Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 13, 1844, Image 3

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    CotyGHs, Cosstimp
' p3IIISin various parts of the bo
vd other unpleasant. symptoms,qa Usual aff....cts of a cold.
;;; \ -; i it i ca Indian Vegetable Pills are
~o f t h e best of medicines for intlain
''',ok lore throat ; because they - not
cleanse the Wood from those jut
•.- which - •are the cause, but they
a n energy to the circulation
' . :1., ca rries It with vtgor to every
system ; ' consequently .the
e of the
:rntt i,s being properly supplied
_, ,11 ! ; , ; . vital receive their due
. 1 , ' 00110:1 of animal heat ; and cold
'sof the ket, headach, giddiness,
!pimtion of Ow heart, and every oth
,„.(epton disordered circulation
, i l e driven frotn the body.
Ifri;ht's Indian Vegetable Pills also
jvi d
. intp:t - ove digestion and purify
: f b!eolltittl therefore. give health and
vrio the whole frame, - as well as
-:teilisease of every nacre foim the
for sale at the store of J. D. & E.
Milatanye, in Towanda, and •by
„us pitlisliecl in another eolurnn of
- - Died,
Thursday, Septebber 5, ISI4, ABIGAIL,
- :: of Simnel Gregory of Pike, a,ged.4l.
::ii not often that we have to record the
..- Aof a fellow mortal 'where so thuch suffer
,has been endured, as that by which Mrs.
, . ;07 was removed'th her fin a; resting place.
' .:ieveral years, she had been admonished
I... ; , i ptething was wrong, connected with in-
-,.slorganic system, from the accumulation
'ilze officious matter,or substance, which,
,peculiar position, seemed to set at deft
. the skill of the physician, as to its true
3 :-.1. After'lleidag held'in painful suspense
i:vne time an operation was resoliied upon.
7::::A ,surgical skill was in requisition on
l y..:casion ; but the morbihi part, was found
eihsely united to the more vital parts of the
!mt . , that a separation, might produce im
.late death. .The careful operator, there
.. was under the necessity of abandoning the
ii hope of saving the life of is patient, by
remoyil of thci EiffeCted part. This unez
:ted termination of the operation, necessarily
bjecthe mind of the patient, to all that
ageless espondency which the peculiar char
tert of th diieas6-Wa.s calculated to inspire.—
erthe_re erse of feeling which must ineveta
ly succee a 'prostration of hope:was'endured
ith more than woman's fortitude, in' view of
e fataliissue before her. • In reference to her
rospects beyond the' grave; she professed to
ir surviving husband, that her " mind was at
,t." A husband, a daughter, and a little
3, live to mourn the loSs of a companion,-=
load and indulgent Mother. On the Sabbath
. ,
Living her decease, a discourse was deliver
o a very large congregation, who assembled
.iy the' last tribute of respect to a deeceased
- - [Cox.
:. •
;0 are just reeeicing direct from New-
York City, a general assortment of
will positively be sold cheap fur cash or
pay !
Id public are respectfulli invited to call
:amine oar stock for themselves.
lwaada, November 8 . , 1844.
• . M. WARNER,
ATI..-D announce to his old customers
and the public generally, that he has
red his shop in Betts & Montanye's three
aiding, south side the public square and
ir east of Hontanyes's store, and that he
?pared to do.riltlrinds of
lock Ss .11ra tat - Iffepairing,
sortest notice. Having: had an experi
e2ien years in the business, he is now
tred to say that.his work shall not be
oy any establishment in the country.
'tads of produce, wood, etc., taken in
.linda, NEtV. I, 1844
lkr a,
co-partnership heretall;re carried 'on
nder the firm of PARK -& GALLUP,
4; the Athens Exchange, is this day
by mutual consent:
25, 1814
I !"EXCHANGE " is now under the
?. , ealerit of C .S. PARK as agent for Steb-
Ercanihrack,- and will be carried on as,
-4. e. Travellers are invited to call, as
tend to be as well, or better furnished
accommodation than any other public
this section of country.
25 ,4514. C. S. PARK.
persons indebted to the estate of Ben-
sin B. Ferguson, decd. late of Durel tp.
'etPd to make immediate payment, and
haring demands against the same are
to present them, legally attested, for
E. FERGUSON, Administrator
' , Noverablr 1;'1844.
:11orley ...-.' ' . , •
r '• .Np. 176 Maj Term 1844.
l. Wells.. • ' . -t-f. •
undersigned having ben , appointed
by the Court of Common Pleas of Brad.
4. 'ltY, an Auditor to report the liens in
,attend for that purpose at his
the borough of Towanda., on Welke**
1 7th dal of :November 1844, at 1 b'-
4 .7 of whiclitll personsinterestarl will
, E. W. BAIRD, - Auditor.i
42 a, Oct. 22, 1844. •
1.7 a• Y virtue of sundry wiifs of Verti.Expo.,
'JD issued from the court of con pleas
of Bradford county, to me directed; I alai! ex
pose to public sale at the house of liTm.Bri z erss
in the Borough of Towanda, on Monday the
second day of December next at one o'clock.
P. M., the following described` piece or parcel
of land situate in Windburn township and
boundad cia the north by the state line; on the
east by' Edward Neal and Peter Oslian ; on
the south by Benjamin Clap and Jas. Brown;
Ind on the , wort,by -Samuel Lee and Samuel
Clap. Containing about 137 acres more Or
less, 'about thirty-five a'erce improved, one fram
ed house, one tog hook, one barn and two Saw
mills' and, a . few apple trees filet eon.
•ALO—One other piece or parcel of land
and bounded on the north by lands owned by
Richard Bigsby, south by land of James Ken
yan, cast by lands of Richard Bigaby and Sam
uel Kinyon, on the west of Tidds and
Ball. Containing 180 acres, a small part of
which lies in Litchfield township, the remain
der in the township of Windham.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
C. IL Barstow to the use of Fatly Johnson vs.
Lewis Dodd and Charles Johnson terte tenant.
ALSO.—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield township bounded on
the north by Peter_Alyer, on the east by Benja
min Stackhouse and Vanever Tid, on the south
by Zopher Tid, on the west by Cyrus Blood
good. Containing about sixty acres all more
Or less, about forty acres improved one fram6
hOuse two frame barns about two acres of orch
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
John Hol!embark vs. John S. Rogers.
ALSO—The following, property situate in
Towanda township and bounded on th.t cast
by lands of N. Coon Jr. and Reuben Bennett,
on tiae ‘ south by Myer & Manville, on the west
by Enos Bennett, on the north by Granger,
Simons and others together with fifty acres
about forty acres improved with a framed house
and barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the'suit of
Guy Tozer vs. Nathan Coon Jr., Reuben Ben
nett, Seth Loomis administrators of the estate
of Thomas Bennett deceased.
ALSO—Tim following described piece or
parcel of land situate in Burlington township
and bounded on the north by lands of George
Coryelf, on the west by lands of J. Kingsbury,
Wm. F. M'Kean and A. Macao ) south' by
land of Isaac Preston, and east by land of Jas,
Long and 'George Coryell.- Containing four
hundred acres more or less, shout seventy acres
thereof improved with a framed house two fra
med barns, a saw mill and orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Thomas Elliott to the use of D. F. Barstow vs.
John Bloom.
ALSO—The followihg described pike or
parcel sif land situate in Granville 'township
bounded on the south by land of J. Merritt,
west by Malum M'Nought north by lands
of Om. M'Fariatie, east by Wru. Ross.
Containing 6l acres with about five acres im
proved with log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Charles brake vs. Thomas Pratt.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in Windham township bounded on
the north by Fletcher & ?Veylen. on the east
by Reuben Russell, on the south by Joseph
Seely, Anson Coleman and Roswell Russell.
Containing sixty acres one log - house, log barn,
thirty acres improved.
Seized.and taken in exeeutien at the suit o
Bealey, Morley & Hyde vs. David. Eikler and
Oliver Ellaworth'Jr.
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in Ulster township
bounded and described on the north by lane.
of Chester Mallery. east by land of Patrick
Higgins. south by land of Fnrman Ransom,
and on the west by land of Philip Sweet.—
Containing forty five acres orthereahouts about
eight acres improved with a small log, house
Seized and taken in execution at the snit o
Pike & Lockwood to the use of Morris Vat=
ties vs. Andrew King Jr.
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in the township of Ulster
containing forty six acres bounded on the north
by land of Harman Vanbleck, east by' land of
Joseph Berry, south by land of Alfred Holcomb
and west by land of Henry Kitchen, With about
six acres. improved and one log house thereon:
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Pike & Lockwood now to the use of Jared
Phelps vs. John Davis, ,
ALSO—The foll Owing described piece or
lot of land situate in Athens Boro. bounded
and described on the north by land of Chester
Park, east by Richard Lambert, south by land
of 0.0. blaiprnan and west by the public high
way. Containing one half acre.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Nathaniel Clapp to the use of Willis and Bro
thers vs. N. 3. LeDoyt.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
situate in Wysox township bounded on the
north by lands of Leßay, on the east by Ly
man White; on the south by Robert Spalding,
on the west by H. N. Spalding. Containing
about eighty acres, twenty five acres improved
one small orchard one log house and one log
Seized and taken in execution at the suit o
;flyer cit Spalding to the use of H. N. Spal
ding vs. Joshua Lamphire.
ALSO—The following piece. or ceircel of
land situate in Herrick township bounded on
the north by Fiends Stoddard, on the east by
Campbell Fletcher. on the south by Campbell
Fletcher and John F. Lin, on the,west by land
surveyed to John Lee. Containing fifty acres
about 25 acres improved, +one log house a small
orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Ira Smith vs: Charles A. Squires.
ALSO—A: piide or parcel or lot of land in
the Borough of Athens bounded north by Ches
ter Park, west by Main street, south by Patrick,
Clapp & Satterlee, east by J. & W. Kendall
with a framed dwelling house.
ono fourth of an acre more or less. •
`Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
John Spalding vs D. M. Cook.
ALSO—The following piece• or parcel of
land situate in Ulster township and bounded
on the north by Cash and Vanvleck, on the
west by J. Vanvleck, on the south by --Dol
-1 comb, and on the east by the Susquehanna
ver. Cnntaining, about three hundred acres
more or less, about two tfundred thereof impro
proved with two framed houses, a framed barn
and orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
N. Clapp's use vs. Edmond Lockwood & Mary
Ann Lockwood.
ALSO—The following tract or piece of land
situate in the township of Smithfield contain
ing seventy seven acres or thereabouts bounded
on the north by lands of Rufus Wright and E.
A. Child, on the east by the highway, on the
south by Arabal Tracy and on the west by Jo
nathan S. Mitchell with about Sixty five litres
improved, a large orcheriPtheron growing, and.
a framed house and barn, a blacksmith
: shop
and a cider Mill thereon.
'• ALSO—The equal undivided.half of a piece
or parcel of woodland adjoining land of David
Arnold on the , west, the whole containing fifty
acres or 1 hereatouts.'
Seized and taken in erecution at the suit of
Elijah Rathburn &. A. Hunt vs. John. Watson.
ALSO The. following piece or parcel of
land situated in Orwell township,bounded on
the north by Jarvis Buttles,:east by j'erernieh-
Barns, south by Wm. B. Robinsor4 west by
Reuben Basterbrooks. Contenting one hun
dred acres about 25 acres improved one frame
house and orchard:
Seized and taken in execution etthe suit of
Samuel B. White vs.. Milo Buttles who amyl
ved B. W. ButtlesOarvi.4, Blades terre ten
„/ •
-ALSO—The" following described .property-
.situate in.Toivanda Bort; bouiided on the north
by,land of N. C. Arnout, EdWatd, White and
;Tracy i Moore, on the east by Traey & Moore
and Main street, on the south by land of Eliza
beth Means, and on tho.westby J. D. Gooden
otigh's, land. Containing one fouth of en acre
be the same more or less with a two story
building . thereon Erected occupied as a hat shop
• and harness makers shop with a nine pin alley
attached thereto and a barn with an under
ground stable.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Theodore Van Tine cs. Zenas Thomas, Benja
min Thomas and Mark C. Arnout terrp tenant.
ALSO--:-The following d6eribed piece or
parcel of land situate in South Creek township
and bounded on the north by lands of William
Burke, on the east by lands of Ralph Crane &
others, on
.the south by Daniel liildrethiand
others, and on the west by. !MILLS in possession
of James Dewey. Containing one hundred
an twenty five acres Or thereabouts with about_
thirty acres or thereabouts improfed with a log
house and log barn thereon with an apple or
chard and peach orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution -at the suit of
John L: Webb administrator of A. A. Beck
with who survived 11. W. Strong now to the
use of Spencer West vs. James Dewey.
ALSO—The follo,Wing piece or pubd of
land situate in Towanda township Bradford co.
and and .bounded as .follows: beginning h t
chesnut the south enst corner of lot n 0.205
according to -a plot and survey of the tract,
thence north 138 & 3-10 perches to a post
the south west corner of M . Russell & E. Ben
nett's lot, thence east 118 perches to post,
thence south 138 & 3-10 perches to a maple
sapling, thence west 118 perches to the begin
ning. Containing one hundred and ono acres
and 159 perches strict measure.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Timothy Paxton and William Davidson trus
tees of the Bank of North America vs. s\lphon
zo Mosier.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in Athens tp. and bounded as fol
lows: On the east by the. public highway.
north. south and west by lands of Julius Tozer.
One framed dwelling house and a wood house
Seized and taken in'execntion at the suit of
Julius Tozer vs. Harvey French.,
'ALSO—A piece or parcei of land situate in
Windham tp. and bounded on the north by
Julius Russell, Henry Russell and Joseph
Ellsbree, cast by Joseph Ellsbree and George
Pitcher, south by Thomas Cadwalader. and
west by Jacob Smith and Julius Russell. Con
taining three hundred acres more or less with
about one hundred acres improved with a stone
dwelling house and two "rained barns, one
Grist mill and one fourth. of a saw mill, three
framed houses and a shed.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Titus & Baxter vs. Clarissa Russell &c. and
dharleS Russell.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in Burlington tp. and bounded as
follows : Beginning at a white oak marked for
a corner, the north cast corner of Simeon Mor
ton lot, thence west two hundred and three per
ches to a post on the west lino of warrant lot
No. 4136, thence north on said warrant line
one hundred and sixty perches to a post north
west corner of said warrant'let, thence east two
hundred and three perches to a sugar tree for a
corder, thence south one hundred and sixty
perches to the beginning.' Containing two
hundred and three acres strict measure, em
bracing lots No. 256 any,1257 on said warrant
lot No. 4436 with a sat= mill therCen and a
small improvement.
Seized and taken in execution at - the suit of
Timothy Paxton and Win. Davidson. Trustees
of the B ink of North America vs. Wm. Keeler
and Silas Noble.
ALSO—The following, doscribed piece or
parcel of buil. situate in Albany tp. being part
. a tract surveyed to George Barnes, bounded
on the north "by Joseph Anderson and Julia
Barron Jr.. tin the west by Frederick Castator,
on the south by Elizabeth and Moses Bush and
on the east by lands In the Warrantee name of
Peter Benson, being the same land sold to
Hugh O'Hara by the Treasdrer of ;Bradford
courify for taxes in 1842. Containing one
hundred and sixty acres more °Hess ,
. 'Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
D. M. Bull vs. Hugh O'Hara.
ALSO—A piece of land in South Creek tp.
bounded north by land of Willow Aber, east
by land of Jamei i tewey and Wm Berk, south
by John Hihnan and west hr lands of Willow
Aber and P. Fassett, containing abduc_ sixty
acres, about thirty-five acres improved. •
ALSO—A tract of land hounded north by
lands of Wm Berk, cast by D. Hildreth, south
by John Hilman, west by James Dewey. con
taining about one hundred and twenty-four
acres, with about forty-five acres improved, a
log house and log barn thereon erected, about
150 fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Pbiio Fassett vs. James Dewey. -
ALSO—A lot of land belonging to Wm W.
Mitchell, bounded north by land of John Tyler,
east by S W Mitchell, south by Vincent Owen.
west by Charles Dewey, one acre improved,
with a log house and saw mill. thereon erected.
Containing 60 acres, more_or less. •
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Vincent Owen vs. W. W. Mitchell, J. W.
Mitchell, and Samuel W Mitchell.
ALSO—A lot of land in Smithfield town
ship, bounded north by,Gideon A. French, (in
the east by EbenezerFreneh. south by lands in
possession of Daniel Hill, west by Richard Al.
Kelly, containing one hundred acres, more or
-less, with fifty acres improved, a framed house,
log barn. & small orchard of apple trees thereon,
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Seth• Salisbury, to'the use Of 0. P. Bassett vs.
John %V. Camp.
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levari
Facias a certain messuage, piece or parcel of
land Fit u ate in the township of Rulgbury afore
said, bounded and described as follows: • begin
ning at a chesnut oak the south west corner of
a tract of land surveyed to Francis Johnston
and Jonathan Mifflin on warrant no. 5683 and
limning from thence north along the west line
of said tract two hundred perches, thence east
ninety-nine perches to a stone, thence south
two hundred perches to a post standing in the
.line of Coven's line, thence west along
Gnvett's line ninety nine perches to the place
of be-ginning. •One hundred and twenty three
acres end one4vandred-and twenty- perches of
land strict measure.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit o
Alex. Johnston executor .&e., vs. J. Dewey.
ALSO—A, tract of laud in Wells township
beginning at a post corner in the eastern boundai
ry line'of 'the said largeitraet, thence by land
granted by Holman Keeler rindiwife to the-paid
William R. Knapp riorth eighty seven degrees
west one hundred and twenty porches to a post
corner in the western boundary line of said ler
ger tract, thence by the r same south 1° wcst2s
perches to a post corner, thence by land' Coil
veyed to Reuben Horton, 87 0 test 192'perches
in Ihe eastern boundary lino .aforesaid; thence
bp the same north 3 0 cast 25 perches to the be
ginning; containing 28 acres and allowance
being part of aI-del called Eyeland.
ALSO—A piece of Land in Welistp. begin
ning at a post in the eastern o'oundary Line of
the original larger tract; thence by land. of'.L.
Gaylcird; north 87° west 196 5-10 perches to a
post cornet, thence south 87° east 194 perches
to a post corner in the eastern . boundary line
aforesaid, thence extending by he aanrer north
3 ° east 58 perches to the beginning, containing.
G 7 acres, and allowance.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of
Henry T. Benedict vw. Wm .R.Xnapp.
ALSO—A lot of Land beginning at north
west corner of Lot No. 24, an iron wood, the .
north west corner of a warrant lot belonging to
Leroy DeChaumont, thence south .1° oust along
the Line between the said Leroy DeChaumont,
and' the Land belonging• to the said trep4w,
147 5.10 perches to a beech tree fora corner,
thence north 891 ° west ,189 perches to a beech,
the south west corner oftsaid Lot No. 24, north
3 0 west 150 perches to the south Line of a tract
belonging to the said Leroy DeChaurnAn. a
beech for s corner, thence south 89i°. 180 per
ches to the beginning, coutairting 195 acres
223 perches, strict measure;
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
George Sanderson, assignee of Amelia E. 'Du
pont vs. Itobart Depets. •
ALSO—A Lot of Land in Franklin, begin
ning at a post corner, (being the south east ear
lier) thence by Land in the warrantee name of
Peter Laney, south 29,'° west 226 perches to
a hemlock, thence by' lands in the warrantee
name of Samuel Siddens, and Nathan Hardy,
north 60° west, 320 perches to a post, , theneu
by Land it the warrantee name of Joseph Lad
ley North 29 ?° east 226 perches to a maple,
thence south 60° cast 320 perches to tha begin
ning, containing 452 acres.
:Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
G. F. Mason, to the use of James S. Pringle,
vs. Nathan Smith.
„ALSO—Sixty-two acres of land to be taken
off the west end of the Lot of Land lately deed
ed by Jacob Middaugh to Wyatt Barnes,o
commence at the west end of the North and
south Line of said Lot, thence easterly far
enough to make 62 acres on the west end of
said Lc it.
Seize 3 and taken in execution at the suit of
Jacob M iddaugh to the use of 'Henry Coreyell
vs. Wyatt Barnes.
JOHN N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
Towanda, November 4, 1544.
t Y virtue of sundry writs of fieri
7 1114 issuel from the court of common pleas
of Bradford co unty. I shall expose at public sale
at the house of Williarb Briggs, in the borough
of Towanda, ou Saturday, the 30th day of No
vember, at otreo'clock, P.. 51., a tract of land in
Athens born', seventy-six feet in width front,
by ten rods rear; with another lot of land ad
joining the same thirty feet front in width, by
seventy-five feet rear. Bounded east by main
street, north by lot of C.' S. Parks, south and
west by land late of Henry Welles, decd., now
in possession of E. I,f. Perkins, with a two sto
ry dwelling house (20 feet by 40 with a kitch
en in rear 20 by 24 fat) barn, wood house and
well thereon—now in possession of N. Clapp.
Seized and taken in e xecution at the sun of
David Paine vs. N. Clapp.
ALSO—The following, piece or parcel of
land in Athens bufough, bounded north, east
and south by lands of the estate of Henry
Wells decd., west by the Chernung river. Con
taining an acre of. land, more or less, aft im
proved, with a framed house, framed barn and
tan house thereon erected.
Seized arid taken in execution at the suit of
IL W. Patrick vs. George Jeffers.
J. N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office; Z .
Towanda, Nov. 4, 1844.5
fiI.DY virtue of a writ of Vend. Exp. issue d
. 11_31t from the coot tof common pleas of Li a°,l'-
Mrd county, to me directed,f shall expose to
public sale at the house off. Rajn.sford in the
Borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 7th
day of October next, at one o'clock, P. M
The following described piece or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield township, and boun
ded as follows : beginning at a pine knot and
stones, and a rock oak witness N. 67° W. 15
links; thence N. 34° W. 100 p. to a white
oak sapling for a corner ; thence E. 120 p. to a
chestnut sapling for a corner; thence north
twenty four perches to the south west corner o
a reserved let for Solomon Merrill a post
thence E, 131 2 . -10 p. to a post a corner for !
Chauncey Parks; thence S. 181 p. to a post
on' the N. line of David McKinney's lot; thence
W. 231'2-10 p. to a post a white oak, N. 8°
W. marked as a witness; thence N. 16 p. to a
post S. r- corner of, a lot bought by the parties
of the first part from Robert Spalding; thence
W. 150 p. or to a post on the town line
twecn Athens and Litchfield townships; thence
north-on said tiiivn line 60 p. to a post; thence
E. 55 p. or to a corner S. 6 8-10 p. of a lot
formerly deeded to Daniel Parks; thence N.
6 8-10 p. to said Park's corner ; thence E. 19-
p. or to another of Park's lots or plice of begitiL
ning. Three hundred and twenty seven acres
and twenty eight perches more or less.
ALSO—One other lot beginning at a crook
ed chestnut the S. W.cornei of a lot surveyed
to. Daniel Done; thence N.lOO r. to a hemlock
sapling; thence E.BO to a post; thence 8.100
p. to a post-, thence W. 80 p. to the beginning.
Containing fifty acres more or less; ,and both
pieces inclusive containing three hundred and
seventy seven acres and twenty eight perches;
with aboutlnineiTacresimproYed and a framed frhmed and one log barn, and two;
.apple Orchards khereon, and one half saw mill
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of!
nßrijamin Lathbert to the use . of L.H. Sher-1
mac vti.CUarles.Cliandler. ,
J.N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
Towanda, Sep. 10 1844.) . I
The above sales stand patpened until Mon-,
day the 2d. day of December next, at the same'
place and time of day. ...
• . • J.N. W ESTON, Sheriff'. - 1
Sheriff's Alice,
Towanda, October 7th 184.4.5 '
4 - I,ONSTAINTLY 2 on hand'i t.
a 2d. hand Baal
Store for.zale alien+ at • BAIRD'S, 1
- ..fro. 3 BP 1?ote
1. t •
Mill°ll2l Fra To_
4. 1447 14—Mq)
• .
2lrtricE is given that' 'all acconds deo to
the Reperter 101 tee prier to the , ith day
ot December 18+12,.ymiat be Unless set
tled orlarraniod the ist of Jo
unary next, they will i s oe placed-in !be bands of
au otheer_foi ,collection, and o.j•"ittotiaing but
money rvillpay them
'Oct: 29;1844. •'; .t S. GOODRICH: •
Keep' it before. ;the Po
AT the Old:Drug.. Store, west aide of
t ehe Public Square, is now receiving the
largeWassortinent or Drugs and Medicines ever
Offered in. this market, 'among which are the ,
follawing, viz •
Morphia, '.. Thee Mass,
do.; Quinine, i Nit. Silver, - -
Eng. Calomel, Quick do.
loclid..Potassa, i Peperine,. , •
fled Precipitate, lpecac,
liVidtb do. Tart. Antiniony,
Stryclipia, • ' lodine,
Elaterraina, . Valerian Roar,
lirectiot, • Sera do.
Poiv.; Jalap, , Se pentaria do.
Est. I do., Gelation do.
Ext.'.Colycinth, Colombo do.
.dm 'Gentian, - Pink do.
do. ICicuta. Senna, '•
do. :Hyosciarous, Adhesive Plaster,
do. iTaraxectini, Cuntharides,
Spnng and Thumb Lancets, Lancet cases &c.,
The attention of PHYSICIANS is particu
larly,invited to the above aiticles, they being
just ieeeived.frorn'orie of the most respectable
houses in New York and will therefore be war
ranted pure and free hem \ adultetation •in alt
cases, and disposed act very low prices.
Wintergreen, Cinuamon, Peppermint, Rose
mary;Worruseed, li t emleek, Sassafrass Lemon,
Lavender, 13erg,ainet, Aniseed, Cloves,Puniper,
Amber, Cajput, Carawaydflonard, Fennel, Al
mond. Origanum, Cedar; Amber, &c., &c.
The most popular of the day, such as Dr.
Jayne's Expectorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild
Cherry, Sands Saisapaiilla, Dr. Jayne's Car
manitive, Balsam Hoarhound, Turtington's
Pink Expectorant Syrup, Bateman's Drops,
Andersans do., Lamott's Cough do., Liquid
Opodeldoc, BalsarMHoney, Preston Salts, Mrs.
Gardners Balsam Liverwort and Hoarhound,
Dr. Spoons' Digestive 4xor,Dr. Munns Elix.
of Opium, Dr. Benjamin Godfrey!s Cordial,
Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, Cheesman's Arabi
an Balsam, Balm of Columbia, Butler's !Wag
nesiari Aparient, Henry's do., Dr. Thompson's
Eye Water, British Oil, Harlem do., Maccassar
do., Bear's do., Grave'ir Hair do., Croton do.,
together with many otheis to numerous to men, "
Compound Cathartic, Gregory's Hoopets
Female, Gt.rman, Lees Windham Billious,
Miles' Tomato, Brandreth'e, Wright's Indian
Vegetable, Dr. Phinney's, Webstet's, Itioffats
and Bitiers, Alebasis, Bishops, &c., &c.,
• White, Red and Black Lead, Chrome Green,
Chrome Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue,
Rose Pink, Sugar Lead, Litharge, Blue Stnalt§,
Venetian Red, Vermillion, Turmeric; Annette,
Indigo, Copperas, Allum, Crude,•Tartar, Cochi•
neal, Solution of Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitrul,
Glass 7 by -9, 8 by 10, and 10 by 'l2, Putty,
Linseed &c., &c.
A. D. MONTANYE, Dhecctsr.
Towanda, 0ct.25, 1844.
‘,IOLOGNE WATER by the ounce, pint,
quart, or gallon in fancy bottles or other
wise to suit the Ladies. at
ITOMPSONIANS yoli will find Cayenne
a Pepper, Gum Murrh, Barbary Bark and
other ing,rediants such as are used iti your prac
, Oct. 25,
frp.,AINT, Hair, Shaving, Tooth and Nail
Brushes at _
Oct. 25.
J.IV DUE Writing Finid by the ounce, pint,
tr *quart, Gallon or Barrett, Black do., In
della& and India, first quality at
October 25, 1644. ,
ANDIES,IZaisIns, Liquorice, for the
boys and girls, of
Oct 25, 1844.
grlOM. Shaving, Fancy Shaving , Toilet,
‘l_,). Cast Steel and common Bar, Soaps, at
Oct. 25, 1844. -
rii 3 KEAN I S h t
. U.T.ZIV 0
(Formerly kept by Col. 1, N. Pomeroy.
J. C. & C. S. McKFIANe'
Troy, September 2, 1841.
.4., Cheapest Prices :
URTON , KI.NGSI3E PLY, has just receiv
ed and is now opening a splendid assort
consisting of •
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery, Paints, Ott, Dye
Staffs, 4,c., 4.C.
which he will sell very cheap for Cash
Towanda, Sept. 7, 1844.
llegistfrs Notices.
NOTICE ;is hereby 4.icen to all persons in
terested that David F. Barstow and Isaac
Myer administrators of tie estate of
Lyman LIMIgAs deceased ;
and D. C. Havens administrator of the estate
Luther' Hareps decem•ed,
have filed and settled in the office of Register
of Wills for Bradford county the accounts of
their administrations up.lni the estates aforesaid,
and that the same will bp yresiented to the Or
phans' Court of said county on Monday the
-2d day of Dedember next for confirmation and
allowance. r ei
Per C.S. Russr.m., Deputy.
Register's 01114, ?_
Towanda, November 2, 0844. S •
A T.I. -persons indebtad to the estate of Robert,
PIA Oliver late of the! City of _Baltimore in
the State of Maryland deceased. are requested to
make immediate payment, and all those having
demands agtiinst the same requested to present
them, legally attested thr .settlerhents. •
11. C. BAIRD, Administrator.
• Athens, Sept. 28, 144..
Agaiiist the Modd foi Stoves
HE tintisenleatas thegreat-.
'est variety of stoves ever brought into the
county of bradford into:has Creases patent Low
Drum Oven ; Cook Anneiossel! high oven
- cooking 'strive • 'Owe N i : it -. 3* Parlor ceeking
stove 'with .tl;tr' elevated 'oitin ; dining room,
cooking. stove ; parlors of different • sizes'and
shapes-4 .Climaz cookingNo..3 &.4-with 3mid
4 boilers;'!No. 2, 3 tic 4 cooking, Slide. 3 4
boilers 3 ficA 81.0 plate and Church stoves
whidi the subscriber , wilfsell at the triest,redu- ,
ced prices for cash, shingles, wheat or oats, be
also intendi to keep Constantly on hand air as
sortment of Russia and conamoniron stovepipe
and elbows. sheet zinc, stove crocks of all.sites,,
coal scuttles &c. ; a good
,assortment , of
tin ware whelsale and retail. Sheet iron Drums,
Stove killers, Tea kettles, Drippieg pens, con
ductors, Eave troughs, with every 'kind of job
-Work in his line made and fitted up ter order on
short notice. Also, semi trimmings at whole
sale and retail may be obtained at his manufac
tory on the most reasonable terms. .
Towanda. Oct.lo, 1844. • ,
MILZZt zamoimm§.
THE subscriber ' , has just re
ived and opened for sale at the
ivainda, a large and general as
rtment of fresh Drugs and Medi
ies, comprising all the medical
mats employed in the.practiee of
mlicinedc Surgery. Also an as
rtment ofPaints and Oils. -The
love articles were carefully select
.,—scriber himself; he has . therfore
the confidence to recommend them to the pub
lic as articles of the very best quality. •
The store will he constantly under the care
of a medical gentleman who will punctually
and promptly attend to all orders. Any ar
ticle stint for which in an over dose may pro
duce deleterious effects will be labeled' and the
appropriate directions given thereon.
To customers and all who purchase at this
store, advice will be given gratis. The sub
scriber has also made an arrangement with Da.
HUSTON, who occupies an office in. the build
ing, by which invalids may avail themse:ves of
his 'experience and advice free of charge.
An establishment of this kind under the im
mediatetsup.ervision of a medical practitioner has
long been esired by the citizens of this place
and vicinity. The subscriber hopes thereon by
a strict attention to the business of the estab
ment and especial care in selecting genuine ar.
ticles to be able, to obtain a share of public pat-
Towanda, Oct. 10, 1844.
rinlY virtue of sundry writs of Vend Expo..
an issued from the court of common pleas
of Bradford county, I shall exposeat public sale
at the house,ot Jesse Ilicimmtmd, in the town
ship of Ridgbury on 'Tuesday the 19th day of
November next, at 1 o'clock P. M., the follow:
ing property, to wit : a piece Or parcel of , la,nd
situate in South Creek township in the county
of Bradford and bounded on the north 'by
land of Cornelius Haight; on the east by land
of Samuel Pettengill ; on the south by Bing
ham lands ; and on the west by land of Isaac
Wells. Containing one hundred and forty
acres more or • less, with about forty acres im.
proved, with two log houses - and one framed
barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in elocution at the suit of
Samuel W. Mitchell's administrators vs John
Campbell and Stephen Stiles, also at the suit
of John L. Webb vs. John Campbell and Ste
phen Stiles, also at the suit of H. Potter & Co.
to the use of John L. Webb vs. Stephen Stiles
and John Campbell, also at the suit of Philo
Pima vs. John Campbell.
ALSO—The equal umnvided half of a piece
or parcel of land situate in South Creek town
ship bounded on the north by lands of Come,
hus Haight; east by laud of Samuel Pettengill ;
smith by Bingham lands; and west by land of
Isaac Wells. Containing one hundred and for
ty acres be the same more or less with about
forty acres improved, with two log houses and a
framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
John L. Webb vs. Daniel E. Stiles and Ste
phen Stiles, also at the suit of George Kins
manvs. Stephen Sides, also at the suit of John
L. Webb vs. Stephen Stiles.
ALSO—The following piece or varce; of
land situate in''''bcrut.ll-Creek township and boun
ded on the noith by John Harming ; on the east
by Wm. Flitcher and White; on the
south by the public road : and on the west by
Hiram t'•aruptc. Containing fifty acres, about
fifteen acres improved a log house and, a log
barn and a small apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Levi• Goddard, vs. Daniel Stevens:
J. N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Offce, 2
Towanda, Oct. 21, 1344. 5
Jeqsa Joss guardian 'of Lloyd ") In the
Hancock. Elizabeth Hancock, Jc- Orphan's'
rusha`.Hancock, Henry'dHan cock, ( - Court of
John Hancock & Mary Hancock.) Brad. Co.
HE undersigned having been 'appointed
K . by the Orphans' Court of Bradford
County, an Auditor to ascertain and report
in this case will attend for that purpose at
the house of Dennison Johnson in Leraysvilo
on Friday the 6th day of December next at 2
o'clock, P,M. E. S. GOODRICH, Auditor.
Towanda, 0ct.29, 1840.
keep it before the reePle
FORMERLY of the "Eagle House,"
would respectfully inform the people of
Bradfsrd and the traveling public, that he has
taken the stand recently occupied by E. Riryns
ford, and that he is prepared to entertain those
who favor him with a call. His established
reputation it is hoped, will afford full assurance
that his gudsts will be supplied with every com
fort and aecommodation. He asks " au/d ac
quaintance" to pay him a visit.
Towanda, Oct. 14, 1844.
Adjourned Special Court.
41, N adjourned' Special Court will bo holden
At at the Court House in Tot:via:lila, on
Tuesday the 10th dayrof December next, at
9 o'clock in 'the forenoon, for the trial of the
folloWing causes, to wit:
b. P. Ballard vs. Geo. Dewitt, Ejectment.
Rebecca Schradar vs. Jeremiah Decker et. al.—
Ejectment. -
Samuel Benight vs. Mewis M. Palma et. al,
--Ejectment. "
A. PHIJI3BUCE, Pi - othonotaiy.
?rothonotary's 'office;
• Towanda, Sept. 30, 1844. ? 5
JrLOUGHS, a first late article, different
. patterns, for sale cheap by
• W.. H. HAIRD'It 0)`.
• . - • , ,Vo. 3 Br:.:* A. w