fIECTiON RETURNS, Shenk. Markle, 660 • 2300 - 200 Aliegbany , ofdford , g o dford; Beet s '' . 44 5 . '3Ol. 558 4500 310 320 ester, 1642 590 140 ,Joton , Th,of)hin , id a ivare, :I yette , tlatingdon, 450 950 100 900 erne. ,7c ter. t , anon , 260 655 1160 1250 100 900 'cc9T nino .ntgornerY' J nroe, „ • ,trry , ilad'a cit.' , ancl co., 500 350 950 900 ?per, \ ,, t h a mpton; riemerseti. vinehanna, , 880 1100 1000 toga, 60, 200 • 900 1920 895 Ishington. , avae, ' e stmoreland ,- . NIEMAND l ELEcTiox..—The officio r em give the following vote, viz.: Pr3a, Orrdll, Majority' for Pratt, it will be seen that the total vote cas the State is 69,530—being 5,237 are than was east at , the late Presiden -1 election, and J 6,365 more than at preceding Governor's election. In the Federal Whig majority was Democratic gain in four years LClDE.—R.'Hamilton, a.merchat,it Louis„was found dead in his , in that city on the 23d ultimo.— rad not been seen since early Sun iorning, on which day, it is sup he committed suicide, by shoot himself in the head with a revoly... pistol.-four balls" from which hhd effect - . He had been laboring the effects of: indisposition and 11' insanity for- some time past. What in the 'world makes you I have the Fever and Ague. Why don't, you go to Wright's pt some of his Pills ? 1 don 4 know. Do you think w,ould help me anv ? Help you! yes indeed—l used one half of a box and am as s ever. Be sure to get them at .169 Race street. and use nothing Wright's Indian . .Vegetable Pills ; sell at 25 cents a bus. There ill be sure to get the genuine ar- sale at the store of J. D. & E. tonianye, in Towanda,, and by Is published in another column o Daper. _ tr ciiidion.,As counterfeiters avoid -al . l l -stores of doubtful be paitieular,' in all cas '. l a:'Sx for !Friola's Indian Veg.c ;./e Pole Raising. I : 313 ; Hickory will be erected near Mrs, Durell, ow Thursday, 29th unit, ig will-be addressed. by servers! speak. Eg113)2C0111:1' 1 S3o THE subscriber has just re ceived and opened for sale at the APOTHECARIES HALL in t i as sortment o Towanda, a large and general sortment of fresh Drugs and Medi cines, comprising, all. the medical agents employed in the practibe of Medicine & Surgery. Also an as sortment of Paints and Oils. The ve articles were carefully select subscriber himself, he hastherfore ,:e to recommend - them to 'the pub ies of the very best quality. - re will be constantly Under the care al gentleman who will punctually .11y attend to all order& Any ar far which , in an over dose may pro !rine effects will be labeled and• the 'ireetions given thereon. lets and all who, purchase at this .=• will be given gratis. The sub aim made as arrangement with Tho . eccupies an office - in the buil d k mvalids ,may avail themselves, o f and adVice free of charge. 'meet of this kind under the im .ion of a medical practitioner has aced by the citizens of this place The subscriber kolas thereon by ion to the business of 'the estab . care in selecting.genuine ar to obtain a share of public pat- E. H. MASON M. D: 10, 1844. . IS Imnfotto. : :::cotm- . ..0ffiC1iit,'...,-,:.fLEIIII-11,..rfttriii$ 660 TOWNSHIPS. 840 575 550 1600 Athens, Albany, Asylum. Armenia, Burlington, Canton, Columbia, 3950 735 Dwell, Franklin, Granville, Leroy, Litclifield, 5700 Mont oe, Orwell, Pike, Herrick, Rome, 1500 Ridgberry, Smithfieht; Sprnigfield, Sheshequin, 920 South Creek, 54 Springhill, 46 Standing Stone, 67 Towanda borough, 99 " tp., 80 144 80 118 140 102 79 152 Troy,' _Ulster, Windham, Warren, Wyalusing, Wysox, Wells, 35,035 34,495 540 - -. 4 - TOTAL, 3525 2967 3529 2882 3559 2733 3528 2881 3465 3450 Democratic ticket in SMALL CAPITALS. *To supply the vacancy. thuiepende nt Candidate. BAKERY! BAKERY! WOULD' respectfully inform the cigzens I of Towanda and its vicinity, that Yhave commenced the Baking business in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Bose, where I shall keep Bread, Crackers, Cakes, and Pies con stantly for sale. Cakes for parties made to or der'on very shortpotice at any time. All or ders, from-a distance punctually attended to. Cash paid for,Lard and Eggs. O. H. EATON. Towanda, Oct. 1. lOU. Adjourned Special Court. A N adjourned Special Court will be holden AIL at the Court House in. Towanda, on Tuesday the 10th day of December next, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, for the trial of the following causes, to wit: Rebecca Schrader vs. Jeremiah Decker et. Ejectment. Samuel Benight vs. Mewisli. Palmer et. at. —Ejectment. A. CHUBBDCH, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's office, ToWanda, Sept. 30, 1844. S HATS for sale, and also the bast assortment of CAPS in town at BAIRDS. September 30.° No. 3. Brick Row. PURE WHITE LEAD. Spanish White, Veneitian Red. Window Glossa &c. &c. &c. at BAIRDS. September, 30. No. 3. Brick Row. TRAYED OR STOLEN, from the sub scriber, in Orwell township, on the, night of the 2ith of Aug., A DARK BAY HORSE 9 yearsind, the off hind foot white, with a small windgal on the inside of the right hind leg.— On the sad, where the head Aegis placed, the mane is cut oft Tho above reward willbe paid or the recovery of the horse, and his delivery to, me. WM, MATHEWS. Orwell, Sept. 5, 1844, BAIRD & SHERWOOD, ..W.MOMEM2 I9 OY2 4 nantir EaW. BAIRD & J. SHERWOOD have e opened an office in Troy, Brad. Co. Pa. and will attend to ail business of said office, in the lino of their profession as copartners. J. Sli - IRAW00,1) will attend punctually at said Office in Troy, and E. W. Bunn may be consulted at any time in relation to the business of the firm, a his office in Towanda. 43-6 m To All Persons Interested. WNthe matter Of the settle-1 In the Ofphans meat of the account of Court of Wm. Myer,.as guardian of I Bradford Eby Maria Moger. j , County. The subscriber having been appointed by the Conrt,• an Auditor, to adjust the said account, will attend for that purpose at the Register's Office in Towanda on Tuesday the sth day of November next at two o'clock P. M. E. S. GOODRICH, Auditor. September 23, 1844 ALL persons are hereby cautioned amiinst purchasing a certain note given by mo to Dudley C. Lluraphry for seventy fivedollars being dated in April or May 1839, as I shall not pay the same unless compelled by process of law, having received no valve thereon. WM.HARRING'rON. ;ust -16th, 1844. Pike, An lli7lll7.lll.lllMC`llE.llCloo A NY qoaitllo of BEEF HIDES and AlliliSHEEr PELTS. Also Shipping Furs at the etortiffir- I. E. & E. D. MONTAIOE. Oct. 15, 1844. ' eIIAME to the enclosure of the subscribermi Xi the first day of Sept. inst. a two year old heifer spotted, red and white, rather .small size no artificial mark. Tho owner is requested. to prove property, pay charges, and, take her away. . • J. S.Spencer. - Sheshequin, SePternber 16, 1844. . .el by IRI) & CO. GOVERNOR, C. COMS'R. 1 -4 fo cm 0 , 0 Cn • X 198 100 , 38 32 116 132 152 1116 126 FM BM 180 188 112 Si 0 REWARD ! NOTICE. ASTRAY. OF THE ELECTION HELD OCTOBER 8, 1844. CONGRESS, CONGRESS,* t.r • ,9 a r, • . r .....A...m.. % UI CA 0 . .. Of , a a - 0 ;11. = 203 184 198 103 71 • 103 37 67 38 28 20 - • 31 117 159 113 132 1291 137 -145 ; 139,4 150 110 50 107 67 33 65 71 439 , 71 70 69 71 93 49 95 129 106 127 79 122 - 76 153 145 149 81 26 80 . 98 09 94 177 30 174 184 157 175 189 98 187 111 140 113 54 34 54 48 68 49 66 59 74 97. 92 ‘lO6 78 63 76 135 182 146 80 '37 78 118 68 ' 116 140_ t & 61 161 10 - 89 106 82 120 86 151 25 153 TUNE, OL'D DAN TUCKER. "Get out of the way " for still we come, Irr spite the efforts of Hairy and John. ex STRANGE as it may appear, the first arri val of Fall and Winter Goodin this mar ket are now opening at no. 3 Btiell Row: Our assortment consists of the greatest varse ty of STAPLE & FANCY DRY 'GOODS ever offered in this village. To enumerate one tenth part the articles would occupy too much apace, we will therefore content , ourselves by saying we have Cloths, Casaimeres, and Satti netts of every description, Foreign and Domes tic Prints of various styles and patterns, plain striped and figured, black brown Alpachas, Muslin de Laines, _Merinos different, colors, Flannels all colors and qualities, Canton Flan nel, Plaid Cloak and Overcoat lining, Linsey's different qualities, Bleached Shirting, Linen Table Diaper, Winter Vesting" a great variety, Black Satin, Silk Velvet, - a splendid assortment of Bonnet Silks, Ribons, Artificial', Silk aid Worsted Serge, Grecian Bobinet and Ashbur ton Lace, Lace Edging, Inserting - and Footing, Muslin Inserting, Foundation, Ribbon Wire, Bonnet Wire, Black and Colored Silk Fringe and Gimp great variety, Black Bugle Gimp, (fashicnable) &c. &c. The attention of the Ladies is called in par ticular to the greatest variety of Shawls, fancy, colored de Laines, changeable Gro do Rhino and Velvet points, Dress Handkerchiefs. Hosie ry and Gloves of every description, 30 doz. mitts, comprising all sorts, sizes and kinds, Che mizetts, collars, cuffs and tabbs, bead hair pins and wristletts, neck, cap and bonnet ribons &c. ever offered at any one store in this county. awavaitaata, A large assortment which will be sold cheap. wholesale or retail. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS SHOES 4c. For further particulars call on W. 11. BAIRD & CO. N 0.3 Brick Bow Towanda, September 7, 1844. Domestic Cottons. SlOOO YDS. Domestic Sheetings, 600 lbs. Cot. Yarn, 600 lbs. Cot- Carpet Warp, white and colored Batts, Wadding and Wicking a large supply, all bought for CASH and will be sold as cheap as the same qualities can be bought in Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, or any other place this side of New York. We dont ask- our friends to take our word for the above but cull and satisfy yottreelvea at Se ,tembet 7. EATHER, 2,000 lbs. Sole Leather, also KA Cow, Ktpp and Calf Skins ofi the best quality just arrived at BAIRD'S September 7. No. 3.Briek Row. TRAVELING BASKETS and Reticules by W. H. BAIRD & CO. B ROOMS, Pails and Looking Glasss by W.H.BAIRD & CO. No. 3 Brick Row. eptember 7th. FOR SALE. ABE subscriber o ff ers for sale his valuable , SAWSMILL situate in the township of Columbia, about two miles from Columbia Plaits. The Mill is nearly new, well finished and in good order. It is situate in the midst of an extensive and valuable tract of white pine timber, all convenient to the mill—and has an abundant supply of water'at all,seasons of tho year. Will be sold with from one to 140 acres of land, about seventy acres of the land is im proved. Good title will be given' and terms made easy if a portion is paid down. . IRA PETTIBONE. Columbia, September 10, 1844. 101 BBLS. SALT just arrived• and for sale as cheap as the cheapest at • . BAIRD'S; No. 3 Brick Row. LBS. SOLE & UPPER LEA • THER, superior quality for We. Sept. 7, 1844. KINUSBERY. REPRESENTATIVES, ... .0. . > m r. E.: ..F. o o .1 I N 198 200 100 190 38 37 31 30• 113 -115 135 132 146 143 109 111 63 63 69 '6B ,! 71 71 89 90 130 130 80 79 150 150 80 75 88 88 176. 176 175 174 187, 187 102 1 110 53 53 47: 48 64 64 96 97 78 79 126 97 80 80 118 118 139 139 102 107 SO 78 152 151 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Isaac Ennis late of Standirig Stone township deceased, are hereby requested to make pay ment without delay and all persons having de= : mends against said estate will please present - them to ASA STEVENS, F. S. WHITMAN. Administrators. Standing Stone, August 15, 1844. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons Indebted to the estate of Oli ver Vandusen decenased, late of Troy tp. are requested to make immediate payment, and :all those heving demands against the same are requested to present them, legally attested, for settlement. B. H. TAirLOR, Administrator. Troy, September 23, 1844. ALL persons indebted to the etsate of Oliver Arnold, late of Smithfield township, de. .ceased are requested to make payment and all (persons having demands against said estate aro rnotified to pesent them propetly authenticated tfor settlement. BENJAMIN THOMAS, Executor. Sept. 24 1844. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A." persons indebted to the estate of Robert Oliver late of the City of Baltimore in - the State of Maryland deceased, are requested to rnake immediate payment, and all these having -demands against the same requested to present them, legally attested for settlements. H. C. BAIRD, Administrator. Athens, Sept. 28, 1844. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to tho estate of Solo mon Allen deceased, late of Franklin tp:, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same are requested to present them, legally attested, for settlement. • DAVID ALLEN, Administrator. Granville. September 2, 1§44. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Pat. rick Brady deceased, late of Ulster tp. .aro requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against th4same are requested to present them, legally attested, Sot settlements B A IRD'S, No. 3 brick Row. LOCKWOOD SMITH, PATRICK CUMMINS. • Administrators. Ulster, Septea►bar 10, 1844. • ouii.ncasr;tl twaltave 005za. jf.N.pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford. county, there will be ex posed to public sale on the premises; at one o'clock en the afternoon of Tuesday, the first 'Any of October next, the following real estate, Ito wit :--A tract of land situate in Granville tp. containing 109 acres or thereabouts, bounded north on land of ‘.l. Pratt; east on land of-Ma jor Hawley ; south on land of Joseph Pratt. and west on land of &ellen Vtqman, and oth ers; with about Miceli acres improved, and a frame house and log barn thereon erected. Attendance will be given at the time and plaits of sale by the subscribers. • All persons having demands againit the es tate are requested to attend. JAMES H. ROSS; JEHIAL M'KEAN. Granville, September 2,1844. POSTPONEMENT. Tho above sale is postponed to Saturday, the 26th inst., at the same place and time of day. JAMES H. ROSS, JEHIAL M'KEAN. Granville, Oct. 4. 1644. WRIGHT'S' VEGETABLE SYRUP for sale at . BAIRD'S; September 7. No. 3 Brick Row. I imi I 2998 EELE EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. AUDITOR! COMMS'N'R, 7:3 o Min tv .1,2 0 0 A ti 186 199 123 101 71 • 36 21 29 159 117 129 131 139 ' 150 55 108 33 . 66 80 73 1 1 7 4 2 1 8 0 4' 3 - , 1 7 2 96 7 49 6 145 143 26 79 101 . ,98 28 177 155 181 98 190 141 111 34 54 .67 49 57 67 91 94 66 • 78 182 140 37 80 68 117, 67 137 93 104 120 80 23 , 151 3506 2903 2951 MEI SHERIFF'S SALE. Miff virtue of a writ of Yend.Exp. issued ED from the court of common pleas of Brad. ford county, to me diretted,l I shall expose to public sate at the house of E. Raynsford in the Borough - of Towanda, on; Monday, the 7th day of OViolier next, at inte o'clock, P. M., The following describedpiece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield tewnsbip, and boun ded as follows : beginning !at a pine knot and stones, and a rock oak witness N. 67° W. 15 links ; thence N. 34° W.• 1100 p. to a white oak sapling for a corner ; thence E. 120 p. to a chestnut sapling for a canner; thence north twenty four perches to the south west corner o a reserved lot • for Solomon Merrill a post thince E. 131 2-10 p. to r 6a post a corner for Chauncey Parks; thence . 184 p. to a post on thelN. line of David McKinney's lot ; thence W. 231 2-10 p. to a post; a white oak, N. 8° W. marked as a witness; thence N. 16 p. to a post S.E.corner of a lot bought by the parties of the first part from Robert Spalding; thence W. 150 p. or to a post On the town line be tween Athens and Litchfield townships ; thence north on said town line 60,p. to a post; thence E. 55 p. or to a corner *1,6 8-10 p. of a lot for.aerly deeded 4o Daniel Parks; thence N. 6 8-10 p. to said Park's c6rner ; thence E. 19 p. or to another of Park's lots or place of begin ning. Three brindred•and twenty seven acres and twenty eight perches rnore or less. ALSO—One other lot beginning at a crook ed chestnut the S. W.corner of a lot surveyed to Daniel Done ; thence N.lOO r. to a hemlock sapling; thence E.BO to u post; thence S. I Co' p. to a post ; thence W. 80 p. to the beginning. Containing fifty acres more or less ; and both pieces inclusive containing three hundred and seventy seven Beres and twenty eight perches with about ninety acres improved and a framed house, one framed and oile log barn, and two apple orchards thereon, and one half saw mill. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of nßnjamin Lambert to the use of L. H. Sher-. mae vs. Charles Chandler: • , • J. N. VVIESTON, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sep. 10, 1844., POSTPONEMENT. The above sales stand Postponed until Mon day the 2d. day of December next, at the same place and time of day. 1 J.N. WESTON, Sheriff. • Sheriff's office, Towanda, October 7th, 1844. S FARM FOR SALE.. THE Subscriber offeo his farm, containing TWO HUNDRED acres, situate in Al bany township Bradford County, Pa. for sale. This farm is peculiarly adapted to grass, suita ble for dairy or sheep. About ono hundred acres aro under good improvement and well fenced. Buildings consist of a good framed two story dwelling house with four rooms on the ground floor, and four bed rooms on the second floor, kitchen, wash house and water closet at tached. Barn, Hay, ho stabling , stabling', granary, &c., &c. He will also sll the gtock, consist ing of Cattle, Horses, sheep, &c.; and also the farming utensils now on the farm. For further particulars apply to apply to C, L. Ward Esq., Towanda Pa., or to the sub scriber on tho premises. • I JOHN MOSS, Jr.. ' Albany, Aug. 10, 1844, The New York Weekly Tribune, and N. Y. Evening Post, insert three times and eliarao to thbi Office. mr.igaLrara LlQ2CdaltZa R. 2C ‘ BORROUGIiS would respectfully announce to the citizens of Monroe and its vicinity that he has recently located himself in the,village Of - Monroeton for the practice of .1 his prOfeseion, having fur several years been en- Lunged in, an extensive pratiee aml from the many optortunities he has bad of observing diiease in 101 l its farms, he hopes by punctuality strict attention to business to give entire satisfaction to those who may place themselves undei este. Of f ice at I. P. Smith's Hotel avbeni he tosy all times be found, except when profeSsionally engaged, Mouroeton„ .cptctuber 10, I Sl4. Presidential : Eleeti WHERgAS, by an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth, entitled, " An act relating to the election in this Commonwealth," it is erjoined upon me .to jive .•public notice of . such election' to be held, and alio,the enume ration in such' notice what officers are to be elected, I, JOHN N. WESTON, High Sheriff of the county of Bradford, do hereby make known and give notice 'to the, electors of said county. that a GENERAL ELECTION, will be held in said countY,, en FRIDAY; Tthe let day of November in the several districts' in said county, to wit : In the district oT ALBANY, at the school house la the north district near the house of W. Wilcox. In the district of MAIN LINE. o'4 0 Ct C at Jacob Frutehey's. In the district of ATHENS, at Judson & ICendall's, In the district of •; ARMENIA, at Wrightmau Pierce's. In the district of BURLINGTON, at the house of A d'n M'Keen. In the district of 1 CANTON, at Benjamin Coolbaugh's.* In the district of COLUMBIA, at the house of James Morgan; fa the district of DURELL, at the house of S.S. th Oleg. the district of at the house .of Deemer. In tho district of at the school houso,No.l. at Grenvillocornerse In the district of HERRICK, at the house of.N.B.Wetmore. In the district of LITCHFIELD, at the louse . of R. Park. In tire district of LEROY, at tho school house in Leroy. In the district of MONRO,E, at the house formerly occupied by L. Fowler In the district of at the house formerly occupied by I. 11. Ross In the district of at the house of E. Devi°lf. In the district of at the house of L. Pierce at tbehonse of L.B.Maynard . In the district of §HESHEQUIN, at the house of Dan'l Brink; In the district of SMITHFIELD, lIES MEI at the house nf A .J.Gerould. ln the district of at the house of T. Wilder at the house of S. Stevens. In the district of - SOUTH CREEK. at the school house near Asa Gillett's, in South Creek. In the dlstiict of at the Claremont House I'ONVANDA at the school house near Andrew C. Gregg's In the district of at the school house in Oe village of Troy. In the district of SPRINGHILL, (formerly Tuscarora) at the school house near J. J. Lewis'. In tho district of et the house of S.B.Holcomb. In the district of WARREN, at the house, of Cooper. In the district of WELLS, ' • at the house of E. E. Ayres.. In the district of WINDHAM, at the house late . of E. Russell, deceased. In the district of at the house of E. Vaughn, jr. In the district of W YSOX. at Frank Brown's. At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot— Twenty-six persons for Electors of President and Vice Presiderit of the United States. And in and by said act, I am' further directed to give notice " that every person excepting jus tices of the peace; who shall hold any office or appointment of prdfit and trust unde'r the gov ernment of the United States, or of thit state, or of any city \or incorporated district, whether a commisAirried officer or agent who is, or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary deportment of this state, or of United States; or of any incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress, and of the state Legislature, and of the select or common ccun cil of any city, or ; commissioners of any incor porated district, is 4 by law, incapable of holding Or exercising, at the sometime, the office or ap pointment of judge, inspector or desk of any election of this commonwealth, and that no in spector, judge or ether officer of any such elec tion, shall be then eligible to any office to bo ,Noted for. II By the 9th section-of an act passed the 16th day of April, 1849, it is provided," that the 13th section of the act pot•cr , l July 2d, 1839, entitled " en.act relating to the Aectors of this Com nxinwealth," shall not bo so construed, as to prevent any militia officerfyom serving asjudge, inspector or clerk, at:any general or special elec tion of this commonwealth. In the 61st section of the act first mentioned it is enacted, that "every general and special election shall be open between eight and ten in forenoz,n and shall continue without interrup tion or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. It is further directed, that the meeting of the Judges at the CoUrt House, in the borough of Towanda, to make out the general return, shall be on the third day after the election, which will be on the 4114 day of 'November. Given under my hand at the borough of To wanda, the 2d tiny of October, in the year of our Lord one thousandeight hundred and forty four, and of the independence of the United, Slates the-sixty-ninth. • NEWEST , GOODS,_ . and Cheapest Prices BURTON KINGSBERY, haft just receiv ed and follow opening 'a splendid.assort. ment of PALL AND WINTER. GOODS consisting) of Dry* Goods: Groceries. Hardware, Crockery, Paints, - Oil, Dye Stuffs, 4.c., which lie will sell very durpfor Towanda, Sept, 7. 1814. . - . , PORK, Flour, Iron; Naikona Glass„con, stantl7 on hand et reducia pu r ees, by • Sept.7.' B. KINUSBERY, pßocumATthri. InMEM FRkNKLIN, GRANVILLE, ORWELL, PIKE, RIDGBERRY, In the district of ROME. SPRINGFIELD, In the district of STANDING STONE. TOWANDA BOW', In the district of TROY, uLstEn; W YALUSING. JOHN N. WESTON, Sheriff:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers