Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 24, 1844, Image 3

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[From thePerosTlvanian
folk nd Clay, ea' the Tariff.
w e pal:lain. much aniused by the
o f the whig journals to make a
pi • c
uty o. political capital out of
l il pan
P ' are pleased to call Mr. Polks
to the. Tariff. Selecting, as,
v inittj r among the
the approved fashion
a nd the Borers and their coge.
r , 3 passage from one speech, c a re.
withholding all that explains or
i libes or vindieates it, and then a d_
.410 it another equally curtailed of
Iportions; it requires an expendl
1110her of conscience than of inge.
;a y to make the opinions of a states,
1 w hatever for the time may be ea
,,,, t o combat or complain of. Seem:
I v in anticipation of this convenient
' eio f warfare on the Democratic
date, a friend of his addreiited
a letter some weeks ago, inviting
him a 9trenincs expression of his
5 o n thee - policy of protecting home
A i l :. Mr, Polk's clear and simple
t . has lien handed us for publica-
fbit our readers may the more read
ompare the views of the two Pres
tial Candidates upon. the same topic,
l i lt s. the latest expression..of those
, clay, as promulgated during his
utt.visit to North ,Carolina, and now
Shed under his immediate sanction - .
be seen that both gentlemen pro
, to raise,.by a tariff on foreign ina
-35, - whatever sum may be requisite
an e conomical administration of the
erliment, and so to adjust the tariff
t b a ipurpose, 'as by proper discrim
tions foster and protect Our domestic
Mry, -
We mt reject bOth the doctrines
free trade and of a high exorbitant
The partizans of each 'must
swine sacrifices of their peculiar
talons. They Must find some com
,groilnd, on which both can stand,
reflect that, if neither has obtained
tat it desires, it has secured some
and what - it does not,retain , has
gotten by its friends and country-
There are very few, who dis
from the opinion that, in time of
the-federal revenue ought to be
front foreign imports, without
sing to internal taxation. Here is
as for accommodation and mutual
faction. Let the amount, which
:quisite for an economical adnainis
ma of the government, when we
not erigagedin war, be raised exclu
lv on foreign imports, and in adjust
:tariff for that purpose, let such
=mations be made as will foster
moorage our own -domeStic in
try. All parties ought to be satis
with a tariff for revenue and dis
mations for protection.
June 19th, 18,14. 77
AR SIR have received recent
.everal letters in reference' to my
ions on the subject--of the tariff,
long others yours of the 30th
J. 11v,opinions on this subject
been often given to the public.—
are to be found in my, public acts,
the public discussions in which
cc participated. . _
a in favor of.a tariff for revenue,
t one as will yield a sufficient
it to the Treasury to defray the
tses of the government eeitnorni
administered. in„adjustitio• - the
is - DA as revenue . I haveebhere
sanetioned such moderate, dis-
sting duties, as would pro - duce
mount of revenue needed, and at
izme time afford realonablb loci
aftmection inereky, , and not for
Aclinzupo a these general principles,
Itilikaolvn that I gave my support
the Policy of of Gen._Jackson's ad
:is:rattail on this -subject. I voted
the tariff act of 1828. I voted
act o f 1832, which contained
if9catitins, of some of the objeetiona
rovisions of the act of 1828. AB
fiber of the. committee of ways
:ans of the House ORepresen
, I 'gave my assent to al bill re
-Iby that committee in December
'cloaking further modifications of
of 1828, and making also dis
itions in, the inqinsktion of the
which it proposed. That bill
pa ss . but was superseded by the
Dinmonly called the Compromise
for which I voted. • • .
judgment, it is the duty of the
ent. to extend, as far as it':inay
stable'' to do so, by its revenue
and ail other means within its
fair and just, protection to all
at interests of the whole Union,
agriculture, manufactures,
!abanic arts, co m rnerce,, and navi-
I heartily'approve the resolu
,art this subject, passed by the
!rade National Convention, lately
led at Baltimore.
, -
am. with great respect,
Dear sir, your ob't serv't
'K. KANE, Esq., Philadelphia.
following are the resolutions of
•icratic National Convention,
to by Mi. Polk :
I ttjoitice and sound policy for.
federal government to foster one
of industry to the detriment of
)1' to cherish the interests of
'on to the injury of another pot-
tion.of our common country:; that eve
ry citizen and every section of the
country has, a right toldemand'and in
sist upon an equality of pri
and to complete and ample pro
tection of persons and property from do
mestic violence or foreign aggression.
That it is the duty of every branch
of the government to enforce and prac
tice the most rigid economy in conduct-
ing our public affairs, and that no more
revenue ought to be raised than is re
quired p defray the necessary expenses
of the government.
VERS generally begin with yawning,
stretching, pain in , the bones, languor,
giddiness, and swelling about the re
gion of. the stomach, and other unpleasr
,rant symptoms.
"Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills Are
one of the best medicines in the world
sfor the cure of Fevers because they
RI - lige from the body those morbid hu;
rnors which are a :the cause of every
malady. incident to man. In all eases
of fever. from four to eight of Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills should betaken
every night,' or if the symptoms are
violent, night and morning. This plan,
if properly. carried out, will, in a short
time; subdue the most violent attacks
Fever ; at the same, time the digestive
organs will be restored to a health tone,
and the blood so completely purified,
that fevers, as well as every other dis
ease, will be driven from the body, and
health and vigor wilt be given' to' the
whole frame. -
Caution.—As counterfeiters
are abroad. avoid all stores of doubtful
character, and be particular, in all ca
ses. to ask for Wright's Indian Vege
table Pills.
For sale at the store of 3. D. & E.
D. Montanye, •in Towanda, and by
agents published in another column of
this paper. •
In Sheshequin on the morning of the 12th,
inst., LvcT M. youngest daughter of Giorge
Kinney Esq., in the 18th year of her age.
Thus has past from earth, another beautiful
and lovely being. Not beautiful alone in outward
form, but posse 7d of a mind of no ordinary
mould. Warm and ardent in feeling—kind
and amiable ip disposition ; her virtues endear
ed. heijto all / by.whom she was surrounded.—
But she has gone thropgh the sombre shadows
of the lonely valley, to her blissful home in the
far-off "spirit land." Memory will long linger
in the hearts of kindred and friends—it will tell
,sweet pleasures enjoyed ere the socialtircle
was bereft of - a loved one, and Perhais bedim
the eye with a, tear; but hope will point away
from the sorrows of earth, to the happiness and
'oy of a reunion in heaven.
•' Blessed are the:dead—the sickening strife
'Which marks earth's closing scene is o'er;
The cares, the ills, the griefs of life
Can rack theiEE bleeding hearts no more
The clouds whic dim our-summer sky
Are shadowles as rayriof light
When darkness seats the heavy eye,'
And wraps the dreary sense in night.
" Blesf are the dezul—the flowers which bend
Like gentle mourners o'er their graves,
And heaven's own choicest glories blend,
Fresh to the heart their memory saves.
They speak as do the'Summer birds,
. Of beatiteous dim decay,
And breathe those sweet, mysterious words^
Which fright the weeper's tears away.
" Blest are the dead--cternity
Showers down its choiceSi gifts to them,'
They sit beneath life's golden tree,
They wear its starry diadem.
Their light, their life is in the smile
Of him whose love looks down on all,
,They fear no change in that far isle,
No taint of sin, no funerall pall." [Cox.
THE POLE. CLUB, of Towanda
Township, will meet at the School
House near Maj. Fisher's, Saturday evening
August 3d, at, early candle light. A gene
ral attendance is requested. -
'II L ")
L. W. TIMPIrj.
- •
. A CAMP MEETING will 'be
held in Litchfield, Bradford county,
Po., commencing August 14th 1844. Friends
and preachers are invited to 'attend. No per
son will be 'allowed to sell any thing that the
law prohibits within three miles of the ground.
REV. MR. GIBSON' will preach
at the Court House in this Borough
on Sunday evening next. Services to com
mence at early, candlelighting. Subject—
" What shall it,proGt. a man, if he shall gain
the whole world and lose his own soul 1"--
Mark vi i. 36.
ilfiP,\ , A MEETING of the Democrats
cf UlsterVilllbe held at the Sehool
House in Ulster, on Saturday 27th inst.,-at 3
o'clock, P. M. The' citizens of Ulster, She
iviirt and Smithfield are invited to attend. The
meeting will be adressC'd liy several able speak
Bradford County Liberty ConyentiOn.
VOTE "for the poor man's candidate, for
labor's just reward."
THE friends of liberty and equal tights will
meet at the Court House in Towanda,
\ nn Thursday the first of August, for the pur
pose'of nominating candidates Tor the 'ensuing
keneral election,
and for taking such other mea
sures as may be caleulat&l, to aid in redeeming
the country from its present bondage to the
lave potier and the servile whig and democra
c parties.
Men of Bmdford,.come cue, come all. and let
lois rally around the standard of a party, "pledg
id to truth, to liberty, and law."
CLARK CAMP, F .ComMitteo;
July 18th, 1844.
IST OF , JUROAS for Sepierriber Term,
jui I Sessions and Couit, 1'844.
- • onestri =tons.
litrysox-4ohri Allen; • ' -
Herrick—Ara B. Addison ; •
Springfield—Adin Brown, Philander. Horsley,
W .T. , - •
Litchfield-rAndrew,Brainard, Daniel Malery ;
Ridgber•Y=-Abner CooPer,l Jared HamMond,
G.M ;Mandeville ;
Ulster—lsaac, Cash;
Athens 80r0. 1 ,-L .S. Ellsworth ;
A lbany—N .B.Harrison ;
Ctinton—David S. Granteet, Hubbell Manley ; .
Stieshequip—O. W.Kinney ;
Borlington-:-)V .F F. McKean, David. Ross, Asa
- hel Smith ;1
Rome.-"EphrUim Parker;
Standing Stone-,Henry. Tracy ; ; •
Durel—N.D: Warlord ;
Monroe--Jared Woodruff. ,
TRAY - BUSE Junons—rins7 WEEK..
Orwell—Roger Alger,,John 'Lyons ;
Springfield- . ...-Wm. Brace;
I Burlingtori—John Bloom, Cephus Campbell;
Sheshequi-Jease Brown, Zebulon Spalding ;
Warren—Benj. 13 ciffington, C. S.Corbin ;
rahville--Chatiticey Baxter; •
Pike--Stephenßrink, G.N.DeW.olf ; •
;Towanda Boro.-1.-Henry A. Cary, J .Kingsbe.
ry jr. •
Rome—) .B.DeinOny, • Earnest Eorbes, J. M.
Columbia—A .B. Garnet, Hiram Mason,
Asylum-=John Horton jr.; Paul Quick; • -
Litchfield—James Ingalls, Miles Merrill ;
Tuscarora—Charles Johnson, Moses Quinby;
Herrick—Elisha Keeler;
Canton—Eldah Laudon ;
-Albany—Horatio Ladd ;
Monroe—Chester Mason ; •
• Durel—Sela Payne; •
Wells—Hiram Ranney, James Warner;
Athens Tp.—Job Shepard, Wm. Scott ;
Troy—Chester Williams.
Wy sox—A ngev ine Bull;
Herrick—H. W. Camp; •
Warren—Hampton Champlin, S.King;
Towanda Boro,—Zeruiah Cross, P.C. Ward
Athens Tp.—Amos Comeby, N. Flower, J
McKinney, L. H. Sherman ;
Ridgbury--William Corill, John Easton;
Orwell—Nathaniel Chubbuck, Hiram Frost;
Pike—Wilson Canfield, Thomas Ransom;
•South Creek—Eben Dunning;
Asylum—Alonzo Dole, James Gamble,
Quick ;
Canton,—C.S.Ellion ; •
Columbia r —W.H. Gemet ;
Sheshequin—Edward Hill,. Martin Osburn, N.
Ulster—Samuel Holcomb;
Troy—Charles King,-Edwin Pomeroy;
Wells—Robert Miller, Shubal -Rowlee, Daniel
Strong, Jesse Shepard;
Windham—Robert Nelson;
Armenia—Timothy Randall;
Towanda Tp.—George Spalding,
Bradford County Cavalry !
THE:Bradford County Cavalry will meet
at the Claremont House in the borough
of Towanda, on Saturday August 16. 1844, at
10 o'clock A. M.. armed and equipped as the
law directs for military parade and drill.
R. H. CONKLIN, Captain.
Towanda, July 23, 1844.
(IAI‘IE to ray enclosure about the 18th of
April, a red heifer. The owner is re
quested to prove property, pay charges and
take her away. P. HURLBLRT.
Springhill,. July 17th, 1844.
001 the night of the 3d, in Gold Wxrcrt
Kat, between Raynsforfi's and the Clare
mont House. The finder shall be liberally
rewarded by leaving it at this / office.
July 4, 1344.
Another Lot of Ncw Goods at no, 4 Brick Bow
THE sikscribers have just received from
New 'Pork, a fresh supply of summer
'Goods, among which are a large assortment of
Gent's Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats, boys do.
Oil Silk,Bluc and other prints, Blue drills and
other cloths for summer wear, Ladies Leghorn
and Straw Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons, A rtilicials,
&c., &c.
June 28, 1844
1.: Y. virtue of an order of the Orpan's Court
11 •of Bradford. County, will be exposed to
sale by public vendue or outcry at 2 o'clock
P. M. on the 27th day of July inst., at the
Mansion House on the premises, the following
described real estate late the property of Ed
mund Russell, deceased, to wit : one tract of
land situate in Windham township in said
county of Bradford, bounded on the north by
lands of Henry Russell and Joseph Elshee ;
on the east by lands of Joseph Elslaee; on the
south by.lands late of Edmund Russell dec'd;
arid on the west by lands of Julius Russell.—
Containing ninety six, acres, with about fifty
acres improved, with threes welling houses,
one stone and two framed, and thresframed
barns thereon erected. One other tract situate•
in said township, bounded on the north by the
above described•lot of land and lands of Joseph
Elshee; on the east by lands of Geo. Pitcher ;
on the south by Ziba Hotchkiss ; and on the
west by Jacob Smith. Containing two hun
dred acres', or thereabouts ; with about fifteen
acres improved, with a grist mill and one fourth
of a saw mill and privileges thereon.
Terms made - known on the day of sale.
•CIARRISSA RUSSELL, Administnitria
of E amUtill Resssw., Deceased.
July 3d. 1844.
ALT, a few bags of fine salt for dairy and
table nse, also any . quantity of common
salt, which. ice promise to sell . as cheap if not
iheapei than any other merchant in Towanda:
Call before you buy, at No. garrtit Row.
June 28,3844. W. fl . BAIRD &
1 - 8 heraby given, that in the matter of Jamei
IL P. Taylor & Win. S. Pierce, partners tin'?
der the firm of Taylor & Pierce of Bradford CO.
Penna. tßankrupts—in the District Court of
the United States for the Western District of
Penna.,no. .460 October Term, 1642, it is or
dered y the cowl, that sale be made of thew
setts, including all remaining dues upon judg
ments, notes; book.acedunts, &c. of said Bank
rupts: In compliance with said order; all the
assets, including every species of indebtedness
to the said Bankrupts will be exposed to public
sale at tie "Smithfield Exchange" Bradford
Pa. on'Saturday the lOth•day of July
next at 10 o'clock A. M. • - • ,
J.E.HALE, Assignee.,
June r.fld, 1844.
Watch and Clock Repairing.
forms Aends and.the
public thatiteatill contin
' uesto mini on the above '
I;usineis atbis old stand,
One door s(Mth'of Elliott
& • Mercur i s • store, and
nearly opprsite the Hay
Watch and Clack: Repairing,
Will be &one on short natice,. and warranted to
be well done. From a long exPerlence in the,
business, be believes that he will be able to ren
der perfect satisfaction to all who May favor
him witli'their patronage. ' ' ' • ,
N. 8.• • Watches warrantedLtc run well one
year, or the moneprefunded; hnd at written
agreement given, tc. that effect tolall that desire
CLOCKS.—A large assortment jusl.'receiv
ed and for sale very low for cash. •
If you want tb buy Jewelry cheap call at
Chamberliu!s Watch Shop. • •
Towanda, June 24, 1844.
71-"• et.
~-‘‘ ,-.••po
a y PC,
\ 4 ,.. / ),
A D. MONTANTEtv uhrrespectful
4-11. • ly announce to his friends and the pub
lic generally that he has recently purchased of
Mr. E., Wilcox, his entire stoch of Drags and
Medicines, and with tho addition° of fresh arri
vals from the'cities of New York and Philadel
phia, is prepared to servo those Who may favor
him with a call in the best passible manner.
His assortment consists of all the articles
usually found in a country shop together with
Oils, Paints, Glass, &c. which walla
sold at as moderate prices as the l times and basi
ness will admit of.
Physicians can be supplied at very. small ad
vances from the city , purchase* Shop nearly
opposite H. Mir & Son's storei
Towanda, J ane 18th, 1844..
A r AinIrTIILT 1117111TAILIIIEZ.11Ess °
GOOD ASSORTMENT,manufactured
from the, best material, far sale by
Ica. 3, Brick Row.
June 18, 1844.
JD. & E. D. MONTANYE, grateful for
o the very liberal patronage of the past
year, would now solicit the attention of the
public to their very extensive assortment ,of
Goods just receiving from N. Y. City. Among
their Dry Goods may be found the most fash
ionable articles of the season, to wit : Balza
flues, LaWns, Mouslain DejaiOs, Ribbons. Bon
nets, Parasols, fine Prints, dre;, &e. Groceries
at all kinds and qualities, Hardware of every
description, Iron, Nails, Spring Steel and other
sObstantials such as Pork, Flour and Salt.—
Their arrangements are such that they can fur
nish to the trade some packagesat wholesale,
and those that purchase at retail will not go
away grumbling. Call and see.
Towanda, June 10th, 1844.
3113711"_TIEMAILIIEL r e
AME to my enclosure the 19th day of
May last, a pale red CO W, eight or nine
years old, with a brown head and black bag.—
The owner is requested to prove property, pay
charges, and take her away.
Orwell, June 1, 1844.
OLE & UPPER LEATHER for sale a
J ne 1, 1844. LSBURrs.
J. N. Sumner, Surgeon Dentist,
WILL return to Towanda in September
next, and may be found at Mr. Gross',
where he will he happy to wait on all who may
need his professional services.
Towanda, Juno 18, 1844:
New Spring & Sunnier Goods
H, MIX& 0N '
and for salt Cheap, for Cask
Towanda, May 6, 1844.
AS removed his office to the new Brick
Block on Main stied—No. 2, up stairs.
(DILI) czaaat
At the Burlington Coffee House.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform
his old friends and the public it, general,
that he has moved back to his old stand at Bur
-lington Four Corners, and having fitted up his
house in good style, is now ready and willing
tri wait on all those who may favor him , with
&callrand hopes by strict attention to his guests
to make their stay both pleasant and agreeable ;
arid if so he hopes to merit a share, of public pa
tionage:, JOHN F. LONG.
Burlington, May 17, 1814. '
inAVE just received at their store in Mos
not, and are now offering for sale, the
largest and most perfect assortment of goods
ever opened in this market. They assure their
friends and customers that their stock of staple
and fancy goods is complete, and will be sold at
prices to suit the times.
They have a full stock of • CLOTHS, .con
'sisting of Broadclot fis,Cassimeres,Vestings,
For Ladies' . Wear,
They have various splendid patterns of .4e1:,-a
-rines, (a new end much' admirecf article) Lawns,
Gingham, DeLairies, and prints, at all prices. ,
They also offer to whip gentlemen, a new and
beautiful article of, SUMMER HATS, called.
"Ashland Hats," warranted to please, and in
order to preserve strict impartiality they also
keeti "-Van Buren" hats of superior style 'and
manufacture. Also, Leghorn, Palm, Wool and
Put Hats, of all sizes.
BOOTS & SHOES, of all sizes, numbers,
and qualities. - •
CALL & SEE--We ask nothing for exhi
biting out goods to any 'whose curiosity may
induce them to call.
D.C.. & 0 t N.SALSBURY
Monroeton, May 25, 1844.
SALMON—a first rate article—for sate by
June 2. • • SALSBURY'S.
by On banal and otherwise, for
sate at . HALSTED'S.
• • <
ffITZ MARL TAME foi tit;le, whole
Vl', bale and retail at HALSTED'&
SaidSß UR rs,
zawamastes) zi44 w 0
WILL have an Agent St- the following
places to exchange Cloth of all kinds
for Wool on as good terms if I not better; than
at any other Factory in the - late, and trust
that every man will call and e xamine for them
selvCs before trading.
July 19th at Nichols Corners
0. 42, at Lelbayaville;,: I •
23,`Wysox4Cooley's T very ;)
24, Towanda, (Coe's 'Fraern;)
"'25, Shishequin, (Moody e Tavern *.)
h 6; Athens; "
" 27, Smithfield (Tuttle's
" 29, Burlington;
".30, Troy.;.
31, Columbia Flatts;
August Ist., DaggetCs Horror
" 2, A. Miner's (Welh
" 3& 4, Elmira.
P.B. Cash and the higl
Bring you Wool along' wit
buy it.
The Assortment Will cons:
Celebrated Sheef s
Also, , a general assortment of Black, Blue
black, Adelaide, Invisible reen, Brown and
6,00 Mixed
- - - - - -
Farmers can realize from '''..,o to - 25 per cent,
More than by "disposing of hinny other wAy.,--
We hope' you will call and examine the weight;
body, and,quantity of stock in each yard of the
above mentioned Cloths,before purchasing else
where. .
The highest price paid for 47001, and Cloth
at the wholesale Factory price.
If required, a proportion of payments for
Wool will be made in ca4l. • L
Ithaca, Juno 10, 1844.
Shaving and Halr Dressing.,
John Carter, Barber and Hair Dresser,
RETURNS his thanks to his numerous
customers, and. informs them that he has
'removed his shop to the small building on the
north side •of the public square, one door west
of the Exchange Hotel, where he will befound
at all reasonable hours, ready to wait on those
Who may favor him with a call, in the politest
manner possible.
Towanda, May 25, 1844.
1 ..
the matter of application o At a Court
IL Stephen Kriirnand others to of Common
be incorporated under the style, Pleas of
name or title of the " Free-Willl Brad. Co.,
Baptist Society " of Troy. i Sep. T.'44,
Notice is herebiAiven, that Stephen Krum,
Oliver Calkins,.Gaidner Seaman, Roswell Dun
bar and others on the 9th of idy..1844, present-.
ed to the said court an instrument in writing,
and the objects, articles and condition therein
setlerkb and contained appearing to them law
ful and not injurious to the community, direct
ed the said writing to be filed, and that notice
•be given in one newspaper printed in said
county of Bradford, for at least three weeks be
fore thei next court of Common Pleas of gild
county; setting forth,lthat an application has
been made to said court to grant such an incor
poration according to the act of Assembly in
such l4se made and provided.
, A. CHUBBUCK, Prothonotary.
I Prothonotary's Office,
I Towanda, June 10, 1844. -2_ S
, .
D. Vandereook' s Cabinet Shop!
THE subscriber in consequence of ill Wealth.
wishes. to dispose of his Cabinet Shop.
His establishment consists of Cherry Lumber,
3lahogany, Hardware. Tools, Furniture, &c.,
&c., which he wit sell On reasonable terms for
cash, or short credit with good , Siirety.
Towanda, May 21, - 1844. •
New Spring & Sunimer Goods,
( Corner of Bridge and Main sig.)
May 24, 1844. J. F. MEANS & CO.
BRICK for sale by
May 25, 18 •`• . J. F. MEANS & CO. •
w orrier. i!s hereby given to all interested,
IA that letters testamentary have this day
been granted to the subscribers on the estate of
IJm. dec'd. of Ilindham
All perions indebted to said estate are required
to make immediato payment, and all those hav
ing demands ageing,. the same are requested to
present them, legal yr attested, : for settlement.
H. ARNOLD, 5 xecutorsN.
ay 1844.
Candles one Shilling per pound !
A NDLE ic.j TALLOW constantly on
Mk) band and for sale at HALSTE/Ys.
500 d IV } ( 1 )
a E ts A . Tl, O 2 O O ,i O O d o o i
Buckwheat; 100 do. Rye, for sale' by • •
No. 3, Brick row
. 2 May 6.
MIME subscriber* have now in successful
operation .kFERRY at Towanda bow',
a feW rods above, the bridge, where , steady at
tendance will be given at .all times to enable
those W - ho wish, to cross the riv,er without de
lay.' The charges will be only half the rote of
tolls demanded for crossing the bridge.
. ! E. & . SICKLER. •
ToW . anda, May!24, 1844. -
.or..r. ,
' L . ...hiliAlt.. - ALTho
LESS -than 5000 barrels SALT for sale
and more coining, at No. 3. Bnok row.
May 6'. • - ; W. D.:BAIRD- & CO.
NEW sUAllgEll, 000.1)S,
3L11" 111C141VED , F •
• Booksi&:Stationaiy,'t'
- May. 6. for,salc
• ITC.MMAILMED tE-''3lCl4.
THE. subscriber has just returned from the•
great city ".irith a splendid and large as
,sortment of -Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,'Pancy
Goods, Spoons, Specks of all ages, Rings, Pins,
Accordion's, Violin Strings,, Reeds, Compasses,
Keys, Chains, Watchtnakers Materials and all ,
articles ever kept in it -Fancy &'Jewelry Store,
and will be sold to suit the times for cash, call
and see. Di.. 33. the subscriber it,prepared to
repair all kinds of Watches & Jewelly_on short
notice and the best !manner, as he has a new
lot of tools and wateriall fresh from the city.
• • " 2 ' ' ' •J. M: GILLSON.
o:7Bltrip.lext door to the Post Office, Main
Street. • - •
avern 0
11P now prepared to exhibit for the inspection
Ja. of his old frienda and the public generally
a little the best assortment of, goodsin town.
.Rif:,deerns it sufficient temp his stock 'Ambers
tbe.usual,variety.of Provisions, such as Flour,
Corm meal, Pork, Butter, Lard, Tea,
Chocolate, Lump and ' Brown Sugar, Molasses,
from 31 to 75 cts., Raisins,Prunes, Dried Cur
rants, Figgs,Sultana Raisins, 'rapine°, Citron.
Pickles, Pepper Sauce ; Ccinfectionaries of all..
'kinds, Fruits, Nuts, from paper4belled AlniOnds
to Pea Nuts, Candles, Shaving and Bat Soap,
Dried applei, and a good assortment of French
and German T. - ,ys, &c., .
As it has-become the general belief that my
assortment is a little the best Selection and the
greatest varietyi n the place, and for - ready 'pay
the public may be assured they will get as good
goods and as cheap as they can be bought else
' where. ill kinds of produce taken in ex
change. Be sure you call at my old stand, the
Post Office, and while waiting' for the mail take
a little cake'and cheese or. chestnuts, apples or
cigars or any thini o to keep up the spirits, in
• this time of high pressure.. ,
May 15, 1844.
, (Spencerville;)
township ;)
est'price paid for
th you and I will
Gray Cloth
griOTTON YARN, Wicking & Batting on
IC) hand by MEANS & CO.
WE are happy to be able to inform our
neighbors, that the BRICK BLOCK
IS UP, and the citizens of Bradford county ge
nerally, that we are this day, receiving at No.
3, a new and extensive assortment of SPRING
AND SUMMER GOODS, - which have been
purchased in the city of New York for cash and
Goon casnrr—a goodly portion of them direct
ly opposite the door of one Henry Sheldon and
one John McNeil. Our goods have been 'put
chased under such circumstances as to enable
us to sell them very cheap. We d therefore,
pledge ourselves to sell as low for ready pay,
as any store in Bradford county... Our stock
consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and
Crockery, Drugs 4 , Medicines, •
Dye woods 4 , Dye stuffs,
4Src., 'ST.
In fact; we base on band almost every article
usually kept in a country store. _We will ex. ,
change our goods for Cash, Produce of any
kind. alt descriptiops of Lumber,. good fresh
butter, Wool, sheep-pelts, cattles' bides; &c. &c.
We acknowledge our obligations-to the many
friends wbo have stood by us through the "bard
times,"-and - fondly hope to be able to make it
an object for them to continue their patronage.
, WM. 11. BAIRD & CO.
Towanda, May 6, 1844.
ftrHE best selected assortment of Satin stripe
Challeys, pnnted DeLaines, Belzarines,
French Lawns, Mulls, Am, ever offered in this
market, may be found' at No. 3, Brick Row.
rußTHEArt.'ivozw, •
Crimped dimity cuffs and collars, Ashburton
collars and collarettes, dimity chemisettes, em
broidered fillet reticules, &c., &c. •
ALSO—The best assortment of Ladies' cra
vats and Dress Handkerchiefs in Towanda, no
mistake, all at BAIRD'S,
May 6. . . NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
ill - lASI-1r AND GOODS paid for Long Shin
gles, and a good quality Pine Boards, at
No. 3, -Brick row.
May 6
111^ O,OTS & SHOES, a large assortmcnt at
r • BAIRD'S, •
/Co. 3, Brick row
May 6.
SOLE LEATHER, middle weights, a first
Tate article, for sale at No. 3. Briek•-row.
May 6. AVM. H. BAIRD & CO.
AMP OIL, Sperm and Tallow Candles,
Ili A at No. 3, Brick row. '
May 6. WM. H. BAIR ;& CO.,
jir 3, Brick row, • BAIRD'S.
VIOMESTIC GOODS.,-Sheetivs, Shirt
N inga, Ticking, CottOn Yarn, Wicking,
Batting, &c., &C., at No. 3, Brick row. -
May 6. ' • WM. H. BAIRD & CO. qz)
j Brick row. W. H. BAIRD & CO.
15 TONS MAPLE SUGAR, more or less,
for sale at BAIRD'S, _
May 6. No. 3, Brick row:
NARPET WARP for pale at No. 3, Brick
row. W . H. BAIRD az: CO.
Boy's caps, for sale at BAIRD'S-,
May 6. - • N 0.3, Brick row.
111 T a widow lady .by the name of EUNICE
ji -BURLEY, widow of Ebenezer Burley, is
living in the county, by addressing a note to tbo
Hon. A. H. Read, Montrose, or by , calling on
the subscriber, she wilf receive Information
which will 'be or pecuniary benefit to her.
information from any other acquaintances' or
friend of hers where she resides, &e., is solicit
ed. Addreds as above. • D. M. BULL.
Towande,lvisy 14,1844.. -
84 surmorrwm,,'
W.. BAIRD dr, J. SHERWOOD have
• opened in office in Troy, Brad. Co. Pa.
and will attend to all "business of said office, in
the line, of their profession us , copartners. ' 3.
Ssitnwoini will attend punctutrHy at said offer.
in,Froy, and E. W. Diann , may be consulted
at any time in relation to the business of thr
firm, at' his oMco in Towanda. 13—Gra