Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 13, 1844, Image 2

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Wedigsday, Ntyember 1:3,'1544
Pennsylvania opens the Ball
with 26 Votes for J. K. Polk.
In the absence of both Of the editors
we adopt. the following editorial from the
Lancaster Intelligeneer :
We rejoice to be enabled to say that .
the electionof Friday lasi has resulted
in a .brilliant and overwhelming:'demo
crane triumph. The Key-Stone. State
-yet retains her filed and 'impregnable
positioil, and gives her vote, with all the
influence of her commanding character
and her solid integrity, against lIENnv
CLAY. If the rest of the Union wilido
half as well, the" obscure" Tennessee
an—the " 'unknown" bilits K.
will be President of the llhited States.
"When we look upon the - means
that were resorted too to give Pennsyl
vania to .11. EN ItY CLAY, we confess that
our surprise at .this result, is alnitst
equal to our joy. Not that we ever
•doubted for 'a
moment the integrity of
the Democracy Of our good old State:—
Not that we believed her vote would be
cast for Henry Clay. But, when we
refle9t upon the means used—the open
handed fraud-the brazen corruption—
the paid hirelings—the traveling orators,
—employed by the whigs, -we are free
to say that the majority for JAMES K.
POLK, inyennsylvania,.is surprising. It
provei that our honest democracy are firm
astheir own iron lulls—that these means
orthe aristocracy of the counter and the .
dollar, instead of swerving the people
from their propriety, inspired them with
new confidence in their cause,and deep
er contempt for their enemies and filled
ihein with indignation - at the efforts made
to purchase and to corrupt them. Never,
in the history of Pennsylvania, have the
whigs made such giant efforts. Thou's
ands and thousands of dollars were
squandered in 'attempting to buy votes.
Every variety of travelling emissary—
the hired bully—the paid orator—the
pretended Democrat who preached Clay
ism, was used to make influence for
Clay. The earth was sown thick with
whig lies—the very air was impregnated
- with the ribiion of calumny—and there
was not a hamlet in the Commonwealth
where some of these falsehoods might
not be found., clothed in most captivating
colors,.and addressed to the very worst
passions of our nature.' The rich capi
talist—the lusurions rbillionaire—the
proud reerchant,.—left their easy homes
and-their counting-houses, to canvass for
-Clay. Every hour in the davLaye,
every hour in the night—the agents of
Clay might be found busy atipeir work
of defamation and fraud.
But, among all the causes that ope
rated to the especial 'disadvantage of the
Democracy, the Native American party,
so called, was Alm most dangerous.—
Composed of .easily , exeited :materials,
and rendered 'formidable by its organiza=
tion its numbers, it became at once, an
attractive bait to the corrupt and 4
ding. a ers-of Whiggery. Every effort
.vv, made to secure the vote of-this new
paTty. Some of its leaders were tam
pered with, and induced to take hold
ground for-Clay. Others were paid to
Circulate falsehoods against Col. POLK.
. "Against all theselinfln ence.s—against
all the corruptions and inventions of the
whig-s—the Democratic party had noth
ing to oppose but, its single-hearte.d pur
pose.; its high and unsullied character,
its deep devotion for the Right I We
thank God that it has nobly prevailed
over them all ! We rejoice that she has
proven an overmatch for the formidable.
enmity of ptiblic and private opposition.
It has emerged gloriously from the contest
—its bright flag streams in a perfeefsea of
glory—its loud voice rings the glad tones
uf triumph over the Union—and the
haughty and wealthy aristocracy that
came into the fight, flushed with the
hopes of anticipated victory, has retired
subdued and terrorstrieken, before the
conquering hosts of a united and true
hearted people!" ,
lett, just convicted OIL murder at Wor
cester, (Mass.,) and sentenced to be
hung, was led on to the commission of
the fital-criine by rum.
RUN OVEIL-41. two horse wagon
was run over by the train of railroad
ears near Pittsfield, Mass., on Saturday,
;hid the - driver was instantly killed,
Coon. Decency.
. .
. .
It is not' Olen. that we depart from,,
our usual customs'AO\ notiee the rile and
cotitemptilde , ‘ - .'e.Ortilucf,mf -.:ttie-.worthless,,
coorislhat loiter, and.lprOyil ..Ahotit, this
plice„Who : :cerrini.Wdeeds: of":the' , dark-,
est and: deepest
.hue, at til "ch'decency!
shudders, while the decal . ter c'cicin§ look
on and : grim' ,On Friday l'itSt, some ,
mean, low, debased and harden4scoun-
Aril, lost to all decency and honor, tooli
ed from the low place he fills in the
earth, and gave vent to his malice by.' ;
spiking the cannon fired. by the -De
mocrats of, this place, on the-receipt of
i .
the election returns from the City; and
other parts of It York. The coon's malig
nant wisheS however, were not fully gra
tified, the spike was removed from the
:cannon without-much difficulty, and -De
_mocratic thunder was then poured into
their ears, which caused them to Sneak to
their filthy;dens, and howl over the 'dis
mal prospects before them.; .
1 Upon several occasions we have re
frained from noticing, the bhse and des
picable conduct of these heinous coons,
because we thought them too worthless
-to occupy our time and attention. The
members of , a party who will trample
upon th'e sacred rights of freemen, (as.
the coons of this county bite made a
practice of doing,) b::, forcing men to
stay away from the polls„ or vote in op
position to-their will and their principles,
ought not to (Ye unpunished, they ought
L ., b
to have branded upon their fc,),re-heads,.
INFAMOUS FEDERAL! and the finger of
derision and scorn,' pointed at them as
they pass along the public highway.
4€ Oh ! for a whip in every honest hand,
To lash the rascals naked through the land !"
• Prize Banner:
We-are requested to give notice that
the PriZe Banner preparing by the De
mocratte Ladies of Towanda, to be pre
sented-) o the Democrats of Athens, for
the greatest increased vote for President,
over that for Governor, will be forwar
deii to Athens and presented on the 20th
The Banner will be a beautiful one,
and richly do the democrats of Athens
deserve it. Hon. David Wilmot has
been selected to make the presentation
and address on behalf of the ladies, and
we hope .to see a large turn out to witness
the proceedings.
neer attached to the passenger train of
the _Cintral Railroad, when within 12
miles of Macon, Georgia, on Thursday
last, discovered a man lying across the
track. Efforts were immediately made
to stop the locomotive, but it being on
a sharp curve, it was impossible to do
so in season, and the whol; train pass.
ed over him, cutting him nearly in
twain. A saddle was found near the
spot, with the girth broken, from which
circumstance it may be inferred he had
been thrown from his horse and was
insensible, as he took no-notiee of the
ringing of the engine bell. The de
ceased was a young man by the name
of M'Loud, and resided near Gardon,
within a few miles from where the ac
cident occurred.
Providence Herald contains an interes
ting account of the release of Martin
Luther from the prison of Rhode Island,
where he was confined for the part he
took i.n support of the kk People's Con
stitution." The fine of five hundred
dollars which had been' imposed' upon
him, and in default of which he Was
imprisoned, was paid by the people.—
When he came forth, he Was saluted
by the shouts, cheers and congratula
tions of a large concourse of people
who had collected around the prison to
receive him. An itnntense procession
was immediately formed and paraded
the streets of Warren.
INDIAN WA.R. 'lca: As d ians
from the United States have made an
incursion into Northern Texas, on the
Louisianaborder. The military around
Natchitoches have been ordered out to
defend the neighborhood.
I VtULTING A htftITION.----An American, •
some time ago, admiring. the statue . of
Peter the Great, at St: Petersburg, was
desirous of getting on the back Of the
horse—so he clambered , over the rail
,and .got behind the. Czar, and
comfUrtably seated was seen and
diimounted by the' police, and fined
5000 roubles. Upon_ complaining of
the etrormity of the,fme,-be was coolly
told if he wished to ride with
men he must expect to pay a !very
high price. _
The follouringlable shows the result
of the election in this. State for: Polk &
Clay`as far as
. Iteero front._
' - `"V :` 7123
A dam 4
Allegheny, , 2409
Armstrong ' - 579
Beaver 620
Bedford • - 157
Berks , 4874
Bucks - ' 396 •
Bradford 332
Butler „ 137
Carbon - - 374
CrawfOrd 650
Chester - 497
Colombia ' 1632
Cumberbrul . 76 .
Cambria' • 150
Clinton -97 ,
Clearfield . 400 1
(Marion - 1070 L
Dauphin . • 4384
Delaware. . 624
Erie - 1400
Fayette ' 650
Franklin • • . 615
Greene 940
Huntingdon 7 1511
Indiana 751
Jefferson 135
Juniata 175
Luzerne • 1200
Lancaster 4351
Lebanon 854
-Lehigh 255
Lycoming 617
Montgomery 1105
Mercer 1 20
Monroe , 1405
Mifflin i , 1 -
McKean 100 •
Northampton 1094
Northumbezland - 900
Perry 990
Philad'a city and co., • 4410
Pike . 608
Potter :314
Somerset `` 1650
Schuylkill - 847
Susquehanna 913
'Plop - - 1025
Union 1011
Venango , 400
Washington -118
Westmoreland 2332.
Wyoming 05
York . 834
Polk.'s majority
NORTH C &Rout , : h. -By a letter to the
editors of the Globe, dated 6th inst.,
from' Raleigh, N. C. the writer (a
member of the Legislature) says he has
heard from eighteen counties, which
show a democratic gain on the August
election of 20-60. If these, returns.
should prove correct, Polk has undoubt
edly carried the State by a small ma
VIRGINIA.—The majority in this
State - will be about 5,000 for Polk &
NEW lIAMPSITIRE.-POllll majority
in this State over Clay willbe upwards
of 12,000.
Ohio, N. Jersey, Maryland, Rhode
Island, Connectieut,,ve all undoubt
edly gone for Clay.
NEw YODK.—PoIk & Dallas hare
carried this State, by from 0,000 to
10,000 majority.
Gov. Dorm—The father and mother
of Gov. Dorr have petitioned the Rhode
Island Legislature for the release of
their son. The memorial was referred
to the ,$ Convicts Conunitlee t ." on the
ground that Dort was a convict, and
that the sole object. of those who pre
tended to be his friends, and were anx
ious for his liberation, was agitation and
excitement. The parents of Mr. Dori
are as respectable people as are in tit?
State, and natural affection would
prompt them to sympathize with. their
unfortunate son. The insulting refer
ence of their petition disgraces nobody
but those who moved and voted for it
A-MoznEn'sCouti.soE.--Last week,
George, aged four years, son of the
Rev. Josiah Graves, of Middletown,
Conn., fell Into the well of the Rev.
Mr. Goodwin, but kept his heed above
water by holdingon to the stones. ,The
alarm reaching his mother almost im
mediately, she hastened to the Spot,
and descending the well, secured ;_him
to the bucket and rescued. =
Aotoss.—Gen. 4ekson, in a letter pub
lished in the Nashville Union, denies
the accuracy of the statements made by
Mr. Adams, in his great speech at Bos
ton, and promises to prove it as soot!
wile can obtain the necessary papers.
Trenton Gtr4ette, says, paker,'thspri-
Soner - Wha eScaped front jail at thStt
place, hasleen retakenl . While secip- j ,
tedi r he saw: one of 11,i# officers of the
prison, who was in iurstiit of
This frightened bilis'greatly,and he
ran a considerable distance and swell]
a creek and the canal ;i just as.he was
getting out ,of the wafer he was seen
andlaken. He was ahnost dead with
cold, fright and exhaustion.' and his
captors, for a time, entertained app
hensions for his life.
Tns Bony Foutio.--The hodyi
the stranger drowned near Niagara ( ! at:
Table Rock, some few weeks ago,
on the 113th inst., discovered a few
above the Manitou f Rock,
hed was gone,
body . otherwise very Much decornpo
His head is supposed to have' cal
bet Ween some; . r.bekS, thus aCtimli
fotits loss, an'd' for the length of i
' -
his body was in. the water before it
was found. fie was; . deCently interred,
below the bank, nearf the Water's edge.
DIANS.—The Wisconsin Herald of ihe
12th, contains a postscript stating. that
an express had arrived at Prairie du
Chien from Fort Snelling, with news of
the murder, by a band of Soosatong In
dians, of ten of the detachment till)ra
goons lately sent out from Fort Atkin-
son for the purpose 'of ferreting out the
perpetrators of the late murders in that
quarter. The Sooiatong are a small
band of outcasts, that fortnerly belonged
to the Sioux, who live by robbery ant
murder, and are .dreaded by all the oth
er tribes in that quarter.,
bany Argus states that the Governor,
Comptroller and Attorney General have
decided to purchase-the mines of Gen.
Skinner, in Clinton county, about four
teen miles west of Plattsburg, and three
front the Saranac river, as a site for the
new State prison.
Lovu AND, yoUng man
named James Garnett committed sui
cide at his room in Gravier street, New
Orleans, on Wednesday, night week,
by taking laudanum. From a letter
written by him previous to his taking
the fatal dose, explaining the cause of
the act, it appears there was a lady in
the ease.
29137 22704
FATAL ACCIDENT.-011 Thursday . ,
as Mr. David Wardwell, of Andover,
was engaged in hanging window blinds
on a house, in Ipswich, he fell to the
ground and was injured 'so badly as to
survive but au hour after. Mr. W. was
about seventy years old.
TUE NEW comet, which
completes its revolution round the sun
in five years, has just been discovered.
It was first observed by Signor.Vico,
at the Observatory of the College of
Rome, on the 22d of - Auguit last, and
has since beerrseen at the Observatories
of Paris, Aitona and Kensington.
Moe, of King George county, Va . .,
lately deeeasen, left by IsisAvill nedrly
all his slaves tree, amounting to some
200 or 300, with ample provisions to
carry them to Liberia. Tile li„erated
,slaves are to be removed under the di
rection of the Colonization Society-.
intelligence from China, received by
the way of London. we find mentioned
the death of Mrs. Lucy H., wife of
Rev. D. Ball. M. D., of the mission
established by the AmeriCan Board.—
She . died at Hong Ellug on the morn
ing of the 6th of June, aged 3G years.
ViatmoNT,---Sarnuel S. Phelps has
seen elected 's Senator 4:)1 the United
States, from the State of! Vermont, for
6 years from the 4th :nf March next,
iviten his present terra :expires. The
vote in the Legislature stood : S. S.
Phelps 120, S. S. BrOttn 72, G. P.
Marsh , 21. C. Williams 9, W.
Slade 4, scattering 2.
Sonztt PAROLINA.^ . ',Ihe entire dele
gation in the new Congress will be as
followli:-1st district, aanies A. Black,
Dein., re-elected; 2d,
Simpson,Dem., re-elected; 2d, Jos. A.
Woodward, Dew., re-elected; 4th, A.,
D. Sims, Dew., vice Jo i hn Campbell,
Dem.i sth, Artemas B4rt, Dem., re
elected ; 7th, FL Bernwiiall Ithett,Pem.
re-elected. . :I. k
The ccinitectieut • Conrant has been
published for upwards Of 86 years.
News troDS all Nailens.
• .iita bull fight, at Valladelid,lnn. the'
three persons were killed,
eiglitAnortally, wotauded., and a great,
Many," more : Seriousik ; liar, by the
breaking down'of a platforlii., on which'
about a thousand
. people: bad' placed
themselves to view•the fight.
, During, the firing of a salute at Jack
spa, Miss., a fair 'days since, the can
non prematurely discharged, breaking
the arm and mangling the face and
body of Mr: J. .B. Houghton. His
'arts was subsequently arnputated.
There is much agitation.amongstthe
.Jew§ . , in consequence of : the , office .of
Chief Rabbi, in,Englantl,; being vacated
•by the death of the Rev. Dr. Solomon
Herschel. There are fOtir candidates
for the office.
. • David- Hilderbrand was murdered in
Champaign county 111., on the 4th init.
by a fellow of the name pf.Wre.
Ver. The murderer eseaped.
' f eetf
( ring
(ti me
General Lamar, of Teias, Mons. Bo
dine, Russian : Minister - to this country,
with his faMily, are among the most
recent arrivals at the Astor Hotise New
It is said is the English papers ,that
Fanny Elisler has longs-been married,
and has a daughter six years old.
American copies of English works,
landed in England by passengers, may
now be retained by them with the con-
sent of the authors..
Sheridan know/es, has made his api,
pearance on the Glasgow boards after
five yeais absence, from the stage. •
The Rev. Mr. Maffit has been lee
turfng in New York on the Mißevisit'
of the eleventh cenfurryi.
The loss .by the storm at Dunkirk is.
estimated by the Beacon at $50,000,
BURNED Dowtv.—A large building in
Ithcca, corner of Cayuga-and Chilton
belonging- to Gov. Tallmadge, was
consumed by-fire-an the - 22d inst.
Horace Smith, of the authors of the
famous " Rejected Addresses,".and the
writer of that admired historical ro
mance, the "Brambletye House,".'has
achieved 'a new novel, which will short
ly be forthcoming, entitled " Arthur
Arundel, a Tale of the -Englishß.evolu-
At South Orange, in Franklin co.,
Mass., t here is an extensive wooden
ware establishment belonging to Wm.
Whitney, for the manufacture,ot pails,
bowls, tubs,clothes•pins, ect. 1 Over
70 hands are employed in this manu
The New Orleans Courier states
that the unhappy disputes Which have
so long existed between the bishop and
the wardens of the cathedral of St.
Louis,. of that city, are upon the eve of
being amicably arranged.
Three companies of the British . 43d,
regiment, commanded by Lt. Col. Fur
long, arrived at Quebec on the 13th
inst., from Montreal. This regiment
was in the battle fought on the Plains
of Abram eighty-five years ago.
A letter frorn Tahiti sa y s: I"The
Queen is still on board the British
ketch. I fores.eethe moment when
they will not -know what to do with
her, and will put her upon some is
Charles B. Closey, a native of Phil
adelphia, died at NeW : Orleans l on the
15th instant, of yellow fever.
A Mrs. Bayly, a widow lady, COM
milted suicide in Viclisburgh on the
14th inst. Domestic affliction was
said to be the cause.
The difference between a c6PPs and
a corpse. A cores is a body of men;
a corpse is a man's body.
Adams & Co. gave us Eastern pa
pers on Saturday- -in advance of .tbe
Four of the:Oregon emigrants tram
St. Louis have died.
• Grouse is found in abundance in the
pram es.
Mr. Hiraizt 'Hersey. of . Arostook
county, lie.;;. on Thursday last, 19th
inst., went out to hunt bear's from his
cornfield, and while standing on a' log
his gun aceidentally went oft, discharg
ing - its contents,,consisting of •three
Kills, wad, &c.;`through: his wrist, h
cerattng and buriiirit his' wrist and
hand in a shocking manner. The arm
was aniputated.
- .t This is;high living," as the poet
said when lie , dined' • in the garret on
three fairthe of a cracker.!-
. .
. The 11uteitintions have been giving
concerti . m4lbany.
Who is 'ARES K. PDX a•
MURDER.-=The Louisiana Chroni.
clef, *(St Francisville) says a mind er Was
committed there on the 12th ult, A
man named Robert -Carter shot Ran.
dolph Fogleman with a pistol loaded
with large shot, nine of which entered
Isis body, and he died in two day s
ter. No provocation was given, end
Carter made his escape, but was Bu t,
sequently arrested at Natchez, Where
he is now in jail.
the elections seem to favor the Conserva
live party. In the Upper Province eve.
ry member elected is a conservative. I.
the Lower ?rovince, the majorhy ar
itlicals, and of doubtful. politica.
far, 18 conservatives,. 8 radicals, sad
doubtful members are chosen.
York True Sun - says, there is no do u t,
t h a t; the Episcopal Bishop of that hi
cese will be presented for trial by th
three Bishops, who have been examin
i ng into the charges made against ii i ,,
of immoral and unclerical conduct, i
is but justice; however, to the " Bisha
say, that he expresses himself read
to nieet his accusers, and desires a s u
pension of public opinion for the pr e
fate Couriai of the 30th ult., says:
" bur snow storm yet continues.
comes from the north ; and if JetTem
St. Lawrenee and other counties
that direction are not piled full, we ,
much mistaken. Front the detenuo
of the mail due yesterday afternoc
until late in the night, the east, t.
must have had its full share. - For pea
Iy thirty-six hopra, snow has fallen i
cessantly—though at times slowly.
Fully two feet, we should judge, h•.
fallen, though much of it has melted.
FATAL AFFRAY.-.A Mr. Pickard
his ion, a young tan about !went
one years of age, were killed in an
fray on the 16th inst., at Ddi Blu
Hehad been tor many years a (am
sary of one of the wards of Nea t
steamboat Bourbon, Capt. Bolton,
sunk on Monday night, the 28th al
last, on her downward trip tollobi
by striking a snag at Old Hell sho ,
about twenty miles above Selma.
Bourbon had on board about 160 b
of cotton. It is supposed the boat
be raised.
The St." Louis Republican an
that the present tobacco crop of II
souri wilt equal in quantity, and
,; •
ly excel in quality, that of any for•
Great damage was done to the cr
at Trinidad aad Cien(aago, Cuba,
the late gale.
from the Lexington,liy. Obierrer,
Dick, the slave who was tried and
vieted of the murder of Mrs. C
Turner during the present leans
Payette,Circuit Court;has been ee
ced to be hung on the 19the , the
sent month.
Hamilton was round the other mo
under the hill at Cleveland,' Ohio
face and his hands run down in
sand, where he had died in a d
death struggle after a night's deb
He left a wife and children at Obi
ty. Shocking.
tl Bulletin of Thursday, says
gentleman, traveler, who had his
ly with him, wasinstantly killed
landing day before ,yesterday ,
spar from a boat breaking and' ,
him on the head as it leg. Hie
was Somers, and was bound
letter from Constantinople , of
ultimo, mention , . that a fire had
out near the bazaar in that cily,
destroyed upwards of 100 IV
500 sit° s.
On the 1.0111 ult.. in the Be
hood of Minerva, Columbia oB4
Ohio, a woman while in the act
rying corn into a spring housek
struck by lighting, and instant
CattiouN is expected IP
at Washington on Saturday, t° l
his official duties.
JAMES K . POLS, Ott Sett '
reached his fiftieth year -- j °
century -old.