Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 18, 1844, Image 3

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    rioncE.--A corifeic niii•of
rersalists will ba held at Troy, on the
•,, G A c general attendance of
At No. 1, 'Brick Row.
u p g, lizaiD Ss - Wag 9 : :
• I E cENTLY FROM ELMIRA, are non -,
V ece ising and opening a splendid assort- .
DrUgs, Medicines, Paint.s, Pits 4. Dye
v 1 1,:i.,5v1: : dditlen,a full and cow lea assort
" "ILI" GROCEttIES The etock
, i n part of the following;
''"' ,•
, E ,Tc,-. Snu ff, MaccaboY
•fsu iciN ' do Scotch'
UP • do Cephalic - •
hol SoaP, Castile -
- _
• • - doe' Shaving
do Windsor - . •
Spa . Hartshorn ,
- do Nit.rlule. . •
Sugar Lead
Sup.Carb.Soda - '
Sulph. Quinine
Syringes, assorted
' Tart. Acid s
A ?ay. i ,_,A,„ ' Valerian Root
I taßrick ,
- Copaiva _ _ _ P AINT".
w ady Pitch Mick, Lead
c a mphor
I.Uiel . Chalk -''••\,:
Chrome Yellow
r iti ay Seeds
:015 ,„.id es , -do Green •
eb.Arnmon. Copal Varnish '
'ilenne Pepper. , Coach do
loomile Flowers Lead, White, d r y and
;oilman - in Oil -
5 . „,,,, Lad, Red
i rt Plaster . - Lamp Black
?ern Litbaraga -
tzlectionsry Putty
c g t.4. of all kinds - Paris White
'c o n Tartar Spanish Brown
CelinaiFrench Green
feels - Spt. Turpentine
l', 4 ery. ass'd from No. Rosin t .
1 to 6 ', Venetian Red
n o m Salts Verdigris •
-seam Bergamot ' Vermillion •I
do Lemon -- Whitiag
flo Peppermint Yellow Ochre
lot. ,do and Oil Sprnie DYE STrirs.
Sulphur Camwood
ids Benzoni - Cochineal
Rue, of all kinds Est: Logwood
fold Leaf Filmic •
(lam Opium Grain Tin
is Arabic Ilatchwood, '
dp Copal Lac Dye
do Assaftetida Logwood
do Myrrh Red Wood
do Tragacauth Nicaragua
forlmin CH Madder
lien( Picra Monate Tin .-
:gi g° , Spanish, float Oxalic Acid •
do Bengal Prussian Blue
i Powders - Ptimice
:k, in bottles - t Red Saunders
4s Indellible _ Rotten Stone
-.Vass The great English re
, Ointment medy, Buchan's Hun
tiurY Black prima Balsam of Life
, ' , IP - .. Sands' Sarsaparilla
ttutlanum 1 Bristol's Est, do
l uorice Root Wester's Balsom Wild
do - Ball Cherry'
for Caustic . Pectoral Honey of Lt
ar Oil verovort
• Cheeseman'e Arabian
agnesia ._ Balsam
do calcined Pills, Oriental
ions do - Dr. Post's
Lited seed do Hooper's
as ground do 'Moffat's
ktgalls do Persian
'Saves do Brandreth's
141, Fall, Winter and do Phinney
Summer strained do Lee's
P-rm , bleached , Godfrey'ecordial
via. and natural Thompson's Eyewater ,
• Linseed
c amp i ti , a , . • MISCELLANEOUS.
• Sweet Tenter Rooks
• Vitro! White and Red Tartar
Wintergreen -=-Bottles, assorted
Peppermint Nursing Bottles
Aniseed Vials, assorted
Lavender Window Glas, 7 by 9,
•eldoo 8 by 10,10 by 12,10
"uric by 14, 11 by 15, 12
1 Barley by 16, . 12 by 18
ninety Tea
:Bares Coffee -
..; Root , Sugar
to Potash Spice.and Pepper
waver ; Starch
' - ir6. rti& powdr. Raisins
IBi nitone Soda Crackers 14 '
Chalk ' Cinnamon
Precipitate - English Currants
''go: American and Nutmegs
!Pintsh . • Ginger_
1 Paper St'm ref. Family - Soap
,• Ammoniac Sperm Candles
Ginter ' Chemical . War do
Tobacco and Snuff
Sal Argus
Is syrup • Pipes
7 - 3 13 Was B ro oms
n Pails
ions Herbs Ropes " ' '
'• coarse & fine Refined Loaf Sugar
or( Boat
K A Fortis •
v s Oil on.
,v a Oil
A Vitriol
Isihl - i'aiats at all.times on hand, ready for
December 18, 1844.
4 P11.11. 1 sr , S COURT SJLE.
( Pursuance of an order" of die Orphan's
Train of Bradford Alotinty; Ouse will - be
to puhl:.e side. on the premises, on
--Jay. the 15th day of January, 1845, at
p M.. a certain lot of land, situate
borough of ToWanda, hounded and des.
In follows: on the North by land of Wm
on the East by River street . ; op-the west
.olJohn N. Weston, and - on the South'
'crnain lane leading, from Main street:to
id River street; said lot-measuriag
on River street andll2 feet °Mlle afore*
with a two story frame dwellingtionse
• will be given for 'a, portion of the par
-111"3"Y • Attendance will be given by
ber at the time , and plat* aforesaid,
4 ° 3 of sale mitre•fully - mstle known.
Deriember 16;1644..
1 0,000 .MAJORITYI
l Esubacriber bus just Ticeived :oriarge
,atel splendid Intriety of NEW GOODS
the Seam; which he will sell' it init
loutor cask. 0. D: BARTLETT: , •
4 Mo, 11,1844;
An•U•frA!'''RY . :ELICtrION.
9 1- 0u1.§ 13 .M49 34 90. 0 .Thn0
Part 0 41 A A, Pthl 2 4 inisaae.oll
1 4a PARrdisix* , ,, 2 *-4:
4putpri4o=t;Air it/C * 6C " ,
o Colonel
Fkid. Pimi.eritt 0 4 01- Miioi
he ti* bettalion r ancl one' ma
w Oke.secontthattelilik, Of said :
tent: The first battalion corn
of the toonehip? nfAthen.t,'
t, - Ehiskeinin, Litchfield and.
will meet at the house. 4
8. Mathe'syson, in Athens _borough. The
battalion, composed of the township! of Wind
ham,-Warren, Pike and meet at
the Stone Tavern in Windham toWnshiP. Polls
to be opened at 16 o'clock, A. 31:; and clean at
6 o'clock, _ W. E. BARYON, .
• , . Inspeetor's Office, Imtptr,
E. Smithfield, 2d bfig.,&e.
A glIF the subscriber•to my old triendaand the
41, public generally, who wish gook Vake or
Bread, if they will fetch a grist of Wheat,"Rye, ,
=Coin or Buckwheat to the old Overton Mill,
which has been lately fitted s up new for doing
as good work as can be done in the State. none
excepted. If. you Joliet believe this, call and
try, and I will prove it to your satisfaction, on
short notice; only come, and you,shall be satis
fied: • . • • . A. B.- SMITE.
taster, December 16,1844. . -=
A LL PERSON'S indebted. to the estate of
IoW John H. Smith, deceased. of Springhill,
are requestpo to make immediate payment, and
all those hiving demitrids against the same are
requested to present them, legally attested, for
settlement, without further delay.
CHARLES mmHg Administrator.
Springhill, December 16, 18'
CDkir virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court
of .Bradford County, will be exposed to
site' by public vendue or outcry at 2 o'clock,
P • 114•. on Friday, the 31st day of January,
1845, at the Mansion. House, on the, premises,
the following tieseribed real estate, late the pro
perty of Edmund Russell, deceased, to wit: one
tract of land situate in Windham tp., county
of Bradford, bounded on the north by lands • of
Henry Russell awl Jeseph Elsheit; °lithe east
by lands' of Joseph 'Bisbee ; on the south by
lands of Edmond Russell. deed.; and on the
west by binds of Julius Russell— Containing
ninety-six acres, with about fifty acres improv
ed, with three dwelling houses,' one stone and
two framed; and three framed barns thereon
erected. One other tract, situate in `said town
ship, bounded on the north by the above des
cribed lot of land and lands of Joseph Eishee
on the east by lands of George Pitcher ; on the
south by Ziba Hotchkiss ; on the west by Ja
cob Smith. - Containing two hundred acres or
thereabouts: with 'about fifteen acres improved.
with a grist mill and one-fourth of a saw-Mill
and privileges thereon. ,
Terms made known on of sale.
• Administratrix of Edmund Russell, dc'd.
December 16, 1844.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo.,
issued from the court of common pleas
of Bradford county, to me directed, I shall ex
pose to public sale at of Wm. Briggs
in the Borough of Towanda, on Saturday the
18th 'day of January next at one o'clock'
P. U., the following described piece or parcel
of land situate in Troy. township and boun
ded on the west by A. D. Spalding and Hiram .
Pierce; on the north by lands of Jerre Adaufe,
A dr. C. Fitch at Co., E. C. Oliver and Aline
reon Herrick ; on the east by land of C. Paine
and Thomas.H. G.ostirrt and on thh south by
lands of ' Lewis H. • Fitch, John E: Goodrich
and Thoants.H.Gustin. Containing one hun
dred acres - of land'or thereabouts with about
seventy acres improved with a small orchard,
a framer) house and barn and saw mill and out
houses thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
0. P. Ballard vs; Seely Mend.
ALSO—A certain farm or tract of land sitn•
ate in Asynm township Bradford Co., bounded
north by lands of G. M. Hollenbaik and Sam.
H. Butler; south by land of Thomas Ingham;
and east by tracts formerly called the Church
lands. Containing two hundred acres or there
abouts with one framed house, one framed barn,
onesaw trill end orchard withthirty or forty
acres improved.
- Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
C. F. Welles Jr. va.Seymour Beeman,
ALSO—A plea, or parcel of land situate in
Monroe township bounded on - the north by
Timothy Alden; on the east by Eleazor Sweet;
on the south by Ira C. FoWler dec'dl on the
west by the Towanda creek. , Containing
abotit sixtylfour acres all improved, one frame
house 32 by 36 one frame barn and small orch-.
and thereun.-
4 3F 4 2041,5nd taken in execution at the suit of
J. P.Kiiby vs. G. S. Bull 4 A. L. 4 ;tamper
administrators of Jacob Amain dec'd.
ALSO--A piece or parcel'of land situate in
Burlington township and bounded on the north
by land of Jeremiah Traverse and others; east
by lands of W tn. Knapp, Randall, B.Lane, J.
Wilcox, and Sugar creek; on the west by land
of John Black, A. Leach, and Wilcox 4. Soper.
Containing. one !Modred and twenty six. acres ,
more or less with . two dwelling houses, one
double saw mill, one single saw mill, one grist
mill, one barn end shed and other out buildings
thereon erected with about seventy five acres
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
M. C. hiercur's use vs. Asabel Smith and J.B.
. ALSO-4t piece or parcel or parcel of
situate. in the township .of Wells, bounded on
the north - by jend of Caleb .Lawrence; east by
the flhhe,' highwail - irouth by lands of Oliver
Beardsley, and West by land of Henry Blue.—
Containing fifty, eight acres, about twenty two
improved ,a small fnuned house and a
small orchard thereon. • • .
Seised and taken in 'execution at the suit of
E.', C. Oliver vs. Joseph Beers.' .
AI.SO—!-A lot <if * land . situato in. Canton tp:
:'and bounded on the south by the -Towanda
_creek t . tin the West,hy, lands "of O. P. Ballard';
on the riorth_hy Silas Smith andCboles StoCkfr.
well and: on the:east by, Charles 'Stack 'natl.:fr.!.
Containing •seveti9 , ,' one and a half acres with
about fifty Acres nuprioved,with ` alramed house
andframed.bain and orchard titerion.
Seized and nzecutioif at the suit of
O. P. Bittiiiipi se. Sullivan Ifieknk.
ALSO—A 'Oldie parCel or lot Orland, situate
in the Baia Of Athens bounded north by Ches.
'ter Park ; wed V - liaal`dieet , , sairth by-,Pat.
'rick, Clapp 4:Satterlee essttii.l*. 4: W. Aien.
dell, with a fiiiiitidweiling hotup, containing
'we fourth of sn liege - Wilt . or Tess,
iPt R .701 t r.
RJolia = anu taXon An exeCtitton at Ate scut Of
ALAIN.* lly.eirtae, art snit of s totrintrit Pitt
: QiQs: l l**riwikg*Ql Qt 1 40 - 3.YittiAnd,,beirM:
in. the PultilliP Qt.VV•eilf s ii d, c ° , 4 , ° ! l ' 3 ,'
arli; tilittOrit itikiitCeritil,,iti . the eSeterti'
lsnthdtfrk*-lonAt triet' thence by
ih to"
the - said Wilfutin knit* tiblth sigh* avian:
degniet mist; ono hundred and:swentylperchett
IP .Q.P o dA o racir ilk the Weinerfit ittognlifilrY2tim:
'of saidlitigetttoct; Ahenoolhy.the strer l
'one degree ..We4 tweirtifi've parchca r ta 'poet
cinder ; :thence ',by Lind-Conveyed Rebecca
Horton eighty Coven-degrees east 'oriiitundrird•
and'uidety two perches •iti the eastern - htrunda'.'
ry. litre aforesaid i thence; by the same . 110;112t
'east Ilft, perches , to the beginning.j.. Containing.
twenty'-eight. acres and.allowone.e. beoglmirt 0 f
a tract called Rgelaad,
ALSO—That certain other_ piece or pan:clef
lead situate - in sahltovinslilp; • biginninl'at
post in the eastern bounday line of the original'
larger. lot or tract; t ihenctrcy, land% of: Simnel
Gay lord,north B? west,- 196, 5-10• perches to •a,
post eincer„ thence south 87,° east -194 perchis
to a po s t corner in* 'the, eastern _boundary line.
aforesaid, thence °Wilding by the same north
3° east 53 perches to,the place of biennial.
Containing silty-keen ticres, with about seven
ty acres Reproved; with a dwelling house occu
pied arra tavern, .frabred horn end sheds. and
one btackaudthishop ,thereon erected, with or-'
chanting. • •
- .
Seized and taken in eleaUtion at the suit of
Henry T. Benedict vs. - Wild:R. Knapp;
• ALSO-By virtue of a writ of Pi; Fa. neer-
trin tract of land called Cato,•surveyed to Geo:
Castater, situate in Bradford County, begin
ning at a hemlock sapling, thence by land of
Peter Hampton north 61° west,l6oTembes td
a post, thence by, land of Jonathan Hampton
South 29° West 424 perches to a post,' thence
by land of Henry Hardy and Stephen Ifollings.
worth south 61° east 160 perches to apoat, awl
,of'Joseph Castator north 29°
east 424 perches to the beginning. popt3i 9 in g
400 acres and allowanae.. , ' ' -
ALSO-A certain tract of land calletl'Fair:
field, surveyed to Ppter Seely, situate on the
waters of Towanda creek, Bradford county, be
ginning at a post,:thence by land of . Jonathan
Hampton north-29°. east 424 perches ton sugar
sapling, thence by lands of Nathan Haganorth
6° West 160 perches to a post, thence by land
of ndrew Siddons South 29° west 424 perches
t a 'post, and thence by land . of Joshua C o oley
anti Henry Ilaidie south 61° east 160 perchei
to the beginning. . Containing 400 acres,. and
allowance.... , :.. . . ' , , .. ;
'ALSOr-A certain tract of land. Called Ca
pad, surveyed to joshua Cooley, situate , oi the
waters of TOWillldacreek, - BratlGard connty, be
'ginning al a post, thence by land of Peter See
ly, Andrew Siddons and George Siddons north
61° west 320 perches to a post, thence by land
of Paul Moore south 29° West 212 perches to a
birch, thence by old surveys south 61 0 :east 920
perches to a sugar tree; and thence by land *of
Henry Hardy north 29° east 212 perches to
the beginning. Containing 400 acres and al.
lowance. _
, ALSO--A - tract of :land called Derry, sur
veyed to Henry; Hardy, situate in
beginning at a pain, thence by land, of: Georgc'-
Caststor, Jonathan Hampton and Peter Seely,
north '6l° west 320 '
perches to's post, by hind
of Joshua Cooley, south 29° west 212 perches
to a sugarlree, thence by old surveys south 61
degrees east 320 perches to a post.• and thence
by land of Stephen Hollingsworth north 29°
east 212 perches to the beginning.. Containing
400 acres and allowance. - .
ALSO--A certain tract of land called Cy
press surveyed to Peter Hampton situate on the
waters of Toikanda creek Bradford co. begin
ning at a .hemlock sapling; thence by land of
Jonathan North
. twenty nine degrees east four
perches ; tea post; thence by land of Jas. Lad
ley north sixty. one degrees west one hundred ,
and sixty perches to a post; thence by laid of
Samuel Haga f south twenty nine degrees west
four hundred and twenty four perches to a post,
and thence; by- land of George. Castatur south'
sixty - one degrees east one hundred and sixty
perches - to the beginning., Containing four
hundred urea and allowance. ,
'ALSO—A certain tract of land called Dry
den, situate on the waters of Towanda creek
in Bradford !co., beginning - eta suite) sapling.
thence by land of Peter Seeley south 29° west
424 p. to a post; thence by land of Henry Har
dy' south 61° east 160 p. to a post ; thence by
land of George Castater nortlr 29° eist424 p.
to a post; and thence by land of Samuel Hoge
north V° west 160 p.'to the beginning. Con
taining four huntfred acres and allowance.
Seized and taken in • execution e the
_suit of
Abraham B.: .Shaw assignee of Robert Bird,
Clements S. Miller and Jacob Snider jr. as
signees intrust , of the estate of John Vaughn
vs. Nathan' Smith.
' 'J. N. 'WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's' ; • ?
Towanda, December 16, 1844.5 , .
Shaving and Hair. Dressing
John ;Carter, Barber.aad Unit Dresser,
1111)ETURINs his, thanks,,to his numerous
customers, and, informs them , that he has,
fen:love& his shOp . to the small building on the
north'side of the public square, one door weit
of the 'Exchange Hotel, where he will be found
at all resioriable bonrs,.ready triwait on those
who mly favor him with a call, in the politest
manner. possible.
TowaQda, May 5, 1844.. ,
WOULD respectfully inform the : citizens
I of Towanda and its vicinity, that I have
commenced the Baking business in the shop
formerly occupied by Mr. Rose, where kithell
keep, Bread, Crackers. Cakes, and Pies con
stantly for sale.- Cakes for parties made to or
der on verrshort notice:at any time. All or
ders from a distance punctually attended to.
Cash pail for - Lard and Eggs. ' •
• '
• - - i. H. EATON.'
Towanda, Oct. t. 1844. • •
A. M. WARNER.' • •
WOULD announce to his old' easterners
and the public generally,, that be• has
re-opened his shop in Betts & Montanyeathree'
story building, south side the public square and
One door east of Montanyes's store, and that he
is novi prepared'io dwelt kinds of '
'Clock - 41001th Repatkisfr
on the Shortest notice. Having had an 'egperi
erica of eleven years in the business!), he 'is now
fullt ittepared to say that 'Mil work shall.not be
surpassed by any.eatablishrnent in the country.
All kinds of produce, : wood, etc., taken, in
Tolanaa, Nov. '1; 1844.
LBATHER. 2,000 Sole Leather,. also.
, Cow,Kipp an 4 ,Calf Skins of, •tho
quality jastarrived at „. 13AiRD.l t
September?. Mt. fiettek
nomg lotistidditiscHociL.
o i , l s :: _fz. v rr k sioit b
' "W 14 1!! 4 11 !,441 4 ;ff u N'Agt-
T ifietie faliztc r op i ti- 5 ; 1 4
t V 111,4 2 1 60
juktothetitotiet, C h en
Atittri Minvotoj.,Nioflootoitid.W-_,—;•.-;
f;lt; • !.4 , •r, ir-s;
Lain. Otri*eoi ,'llO
lifinsl4 'kali - - .l!'"' - 4
1- 13‘utivi .n'6
mincriptiooo °fib* jivho &lend thedapseboof.
-!Schotqa teceivet. - at: am, taitod uting itio
tenniumt . 1 1 11 K or.eßtl'Once •
IS . Pard son be 0 410 .' 2416 - Ml / 9.4 1 . 4 iPif t 01
iiea on ifok J",
itoine;'BrOgoor Dec!' '
• I •
HERE -Will be- soW at - Poblie-vmtdue -or
outcry,-att!.TRURSDAY,I the, 4th -,of
ippue37,-..1040. the •well 4 mPTl PARM of the
spbsoriber.tie;Giatrylei viell,adiptetk
to the raising . grayi, - oaii:pg; Eta; cootelning
200 icree*:, 140 improved' together with the 014
lowing property, to wit : : 1 , 11 *i:
(I.4;tottielsi Ciirii;-104} bagels:lS Date ;
35 tons of, Hey; 75 bushels .of. Enehwhel4,
100. bushels , of Potatoes ;: FS head sif,, Cattle;
40, bead of beep.;
. 4 h o rses;
Wagons I . l!akeasee,'nnd 0111,te'naeesan
13(impteritente he; Isola &tip:
Terms made known on the day of salei-:z
-,••• • ' - JAMES .11:41011111SON.
Granville,'Deeendenj. 1844. 7 , f •
A D.. MCIN,TANY.E.has .annexed to his
former stock of DRUGS AND-MEW
GIMES, a fresh supp - iy of ' 7
such as Teas; Sugar, Coffee, Pepper, Spice,
Salemtus, Starch, Raisins; Cavendish ' Smoking
And One cot Tobacco, Mac Ca. ,PPan
ish and Common Cigara, byibe box or other 7
wise.'Together 'with many other aniclee too
numerous - to mention. Be - sure find call, at
Montdralje's•Drig &Gratin Store. - ' ,
Towanda. Dec: 4.-1844:, i • - • •
A"persons'indebted to the estate of Seml
' iste.vf Warren toernithip+ dee'd..
ere make immediate payment;
nit those having demands. against: the same re
gusilitedtopresent them, legally att e sted for
Clements. , , J.E.'BULLOCt; • "
Warien,'Dec. b. 1844:: Administritoni;
IA paces's, Muilin . cle Lane's or the most
beautiful patterns just received aid for sale low,
very low, for cash by 0. D. BARTLETT.
Nov. 11, 1844. • • •
G OOD assortment of school, classical
and Miicellanemils Books, plati, a great
variety of the iheixp publitatione of the day—
also a .large assortment and great variety of
Note, -Letter,- Gap and Wrapping. Paper„ for
sale low for cash, wholesale or retail by
. . „
Towanda, Nci 6 .lB, 1844. •
4 - IAINE into the enclosure of the subscriber
ki sometime in 'September last three stray
calvei; red heifer 'calves and one line
back steer calf the requested to prove property
pay charges and take them away. , -
Nov. 9.1844..
lair ILL SAWS, Cross.Cutt .'do., superior
M. plate for sale by MIX 4 SONS.
Nov. 25. ' • .
moo= 'S'E UIEIIIZ W4:Wo
ID. MONTANYE • tins- removed Lis
i i • Drug . Store to the third door below. J.
4. E. D. Moutanyes , Store, Man street
where you will at all time,a fld . a good, assort
ment of Drugs if Medieines.!
Nov. 25 , 1845. -- ' ; f"'
PATENT Mould and Dipped Canqesfq
sate at '
. . .
NY NY quantitynf good, kind .of Wooten
Socks taken in'exchatigifor geode 'at. the
store of •' ' " O. D. DAMTLETT.
"Towanda, Nov. 28; 1844.- ,- l- ' • - . - •• •
craL - Datoarav ksusize ofazha;.
lirll . ponsuance of an order' of the Orphan's
Court of Bradford county. there will be ex
poi;rd to public, sale on the premises, a t one.
o'clock on tho afternoon of Tuesday, th first
day of October' !nazi, theioni)Wieg real estate,
to wit tract of land situate in Granvilldtp.
containing 109 lacies or thereabouts, bounded
north on land of J. Pratt;' east on land of Ma
jor Hawley ; •so th on • land of Joseph Pratt,
and west on land of Sterlen Vioman, and eth
ers; with about fifteen acres - improved, and a
frame house and log barn thereOn erected.
Attendance will be given at the time and
place of sale by h the subscribers.
All persons acing demands againat the el,
tate are requested to' attend.
. • !. . JERI/VI, M'KEAN.
Granville, September MALL
The above sale is postpoyie4*okiatuOay.Aho
28th No., at the,eatee place and Live of dey.
ranville4 Nov.. 4.•1844 ",' '
A LL peMons Indebted to the mitate4
vid M. COok iteezased t 'late of Athens tp.
are requested to Mike iminediate piyment . and
all those having deniands against the same are
requested to present theme legally. ,attested, fur ,
0. R. TYLER, Aiiministratoi.
Tcaraoda, November 1 80 1 . 3 4 , - • -
A LL' persons indeb‘d to the estate_ of Ben.
' ja mitt!. Ferguson, deed. late octlurel tp.
are requested to, make immediate payment ? and
all those Having deniandi aiMiinat the same are
requested to 'present them, legalli.atteited, foi
settleinent. - ' • . :
E. 'FERGUSON, Administratoi.
Dural, November 2, 1844.
- *Lunt)
jiff OR IVEY T !".14W.
J. sgiliV.ifiovilain
riiienetrin office in,Troi. Brad. co, Ts:.
'anci will attend to all business sofirsid Offieir . , in
the 'their:lirofession' ea cepa (*sirs, 4.,
Setawoon will attend punctually at Bahl villa'
Tfq, and W. amiss may ,be Ansa* ;
at any time in, relation to ;this Jsuakssrss At,thes{
firm, a his' o ffi eeln Totranda. L 4
IN? 40411t111 - t o Eflitign,
voirmatiamir ligistimivemainzim
of , 74 n snt.)?.! y i rahr, 7 -47
..)1 , 11.: b . . .
15t7,17:71 , Tr .
#0 ,114 - it t tign
:-; ne
• ,
" 1 "i ! .
blcicCh . rieeperl a eastilete , lurricirtri!en,l
of Mer4risidiitiOlectediwithiteitAanbi ex pees,
"ho;bB2iii lot • sil4irm
i s he most 'reasonable ferwie.. , filiislii , ....Pfliglu4 l .l
I reoql4ri;YElngi.'erF;'r , 4r: ex', l
4 ? .1
Foreibli Sijelenrr ds.
- tietiiet t brisid' ana trey'clatbs ''esurar.•
merest Atinetts,'
woollen tan - note; 'brown:slid Wm.
riliiitboge;• abieetings iiird a:. splendid
aseortment of Prints, of all prices and pirAerrehL
beak swiss, striped end cross-bar aipslina plain
and figured la,cea, friar. linens..; plain and fig'
andiriltr:viiireperori;cbamileonglisiterr; Aff•
ihrticritieairnouriefirrAe arittilaid
elra;oilit; et/ram:B,3 glOvea,f.flat ribanda, f homer);
suspenders . ; !Sew; f:
. trerthiatinery: Groteries. , ,H:
'Biiiiiii;crtlatied and loaf Higars4 - I . eag of all
qualities:intdareeir. floe cur, Virgins And
kitit3fobaceo; ante; apices; intistarr/.
CCge 4s , 6433 P• starch, Also o , : cornktl* ,
so eut'of
ireineti*_ 244 •
Pure cognac bran dy, Holland
&O W; thitt. GIO B 9 s
Hardar l am sod Cutleri, class cut and mill saws.
g i.;:tc.• • - =
Bootg, and
manse: ea 'Min' furred,
plain and figured india robbers . ; -French s ip
pers; busking; Alldien'a cl oth mid liltireseed
she* buffalo robes,'‘ike.. , . , • .
Caps.' •-• •
' B 111 14 s eitie and CuilvistiiT -Ole Bull; , leather,
f0r,,1 velvet'and heir teal' cape; men's' 'trblks
wool and .rowdy hits,
Every exertion pill .4;o'risade. to pima. and
satisfy ,every-One who may give him a calk
„ .
Towanda, Pec. 2d, 1844.
r:: r3l3: iYs
with ti mark on:the rigs' ear: • The owner, is
ioqizested to prove property. pay , ,charges, and
it sway. THEO. GEROULD.
Towanda, Noveritlier 21, 1844 '
liks2.4%tait iiifeaateLtQata:,
At No.' a Brick Row.',
HE eubscribers have just, received a new
lot of Cassimeres, Broadcloths and Sae
tinett's. Also another large supply of Domes
tic 'cotton- goods.ll. BAIRD if CO.
N0v..18, 1844.' • ~•
BLE PILLS for sale at BAIRD'S.
',Nov. 18. 3 Brick..Roto.
1%1 or about the 19th of Octobei last 'ati
gilf indentured 'apprentice named Schuyler
Andrew Jackson Vankuren. This into forbid
all persons' harboring or trusting said imp on
my . account. , D. VANy:)E RCOOK.
Towanda, Nov,. 15, 1844.
Onion Cooper, Hair Dresser &
IAS opened , a shop two doors east of the
. Claremont House, where he will do all
kinds of basincsi idhiti'line; such as Shaiing,
Ira& Dressing,'llonering ffe.on . the best and
latest style.: Vhitoltful for past favors he.soli
cits of the same. -
Towanda, Nov. 20, ; 1)344. •
'AT iti'MlX ,-- -&'SONS%
or 111 E BUIERS OF
NEW;- GOODS !. ,
are.just receiving direct front New
rte V York 4.1ity,,, a general assonment of
which will positively be sold cheap for cash or
ready pay! • ' . •. •
The public are, .respectfully invited to call
and'elaqiino our stock. forihemselves..
Mixsz, smr. *.•
Towanda; November 8, 1844. '
UMBER ' taken iu:paytacizt-fur goods 1,0
:11- 4 1 D. l "4 s 'r • MIX 4 -, SOIR;
ARPETINOS and Oii- Cloth's," beatitifol
L) palterns, st low prices, at
',. , 1110.v:15; •.- , ; , .H. MIX A- SPNS, •
"gli ju st re c d
NUU . l an . fo N r E estri at PRI NTS,e lourrefenis
. • MIX- A- SONS.
1. A LPACbAk 'l3O - "Laitiee; •Caittieree,
rj.;.; silks - end. ;Velvet:lk beautiful • snicks for
'Ladies' dreeiet4l by • i• poNs.
ADIES'' SHAWLS, 'silk and 'wool Cra
,ju Vats, velvet and silk of every description, -
at the low-priced _ store of •
ArYIMPg, Licee, Z,eiihyr Vors*.ted;
1131 - =Working: Canvass, - Cambries, Cloves;
Girigharns, Fringes, - Girds, Lawns, Ribbons;
fOr4koladies, at : . MIX 4- SCDIS.
900443YD.5.• SHEkTlNGattila
404 -81IIRTING,, bleached arid
_at:prices so exceedingly lots ; as Ati
make it an object for persons to examino,quaii
ties beforendrellasing elsewhere: at
,NOV. - ;; •4* SONS.
WILOUGHB:, a: first -Tate •• article; tdiffireit
17", patterns; for sale cheap
.by • " .
'W.. BAIRD ! Sr.. CD.
. . .
• '•3 Bride Row
"A'NY 'quanthY of BEEF ITlDE'and
.billksPPAT-rETAS• ~Al o o B 4iPPing k.'ors
at the
,store of; •
far 'sale at: .
S.tePtember.7.. , . Pk. A./hick/101.i
vioRQ OM* Pails •en;l:loatitig obisietait
. : BAIRD *VO../-!F
Ejleptengletrlth4l%;-. .I'Now 3 aril* J 406•1
oaxviviv waima
• „.„ S:4 ' 4, ..o , " • \
ArIONSTANTL - Vois hail' a 241,i futtaritaiv
N.) Stove far sale cheap at BAIRIM;;,
Na.'3 Agri& Raw.
WrOTICE.k. given Atitik: iitACii go ta
dialtijAVAS /11563-pliorAnthe-4" day
of Decerobietl4l, Equidr , 'blots-set
tled or. arranged in some woy_tir ' Oro IA Of le
nuet3r they Vill be plated inthe Ileitis of
an Officer (ot collection and (11' noftifug but
riuotel‘inpiik (Itern: 4
Oct. 29,1844: ,El, GOOP Men.
~.........., ;. .. . ....,..,...4 - ti
- - -ItoitiettlimP, ~
, - ~.„.. , ~,, , lil i tit:: .;,.; .4,” r :iry.''!:
-' - ; ; ~.. ~ 1k
&11-0 CERT f.:STORE.
it' before= --- 7 ., ::,;..4.•:.;„.1:
Keip Abc., ..eopi?,
TttT the -*Old- Drug." Stere,;weliti iiide of
the Public,Sgtiarec ie,noiv,teqiviiig the
liarke:9TPlMlv9r 1 .? .1 1'P1P4 , 4/edielPes ever
littered IA this reii - itter;;eindng 'ilaji4 - aift the
following, - via".. - ' -:- ":":'""-•,•'''':‘" --,:- '.- ---.,", - '
Sulph. Slef.phip.,,,. :: Dine Met,..,
do. Qnin - bie, - - IsM Siker,"
Eng. Calomel;'' '• - r 24 Qiiick db.
redid. Potassa,. ,I:l'aperiniii. : '.'.. ;
ited kip#2140,,-•,-,1:'".-..4.C.Ceer , • ' , i ' :`t
White ' do. ~ .,.. . 4.._,Tart., Antimony,,
Strychnia, -, '-: - , "lbilitie,""' '" 1 ,
Elateriliiii; '""" .'" . ' " Videriati Riief,'
!Cream);.... .., ~Seiteee,- '-de.• -.- ) .y •
Pulv. Jalapa - '"
"fierPentatiiidd; " -
Est. do., " Dentioir .., .dthi'-'-' ' -
EV. Celyeinth'i .",. .:-•Colombe d'cri's '......'
do. Gentian, - . " . lion;, : ,.-:iiii.,_: - .,.1
dd. Cicuta,„.. ~ , , ;tenno, - . ~
do. Hyosciairius," . ' ." iiilhesive'Plaiter,.,,'
.do. TaraxeCuth, .',.. .Caritharides;''• '';'"•'.2
§p_nnined Thuditi Lancets, Lancet cases. &a,
The attention of PHYtdICIANS:is liarticip
laity invited tathe tebove artistes; they`being
just received from one of : the niostAeopectable
houses in New Yorkend :will therefore be war
rented pure end' free; Mini illnitetaiiiin in `all
calks, it'd disposed of at Very tot Priece.2
WintervFeni . .Cionnin n, Veppesinint,, Roo&
mary,'Worinseed, Heinle if, Sitasifrass, Lemon,
lisvundef.-Bergainot; An . ded; ClevesOuniper,
Amber. Cajoit; CarawayliMonard.Tennel, A 1.-
inund.Origannin; c...dAw, Amber, 41.5te.,-diii;
' • ~ , PATENT. II : DICINES., 4" , ,
The oe - pnter , of th 6 Jai; s uch .se, - Dr.
Jayne's Expectorant; ' 'istar's Balsam *Wild
Cherry, Semi.: Stusapa, Us, Dr. Jaypettpar
manitive, Beliam non bilind; T.urtto9! ool
Pink ExPectant ,* - .I), Eatenniteir Drops,
Andersons do.; lemon! : seen -Rh do:',.',llOnid
Opodeldoc, Balsam lionityiPresunt Salts, Mrs.
Gardners Balsam .I.iyerwrql MIA Hosrhoond,
Dr, Skens",ltigestive Eliior,Dr. Mumps -Eli*.
of oOium, - Dr: Benjamin: Godfrii'ar''Caidial,
Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, Cheesman's Arabi
ar Bahrain; Bilis, of :Columbia; Britleeildag
nesien.Aparient, Henry's do., Dr: Theinpion's
Eye Water, British Oil, Harlem do.:, , Mirecasear
do. - , Bear's do.: Grave's Hair de.i Croton:do..
together with many othe tonumereua to-felm
- P
. .
Compound Catharti Gregmy's. Emma
Female, German, ,Leesl Windham Billions,
Miles' Tomatte„ Brandreites, Wrlghi'aindian
Vegetable, Dr. Phiriners 'Webster's; Moffat'
'and Bitiers • Alebasiti;B shops, &e., &e.,.<
White, Red and Black Lead, Chrome Greene
Chrome Yellow,.Yellow Ochre, Prussianlllue,
Rose Pink, Sugar Learblitharge,.Blue Smelts,
Venetian Red, Verroilliun, Turmeric, Annette,
Indigo, Cepperee;A km, Crude, Tartar; Cnchi.
neat, Solution • of Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitrol,
Glass 7by 9, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12,l'utty,
Llnseed,Oil, &c.. &c.' ,
A. D. MONTANYE,Dnnestir.
.Towanda, Oct .25, 1844, ~
COLOGNE WATER. by the ounce; pint,
quart, or' gallekitt,fancy bottles or other
wise to suit the Ladies,*
THOMPSONIANS you will find Cayenne
Pepper, Gum !Muth, Barbary Birk and
other ingredients such : s are used in your prac.
tice at MONTANY "82D1117G STORE,
- Oct. 25; 1844.,: . ' - r- ' ' " ' -
11VALNT, Halt; S4ving, Tooth and Nail
Jr" Binshea at
VOOLUE Writing Fluid by tbti Ounce, pint,
ff. (load, Gallon' o Barrel; - 13lielC•do., In•
dellible and India, firatiquality at ' • -." •
October 25, 1844,.. ,
ANANDIES, Liquorice, for tiro
1,..,1* boys :Ulu} girts, - nt •• .-• ."" •
~0ct.25, 1844. . -
azuzz xr.c.TADE=2OO
THE übseribet hss - juit re
ved an opened for sale at the
twandc4 a large and general as
linent 4f fresh Drugs and Medi•
tek comprising 41 . gall medical
eruployed_ ii . . t he. practice of
tdieine &Surgery. ',Alio in as•
Iment of Paintsand Oils.; The
we article's were earefully seleet-
_...uoscriberhimseif,• ffierfcire
the confidence to recommend them , to the pub
lic as arttblcnof,the: very Peet,(l4 l .itYr - • .• ;:
The itoreivill_be constantly under the cam
of a , medical gentleman who__will punctually
and promptly : attend to „all orders. Any er
tfcle sent . for which in an over . dose may pro
dinis-deleterions:effects will be, labeled 'and the
appropriate diieetions given therecin.
To customers end all who - purchase at this
store, advice - will be given gratisp` - Tbii.shbq
scriber has also made an arrangement-with Da.:
flusros e who occupies an office in - the build
ing, by which may:avail themselyes of
hit; Isparience and advice free. of charge.,
An ,establishment _ of this kind under, t thti
ntediatetenipit'vision7-ofik medical has
Innkbeeniesired by the - citizeni of Ohl - plies
and "vicinity.' The subscriber hopes thereon 4-
s strict attention to, the busineint . of the estab
ment and "especial c ar e in selecti ng genuine ar
ticles to beable to obtain a'share of publin pat
renege. D.III,IdASON M. D. ,
Towanda; Oct.-10' 1844 • - •
sduE' ST °Gill CS -- ;
BURTON XlNOPEtEftlt,bas jtfsi fifth.;
ed and is now opening a splendid assort:'
meat of. FALL AND WiNT , • PA ac l 94 B *
cailitsitbig of
ft ' : Gods! , j r
..which : he vigsell very, chtapfpr ,Ca.lll.
T9 4 inda.,Beit: ;
TAPIOCA i niCe ariiele fot puddinffs, et
Nov. /8 ; 11AIRD'S,