Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 23, 1844, Image 3

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    ,15505. GoODßicti:;--Ye signed a
pet of which the following is a
os sgs Gooortion:—We have seen
t hig Circular supposed to' have emina
tifrodindie'Herrick, with his• name
polity-nine others annexed to it,
: h 0 represent them-as having changed
democracy to 7higgery, and ad
-o,sed din our . deameratic
41 ," Among' them otir names are
, lee d, In relation to the same, we
Ire on ly io say that the paper, which
oig ned is not The ore published, or
,were deceived by Judge Herrick
s;Ellsporth, who carrie to us•
t hesame.r We •have always been
: ,; the riits, and if alive and able to_get
t he polls, we shall continue to sup
,. democratic principles by voting foi.
:alk oil Dallas in 1844.
Athens, Sept. .27, 1844.
Ne ha - ve since seen the original that
2s-presented to us by Judge Herrick
,d S ° : tllsxvorth, and signed by us;
,d compared it with the circular ; and
? f o lly satisfied that.the circular con
as the same matter and is the same
,he paper which we signed ; and that
ere was no deception practiced onus
ei g iudae Herrick and - L. S. Ellstvorth,
qt either of them ; but that the paper
eras fairly read and explained to us by
1 1 25 0'g:the time. That in regard to
the paper signed by us addressed to
lessrs. Goodrich above mentioned, da ;
1%1'211 Sept., it was presented to us•
c ontaining allegation's against Judge
Herrick and L. S. Ellsworth; desiring
!Ism sign the same, which we knew
we're utarti,e, and we struck theta out,
andkold the man who brought the pa
per to us, that if we had time we would
write one in different language,. and not
make any charge of deception, false
cod, or improper conduct that was in
and did not like to sign the same ;
,ut he wished us to sign it and we did
ign it. We desire Messrs. Goodrich
justice to Judge Herrick and Mi.
Ilsworth, to publish this in theirpa
er, that the same publicity may be
iven to, the one as to the other. ; -
Signed in presence of
The Argus contains an article, as edi
in!, written by a, creature whom we
)W very vvell,coaiplaining because we
lea that a ruthless press." We
ano further evidence of our asser
o than the very number that .makes
complaint. A trlpre vindictive
,Ess, and TRUTHLESS article
1. disgraced the columns of any
er published in lowa,. states that
.one marriageable maidens recent;
lived in one bach. Such spruc
ip," and such a running to arid fro
to old bachelor's, was never before
NFavons DtsEescs.--It should be
lbered, when the blood is einem
with impurity, its apparent vol
or quantity, is increased, and hence
isteasion or swelling of the blood
uuls„a'pressure, on the nerves, and
;pcliondria, lowness of spirits, anxie
-s.zwilliogness to take exercise, and
4 t4train of miserable feelings gen
en'Lldenominated nervous diseases
ThiCh, have heretofore been con
iikt.d incurable. If persons thus
ete, hOwever, will 'resort to a medi
zerhich'has the r:power of cleansing
'youlach and bowels of all bilious
lots 'sad purifying the blood, they
soon find their nerves as strong as
se of their neighhors, and that all
)olers, both of body and mind,-have
sanished from the body.
!atler, such a medicine is Wright's
to Vegetable Pills, of the North
riCan 'College of Health. They
cleanse the blood and other
from all impurity, but they
strength and vigor to the consti-
IWhich give new life to the whole
?! The only care requisite is to
Ire and get the genuine.
sale at the store of J. D. & E.
leiltanye, in Towanda, and by
published in another column of
Caution.—As counterfeiters
avoid all stores of doubtful
and be particular, in all cas
ask for IP - right's Indian Vege-
Pole Raising.
sun g Hickory• will be erected near Mrs.
lis Darell, on Thursday. 24th inst.—
wiliteadarea g ed by several speak•
THE POLK CLUB of 'Town !
da tp., aiU meet on Wedneseay even.
) It the school tome wear the. Pill
Keep it before the People
F ORMERLY of the Eagle' House ;'
would respectfully inform-the people of
itradfard and the traveling, public. that he has
taken the stand recently occupied by E. •Rayns
ford, and that he is prepared to entertain those
who favor him with a call. His established
reputation it is hoped, will afford full assurance
that his guests will be supplied with every com
fort and aecommodition..- He csks "cmld ac
quaintance" to pay him a visit.
Towanda, Oct, 14, 1844, •
BOARD of Appeal of the. radford - Co.
Cavalry. composed of Luther H. Scott,
L. A. Coolbaugh and Ezra Spalding, will be
held at the Claremont House in the Borough
of Towanda on Monday the 4th day of Nov.
next at 10 o'czock A. M.
Members whether active -or inactive who
were not present on, the regular days of
. Corn.
pany and • Battalion 7 trainings, and have cacti-
Res why they did not appear according to law,
may make them before the board, or fines will
be !wiled according to law, without respect to
persons. - R. H. CONKLIN, Capt.
Towanda, Oct. 18, 1844.
Great Attraction at Montanye's.
241\ PIECES of Prints - at wholesale
1 1 9 V, or retail VERY CHEAP.
12 pieces of Affghan 4 and Alpacca Lustres;
8 Bales Sheating ;
4 " Cotton Yarn; ,
2 " Carpet Warp;
20 doz. Hats arid Caps of the newest styles ;
500 pr. Boots and Shiies of all descriptions;
1 ton of Sole Leathex
4 ton Nails Iron and Steel;
Groceries of-all kinds.
Hides, Grain and Lumber received in pay
ment for Goods.
Towanda, Oct. 20, 1844. •
. D. C.-HALL
Against the World for Stoves
THE subscriber has just received the great
eat variety of Stoves ever brought into the
county of Bradford such as Crosses patent Low
Drum Oven Cook 'Stove; Crosses high oven
cooking stove; Cross' No. 3 Parlor cooking
stove with; the elevated oven; dining room
cooking stove; parlors of different sizes and
shapes; Climax cooking No. 3 & 4 with 3 and
4 boilers ; No. 2, 3 & 4 cooking, with:3 and 4
boilers ; No. 3 & 4 six plate and church stoves
which the subsctiher will sell at the most redu
ced prices for cash, shingles, wheat or oats, he
also intends to kcep constantly on hand an as
sortment of Russia and common iron stove pipe
and elbows, sheet zinc, stove crocks of all sizes,
coal scuttles &c.; with a good assortment of
tinware wholsale and retail. Sheet Iron Drums,
Stove boilers, Tea kettles; Dripping pans, con
ductors, Eave troughs, with every kind of job
work in his line made and fitted up to order on
short notice. Also, stove trimmings at whole
sale and retail may be obtained at his manufac
tory on the most reasonable terms.
Towanda. Oct.lo, 1844.
11ThIC virtue of sundry writs of Vend Expo.,
MO issued from the court of common pleas
of Bradford county, I shall expose at public sale
at the house of Jesse Ramrnond, in the town
ship of Ridgbury on Tuesday the 19th day of
November next, at 1 o'clock P. M., the follow
ing property, to wit : a piece or parcel of land
situate in South Creek township in the county
of Bradford and bounded on the north by
land of Cornelius Haight; on the east by land
of Samuel Pettengill ; on the south by Bing
ham lands; and on the west by land of Isaac
Wells. Containing one hundred and forty
acres more or less, with 4, about forty acres im
proved, with two log houses and one framed
barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Samuel Weltelehell's administrators vs. John
Campbeil and Stephen Stiles, also nt the suit
of John L. Webb vs. John Campbell and Ste
phen Stiles. also at the suit of H. Potter & Co.
to the use of John L. Webb vs. Stephen Stiles
and John Campbell, also at the suit of Philo
Fassett vs:•John Campbell.
AtLSO—'=The equal undivided half of a piece
or parcel of land situate in South Creek town.
ship bounded on the north by lends of Corne
lius Haight; east by land of Samuel Petten gill ;
south by Bingham lands; and west by land of
Isaac Wells. Containing one hundred and for
ty acres be the same more or less with about
forty acres improved, with two log houses and a
framed barn thereon. .
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
John L. Webb vs. Daniel D. - Stiles and Ste
phen Stiles, also at -the suit of George Kins
man vs. Stephen Stiles, also at the suit of John
L. Webb vs. Stephen Stiles.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in South Creek township and boun
ded on the north by John firming; on the east
by Wm. Flitcher and White; on the
south by the public road : and on the west by
Hiram Sample. Containing fifty acres, about
fifteen acres improved a log house and a log
barn and a small apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in eiecution at thelorit of
Levi Goddard, is. Daniel Stevens.
3. N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office.,
Towanda, Oct, 21, 1844. S
THER, superior quality for sale.
ISept. 7,1844. B. KINGSBERY.
ARK ROPE and ARKS for sale at
September 7. N 0.3 Brick Row
M; i Z. ilk t IC A, SA W; / 1 I +PI
AS removed his office to the new Brick
ER Block on Main street—No 2, up stairs.
D. Vaviercook's Calund Shop!
THE frobscriber in consequence of ill health
wiihm to dispose of his Cabinet hop.
His olstablishinent consists of Cherry Lumber,
Mahogany, H a rdware. Tools, Furniture, &c.,
ALc., which he wiL sell an reasonable terms for
cash, or short credit with good surety.
,2,1; 1844.
O N the night of tile 3d, a Gold W.tveu
Hs:, betwren Raynsford's and the Clair
mont House. The Sailer shell be liberally leaving it at this dace.
July 4, 1844.
ataa 04,21 1 3 &32.412a9 %Ma%
mum a kam:ogaißmss.
Ta a subscriber has . just re
'^ed and opened for able it the
' , Wanda, a large and general as
tment of fresh Drugs and Medi
comprising all the medical
its employed in the practice of
iicine dr. Suigerf. - Also an,as
tment of Paints anti Oils: The
re articles were carefullitielect
ed by til. Aber himself, be• has therfcire
the confidence t recommend th:kre to the pub
lic as articles of the very beat quality.
The store will be constantly under the' care
of a medical gentleman who will punctual:
and promptly attend to all orders. Any ar
ticle sent for which In an over dose may pro- ,
duce deleterious effects will be labeled and the
appropriate directions given thereon.
To customers and all who. purchase at this
store, advice will bp _ given gratis. The sub
scriber has also made an arrangement with Da.
Maros . , who occupies an office in the build
ing, by which invalids may aiail theinselOs of
his experience and advice free of charge.
An establishment of this, kind under the im
mediate:supervision of a medical practitioner has
long been cesired by the' citizens of this place
and vicinity. The subscriber hope's thereon by
a strict attention to the business of the ciao&
went and especial care in selecting genuine ar
ticles to be able to obtain a share of public pat
ronage.. E. H. MASON M.D.
Towanda, Oct. 10, 1844.
1 - WOULD respectfully inform the citizens
of Towanda and its vicinity, that Il'have
commenced the Baking business in the shop
formerly occupied by Mr. Rttse, where I shall
keep Bread, Crackers, Cakes,' and Pies con
stantly for sale. Cakes for parties made to or
der on very short notice at any time. All or
ders from a distance punctually atteniled to.
Cash paid for Lard anti•Egga.
Towanda, Oct. 1. 1844
Adjourned Special Court.
ALN adjourned Special Court will be holden
at the Court Ho' se in Towanda, on
Tuesday the 10th day of December nest, at
9 o'clock in the forenoon, for the trial of the
following causes, to wit :
Rebecca Sebradar vs. Jeremiah Decker et. al.—
Samuel Benight vs. Mewis M. Palmer et. al.
A. CIiIIBBUCK, Prothonotary.
Prothonotary's office,
Towanda, Sept. 30,1844. ,
HATS for sate, and also the bait assortment
of CAPS in town at - BAIRDS.
September 30. No. 3. Brick Row.
PURE WHITE LEAD. Spanish White,
Veneitian Red. Window Glans &e.
dc.c. &c. at BAIRDS.
September, 30. No. 3. Brick Row.
STRAYED OR STOLEN, from the sub
scriber, in Orwell township, ou the night
of the 24th of Aug., ADARK BAY HORSE
9 years old, the off hindfoot white,With a small
windgall on the inside of the right hind leg.—
On the head, where the head stall is placed, the
mane is cut off. The above reward willbe paid
Or the recovery of the horse, and his delivery to
toe. WM. MATHE WS.
Orwell, Sept. 5, 1844.
&ciI'UOIEW2I2". 9 O Ala
Ir • opened an office in Troy, Brad. Co. Pa.
and will attend to all business of said office, g in
the line of their profession as copartners. J.
Snzawoon will attend punctually at said office
in Troy, and r. W. &inn maybe consulted
at any time in relation to the business of the
firm, a his office in Towanda. 43-6 m
To All Persons Interested.
liN the matter of the settle- In the Orphans
jiwent of the account of Court of
We. Myer, as guardian of Bradford,
Elsy Maria Moger. J , County.,
The subscriber having been appointed by the
Court, an Auditor, to adjust the said account,
will attend for that purpose at the' Register's
Office in Towanda on Tuesday the sth day of
November next at two o'clock P. M.
E. S. GOODRICH, Auditor'.
September 23, 1844. ' •
ALLL persons are hereby cautioned against
purchasing a certain note given by me
to Dudley C. Humphry for seventy five dollars
being dated
.in April or May 1839, as I shall
not pay the same unless compelled by prllcess
of law, having received no value thereon.
_Pike, August 16th, 1844.
A NY quantity of; BEEF HIDES and
Ad i SHEEP PELTS. Also Shipping Furs
at the store of
Oct. 15,1844.
THE Subscriber offers hie farm, containing
TWO HUNDRED acres, situate in Al
bany township Bradford county, Pa. for sale.
This farm is peculiarly adapted to grass, suita
ble for dairy or sheep. About one hundred
acres are under good improvement and.well
fenced. Buildings consist of a good framed two
story dwelling house with four rooms on the
ground floor, and four bed rooms on the second
floor, kitchen, lwash honie and water -closet at
tached. Barn, Hay, horse stabling, granary,
&c., &c. He still also sell the stock, consist
ing of Cattle, Horses, sheep, &c.; and also the
farming utensils now on the farm. •
For further particulars apply to apply to C.
L. Ward Esq., Towanda, Pa., or to the sub
scriber on the premises.
Albany, 'Aug. TO, 1844.
The New York Weekly Tribune. and N.
Y. Evening-Post, insert three times and charge
to this Office.
saacsaatua eruzimurz.
R. A. BORROUGHS would respectfully
announce to the citizens of Monroe and
its vicinity that he his recently located himself
in the village of Monroeton for the ,practice of
his profession, having fur several years been en
gaged in an extensive pratice and from the
many opportunities
.he has had of observing
disease in all its forms, he hopes by punctuality
and Wild attention to business to give entire
satisfaction to those who may place themselves
under his care. Office at J. P. Smith's Hotel
where he may all times be found, except when.
professionally engaged.
`3l ontheton,.,Septstriber.l 0; 1844•
. -
"Get out oethe Wsy "for 'still we come,
In spite the efforts or Hertiy (Intl 'John'.
TRANGE as it may !appear,the first arri
sal of Fall and Winter Goode in this mar
-1 4""ato 0 9‘T.0Pcning at n0..3 Brick RoW.,
Our assortment consists of the grentesfili4-
ever offered in this village. To enumerate one.
tenth part the articles would occupy 'too much
space, we will therefore content ourselves by
spying we have Cloths, Cassimeres, and Satti
netts of every description, Foreign end Domes
tic Prints of various styles and patterns, plain
s t r :ped and figured; black brown Alpachas,
Kadin de Linea, Merinos different color*,
Flannels all : 0 1018 and qualities, Canton Flan
nel, Plaid Cloak and. Overcoat lining, Linsey's
different qualir;cs, Sfe,tild..Shining, Linen
Table. Diaper,
a greet variety,
Winter Vesta:,s Black Satin, Silk Velvet, a splen. 4 id assortment
of Bonnet Silks, Ribons, Artificials, EiJk aid
Worsted Serge, GreCian Bobinet and Asillinir-
ton Lace, Lace Edging. Inserting and Footing, I
Muslin Inserting, Foundation, Ribbon Wire,
Bonnet Wire, Black 'and Colored Silk Fringe
and Gimp great variety; Black Bugle Gimp,
(fashionable) Atc..&c.
The attention of the Ladies is called-in par
ticular to the greatest variety of Shawls, fancy,
Colored de Laines, changeable Gro de Rhine
and Velvet points, Dress Handkerchiefs. Hosie
ry and Gloves of every description, 30 doz.
mitts, comprising all sorts, sizes and kinds. Che
mizette, collars, cuffs and tabbs, bead hair pine
and wristletts, neck, cap and bonnet ribons &c.
ever offered at any one store in this county. i
, eautosuriaz%
A large assortment which will be sold cheap,
wholesale or retail.
For further particulars call on
lir. H. EATON..
N 0.3 Brick Row
Towanda, September 7, 1844.
S91,1)0 YDS. Domestic Sheeting',
600 lbs. Cot. Yarn, 600 lbs.
Cot- Carpet Warp, white and colored Batts,
Wadding and Wicking a large supply, all
bought for CASH and will be sold as cheap aa
the same qualities can be bought in' Elmira,
Ithaca, Owego, or anv other place this side.of
New York. We dont ask our friends to take
our word for the above but call and ,satisfy
yourselves at • BAIRD'S,
September 7. .No.? Brick Row.
ir BATHER, 2,000 lbs. Sole Leather, also
Cow, Kipp and Calf Skins of the best
quality just arrived at BAIRD'S
September 7. No. "3 Brick Row.
by W. H• BAIRD & CO.
BROOMS, Pails and Looking Glasses by
September 7tlr., No. 3 Brick Row.
101 BBLS. SALT just arrived and for
sale as cheap as the cheapest at
BAIRD'S; No. 3 Brick Row.
F"' Cod Fish and Mackerel by
Mirr virtue of a writ of . Vend. Exp. issued
Elp from the court of common pleas of Brad
ford county, tome directed, I) shall expose to
public'sale at the house of E. Raynsford in the
Borough' of Towanda, on Monday, the 7th
day of October next,`at one; o'clock, P. M.,
The following described piece or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield township, and boun
ded as follows : beginning ai a pine knot and
stones, and a rock Oak witneso7. 67° W. 15
licks; thence N. 34° W. 100 to a white
oak sapling for a corner; thencet\l2.o p. to a
chestnut sapling for a corner; therice north
twenty four perches to the south west corner o
a reserved lot for Solomon Merrill a post
thence E. 131 2-10 p. to a post a corner`for
Chauncey Parks; thence -S. 184 p. to a poit\
on the N. line of David McKinney's lot; thence
W. 231 2-10 p. to a post a white oak, N. B°-
W. marked as a witness; thence N. 16 p. to a
post S. E.corner of a. lot bought by the parries.
of the first part from Robert Spalding; thence
W. 150 p. or to a post on the town line be
tween Athens and Litchfield townships; th - ope©
north on said town line 60 p. to a post ;.thehce
E. 55 p. or .to a corner 8. 6 8-10 p. of a lot
formerly deeded to Daniel Parks; thence N.
6 8-10 p. to said Park's corner; thence E. 19
IS. or to another of Park's lots or place of begin
ning. Three hundred and twenty seven acres
and twenty eight perches more or less.
ALBo—One other lot beginning at a crook
ed chestnut the B.W.corner of a lot surveyed
to Daniel Done ; thence N.lOO r. to a hemlock
sapling; thence E.BO to a post; thence 5.100
p. to a post ; thence W. 80 p. to the beginning.
Containing fifty acres more or less ; and both
pieces inclusive containing three hundred and
seventy seven trews and twenty eight, perches
with about ninety acres improved and a framed
house, one framed and one log barn, and two
apple orchards thereon, and one half saw mill.
Seized and taken in execution et the suit of
nßnjamin Lambert to the use of L.H. Sher
mne vs. Charles Chandler.
J.N. WESTON, Sheriff:
Sheriff's Office.
Towanda, Sep. 10, 1844. j
The above sales stand postponed until Mon
day the 2d. day of December next, at the same
place and time of day .
J . WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's office,
Towanda, October 7th, 1844. t
THE subscriber offers for sale his valuable
SAW MILL situate in the tiPinibip of
Columbia, 'shout two miles from Columbia
Flatte. The . Mill is nearly new, well finished
and in good order. It is situate in, the midst
of en extensive and valuable tract of white pine
timber, all convenient to the mill--and has an
abundant supply of water at aft seasons.of the
year. Will be sold with from one to 140 acres
of hied, about seventy acres of the land is im
proved. Good title will be given and terms
made easy if a portion is paid down.
Columbia, September 10, 1844.
for sate at • BAIRD'S,
September 7. No. 3 Brick Row.
1 BALE Portsmouth Sheeting the heavies
in market.which will be sold cheap.
June 28, 1844, W.H. BAIRD CO.
sale by I/ . KINGSBEM
Domestic Cottons.
,Ixt.FL - 41Laistrowiver (I:Gwre,
Enicaarant IT SOJr.'
IS. •
111_11AVE commenced the manufacture Fof
kladdlea,Bridies.•arness, rice., &c.. in
.tuti borough of frowa*th! l l in the huilding for
merly occupied , by, s. two door*
west of f. H. Stephens' tavern, where they wilt
keep onstalitli cin hand, ;arid' nranisfacture to
order;-` -" •
Elastic web,
1-onimprz an,
Carpet Bags,
Valises. 4-c. 44T.
and ifildary Wor4
VarrittAre Trimming
done to order.
• Mittrasses, Pew and Chair Cushions made
on shun natice and reasonable terms.
The subscribers hope by doing their wort;
Ara. and by a strict attention to business, to
merit a sham of public patronage.
• Towanda, M 69 14 , 11194.
R .
Watch: and .Clotk epairing.
-_=. 7 :ase
forms his 'friends and the
blin that he still contin:.
c ti
% •; : -.714 P ue u s to carry On the above
, • I.Dc business at his old stand,
c one } iloor south of Elliott;
(k)i IMercur's store, and
'' ' ' rearly opposite the Bay
1 ;; '• Watch ,and Clock Repairing,
Wilt be done on short notice, and Warranted to
bO well done. From a long experience in the
business, he believeithathe will be able to ren
der perfect satisfaction to all who may favor
him:with their patronage;
N. 8.. Watches warranted to run well one
year, or the money refunded; and a written
agreement given to that effect to all that desire
C L CKS.—A large assortment just receiv.
ed and for sale very law for cash.
If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at
Chainberlin's Watch Shop.
AL'persons indebted to the estate of Isaac
Ennis late of Standing Stone township
deceased, are hereby requested to make pay
ment without delay and all• persons having de
mands against said estate will please present
them to
ASA STEVENS,? administrators V. S. WHITMAN. 5
Standing Stone, August 15, 1844.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of .011-
ver landusen deceaased, late of Troy tp.
are requested to make immediate payment, and
all those heving demands against the same are
requested to present them, legally attested, for
B. H. TAYLOR, Administrator.
Troy, September 23, 1844.
ALL persons indebted to the etsate of Oliver .
Arnold, late of Smithfield township, de
ceased are requested to make payment and all
persons haiing demands against said estate are
notified to pes,ent them properly authenticated
for settlement.
Sept• 24 1844.
ALI, persons indebted to the estate of Robert
Oliver late of the City of BaltiMore in
the State of Maryland deceased, are requesied to
make immediate payment, and all those having
demands against the same requssted to present
them, legally attested for settlementti.
• H. C. JRAIRD, Administrator.
Athens, Sept. 28, 1844.
At. LL persona indebted to the estate of Solo
.l-Donlon Allen deceased, law of Franklin tp.,
are requested to make immediate payment, and
all those having detnands against the same are
requested to present them, legally attested, for
settlement. •, . '
, DILVI s D ALLEN, Administrator.' -
Granville, September 2, 1844.
A LL persons indebteto the estate of Pat
_ rick Brady decease _ late of Ulster tp.
are requested to make im ediate payment,
and all those having demandsagainst theisame
are requested to present them, legally attested,
for settlement. \
Ulster, Septembar 10, 1844.
W MORRIS WATTLES, Attorney and
110 • Counsellor at Law, Towanda, Bradford
Ca, Pa. office; No. 4, Brick Row, ovcr Tra
cy & Moore's store.
cmuaawo ocaae as a)
IN pursuance of an order of the Orpnan's
Court of Bradford county, there will . be ex
posed to public sale on the premises ,at one
o'clock on the afternoon of Tuesday, tfie first
day of October next, the following real r estate,
to wit :—A tract, of land situate in Grarrrille tp.
contiirriiag 109 acres or thereabouts, bounded
north on land ofIJ. Pratt; east on-laud of Ma
jor Hawley ; south on land of Joseph Pratt,
and west on land of Stephen Vroman, and oth
ers ; with about fifteen acres improved, and a
frame honk, and-log barn thereon erected.
Attendance will be given, at the time 'and
place of isle by the subscribers.
All persons having demands against the es
tate are requested to attend;
Granville, September 2,1844.,
The above sale is postponed to Saturday, the
'26th inst., at thu•same place and time of day.
, :
'Granville, c 4. 1844.
'PM% P. 90
(Formerly kept by Col. L N. Pomeroy.)
J. C. & C. S. 1 1 4,c1crAN.
Troy, Septeribit 2, T 844, • • ' •
I • PreAdential Election.
_ .
W/lEREAS; by en act. of ;Asiembly .of
the Commonwealth; entitled, "-An act
relating to theelection in this Coutmonwealth."
it is erjoined Upon mo, to gtvo .ptiblic notice of
such election' !to - be held, and also the 'enume
ration in' such notice - what officera are it"' be
elected, I, .10/IN N. WESTON, I High Sheriff
of thecounty of Bradford, do hereby to:theist:town .
'and'give notice to eleetois Oil' said county,
'that a GENERAL ELECTION wift he held
in said 'county, on FRIDAY, the Ist day of
November in theseveral district:ink:mid county,
to wit : In the district of
at the school house in the north district near the
house of W. Wilcox.' In the district of
at Jacob Frritchey's. In the district of
at Judson & Kendall's. In the district of
ARMENIA, •:, - • -
at Wrightman Pierce's. In the-district of
,at the house of Ad'n M'Kean. In; the districrof
at Benjamin Coolbaugb's. In the district of
at the house of James Morgan. In the district of
at-the house of S. S.Bt atlley:* In !the district of.
at .the house of Wm. Deemer. In the district of
at the school house:No. I, at Granville corners:
In the district of
at thehouse of N. B. Wetmore. In the district a
at the house of R. Park. In the district of
at the school house in Leroy. fri.the district of
at the house formerly occupied by L. Fowler.
In the district of
at the house formerly occupied by I. H. Ross,
In the district of
at the house of E. Dewolf. In the district of
at the [louse. of L. Pierce. Iu the district of
at the house of L.S.Maynard . In the district of
at the house of Don't Brink. In the district' of
at the house of A .I.Gerould." In the, district of
at the house of 'lt Wilder. In The district of
at the house of Sr Stevens.. In the district of
at the school house near Asa Gillett's, in South ,
Creek. ' the district of
at the Claremont House. In the district of
at the school house ntar Andrea C. Gregg's.
In thedistrict of
at theAchool house in the village' of Troy. In
the district of • r-
(formerly, Tuscarora,) atithe school haus° near
J. J. Lewis'. In the district of '
at the house of S, .13.11olcornb. In the district of
at the hours of R; Ceeper. In• the district of
at the house of E. R. Ayres. In the district of
at the house late of E. Russell ; deceased.• In
the district of
at the house of E. Vaughan.. In the , district of
at 'Frank Brown's. AI which time and place
the electors aforesaittivill elect by ballot—
Twenty-six persons for Electors of President
and Vice President of the United States.
And in and by said act, I am further directed
to give notice " that every person excepting jos=
tices of the peace, who shall hold any office, or ;
appointment of profit and trust under the gov
ernment of the United States, or of this state, or
of any city or incorporated district, Whether a
commissioned officer or agent who is,. or shall
beemployed under the legislative, executive or
judiciary deportment of this state, or , of United
States, or of any incorporated district, and also'
that every member of Congress, and of the state
Legislature, and of the select or common coun
cil of any city, or commissioners of any incor
porated district, is, by law, incapable of holding
or exercising, at the same time, the office or ap
pointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any
election of this commonwealth, and that no in- .
spector, judge or other officer of any such elec--
don, shad be then eligible to any of f i ce to be .
Voted for.
By the 4th section of-an act passed, the 16th
day of April, 1840, it is provided." that the 13th
section of the 'act passed July 2d, 1839, entitled
" an act = relating to the electors. of this Com
monwealth," shall not be so construed, as' to
prevent any militia officer from serving asjudge,
inspector or clerk, at any general or special elec
tion of this'commonwealth . ..
In the 61st section of the net first mentioned
it is enacted, that " every general and special
election shall be Open between eight and ten in
forenoon and shall continue Withoot interrup
tion or adjournment until seven o'clock in the
evening, when the polls shall be closed.
It is further directed, that the meeting of ihe
Judges at the Cdurt House, in the, borough of
Towunda,.to make out the general. retutn, shall
be on the 'third day after the electioh, which
will b y e on the . 4th day of Noviembei.
Given under my hand at the bonabgh of To
wanda the 2d day of Octo`aer,. in the year of
our Lord one thousand eir;et hundred and forty
four, and of the indercndence.Of the United
States the
JOHN N. WESTON,- Sheriff;
•Inca Cheapest
ra •
.1.7RT0.7:-XING — SBD . Ri",,hat just reeeiv
;4l3o, ed and is now opening a splendid assort
ment- of FAtl. AND WIDMER DODDS,
consisting of
••• • • •
Coods, GroCeriesy Hardware,
Crocker ij, Perinis - Olt 'Dye =
I , Stuff's; .
which he will sdl very cheap for Cash.
t i tivrantia. Sclit. 7.. 1844 .
1661%. Flour, Iron, Naos 'and "Gtau:s, con
staPtly, qn hard• at, reduced p*efi; be
er • " ' R. KIN(:SR NIZY.