era, to pay a tine of Commonwealth, and canon, l , 1 n 3 g a ga ..., oilars to tht rats of prose ,',e Norof I le .Commonwealth vs. t refnsed . to grant a eatence was deferred t h e coui 11 1 . The „ st Term: le commonwealth vs. court discharged the, trial, and aentenmd s to pay a fine of Eve, ten dullarsi, and the on. - ; le ease of on ' l ., the 2 new !0^1; Siln° l i e neca On° ;y of prosecu Sept.•l4thi, `44, ME d vs. 111rautHorton. ion of assurnpsit for Sbeived &c., brought defendant for passing, ounterfe4 hill on the Bank, Rhode Island. pan Rams os an c Ai. shall and. ' a ro of the . 3 1i.. dollar r Williams MELE=I were sire Yltils pawed Amadei a hun 7 /orton Owed Mills nine •d Horton ten 'dollars, I iin-to pay the - hundred dell. , He did so, and - paid was this twenty n proved to be- bad,and cfnsed to. take back. ~ !Its 'naiad quested : rs . iu Ram l of the bill :1r bill, Wifi Horton setup was., that there r yity between the parties de the plantiff to main . - against Horton. . Being uestion it was agreed to 'stated, for the opinion The decision will not est Term. We, will re , partieularly when de- MIME noithat pi l t would ent. 13 his action , re ly 3 legal' made a cas the Court , e peak of 1 . 1 In • {and filing . the' certificate . the county court of N ew y Connlctieut. Hen : io , day dilly admitted to Attorney of the rSeveral dford Conlity. Law vs:--Isaac Cash, =..bail 'th. This was a case sta. thl motion P clerk o uen coon Both wa MIMI 'lts of Br Norman S David Sn day of Nov. ,1842. Shaw judgement - against Smith of debt before a Justice of !um which decision Smith tl-lsaac Cash entered into I ce for the appeal under the the ActofJuly 12th, 1842'. al was never filed . in the 's office ; and without an . vingpreviously been issu lith,l a scire facias was ,t - Cash, Feb. 18tlt, 1843, t rendered against him by Cash appealed from this the 19th dined an an action Peace 1 MESE tecogniza nctsions o Vais app( Jnotar mon h i;ainst, hi again itidg,tne Justice well as from an aw arc ibn, a I rs, consequently made and the case came before r their decisions as to the MEE MEI EIS le bail itv of t mined by, the plaintif f that sufficient property in his to satisfy the , judgment up to the time that the scie , - sued against Cash' being n days after he was'entitled was ad) 1, 1 1 had , esston .st him BEE ME ave "his - executio - n agains , w, to ,11. stion to be decided was i.der the_ foregoing Circuin h -was liable. ZIII finer, u Ice,, C, Tot coul t held, that the 33d section July,l2th, 1842 repeals !lion' of the Act 'of -J823, Is the appellee the option of letting by execution against t, ur by .scircfacias against d that, especially as it was , t Smith hatisufficient prop- H the judgment against him the bail had stipulated he ~on ejecutiod should have ed unsatisfied, either in the ,part, before issuing -a scira .st the bail: - The Court, ave judgment for the defen- Xct 1 Std t. iIE :helpn c appefla hail, a r I ; , d th Pay )ng as ild hay EIEG t or i AR %v. 1 , ' I , YOU ASSESSED are not assesed, should at t as Friday next is the which it can be done to en. o vote. e our friends will examine •otes,put up by the assessors, at every democrats name in is entered according . to law. MI Geo. ratter. pleased to learn the nomi eo. Fuller. Esq., to fill the term of Hon. Almon H. cutress is.favO'rably received ocrate of Bradford. He is an of unquestioned ability, o honor to this Congression and we trust our democratic 11 triumpbantiy sustahra man ,competent to represent it encc and:nsefuLness. To my Democratic FeHow-Citizens of Brad. ford, Susquehanna and Tioga Cputitys. ;,Impelled by a sense of duty more than personal ambition, , ,when- I saw, th'e. De-r, nto....ratic party througli a falserissue, pla cing a Man nomination for.Coneress_. 'whom we 811 know in Bradford-to be hciStile to the tariit of 1842,..and in.the .absence of an opposing can d idate, I took the field against him to save, the-Demo made party from the fatal charge of be- . ing wholly inimical to a policy which is regenerating the business of the country . . But, now, finding another candi date in the' field and under any circumstances I •connot render myself, obnoxious to the charge of ,atteropting to divide the Dem ocratic party to which I have - all 'my lite been attached and thereby giving our common -enemy the ascendency, I with draw my name from the_ canvass, lea v. ing• the issue in such a - crisis for the p l eople to decide. .1! Of my numerous Democratic friends, in the other counties of the District and particularly those who generously stood ready td maintain their interests by doing battle for me, cannot take leave without tendering to each of them my grateful acknowledgements for their personal kindness. Hoping success in the great cause in which we all unite, like a band of brothers, I hold that all minor con siderations,and selfish motives Should be overlooked for its accomplihtitent. I am very, resretfully, .MIVID M. BULL. Sept. 24. 1844. The Abolitionsits, ivest are at work manfully for Mr. Biruey. Hear the conclusion of a speech of one of their orators. -He boasts, that „ The Democratic party were repos. ing beneath the Hickory tree, the coon party under_the .Buckey tree, but the Abolition party, thank Heaven ! were rally ingunder the broad branches of the Ceder of Lebanon, whose lofty top piercing the sky, typified the region to which Abolitionists would elevate the natia,,and whose unfading leaf exhib ited the immortality, of Abolition prin ciples !” - [For the Bradford Itepcirter.] MESSRS. E. S. GOODRICH & SON.— We have seen a Whig circular .‘ To our fellow -democrats of the Bradford, Sus quehanna itnd Tioga ;" stating that the signers were persons who supporteil Mr. VAN BUREN in 1840, but now are deter mined to support Clay. Upon that cit. Cular we see that our 'lames are placed. We take this opportunity to state that we neier authorized any persim to put them there, either did we ever put diem theie ourselves. We further state'that we did suPport,Mr. VAN Burtestin 1840 and that we intend to support POLK & DALLAS in 1844, if we live. JOHN HICKS. WILLIAM HICKS. Celebration of the Battle of the Thames, on the Fifth of October. ' At a meeting of the democracy of Ulster con vened on Wednesday evening the 18th inst., for the purpose of making the necessary arrange ments for celehratiug the glorious anniversary of the battle of Thames, on the sth' of October next, when on motion Dr. Edward Mills was called to the chair, end Alansing Smith was appointed secretary, and the following resolu tions were unanimously adopted. Resolved, That in the estimation of this meeting, it will be proper and patriotic for the democracy of Bradford Go., to celebrate the sth of October by nolciing a general mass meeting. Resolved, Therefore that a mass meeting of the democraery will be holden at Ulster, in honor of the Hero of the Throes, and the victory's of our democratic fellow citizens of Maine and oth er elates, and * also to aid in achieving a trium phant victory of the democracy of Pennsylvania at the coming elections. We respectfully invite our blends to attend tho mass meeting at Ul ster•on the sth of October. • Resolved, That the following named gentle men be appointed a committee to superintend the mass meeting of the sth of Octobar.• Alansiog Smith, Lockwood Smith, Thomas Mather, J. M. Pike, J.M. Gorsline, Edward Mills, M. T. Ransom,,G. W. Russell of Ulster. Seth Salisbury, David Hill. C. Childs, C. E. Pierce, H. M. Pack of Smithfield. • Daniel Bvirik,„of Sheshecoin. • J. Culp, T. B. Overton of Towanda. f C. H." Herrick, Levi Westbrook of Athens. Addison McKean of Burlington. Chauncey Guthrie, John Merrick of Spring field. Wm. Johnson of Ridgel eery. Chester Thomas, M. Dewitt of Troy. ' Resolved, That' the proceedings of this meet ing be signed by the offici us and published in the Reporter. • (Signed by the officers.) WRIGHT'S INDIANAT EGETABLE PILLS ARE A CuRE. FOR THE PILEI3.--ThO ex perience of a thousand attests to their excellent effect in this dreadful com; plaint. The above Pills are a cheap and most Infallible remedy for .the above unpleasant disorder.' They have been used with complete , success in old and intricate cases, where individuals had spent seores_of dollara in, medical ad vice. They.arcv eQually as useful as u preventative, will,injurc none, and on= lv require a trial:_ Died, In Troy` Village; on Batto4 l ll3eptinntiev 14th, 1944, Dr, O. Vassousi; The subject. of this notice catne to his death in a truly 'tragical Manner. ' While somecitizens of Troy, and adjoinig townships were erectinga Hickory pole on the afternoon-of Saturday last; the top . of a pole that had been previously erect ed and broken offand was still suspending at the place where it was broken sullenly gave way and came down, striking the deceased on the head and causing .his immediate death. The deceased had been very active in snaking Prepera tions for raising the pole and was siting at the , time the ill-fated blow came-upon ; In his -death our community has suffered en irrepara ble loss, and it will belong ere an aff;:ctionate re inembrance of him will fade away. It is sel dom that we hove the peace', of our village so corroded as at the time the above melancholy catastrophe, transpired. When persons fall a a prey to sickness and. terminate their eorlklY career by , protracted disease, the minds of s viving friend's become resigned to their fate, for we reflect upon the disiolution about to tak.a place and meet it comparatively without a mur mur, from seeing it in prospective. But when the fiat of death is hu:led without any precur sor, when we see one in the full tido of health and 'a season of merriment suddenly laid low by the iron scythe of death it produces a paralysis upon the minds of all, and they arouse from their lethargy only to realize that the_brittle thread up on which human life, is suspended too often breaks when least expected. Islone:but those' who have seen the Tomb close suddenly and forever over a form we once knew and loved, can realize the sad certainty and appreciate the inscrutable cause of danger. It seems like some teriflic dream that comes across a treaded itnagination and we flatter our selves 'that in a lucid moment it may dis perse the gloom, but stern reality is stamped up4l it; and time only confirms'the truth, that no assurance is given lot the tenure of human life. Cott. In Towanda township, September 20, of Ty • ph= Fev,er, after a short illness of about two weeks, Oscan, son of Byron and Wealthy A. Kingsbery, in the twentieth year of his age. But yesterday as it were, we were permitted to mingle in the society of him. whom it hes pleased an allwise being to remove from time into eternity. Surely, "in the midst of life we aro in death." That fresh and ruby coun tenance, that told of heulthior many long years to coioe, is now death's cold embrace. The many virtues of the deceasa:d secured, him the friendship of all who knew him. His loss can only be realized by those whose opportunities hive allied the privelge of enjoying his socie ty. He has left a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his departure, yet they are of forded the inestimable consolation of believing they will be permitted to meet the departed one in a future world, and there mingle their voices with his in praise to that being who has sworn by himself "that his word shall not return unto him void." To All Persons Interested. N the matter of the settle- In the Orphans I ''). merit of the account' of , Court of Wm. Myer. ass guardian of 1 B radford Elsy Maria,Moier. , i County. The subscriber having beenappointed by the Cnnrt, an Auditor, to adjust.the said account, rill attend for that purpose at the Register's Office in Towanda on Tuesday the sth day of November next at two o'clock P. M. E. S. GOODRICH, Auditor. September 23, 1844. Attention Bradford County Cavalry. _ yOU are hereby cornmanded . to meet at the house of :Charles' Bennett in Standing Stone on 'l'uesday October 1, at,9 o'clock A.M. armed and equipped as the law,directs for parade and inspection with the battalion. Also, at the, Claremont House in the Hero. of Towanda on Saturday the 12th day of Oct., next, at 9 o'clock A . M., arm &I and equipped as the law directs for company drill. Board of appeal in Towanda on Monday -November 4th R. H. CONKLIN Captain Towanda. September 19, 1844. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Oil. v,er Vandusen deceaased, late of Troy tp. are requested -to make immediate payment. and nil those heving demands agiinst the same are requested to present them, legally attested, for settlement. B. H. TAYLOR, Administrator. Troy, September 23, 1844. FARM FOR SALE. finHE Subscriber offers his farm, containing TWO HUNDRED Berm - situate in Al bany township Bradford county, Pa. for sale. This farm is peculiarly adapted to grass, suita ble for dairy or sheep:. About one hundred acres are under good improvement and well fenced. ' Buildings consist of a good framed t,wo story dwelling house with four rooms - on the ground floor, and four bed rooms on the second floor, kitchen, wash house and water closet at tached. Barn, Hay, horse stabling, granary, &c., &c. He will also sell the stock, consist ing of Cattle, Horses, sheep, &c.; and also the farming utensils now on the form. For further particulars apply to apply to C. L. Ward Esq., Towanda, or to thos sub. scriber_oh the-preinises. Albany, Aug. 10, 1844. - • The New York Weekly Tribune. and N. Y. Evening Post, insert'three times and charge to this Orme. BARD & SBERWOOLt, .V3.I 3 iTC)/BRaWg gl/1 3 am 11E1 " W. BAIRD' &J. ISHERWOOD have . opened an office in Troy, Brad. Co. Pa. and will attend to all business of said office, in the line of their profession as copartners. J. i Sapiwocia.will attend punctually at said office in Troy, 4ind E. W.‘Bstan may be Consulted at any time in relation to the business of the 119 n, at his office in Towanda. 43-6m IRE FOLK -AND. DALLAS ! Democratic 'lliass jtleelings. • .12t Granville; Oct. 4. , " 5. -A snit:grit/Lam DOG - HAS been at the subseribers Since . the 10 inst: whiett the owner can have by es tablishing his ownership snit - paying, for this advertisement. W. PATTON. Towanda September 17, 1844. • M'KEAN'S HOTEL, twou s liPao • (Formerly kept by Col: I. N. Pomeroy.) J & (4. S. IddiflAN.. Troy, September 2, 1814. TUN, ' OLDLDAN TUCKER: "Get out of the way " for still we come, In spite the efforts of Henry and John. STRANGE as it may appe6, the first arri val of Fall and Winter GOods in this mar ket am now opening at no. 3 Brick Row. Our assortment consistir of the greatest var;e ty of NTAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS ever offered in this village. 'Fo enumerate one tent:i part the articles would occupy too much spare. we will therefore content ourselves by saying . we have Cloths, Cannlileraa, and Saul netts of every description, Foreign and Domes- .tic Prints of various styles arid patterns, plain striped and figured, black brown Alpachas, Muslin de LaMes, Merinos' different colors, Flannels all colors and qualities; Canton Flan nel, Plaid Cloak anti Overcoat lining, Linsey's different qualities, Bleached Shirting, Linen Table Diaper, Winter Vestings a great variety, Black Satin, Silk Velvet, a splendid assortment of Bonnet Silks. Rihons, Artificials, Silk aid Worsted Serge, Grecian Bobinet and Ashbur tao Lace, Lace Edging, Inserting and Footing, Mustl'n, Inserting, *Foundation, Ribbon Wire, 4 „„„r Wire ‘ Black and Colored Silk Fringe and Main - great variety, Black Bugle Gimp, (fashicna Ile) &c. &c. The atte tion of the Ladies is called in par ticular to 'the ,greatest variety' of Shawls, fancy, Colored, de Ines, changeable Gro de Rhine and V e l ve t p ini a, Dress Handkerchiefs. Hosie ry and Gloves every description, 30 doz. . mitts, comprising all ;ions, sizes and kinds, Che !biretta, collari, cuffs }abbe, bead hair pins and bonnet rihons &c. and wristletts, neck, car. ever offered at any one st n re in this•cbunty. TraDa2tii:l sCl a A large assortment which o ill be sold cheap, wholesale or retail. . - • HARDWARE, CROCKERY, .TIOOTS SHOES trc. For further particulans call on W. H. BAIRD & ,CCi: • N 0.3 Brick Row: • Towanda, September 7, 1844. S 5-000 YDS. Domestic Sheetiogs, 600 lbs. Cot. Yarn, 600 lbs. Cot - Carpet Warp, white and colored Batts, Wadding and Wicking a large supply, all bought for CASH and will be sold as cheap as the same qualities can be bought in Elmira. Ithaca. Owego, or any other place this side of New York , . We dont ask our friends to take our ward for the above but call and satisfy your, elves at BAIRD'S, • September 7. 'No. 3 Brick Row. EATHER, 2,000 lbs. Sole Leather, also N 4 Cow, Kipp and Calf Skins of the best quality just arrived at 'BA IRD'S September 7, No. 3 Brick Row.. iRAVELING BASKETS and Reticules by W. 11. BAIRD & CO. ;111. , ROOMS, Pails and Looking Gingen by 0 : - W.H.BAIRD & CO. September 7th. No. 3 Brick Row. A RK. ROPE and ARKS for sale at BAIRD'S, Septembe l r 7. N 0.3 Brick Row. WRIGHT'S VEGETABLE SYRUP fur sale at BAIRD'S, :-epterriber 7. No. 3 Brick Row. 101 sALT just arrived nud for sale as cheap as the cheapest at. BAIRD'S, No. 3 Brick Row. NEWEST GOODS, And Cheapest Prices.: ViI4URTON KINGSBERY, has just receiv. ed and is now opening splendid assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. Paiata, Oil, Dye 4.c..• which he will sell i,ery cheap for Cash. Towanda. Sept. 7, 1844. PORK, Flour, Iron, Nails and Glass, con stain!), on hand at-reduced prices, by Styt.7. B. KINGSBERY. D99LBS. SOLE & UPPER LEA THER, superior quality for sale. ept. 7, 1844. B. KINGSBERY. A VARIETY OF HATS & CAPS for j o ilL sale by B. KINGSBERY. MITE subscriber offers far sale his valuable SAW MILL situate in the township of Columbia,' about two miles from Columbia Flatus. The Mill is Fleetly new, ell finished and in good order. It, is situate in the midst of an extensive and valuable tract of white pine timber, all convenient to the mill—and has an abundant supply of water at all seasons of the year. Will be sold with from oae•to 140 acres of- land, about seventy acres of the hind is im proved. Good title will be given and terms made easy if a portion is paid- down. IRA PETTIBONE. Columbia, September 10, 1844. JOHN MOSS, ALL persons indebted to tbe estate of Isaac Ennis late of Standing Stone township deceased, are hereby reque•sted to make pay -1 silent without delay and ?Al persons having de mends against said estate will please present , thwu Us ASA StEIIEtIS, i Mnu•ni - strators. F. S. WHITI4LAN. . • Standing Skin . ; August 15. 1844, Domestic Cottons. FOR SALE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ouzatazips 4.naute eklailaw N pursuance of ask order of the Orplian's ji, 'Court of Bradford county; there Will' be ea pusedip, public sale kou the 'premises, at one ti'elock on the afternoon: of Tuesday, the first day of October next, the following real estate, to wire -A• tract of land situate in Granville tp., containing 109 'times; of thereaboata, &guided' north on land of J. Pratt ;'eait'en land of Ma: jor Bawler; south on land of Joseph . Pratt, and west kin land of Stephen Yeoman, and oth ers; with about fifteen acres improved, and a frame house and log barn thereon erected.. Attendance will be given at the time, and place of sale by. the subseri bers, . All persons having deny nids spinet - the es tate- are requested to attend. • . JAMES fl ROSS, JERIAL Granville,,September 2,1344. • LA. Sumner, Surgeon Dentist TILL remain in Towanda far afew days and may be found at Mr.Cross', where he will be happy to wait on all who inay need his professional. services. • Towanda, September 2, 1844. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Solo. mon Allen deceased, late of Franklin tp., are requested to make immediate payment . and all thosehaving demands against the same ire requested to present them, le,tally attested, for settlement. DAVID'ALLEN, Administrator. . Granville. September 2, 15444. &It:anal - am es. caralo4o,,, DR. A. BORROUGHS would respectfully announce to the citizens of Monfoe-and its vicinity that he has recently located himself in the village of Monroeton for the practice of his profession, having fur several years been en gaged in an extensive pratice and from the many opportunities he has had of observing disease in all its forms, be hopes by punctuality and strict attention to busintas to give entire satisfaction to those who may place themselves under his care. Office at .1. P. Smith's Hotel where he may all times be found, except when professionally engaged. Monroeton, September 10, 1844. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - . LL persons indebted to the estate of Pat. rick Brady deceased, late of Ulster tp. are requested to make , immediate payment, and all those having demands against thqsamo are requested to present them, legally attested, for settlement. .‘ LOCK WOW I SMITH, PATRICK.CUMMINS. Administrators. Ulster; September 10, 1944. .tvL ~MORRIS WATTLES, Attorney and • Counsellor at Law, Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa. • i t C61..5...M31.&r1a IMaIJ3ZWo PROCLAMATION. %WHEREAS, by an act of Assembly of 1' the Commonwealth, entitled, "An act relatinj to the election in this Commonwealth," i t i s „ J o :ned upon me to give public notice of such elect.`on to be held, and also the enume- - - mien in stiLM notice what officers are to be elected, I , Jc;:-IN N. WESTON, High Sheriff of the county o f ,Bradford, do hereby make known and give notice. to thr electors of said county; that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in said county, oo TUESDAY, the Bth day of October in the several districts in said county, to wit: In the dish let of AL BANY, • at t h e sc h oo l h ouse i n the north district near the house of W. Wilcox. In the district of ASYL UM, at Jacob Frutchey's. In the district of • ATHEIqS. . • at Judson & Kendall's. In the district of ARMENIA, at Wrightinan Pierces. In thy' district of BURLINGTON. at the house of Ad'ii M'Kenn. In the district Of CANTON. at Benjamin Coon:laugh's. In the district of COLUMBIA. at the house of James Morgan. In the district of DU REL., at the house of S.S.Bislley. In the district of FRANKLIN, at the house of vy Di. Deemer. Ire the district of GRANVH.LE, at the school house, No. I, at Granvilivorners. In the district of HERRICK. at the house of N.B.Wetniore. In the district of LiTcHFIELD. at the house of R. Park LEROY, at the school house in Leroy. In the district off MONROE, at the house formerly occupied by L. Fowler.. In the district of . ORWELL at the house formerly occupied - bit li. ,f oss , In the diitrict of PIKE. at the house of E. Dewolf. In thy d'isarict of RIDGBERRY, ' at the house of L. Pierce. In the, district of ' ROME, at tbehouse of L.S,May oar( SHESIIEW . II N, at tho house of Dan'l Brink • SMITHF►.P,I,D, at . thelouse of A. J.Gero ul d. In the district of SPRINC.FIELD. at the house of T Wit ,fer. In the district of STANbJ.N G STONE. at the house of S. St evens. In the district of sourii CREEK. at the school ho• use. near Asa Gillett's, in South Creek. In thy, d',suict of TCAV ANDA BORO', at tho ClaT err,ont House. In the 4istrict TOWANDA. Tp.. at the ec►.ion; house near . Andrew C. Gregg's In tho ! , ist•rict of • , TROY. at dye r,ehool house in the village of Troy. In the di Ariel of • SPRING}I LT., (formerly Tusearora,) at the sehoolitopse . nttar J. J. Lewis'. In the district of ULSTER, a . at the house of ULSTER,. /Hetrick' of WARREN. at the house of B. Cooper.. .1101te 'dis'trict of ts ' ' WELLS, • at the house of E.E 'Ayres.. In the tlettiet of WINIMIA-M;"'. • '• at the late of E. Mesell, deceased. la the district of • N-YALUSII U, at the him of E. Vaiighn,jr.' In the district:of at F . riuii 'Brown's. •Ai *bid' tbia-ind plans thcelectors Atacama will elect by - Ono person for °overarm of . this Comnw*ltli. One .person for Canal Commissioner of this Commonwealtbe:..- - . •-- • . - . One person to represent the counties of Brad ford, Susquehanna and Tioga is the House of, Representatives of the. United States, • One person to fill - the vacancy in this, Con gressional district occasioned by the death of the Hon. A. 11., Read: • ." Two persons to represent the countyl Brad- v & ford in the, House of Representatives of this Commonwealth. One person, for Commissianer of this pinnty. One person for Auditor of this county; At the'same•time rind place.vagreeahli - to the • provisions of the act of Assembly, may be voted by the electors of-this county, for or against the .sale of the Main Line.. The ballots, deposited to be endorsed " Main Line," with the words for the sale of the main line," upon them, or "against the safe of the main line," al their opinion may be. -- And in and by said act,•k am further directed to give hotice " that every person excepting jus tices of the peace, who shall hold.any office or appointment of profit and trust under the gov ernment of the United States, or of Misstate, or of any city or incorporated district, Whether a commissioned officer or agent who is, or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary deportment of this state, or of United States, or of any incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress, and of the state Legislature, and of the select orcommon Conn 'ell of any city, or commissioners of any incor porated district, is, by law, incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time, the office or. ap pointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this commonwealth, and that no in spector, judge or other officer.of any such elec tion, shall be then eligible to any office to bo voted for. _ By the 4th section of an act passed th; 16th day of April, 1840, it is provided. " that the 13th section of the act passed July 2d, 1839, entitled " en act relating to the electors of this Com monwealth," shall not be so construed,ss to prevent any militia officer from tenin'g asjudge, inspector or clerk, at any general or speciatelec4 lion of this commonwealth. In the 61st section of the act first mentioned it is enacted, that " every general and special election Shall be open between eight" and ten in foreno.,n and shall continue without interrup tion or adjournment until seven o'clock' in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. It is further directed:that the meeting of the Judges at the Conn House, in the borongh,of Towanda, to make out the general return, shall be on the ; third day after the election, which will be on the 11th day of October. The conferees of this Congressional district will meet at the Court House in the borough of Towanda, on the seventh dayrafter the election, which will bo on the 15th day of October. Given under my hand at the borough of To.; wanda, the 2d day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four, and of the independence of the United States the 'sixty.ninth. JOHN N. WESTON, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. MY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facies issued from the court of common pleas of Brad ford county, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the house of E. Raynsford to the Borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 7th day of October next, at one o'clock; P. M., The following described piece or parcel, of land situate in Litchfield township, and boun ded as follows : beginning at a- pine knot and stones, and a rock oak witness N. 67° W. lb links; thence N. 34° W. 100 p. to a white oak sapling for a corner ; thence E. 120 p. to a chestnut sapling for a corner ; thence north twenty four perches to the south west corner of a reserved lot for Solomon Merrill a post; thence E. 131 2-la p. to a post a corner for Chauncey Parks; thence S. 184 p. to a post on the N. line of David McKinney's lot ; thence 231 2-l0 p. to a posti a white oak, N. 8° IV, Marked as a witness ; thence N. 16 , fi.'to a post S.E . corner of a lot bought by the parties of the first part from Robert Spalding; thence W. 150 p. or to a post on The town Nile be tween Athens and Litchfield townships ; thence north on said town line 60 p. to a post ; thenco E. 55 p. or to a corner S. 6 8-10 p. of a lot forwerly deeded to Daniel Parks; thence N 6 8-10 p. to, said Park's corner; thence E. 19 p. or to an tr.her of Park's lots or place of begins Three hundred and twenty seven acres and twer.t.y eight perches more or less. - A LBr) . —One other lot beginning at a.crook ed cher t nut the S , . W.corner of a lot surveyed to Da diet Done ; thence N.lOO r. to a hemlock sapii.o g; thence E.BO to a post; thence 8.100 a post ; thence W. 80 the beginning. C('T ,taining fifty acres more or less; and both 14r ices inclusive containing three hundred and wiventy seven acres and' twenty eight perches • with about ninety acres improved and a framed house, one framed and one log barn, 'and two apple orchards thereou, and one half saw mill. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Benjamin Lambert to the use of L.H. Sher man vs. Charles Chandler. • J • Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sep. 10, 1844. j- In the district of ADMINIS'TRATOR'S NOTICE: ALL persons indebted to the estate of David Pratt deceased, late of Canton township are requested to make immediate , payment, and all those having demands against the same are requested to present them, legally attested, for settlement. thedistrict of In the district of JULIUS PRATT. 7 Administratom. CHESTER PRATT. Canton,iA utust 15, 1844 • STRAYED OR STOLEN, from the . sub scriber; in Orwell 'township, nu the night of the 24th of Aug:, A DARK BAY HORSE 9 years old. the off 'Aid foot white,irithemall windgall on , tl* . roside of the right hind On the head, w'oere the head stall isrlieed;the mane is cut The abovetewardwillbepaid or the recnr4ry of the horse, and his delivery to me. VVif. irIA . THEWS. Otwes, Sept. 5, 1844. , LL personsiire hereby dootioned against purchasing a'. certain note%iTert by me to Dudley C: Huinpbry fot a67tonly flavdollars heing.dated in April or May ..18$9,Itel shall not pay, the. same unless cooipelledloy,ptheeso. of law, having received no'salue ARM. G'7otl - Aiguit isih, 1844. BALE Portsmouth Sheetingithe bevel* iniirket, which will be wild 'che4o; Jute , 1;9,.1644. BASPlife CO. .I.N. WESTON, Sheriffs Sb REWARD! NOTICE. OEI
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