon my tongue, and needed
something to take, by the way of medi
cine ;` and secondly, because the rock
was a favorite spot for a rod and reel,
and famous for luck : so I took my
traps and a box of bait, and jumped
upon my new station. Tim made for
the island.
4. Not many men would willingly
have been left upon a little barren reef,
that was covered by every flow of the
tide, in_the midst of a waste of waters,
at such - al distanee from the shore, even
with .an assurance from a companion
more to be - depended upon than mine
to return immediately and be by to take
him off. But, some how or other, the
excitement of my sport was so high,
and the romance of the situatton was so
delightful, that I thought of nothing
else 'but the prospect of my fun, and
the contemplation of the novelty and
beauty of , the scene. It was a mild,.
pleasant afternoon, harvest-time. The
sky was clear and pure. The deep
blue sound, heaving all around me, was
studded with craft of all • deicriptions
and dimensions, from the dipping sail
boat to the rolling merchantman, sink
ing and rising sea-birds sporting
with their white wings in the surge.—
The grain and grass on the neighboring
Carnes were gold and green.; and grace
fully they bent obeisance to . a gently
breathing southwester/ Further off,
the high upland, and the distant coast,
gave a dim relief to the prominent fea
tures of the lanscape, and seemed the
rich but dusky frame of a brilliant fairy
picture. Then, how still it was ! not
a sound could be heard, except the oc
casional rustling of my oivn motion,
and the water beating against the sides,
or gurgling in the fissures of the rock,
or except now and then the cry of a
solitary i saucy gull : who :would come
out: of his way in the firmament, to see
what I was doing without a boat„all
alone, in the middle of the sound; arid
who would hover, and cry, and, chatter, - :
and make two or,three circling sweeps_
and dashes at me; and then, after hav
ing 'satisfied his curiosity, 'glide away
in search of some Other-food to scream at.
rock,and gave.myielf up to the luxury
I -soon becathe.half.indolent, and
qUite indifferent about
. fishing; so ~I
stretched myself at full length tipult the
Regardless of Denunciatiaa trans any quarter .-4-Goir.Tza.
of looking and thinking. The divine
exercise -soon put me fast asleep.
dreamen` away a couple of hours, and
longer might have dreatied,.but for a
tired fish-hawk, who chime to make my
head his .resting-plate, and who waked
and started me to,my feet,
"" Where 'is Tim Titus ?" I•mut
terektb myself, as I strained my eyes
over the now darkened. water. But
none was near me to answer that inter
esting question, and nothing was to be
seen of either Tim or his boat. "He
should have been here long ere this,"
thought I, " and he promised faithfully
not to stay loner—could he have- for
gotten ? or has he paid too much devo
tion to the jug?"
" I began to feel uneagy, for the tide
was rising fast,' and soon' Would cover
the top of the rock, and high water mark
was at least A foot above my head. I
buttoned up my coat, for either the
coming coolness of the evening, or else
illy' (*rowing apprehensions, had set me
trembling and chattering most painfully.
I braced my nerves, and set my teeth,
and tried to ham " Begone dull care,"
keeping time with my fists upon my
thighs. But - what music ! what Mel
ancholy merriment ! • I started and
shuddered at the doleful sound of my
own yoke. .1 am not naturally a cow
ard ; but I should - like to know the man
who would not in such a situation be
alarmed. It is a cruet death to die, to
be merely drowned, and to go through
the ordinary common places - of suffoca
tion ; but to see your depth gradually
rising to your eyes, to feel the, water
rising, inch by inch, upon your shiver
ing- sides, and to anticipate the certain
lycoming, chbking struggle for your
last breath, when, with' the gurgling
sound • of an overdowing brook taking
a new direction., -the cold brine pours
into mouth, ears, and noistrils, usurp
ing the seat and avenues of health and
life, and with gradual flow,.stifling,
' smothering, suffocating !—it were bet
ter to die a thousand common deaths.
.".rhis is one of the instances, in
which, it must be admitted; salt water
is not a pleasant subject of contempla
tion. However', the rock was not yet
covered, and hope, blessed hope, stuck
faithfully by we. 'Co beguile, if possi
ble, the weary
,time, I put on a bait, and
threw out for fish. I was sooner suc
cessful than I could paye wished to be,
for hardly had my line struck the wa
ter,,before the hook was swallowed,
and my rod was be . itt with the dead
hard pull of a twelve feet shark. I let
him run about fifty yards, and Then
reeled up. He appeared not at all
alarmed, and I could scarcely feel him
pull upon my fine hair line. Ile fol
lowed the pull gently and 'unresistingly,
came to the rock, laid his nose upon
its side, and looked up into my face,
not as if utterly unconcerned, but with
a sort of quizzical impudence, as though
he perfectly understood the precarious
nature of, my. situation. The conduct
of my captive renewed and increased
my alarm. And well it might; for a
tide was now running over a corner of
a rock behind me, and a small stream
rushed through a cleft, or fissure, by
my side, and formed a puddle at my
very feet. .H:oroke my hook outof
the monster's mouth, and leaned t)pon
my rod for support.
4. Where, is. Tim Titus !" I cried
aloud.• Curse on the drunken vaga
bond ! will he never come ?"
4• My ejaculation did no good. No
Timothy appeared. It became evident
that I Must prepare for drowning, or
for action. The reef was completely
covered, and the water was - above the
soles of my feet. I was not much of
a swimmer, and as to ever reaching the
island, I could not even hope for that.
However; there. was. no alternative, and
I tried to encourage myself, by reflect
ing that. necessity was the mother of,
invention, and that •desperation will
sometimes insure success. Besides,
too, I considered and to - 9k comfort from
the thought that I would wan for Tim,
so long as I had a foothold; and then
commit myself to the uncertain strength
of ,my-arms and legs for salvation. So
I turned my bait-box upside down, and
mounting upon that, endeavored to
comfort my spirits, and to be courage
ous, but submissive to my Tate. I
thought of death, • and what it might
bring with it, and I tried to repent_ of
my multiplied "iniquities of
. My almost
wasted life: but 1 found that was no
place for a' simierto settle his accounts..
Wretched soul ! pray d could not. •
TheAvater \had. not got above •my
alleles, when to my inexpressible joy,
I saw - a sloop bending down tßwards
me, with the evident intention -oMpick
ing up. No utancan itnagine . w hat
were the sensations of gratitude, which
fille'd illy :bosom at that moment. • •
yards of the .r.gAf.' t
"..When .she gotcwithin , a hundred.
sung Out to the man.
at the itp„Mid lie by, and
lower the Wet . ; 'but . amazement,
I could , get no .reply: nor notice of my
request. - I entreated. there, .for, the love
of heaven, to take me .off ; ,and I pro
mised I know nOt, what .rewards, that
were entirely beyond my power of be
stowal. But the brutal wretch ofi cap - -
tain, muttering something to the:effect
of " that he hadn't time to stop," and
giving me the kind and sensible advice
to pull off my coat and . swim ashore,
put the helm hard (town, and away bore
the sloop on the other tack.
" Heartless - villain !"—I shrieked
out, in _the torture of, my. disappoint
ment, may God reward your inhumani
ty. The crew answered my prayer
with a coarse. lOtid laugh ; and the
cook asked me through a speaking
trumpet; " if l wasn't afraid of catching
cold,"—the black rascal
"It now was time to strip ; for my
knees felt the cool tide, and the wind
dying away, left a heavy swell, that
swayed and shook the box tiponphich
I was mounted, so that I had occasion
ally to stoop, and paddle with my hands
against the water, in order to preserve
my perpendicular. The setting sun
sent-his almost horizontal streams of
fire across the dark waters, making
them gloomy and terrific by the con
trast.of his amber and purple glories.
Something glided by me in the
ter, and then made a sudden halt. I,
looked upon the black mass, and as my
eyes ran along its dirk outline, I saw,
with horror, that it was a shark—the
identical monster out of whose mouth
I had just broken my hook. He was
fishing now for me, and was evidently
only waiting for the — tides to rise high
enough above the rock, to glut at once
his hunger and .revenge. As the wa
ter continued to mount above my knees,
he seemed to g row more hungry and
familiar. At l ast. he made a desperate
dash, and approached within an inch
of my legs, turned upon his back, and
opened his huge jaws for an attack.—
NV ith desperate strength, I thrust the
end of my rod violently at his mouth ;'
and the brass head, ringing against his
teeth, threw him back into the deep
current, and I lost sight him entirely.
This, however, was but a momentary
repulse ; for in the next minute he was
close behind my back, and pulling at
the skirts of my fustian coat, which
hung dipping into the water. I leaned
forward hastily, and endeavored to
extricate myself from the dangerous
grasp ; but the monster's teeth were:,
too firmly set, and his immense strength
nearly drew me over. So down new
, my rod, and off went my jacket, de
voted peace offerings to my voracious
" In an instant the waves all round
me were lashed into froth and foam.
No sooner was my poor-old sporting
friend drawn under the surface, than it
was fought for by at least
,a dozen en-,
ormous combatants! The battle raged
upon every side. High black tins rush
ed now here, now there, anti long,
strong tails scattered sleet and froth,
and the brine was thrown up in--jets,
and eddied, and curled, and fell, and
swelled, like a whirlpool in Heil-gate,.
" Ofinci long duration, however, was
`this fishy tourney. It seemed soon to
be discovered that the prize - Contended
for contained nothing edible but cheeSe
and crackers, and no flesh ; and as its
mutilated fragments rose to the surface,
the waves subsided into their former
smooth condition. Not till thee - did -I I
experience the real terrors of my situa
tion. As I looked around me •to see
what had become of the robbers,; 1
counted one, two, three—yes, up to
twelve successively, .of the largest
sharks I ever saw, holing in a circle
around me, like divergent rays, 'all
mathematically equidistant from file
rock, and from each other; each per
fectly motionless, and _ with lOs gloat--
1 ing, fiery eye, fixed full and fierce Up-
Him me. Basilisks and rattle-snakes,
how the fire, of = their steady eyes 'en
tered into my heart ! I . was tliecentre
of a circle, whose radii were sharks
it Was theunsprung, of rather the un
chewed gante. at which a pack of hun
ting Sea-dogs Were making a dead .
"There Was one' fellow that kept
Within the - circumference of the circle:
lie seemed to be a sort of captaitt or
leader ;of, the band ; or, rather, heac
ted as , the coroner' for the other twelvf
of the inquisition,khat,' were surrniMned .
to 'sit and eat up my body. .He glided
round and' about, and every nosy and
then would stiip,?and' toticlt his nese
against soine of his comrades,_ and seem=
ed to consult,,or to giyeinstructiorts as
to the time and mode ,4:kf operation.--=
t ..
OceaSioniilly, he ' would seulF'billisielf
towards ine, and examine the 'condition
of my flesh, and,theilagain glide.baek,
and rejoin flip troupe, aril flap his - tail,
and have anether confa ulation.. ,ir he
old rascal had, no dou ')
t, been mit - in
the highways and byways, and collec
ted this cOmpany -of his friends and
kin-fish, and:invited thelm to supper.—
I must confess that, horribly as I felt, I
could not help but think of a tea party
of demure old maids, sitting in a Solenin
circle, with their ,'skinny hands in - their
laps; licking their, expedting lips, while
hostess bustles about t l n the , important
funetions of . her prep rations, ' Virith
what an eye"have I seen such appur
tenances oflumanity 4irvey the, loca
tion and adjustment of some especial
condiment, which is about to be sub
mitted to criticism and 'consumption. ,
i f
~. My seneations be an to be now
moat exquisite indee ; but I
attempt to describe them . I was nei
ther hot nor cold, frightened nor corn,
posed; hat I bad a c6mbination of all
kinds of feelings andi emotions: The
present, past future, heaven, earth, my
father and mother, a little girl I knew
once. and the sharks, were all confUsed
ly Imiked up together and swelled my
crazed brain almos to bursting. I
cried, and laughed, , and shouted and
screamed forT4lllllll3B. In a fit of
toUst, wise madness, Ilopened my broad
bladed fishing tknife, and waved it
around my head witl ' an air of defiance.
As the tide contum; d
to rise, my ex
travagance of madness mounted. At
oneitime, I became persuaded that my
side waiters were i 'reasonable beings,
who Might be talked into- mercy and
humanity, if al botlyj could only hit up
on the right text.' ,o I bowed, gesticu
lated, threw out my hands, and talked
to them as friends and i brothers, mem
bers of my . family, cousins, uncles,
aunts, people waiting to have their bills
paid. I scolded them as my servants ;
I abused them as duns.; I implored
them as jurymen, Sitting on the ques
tion of my life ; I cougratulated and
flattered them as ,my comrades, upon
some glorious enterprise ; I sang and
ranted to them now as actor in a play
house, and now al an elder in a camp
meeting ; in one moment roaring—
" 011 the cold, and flinty rock I will lay down
my head— i
and in the nest s;ingir.g out to my at
-11 entive hearer's for singing, a hymn of
r. Watts so admirably appropriate to
the occasion : 1..
"On slippery rock' I see them stand,
While fiery bilqews rolt:below."
. , •
" What said I ;--,,whatdid I not say ?
Prose and-poetql, scripture and drama,
romance andrattination—out it came.
" Quandiu; Catalina, rostra patientia
allutere?"-i-1 sung out to the old cap
tain, to begin with—" My brave associ
ates; partners old my toil "—so. ran the
strain. "0n u l hich side soever I turn
my eyes"—" Gentlemen of the iiity "
—" I romo not here to steal away your.
hearts "—" Yon are not wood, yOu are
not stones but 'j—lioli l--,‘' Begin ye'
tormentors, you
tortures are vain "
Good ; friends', sweet friends, let the
stir you up to "any sudden flood "••••
" the angry flood that lashed her groan
ingsides",—"Ladies and gentlemen"
!, my very, nol4e and approved good
masters "----" 'vaunt !- and quit toy
Sight.; let the earth hide ye"-'--." lie
lightly on' his
,head, 0 earth ?'•'• 0
heaven mid elrth, that it should come
to this !" 1 .--" LI e torrent roared, and we
did buffet it With lusty sinews,
minglt aside, Foci oaring it with hearts
of controversy "—" thee me sonic',
drink, • Titattiay— ! " Drink, boys drink,
and drown dull sorowl"—for liquor it•
loth roWstichi comfort to the soul."—
" Romans, coyntry men and lovers,hear
me for my ca se, and he silent - that ye
may hear.'.'--,' Fellow-citizens, assem
bled as we ar upon'tAts interesting op-'
easion, nnprered with the truth and
beauty";-- ,, ye' of beauty, faro the
well "-.-" The, quality of mercy is not
strained"--"plaga veritas et prevale
bit "--4ruth Jis potent, amt , "--" most
potent. ! grade, and reverend . Seig 7
niors"4- . • '
ePp, and I perceive you feel
these ere gracieusltlyps.'
" Oh s now you
The dint 'of pit)
Kind sonle,
Our Cceser's ve
Ha !.ha! I
of most horrl
of tlie.toirice- c
ted jacket.
e' In the
got well up ;I
while I wasf
'on= myi tint i
cold , nose qi
eriubbiug gg:
iy and wo
weep you when you behold
ate wounded 1"
and,l, broke out in a s
t le laughter, as 1: thought
I eat particles of, iny-laqera-
tcan time, the watei . had
rewards my stiouWer ; and
shaking and vibrating :up•
t` the captain :of the Gar d
ainst, my side. Desperate
iliout any definite object.:'l
- ,f _
i .
-•-- -
struck a one of his-eyes, and by some
itingularlortune, 'gait outAcleanfront
the, socket.- - ,„The 'shark, darted sack
In instaht h0p604 .
"reason"carne in 'my - ,relief ; ':and it - tic-,
citire'iltn'itre that - if I
the Monster, Itnight'yet 'escape::
cordingly I stood ready , :for the next
iattack.. The loss
.. pf an eye . not
;deem to. , effect. him much; for, .after
.shaking his head - mice. or 'twice, .be
Came - up to •we again Cand when he
was - about hall an, turned:upon
, his back. This was thwcritical,mo
ment. With more unacconntahle pre
senee of mind, I laid hold Of; his 'nose
with my left hand, and With'my right I
.scooped out his remaining 'organ of vis-
I He - operted• his big: mouth : and
champed , his long '-teeth at me in !dee
pair., But it was all over With him. I
raised my tight foot and . gave'him a
hard shove;•and he glided off into-skip
water,; and wedt to the bottom:- :
Well, getatlemeh, I!if a hard story, but it is none the
less a fact, that I served. every, remain
ing one of those nineteen sharks inifie.
same fashion.' They all came " -up to
me, One by one, regularly and in-order;
and 1 scooped 'their eyes,out, and..gave
them a shove, and ditty', went off, into
deep water, Just like so many lainbs.—
By the time I had scooped out and blind
eda Couple of dozen 'of them, they be
gan to aeena so scarce.that I thought I
Would swim for the island, and fight the
rest for fun on the way ; but just theri
Tim Titus hove in sight, and it had gOt
to -be almost dark, and I concluded to
get aboard and rest myself." -
The inhuman, depraving and Unfit!,
system-of - prison discipline - and 'that
which, 'until recently, was practised in
lunatic asylums, is giving . way, we are
glad to perceive, all over the world.
" Pine!, a benevolent French pysi
clan, was the first to treat lunatics with
bu t' slight restraint. When he resolved
upon the experiment, there were more
than three hundred - maniacs in the dun
geons of Bicetre. Baying 'obtained
permission of the commune, and ac
companied by the notorious Couthon,
:Niel entered upon his work.- On
reaching the 'spot, his companion and
himself were assailed with yells and
vociferations of the most frightful char
acter. COuthen.was appalled and re
tired ; but the philanthropic Pined pur
sued the object of his mission, and re
solving to. rela# fifty of the afflicted in=
mates, Comm heed with twelve of the
most violent.
"The first man Set at liberty. was an
English captain who had been chained
for forty years.. His keepers feared
him. He had, killed one with a blow
of his manacles. The kind hearted.
physibian entered his cell unattended,
and offered him liberty to walk abroad
with only a waistcoat to confine his
aril's. The madman consented. His
Chains were removed and the door of
his cell left open.- Many times he rais
ed himself and . lell - back ; his limbs gave
way, for they had been cramped in irons
forty years. At length he gained the
dour; and gazed With many exclama,
lions of delight 4pon the scene, to him - -
So novel. He was no more In bonds.
and became contented, cheerful and
happy. . Within a few days-Pine' liber
ated fifty:three maniacs. The 'result
was beyond his anticipations. Trau
quility and harmony succeeded to tu
mult and disorder, and• the most fero
cious Maniacs became tractable. May
the day,be hastened when this system
shall be universally adopted."
Christianity, like a cloud, goes wand
erina over the world. Fearless in help
nocence it is not abashed before princes,
nor confounded by the wisdom of synods.
Before it the blood-itainad :warrior
sheathes his sword, and plueltS the lau
rel from his brow, the midnight, mnrder
ertariii from his ,
purpose' and like the
heart:. smitten •ilisciples, goes - Out and
weeps,bitterly: It
. .brings liberty tri the
captive,joy to the mioutner; freedom to
the slave, repentance - and.forgiVeness_ to
the dying. It also enters the hut of the
poor inan„and' sits doWn with them and
their-children, it.rnakes - thetri contente I
in. lite midst of ptivations,.and leaves
tiind - akeverlasting blessing. It walks
through great cites anud all their pomp
and splendor, their iMaginable prelleand
their - unuterable 'misery, a' purifVing, en
nobling; correcting, and redeeming angel:
It is; alike the beautiful 'companion cf
childhOod and . the comfortable associate
'of age. It ennobles the . noble, gives
WistionOci the wise and new giaen . to
lovely. • The patriot; the' priest; - poet
the - ,elequent. man, all derive their
sublithe • powerl from its- infltience.—
-WO6 - 112Do
'The Work of Philanthropy.