• „ rtuntAegtnd,State, • • „ , -hno: and other l ittteets, , we or the: Width Wonl44lllow. .; 6eing killed in ti street. The n3easu red, when extended, :row • o f s ix miles. - The various de. : 'll4 , came DI, were tbus "' le i lurched to theluhlic square, Orged' • , th e .tneeting Irak called 3 , 4 d the following officers ap. President. gorNAOHN LA:PORTE, Vice Presidenti . „.. joN'g oTEVENII, of Bradford, WILBSR, 6 „ • • _ „ A ' BAST 04ASO*, 0 14 Wairs, Coota,.. 1., Ala PRATT, is, Roast, : olio LADD, g yp SSTASOUR., S SALIDVRT, - B LLTRRO?, of Susquebarioa 41tRERAT CARPENTER, • .! ; I ,LTREI POLLET, aTANDER Baty'rrsa, Tioga Foo RANDALL, - -AS OSisNan, AS SpAriovi!sEnosn, of Wayne, loos MORLEY,' - Or Wyoming, lisean.v • of Columbia , larDsox..of thetpung NY, on Join; G. PiliDowytt - W joiluLta. {. fItATT. To ga county, N Iwo 66 Secrefaries. LO'lleara Goodrich, of Bradford J. Di. j o b]. alien, of -Wayne County. Ifiti.• Turret!, of Scusquelianna, M. Plait, of W.yining, ightt C. Knox, of 7loga County, Ifin..C.:Rhodes. of Chemuug co N Y. The Hon JANES BUCHANAN was Then ;d to the stand ina neat and ap- ate speech by Wm. Elwell Esti., itroduced to the mighty assem which crowded around the stand the .epealters,.., and greeted three hearty cheers. lie proceed address the meeting for one hour -half; Alpen the great national to. the day, and was frequently in t' by spontaneous and enthusi „. c ering and expressions of grail- ES inj V. Forney followed. and his gilding and impassioned style of mce hightened the force and vigor remarks. Mr. Forney stands de. ily high as a popular speaker in rte. HathaWay of Elmira, and S. F. !y of. Columbia, alto addressed the in able and eloquent speeches, , drew_froin their auditory repeat. [Ws of gratificatitin. *, id calls being made for David tot, thatgentleman took the stand, a few briefrernarks animadverted the diiigiiceful conduct of the to during the day. to meeting was then adjourned (it about 5 o'clock,) until evening uee cheers being given the , crowd must not omit to notice that abon Adred ladies were seated upon. land, and theit smiles enliven fl cheered .. nitich the general feel They Were present not to swell mbar of tbe pioceision, but to see ten she prido of Perinsylva- wring the, day, an attempt was made to despendent Coons, to organize leting below town; and a proces )n formed. - ,which lesnited , in about n hundred end fifty marching out. of noittotviag most conclusively their retvil, • - lathtevening, two thousand persons tiro 10ere4 i , nronnd , and upon, the rboliitnerf ith rapt attention *hes from Forney, John J. Tay ..o.l:otrego, F. Lusk of, Susquehan /Ma C. Knox, of Tinge county, Piollet and Geo. Sanderson ,of Ifotd. The Inmost enthusiasm led, and It war With difficulty that teting could be permitted to. ad -11 o'clock at night, so anxious ley to fietep to the remarks made. Meeting on the 10th he mint indi- I, We should say, judging from the : of people and the confidence' nthusiasm manifested, that Brad- . coun,ty is Wel Pennsylvania is POLK; DALLAS & SKUNK- e following resolvjons, reported :lens Menem, ESQ., were aaop the Committee appointed to re - - solutions : • dyed. By the demooracy of Iliad in County Miss - -meeting assem- That the great doctrines and ales 'of Democratic truth. are set forth in that immortal Chart 7il Liberty and Human Freedom, !claration of American Indepen- The principles of the Dana ►rty are the same now; that they 1776 and we are called upon very, consideration of duly and im, to - transmit' unimpaired to 'those rich blessings which in secured to by "the ma , 1, toil, and the blood of -a . Gma and also by the soperinten of that protecting rovidence. has been •to 'the feople of the "taws, in all their Struggles for Liberty, a cloud by day, and a pillar of firibs , *Ott. , Reattivettl`thitt thiCieneiideniern: Pent y one, onicitited. and delegated po went, and . hes, no 414 , to, exercise any authority. not grapted,bY the Cort.;‘ , stitution. 4ny attentpre:therefore: by the 'General • °Over:anent- .to; Interfere with" the of.dth'itites or the 'people. is an infrantiini stitution,and at war With 14e-filniiiirclen tal 'principles of thiroociatoompact. Resolved "kat the creation of atUni ted State; Ranki-ie the great leading measure of the Fedbral party at the'Vre sent day. To die creation if Inch 'tin Incorporation; by whatever name it may tie Balled, we, asßepublicans and Free men, enter our _eolemn , protest. To prove' that ictia• *Constitutional, we have OnlitloVer, to the ' Constitution itself. That, endangere ; Jhe public safety, we appeationAperience and the history of put.. • Reeolved, That the distribution of the proceeds of the public Janda, and the assumption , state debts by the general government, are Federal mea sures, destructive of tho integrity and independence of the states, and unau thorized by any compact , made with, or grant made to, the General, Govern ment. , =0 Resolved, That we are in favor of. a Tariff, based upon revenue principles. with such incidental protection, as sound diricrirnination . with reference to all the great branches of National iidustii , , will warrant. • , Resolvedi. That we are opposed to a general and unrestricted system ohn tenni improvementby the General Gl* vernment ; because it recognises apow er not authorised.bv the constitutiOn. Resolved, That the measures of the Federal party tend directly to the crea tion of a national d ebt, , high taxes, • a strong central , goveinment, and an -op pressed people. Democrady, declares in favor of government economically administeredisks that the people be lightly taxed, and is conseqUently op posed to those centralizibg schemes whi6b would destroy, the sovereignty of the r states, and 'the liberties of the • people. - Resolved. That we deeply sympa thize with Thomas W. Derr an his con finement: and that every attempt which may be made to controvert that cardinal principle of Democracy, that a majori ty of the 'people may remodel their go vernment whenever they deem another form more conducive to their welfare, should receive the united condemnation of a free people.) Resolved, That our distinguished guest,,the RCM'. James Bueltantuf,ts moat cordially welcomed by the en tire Demtkracy Bradford,,and by the_ thousands this -day assembled. Gal.: lanily has he stood by the rights of the people, and vindicated the character and integrity of our common country in good, and in evil repori. For his char acter and ability as a statesman, we triumphantly point to the archives of the nation, and the history of the past. His recent speech Made in the U. S. Senate, upon the re-annexation of Tex as, adds additional lustre to a fame and a reputation which belongs to the American people, and to posterity. And his views , upon this question, a* well as upon the occupation of Oregon, meet with the hearty' concurrence of this meeting. • Resolved. That the election of James Br Polk and George M. Dallas, in the estimation of this meeting, will be a triumph of Republican principles, as understood and practiced from, the Re volution to .the present Aims. Their character, personal and political, are fully comniensurate with the high and solemn duties for'whichthey have,been designated by ,the American people.: Resolved,: That Francis R. &hunk is a'patriot 'without guile; an able states. man of the republican school—lan sc . coMplished . scholar, and last btit 'not leapt," an *est man. We bail his unanimous noininatibit the Deere cretin freereen : of Pennsylifrytia; in place . Of the lamented ,Mublenliurg; as a sere harbinger of a splendid-- and decisive 'victory to the great doctrines'of. equal rights and democratic principles. ' 'ln the triumphant election of . Mr., Shank, Pennsylvania will stand,-before, the , world upon her. ancient platform of Truth, Liberty, and Independence., And we hereby pledgeourselves to our 'brethren throughtnit the state, to - give ,bim an increased. Darnocratic mSjority, in Bradford. Resolved, That •David Wilmot Esq. is justly regarded as IV gentleman whose_ integrity of character, talent, and dound denOcratic principles, entitle hint in an ,eminent dogrel, to the .'ennfidence, end united support of the DemOcracy of this Congressional district', Art Ineweir.—On Tersday, while the Democratic Mass Meetireg was be. ing held here, some of the ioo.ns alleged that a considerable portion of the m9l - were whigs—and to shelr their coefidence in the assertion, tfaey gOt out hand bills calling on all good and true .whigs to ,rally, 'and: Aar.t i ii the' Court house that craning to bear soine_ coon sPeecheseand coon longs: • Although the Democrats, bad been standing out doors the 'entire' day, and had listened to speeches from several' able speakers-4 was announced from the stand, thstthei, would be addressed again in the evening (rota the same place.. At arititirly hour the court house Well rang fats:the' , toinist , lNhilli the rid axM ttte : lion a ee of Da u m cr a te wore uPI:t 1 )_ • i Tlßlme,Yeg!" ) l l o l ° mee! 24l Pg t~t#he, to-the - agiareitaront Abe:Demo:ratio artaUd'Voliatetil iipeeilita rettiii:4l 40 ttt*.. llol oCP;them o mere thclusend - spetsonti in-anendanee until:l late • hour at 'night-Lfull Of. inimadon, " How **rent the - oone,' in tge'eoprt- honsell—Ajky-ttgot,alt tad revermid coon, One who has grown grey in' the service of the. Pedenl cause, was "called upcin to eddies! thim. He rose with aailnisaOu his , brew, and commenced in dolorous .strains, an at tempt to encourage the poor frightened covey; i'tira*ing his' "speech along, he said . he.knew an , anecdote, a good anecdote, well, tell it, said st coon ; no, said thespeaker,l 'Myer -tell good anecdotes to emptylirinaea. '{; ;; MAJ 2( Easurtorr.—We have news from Matte sefficient to - show that her Democitteyhasie been gloriouslytriucoph ant at her recent, election. . i yer lions are(says the Evening Yost4that An ihe Democratic ',Candidate for dovernor, is elected by seven' or eight thousand over his 'federal opponent and by three or four thousand over all others. The coons are thoroughly beaten nor can they charge this defeat to General apa thy. The Boston .11thies(whig)saya "the campaign has'heen earned on 'with vigor and spirit on the part of the whip, and they have done all that was possible ftirthern to do: To my fellow.citizens of Bridford. Desirous of , having tested the views of the people on the subject of the tariff of 1842 I Ire mem where I formerly 'announced myself in the hands of the people. Mr. Wdmotwho ,stands at the bead of the Towanda junto hal been nominated in my opinion/cm:lieu ands hos tilityto the tariff, of 1842, although he h*s re- Pes4edli in ,publie looe*P denounced irirf jnineipie mra in &air. ~On this; question I' _now t sks Jame with him before the people. , My 'vievni-upcelthat and nther , questions now; agitating the 'public mind are'already imietui be fore you. On your decision upon so important a question depends in my bumble , estimation vi tal interests, to every tax-payer iniPennsylvanis, ..orthe greatest magnitude. Tho . old Kei-Stone State bee the elements of gieat prosperity, not withstanding her $40,000,000 debt, if her 'poll cy of self protection be rigidly :adhered ' Whether my views of public policy wouldrlead to her ultimate prosperityA leave for an intelli ,gent people to decide. I amrespectfully, DAVID M. BULL. September 14,1844. Tim meson 13Essoit.--.lt should be remembered at this season of year, that. otzitodies are more liable to be come diseised than at any other period, because the suddenchanges of the wea ther, by acting as they do upon the con stitution and quality of the blood, pro duce af s til slate of the blood, and other l fluids id) generate corruption, and, not onfrequendy death.;, It is an estab lished truth, that 'no pain or sickness can be experienced except from the presence of depraved humors, which, if not positively corrupt soon become so,, if not , speedily removed from the body.. Oa the first , feeling of - pain or sieknese the body meat have a vegeta ble cleansing, in,order to prevent fetal results.' Wright's r lntlian . Vegetable Pills are all that, is 'required—they cleanse the hliod' froin all , impurities, remove all cause of pain or Weekness, and preserve constitution in , such State of health and vigor as casual change cannot affect. Caution.—As counterfeiters are abroad, avoid all stores of doubtful character, and be particular, in all ass es. to ask , far ff'right's ltidian Peke tableTilb. ' • For Bile at the store of J. D. & E. D. Montanye, in Towanda t and by agents published itt anothcr, - colutun this paper. POLK AND DALLAS ' `Democratic Mau Meetings. Leßaysvillei ;St Rome. - `' •etatirtr 6iiietwee lift* irillibe held itiBlittibaluin: W;isid Nadnesday; and Mowing Ihnniday; (25&36)8ept: blatant:: . . The . :sr* 107: spectfally **ea to aste4. r ., Septemb . a.4B,lB44.. . , .2' ECCLESIASTICAL. The Prey bytity of Susqueluntatis to meet at Towanda, on . the third Tuesday of.Septentber, at half past seven o'clock P. M instead of the last Wednesday in Aug, as heretofore. . • - L.posTER; Stated Clerk. «t sTßArairang DPP .! As been at the intact*" ehme, the 10 ma. init. which the owner can belie bi ea. tablishipg his ooragehip and paying *it this itdertleetuett. ' ' • Ai. PATTON. Towing!' September 1044. M'KEAN'S HOTEL, 111/2479 "VPrA9 • • ' • (Foramtily - terk bs ParacroY.) ' • .1: C. 6c C. 19.''IteXigApl. Tray, Septembet 2,;1844.„ M o d • - • On *PIO: in Troy - of Pati Oinintopt • len4 l llttui.•Liiiia tet : Vralin, fatiOt of Etaa. nick 'Arthiiiiine• ososir,4llo. which ; she' and in the z dut ofa numerous, 114: 1 1.1f.Rf ztfPllekN/04.fst,P°4 , or . 4.cpnregatioAgf:P444l44.llC4*ololl- 2 olago.On; N4..Y. , 41100. two !leg"; leri o 44 to • • r , , Hori exit. mai %one' 01'1 , 4 hunt , triumphant - iiver'arienetsand;"aahleit' is the .natitte 'olivine; annotation en ha suniaint Liiiit pay tier inane.* • theinentin die , . ESTRAT.'t . (14m to the,.encloiuni:af the stibscbberop IL/ t!ai filet day of,Sopt. hist, a trro yeiir old ha* *WA, ied ata nod titifleild matt , ' The rierher ,rtiquisied' to, rare property, pay eharg, 'rind takoheriaray, ShosbegairkSeptember 'TUNE. OLD DAN T.UeliiEtt. Eli Get oat of the way . " for still we coun t ; Ia Spite the drone of /fan :and, Joln . .111 - ANGE r ai it may'inifeia, the drat mi .'' val of Falland Whiter l)oed.ln this utar• ket are now opening at no. 3 Brick Row. One asamment consists of the greatest who ty of, STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS ever offered in this village. To enumerate cone tenth port"the articles would Occupy ,too Much spade, we will thankfre content °uterine lit saying We have Cloths, Cassimeres, and Saw netts 'dray description, Foreign and. Domes.; tic Prints of various styles and pattern.; plain striped and, igured, black brom , Alpselne, Muslin de, Leiner, ,Merinps different coleus, Flannels all colors and ,qualitin, Canton Plan; nel, Plaid -Cloak and Overcoat lining; Linifey's different tinalities, Bleached Shirting, Linen Table Diaper, WinteiVestings a greit-varisty, Blatt Satin, Silk Velvet, a splendid assortment of Bonnet Silks, Mons, Art tial., Silk aid -Worsted Serge, Grecian Babinec and Ashbur ton Lace, Lace Edging, , Inserting and Footing, Iftudin- Inserting, Foundation, Ribbon Wire, Bennet Wire, Black and Colored tildieFringe rid 'Gimp great variety Black Bugle (fitshiensble)*c. dce: The attentiolt of the Ladies Is caliedin par &On to the greatest variety of Shawls, fancy, Colored de I,aines. dateable Gro de Mural and Velvet peinti,' Dress Handkerchiefs; Hokin; i and 'Gloves 'every derription, 0 do= mitts, crimisit g ell emu', siriand kinds, Cho, atitittiry ixillars, enifir and tabbs, bad hair pins and wrietiettn, neck, cep and boneet arne.dte.. ever offered at, anyone store-in rite couPtY• elit'aelinaaaan • - • large assortment which • will be 'sold ' cheap, HARDWA ; ROCSEAZ )100iS 4 , For further particular* lon " . H.BAIRD & CO. ' 1(o.3 Brick Row.. Towanda; ;" ben 7, 1844. mesa Cottons: YD S q , i 600' . 114. ; ot. " 'Y e ans t3h ; Cot Carpet ' rap, whits and colored Batts, Wadding , and Wiekkng . a large Jowly, all bought fag CASH and Will be sold mkehesp aA the tame, qualities c a n be bought in Elmira,' Ithaca, Owego, Or any Ohm place this ride of 'New York. We dont ask our 'friendsto iake our word for the Alborg) but till arid' satisfy. yourselves at , BAIRD'S, September 7. N0,,,313riek Row. ATHER, 2,000 lbs. Sole Leather, also J 1.41 Co*, Kipp and Calf Skina-cif thibest quality just arrived atl 13AIRD'S September 7. ' -No. 3 Brick Row. IEID3D, Cod Fish and Mickerel ' W. H. BAMD & TRAVELING BASVETS sod Reticules. 'Jr" . " IF 114 RD If jr, co.. 111 , E!P°'") P"WHittnitotze.i.b? • Berttemtier 7th. * No. 3 Brick Rom. ; 1 11 C: ROPE and _ .; • B ettembei-7:"' •' " '11T0.,137k.k 1115WRIGIIT'S VEPETA , p,LE 'SYRUP y for age.ol , • BAIRD'S, ' 3eiteTber 7. - - Ne. 3 Bitiekleow.. . . i,il l3B e lS ii . ch B4l4 .l3o as iu tile ar chZ i peit au .l ° : BA;RW,S, Nc..3 ,Bric „ , , , N[WEST SOOOS , 4is"a . a iFiiiva fist EPKINGSBERY, has just 'l , EP ed and is now opening alpiendid - meat of , FALL ~A.P,WII4 I TEA, : GO ODS, moo* 4 •: .:+' ' .•:, --,11: •' t l' • •, MY , G o o44:!4rogrie 9 9 :;liti4illare, ,:•604tryt-Pfd,nta. 943 . :DNe... , 1 • • - ~,, .•,,,-Swifit 4rc..viSlC-, , :., _-: • . , whiche Viltie4vcrY I .oe o Piq; 69 fii :, TO It, Ind% 80 14.': 7 a , * 14 7 . . •. - , : • - Sept. 23.. 25. t ; ORIL, Plow, iron, Nails ow and Gl, con , ”,',olaultrOullarld.aPle4ucif P.TieekbY . pt. 7. B. KINGBIIBg. UHL' MOLE & UPPER LE A.- , THEE, =pear qiudity for sale. giept, 7, 1844. 8. . .IEINTIBERY ' 'TAREETY" OF : RATS' iIi:CAPB for 21. sale b± ';' 1111CINGEIBERY... MBE , subscriber Ale for sale his valuable, BA YV MILL . situate in. the township of Colulabii, *born: - tree' miles from Columbia` natio; The Mat ii nearly tieW., W ell finished and in: 'good eider:- It !knits In She midst ofan extensive and wiluable tesetof white pine, timber. all convenient to the reill—mothas en alnueAil water at all; eeawui o[ the year., Will be sold rids fiumene to 140,res of land: shirts amity acres of the lsnd is un- Proied. 'Good IWe/will' be 'filiefi gt ` 'in mace* if a pentiiniii Paid •' - sr. IRA PlITTlllOln.i • Crolurribia,Reptembft I,ot 1 4.. s • ling FOR SALE. i , •, , , : 4ilginallZKl 9041142 0422;10 tparibanetil iii!Ordirl of lite MOE& laittontor Bisa*SAtiakth Our bo - ea ,10004 Pa*? 554.4.9. P the Ta e la y , W at i i rteti! co l , Tiii4.7; that at ' , thelittlowing 'Wtifteeste, trect aleittleitiiihrm'Gritivillartp; -baititinhiklo9 sews thertabobtir, bated ism* timbale lobed_ on joe Ilawkr; spVittort i fol l 4.lTaiethi,Peatti, and west bn land of fraiiheii-ifibman, and oth; ere; with about.filtsakieres improved, and . . frame housiandioebarifituition erected. Ambutlartetigi*gitaitat ,the Alpe and - 44 00,4 4(4,1 04 0, lbs , s, ‘,. f - - All hams\ deritaiidi Oio wk. to!! are Twisted to attend. ' " ,i; , _ 1 3)0018 RCM.' , • „, ....IPTIALI,4'IS,EAN. • "6 4;340 8 44 0',13 ei Suinneri: Simon Dentist, rimy= bit'ioirandif fditifeat daiw IFIV LAM*/ be 1 : 901 4 1 4 ,MT , Orold,:where he 'Wilibe!hiPPy to craitp who may. peal his professional services . " " ' • Tepands.Septernher 3,-1844h: (ADNINISTRMTORW 'NOTICE. LI" peripSsindetco 1 464 11 eatatejettlole: . ;ffli. !Dom :Ohm ileceeeel,hoyeErnapitil‘ in! re fi nes inake i llo 3o l4 l 9 , Prrien4 ind theie beviiiiderestilit. whist the eameare eitn i varaittalt*it theta;ileialik . itteeted,; fad " , itthei' . ; DAVID ALLEN, Administrator: Granville. Stlinistarrlil , l l B 44 % ' r - • - MIL D iIAISIESAMIUMigatigIo - D4l4ioßnetutifs tiould reopirctriittf annortime to ihicitizeii of bfimroo ands its vicinity, that he has' recently located himself in the village of lidanroeton• for .the practice of his profession, having for "overarms' been en- gaged in an ettembre prance and from , the =7,mm:enmities fr:ibis bid of observing disease in all its 6=4 be ho*:7 pi:lEl464ly and strict attentian to bush= •te giee'intire tatisfittlein to those who may Vice themselves under his crur Office ea .L.:P. *Smith's Hotel where he may all, times heloand, en, rept when Profel*nallY engaged. 1, • „ Motireqetia &Perna 10; ,i0"14. ADMINISTRATOR'S - NOTICE. 4 ,i. ' .1.4 Perms imbilded to the to Of Pat: r Brady dammed, late of Ulster tp. quested, to, make immedem ['oilfired; 'an those having &Mends await &fame are neittested to present them, .iy attested, Lai settletient. LOCKWOO ) SMITH., , t ~.,, PATRICK I.IMMINS. • • isnMoni• ' "'VT. *PoO l b4r 10, 18'41f, 1 , . .., . . . • um.. .. am; z„,; , . MORRIS WATT . I.EB,•Aitomey , and *JP • ;Counsellor atLaar t T 45, Bradford , Coo . CM 411tOtlEa — ,Lll4l=ll,El • " '," PROCLANIAT I TN. , VITTIER.EittI yq in air ' i Attieinbly ' of ' V V ' 'the Covrealth, entitled. 4 Aid act :elating to theVelection in WeCrentnonwasith." 1 lt is *joined open me tit give pobliknotice of l'ii!u!k.!4/o° l ',' 4° be ",, sOtal" the-gOomoi. , lawn in ouch twice . *hit 015,,er: ,ate to be `elected; tiONN N. livEsTmi , i; BO Sheriff 'oftheantini , ofßradfoididolteiebyntate known and givenotite , tnttur -elector* of la I id county. that a GENERAL ELECTION will beheld! in said county, on TUESDAY, the Bth ditY 4 1 October In the several ifistricia in enid aunty, ta'srit: In the district a, ' 1 • -'' -- 'ALBANY; ' ''', *vibe sehool bootie in the north district near the house of W . Wile*. In the district of " • : - ", •ABYLUNI- . ~,, at lamb Fintchey's: Iln thdistrict of. ~ ' t ATHEN , ... 6h at Judson & Kendall's. "In e district of :: .: .' ', ARMEN( ', : at ItYrighinunt Piente'e.. In the district of ' BURLING' ON et Ate, bon* OfAirtiM'Kein. In the . districtol l it Benjamin Coolbangh sa =j In the' district of • '. ' " '-; ' COLUMB)A; at thitiouiti of q iiiiiiii Notgan. In th 4 districtof •'.- i ' I I DUREL •, , ••! , • d m -*the lame of S. S.Bt ..,: In theltlistrict d r , • ~ , PAINK !at the house of Wto. er. In the district of' at the school hoose,No.l. kGranyiPacortlem ,/°• ,12 0 , d , ' ' , !.. . HERRIM, it,:thelie l itref - N.E.Wetdroia. Intliedistrict cif • LITcHVIELD: , '. , -• ': ; "liettiel' &mi . ° ,st" it Piiiii' In the district of ' '• ' ' LEROTY,. , I - - * at theiChool house in' Leo, •In the diked of sit ttorlouse•forroerly occupied by ;L: .rowler.- In the district of 1 4 , •,.. ...: 1 ... , - , ~ . ~it OR - 111 - qLb, . ' 1 . ache ;tootle fomedolocrpied 4M ,, IL nom In tho diotictlaf• —' I •:, - . , . -. ,PIICE, • ".'., . , at the home Of B. Detroit — litilte'distriCt 'of RII)9B4RRY, at, the hoiuge.'ot 14' Pierfoi:' . In the district of 1 ' 't' • '''" ' RollEi' ' ' •attholuitiseof L.S.Maynardl , In the trisirkt of \;" :SHESHEQUJN: -"' 0 ' -., liiths.house of Datil Brink.. ‘ fa the district 'of l' ?'. t; 1 i'' 18111.1.1 1 2 lELD, ii - 4,, '! ,at the kaolin* . .t. 1.4. uld. ',- Tlnthe dietrict of • (OSPAIN WO - fp., ,• , f,,•• ~ the,heureof T.liir cr.. ,In the , dietrici of, ~ . pzuvions :Vqrtit: ~ 1 a t.4: 3 hinididilt.,ljfe' - 11, :lit the district of .' 1 i ' ' SOUTH CREEK'. it'the - scluicil house a ' Ake Gillett's ht Send; Creek. In the dish' Of '• ' '' ' ' ' • TO wkNpA„ BOBO', ; lit the ClstratoonellOsee.. -In' thedietrict4if ; • . . i , I'OWA DA, , TP.;. , ~ ~ ! at the school &nue :At:thew:C. Gregg's. • In the diatilat'af •,•,.. :; , ',, , ',, , . et the sahaikborste ii4oi.iipsie:,ortioy. p 4 the district of'. ' I , SPRI GRILL. •'' ' ' (formerly•Toseatora, at the, school house near .1.1.14147: - laud aistriet of ' • . -, il :.„....,.,, at the liatitie ciftl.l3i liag oleatnti.t l :l#tha' i liiirics of wr at thelotteirotii: Cooper:li In the' diktrict oft . ill - 1 £7' , - 1 - .J.....t:1 ,. a . 1aELL5 - .21;' • c , '• ..,';' at the hattartillE. , l'lree..ll.' , ,ln' the diettict of: t.CI:i c ' '3 l rtiVl WTPUAMIW" !) , JOlct , -ri 1 at the hone Cate of E. Russell, deceased. CV , at ilia hetlaboMVaitaltrir.i :Who thane' et • ' wvadx; at Frank Brown's.= At which time and. placer the electors aftneimi4 erill4liel by ballot-- 'One Munk* GOTefilol of this Comnwith.. f One o this , . 01 • c o) (Vile person tatipresnitthe counties' at' Riad forkiihusinehaarso aad Tiognitethe Moss. of ,Lwutiljt'ins of the Unite? Net,tleez; n r, tNe Pete o 4 lo finibc!YFcs4tr.im • g °l2- district bj,thndistfip "et the Rod. • "`' • Viie . perseibribb rekiniumtiliettentyof read ' Rad kettle Mawr- of , Represiottititasi.4f. this Commoteveahh. ; ,!--- : - .if ;PP% Pi** for Coeig444 o ne,i l if 1 1 .4 comity,l One, peps : ought,. Auditor! of , bis pool. the same nine and IdatinAgiecabli to the provisions of the act of AsarnehlY, mai be toted 'ftit the elector. of Mgt comity; festi'itr'sgairist the: acia ofi, 'the Maio Line: 'Vise brdloardeptsited to be muloreedl.l` Meitt:Trine; with the :.words u for the fate,ef the Irteiß-W :Open them, or i:•141111*** sale 4:10% their c•Pirtioninay be " ' ' * arid liisahl set, lam ,R — teeted ..twkiie notice q tien'eviny pa:sods:eel/fink jos. • tices of therpeaceowho Wall; hold artyprifice or tippointmentnf-prefit and ctrno.. tinder goy ,eniment of United 18tates;or of this state, or of any :city or incorporetedfaitice; alk. cwhether a ,6rainissioned officer' or agent t is, or' shall be einplayed limier the learbillitise4weentlie judiciary deportnientrof,thls; et of United 'States, ornf say incOrporated diftrict, .snd also lhalekeerY Memheriet Peflreee.Mid of the stew ,egistature, and of th.,l seleft ornomittop coun cat any city, or Commiassorient of 'any, hmp , penned•dinnet. is, by law; incapable of.holding etercisin at the same time; thentfiebof np. pointment• or judge, inspector Or clerk of any election of this commonwealth, and that no in- Vetter, judge or other officer pf any such elec. non, shall be then eligible to any . office to. be ioted fir. • • By the 4th' section of aritietpaised"tire'l6th day of APril,llB4o, it is ptevided." , that the lath socrustof the act passed - July 241, 188 g, entitled en.act,, relating to the illectore •this cot?. monwealth,", shall not be - 80,C01311110, se f ur prevent any'militia ofcerfrot rierving as judge, inspector or clerk, at any - general or qecial elec tion of thit commonwealth . : :In the 814 aeexion of the eel first mentioned it is enacted, that "every general . and *nectar election shall be Open , between eight and ten in forenoon and shall continue without , interrup- Oen or',idiournment• - until ieven o'cleck: in the eitting, when the polls shill - he •'- It is further directed. that ;the rittetinglif the Judges at the Court ifease,in the borotigh of Towanda, to make out the general retutnishall be on the third day after the .electioN ;which Will be on the . Itch 'dey of Geteher. _ * The conferees "of this CotigiessiOnd dAtriet Will ioliet slate Conriffotilet in the brinough of Towanda. on the seventh day•afterlltreleetion, which will .he - on the 'lsth day of October:L. • Given under my hand at the.*lough of To:. wands, the 2d day of fleptember...in the year of oar Lord one ihousarill eight hundred - And 'forty four, and of the independenee of the United. Stiitti the Yixty-ninth.' • • ' ll • ' ,.. 011N N. WESTOW Sheriff. SEERIFF"s sSALte EDF virtue of a wril of; Fieri Faces issued MP finalize court of common pleas a Brad ; font county, to me ;directed, 1' abalt expose co public sale at the house of E. Raynaford In the Borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 7th day of October next, at one o'clock, P. M The following described piece or ; parcel of linnl situate in Litchfield township, a nd b?un. 'did as figtowis : beginning at it piitelntii - and Stant:44nd. a rock, oak witness N.:- 07°'W. links; thence N. 34° W. 100 to' a lithe oak sapling.for a corner thence E. 120 pot° a ebestiout, Sapling for a corner; thence, north twenty four perches to thnsoutit west corner of a reserved lot for Solomon Mehl)) `post; 'thence - B. 131 2.10 p. to') a poit Caner for 'Clinimeey Parke';' thenie 8. 184 p. to a post so'the N.ime of David McKinney'a lot ;•./ thence W 4 . 1221; 2-10 .p. to a post-a white oak,-,N. . pliaeil att.n Witnesafi, titcnca; 4l . , 6 :poo a post . , S.B.corper of lot, bought,bY, the parties of the first part - front &keit Stead - Mg; tkence W". 15411 p; or to a Ott on 'the town line be tween Athats arid Litchfield townxbilutV thence - north on eakttown line 60 p. to 14 post; thinee .E. 55 p. or to : a corner, 5..6 8-40, p,of a lot .formetly deeded , to Daniel P,arks;.• thence N. 'saidthence. 6 8-10 p. to ;Par'k'seerner;, tonc,e 12 - pi or to *Mother of Piik'tileta Or plater of begin.; Mug. Thine hundred 'end twehtfitevett acres and twenty eight ?etches snore or- less: :ALSO—Ontrother lot begun' ling at tt erook: ' chestnutthea;W.corner of : a lot,instveyed et), Daniel Done ; thence 1.1 am) 7, to alendock 4epling; thence E.BO to a post; thence S too p. to ik poet ; theriett,W. SO p. to the beginning, Containing filly acres 'more or. less t' and. both pieces inclusive- containing three hundred , and invent, seven urea and ;twenty eightlatinhes - ,with obout,ninety acres imyroved and a Purled ,house, one ,framed, end' one log bent, ,rid two apple' otchriids thereon ; anif f orie hplf saw mill. Seized end' taken in' maiden et the' tulle of Benjamin Lambert to the use of L; M. Sher man vs. Charles. Chandler. - ' ' , •N WE " fiberiti's Otice: 8 I . 7°4cSheriir. - nriiind #l. yep. 'IC 1844, j , ADMINISTRA.TOWS onvE. Apermn inde*dtct the estate of David Pratt demised, Rate of Carlton, taraohip are miesteil to, make immeOiate.paieleab, mad those,lmitag' deifiands • adaifiee erfY to Preset for getuement, • frt. . ;13 RILLUS PRATT; A r, : •CAPTER PRATT. 7-7, 1 a, / !,t.ltt!Ff „iL'Peßtemi.Allel4,43 REWARIII.I -1 QIVATED itiO 3 soh tretibOr, in oi 4 ciell , Winship; ini'the night ot,the 24th of Aug., Ai : DARK 'BAT HORSE ft years old, the off hindfoomliite, pith nivel! windgall on ple.6liitio GI. th9 , fight WA*. On the ,heid; Ka - 04 Ced• the mane is cut 'oft The aline kestratthiifitis'paid 'at* nion'stny: 61 the hontiOnidhiiile&ii7 to Inc": . ' IifATHEWt3, °Ewell, Sept:4 ' ' - :,'.'",' 1. ...'"N0T10R - 1 - : - . •- - --,.. LL pcso9, g e r l ii r, V 6 4 , fgOnse TureboinCa-,cln4it ni,.) 111 4 e.tt,ti me to ti loiC, , ,ifottiphlitoraiiiiiityd4.o dollars A K*ol'l4'lo Aftirifri'litiii It39, 3 lii'4liatall net pay:tbe%imo; , ooldarsitiollielled bift:Ocess at hmei.buing lied , : ed no vidttettbozoon.i ';_. :—%.*;Atig*: l Aibi: .8, , ', :, i 7 - ,n V - , • • 41 IlittE;Ptl . dekto tith i eitgetinit %a hem Ira :der hirket; ' veld* wilt ha KIP vie*, cc tiniflFßl L 8,4,4.• r WAIL SAIRIVAsk,co. , : arpq , la MEM .1