Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 11, 1844, Image 3

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    0 41,14iy. 12;28 inches, 18 Cents.
fal .4
_3O sc.
olte we Attll. notice ; is
e-, 0 , j e n, a _
coarse twilled snide
jDell d cotton,- for winter panta.
We-paid in 18-
'loots ie,1843, J 7 cents ; the
vow cts.feryard,,and sell
.dly. Th e t inej;ty of this aril.
1 4 13 0 1 12 y b e said, Varies, but the quo-'
opt the identical 8213113 Odlity
P '4, manufactured by the , s ame
ly :,nut sold by the same commi:-
b o l for die same quality, and
-hoed by ourselves as suc h . -
The next article we shall uotice is
e e asinets. An article called.
lqep's Grey," manufactured or
t America" Wool in its ,natural co- I
bnugfit in !842 at 25 cents; i n
, 1 15 cents t and now held and
~,sgai.47/ Cents. . A common Mix
,olimei of ti fine texture, but lighter
,e than the Sheep's Grey." well
In t o the trade, but the name not
geo ligmed, -,sold in 4842 at 27.
in 1843 at 31 to 3t4 cents; it
beld at. 474 cents ; and the agent
les to•day tbat the price will
advance to 50 cents when the
1 finer article of mixed cassinet,
!tared by the Maverick comps
bought in 1842 at 52f cents;
at 62i cents.; the same article
Is held at 75 cents, and at that
is'considered the 'cheapest in the
advance - in common cotton
nearly_or quite as great in pro-
Malin coarse woollens. For in
n, the very lowest priest and corn
wale of prints. fugitive colors.
'xiugtitirt 1842 at 3i tea ;_ in 1843
midfrom 4i to. 51 ; they are now
al from 51 to, 64 cents.
must be remembered that this ta
resents only the prices paid to the
Ifacturer by thel-package or large
its. The jobbing merchant (as
called) must have his profit of
ler cent. on those.prices, when
41s to the country merchant by
piece. The country merchant
have his profit of from 25 to 30
:nt. upon the price he pays when
Its to. customers by the yard.—
then articles of Anne!, Glasgow
aud cassinet, and add the jobber's
and the retailer's profit to the
• prices of 1842, 1843 and 1844,
ir,lt she_result:'
with the jobber's and • •
profit added in - 1842, 25 cts.
quality • 1843,A3
- - - 1844, 42
.)w jeans • - - .1842, 20
• ' iwo6 quality - .1843, 24
- - 1844, 28a311
theep's grey cassinet,
- - • :1043, 95
" wee quality" 1843, 55 -
" 1844; 65
ill now show you the difference
consumer, between the two ex
nice, of 1842 and. 1844.
ill suppose'that 'a laboring man
himself 3 yards of flannel for a
tad 3 yards of sheep's grey cas
tor a . pair of Pantaloons io 1842:
7oupt would stand thus :
ifannel at 25 cents per yard, 75.cts.
up 's grey eassinet at 35 etssllos
st"9 o
• suppose the very same man
les the same articles at•the pres
le44) prices: his account will
flannel at• 42 eta-.,
sheep's: grey causipet at 65, 1 95
,$3 21
ang a 'difference against the• la
,man, since 1842, in a single pat
o; a coarse flannel shirt and a pair
, alaatis of the very coarsest cas
.,ol'ots-dollar and forty-one cents,
latuly eighty per neat. advance ;
7, at the tame tithe, the man who
the rery finesi, broadclothi and
lieres does not pay one single
ggovance_up on
his clothing since
The same - advance of 80 per
a vard-of cloth at $5 would
uP to $9 yer , yard
lave made tip this statement with
from an examination of our
Irchases., and from other an
vourcei, but, with one or two
ns, the atatement is taken front.
invoicei, . You may there
with perfec . tconfidence upon.
strictly correct.
nkspqedully, yoga,
lea Indian •Vegetable Pi lls-witl,
Inc of the best medicines in the
the cure of zit diseases ofjhe
!ause they eipel from the body
Aid humors wbich. when de.
lon this importankcirgan, are
Jf every variety of liVer com 7
From four to'six of The above
..Indian Vegetable Pills. taken
fight on going to bed. will in a
give such marifest relief that
!ot_or permission will be ne.
induce a perseverance in their
le liver is restored to; healthy
pain or distress of every
liven from the bcidy.
Cantiork.-45 counterfeitirs
avoid all storeefut doubtful
Ind be particular, In, ail
for Wrfghr a 'lndia n: rep.'
eat the state .of J.
t. bi.Towanda, and
Iked in. -another comm a of.
MR: GOODRICH :-4 send you* copy
of a letter_ from Gen. IL K.../14IIHONDe
in answer .to one Iwrote, bun respecting'
J. K. niorsi Character, and tw
spent to his being a Roman Catholic.=
You will publish it if you think privet !
and oblige a number of subscribers. .
• Milton. 27th. August, 1844.'
. DEAR FRIEND :—On , my return from
Philadelphia, I received your welcome
letter of the 12th inst. With regard to
the moral character of James 14:Polk, I
can safely say from' my personalknorvl
edge of him, and that derived frm men
in - will= I have full confidence, that it is
without blemish or stain. He as well as
*his wife are members of the Presbyterian
Chtirch, and you May rest assured that
any statements come from what quarter
they may, against his moral or religious
character, are babe slanders. Mr. Polk
was speaker of the House two years
when I was 'a member. I was well an.
I quainted with him, and I do not think
our party could have selected a 'more to•
lented and in all respects better,qualified
inth 4 . 11 fill the important office. I have
no doubt of his Ineitij.". by a triumphant
majority. Yours,,dre.;
R. H.
Cognation) Content&
At a meeting of the Conferees of this
CongressiOnal district, held at Towanda,
on Tuesday, the 10th inst., the Plowing
persons appeared as Conferees from their
respective counties :
Bradfor&—Edson Aspenwall, IL Laporte:
Susquehanna—F.B .Streeter, A ,Latbropt
Tiop—A. Brewster, John C. Knox.
On motion, EDSON ASPENWALL, of
Bradford, was chosen 'chairman, and J.
C. Knox appointed Secretary.
F. B. Streeter nominated Gm. FuL•
LEE as a candidate for Congress. to sup
ply the vacancy (occasioned by the death
of A. H. Read) in the present Congress.
A. S. Brewster nominated DAVID. WIL
MOT a s-n candidate fur the next Coh
On the first ballot, GEORGE Fuu.r.a•
received all the votes, and was declared
duly nominated as the - candidate of the
democratic party of thts Congressional,
dikrict, to supply the vacancy in the pre
sent Congress, and DAVID WILM(Yr hav
ing received the whole number of votes,
was declared duly nominated.
The following resolutions were offered
and unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That we hive the utmost
confidence in the ability and integrity of
represent this district in the Congress of
the United States, and that we' present
their names to the democracy of the dis
trict under the full assurance this; they
will be triumphantly sustained at the bal
lot box, notwithstanding the open efforts
of the whigs, or the secret efforts of dis
organizing democrats.
Resotied, That the next Congression
al conference be held at Towanda, on the'
second Tuesday of September.
[Signed by the Officers.)
74. f 16 ' Tr 001:300P
And Cheapest Prices !
BURTON . KINGSBERY, has just receiv
ed and is now opening a splendid assort
consisting of
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware,
Crockery. Paints, al, Dye
&es, 4-c., 4.c.
which he will sell very cheap for Cash.
Towanda. Sept. 7. 1844.
news from the Vermont elf.etion. Such.
as we have, is in 'favor of the whiga of
WoNnatt if, the Coons have found out
who that, Mr. Polk is, that was never
.heard of until the meeting of the Balti
more convention ?
$1 26
Democratic Mass Meetings.
At Leßaysville, Sept. 23.
..dt Rome, 25.
bytery of Susquehanna is to meet at
Towanda, on the third Tuesday of September,
at half past seven o'clock P. M. instead of the
last Wednesday in Aug., as heretofoir.
J. FOSTER, Stated Clerk.J.
BY virtue of a writ of Fled Facies issued
from the court 'of common pleas of Bled
ford county, to me directed, I . shall expose to
public sale at the house of E. Raymford in the
Borough of Towanda, on; Monday, the 7th
day of October next, at one o'clock, P. M.,
The following described piece or parcel :of
land situate in Litchfield township, and boun
ded as follows : beginning at a pine knot and
stones and a rock oak witness N. 67° W.. 15
links; thence N. 34° W. 100 p. to ti white
oak sapling for • cornet; thence E. 120 p. t' a
chestnut sapling for a corner; thence north
twenty four perches to the south wrist corner of
a reserved lot for Solomon Merrill a post;
thence E. 131 2-10 p. to a post . f 'Earner for
Chauncey- Perks; thence S. 194 p. to a post
on the N. line of David McKinney's lot; thence
W. 231 2-10 p. to a post a white oak,.N.i3°
W. marked as a witness; thence N. 16 p. to a
-post B.E.corner of a lot bought by the paniel
of the first part from Robert Spalding;' thence
W. 150 p. or to a post on the town line be.
tween Athens and Litchfield townships; thence
north on said town line 60 p. to a post; thence
,E.'55 p. or to a corner S. 6 8-10 14 of a lot
fonaerly deeded to Daniel Parks; thence N.
6 8-10 p. to said Park's comer; thence E. 19
- p : or to another of Park's lots or place of begin
ning. Three hundred and twenty seven acres
and twenty eight perches more or less.; •
ALSO—One other lot beginning at a crook.
ed chestnut the S. W ! COTITet of a lot surveyed .
to Daniel Dime ; thence N.lOO r. to a hemlock
sapling; thence E.BO to • post; thence S.-100
p. to a post ; thence W. 80 p. to the beginning.
Containing fifty acres. more or less x-and-both
pieces - inclusive containing three hundred end
seventy seven acres and- twenty eight perches
with about ninety acres improved and a framed
house, one franied and one log barn. ands two,
apple, orchards thereououtd one half sate mill.
&hid and taken in execution , at the suit of
Benjamin Lambert to this use of Li: H.' Sher
man vs, Quirks Chandler: 't
• , Jag.; WESTON, Simi*:
- 7 116
. 110 OffiCflor
TowatataAT 1041544. J
1 , ...-,l4ll,!,,:,oolVan,:Ackerl
• - ; •••••••••", 3
eut of the " for 401; we tome,
theln r effort. of Miry'and John:
•TRANGE as it unif imipitiktite first! sari -
Seal of Fall and Winter Goods in this mar
ket MO now opening at no. $ Brick Row.
Our assortmen t eonsista of the greatest Tali&
over offered in tins - To enumerate one
tenth partthe article. would occupy too much
space, we will therefore content ourselves by
saying we have Cloths, ,Cassimeres, and Beni
netts of every description; Foreign arid Domes
tic Prints of varied. styles and patterns, plain
striped and figured, black brown Alpachas,
Muslin de Leine; Merino" different colors,
Flannels all colors and qualities, Canton Flan
nel, Plaid Cloak and Overcoat lining. Liherre
different, 'qualities, Blimehed Shirting; , Liuen
Table Diaper. Winter Veitings a grest.varit 2 ty,
,Black Satin. Silk Velvet, a splendid issurtment
•of Bonnet Silks. Ribons, Artificial., bilk aid
Wasted Serge. Grecian Bobinet and Ashbur
ton Lace,Lace Edging. inserting and Footing,
Muslin nserting. Foundation. Ribbon Wire,
Bonnet Wire, Black and Colored Silk Fringe
and GiiriP great - variety.'Black Bugle Gimp.
(fashicnable) &c.4lr.c. • • -
The attention of the Ladies la quail in par
'titular to the greatest variety of Shatvls,faney.
Colored de Lanes, changeable GM de ,
and Velvet points, Dress Handkerchiefs: Rosie
,. and Gloves of every description; 30 doz.
• ' -all sorts, sizes and kinds, Che
, mitts, comprising _ •-blisi• bead hair pins
felinity. Wen, cuffs and t- se w.
and wriatletts,neck,-mq; and bonnet Abu..
ever offered at any one store inthil
A.large aisertment, which will be sold Cheap,
wholesale or retail.
, SHOES le. •
For turth4r panicidaro call on
• Aro.3 Brick Row
Towanda, September 7, 1844.
Domestic Cottons.
n YDS. Domestic Sheetings.
Sioo‘, 600 lbs; Cot. Yarn. 60011 w.
Cot 'Carpet 'Warp, whitcL and colored Batts.
Wadding and Wicking a large supply, all
bought for CASH and will be sold as cheap as
the same qualities can be bought in Elmira.
Ithaca, Owego; or any other place this side of
New York. We doutask our friends %Oak/.
our word fur the above but cell and ifitisfY
yourtelven nt
September 7.
LEATHER. 2,000 Rm. Etole Leather,' also
Cow, Kipp and Calf Skins of the best
quality just arrived at BAIRD'S
September 7. No. 9 Brick Bow.
Cod Fish and Mackerel
by. '- W. H BAIRD & Co.
B ROOMS, Pails and Looking GI:15108 by
September 7th. No. 3 Brick Row.
A RK ROPE and ARKS for aale et
September 7. N 0.3 Brick Roiv.
for sale at BAIRD's,
eptember 7. No. 3 Brack Rojo.
101 BBLS. SALT just arrived mud for
sale as cheap as the ehrspiv.t at
BAISD'S, No. 3 Brick Row.
PORK, Flour , Iron. Nails and Glass. con
scantly on band at reduced prices, by
Sept. 7
THER, superior quality for sale.
Sept. 7, 1844. B. KINGSBERY.
- - -
.111 . Me by B. KINGSBERY.
AE subscriber offers for sale his valuable
SAW MILL situate in 'the township of
Columbia. about , two mites from Columbia
Platte. The Mill is nearly new, well finished
and, in good order. h. is situate in the midst
of an extensive and valuable tract of white pine
timbe{, all convenientio the has an
abundinit supply of waterat all alums of the
year. Will be sold with from one to 140‘iicres
of land, about seventy acres of the lanais im
proved. Good title will be given and terms
made easy ifs portion is paid down.
Columbia, September 10, 1844. • - •
autoatiasim GraWit=c2o- ,
DR. ft. BORROUGHS would * respectfully
announce to the citizens of Amex. and
its vicinity that he has recently located himself
in the village of Monroeton fur the practice of
his profession, having fur several years been en
gaged in an extensive prelim •and from the
many opportunitiei he has had of • observing
disease in all its forms, be hopes by purictualhy
and strict attention 'to business to give entire
satisfaction to those who may place themselves
under his care. Office at J. P. Smith's Hotel
where he may all times be found, except when
professionally engaged...
Monreeton, September 10, 1844.
A LL persona iridehted 'to the estate of Pat
ris% Brady deceased, late of Illster
are requested to_ make ,immediate -payment.
and all those havintdemands against theTaame
are requested to firmat thern, legally ; attested,
for settlement.
, Ulster, Beptembarlo.lB44.
421 m 1111WILWILIEDO •
1 4 MORRIS WATTLECltuo : niefilit
S, CquEmellor —a rrif ffl # l 9 3oa r o ft
OfigiSUPS SOWN 0412030 ..
rOniainelit 'Oger at* the ()titan's
Court Pr4SyntY, there will be exr
posed to,publie Sale -'oit the premises, efone
o'cbick on thi - iflersoOn ofl'Aleed, l ll the first day.tif" . oHebef next. AEI tlillovring real estate;
towvitt.:.'4 , trod of land situate in Granville tp.
containing 108 actes or 'theteibotita; bounded
north on licit) of: J. Pratt; east =land of Ns.
jor Hawley ; south on land of Joseph Pratt,
and wett on land of Bte; ben -Yrontati.sand Mit
ers ; with about: fifteen acres :improved, atid s
frame tonic and log barn
.theremit erected. • ", 3
Attendance - wilt be given at the time and
place of sale by the iubsCribera.`
• All persons having_ demands : egaiust i the ett
titer are requested ` to attend.'
• JAHER HI-Ross.
Granville, September 2, 1844 3 -
J..N..Sumner, Surg eon Dentisl,
WILL remelts in ?roar - ands fart kw .days
. ard may be roundel Mr. Crass'. where
heivill'be happy' in wait on all ivho may Deed
hie prufessianal services. • - • ,
Towanda. September 2. 1844. , •
LL persons indebted to the Mite of Saki;
nm.n' deceased; lnie of Franklin t
are requested to make immediate payment, and
all *home hivint.demands against l the same are
requested to present them, legally attested f fur
ettlement. -
DAVID Aldiii‘triar: •
Orintelltob 4eiiii.4lNpi• . 2; 18441
AL. -L.: B3 c SagftWOOD,
itI:ZIPUBIErrin 4i4 c 2 &EV
W. BAIRD & J. t - n;: 14 : 00 D, hove
• opened an o ffi ce in' Tray. Brad.. Co. Pa.
and will attend to all business . of said office, in
thr line. of their profession 'ai eupartnent.
Sittairoon will attend punctually at said office,
in Troy. and E. W. Hat en may be consulted
et,any time in relation to the business of the
firm, at his office in Towanda. . 43-6 m
Watch and Clock Repairing.
• 7.tio • - •
l"..:- forms his friends and the
Palk ihat he still eontin•
, . -
.. u. to carry on the above
1 _ ',A D "' business pt his old stand.
j. : -. one door Smith of Elliott
Atiihk._- „. :!:/'.----' & Mtreur's Store. and
'''' , '----"..• . ready opposite the Hay
Scales. .
No. 3 Brick Row
Wateh and Clntk RrPairing,
Will be done on abort notice, and warranted to
ho well done. - Front a long experience in the
buttinett. he believ4 that be will he aide to'ren
der- perfect attiafeetion to all who miy favor
him With their patronage.
N.B. Watches warranted to run well one
year, or the Money refunded; and .8 written
agreement given to that effect to all that desire
One ."
CLOCKS. -A lame assortment just rectiv.
d and'far stile 'tete 19w . 10r rash.
If you - want to buy Jewelry cheap call at
Chamberlin's Watch Shop.
(15MSITM121-41.110 Lt1141:1132it.V4
WHERE AS, by en set of Assembly of
the Commonwealth. entitled, •• An set
relating toihe election in thla Commonwealth,"
it is et j..ined upon me to give public notice of
such election to be held, end also the enurne
nsion in such notice what lacers are to be
elected. I, JOHN N. WESTON. High Sheriff
of the county of Bradford. do hereby make known
end give notice to thP electors of said county.
that m GENERAL ELECTION will be held
in said county, on TUE.:SDA Y. the Bth day of
October in the several districts in said county,
to wit : In the district of .
A1,13A Pi Y.
et the school house in the north district neer the
house of W. Wilcox. In the didtrict of
at Jacob Frutchey's. lii ttier district of
at Judson & Kendall's. In tho district of
at Wrightman Fem.'s. In the district of
at the house of AIN M'Kesn. In the district of
at Benjamin Conibsuch's. In the district of
at the house of J eines Morgan. In the district of
at the house of S.S.Btailley. In the district of
at the house of Wm. Deemer. In the district Of ,
at the school lintise.Na. 1. at Granville coiner&
In the district of
at the house of N.B.Wetmnra. fn the district of
at the house of, R. ; Park. In the district 'of
at the school house in ' f erny. - Ip*ther , is i ttict of
at the house formerly occupied by L. owlet.
La the'istrict of
at the house formerly occupied by I. H. toss.
In the district of -
et the house of E: Dewolf. In" the district of
• : RIDGRERRY. • •
at the hectic- of 1.. Pierce. the district of
• RO M E.: • •
at chthonic of 1..5.M synatil . . In the d istrict of
at the house of Datil Brink., In the district of
et the housi,of A :J.Gernolil. In the distract of
at the boleti. of T. Wilder. lit the district, of
at the bolsi* of S. •Steien.. In the district of
at the school house neiir 'Asa Gillett's. in ,South
Creek: • in the dishiet of • •
at thi, Clairmont Hon4e. , the district of
, •,..I:OWANDA TP..• •
at the school house ireir Antrim C. ,Gregire.
In the distri4. of •• -•
"Roy.• ,
at the achael heuitin,the'village, of Try. In
the district of'
' 'SPRIN(4HII.I7; '
(forint.* Torairinittithilkhool bale Et c
J.,J. ‘, In the disiriet of • ')
;,—.l - 1 ULSTER. •' •
4116 , 0 ktkaol Saadsenth. lln the districi of
' ;1 - i" 'AY ARREN4
.2t the:hit:se Cooper4-•"lo tho srowilt of
,o . WE/41494p ~., t
4 . 11). bOtie l oc E.E.. /kW& ', L. ' " . tiin'tlisfriet of •
~ •1 ... . , °.•...:WINDHA.M s f' 7J , 'l
-at•thi hottheitte of 'E. Elliiill, rlielilied. ID
the dieitidt 4,4 -- ': -".,.:t e r. .t;. : ' ' —- t
........- ~ .. ; ; VitilLoUSibl .:, - •.• . .1
it th e Itrelesor.g. Vanghit.jrl•l die ilittriet of
•,_. IV, yisox , ..,
at Paint' Mreints. z,,At which ' e and place
t t
the electote:afoiesiddmill elect • billot7- •
.. —one prim in foiGovernOr of i litloutnteltha
• One peSton fitilettril Cotutfiei of this -
Pomunknwealtn. t h . - t. .- •11 ,::'.. .
fine la eraon to re Present the Tette" tkkied.
'foid.,Suognetrannts atulTiotpt i ,On kinitaikor
‘RePr,elen.Antiiei of theAlnited Natal. ;• '.
' Otteperson to 611 the name in. tide 'Cin• -
giessionshiiktriet occasioned - by • death ' of the •
lion. A. H , Read:. - ::.- ' 4 .‘• ', •
• Two pen k ans to .representthe no , of Brad.
ford an the Mouse of .Rep Wives "of Ibis
omonetek"th. • ' • -
i • 1 •
',' One person for tommistione of tide c.ounly.
One person for A'uditor of tbp county,'
At thaiaine .time and Pliers. agreeably , ti:abir
provisions Of the• act of Aisetally, trurkbetoted
by the electors of this county; fer or against the
sale of the Main ;Ape. The b . lots deposited
to be endorsed " Main Line,7., 4th the words
" for thnisle of the Mainline:, , upon theni. or
"against the sale of the. main line; as , theii
. • t
opinion May be: - ' • ' • •
k And in and by said net, I, further directed
to give notice " that eve. 7 pe excepting jus
tices of the peace, who serail hold any office -01.
it ; 0 .6% feet of profit ant tru4 under the
r• nuienl lif the United Sta tea, fir of *his flute, o r
M any city or incorporated district, wberlter *
eorn,,,,iestuned Officer or agent rho is, Or Ilia
he eta il eye jj'onder the legislatiye, executive or
judiciary depo i „.7ent of this stew, or of United
States;•or of any incot'w, rofedistrict, end also
that every member of flangre t and of the state
Irgi*leture, and pf the select o4cocamon.coun
ea of a ny city. or eenorission sof any incort
por toil district, is.. by law,incapable of hold;og
or iercising, at the same time; the ,oflee nr- IP
poi talent of judge, inspecter or r 1 of any
eleetion of this commonwealth, and tn."
. no in- •
speetor. judge or other officer cf any seen eke
lion. shall be then eligible to any office tel be
voted for. , . • r •
By the 4th /tertian elan ect i passed the 16th
day of April, 1840. it is provided." that the 13th
section of the act passed July od.lB39.entitled
"en act relating to the electors of this Corn
mon ealth,'' shall . ton be soccouttroed, as to
ins y nt any militia officerfrorn serving ',Judge.
1) ;
for or clerk, at any general or special elec
tion of this commonwealth. , • .
In the 61st sectionf the act first mentioned
it islenaeted. that " e ery general and soviet
election shill he open *twee eight and ten in
foreno..n and shall • continue • ' shoot interrnp
lion or adjournment until se • n o'clock in ' th e
evening. when the polls aha be closed. ~
It is further directed. that, be meeting of the
u i vi
Judges at the Colin: ;florist, n the borough of
Towandt, to make tut the 'general return, shall
be on the third day after the eleCtion; which
will' be on the 1 Ittrday of Getober.• • '
The conferees
-of this Coleressional. district
VHl.lllll'l at . the .Court House in the borough of
Towandi on the seventh day tiller the election.
which will be on the 15th day of October.
Given under my bend at the borough of To
wanda. the Std day of September, in the yeir of
our Lord one thousand eighti hundred and forty
four. and of the independence of the United
States the sistyminth.
is ti prevailing Opinion among theenlight•
etl Physicians of our country, that Canter
'is a mass of living animalcule. which have ta•
ken up their abode it the human system.•
matter how Small, or how low in the scale of
nature, the individual composing
Cancer may he, they were so tenacious of es
istenee. that the knife or the most powerful
causlic, are the only means by which they can
be removed.
When permitted to remain. they never fail
to multiply and spread to neighboring parts,
committing the most frightful depredationi. un
til death comes to the relief of their victim.--
Worms in children, may be Considered 'tome
what analogous. If they are less fatal; they
are infinitely more common - ; and if suffered to
remain. produce consequences scarcely , less
alarming. If the testimony of medical writers
is to he relied upon, they often produce mania,
apoplexy. eiAlep4y. palsy,convulsions and many
other diseases equally dangerous. and often fa
tal. But here the parallel stops. Cancer-seine
tole of the m st obdurate diseases, with Which
physicians have to contend, while worms are
easily dislodged by proper,regriedies.
has pillow] one of the Most valuable medicines
eer offered to the public for destroying worms
in ehildren. Hundreds of cask might 1* enu:
mersted. where it has produced the happiest re
sults. it is a syrup, and therefore easily !dim
glistered to children. Price 25, cents per bottle.
Ix. the present age. when !`,Patent.
eines" ere so numerous, and their properties so
utiblusiiingly eulogized by their respective Teo.
prietors, it becomes necessary for the pehlie (to
guard against imposition) to require some , so.
Itientic evidence of their santitivetiroperdes.
The Pocahontas: Pill is not ofered . aasmen.,
tidote for all the diieases to which flesh is brit.
We merely purpoie to show. by , the: successive
publication o f cenifi.aiee. voluntraily oTered,
that their present popularity is well (minded
and, that as a purgative me:lir:Me, titey have
proved pri4minently -beneficial. These Pills
are compounded according to thO ruby ritmedi•
cal science. are entirely vegetable. raid may be
safely 'given to cleanse the: stomach, purify the
blood.' retrieve infianimetiots, end correct the
morbid secretions. without regard to age, sex or
Certified* of
.11{r. W as Fallmer. of Turhet.
NorthuMberland county, Pa. say B , —" Forsuoite
years past. I have been suffeting from severe
and dentin , diseas eof the liver. Revere' phy
sicians had preicribetl for Mi. and I had taken
many articles highly recommended in the papers.
without any, benefit. .About twelve months
agn. thegan using the Pocahontas Pills, sett em'
happy to Say. that in s few weeks found my
disease entirely removed; since which I
been fro front eatigh and pain in lhe'sidit.' , aed
consider my malady milking etirta."--
Trice 25 cents rwr ho:.• 'Anentalof the silo
of que, aboyO L tneAcine. in: County
A._l) ! MOntanye. Towanda; •
. & C. Wiiford,-Monmeton
.iii..Dewing,,Warrenbsz; ;Iv!,
4 ? ; l l:T!gef.F. 4 ::Milapf. ;
.eorge 41 rietkins , .4 l oP ,
. >
7< • aiaT
WAIL • •
A,tr GOOD ASS,OW,rMENT e r mappkepTIP
I it e
i. : 2lT i atat i • ,
'June 29;1944. lirc4 3, Biill~crßiiec:'
A 116:1111011PINIXTIE itnidd reapectfot ,
1164'ottnotinaertd filitriatreand the p9b.
liAwnetalli that he bas iaeetii* - ih:i*based_ of
Mr. hie wive stick' . of Dregs and
Medicines, said yajth the addition of fresh arri.
lola from ibecitiotlif iSeit; Worn and Philadel
phia, is prepared tomene thaw fflaw l may favor
hint with a call in the best pwibil manner.
Hie tatortment catguts e • die:snide&
usually, found in wananny simplotteibm with
Oils, Points. Glass; ito..- s 6which will he•
sal etas moderato Fier o.rrthofitrlePlota buta*
mese Will admit of.
Phimiciang can J c aPPPlietriltme4 4 thsn ad
veisceifram the city purchases, 414 needy
opposite 11:JNir &Segel stare.
, Towands, Jens 113ttr.' 1844. •
UICItt9II WAN§E4 intionreCr4
Myer, vs. Pomeroy Gorselitio.. N 0.231
May Terto.AB4l3—' The lepoit of, the node
who au appointed bithienurt an Au
ditor toyepart.the lions aud <What° and apply
the money raised by Sheriff's salois this- ease,
his been recommitted to said Auditor forforther
!weft and iniestigatiOrC Notice is' thinfore
hey,eby,giero mill persists interested, thst said
Anditor attend 4u. dist purpose at biAoffletr
in the borough Of Toveinds, 'otiThtiraday. the
sth day a Sept.'nest, at two o'eltick:,P.M.
E. W...BAIRDi Auditor.
AtigUst Bd. 1844.
A IL pomp* indebted to the estate of I)seid
AL: Pratt dieessed, late of Canton township
are requested to make Immediate payment, and
all these hevingdemande -spinal the sinneare
requested to present them, legallyettested, for
settlement; . • •
. .
CHESTER PRATT, Adinundrstm
Canton, August 15, 1844.
HE Subscriber offis his farm; containing
TWO HUNDRED scree; situate in Al
ban3 *.townsbip Bradfurd county, Pa. for sale.
Thi e i. etior is peculiarly adapted to. grass, suita
ble for 141 or - sheep. - About one hundred
acres. are under good improvement end Well
fenced. 11, ildings consist of a good framed two
037 d we lli n g home with four rooms' n the
around floor.
et . , d four bed rooms on the second
n um, ki tc h en . posh house and, water closet at
tached. Bern; Ha:T. horse stabling. granary,
&c., &C. - He Will Aso sell the • stock, consist
ing of Cattle, Hm - srth ko4ilad'arsti the
farminc.utensils niny on the {arm
or further panicMaro apply to apply to C.
L. Ward Esq., Towanda, Po.; or to the sub. '
scriber on the premises. • ' • •
Albany. Aeg. 10. 1844. .
Tile New York Weekly 'tribune. end X,
Y. Evening Piet; ittiert three tit,nes and eberr
to this . olfiec., , 1 :,
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
purchasing a certain note given liy me
to ptolley'o. Ilumphry for seventy fiverdolhirs
being:doted in April or May 1839, as 1,01411
not psy the same unless compelled by process
of law. having received no value themen.
. • . W . HARRINGTON. •
Pike, August 18th, 1844:
enrolled militia within the builds of
. 11 the let Reg. (formerly 15th,)
9th Div, P.M.. are hereby notified - that an
election will he held in said Reg. on Sitiirday
the 7th day of Beptemb - einext for the purpose
of electing one pitmen for LIEUT. COL. if
said Rest. The Ist. Bat. will meet at COL.-of
house of Charles Bennett, in Standing Stoup
township. and the 2d Bat, at the house of Ira
H.Stephens, in Towanda born. The polls
will be 'opened at 10 o'clock A ' . M. ; and .clawe
at 6 P. M. Majors Terry and Culp will at-
tend and superintend the election in theirre
spective Battalions.
E.BARTON, Brig. Inspector.
2d. Brigade, 9th Division, P. M.
Inspector's Office,
East Smithfield, August 13, 1844. t
CIAME to my enclosure about the 18th of
April. a red heifer. The owner is re.
qitested to. prove property. pay charger' and
lake' her away.: P. HURLBURT.
Springhill, uly 17th. 1844.
George Frite.her and') In th e Court of Corn.
Martin 8 . Rogers, 1, Pleas of Bradford
vs. : r County No. 508
Jamb Illaso.
.) September. Term 1842.
HE undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Court to report the liens and distribute
and apply the Money raised from the Sheriff**
sal e.of real estate by 'lancer proem issued oat
the above judgement will attend for the besting
of the parties'at hitt office in the borough of Atli•
ens. on. Saturda y. the 31st day of August neat,
at '2 o'clock P.M.. of which all persons interest.
al will please take ratiett.
MENRY C. BAIRD. Antler.'
July 22d. 1844. • •
IBALE Portsmouth , Sheeting the heavies
. in market:, which will be Gehl cheep.
Juno 28, 1544. .H. BATED &-CO.
removed his Mid's to the new Brick
ga Block on Main street—No. tip I Who.
N the nigkt of the. 3d, a Gold Wait,'
tty Kat. betiveen Raynsfonl's andthe Clue
moot House. The finder shall ,be
rewarded by leaving it at this office. • .
July 4 1844.
ALL "persons indebted to the estate of Banc
Ennis late of Standing Stone township,.
deceased. sin hereby • requested to make lisp._
ment withont - delsy end ell persons having de: -
mands ag , sinst. s id estito Iwilf Qletis present.
ASA &MIMI\ S. Adm" "us t
F. S. wiwpmAx. !**
Standing Notte."Aninst. 16, 144.,
Inaba Lot of Newioods at no:1 Brieltlkiw
lIIE, ade tritiani have . just maim! Bens
i- - New fork. a froth eaPPIY ,or ligit 1
,Goodi,:antinig - which liii I large liarianniil. of, ~
.oont'il Leghorn . and'hant'Leef Ha tail betide:
'Gil Ititki Blue and '.other pia* Bla '' ritti - ind
csilla_ clo th e fat inandier..eresr; fiadt • Leabiiin'
*ad iitriw Boman% Bonnet Ribbons . •th
doh. -
lice-. dee. . ~ NY. H.. augp l kso.
.4 ''.lin• 8; 18:4: , " -" • - :