The man Who kept the boat house eninsula, we think - his name Gilber t . Gilbpert. with hie son and a son of 0 widow Osier. :were all drowned.— ite boat -house keeper and son about altempted to swim across the ege k, but were swept down by the fere current P. . NI. The storm is still atening. The new brig. Uncle i i i , Capt. Vaul, is just in' with a full Pri o • The steamboat Fulton' we hear has reas hnre, a total wreck, at Sturgeon P int. Three men lost. Th -, Julia Palmer'is commanded by Tuus,.forrnerly of the ill-fated Erie; herengine should hold good; she will ably weather the gale, as she has re putation of being the best sea boat li he Lake ] , The Fulton is safe. The Iclia Palmer has jsilt' hundred, passen- I ra on board. nherdfennsylvania Methodist Conference pie Northern Pennsylvania . dearly Conte to of the Methodist Society, convened a.ree . to adjournment in Monroe, Bradford Ccf:, F r iday, Oct. 4, . 1544, at 9 o'clock, Brother )4u glaw Batch declining to preach the-intro b,:tory sermon, his place was supplied by the Eliphalet Justin, after which conference as organized by appointing Rev. Thrif•rtur :pear President, Reuben Wendell Secretary, o f David Tremble Assistant Secretary. Questionzl. Who were elected delegates ? Duiiel Thimble, Durell, Bradford Co. Pa. Jon'n Van'tlfke;John Vergispl,N'ew Albany. Adjourned till 9 o'clock, Oct. 5. Daniel Vergisol; — Samuel Harlon]; TReuben 1 Ne* Hartford. Hiram Perry, P.F. Cleaveland, Josiah Mer on;Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. • Riley Potter, Warren, Bradford•co. Pa. Qcestion 2. Who are the Elders? R e c. Timothy Totry, South Warren, Pa. Eliphaiet Justin, Burlington, Pa. 'iliesion 3. Who are the Deacons pir;:ass Hatch, New Albany, Pa. pition 4. Who are the Licentiatesi ,Viiko'pher Pratt, Monroe, Pa. I Peter Cornelius, Durell, Pa. D4vid Masan, Asylum, Pa. Resolved: by this Conference, That hereafter no minister being a member of this body, shalt 'ive his name retained in our minutes, whose guiding shall not have been made known to us for two years successively. Resolved, Thatrtrustees of church property 'wall not as such be recognized as members of isarterly conference. Qvestion 5. - Who have died , this year? None. • Question'6. Who have been expelled I None. question 7. Who hive withdrawn ? None. Question 8. Were the characters of all the reachers examined at this conference. They were carefully and strictly examined Indiriclualty:• Question 9. Where are the preachers station= this year "1 , ' Burlington and Smithfield circuit; Eliphalet ;tin, _in charge, Christopher Piatt, assistant. 4any And Mew Hartford circuit; Peter CM :via in charge. Monroe and Durell circuit; Irrid Mastin in charge, Greenfield and Rush =if; Douglass Hatch in charge. Owego ai Union circuit to be supplied.. - 4sestiob 10. By whom shall the several c:artaly ,meetings be superintended Pittis Rev. Timothy Torry, who is to travel arc'the connection at large as visiting elder. Tony is appointed to preaCh the in riterary sermon at the opening of the next nsfereace ; and is also appointed to prepare second annual address. •Qeestiort 11. When and where shall the nex ' . • , n of our yearly conference be held 7 ' In New Hartford, Bradford co., Pa., Thurs TCet. 2, 1845', commencing at'9, A. M. • Tiarirray TOEHT, President. Reuben Wandell, Secretary. Daniel Tumble, Assistant do. . Son c L—Ministers and delegates to the nez ty conference will please call on Br. Baronet Wan!, who will inform them isherathey may MI accommodations during the session. TUE SECOND_ ANNUAL ADDRESS ecembers and friends of the Methodist ri~ty: The Northern Pennsylvania Yearly IfeiEnce of said society send Christian sa- I= ihirg r eth re n : —We have been permitted '''ats Divine grace to enjoy the manifests. al Gal's Savor dming another year ; and reason to - glorify Him for the revels- I'm mercy towards us in awakening pre 'a,aud bringing them into the King ,o kdear _Son. At our recent annual *were greaiiy refreshed by the cheer ace derived from _various sections of I,:that the Lord is doing wonders in the its, - and from the: testimony of our tre are happy to learn that the spirit union continn.: to exist in the sad wellesire that it may be promoted lance with the gospel among the friends tedeemer?: We rejoice that our branch church does not participate hit the unequalled 'sin of American slavery, Wesley calls it, " the sum of all vit . vilest under the sun." We hope ref/ will still continue to represent the !,their oppressors in their prayers to le Of grace and humbly deprecate the f &just and holy God so •richlidue to illy nation for having so long and so thared in this sin of sans. tren in the ministry.- . --remember the tribility of your station. God'S.-peo tithing for lack of hnowledge, sinners lging the 'avenues to death, and God minded you, to instruct his people in ay, to sound an alarm, and to warn the ifhis danger. How are you employed ? 's at your station's on-Zion's wall acting 'Tee to )od's requirements, or are you in worldly pursuits that you may se •arthly inheritance? ill soon be called to give an account Stewardship, and oh! beware lest the sinners be'required at your hands.— in the laity,—shall the minister be 'tile striving to promote your spirit and ,advance* our Master's cause ? id.; him by your influence, by your I 'l - our liberal donations and by every cans whereby God may be glorified lase advanced? Finally, we again Irk' for on you much depends. • And 11 9 pray thatlhepod of all grace may • bless and lificceed the labors of both !laity, and may we'beblought to in the fall fruition of 'eternal. life to Chriskeur Lord. Amen. TIMOTHY IORRY• Wright'a Indian Vegetable Pills will be found one of the best medicines in -the world for the cure of all diseases of the liver, because they expel from the body those morbid humors which, when deposited upon this important or gan, are the cause of every variety of liver complaint. From four to six of the above named Indian Vegetable taken every i night on going to bed, will in a short titre given such manifest re lief that no argument or persuasion will be necessary to induce ia perseverance in their use until the liver is restored to a heathy action, and pain or distress of every kind is-driven from the body. For sale at the store of J. D. & E. D. Montanye, in Towanda, and by agents published 'in another column of this paper. • - • Efir Caution.—As counterfeiters are abroad., avoid all stores of doubtful character, and be particular, in all cas es, to ask for Wright's Indian Vege table Pills • Ag' CAME/Iqt NOTICE is given that all accounts due to 1.1 the Reporter Office prior to the 4th day of December 1843, must be paid. Unless set tled or ariangod in some way by the Ist of Ja nuary next, they will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection, and 03 nothing but money will pay them.,CD Oct. 29, 1844. E. S;GOODRICH. Keep. it before the yemple, THAT the Old Drug Store, west side of the Public Square, is now receiving the largest assortment of Drugs and Medicines ever offered in this market, among which are the following, viz • Su!ph:Morphia, Blue Mass, do. Quinine, Nit. Silver, Eng. Calomel, Quick do. F!pperine, lodid. Potassa, Red Precipitate; ilpecac, Tart. Antimony, White ,do lodine, Valerian Root, Stryetinia, Elateruim, Kreasot, Seneca do. Pulv. Ja lop, ! Serpentaria do. • Gention do. Est. do., Eat. Colycinth, Colombo do. do. Gentian, Pink do do. Cicuta, Senna, do. Hyoseiamus,' Adhesive Plaster, Cantharides, ° do. Taraiocum, Spnng and Thumb Lancets, Lancet cases &c., The attention of PHYSICIANS is particu larly invited to the above articles, they being just received from one of the most respectable houses - in New York and will therefore be war ranted pure and adulterated in all cases; and disposed of at very low prices. OILS AND ESSENCES Wintergreen, Cinnambn, Peppermint, Rose mary, Wormseed, Hemloek, SassafrasS, Lemon, Lavander, Bergamot, Aniseed, ClovesOuniper, Amber, Cajput, Caraway, Monard, Fennel, Al mond. Origanum, Cedar, Amber, &c., &c. PATENT MEDICINES. " The most'popular of the day, such as Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Sands Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayne's Car manitive, Balsam Hoarhound, "Turtington's Pink Expectorant Syrup, Bateman's Drops, Andersons do., Lamott's Cough do., Liquid Opodeldoc, Balsam Honey, Preston Salts, Mrs. Gardners Balsam Liverwort and Hoarhound, Dr. Spoons' Digestive Elixor,Dr. Munns Elix. of Opium, Dr. Benjamin Godfrey's Cordial, Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea,-Cheesman's Arabi an Balsam, Balm of Columbia, Butler's Mag nesian Aparient, Henry's do., Dr. Thompson's British Oil, Harlem do., Maccassar do., Bear's do., Grave's Hair do., Croton do., together with many ottk,c i r to numerous to mention. PILLS. Compound Cathartic, Gregory's Hoopeis Femurs, German, Lees Windham Billious, Miles' Tomatto, Brandreth's, Wright's Indian Vegetable, Dr. Phinney's, Webstet's, Moffati and Bitiers, Alebasis, Bishops, &c., &c., PAINTS, OIL & DYE STUFFS. White, Red and Black - Lead, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue, Rose Pink, Sugar Lead, Litharge, Blue Smalls, Venetian Red, VermilliZm, Turmeric,,Annatto, Indigo; Copperas, Allum, Crude, Tartar, Cochi neal, Solution of Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitro!, Glass 7by 9, 8 by 10, and 10 by. 12, Putty, Linseed Oil, &c, &c. A. D. MONTANYE, Dnceorsr . Towanda, 0ct.25, 1844.. OLOGNE WATER by the ounce, pint, L) quart, or gallon in 4'ancy,bottles or other wise to suit the Ladies, at hit /NTANYE'S DRUG STORE. 2/IPHOMPSONIANS you will Cayenne ji Pepper, Gum Muth, Barbary Berk and other ingredients such as are used in your prac tice at MONTANYE'&DRUG STORE. Oct. 25, 1644. _ PAINT, Hair, Shaving, Tooth' and Nail Brushes at MONTANYE'S DRUG STORE. ' Oct. 25. BLUE Writing Fluid by the ounce, pint, quart, Gallon or Barrel!, Black do., In dellible arta India, first quality at - ) MONTANYE'S DRUG STORE. October 25, 1844. CIANDIES., Raisins, Liquorice, &c., for the boys and girls, at hIONTANYE'S DRUG STORE. Oct. 25, 1844. COM. Shaving, Fancy Shaving, Toilet, Cast Steel and. Common Bar, Soaps, at MONTANYE'S DRUG STORE.. Oct. 25, 1844. Abraham Morley vs. No. 176 May Term 1844. Henry S. Wells.. THE undersigned having been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Brad ford county, an Auditor to report-the liens in this case, will attend for that purpose at his office in the borough of Towanda. on Wednes day the 27th day of November 1844, at 1 o:r clock P. M., of which all persons interested wili please take notice. E. W. BAIRD, Auditor. Towanda, Oct. 22, 1844. . ozzarn CONSTANTLY on band a 2d. hand Box II Steve for sale cheep at BAIRD'S, No. 3 Brick Row. zpva aalat ati two comm. LIST OF JURORSYor Deceinber Sess.,T. and Conti. . unasn:rcrons. Wyalusing—Alexander Biles, Benjamin Bun- nell, Austin Stalford ; Litchfield—Asolph Baldwin, John jerkindall; Burlington—Thomas Blackwell;' Standing Stone - -Nelson Black; -- Orwell—Albert Chaffee, Minor Taylor; Warren—Pearly Corbin; Smithfield—Anthony E: Child, Winsel P. • Kellogg ; Athens Boro.—Richard Durbin ; Ulster—John Gillenore ; Windham—Phineas Kiev on; Hetrick—Ezekiel Rome—Wm .E. : Maxnard, Peter Vought; Monroe—Libens Mn rcey; Troy—Elihu Newbery ; emton—James Sella d ; • Pike—Augustus S. Ss-nith ; Asylum—lngham Stone; • Wysox—Alvin Whitney. ' TfIAtERSE'JIIROIW--FIRST wzza. Welle•Jelsial Ayres; Warren—Menajah Allen, Moses Burbank, Ira W. Corbin ; Rome—P4ter Allen, John A. Moody; Armenia-4-Joseph Bidalkileman Morgan ; Springfield—John W. Brant, L. H. Thomas; Towanda Boro.—William Briggs, James W. Mercini • Canton—Alexander Bothwell, John W. Grif fin, Samuel Owen; Wyalusing—Samuel Black, John Elliott; Durell—S. S. Bradley, Joshua Kilmer; Granville—Harvey Bailey,Elon Bailey, Lumen Putnam ; Monroe—'W .H.H.Brown, Henry Tense) , ; Orwell—James Cleveland, Zebuloa, Frisbey, Robert ?Wliee ; Tunarora—Jt..rnes Culver; Wysox—Joseph Conklin ; Ulstel—H. S. Davidson, Robert M. ; Ridgbury—George Fishier; South Creek—Truman B. Fassett, John Hill- man, James W. Knapp:O. W. Reed ; Windham—George Fox ; Smithfield—George Godell, Jonathan Wood; Troy—Alexander Murray, A. W. Thomas; Athens Tp.—Samuel 04ershire, J. Spalding ; Leroy—James Pickard. Davis Vandyke; Towanda Tp.—J. C. Powell; Franklin?—B. S. Smiley ; Sheshequin—Jabez Tompkins. SECOND WEEE. Orwell—Horace A. Barnes; Smithfield—William E. Barton ; Towanda Tp.—Danier Btiwman ; Litchfield—Benjamin Ball ; Pike—Lewis Bosworth, Stephen C. Smith, H Warner ; Monroe—William Bradford ; Durell—Williani Braund, Francis Cole; Athens Boro.—Nathaniel Clapp, Thomas R. Davis ; Litchfield—Orson Carner ; Herrick—Daniel 'Durand, Asa B. Mattinsoit; Burlington—George Dewitt, William C. Hall, Lorenzo Taylor; Springfield—H. S. Grover, Samuel •Gates, Al fred Strong ; Columbia—David C. Hall, Kingsley Peckham; Ridgbury—William B. Johnson; Wyalusing—Harrison Lamb ; • Leroy—Pearly 40/forse ; Troy—Darius Manley i ; Ulster—Amos Pettes; Franklin—Ezra 41:falding; Standing Stone—Simon Stevens ; Granville—Franklin Taylor; Canton—John Vandyke Jr.; ,Wells--Abraham Whartendyke ; Albany;--Rowland Wilcox Jr.,Hiram Wilcox; Windham—Charles Walker. MI)LOUGHS, a first rate article, different ,patterns, for sale cheap by W. H. BAIRD & CO. NO. 3 Brick Row. Jesse Ross guardian of Lloyd 1 In the Hancock, Elizabeth Hancock, Je- l Orphans' rush Hancock, Henry. Hancock, (Court of John Hancock & Mary Hancock.) Brad. Co. ripHE undersigned having been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bradford' County, an Auditor to ascertain and report in this case will attend for that purpose at the houso of Dennison Johnson in Leraysvi:le on Friday the 6th day of December next at 2 o'clock P.M. E. S. GOODRICH, Auditor. Towanda, Oct. 29, 1840. Keep It before the People ! WM. BRIGGS, FORMERLY of the "Eagle ,Houser would respectfully inform the people of Bradfsrd and the traveling public, that he has taken the stand recently occupied by E. Rayns ford, and that he is prepared to entertain those who favor him with a call. His established reputation it is hoped, will afford full assurance that his guests will bit supplied with every com-. fort and aec.ommodation. Ho asks "auldac- Oaintance" to pay him a visit. Towanda; Oct. 14, 1844. ABOARD of Appeal of the Bradford Co. Cavalry. composed of Luther H. Scott, E. A. Coolbaugh and .Ezra Spalding, will be held at the Claremont House in the Borough of , ' Towanda on Monday the 4th day of Nov. next at 10 o'czock A. M. Members whether active or inactive who were not present on the regular days of Corn. pony add Battalion trainings, and have excu ses why they did not appear according to law, may quake them before : the board, or fines will be levied according to law, without respect to persons. R. H. CONKLIN, Capt. Towanda, Oct. 18, 1844. D. C. HALL Against the World, for Stoves!! T HE subscriber b hasjust received th e great est variety o fStoves ever b roug h t into t the county of Bradford such as Crosses patent Low Drum Oven Cook Stove; Crosses high oven cooking stove; Cross' No. 3 Parlor cooking stove with the elevated oven ; dining room cooking stove; parlors of different sizes and shapes ; Climax cooking• No. 3 & 4 with 3 and •4 boilers; No. 2, 3 & 4 cooking, with '3 and 4 boilers ; Na 3 & 4 six plate and church stoves which the subscriber will sell at the most redu ced prices for cash, shingles, wheat or oats, he also intends to keep constantly on hand an as;• sortment of Russia and common iron stove pipe and elbows, sheet zinc, stove crocks of all sizes, coal scuttles &e.; with a good assortment of tinware wholsale and retail. Sheet Iron Drums, Stove boilers, Tea kettles, Dripping pans, con ductors, Rave troughs, with every kind of job work in his line made and fitted up to order on short notice. Also, stove trimmings at whole sale and retail may be obtained at his manufac tory on the_ most reasonable terms. Towanda, Oct.lo, 1844. - • • SHERIFF'S Y virtue of sundry- writs of Vend Expo., I issued from the court of common pleas of Bradforticonnty. I shall exposeat public sale at. the house of Jan Hammond, in the town: ship of Ridgbuty on 'rue:Way the 111th day of November next, at t o'clock P. M., the follow• ing property, to wit : a piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek township in the county of Bradford -and bounded on the north by land of Cornelius Haight; on the east by land of Samuel Pettengill ; on the south by Bing ham lands; and on the west by hinder Isaac Wells. Containing one hundred and forty. acres more or less, with about forty acres im proved, with two log "houses and: one framed barn thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel Weltelchell's administrators vs. John Campbeil and Stephen Stiles, also at, the suit ofJohn L: Webb vs. John Campbell and Ste. phen Stiles. also at the snit of H. Potter at Co. to the use of John L. Webb vi. Stephen Stiles and John i Campbell, also at the suit of Philo Fawn vg. John Campbell. • ALSO—The equal undivided holf of a piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek town- ship bounded on the north by lends of Corne lius Haight; east by land of Samuel Pettengill ; south by Bingham lands; and west by land of Isaac Wells. Containing one hundred and for ty acres be the same more or less. , withabout forty acres improved, with two leg-tenses and a framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John L. Webb vs. Daniel 11. Stiles and Ste phen Stiles, also at the suit of George Kins man vs. Stephen Stiles, also at the suit of John L. Webb vs. Stephen Stiles. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek township and boun ded on the north by John Henning; on the cast by Wm. Flitcher and White; on the south by the public road : and on the west by Hiram Sample. Containing fifty acres, about fifteen acres improved a log house and a log barn and a small apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I,,enti Goddard, vs. Daniel Stevens. J. N. WESTON, Sheriff. n sherifrs Office, Towand * 4 Oct. 21, 1844. S - 990 k LO t SOLE & UPPER LEA- Or ITEM, superior quality for sale. Sept. 7, 1844. KINGSBERV". • Great Attraction at I ,_ontanye S. 200 PIECES of Prints at Wholesale or retail VERY CHAP. 12 pieces of Affghan and Alpacca Lus:res 8 Bales Sheating ; 4 " Cotton Yam; 2 " Carpet Warp; 20 doz. Hats and Caps of the newest styles ; 500 pr. Boots and Shoes of all descriptions; 1 ton of Sole Leather; 4 ton Nails Iron and Steel; Groceries of all kinds. Hides, Grain and Lumber received in p&y ment for Goods. • Towanda, Oct. 20, 180. .PIL. iC.AL_ZEIEC.3I33D• QMORRIS WATTLES, Attorney and • Counsellor at Law, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. Office, No. 4, Brick Row, over Tra cy & Moore's store. I N pursuance of 'an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, there will be ex posed .to public sale on the premises, at one o'clock on the afternoon of Tuesday, the first day of October next, the following real estate, to wit :—A tract of land situate in Grenville tp. . containing 109 acres or thereabouts, bounded north on land of J. Pratt; east on land of Ma jor Hawley ; south on land of Joseph Pratt, and west on land of Stephen Vroman, and oth ers; with about fifteen acres improved, and a frame house and log barn thereon erected. Attendance will be given at the time and phice of sale by the subscribers. All persons having demands against the es tate are requested to attend. JAMES H, ROSS. JEHIAL M'KEAN Granville, September 2,1844. POSTPONEMENT. The above sale is postponed to Saturday, the 26th inst., at the same place and time of day. JAMES H. ROSS. JEHIAL M'KEAN. Granville, Oct. 4. 1844. M'KEAN'S HOTEL, umou„ Ta/ C LO (Formerly kept by Col. I. N. PomeroY.) J. C. & C. S. McKEAN. Troy, September 2, 1844. NEWEST . 'GOODS, and Cheapest Prices BURTON KINGSBERY, has just receic ed and is now opening a splendid assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Paints, otl, Dye • • Stu f fs, 4-c., 4-c. which he will sell very cheap for Cash. TOwanda, Sept. 7, 1844. RK, Flour, Iron, Nails and Glass, con stantly on hand at reduced prices, by Sept. 7. B. KINGSBERY• EXECUTOR'S ALL persons indebted to the etsato of Oliver Arnold, late of Smithfield township, de ceased are requested to makt, payment and all persons having demands against said estate are notified to pesent them properly authenticated for settlement. BENJAMIN THOMAS, Executor Sept. 24 1844. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE - • 4 Lb person l s indebted to the estate of Robert a'- Oliver late of tlk City of Baltimore in the State of Ma ylvid itemised, are requested to make immediat • payment, and all those having demands • again -t the same requested to present them, legally a tested for settlements=. H. C. BAIRD, Administrator. Athens, Sep . 28, 1.844. A RK ROPE antMIKS for sale BATRD'S, lys, September 7 .n.. 3 Brick Row 31631ria.141211ECZIODWJECR.1-4 --- itlifiLMOT, 4T1 I §NEY ATI4W, : AS remOcd his ce to tlia new' Brick Block on 'Main street—No' 2; up stairs. i)uare§ • u,(ggiwns. dill .et ,sne subscriber himself, ho has therfore the confidence to recommend them to the pub lic is articles of the very best quality. ' Tie store will be constantly under the care of a, atedieal gentleman who will punctually and piomptiy attend to all orders. - Any ar. Aide, sent for which in an over dose may pro duce deleterious effects will be labeled and the appropriate directions given thereon. To customers and all who, pprchase at this store, advice will be given gratis. The, tints scriber bas also made an arrangement with Dn. HUSTON, who OCCUInna an OfECO in ow ing,ty which invalids may avalillienuelsies o f his ezperienco and adVice free et charge. An establishment of this kind under the int • mediateaupervision of a medical practitioner has long been c esired by the citizens of this place and vicinity. The subscriber hopes thereen by a strict attention to the business of the estab. meat and especial care in selecting genuitie ar ticles to be able to obtain a share of public pat ronage. E. H. MASON - Towanda, Oct. 10, 1844. . BAKERY !• BAKERY ! itWOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Towanda end its vicinity, that I have commenced the Baking business in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Rose, whore I shall keep Bread, Crackers, Cakes, and Pies con stantly for sale. Cakes for parties made to or der on very short notice at any time. All or ders from as distance punctually attended to Cash paid for Lard and Eggs Towanda,.Oct. 1. fS44 Adjourned Special Court. A N adjourned Special Court will be holden at the Court House in Towanda, on , Tuesday the 10th day of December next, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, for the* trial of the following causes, to wit :- 0. P. Ballard vs. Geo. Dewitt, Ejectment. Rebecca. Schrader vs. Jeremiah Decker et. al.— Ejectment.. Samuel Benight vs. Mewis M. Palmer et. al. —Ejectment. A. CHUBBUCK, ProthonotarY. Prothonotary's office, Towanda., Sept. 30, 1844. 5 WAYS fur gale, and also the lust assortment Ir . ; of CAPS in town at BAWDS. Sepontber 30. No. 2. Erick Row, PURE WHITE LtAD. Spanish White, V en citiax Red. Window Glass &c. Etc. &c. at ! BAIRDS. September, 30. No. 3.. Brick Bow. i QTRA YED OR STOLEN, from the sub.- scriber, in Orwell township, ou the night of the .2 . 4th'et Aug., A DARK BAY HORSE 9 years old, l the off hind foot white, with a small wiudgall on the tnside of the right hind leg.— On the head,-where the head stall is placed, the mane is cut off. The above reward will he'paid or the tecovery of the horse, and his delivery to me. WM. MATHEWS. Orwell, Sept. 5, 1644. _KURD Si, SHERWOOD, dl C a ls: 2Z-MMEZ 9 i : l.a r a l MI 4 W. BAIRD &J. SHERWOOD have ' s opened an office in Troy, Brad. Co. Pa. and will attend to•all business of said office, in ; the line of their profession as 'copartners. J. -SHERWOOD will attend punctually at said office :in Troy, and E..W. BAIRD may bo cunsuited at any time in relation to the business of` the firm, a his office in Towanda. 6in To All Persons Interested. IN the matter of the settle:) In the Orphans ment of the , account ofCourt of Wm: Myer, as guardian of ( Bradford Elsy Maria Moger. J County. The subscriber having been appointed by the Conrt, att . Auditor, to adjust the said account, will attend for that purpose at the Register'A Office in Towanda on Tuesday the sth day of November next at two'clock F. M. E. S. CrIIO p ODRICII, Auditor. September 23, 1844., A LL persons are hereby cautioned against AL purchasing a certain note given by me to lludley,C. Humphry for seventy five dollars being dated in April or May 1839, as I shall not pay the same unless compelled by process of law, having received no value thereon. WM. HARRINGTON. Pike, August 16th, 1844. IWaST_,TX_MZi . rIIE`MiM PM , NY' quantity of BEEF HIDES nal] i t, (SHEEP PELTS. Also Shipping Furs at the store of J • E. & E. D. MONTANYT.I. FARM FOR SALE. THE Subscriber ofDrs his farm, co , , taining TWO HUNDRED acres, situr.te in Al bany township Bladford county, Pa. for sale. This farm is peculiarly adapted to grass, suita ble for dairy or sheep. About one hundred acres aro under `good improvement. and well fenced. 13 uildings consist of a good framed two story dwelling bouse with four MOMS on the ground floor, and' four bed rooms on the second floor, kitchen, wash house and water closet at tached. Barn, Hay, horse stabling, granary, &c., &c.; He -also the stock, consist ing of Cattle, Hoses, sheep, &c.; and - also the farming utensils now on the farm. For further parxiculars apply to apply to C. L. Ward' Esq., Towanda, Pb., or to the sub scriber on the premises OTICE. \. JTOHN ATOQS Jr • • •-• • Albany. Aug. TO, 1544. ' The New York Weekly Tribune. and N. .Y. Evening Posti insert thr4 times and charge bi this Office. 22,21\atOVU cM , :. - 1)./m.v2c, li p R. A. BOROUGHS Would respectfully announce 4o the citizens Monroe and its vicinity that he has recently located !himself in the village of Monroeton fur the practice of his profession, having fur eeveralyears been en-• gaged in an extensive praiico and from the many opportunities he has had of observing disease hi all its forms, ho-hopes by punctuality and strict attention to busintss to givwentlie satisfaction to thase'who, may place them:it:lre* under his rare, Office at J.P. stole:l's Hotel where he may alf tinaes-be,,fouq, profesSionally engaged. _ Moreton, Sqicrillyzr. 10; ISII - . ' THE subscriber lifts just re veil int opened for sale at the 1 0'1'HECAHIES HALL in manila,' ala and general as ei talent of fresh Drags and Medi-. comprising all the medical :nts employed in the practice of idicine t7t, Surgery. Also an tis •tmentof Paints and Oils. The we artiCles.were carefully select- G. H. EATON Sto - REWARD ! NOTICE. TUNE, OLD D A .N. T-U C-KER: "Oct out of the limy " ire come, In spit otte alms of Henry and-John. ORANGE as it may appear, the first arri val of Full and Winter Goods in this mar ttet are now opening at no. 3 Brick Row._ Our assortment consists of the greatest var;e ty of STAPLE & FANCY. DRY GOODS over offered in this village. To enumerate ono tenth part the articlis would irecupy too much space, we will therefore content ourselves by saying we have Cloths, Casaimeres, and Satu rn:us of every description, Foreign end Domes tic Prints of various stylesand pattern's, plain striped and figured, black. brown Alpoebas, Muslin dc;' Lames, Merinos different colors, Flannels all colors and qualities. Canton Flan nel. Plaid Cloak and Overcoat lining, Linsey's different qualities, Bt. ached. Shirting, Linen Table Diaper. Winter Vetings a great variety, Black Satin, Silk Velvet, a splendid assortment of Bonnet Silks, Ribons, Artilicials; Silk auG Worsted Serge, Grecian Bobinet and Ashbur ton Lace, Lace Edging. Inserting and Footing. Muslin Inserting, Foundation, Ribbon Wire, Bonnet Wire, Black and Colored Silk Fringe and Gimp great variety, Black Bugle Gimp, (fashicuable) &c. &c. The attention of the Ladies is called in par tinnier to the greatest variety of Shawls, fancy. Colored de Manes, changeable Gro de Rhino and Velvet points, Dress Handkerchiefs. Hosie ry and Gloves of every description, 30 doz. mitts. cornprisiqg all sorts, sizes and kinds, C he mizetts, collars,`euffs and tabbs, bead hair pins and wristletts, arch . , cap and bonnet ribens &c. everoffered at any one store in this imunty. Q.3(Dalauauaub A large assortment which will bo acid cheap, wholesale or retail. H_3lW-WARE. cRacKER.3; BOOTS 4- SHOES 4-c. For further particulars call on. w. H. BAIRD & CO. N 0.3 Brick Row Towanda, Scpiginher 7, 1844. - _Domestic CottOils. 000 , s YDS. Domestic Sheetings, 1601 1 1 'l ' 600 lbs. Cot. Yarn, 600 lbs. Cot' Carpet Warp, white and colored Batts, Wadding and Wicking a large supply, all bought for CASH and will be sold as cheap as the same qualities can be bought in Elmira, Ithaca. Otvego, or any other place this-side of New York. We dont ask our friends to take our word for the above but call-and satisfy your elves at BAIRD'S. September 7. No. 3 Brick Row. BATHER, 2,000 lbs. Sole Leather, also ,4 Cdw, Kipp and Calf Skins of .-the best quality just arrived at BAIRD'S Scpteniber 7. Sro. 3 Brick Roo!. TRAVELINP BASKETS and Reticules •by \V. BAIRD d. CO. ~j 7 ROOMS, Pails and Looking Glasses by frs W. H.BAIRD & CO, .2179 . 3 Brie; Role. September 7th . 1 t 1 s ß a ß le L a S s . c 7 i . e lk a l p .l:ju ti s i t e ar h rived awl fur BAIRD'S, Nu. 3 B c ri e rr e twat F ISH, Cod Fish and Mackerel by - W. IL BAIRD & CO SHERIFF'S SALE. yr Y virtue of a writ of Vend. Exp. issued fild from the'court of Common pleas of Brad ford county, to the directed, I shall expose to public sale at the house of E. Raynsfuril to the Borough, of Towanda, on Monday, the 7th day of October next, at Ono o'clock, P. M., The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield township, and barn del as follows : beginning at a pine knot and stones;.and a rock oak witness N. 67° W. 15 links ; thence N. 34° W. 100 p. to a white oak sapling fora corner; thenee E. 120 p. to a chestnut sapling for a corner; thence north twenty four perches to the south west corner o a reserved• lot' for Solomou Merrill a post thence E. 131' 2-10 p. to a post a corner for Chauncey Parks; thence S. 184 p. to a post (e a on the N. line f David McKinney's lot; thence W. '231 2-j p. to a post a white oak, N. 8° W, market al a witness; thence N. 16 post S.E.6i3rner of a lot bought by the parties of the first part from Robert Spalding; thence W. 150 p. or to a post on the town line be tween Athens and Litchfield townships ; thence north on said town line 60 p. to a post; thence E. 55 p. or to a corner S. 6 8-10 p. of a lot for.aerly deeded to Daniel Parks; thence N. 6 8-10 p.lo said Park's corner; thence E. 19 p. or to another of Park's lots or, place of begin ning. Three hundred and twenty seven acres and twenty eight perches more or less. ALSO—One other lot beginning, at a crook &estnut the S. W. cornet of a lot surveyed to Tjaniel Done; thence N . 100 r. to a hemlock sapling; thence E.BO to a post; thence 8.190 T.. to a post ; thence W. So p. to the beginning. Containing fifty acres more or less; and both pieces inclusive containingthree hundred awl seventy seven acres and twenty eight perches with ahoutninety acres improved and a framed house, one,fraured and one log barn, anti two apple orchards thereon, and one half saw mill. Seized'and taken in execution at the suit of iirlnjantin -Lambert to the use of L.H. Sher mac vs. ChOlei Chandler. J.N. WESTON, Sheiiff. Sheriff 3a Office. ) Towanda, Sep. 10, 1844. j POSTPONEMENT The above sales stand pogtpened - until Mon day the 2d. day of December next. at the same place and time of day . . . I WESTON, Sheriff- Sheriff's office, Towanda, October 7th, 1844. FOR SALE. THE, subscriber offers for Sale his valuable ?. SAW.MII,I, situate in 'the _toWriship of Columbia, about two mileS from Columbir Flatts. The Mill is nearly new, well finished and in good order. It is situate in tlm,Johist of an extensive and valuable tract of white pine timber,'all convenient to the mill:--and has an abundant supply of water at all seasons of the Year. Wilt be sold with fromzonelo 140 acre 4 of land, about seventy acres of the land is im proved. Good title will be given • and ternis made easy 'F....portion is paid down. . IltA. PErilliONE Qo',utpl, September W. Is:N. ]`RIGHT'S VEGETABLE :zYRIII , WV for 'gale at All: 3 i}rieli 1:(Iat • ' :September 7 V's BALE Portsmouth Sheeting the heavies 'in market:which kill be ',old The:m. .. June t 4 B, 1644, V.H.P.A1211.) sk.CO„, , 4 VAINE I TV OF HATS &I.!APP, sale , ry - • IS. KO:Us:BURY,
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