Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 20, 1844, Image 3
,p 4 - . A ra) -a taareau @AWN disco of an mkt of the Grplmes „- ' il tc ll 3 rt of Bradford couuty.there will be ex ,' t o puidie sale on the premise*, stone c attle afternoon of Tuesday, the first October next, the following real estate, tract of land situate in Granville tp, acres or, thereabouts, bounded :;:i O 4 of S. Pratt; east on land of Ma .iftwley; 'south on land of Joseph P ra tt, ae on had of Stephen Vroman, and oth i'. tr itb abput fifteen acres improved, and a ....hove and log barn thereon erected. - •" J rn er be given at the time and A r,r.o.• r afsalrhy the subscribers. 1., haring demands against the t•• p- - N q oeited to attend. JAMES H. ROSS. lEHIAL WKEAN. Gfo rilie.Spteinber 2;1844. • POSTPONEMENT. !Ib:AT sale is postponed to Saturday, the p r ,:.,_at the same place and tiara of day. JAMES H. ROSS. AERIAL WKEAN. 'fin-Me. Nov. 4. 1844 ; PtrlA - LBS. - SOLE & UPPER LEA UP THER, superior quality for sale. B. KINGSBERY. • t :1jD2.91:23 a orazalazi, p A..i30 RP.O UG EIS would respectfully annetince to the citizens of Monroe and I i '*9, ci: i:tv - t hut he has recently located himself ,krilLige cf Monroeton for the practice of 4..3:355ipr., itavirig for several years been en `) in - an extensive prance and from thd 7:„; & p)-tunnies he has had of observing .. , i...e in all its forms, he hopes by punctuality ... EttentlMl to business to give entire , 6Cuon to those who may place themselves -]x•ros rare. 0 Mee at .1. P. Smith's Hotel 7: 4 2 may all times - be found, - except when. -/.fislanallv engaged. m nr neton, September lb, 1844. ____ _____ Flour, Iron, Nails and Glass, con er,lfy on hand at reduced - prices, by B. KINGSBERV . kxEcuTon's NUIVE 11.1.-penorts indebted to the ctsate of Oliver _lure late of Smithfield township. de arefeiliested to make payment and all ,~hlciu demands against said estate are resent them properly authenticated .iertfernent.. • ,IfEN:i AMIN ThOMAS, Executor Al's fur sale, and also the bsst assortment of CAPS in town at BAIRD:S. zYptember 30. " No. :3. Brick IZotri. a Ells . bags of fine salt for dairy and table alio any quantity of common It, which we promise to sell as cheap if not caper than eny other merchant in Towanda 11 before , you buy, at No. 3!. Brick Row. June 28, 1844. W. IL BAIRD & CO. I.DDLE, -- HARNESS & ),A0 •~:~~_~: SUB C RIBER respectfully inform , s ;11,3 oltl friends and the publiC generall y he N now carrying on the above busintal •rt various branches, in the north part of occupied' by B. Thomas, as a H at 3a Main street, nearly opposite Merely is where he will be happy to accomod ate tl.l new customers StIDIES," "IDLES.. kRNEsS,___ I COLLARS„ WHIPS ar.C., &C. • ue latest fashion - and best materials wrll be to, order on moderate terms for ready pay. %) . .4t kinds of country produce will be batten i-tl e . change for work. cA Asi ' l lir'i 17, 1844 ‘TATCHES! NVATCHJI:S ! A. M. WARNER. '01:0 announce to his old customers and the public generally, that Ire htts r i,tired his Shop in Betts & Montanye' s three budding, south side the public squt ire and ,Ipr east of-Montsnyes's store, and that he `*- 4 prepared to do all kinds of Cl* & Watch Repairh .;4iliorten notice. Having had an experi lert.:l-years in the business, he is now to. say thachis work shed not be • :/ 24 -4i:- any establishment in the country. i l : l7 4Wof produce, wood, etc., - taken .in 17 1€4 4, 1 1 da, Mr. 1, 1844.. -~ ~"~~3~C ~~ ~ 11'R co•partnership heretofore carried on I under the firm of PARK & GiLLUP, "Ping the Athens Exchange, is this day rtl by mutual,donsent. C.B.PAnA:, H. C .GALLUP. 36, 1814. "EXCHANGE " is now under the e:nPnt of C.S.PARK as agent for Steb- Erea:nbrack, and will be carried on as' =More. Travellers are invited to call, as to be as well, or' better furnished' 1%; accommodation than any other public this section of country. ::5, 1814. C.S.PARK. 'imiNisTßA - rows NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the estate of Ben -I,zain B. Ferguson, deed. late of Durel tp. s;,uested to make immediate payment, and baring defoands against the same are , tP.AI to present them, legally attested, for • E. FERGUSON, Administrator , : 1 '?, November 2, 1844. • <llla Morley No. 476 Mij Term 1844. • S. undersigned having been appointed di the Court of Common,P leas of Brad ')lllty, an Auditor to report the lieng in .41 t, 'will attend for that pltrpose at his atheborough of Towanda; on %%redoes. thy of November .1844, at 1 o'.' P .M., of which all persons interested will t ake notice. B. W. BAIRD, Auditor. "6;11. Pet 22, 1844. .4fgtA_„,f : BEEF . HIDES - azd r 61 : MS. Also Shippiag Fars &t. D. MOINTA.NY,E SHE fl SALE . By virtue of sundry *tits of Vend. Expo., issued from the court of common pleas of Bradford county, to me directed; I shall ex, pose to public sale at the house of Wm. Briggs is the Borough of Towanda, on Monday the second slay of DeceMber next at on c e o'clock P. M., the following described piece or parcel of land situate in Windham township and bounded on the north by the state line; on the east by Edward Neal and Peter Osburn ; on the *oath by Benjamin Clap and Jas. Brown; and on. the west by Samuel Lee and Samuel Clap. Containing about 137 acres more or less, about thirty-five acres improved, one fram ed Louse, one log house, one barn and two saw mil Is and a few apple trees thereon. ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land eta I bounded on the north by lands owned by Ri chard Bigsby, south by land of James Ken ya n, east by lands of Richard Rigsby and Sam os •1 Kinyan, on the west by land of Tidda and all. Containing 180 acres, a small part of .hick lies in Litchfield township, the remain der in the township of Windham. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. R: Barstow to the use of Party Johnson vs. Lewis Dodd and Charles Johnson terre tenant. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield township bounded on the north by Peter Myer, on the east hs, Benja min Stackhouse and VaneverTid, on the south by Zopher Tid, on the west by Cyrus Blood good. Containing about sixty acres all more or less, about forty acres improved one frame house two frame barns about two acres °Cora ard. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Hallenbeck vs. John Rogers. ALSO—The following property situate in Towanda township and bounded, on the east by, lands of N. Coon Jr. and Reuben Bennett, on the south by Myer & Manville, on the west by Enos Bennett, on the north by Granger, Simons and others together with fifty acres about forty acres improved with a framed -house and barn thereon erected. Seized and taken in . execution at the suit of Guy Tozer vs. Nathan 'Coon Jr., Reuben Ben. nett, Seth Loomis administrators of the estate of Thomas Bennett deceased. ALSO-The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington township and bounded on the north by lands of George Coryell, on the west by lands of J. Kingsbery, Wm. F. ACKean and A. M'Kean, south by land of Isaac Preston, and east by land of Jas. Lon; and George Coryell. Containing four hundred acres more or less, about seventy acres thereof improved with a framed house two fra med barns, a saw mill and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas Elliott to the use of D. F. - Barstow vs. John Bloom. ALSQ —The foldowihg described piece or parcel of land situate in Granville township, bounded on the south by land of J. Merritt, west by Malum M'Sought north by lands of Win. MTarlane, east by Win. Ross. Containing 61 acres with about five acres im proved with log house thereon. Seized and and taken in execution at the suit of Charles Drake vs. Thomas Pratt. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Windham township hounded on the north by Pletcher & Meylen. on the east loy ReUben Russell, on the south by Joseph Seely, Anson Coleman and Roswell Russell.' . Containingsixty acres one tog house, log barn, thirty acres improved. Seized and taken in ezecutien at the suit of Liesley, Morley de.. Hyde vs. David Etk.ler and Oliver Elliworth Jr. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster township 4110 hounded and described on the north by linos of Chester !gallery, east by land of Patrick Higgins. south by land of Fnrman Ransom, and on the west by land of Philip Sweet.— Containing forty five acres or th'ereabouts about eight acres improved with a small log house thereon.' CARPET BA..GS VALICES, TRUNKS Seized and taken in execution at the suit o Pike &. Lockwood to the use of Morris Wat tles vs. Andrew King Jr. ALSPThe following described piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Ulster containing forty six acres bounded on the north by land of Harman Vanbleck, east by land of Joseph Berry, south by land of Alfred Holcomb and west by land of Henry Kitchen, with about sir acres imptoved and one log house thereon. JERE CCU 1. . Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Pike & Lockwood now to the nse_of Jared Phelps vs. John Davis, ALSO—The following described" piece or lot of land situate in Athens Boro. bounded and described on the north by land of Chester Park, east by Richard Lambert, south by land of 0.0; hipinan and west by the public high way. Containing one half acre. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Nathaniel Clapp to the use of Willis and Bro thers vs. N. J. LeDoyt. ALSO-The following piece or parcel of situate in. Wysox township bounded on the north IT lands of Leßay, on the east by Ly man 'White, on the south by Robert Spalding. on the west by H. N. Spalding. Containing about eighty acres, twenty five acres improved one small orchard one log house and one log am. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Myer & Spalding to the use of H. N. Spal ding vs. Joshua Lamphire. , ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Herrick township, bounded on the north by Faancis Stoddard, on the east by Campbell Fletcher, on the south by Campbell Fletcher and John F. Lin, art the west by land survayed to John Lee. Containing fifty acres about 25 acres improved, one log house a small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in executiodat the suit of rra Smith vs. Charles A. Squires: ALSO—A piece or parcel or lot of land in the Borough of Athens bounded north by Ches ter Park, west by, Main street, south by 'Patrick, Clapp & Satterlce, east by J. & W: Kendall with a framed dwellingofouse. Containing one fourth of an acre more or less.. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Spalding vs D. M. Cook. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster township and hounded on the north by Cash and Vanvleek, on the _west- by i. Varrvleck, on the south by Hol comb, and on the east by the Susquehanna ri ver. Containing about three hundred Itcres more or less, about two hundred thereof impro proved with two framed houses, a framed barn and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of N. Clapp's use vs. Edmond Lockwood &Mary Ann Lockwood. ALSO—The following tract or piece o•f land situate in the township of Smithfield contain. ing seventy seven acres or.thereabouts be untied on the north by lands of Rufus Wright and E. A. Child, on the east by the' highway, on the youth by Arabal Tracy and On the west by Jo. When S. Mitchell with about sixty five acres improved, a large orchard theron growing, and a framed house and barn a blacksmith shop and a eider mill thereon. ALSO—The equal undivided half a piece or parcel of woodland adjoiningklatta of bold Arnold on the west, the wholeAtntaining fifty Acres or thereabouts. Seized and taken in monition a the = it O f •Elijah Sathbum ,dr. A. Hunt vs. John W!tzeon. ALSO—The following piece or paree of , land situated in Orwell township, bounded On the north by Jarvis Bottles, east by Jerson* Barns, south by Wm. B. Robinson, west by Reuben Easterbrooks. Containing one hun dred acres about 25 acres improved one frame house and orchard. „ Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel B. White vs. Milo Bottles who survi ved E. W. Buttles 4Sr. Jarvis Buttlea t. tenant. ALSO—The following described property situate in Towanda Boro'. bounded on the north by land. of M. C. Arnout, Edward White and Tracy & Moore, on the east by Tracy adSr. Moore and Main street, on the swath by land c•f Eliza beth Means, and on the west by .1. D. Gooden ough's land. Containing one touch of an acre be the same more or less with a two story building thereon erected occupied as a hart shop and harness makers shop with a nine pin alley. 'attached thereto and a barn with an - .under ground stable. seized and taken in execution at the suit of Theodore Van Tine vs. Zenas Thomas, Be.lja min Thomas and Mark C. Amout terre tent.nt. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek townstip end bounded on the north by lands of William Burke, on the east by lands of Ralph Crane& others, on the south by Daniel Hildrethiand others, and on the west by lands in possession of James Dewey. Containing one hundred an twenty five acres or thereabouts with about thirty acres or thereabouts improved with a log_ house and log barn thereon with an apple or chard and peach orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John L. Webb adminiqpitor of A. A. Beck with who survived H. W. 'Strong now to the use of Spencer West vs. James Dewey. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda township Bradford co. and and bounded as follows: beginning at a chesnut the south east corner of lot n 0.235 according to a plot and survey of the tract, thence north 138 & 3-10 perches to a post the south west corner of M.Russell & E. Ben nett's lot, thence east 118 perches to a post, thence south 139 & 3-10 perches to a maple sapling, thence west 118 perches to the begin ning.. Containing one hundred and one acres and 159 perches strict measure. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Timothy Paxton and William Davidson trus tees or the Bank of North America vs. Alphon ; zo Mosier. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Athens tp. and bounded as fol lows: On the east by the public highway. north. south and west by lands of Julius Tozer. One framed dwelling house apd a wood house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Julius Tozer vs. Harvey French. ALSO—A piece or parcei of land situate in Windham tp. and bounded on the north by Julius Russell, Henry Russell and Joseph Ellsbree, east by Joseph Ellsbree and George Pitcher, south by Thomas Cadwalader. and west by Jacob Smith and Julius Russell, con taining three hundred acres more or less with about one hundred acres improved with &atone dwelling house and two framed . barns, one Grist mill and one fourth of a saw mill, three framed houses and a shed. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Titus & Baxter vs. Clarissa Russell &c. and Charles Russell. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington tp. and bounded as follows : Beginning at a white oak marked for a corner, the north east corner of Simeon Mor ton lot, thence west two hundred and three per ches to a post on the west'line_ of warrant lot No. 4436, thence north on said warrant line one hundred and sixty perches to a post north west corner of said warrant lot, thence east two hundred and three perches to a sugar tree for corner, thence south one hundred and sixty perches to the beginning. "Containing two hundred and three acres strict measure, em bracing lots No. 256 and 257 on said warrant lot No. 4436 with a saw mill thereon and a small improvement. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Timothy Paxton and Win. Davidson Trustees of the Bank of North America vs. Win. Keeler and Silas 'Noble. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Albany tp. being part of a tract surveyed to George Barnes, bounded on the north by Joseph Anderson and John Barron Jr.. on the west by Frederick Castator, on the south by Elizabeth and Moses Bush and on the east by lands in the warrantee name of Peter Benson, being the same land sold to .Hugh O'Hara by the Treasurer of Bradford county for taxes in 1842. Containing one hundred and sixty acres more or Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. M. Bull vs. Hugh O'Hara. ALSO—A piece of land in South Creek tp. bounded north by land of Willow Aber, east by land of James Dewey and NVIn Berk, south by John Hilman and west by lands of Willow Aber and P..Fatisett, containing abdut sixty acres, about thirty-five acres improved. • ALSO—A tract of land bounded north by lande"of Wm Berk, east by D. Htldreth, south by John Hi!man, west by James Dewey, con taining about one hundred and -twenty-four acres, With about forty-6ve acres improved, a log house and log barn thereon erected, about 150 fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Philo Fassett vit. James Dewey. • -. ALSO—A lot of land belonging to Wm W. Mitchell, bounded north by land of John Tyler, east by S W Mitchell, south by Vincent Owen, west by Charles Dewey, one acre improved, with a log house and saw mill thereon erected. Containing 60 acres; more or less. • Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Vincent Owen vs, W.W. Mitchell, J. W. Mitchell, and Samuel V Mitchell. ALSO—A lot of land in Smithfield town sh bounded north by Gideon A. French, on the cast by Ebenezer French. south by lands in possession of Daniel Hill, west by Richard M. Welly, containing one hundred acres, more or less, with fifty acres imprawed, a framed house, log barn, & small dichartrof apple trees thereon, Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Seth Salisbury, to the use of 0. P. Bassett vs. John W. Camp. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facies a certain messuage, piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Ridgbory afore said, hounded and described as follows: begin ning at a ehesnut oak the south west corner of a tract of land surveyed to Francis Johnston and Jonathan Mifflin on warrant no. 5653 and running from thence north along the west line of said tract two hundred perches. thence east ninety-nine perches to a stone, thence south two hundred perches to a post standing in the north line of Govett's line, thence west along Govett's line ninety nine perches to the place of be-ginning. - One : hundred and twenty three acres end one hundred and twenty perchca•of land strict snwurt. Seized and taken in execution atthe suit of .Alex. Johnston executor &c., vs. J. Dewey. ALSO—A tract of /and in Wells; township beginning at apost owner in the easten2 bounda ry line of the said larger tract, thenee by land granted by Heiman Keeler and wife the said William &Knapp math eighty 6 en degrees crest one hundred and twenty perches to a post ,comer in the western lionudaty line Icif said [ar s ? tract, thence by the sante south 1° west 25 p en :les toe post corner, thence by land mt. veyeti to Reuben Horton, 87° East 192 perches in t h e %patent boundary line aforesaid, thence bo the sable north 3° east 25 perches to the be ginning: c o ntaining 28 acres and allowance being part of n tract called Hyeland. ALSO--A piece of Land' ill Wellstp. begin ning at a p e ot in the eastern ooundary Line of the ( ni g h ts ) larger tray thence by land of L. Gaylord, north ..97° west 196 5-10 perches to a' post corner, thence south 87° east 194 perches to a post corner in thti' eastern boundary line aforesaid, thence. ext.nititag by he same, north 3° east 58 perches to the begiuningicontaining 67 acres, and allowance; Seized and taken in exectutten at the suit of Henry T.l3enedict vs. Wm R. sIrILIPP -ALSO—A lot of Land beginnb.:X at north rarest corner of Lot No. 24, an iron 1,." 0011 , the north west corner of a warrant lot belonging to Leroy DeChaumont, thence south i° east slangs the Line between the said Leroy DeChaumont, and the Land belonging to the said trepew, 147 5.10 perches to a beech tree for a corner, thence north soe west 169 perches to a beech, the south west corner of said Lot N 0.24, north i° west 150 perches to the south Line of a tract belonging to the said Leroy DeChaumont, a beech for a corner, thence south 89,/° 180 per ches to the beginning, containing 195 ricres 223 perches, strict measure. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George Sanderson, assignee of Amelia E. Du pont vs. Robort Depew. ALSO—A Lot of Land in Franklin, begin ning at a post corner, (being the south east cor ner) thence by Land in the warrantee name of Peter Ladley, south '29i° west 226 perches to a hemlock, thence by lands in the warrantee name of Samuel Siddens, and Nathan Hardy, north 60° - west, 320 perches to a post, thence by Land in the warrantee name of Joseph Lad let), North 29i. east 226 perches to a maple, thence south 60° east 320 perches to am begin ning, containing 452 acres. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of G. F. Mason, to the use of James S. Pringle, vs. Nathan limith. ALSO— Sixty-two acres of land to be taken off the west end of the Lot of Land lately deed ed by Jacob Middaugh to Wyatt Barnes, to commence at the west end of the North and south Line of said Lot, thence easterly far enough to make 62 acres on the west end of said Lot. • Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jacob Middat igh to the use of Henry Coreyell vs. Wyatt ya rues. • -JOHN N. WESTON, Sheriff. She tiff's (Mice, Towanda, November 4. 1844. S SE ERIFF'S SALES 1 . virtu' of sundry writs of fieri facies, 111-i issue•l from the court of common pleas of Bradford ()aunty, I shall expo, at public sale at the house .of William Briggs, ►n the borough of I•owanda, oa Satu►day, the 30th day of No vember, at one o'clock, P.M., a tract of land in Athens born', seventy-six. feet in width front, •by ten rods re ar ; with another lot of laud ad joining the sal ne thirty feet front in width, by seventy-five fi et rear. Bounded east by main street, north by lot of C. S. Parks, south and west by land Late of Henry Welles, decd., now in possession o t E . H. Perkins, with a two sto ry dwelling house (20 feet by 40 with a kitch ,en in rear 20 b, ,r 24 feet) barn. wood house and well thereon--; tow in possession of N. Clapp. Seized and ti •ken in execution at the suit of David Paine vs. N. Clapp. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of laud in Athens borough, bounded north, east and south by lands of the estate of Henry Wells decd., we st by the Chemung river. Con taining an acre of land, more or less, all im proved, with a framed house, framed barn and tan house therec n erected. . Seized and tat :on in execution at the suit of H. \V. Patrick vs. George'Jetfers. J. N. WESTON, Sheriff. • Sheriff's 4) Eike, Towanda, Nov . 4, 1844:5 SHERLFF'S SALE. Y virtue of 41 writ of Ventl.Exp. issued from theca urt of common pleas of Brad ford county, torrs 3 directed, I shall expose to public sale at the house of E. Raynsfurd in the Borough of Tot. Janda, on Monday, the 7th day of October 11,ext, at ione,.o'clock, P. M., The following alescribe& piece or parcel of land situate in I. itchfield tbwnship, and boun ded as follows : beginning at a pine knot and stones, and a rock oak witness N. 67° W. 15 links ; thence N . 34° W. 'lOO p. to a white oak sapling for a corner ; thence E. 120 p. t.,) a chestnut sapling; for a corner; thence north twenty, four perches to the south west corner ct a reserved lot far Solomon Merrill a post thence E. 131 2-10 p. to a post a corner for Chauncey Park s ; thence S. 184 p. to a post on the N. line of David McKinney's lot; thence W. 231 2-10 p. to a post a white oak, N. 8° W. a witness; thence N. 16 p. to a post S.E.corner of a lot bought by the parties of the first par t. from Robert dpalding, ; thence W .150 p. or II post on the town line be tween Athens turd Litchfield townships; thence north on said town line 60 p. to a post ; thence E. 55 p. or to a corner S. 6 8-10 p. of a lot for.Jerly del sled to Daniel Parks; thence. N. 6 8,10 . p. to said Park's corner; thence E. 19 p. or to another of Park's lots or place of begin ning. Th ree hundred and twenty seven acres and twenty eight perches more or less. ALSO--One other lot beginning at a crook-. edghestn ut the S. W .corner of a lot surveyed to Daniel Done ; thence N.lOO r. to a hemlock sapling; thence E.SO to a post; thence 8.100 p. to a post ; thence W. SO p. to the beginning. Contain ing fifty acres more or less ; and both pieces inclusive containing three hundred and seventy seven acres and twenty eight perches with al scut ninety acres improved and a framed house. one framed and one leg barn, and two apple orchards thereon, half saw mill. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of .nßriji ;Min I.6mbert to the use of L.H. Sher ma vs. Charles Chandler. .I.N. WESTON, Sheriff Sheriff's Office. -) I•owanda, Sep. 10, 1844. POSTPONEMENT. 'The above sales stand postpcned until Y.Oll - the 2d. day of December next, at the .samo. ph me and time of day . . W ESTON, She riff. Sheriff's office, Towanda, October 7th 1844. I .YQ/M gIAI I / 1 2 C ONSTANTLY on hand 2d. hand Box 'Stove far sale cheap at 11A1111YS, No. 3 Bricl.• Row. '.2 lit h i si 17, oil iri i w iyricE is given that all accounts deo to _LA the Repo fur 4:llfice prior ro.the 4th day lit December 1843,4nu5t I fi+e paid. Unkorset lied or ariangod iri aurae way by the Let ciJii ;noFy twit, theyvill be Placed in the beasts of an officer for collection, end co- stadia: .but money triUm . .titera.,Cl) Or.t. '2B, 1844. ' E;. 8, CrODDTITC/L. Deep it before the People, WHAT the Old Drui Store, west side of The Public Square. is new receiving the largest assortment of Drugs and Medicines ever offered in this -market, among which are the following, viz • • Sulph. Morphia, Blue Mass, de. Quinine, .Nit. Silver, Eng. Calomel, Quick do. lodid. Potassa, • PPeriae. Red Precipitate, Ipecac, White Flo. Tart. Antimony, Strychnia, lodine, Elaternim„ Valerian Root, ' Kreasot, # Seneca do. Serpentaris do. Pulv. Jalap, Gention do Ext. do., Ext. Colycinth, Colombo do. do; Gentian, Pink do jo. flicuta,- S'enns. - d o . .oyosciamus, Adhesive Plaster, do; 'ro r oecum, Cantharides, Spring and Thumb Lancets, Lancet cases et.c., at i o nth.m of PL YSICIANS is particu larly invited to i.he above articles, they being just received from one of %the most respectable houses in New York and will therefore be war rented pure and free fium adulteration in all tow priFes. cases, and disposed of at very OILS AND tSSENG: . qS. Wintergreen, Cinuarnori, Peppermint, Rose mary, Wormseed, Hemlock, Sassairas,q. Lemon, Lavender. Bergamot, Aniseed, ClevesZiuniper, Amber, Cajput, Caraway, %nerd, Fennel, Al mond griganum, Cedar, Amber, &c., &c. PATENT MEDICINES The most popular of the day, such as Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Sands Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayne's Car manitive, Balsam Hoarhound, Turtington's Pink Expectorant Syrup, Bateman's Drops, Andersons do., Lamott's Cough do., Liquid Opodeltloc, Balsam Honey, Preston Salts, Mrs. Gardners Balsam Liverwort and inarhound, Dr. Spoons' Digestive Elixor,Dr. Maims Elia. of Opium; Dr. Benjamin GodfreW Cordial, Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, Cheesman's Arabi .an Balsam, Balm of Columbia, Butter's Mai ! , nesian Aparient, Henry's do., Dr. Thompson's Eye Water, British Oil, Harlem do., Maccassar do., Bear's do., Grave's Hair do., Croton do., together with many others to numerous to men tion. 12M3 Compound 'Cathartic, Gregory's Hoolicrs Female, German, Lees Windham Bilious, Miles Tomatto, Brandreth's, Wright's Indian Vegetable, Dr. Phinney's, 'Webstees, Motrats and Bitiers, Alvliasis. Bishops, &c., &c., PAINTS. 00. & DYE STUFFS. White. Red ml - Black Lead, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellos v. Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue, Rose Pink. Su gar Lead, Litharge; Blue Smalls, Venetian Red, Vermilliun, Turmeric, Annatto, Indigo, Coppe ras, Alum. Crude, Tartar, Cochi neal, Solution of Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitro!, Glass 7 by 9, -8 by 10, and 10 by 12, Putty, Linseed Oil. &c., &c. A. I). MONTANYE, DRCGCIIST Towanda, 0ct.25, 1844. CIOLOG2 WATER by the ounce, pint, quart, or gallon in fancy bottles or other wise to suit the Ladies, at 11V OTTANYE'S DRUG STORE. MI-1011FIP SONIANS you will f i t nd Cayenne Pepper, Gum Murrh. Barb ry Bark and other ingreditans such are used, n your prac tice at MO NTANITIS DRUG STORE. Oct. 25, 12:44. AINT, :Hair, Shaving, Tooth dnd Nail Brushes at • MONTAN YE'S DRUG STORE. Oct. 25. 34 - 11 LEE Writing Fluid by the ounce, pint •11" quart, Gallon or Barrett, Black do., In dellible and India, first quality - at MOISITANYE'S DRUG STORE. October 25, 1844. arIIANDIRS, Raisins, Liquorice, &c., for the boys and girls, at MON TANYE'S DRUG STORE. Oct. 25. 1E.44. COM. Shaving, Fancy Shaving, Toilet Cast Steel aid Common Bar, Soaps, a MONTATIITE'S DRUG STORE. Oct. 25,184'4. IWKEAN'S HOTEL, (Formerly kept by Col. I. N. Pomeroy.) J. C. & C. S. McKEAN. Troy, September 2., 1844, NEWEST GO-OAS, .iind Cheapest Priers IaNGSI3ERY, Inns just Teceiv ed and is now opening a splendid assort ment of FALL AND WINTER G00D.% consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. Paints, Oil, Dye 'Stuffs, 4-e., ;S T . which he will sell very cheap for Cash. Towands., 7,1F,44. r' s Notices. OTI,GE is limeby given to all persons in- IN ter ested t'aat David F. Barstow and Isaac Myer ad rniniemitors of the estate of Lr man Hodges deceased ; and D. C. 'doyens administrator of the estate of Luther Hrivers. deceased, hAve file'd and settled in the office of Register lo i lirfs for Bradford county the accounts of th eir r Alministrations upon the estates aforesaid, and 'not the same will ha presented to the Or "lfEha ns' Court of said coutly on Monday the 2.if day of December negt for confirmation and fd . lowunce. 4 JULIUS RUSSEL; Register. Per C.s.RuSiir.l.l., Deputy. Register's Offiee, 'Towanda, Noveinber 2, 1844. 5 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Robert Oliver late of the City of Baltimore, iu 'the Slate of Maryland deceased, are reque-tell to Make immediate payment, and all those having lle,rottnds agairk the same fetillei.lodtel prexertt 'o'etr„ legally attested for settlements. 'll. C.. .BAIRD, ,Administreier, Athens,-Zept. tie, 1814. D. C. BALL ipinst the *or for Sows!! /'THE subscriber hai just received the graf i.. est variety of Siovesever brought into the county of Bradford such as Crosses patent Low Drum Oven Cook Stove; Crosses high oven .cooking stove; Cross' No. 3 Parlor cooking stove with - the elevated oven: dining mom cooking stove; parlors of different sizes and stapes; C/imat cooking No. 3 & 4 with 3 and 4 boilers ; No. 2, 3 AU-4 cooling. with 3 and 4 boilers ; No. '3 & 4 six plateau(' church Moves ,which the suleteriber will sett at the "most redo cud prices for cash, shingles, niseat oroats, ho ids,a intends - to kcep constantly on .hand an as sortoient of Dussiserid common Om stove Imo ands thaws, sheet zinc, stove crocks at all sizes. coal souttlesitec.' with a good essortwent of tinware wholside .d retaiL Sheet Iron Drums, Stove tillers, Tea es, Dripping pans, con ductors, Dave troughs, with every kind of job work in his line made and fitted up to order on short notice. Also, stove *trimmings at whole sale stadretail may he oNsined at his manufac tory on the most reasonable terms.. Towanda. Oct. 10, 1844. =TM a ELT.1102163.1R.231) THE subscriber has just re VO(1 iind opened for sale at the 'OTHECARIES HALL in ,wands, a large and general as :went of fresh Drugs and Medi res, comprising all the medical erns employed in the practice of dicine& Surgery. Also an a's :meta of Paints and Oils. The ve articles were carefully select .,y . .!riber himself, -lie has therfors the confidence to recommend them to the pub lic as articles of the very best quality. The store will be constantly under the cam of a medical gentleman who will punctually a.mi promptly attend to all orders. Any ar ticle sent for which in an over dose may pro duce deleterious effects Svill be labeled arid the appropriate directions given thereon. To customers and all who purchase at this dace, advice will be given gratis. The sub scriber has also made an arrangement with:Da. Huss ON, who occupies an office in the build ing, by which invalid!: may avail themselves of -his experienae and advice free of charge. • An establishment of this kind under the im mediateisopervision of n medical practitioner has long been cesirecl by the citizens of this place and vicinity. The subscriber hopes thereon by a strict attention to the - business of the estab meta and especial care in selecting genuine ar tistes to be able to obtain a share of public pat ronage. . E. H. MASON M.D. Towanda, Oct. 10, 1844. SHERIFF'S SALES. .gl, y virtue of sundry writs of Vend Expo, filk, ' issued from 'the court of common pleas of Bradford county, I shall exposeat public sale at the house of Jesse ilaminpnd, in the town ship of Ridgbury on Tuesday the 19th day of November next, at 1 o'clock P. M., the follow ing property, to wit: a piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek township in the county of Bradford and bounded on the north by land of Cornelius Haight; on the east by land of Samuel Pettengill ; on the south by Bing ham lands ; and on the west by land of Isaac Wells. Containing ono hundred and forty acres more or less, with about forty acres im proved, with two log houses and one framed barn thereon erected. Seized and taken in exacution at the suit of r Samuel W. Mitchell's air' iniatratura vs John Campbell and Stephen St ces, also at the suit of John L.. Webb vs. Joh Carnpbell and Ste phen Stiles. also at the suit of H. Potter.&.. Co. to the use of John L. Webb vs. Stephen Stiles and John Campbell, also at the suit of Philo Fassett vs. John Campbell. ALSO—The equal undivided half of a piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek town ship bounded un the north by lands of Corne lius Haight; cast by land of Samuel Pettengill : 1 south by Bingham lands ; and west by land of- Isaac Wells. Containing one hundred and for ty acres be the came more or less with about forty acres iinproved, with two log houscsand a framed barn thereon. ' Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John L . Webb vs. Daniel 11. Stiles and Ste phen Stiles, also al the suit of George Kins man vs. Stephen Shles, also at the suit of John L. Webb vs. Stephen Stiles. . ALSO—The tbllowing piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek township and boun ded on the north by John Henning; on the east by Wm. Flitcher and White; on the south by the public road : and on the west by Hiram Sample. *Containing fifty acres, about fifteen acres improved a log house and a log barn and.a small apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Levi Goddard, vs. Daniel. Stevens. .1. N. WESTON, Sheriff. Sheriff's O . Ince, Towanda, Oct. 21, 1844. S Jesse Ross guardian of Lloyd 1 In the Hancock, Elizabeth Hancock, Je- Orphans' tusha Hancock, Henry!,Hancock, (Court of John Hancock & Mary Hancock.) Brad. Co. aHE undersigned - laving been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, art Auditor to ascertain and report this case %%ill i -atteuil for that purpose at the houso of Dennison Johnson in Leraysvillo on Friday the 6th day of December next at 2 O'clock P.M, E. 0. GOODRICH, Auditor. Tottanda, 0ct.29. 1840. Keep It bletkwe the Peciple: WM. BRIGGS, WORMERLY of the ." Eagle House," ir would respectfully inform the people of tiradfsrd and the traveling public. that he has taken the stand recently occupied by E. Ilayns ford, and that he is prepared to entertain those who favor him with a call. His established reputation it is hoped, will afford full assurance that his guests will be supplied with every com fort and accommodation. He asks auld ac quaintance:' to pay him a visit. . Towanda, Oct. 14. 1844. • _ Adjourned Special. Court. N adjourned Special 'Court Will be holden it). at the court Rouse in 'Towanda, ou Tuesday the lOth day of 'December next. at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, far the trial of the following causes, to wit: O. P. Ballard vs. Geo. Dewitt. Ejectment. Rebecca Schrader -vs. Jeremiah Decker ct., al.— Ejectment. Samuel Beni4llt vs. "Mes,vis 11. Palmer et_ al, - 7 aßieetayent. A. c,Hti,EBUCK, Prialsunutar:- I "ra..itanoisry'fi %lake, Towamtia.:Nept. 311, I t e4l. 5 191.A7157, :.%. first rslt„ aarivut palm; 16 - r bailr: amp lay W. IL P 3,11; 'lv (733,„