Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 11, 1844, Image 4

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fror:tlie Butdford
OR:Dying loin;
-2 1i4gterti. ye Whiggligh snd IF/4 the*a
Itivest or the olti_dying oeoh
The..lostoe united, which WI tested toy
i down' • • -
This sadly lamented the Old dying coos.
.o.W.hentippecaooe was last a the OW, •
-ratsidloodosilence atfoon-committal4inushickt,
-too coniviorea t fitOo; glory it faded too soon'-'I
-thlts stuffy latnented_thci.o4 dying coon. „ .
The people ere roti9id: we havolopentaataer eye*
We can dee/Age-tram no more. iritii'ous bum.
bogs toad lies
We halo mounts: our hebtri...tha Tariff—too
eoe• " ,
Thu sadly lad:tented the old dying IXOO3I.
a Could we dist:Mite thedemecratMplts • •
Audseg op their eyes respecting the 41:Ike,
„Ispt, they n'
_wot believe us, nor list to ens tune"
'Dui sadly lamented:the old dying coon.
We hoped to see Metty once more take the lead
We yam .ready: to pour falsehood like rain on
big head,
But are published opt songbooks a- little too
Thus lazily lamented the cid dyiug coos.
My biestb is fast my lunp ore now
Tt Is certain destructionto a coon to he Polked ;
My will must be ' written; cud that very soon . "
Thee grumbled hoarsely the chl dying coon.
" I ;sin more sound in soy body tbms I sus in my
My brain is deranged and my intellect blind
: ant s zsttiag quite rabid sal will as a loon,
Bowl/ LULU the wilt of old dying coon."
-" Give my brains to the Federal' to sharpen
their evil,. .
As foi•the Cocos they kaie got not a whit,
They ere poor as the sjevil null find very soon"
Thus mildly roved the cW dying coon.
1 "I leave to Hug my skin to work into caps
'To 'mar up salt river while tending his caps,
Like me he must plphiler. by the light of the
, Thus elide the will of the old dying coon.
An Irish Highwayman.
SY U :10014 E: HILL.
Doctor W the Bishop of
Cashel, having occasion to visit Dublin,
accompanied by his wife and daughter perform the journey - tioy
easy stages, to his own carriage, and
with his own sleek and well led horses
-instead of trusting his tones to the ten
der inemes of an Irish puss-chatee i and
the u..broken garrons used fur &snug
these crazy vehicles.
• ale part - of his route - was through a
mountainous district; and die.
bishop, being:i.iery humane matt. and
,considerate•.of his:cattle: made a - point
of quitting his carriage' at . the -foot of
every hill and walking to the top." On
One of these oceasions' he had loiterad
'to look at the extensive prospect,; in
dulging apparently to a reverie'• upon
its sterile appearance, and the change'
that agriculture might produce,• and in
so• doing suffered his family' and ser
!anti ato be considerably in advance ;
perceTinug Oita he hastened to make up
forinst dine, and was stepping out with
his best sped when a fellow, leaped
from-behind a heap of loose otones,'aitd
accompanying the flourish of a huge
club with a demoniac yell deinafided.
Money !" with a ferocity of tone and
manner perfectly appalling. •
— .7lje bishop gave the rubber all the
silver helhad loose in his -.pocket,-liop
ing that it would satisfy, him but he was
mititaken, formi sooner hadd - the ruffian
stowed' it ; away in a capacious rent in
his tattered garment, than with another
whirl of his bludgeon, and an - awful
oath, he exclairned- •
" And is it with the likes of this I'm
after letting -
you 'off! a few paltry tin
pennies I It 'sthe gould haye, or
I'll spatter your`brains. Arrah, don't
stand shivering and shaking there, like
a - Q,uaker,in tha ague, but lug aunt your
purse. you devil, tromeilistely, or as blue as a wheistone."
• - His-lordship mgat reluctantly yield-
ed his well flied pursii,4oiiig in train
ulous accents,-.- My-good Ifellow, there.
his dim% ill
le& me depart."'
" Fair and softly if you please ; as
sore I'M not a gitud fellow I havn't
done with you yet. I must search (or
your note case, fur I'll engage you have
a .few bits bfpaper • payable at the bank ;
so hand it over,- or you'll Sup sorrow
to sight." • :
Waslgiven up; a glance at the rind
showed that all hope of assistance from
hicsifteititi ' was unavailing, - the -car - .
riage ltatl d tiappeared . but the ~bishop
mule an InstinetWe mtiyement as though
anxious,to escape froth further pillage. '
44 Wait atthile, or may git
- angry with you ; hand trretyour watch ,
and sal e s, and then:ydu tuaY trtidgf'-"
Now. 4 hippened,..tbat the Diei,ne
fel, earlitelar. regard Ott hie watch.-
tt ee much from itr-being of conaider
attlertlllusimcbdiraittif,tt had beep - prt-',
eentettib bun by blifyet lietrott4raz4
he -
yoU.,fitiee, tiken :ermajgbp
!ems Erg! . 4Fy. wretch,- and Vil.forliee=tdi
you blunt done:" ; • —•-
Who'sull ye or forgir4ness,4ou
. • -
• •• • •
ould varespoN,' V 49445014 w ith 6.tikto,', l lo44l . /iDon't force me" ti
du.anyxttiiiis 04 ) * hal emry far;46i4i; . ;
without any more bother,livit Vie nw
die watch
And jethe4 from
hie right land to the left, s ipaf . in thi s :
Atiuglio i iiiiiii i iii b e n t bringing it
.• iii ,
to operation: this action.was:not
heeded by his irictimhedreiv „forth
the golden. timepiece; and•ivithia,heavy
sigh handed - h. to 'the spoiler . iv,hii.
rolling the Chtiiiii . .itiund . it, (mind some
apViture in his apparel into
•whieh he,erammrd it :.and giving him
seiticshake.tii- ascertain that
by its own gravity, a place of safety. he
said-. :
' `' And now be,ofrwid yott, and thank,
'the bliseed iaints. that you :lave me
witheut:a scratch - on your shin. or the
value.of your little linger hurt." • •
• It needed tto Ounnisfon, induce'
the bilhopl' to
,turn, his bacli upon the
despoiler' o! ie w orldlyd goodik and
having ton.weiglivto carry. he,tiet off at
what equestrians term a liandrenter;"
scarcely. hpwever,liad he reached the
tniddle_of the precipitous 'road. when
he perceiving his persecutor running
after him. He iniletivored,to redouble
his speed.. Alas ! what chance ha.: he
iii a race with one whose muscles were
,as .strong and elastic as ; high tempered
steel? •
“StoP. you nimble-footed thief of
the world'!”
The exhausted and defenceless der ! '
gyinan. finding if impossible'to
tie his flight Suddenly- cane. to.a stand
still.. The fellow. approached. and , his.
fare. instead of its former ferocity, was
lit up with,a whimsical roguishness of
espression.'es he'saill, ...And is it like.
ly I'd let you tiff With - a better eoat on
your back than, itirtityn ! and will I he
after losing the elegant hat :and wig ?.
cite with them this moment, and then
yOu'W.he quit o' me."
Tfie foul pad, quickly &vested the
bishop of ltis single breasted coat—laid
violent hands upon the clerical hat and
fullhuttoned wigput them on his ow-u
person, and then insisted on seeing his
late apparel tided - in' their
,stead ;. and
with - a, loud ••laugh..ran u 8; `as though
his last feat 'hairbeen the most memo
:ions of his' life. . •
ThankfUl at having escaped with un•
broken bones. , his lordship was lust long
fu niertaking his carriage; the servutits
could not repress : their laughter at see
ing theirmasier in Stich a . strange and
mutely attire; but there was in hot fare
such evidence , of terror anti suffering.
that 'they speedily checked their vistble
inclinations. particularly when they
learnt by a feW' hri f words the dang.i
he had undergone...My dear W—"
exclaimed his affectionate wife after
listening to the account of the perils to
which her husband had been expoged.
for heaven's sake take off that filthy
jacket and throw it out of the window.
You can put my warm cloak over your
shoulders till we reach the next stage.
and then you will he able to purchase
some 'habit better suited to your station
and calling.
That in more easily saikthan done.
my, love." he replied ; •• I have lust all
the money I possessed not a single
,guinea is left, n►e pay Mit expenses to.
night. Mv watt•h too. that Iso dearly
prized !—Sliserahle man that I am !"
••• Never mind your watch, or any
thing Mae just now—only pull off that
maits: of ti th; I implore you who
knows what horrid contagion we may
all catch if you persist in wearing it r
Take it off, dear papa." observed
the_ daughter, but iltin't throw it away;
it will lead to the detection of the
wretch who robbed' you."
-• The'abtioxiOus garinent was remov.
ed ; the young
. littly was about to.:place
it under the-seat when she heard a jing
ling noise. that attracted her attention.
and on examination.- iliumd set•reied in
various parts of the coat, not only. the
watch. pocket-book, purse. and Silver.
of which, her father had been deprived.
but 'a 'Yellow ',Canvass hag. such as is
used by farmers.ctintrining aboutihirty
guineas.. , .
The surprise and joy of all parties
_may be imagined ; they reached the inn
where they proplised sttiPping - for thit
and as the portmanteaus had
escaped' the dangers of the, road. ,the
bishop was speedily ehle to ettirit
'-iilef'orti the Orli. 're
.tired for test, intelligence arriiiif 'that
the highwayman had been talteti.,tiftt4
a despeyete resistanee—the no tice Of the ;
police being ;tweeted
.hy the singular
appearance of a man, of swims',
sporting a new:bleck Coat; end Coireri , .g.
his shaggy: carroty' locks with • the
well . powdered and 'teril,Othis,pereke: of
the tight reverend the Bitthop of Cashel.
• A NEW-Tee.--An -old :lady while
reading the ipapPre .jiist after the. mini..
oa,tiott stif ...; the" Whig Ice )'residential
candidate. itoltleOly
. ..paused and „ - ea•
claiiraeih~Well..l're. heard of hysen
old-hyren..and 'young km-sell - teas.
hot never heard of Free lifir4Vpoi be
fore ' •
811011 - .1 - a - poor , hog
that hasn't one streak .1. fate in& it's
perfect man "thathair: no finite; Wn
neivirsavr:the fo.rXtei;:erldirieiet expect -
to - -
Altrwirijkats.tri ikiiiipitaik
siiateshing „,o,wd, iateri!`6ll`iaiiiiiidsi
Ikeraiiii ipark arrested.' '
4 el"irr' 4- 7.
%. .4..rae t
,„ : - ." * Tfle101141, OR,101111).7-7
VA/W r y
• '1
T6ti - 66 u 4e A fi l —pl'at sme ul4 coon;
ih * ali see hio v uunst
/,‘ -long (urinal of mottled' grey;• I
Upon ids tick he *ire.
~Ile asettO rian about the States,
To Isnbecues slid 'shoos ; "
He hid iieO vino Ryon hichead. .
kid ',owners on - his nose. -
At tinti and meetiuts:iley and night,•
, • Hia•aid !rile e'er in store;
- lip saisoutitimea upon a tree,
Sometimes beaide
. ~ .
But death. which conies' to all. at last
ain., to this aurae old coon ; ..!
Among'Jentry 4luea heCsvught a cold.
And fell down in a swoon.
A_ gentle Ineeze Cann Maryland:a shore,
Rerived his hope awhile , ' • •
And they who itched hint, lay that o'er
His face there passed. a smile. . •
The last that e'er lit up his ci f —
For from the Keystone, then,
A warning voice broke on Ilia ear,
And he smiled nut stein.
But raising up hie long thin, tars i .,
, Ist:aspen-if faint and low,
"Oh, bear me to my name, land,
My native
lie spoke no more;' but straightway fell ,
lutOmukher swoon ;
&arid new the boding thoughts,
l'Ut t t tamer this old coon.
At length the broad Ohio passed,
• 'ltiest!l an •‘Octoher aky '
Under a spreading buckeye tree
They laid hint Joon to die.
. , .
They conveyed him tiethe &uptie - State,
And round him raised their butyl,
But found that here vte'd sealed his fate;
He then - Tyre up his ghost.'':
Sadly around him closed. his friends,
Nor gold nor art might save—.
And be who was so mighty once,
Now fills a faccoon's grave !
Mourn for the coon—the same old coon !
Hie triumphs all are o'er—
Mourn for the coon-- that same old coon,"
We ne'er ►hall see hiui mom !
igftets of „Capital Paaishuhtt.
The following singularfacts, are copi
ed front Mr. Charles Spears' Esau) a on
the punishment of death, of which a se
cond edition has been Jul:tidied; •
" Volumes might he written. show
ing the brutalizing influence of this san
guinary law upon the community, and
especially on those who witness the
scene. the following installs-e is.given
by Mr. Livi:igston ; John Lechler was
executed in L•measter, Penult% ania.
a nd while one old (offence was aton e d
for. more than a 'dozen new ones wer e
entmnitted. and sortie of a capital grade.
'Twenty -et , ht persons were rommitted
to jail on Friday night, fur divers (deu
ces at Lan aster. stud, as murder, lat
rev. assault an I battery, Sie.; hesides
Mint; •gentlemen lost their pelet b000k. , .
though dm pick-poekets escaped. or the
jail would h ive overflowed. In the eve-nine. as one Thomas Burns, who was
employed as a weaver in the faetory at
Lam-aster was going home.' he was suet
by one Wilsen. with whom lie h ai l ( , ) m e
previous mismoterstanding. when
.‘V d
ean drew a knife, and, gave him shiers
stabs in sundry , places. which.. ace con
sidered mortal.; Wilson was appreheM ,
tied and committed to j oil. and hail the
same irons put on him which had searee
ly been kid off long enough to let-Lech
ler to get mold." It meared, on enqui•
ty, that Wilson was 'ens- of the crowd.
o Very lately', in the State of Ohio,"
says Mr. - Rantoul in 1836, already quo.
tea, .• on the tlay on which a man was
executed for the murder of his wife, tin
der yin umstomees of peculiar cruelty, an
other 'mail near the place of executim ,
murdered his wife in
.the same Manner •
t s
and this is by no means theonly instanee
where the crime see' - .11 to have been di
reed:: suggested by the punishment in
tended to prevent ail.'
•• A man by the name of Strang, had
been convicted _of .a fold murder, cum
-minetbzorr':ol4* Hill, in Al tatty, 4):
.shooting in road iflourd,' and row the vilest
purpose. Mr. 111 hippie; an eneurismg.
and worthy - Citizen. Levi Kelly„,a far,
mer (tithe town of Otsego living hetween
sixty and seventy • miles. from Albany:
heard of the day:eirlteMStrang4tas to he
exemed. SW' soon after' ex pressed •or his'
neighbors a determination to be present ,
at the exhibitioin. I, have been itifoinied''
that he had - then; neVer *Seen "aTtfilit
, put ,
to death.- Kelley was aittaniif respee
t table connexions, and I , believe of correct
mnrakott any rate hr was: ot distiOl,niedi=
ed for immorality ofany,iiind.,.. ,He Was.
hoivever; knOw •to poSsess very vindie
iiVP paSSiiiri. He went form Otsego*,
Albany for the, sole spqrpoge of seeing
Strang, executed. On his rettorn.. he
;seemed entirely engrossed by • th e e xt o l::
hitimt he hatkirittiesseil( He( talked of
nothing else !n the • road; and' at pUblic
houses where they stopped for refresh-.
. .. • , •
mia, -' -- -.- -' •' " ' ' ' ' .
'• A man lived in Kelp's it;Mee . l) , the
name of Spaff With tylinnt.iie. had
softie Hide' &Slaty.' , le4than a fun
night arter Strang hutrvan atkr ra .
- t iNt PrgArlcl -,I !KYveM. SPar
ford:"witen KelJy•seizetL ti hided gun.'
and ehgt Spaffitnt.thiMithrjthe heart.i—..
ramble offence:lle raefitieil.tVitniietede ,
and executed. Thetevielintst partiple
of evidence that Kellteras insintrit the'
t• "
riatiatea t- *At act. • Ite,ca :
was a case cstrere t4,spegtsiir,„hasteni
""aniet c . tetlit:q . and %Wit!
Veaton.ftiewiiirtilte gad just'
seen.,4letTible pvgioltrurnt 061e4h in=
. Oti ift4 evening . ..of the day:On which
Kelly :14fid...40g;.:".asii - .I:ktia t ne of
()mike thitieghborlto` d • 00"
, ,
,o (1 . pers.
I vi• is pi seiit t thex •1"
tvirt.,w to , t .. p(„1 ion
c~iintniltedsuicide 'by hanging.. Noti.
may !trot.; the 'plidosepWeal , inquirer be
pertnittethoi indulge . the.ronjernire that.
the -public - eteentitia - 'Of Strung; instead
of tending oicpietierre , life, lei t it, the des'.
,triictiOn of three other fires.
Otillivan• gives the following :gee'
ling,.nistanee.:—..!rwo or three.doys ;t:
ter the exce,ution of Leildings;a fi nk boy
of Abut , it ; years Of age.' the . delight of
.Itighly tespt;etible sad estimahl i k,paients,
'hung flimsy!! filitti . .the.hatiisters of the
stairs of his father's house in
• There is another .:view that should
be taken.of. this suhjert. which - is.'that
public executions lead'to the.eommisston
Of illiieide . . • lite frequent recurr e n ce of
suiridel after such seasons is facts well
estahlislicd, and in a form, ion, scarcely
known to, the Junients. i. e. strangulation
by suspension.- • • „
- .
The celebrated Volitey. in a t Tiler
t die Nornimi sdinails at Prik . telated
how rilarerfally he linitheen tifre.ctediu
lila a' joarne.y lie. natle in France, alter
the conclusiOn - of the .• reign of toTor,"
by :the Spectacle of a !Dowd !of n
;who. in different provinces-amused .them
selv's iiiilltiptiiiik"eals .4'6(1 I (.li:iv kens to
supply the place of theTyxeeutions which
hail,•beromelests frequent." •
tient becomes hardened by
scenes orrapiiie and Murder; mid those
who becothe tvitnesses of sanguinary
pintishments . only waiit fair proetteatinits
of 'poverty or attger,lo, -061;141r:4.111e
same crime for -w •eraitital 'liken
deris punished. Renee, the eorrttpting
influence of war. as. well as of 'the law
which sanetions the.punishment deatli.
We are tint aware how much the battlt
field has dime to clump' public semi
meats. We have not, however, taken
nn that inhiret in this work.,! heeause
though it is allied to it. yet rve preferred
to prevent it in a seperatefliSsertatton.
A wren+. who was exeru.ted at me
ter: Ent , land..on being removed from
the bar. and sentence of death hul I , een
*set' exentimed - to the hystanders, , .. I
have killed many men to please the ging'
and_why should I. not kill one to please
myself ?" One of the soldiers who . was
taken up for wantonly shooting a man
at lestwithiel. in 1814. op wi : lnessine
the honor and agitation of !the peaeeful
townsmen. very cooly ofwerred. t' Here
is pr. tty
. fuss killing one man;
w h y I h, Te seen 'moan ds "
Epigram. 1
not in debt." "Oh, youneed not have
. said it ;
Where the it we. my dear feln.•, could ion
• have got credit!"
16a.Toung BriO.
We array. 'ourselves for' , marriage in
flowers.; and wear dark mow ning tires•
ses for the last sorrow feStivity
attends a fellow tieing to his sepose. And
this often inight he ex:," l reversed.—
Bo the custom is beautiful- 7 -'llw the
birit of a )dung hride to vices the heart
involuntarily to joy. The festal attire,
the tu% rile wreath upon the virgin brows;
all , the affectionate an.l the :lintel
patiohs of the Intuit.. wltivlt I auliraily
accompany her-t-nr:.pture us. Otie
sees in them 'a new home Of love raised
on earth ; a peaceful ,N.,alt's Ark ton the
flood of life, in whielt L ille white
(hive of peace will dwell :intr build- her
nest ; loving ehildren, affectionate words,
looks, and love-mato' hearts-dwel in:the
new Innuei•friesids v ill flijOV thein
selves under hospitable roof and many' a
heauntid gift will and full of
hlessitet diffuse itself over life. There
stands the young !ride, creator of till's'.
--hopes and joys go forth' with' her.-;.-,
'Nn one thinks ofsufferingS at a 'carriage'
And if the eyes. iii 'the hide stand full
of tears: tiller cheeks are; pale, and her
whale being. when the bridegroom ap.
proaehes her fearful and at o l se
even then people ill notl l think of this
' and intllrs Wild; at the
J,. N is , just so of my' wedding
ilayhiii'lltat passes nvei.with time
Does a more heavily trietliheart feel per
haps a sigh arise 4 ithilt,4lten Cnntetn
plates the pale, troubled, !bride. it coin-.
itiAt'll,, in Order' not fo disturb ituw
marrtageiov, with, "0, that i& the way.
of the wUrld." , •
Tar. - cfnATF.pvi.,s,Aii. 9 .,--At.the hat,-
ilk - (,4':l`rsitalg l r„., 3 .gettertn.s Brillsll sal
,a, brother tar ihlitetlitlg p ro .
tneiely. Irtint n opverp•wminil.• ran to Wit,
nswistapre, -- lin fintl im ti'mprtfr - raifiri)'
hittifrtliti tliti tips sin : . ir (itch ' he, fell,
than the irtiuntlell man shill—, ~ , ....
'l't►ank ynn.:.lnek ; and please Coll;
I'll 414, the Rama .far . before we
hell R aler" - • `.E " •
[law . many • ought to 'feel, enjoy and
understand poetry who are quite inn
sibte to 'h.! InanY (Met not to
atiempt to ereate it trhe Waste theinsekvs
in the (Hiltless enterpriiel It 'Must be a
fty that hasno palate for honey.
inust•he- a cons gited. one that tries to
Make it.
..}-fron•t-firsit iatelri;" tretutidi;
er •
said e r i a'td i tuarier of beef
AD. a jk b at „e.ustornera:r7 •I.
damkcellars.sbout Whin each. -
ut , i;
titi t ftgaibtehigactinc ; ' ,
dating /Jilting:loo entitititineecottiftwens
eltir:Fiesdii. the:1101101e
,ycepine 60 ninitFticteil es teeffoilrill tusiiincient
outlet !lir' the Superabundant angers, we can
pect nothing lesS:than that the surrounding
country •be"!; • ' •
-• :.;srstywnststan WITH 1211" 710011. -
In *Ake indnilet , with die human botly=if the!
(the natural ant
i* for - .
vsztass anis eoanurr ntrssoas)
to skit' io affording s
full discharge; td chain inipurities which - are in
all Cases'. - •
,1. 1 7.5%,-coss•ort Inca:rags
we ,stise a ly, c/pelApc , ct nu outer . resu . he Airs that
the wh ole fnemet Gill sooner ur 'later be'•
eiviistwinizo WITH DlREillt.
Aiin' the first' place. if se would 'prevent an
inundation we must remove an. obstructions, to
the free diseharge of the aupembuudaut waters.
80, in, the second, place, if. we •would.prereot
and cure disease. we must open and keep open,
all the Natural Drains- of the body.
WMOVIT'S IYDIhiS yserraat.s.ertze,
Of the Nfrfh•Ameriean Colite' of Health.
.14111 be &undone of the best Wont the very
for carrying out this beautiful end simple theo•
ry ; because they completely dense the Stomach
and Bowels from all B.llious Humors antrah.
ar impurity, and in the same time promote a
healthy diacharge - trout the Lungs. Skin. and
Ki.lneys: i consequontly, as all the Nature
Drains are opened,
D:sioss of iTery name is literally driver: from
•the Body
ea' Caution—As- the great popularity and
consequent great. tleomuci for .1•V right's Indian
Vegetable Pills has raised•upe hnstot ciiontor
hers. country agents and storekeepers will be
on_their guard spins', the many . i mlwaktewho
are travelling about the country 'riling to the
unsuspecting a spurious . article for the genuine
It should be renirmbeierl - that all authorized
agents are provided a Certfraie of Agency,
signed by WILLI sat Wnt OHT, Vice Presiderit
of the N. A. Collrke of Ilealthic Vonsequent
ly. those who offey Indian .Vegetable Pills, arid
cennot show a erracate. as above deacribed,
will he known's( imposters.
The following highly respectable throe
• keepers have been appointed Agents for the sale
of 1
end of whom, his confidently believed the gr•
nuinr rnedirinr% can with certainty be obtained:
J. D.& E. D. filontanye, Towanda.
D. Sank, P.M.. Hornbrook.
S. W. & U. F. Pomeroy, Troy.
Lyman Durfry. Smithfield:
J. J. dr. C. Warfurd. Munroeton.
Wm. Gibson, Ulster.
Ulysses Moody. Asylum.
John Horton Jr.. Terrytown.
Coryell & Gee, Burlington corners.
Benitmin Cliolbtush. Canton.
L. S. Ellsworth & Co., Athens.
Allen & Storrs. Sheshequin.
Guy Tracy, Milan.
A .R.Soper. Columbia Flans.
Offices del/toted exclusively to the sale of the
medicine wholesale and retail. 228 Greenwich
atreet. New York. 'No. 198 Tremont street.
Boston; mid 169 Race street. Philadelphia.
ILWABV. OP C0UN . T1311PE1T5.....-The public
are respectfully informed that, medicine purpor •
ins to be Indian Pills, made by one V. 0.
Pack, are not the genuine Wright's Indian
The only security against imposition is to
purchaQe from the regular advcrtised wens
and in all omit hp particular to aslcfur Wnglit's
Indian Vegelable Pills. (not 6m.
4-31 b. mr.zr..reg 41m.
ELK. 131.111 sOIETH so.r,
HAVE commenced the manufacture of
S . addles. 'Undies, Hatness,, &c.. &c.„ in.
the horough Tooanda. in the building for
nierly occupied by S. Hathaway, too dowry.
went of I. 11. Stephens' tavern, when. they will
keep con,tantly on hand, and manufacture to
coder. •
Elastic iPeb. Common and Quilied,
pv2a7.1. 1 1Z ,9
Carpet Bagi,
Valises. 4!c•
and Military Work
Carriage Trimm i n g
don« to order.
Mattrasses. Pew and Chair Cushions mode
on short notice and , reasonable terms.
the subscribers hope by doing their work
well, and by a strict attention to business, to
merit a share of nalie patronnae.
~: EI..KA.NAH 8:111TH
Ton and*. May 14, 1844.
Lai ~I 31321}812 amimas
NO. 3 , :BRICK • ROW. •
.ace happy to be able to inform our
neighbors, that the. BRICK 131.0 qt
Is' t ' and the citizens of Bradford county. ge
nerally. that we are this day . receiving at . Nti.
3, a new anti extensive assort!' Mt of SPRING
AND 'SUMMER -GOODS. which have been
,purchasetrin . the city of N. iv York for cash and
Goem 6,1163)11-2 goodly portion ul thew direct•
ly opposite 'the door.ol One Berrey,heldon and
one John McNeil. Our goods have been pur
chased under, such circimrstaircca . as to enable
Us to - sell Oren veil cheap. -• We du, therefore,
pledge ji l it*lv es . to sell as low for ready pay.
as any f Coro in Bradford county. Our stock
consists of
Dry Gools..Croceries..Hardware and
Crockery. Drugs:4- Medieines;!
Dyewoods'4-'Dye . strffs,
In fart, we hive - on hand eimost erm article
uauelly kept in - a 'country . We mill ax.
change our goods 'll4 -Caell..Produce of _any
kind; all deaeiiptiona of I.ninber., good-fiebk
hotter, avoid. theeplelte. hides. tic Ar.
We actinowtrdne ohr 'Ohllgationa to y .
friend* ho have awful : l)y tie thmugh th e '• hard
thnea." - and fondly hnlieh) I+e ship to aiske it
an object for (him taronlinue their 'petronagr.
• WM. H. 13.41111:1,
Towanda. May 'B. 1844..
ll:Yanflercook's Cabinet Shop!
toohaerther 'n I ro ategnenertof 11l health
_ , to diapniet of ,
.hitt VaNnet
HiLlatabliatourni conalyta.Of-flhitrtyliumber.
Mahogany. Hardware, Tnoht, Flll,llllll*, '&0.;
&c., whlch.h• dlp. fall Ail roaiwinahle terms fur
.gaih. or short credit whit good antete ' •
May SI, 1144.
' 2 i'y ~:.
Z , itZ. •
1, 'ors OnlilYl/1111:1111411.1011
.r ,
' t •
- : ,
5' public generally : that he is
manufactom of the beat mu ft i
ost substantial and. elegant. f i t ,
riptiona of Boot. and shoe,.
Itlaroopm Calf and Coarse Boots r
adies' shoes and gaitets ;
All wink made by me.ail le al
t well• mile: • Call and tty.
CogOli,i•Ptotiocy token in pay ,
27PL •
Attie to
I keep en h 1
stand, ell
to and
Atms kink
steeds of every
`irk we am
th or Covet
NING done to order.
Towanda, Novetnbee 1 0tb,1841
giggys Tgainaliaer
wiLcox tons
'themselves in 'the 130 st sti
ink business, in the borough of
door west of the Claremont Hobs!, I
a share of - public potronage. The;
a careft I selectir n of stock. and b)
the interests of their cuetomere,w q t r
and durable work as can be ii.stalli at
thistertion of the country. "
'('hey keep constantly on hand,la c i
'lured - tire to enter, morocco. calf II d
harts and shoes; Ladies' Gait, rs.
slips; children's do.; gent's gaiters blii
&c., dtc. ' JOHN W. Vt 11.0
re da. bf
W HIPS &C , &C.
of the latest fashion attl tett iimb
made to.order on moderate terms fa nn
Most kinds of country produce sill le
In exclamge for work.
April 17, 1844
A special Preciamatitu
HALSI ED, es in doer t
E. • returns oanct re thanks is It;
have favored thrir Nato nags c
nom past. and assure, all silo may fie! a
',crest in the information, that he lull nu.
at the old stand. ready to eititnßlo. l l ,
all manners. kinds and coaditiou of
lienaries, Groceritt. r7gGti. 4e. 4e..
usual liberal prices. and most ecrcza. ,
terms, to la it—For cash only. -
To the Thirsty, he would 110i+
WATER is unrivalled. Small he tt
rious other beverages are constantly on
To the Hungry. be it proelainuitho I
established a MARKET in tbe hoonint
establishment, where FRESH REA IB .
kind.,rioas sina, my c 8
will be kept
os tantlY '
Shaving and Bait Dressir
-JOll .Carter, Barber and hair Dm! ,
piETUMVS his thanks to his ntar
customers, and informs them the I
removed his shop to the small building
north side of the public square, one do,
of the Exchange Hotel, where he ail! It
at all reasonable hours, ready lb Wilt on
whom ty favor him with a call, in Ha
manner possible.
TcTaude. May 6, 1844.
OT. YA RN and Carpet Wore: C
Li end' White this day received 8%
•.C< Row.
Bradford Repor
ST i. R 000DRIttil .4111iD SIO
W 1023 Et
Two dollars and fifty cents perusal%
sive of postage. Filly ei nts
within the year ; and, for itah g uitar;
Vance, ors noLLAn will t.e dedt.t.
tAubseribers at liberty to disrenth ti
titue by paying arreamges.
Advettisements,„ not eat cedirg s it"
serted' for fifty cents; ever) ttl
Lion twenty-five cents. A liberal (Is t
to yearly advertisers. .
Twelve lines or less make a *Ow'
Job printins, of every dew:nous rrri
expeditiously executt d, on new r. lota
I:netters on business prrtsirit r " '
Bee, must come free of postage . wow'
lion:— - -- •
The following gentlemen me tir!tr..
'receiiiettheciiptions fit? the Mahn, I:
end to receipt for pay mends it en
0. 11,'Hautitcit. .... ..
L R Came arm. .. . •••• ". •
COI. W. E. 'fl-esircitr,. • . • .. • •••••••°
E. Aieeerwar.L. ....... . .... .• •
J.E.GooDatca, ........ . ....... • .
B. Coossavos, ... ..... . ..........