Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 17, 1844, Image 3

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    GEROTLD, Spit Held.
1 . 30 L. )VEBB,
'ASO, , TO Wanda,
p. Bo rT.T.
11: S
s. SALSFURT, Monroe,
f l _eiß BROWN, Wysox,
i s paRTE, Asylum„
5 5 01-1, Ulster, ,
lairs RVSSELL, Windham,
Alva BRINK, Sheshequin,
po i D ly:AI. as, Owego.
cd. BAsseost, -
iiiisAiYATES, Barton,
,-hors. WRIGHT!, "
C. Hr.TT,Nichoti,
J:ss ilrolEa.,Elnaira,- •
~ , rt.os L. Rom); t. °
Tons .L'.-S:arrn, SouthVort.'
X 2O F. MEAss, Towanda,
wy j . C. BROUS; Elmira;
E n2 .o A. BEEP. Owegia.
• Rat Demicralie muting;
meeting of the Democracy corened
gotel of Gerould in East Smith-
Saturday June Sth, COL. WILLIAM
,RTON Preddent, and Cants-raisin
gol-amo FA.R.NSWORTII, Secretaries.
-.odor of Col SetliSaligbury, the Preai
licted a committee:of five to report
for the conderafieir.of the meet
,m the following named gentlemen
-, , unciAL.Col.Seth• Salisbury, Leonard
apt., Maj. Enos .Califf
•r. Faimiaia. The committee afterre
crt time reported the following pre
resolutions which were cormitiered
vasly aqua:
> ma r; The present crisis in the United
ierofver measures and principles of the
rommraus importance that can occupy
eax= of a free people--the election' of
and Vice President of the United
ileraoaatic party are called upon by
• - , q.e-ation of duty and patriotism to
iiecinen Of 143, a decision effected
meet debasing appliances and power,—
al2 bold frand.4 upon the integrity of
I)Vhor. In the patriotic language of
the fast statesmen which this or any
or country has produced 7 " a con
the peoplerof the United Stater,
of the means to which our-opponents
'use in that canvass is no less i m p or .
're'relfare of our country and its peliti-
Man he overthrow of the prin..
liclah;ored to establish.'' 'The means
u Struck at the very foundation upon
irpolitical . edifice was based. Can ire
the people ,of 'this country to main
elevated. rramiiric , in he eyes of the
'which they have hitherto, if, after the
, f years, and the fullest opportunity for
they suffer themselves to. be a se
ere operated upon by they appliances
rich , every friend of free government
u with mortification and disgust.
'TeZe Rewired, That in, the estimation
,reeting the approaching campaign in
fir weal or for wo the great principlesof
that the safety and welfare of eie
. and people imperiously demand
said and repel the vile and debasing
the federal party,- and thereby ! ' show
ming world thatiiipublicans act from
ertii choice; and that they are not iro
r2.aeoced by a resort to evident fraud
rtie most grave and important - duties
ion'=s to free citizens. •
That we have full confidence in
MES K. POLK, of Tennessee, as an
• a statesman of enlarged and liter-
democrat who stood with great in-
President dprVq.nn and the I'6aeries:l
zing the " panic session " of Congress,
C. S. Bank refused to be disbanded,
the mastery and boldly bid defiance
!raiment and the people. The whole
CA Polk is an exemplification of
talent.Zand business qualifi
ie highest Order. He is the true
of - the doctrine and nymsures of
lemomatii party of the nation, and
to and Will receive the united
`the democratic-party of Pennsylva—
the Union. We have been the early
cg friends of the patriots and states
te.2. with the dernocraiie party of the
te federal reveliy and whirlwind of
hire now but one prefr rence. the
et ths" . Democratic National Corr
tF:a, concess- ion;_esety _thing for
Tit: re are pnand if the pa:mine
r; ezzer.. dti z en of our own "great
12 of ems-: of Vice President of the
•!:/ri GEORGD X. DALLAS:has
442 by the republican party of his
" and the =ion, and has vizi:U
-1C Principles h, unsurpassed
arering Veray.notrur*g Kr.
tre confide= in the purity of his
esient statesmanship, his long
exalted :panietiam. His, name
_ . . . -
nrength in Peurtsyßank against
vitas of federalka may beat in rain.
`ztitled too., and will receive the:do
:ni•xd support of the Democracy
- . We know him to be "honest,
to the constitution." His eminent
a statesman, his sound . democracy
:auio.dsm, his profotmd experience
:didcations, the evnl fvl 'virtues that
personal jidnuacter, these are the
't are p.
ted to the people of
that will be safe which they
iding to ; Care. With the elec.
A. M :burg this great repub
realthowill once more` stand up
plztfonnof " virlite, liberty and
" We are happy to asspre our
1 in all . sincerity that the Majority,
Imburg in this sectidn Of the state
ttedently great. . .
That the general government is .
sand limited poster. derivrix3 from
Mtion,tha , t the states retain the
ailing their own domestic con
its therefore icirneferewith'the
.;ae southern slates are an' infrac
mnstitution; and zn infringement •
oihts and the rights of mainduls. "
That we in favor of a tariff that
'tally, the various branches of in- .
'cress operations in the U. States
Iromoje the welfare and proitperi-,,
•ople. We are opposed to a.
.ilf which operates unequally
ions of the Union, effecting lit?
,seat and variodbranches of, our
s I rile tug a blow at the cardinal
' 24 . l liens, by.which every Ante.
M .ir i=w:gmi e
wad g ban of the
Lt;,s . in U; PiQ'te a ss sv Pr 3y. YA.
otgaus held z ip a strict:, ..the pea
ple Healy taxed, no patiocoll jos kale
+gent, uneceistitcHtional and dis _.10v1.:10 the
i t al
public safety, no 3551114116X1 of sto.te debts
by thegenezal gosesaMent, op tria Zs
tantion of the proceeds - of
ow:since' vto an undefined sold system
of internal improveinartm by genvad gov
ernment. Lathe page moue be kept sepa
rate iiem banks as a measure Ate demanding
the iuterest.of the people and OfelY of the mo
ney. Acquiescence in the pat.:hike) of the
majority," as the great ouraOldive Plittildes
of gee governinent These ire democratic doc
trines taught-end practised ty , Jammu, Madi
son, Monroe, Jackson, Vox Buren and John
son. , . .
Resolved, That the electiat of Po= & /NW
19 Will be a signal vindiesi'on of these ctolinal
truths of democracy, thepallatturn of oar gip.
lions free institutions. Me vaulting ambition
of federalism is once Ewe bumbled in the dust.
Resolved, That our enifidati4n .M.Van Bu
ren is undiminished, as have stood with un
shrinking fidelity by hu reputation in the day of
Uhl; as a testimony of. his faithfulness to the
=um of democracy aid the people in the au
hest hour of their aa4mity' The measure of
his fame is frill--postrity will do him justice—
his illusnions sersicsr, the principles of his std
ininistranon will be *beacon light in coming
time, to all who respect the a true: uincifdes of
the constitution" and admire virtue, talent and
RCwlred, That Rieherd M. Johnson is sec
ond to no man living in2the affection and con
fidence of the detnacracy of thii district, and of
PPnnsylranra; if we were the first to bring him
forward for" the consideration of the AmericiM
ipeople'in 1844, we must be the last to.forget
the' Hero of the TharreS" in the shade of re
tirement. kr - peace and in war, 'in the cowl
sels of the nation andon the field, Col. John
son has vindicated the great cause of 'civil and
religions liberty, and has sealed hit devotion to
the Union with his blood.
Reiolved, That Martin Van Buren and R.
M. Johnson live in the hearts of their country
metc, there they have a monument erected to
their memories more durable than the monu
mental marble, we invoke their friends every
where to emulate their virtues and imitate their
great example in a noble and patriotic support
of Polk and Dallas.
Revoked, That the "Democratic Union"
published at the seat of government is a sound
end able republican journal, and is eminently
entitled 44, the confidence and support of the
deMikratic party of the state. The " Demo
cEratic''Xnion Extra," is especially entitled to
the consideration of the democratic party as a
highly valuable and cheap campaign paper.
The meeting was addressed by Col. Salisbu
ry, John L. Webb, and Christopher Child,
Esquires,when on motion it was resolxed, that
the proceeding be published in the Bradford
Reporter, Democratic Union, New-York Plebi.
an and Wallington Globe; and that copies be
forwarded to Marten Van Buren and Richard
Jicluosom ° .
(Signed by the offteem)
by a flushed countenance, redness of
the eyes, intolerance of light, disturbed
sleep, watchfulness, headach, delirium,
and other distressing complaints.
Wright's: Indian Vegetable Pills are
always certain to remove this sad and
melancholy disease ; because they
purge from the body those stagnant hu
mors, which, when floating in the gen
eral;circulation, are the cause of a de
termination or rush of blood to the head,
a pressure upon the brain, and other
dfeadful results. From four to six of
said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every
.night on .going to bed, will, in a short
time, not only. carry off all that is op
posed to health, but will so purify the
blood, that disease, such as asthnia,
apoplexy, bursting of blood vessels, or
indeed any other melody, will be in a
manner impossible.
Re Caution.—As counterfeiters
are abroad, avoid all stores of doubtful
.character, and be particular; in all ca
ses, to ask for Wright'
table Pills..
For sale at the stare of J. D. & E.
D. Montanye, in Towanda, and by
agents published in another column of
this. paper.
On Thursday, the 29th ult., in Washington *pi
ty, .by . the Rev. Mr. Hawley, Cor.. D. M.
Brm, of Towanda; Pa., to Miss Muria
Joss, eldest daughter of Wm. M. 3:Manley
of. Washington city. • •
La Pile, on Thursday 11th inst. by Rev. M.
' Ruger, Samuel Lyon of. Warm, to Miss
Irs - as littrussos of Pike.
In this village on Monday the Bth inst., at
o'clock P. IW., at the residence of E. W.
Baird, Esq., AMELIA HESTER, done:act of
Franklin E. and Margery A. Thayer of New
York, aged two years, 10 months- and 19
Very suddenly at Harrisburg, Pa., July 3d.
ltf as. Masi Asa, wife of Dad Mitchell jr.
Steretaiy to the Canal Board, aged 22 years.
WA MEETEVG of the Democrats
e' Ulster will be held at the &hoof
House in Ulster, on Saturday ,27th inst.; at 3
o'clock, P.. M. The citizens of Ulster,
gain'and Smithfield are invited to attend. The
meeting will be &dressed by sereral able speak
ers. •
MAN AWAY from the subscriber Almon
A. Ponchard, an indented boy. I do
hereby forbid all persons harboring ortrustin' g
'him on my account, as-I shall pay no debts of
his , centracting after this day. -
Windham, July 5 h, 1644. .
the night-of the 33d,. a Gold W&rcn
tjr 4zr, between Baj-nzWs and the Clare
mont House. The finder shall be liberally
rewarded by inning it at this office.
July 4, 1844. • .
Another Lot of kw Giallo at no. 3 Brick Bow
HE subscrthers hive jujustreceived from
- New -York, a fresh supply of summer.
Goods, among•which area large assOilment of
Gent's Leghorn and Um Leaf Hats, boys do.
Oil f 5 c, Blue and other prints. Blue drills and
other cloths for SUlCigietr "sear, _ Ladies* Leghorn
and Straw Bonnets, Vounet Rthlions;Artifxcials,
d,:c. • W. If. Lt,ll
June 1Q1 . 4. " •
d i
.._ , . 1 '
accoazt I
~:. a
- ' • ."....;
infin;srittue ;fan cedes; of the Oipan'sCoutt
cif Enolfonl County, will be esposed to
sale by . public mane or outcry at 2 o'clock
P. M. on the 27th 'day of - July inst.. at the
Mansion Hones - on the premises, the following
described real estate late the property .. Of Ed.
3 Russell, Axes' sed;* to will one Mkt Of
land situate in WWl= township in said
County of Bradfced,humaded the north by .
lands'of Many Russell iiiik.Toseph Elshee s—
on the east by lands of Josepli Ebbw; on the
south by lands late of - Edmund Russell dee'd;
and on the saintly ... lands of Ju li us Russell.--
Containing ninety :six acres, with, about fifty
arms: improved, • with thisie dwelluie' hour*,
one stone and two fumed, 'and three framed
barns thereon srecUid. Ono othertract situate
in said township, Iminded on. the north by' the
Wbove described lot of' land and lands of Joseph
Elshes; on. he east by lands of Geo.Pitchet ;
on - the south by Ziha, .1141kiSli s: and on the
west by Jacob Smith. Containing two hun
dred 'acres or thereabouts, with • about fifteen
mats 'improved, witha grist mill and OM' fourth
of a saw mill and privileges thermal. _
'Terms made lemon on the day of sa le.
of Ensreisu .Russisz, Deceased.
July 3d. 1544. - • '
BALE Portsmouth Sheeting the bea,riest
in market, all of which shill be sold elem.
• Sum 28, 1E44. W .H. BAIRD &
1000 LBS. Sole Leather just arti
cad and for sale cheap at
BAIRD'S, N 0.3. Brick Row.
June 28th, 1844.
ALT, a few bags of fine safe for dairy and
0 table use, also, any quantity of common
which we promise to sell as cheap if not
cheaper than any other merchant in Towanda.
Call before you buy, at No. 3.Brick Row..
June . 4 :8, 15441 W.H.BAIRD & CO.
AriOT.YARN and Carpe{ Warp, Colored
?It) and White this day /received at No. 3.
Brick Row. -
June 29, 1844.
Rl® 11'202,9
heraby given, that in the matter of James
I . P. Taylor & Wm. S. Pierce, partners Un
der the firm of Taylor & Pierce of Bradford Co.
Penna. Bankrupts--in the District Court of
the United States for the Western District of
Penna., no. 460 October Term, 1642, it is or
dered by the court, that sale 'be made of the as
set's, incluTmg all remaining dues upon judg
ments; notes, book-accounts; &c. of said Bank
lupts. In compliance with said order, all the
assets, including every species of indebtedness
to the said Bankrupts will be exposed to public
sale at the "Smithfield ' Exchange" Bradford
County, Pa. on Saturday the 20th day of July
next at 10 o'clock A. M.
:-.l*, forms his fnen and the
~ public that he still contin
, a n ..."\-: 7 ilt Iles to carry on the above
I - :"I --Y business at his old stand,
,- , : pc
- , . 1"-:e . , one door south of Elliott
c3b L.. ... ,: „., ,,,. ' & Mercur's store, and
nearly opposite the Hay
Watehind Clock Repairing,
Wal be done on short notice, and warranted td
be well done. From a long experience in the
business, he believes that be will be able to ren
der perfect satisfaction to all who may favor
him with their patronage. .
N.B. Watches warranted to "run well one
year, or the money refunded; and a written
agreement given to that effect to all that desire
CLOCKS.—A large -assortment just receiv
ed and for sale very low for cash.
If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at
Chamberlin's Wet& Shop.
_Drugs & Medicines,
A D. MONTANYE would respectful
/16 ly announce to his friendsand the pub
lic generally that he has recently purchased of
_Mr: E. Wilcox, his entire stock of Drugs and
Medicines, and with the addition of fresh arri
vals from the cities of New York and Philadel
phia, is prepared to serve those who may favor
him with a call in the best possible manner.
His assortment consists of all the articles
usually found in a country shop together with
Oils, Paints,' Glass, &a., &c., which will be
sold ales moderate prices as the times and busi
ness will admit of.
Physicians can be supplied at coy small ad
vances from the city purchases. Shop nearly
opposite B .Mii d, Son's Store. •
A GOOD ASSORTMENT,mattufaztural
joilL from the best material, for sale by
No. 3, Brick Bow.
June 18, 1844.
ROKE into the inclosnres of the subscri
ber, about two weeks ago, one old red
COW, (dry,) and one two year old heifer, red,
with a line back, and white face. The owner
is requested to prove property pay charges. and
Lake there away. .JOHN PAB2IIOIIE.
,Rome; June l.ft, 1844.
D. & E. D. MONTANYE, grateful for
the very liberal- patronage of the past
year. would now solicit the attention of the
public to their very extensive assortment of
Goods just receiving from Y. City. Among
'their Dry Goods may be fon.nd the most fash
ionable articles of ,the-season, to wits Balza
vines, Lawns, Mouslain Delaittr. Ribbons. Bon
nets, Parasols, fine Prints, &c., ele e . Groceries'
or all kinds and qualities,Earth rare of every
description; Iron, Nails, pring SweLand other
substantials . such as Pork, Flour and
Thenarrangements are such that the 'r can fur
nish to the trade some packages at wholesale;
and those that purchase at retail will not go
away grumbling. Call and see.
Toweuada, June .10th; ISI4.
311,..'"21E 1 .111M-Z111:1111raw
4 - 1 - NUE 0 --- may enclOsure the 19th day of
11,1 May last, a pale red CO W. eight or nine
years old, with a brown bead and black bat.—
The owner is, requested to prove property, pay
charter, and take her away.
dttne'l. 11541.
OLE & OPPER LEATHER for oftl.e nt
J June I; 1541. 5A1,R111,7?
J.E.HALE, Assignee
June 223, 1544.
Watch and Clock , Repairing.
Tcaanda, June 24, 1644. --,
Towanda, Jane 18th, 1844
le owl- -- ;^l„ girt :
.~ ~.:
rtuo'nfiii Visit of Vend;ExPin.l issued
'JHUI from the court ofeetnitioniiiialsof
ford county, to tnii diriemd, I mhalf, e?Pose to
public sale at the hewn af.H. Rain*d in the
Borough of Towanda, on 'Satan:lay, the 13th
day. uf. diILY next,. at -tine o'ckiciti
The following described piece , or pined 'of
land linage in Bheibequin tovnaship ais bound
ed isifolloiee—Mg at nit on the NV 'of
a tract of land in the "warrantee name of Jona
than Hancock, where the' tame intersects the
south line of the possession of *elate ...lames
Millar-14 dec'd, according to a common survey
at s l3 K marked for the comer of the lot .now
to be conveyed ; thence Ain the ;feat above
mentioned line, north or west 85 perches to
a post and stones for a cornili= thence west 70
perches to a white pine sapling mailed S. M ;
thence north about 79 perches (more oilers) to
a &maul post standing on the first above men
tioned line;
thence along said line north 43.1°
west about 19 perches to the pusquebanna ri
ver, a corner of the said Hancock west; thence
-south 2° 5-10 west along 'saii4 river 104 - 3 : 10
peaches M a pine stump sout hwest cornet of
the said lispoxk W R; thence "south 26° east
128 perches rto a iOst and stones ;' thence east
mike south west `op the JameS Bidlack posses
sion, and along the 4south line i thereof 163 'per
ehes to the beginni4 Containing 106 acres,
more or less, about 70 acres improved, with a
house and thereon . :
ALSV—Ona ether lot nearthe alxiie, begin
rung at a Post the south east corner of aiot be
longineannerly to the late John Cahill deed.;
thence 17° east 288 4-10 perches to a - pci st
south 12 ° west 18 to a post; thence south 25°
we=t. 12 perches ts.a post; thence social .40°
west .19 perches toe post; thence sitith'S°
perches 'to a birch tree on the east line of ' the
Whitman warrant; thence north 42?,- west' on
said Wkitm..ufs line:ls7 3.10 perches to apost;
thence east along the south line of said Cahill's
lot 96 9-10 perdies to the place of beginning.
Containing 38 acres and . 87 perches, more or
se ize d an d t a k en . in E Teention at the snit of
John Snyder vs. Sapid McAfee.
J. N. WEYTON, Sheriff'.
Sheriff's Office. •
Towanda, June 11, 1844.)
J. N. Sumner, , Surgeon Rent!st
WILL return to Tolanda in September
next, and may be found at Mr.Cross',
where he will be happy to wait on all who may
need : his professional services. "
Towanda, June 18, 1844. '
New Spring & Summer Goods,
and for sale Cheap, for Cash
Towanda. May 6, 1844.
CFAS removed his office to the new Brick
1 . 1 Block on Main street—No. 2, up stairs.
ahasraaaas az-aaa
At the Burlington COflee House.
MEM subscriber would respectfully inform
his old friends and the public in general,
that" he has moved back to his old stand at Bur
lington Four Corners, and having fitted up his
house in good style, is' now ready and willing
to wait on all those who may favor him with
a call, and hopes by strict attention to his guests
to make their stay both pleasant and agreeable,
and if so he hopes to merit ohan4 of public pa
tronage. JOHN F. LONG.
Bodin: .n, May 17, 1844.
o ia,Om
MI AVE just received'at their store in MON=
noz, and , are now offering for sale, the
largest and most perfect assortment of goods
ever opened in this market. They assure their
friends and customers that their stock of maple
and fancy goods is complete, and will be sold at
prices to suit the times.
They have a 'full stock of CLOTHS, con
For Ladies' Wear,
They w
hav i varions splendid patterns of Bdza.-
rines, (a and much admired article) Lawns,
Ginghams, DeLaines, and prints, at all prices.
They also offer to whig gentlemen, a newand
beautiful article of SUMMER HATS, called
"Ashland Hats," warranted to please. and'in
order to preserve
,strut impartiality they also
keep " Van Buren" hats of superior style and
manufacture. Also, Leghorn, Paint, Wool and
Far Hats, of all sizes.
BOOTS 1r SHOES, of all sizes, numbers,
and qualities.
CALL & SEE—We ask nothing-for exhi
biting out, goods to any whose curiosity may
induce them to call.
D. C . & 0 N .SALSBURY
Monroeton, May 25, 1844.
SALMON—a first rate article—for sale by
June 2. SALSBURrs.
rLOUR, by the barxel and otherwise, for
sale at HALSTED'S.
d" . .4-111LIC7P311CrlEfirrilligrap
WHEREAS my wife LYRA bas left my
bed and board without any just cause
or provocation, this is to forbid all persons bar=
boring or trusting her on may account, as I will
pay no debts of her contracting after this date.
Pike;ltlay 13, :844.
kt- c
MHE subscribers have now in successful
operation A FERRY at Towanda bozo',
a few rods above the bridge, where steady at
tendance will be given at all times to enable
those who wish, to doss the river without de
lay. The charges will be only half the rate of
tolls demanded for crossinglbe bridge.
E. & . St CKLER.
Towanda, May 24, 1844.
• MS AIL 31(_47/110.
ESS than. 5000 barrels SALT for sale,
'KA and more coming, at 'No. 3. Brick row.
May 6. W. H. BAIRD ale CO.
Jan nicElvta:
Books Et, - Stationary,
May 6, For sole by J. KI.TioBBURY. Jr.
RITE MARL LIME to eak:Nuitalc
, ma!? atiti,retail at IfALSTED43.
uraeaturoaa, WOW 00 lo
11;y1LI. hinw an Agent at the following
places to exchange Cloth of all 'kinds
tor, on as goMI Mrms if not better,.than
at any other Factoryin the State, 'and 'trust
that every man will call and examine for, them
selves before grading..
Julyl9th at , I rliehols Conners;
" 22, n at Leßaysville; • ••
" 29, Wpm, (Cooley's Tavern ;),
" 24, Towanda, (Ccie's Tavern;) "
" 25, Sheshequitt, (Moody's Tavern ;)
“ 26, Athensi• •
" 27, Smithfie ld (Tuttle's Tavern;)
a 29,
" 2 0 , y ; • , '
• a 31, Columbia Plans;
August let.,Daggett's Hollow, (Spencerville;)
" 2, A Wu:leer's (Wells townilrip;)
• " 3& 4, Elmira.
• P. 8.: • Cash and the highest price paid for
Wool.. - •
Bring,you Wool along with , you and I will
buy it.. -
The Assortment will consist of GRANT'S
Celebrated . Bheeps Gray Cloth,
Also, a general. assortment of Black, Blue
black, Adelaide, Invisible Green, Brown and
Steel l'irtled
•• Farmers tail realize from 20 to 25 per cent,
more than by !disposin' g of it any other way
Wo,hope 3rod,will call and examine the weight,
body; and quantity of stock in ea& yard of the
aboie menticined Cloths, before purchasing else
The highest pries paid fo! Wool, had Cloth
at- the wholesale FactoZY Pnce•
If required, a proportlon of payments for
Wool will br l made in cask.
Itha4 June JO, 1844.
, Sharing
and Hair Dresmi
John' Carter, Barber 'and hair Dresser,
ETURNS his thanks to his numerous
jut, customers, and informs them that he has
removed his shop to the small building on the
north side of the public square, one door west
of the Exchange Hotel, where he will be found
at all reason. MP hours, ready to wait on those
who may favor him with a call, hi the politest
manner -possible.
Towanda, May 25, 1844.
the matter of application on At a Court
-Leslie Lawrence and _others Of Common
to be incorporated under the style, }. Pleas of
name or title of the mgirst Me-Brad. Co,
thodist rgiceopal Church" in..) Sep. T.'44.
Notice is. hereby given that Leslie 'Lawrence,
Whitney Gifford. Thomas W. Baker and oth
ers on the,9th of May 1844, presented to the
said court an instrument in writing, and the
objects; articles conditions therein set forth and
contained appearing to them lawful and not in
jurious to the community, &reeled the said
writing to he filed, Mid that notice be given in
one newspaper printed in said county of Brad
ford, for at least three weeks before the next
court of Conirnon Pleas of said county, setting
forth that an application has been made to said
court to grant such en act of. incorporation ac
cording to the act of Aisembly in such case
made and provided.
A. CHUBBUCK, Prothonotary.
Prothonotary's Office,
Towanda, June, 10th, 1844. S
IN the matter of application oAt a - Court
Stephen Krum and others to of Common
be incorporated under the style; Pleas of
name or title of the " Free-Will Brad. Co.,
Baptist Society " of Troy. Sep. T. '44.
Notice is hereby given that Stephen Krum,
Oliver Calkins, Gardner Seaman, Roswell Dun
bar and others on the 9th - of May 1844, present.
ed to the said court an instrument in writing,
and the objects, articles and condition therein
set forth and contained appearing to them law
ful and not injurious to the community, direct
ed the said writing to be filed, and that notice
be given in one newspaper printed in said
county of Bradford, for at least three weeks be
fore the next court of Common Pleas of said
.county, setting fortMthat an application has
been made to said court to grant such an incor
poration according to the act of Assembly in
such case made and provided,-
A. CIiIIBBUCK, Prothonotary.
Prothonotirry's Office,
• Towanda, June 10, 1844. S /
D. Vandercook s Cabinet Shop !
THE subscriber in consequence of ill health
wishes to dispose of . his Cabinet Shop.
His establishment consists of Cherry Piimber,
Mahogany, Hardware. Tools, Furniture, etc.,
&c., which he wiL sell on reasonable terms for
cash; or short credit with good surety.
Towanda, May 21, 1844.
cw Spring t Sunimer" , G ods,
• (Coiner of Bridge and Main ale.)
May 24, 1844. J. P. MEANS & CO.
BRICK for sale by
May 25, 1844. J. F. MEANS & CO,
NOTICE is hereby given to all interested,
tluit letters testamentary have this day
been giarited to the subscriber&on the estate of
Win. Smith, dec'd. of Windham tp.,
All perio , ns indebted to sin 4 estate are required
to make immediate payment, anil all those hav
ing 4:mends ag ainst the same ore requPsted to
present them, ag ainst
atteF•, for sqtlernent.
SETH' 81411711,
IL ARNOLD, 5 . 13 , 1ccul r .
Wimiham, May. 9„ 1844.
Candles one Shilling per pound '
ArfANDLES & TALLOW constantly on
band and for sale at HALSTED'S.
500 IfLUrr.I73OL:IIIVIIIEaIzA.TIOO3°:-odo°i
iluthsvluat 100 do. Rye. fer *fihrbY_
" lV . TIAIIIIO tlf. CO. .
MoY • No. 3,.ll:cici..ri:te.
NEVV. .G001)o.
MIRE attbscriber, hasjust returned (torn the
great city with a splendid' and largo .08-
sartmeneof Waticties; Clod* Jewelry; Fancy
Goods; Spoons; Specks of all ages, Rings, Pins,
• • ions, Violin Strings, Reeds,' Compasses.
, : eyer, Chains, Watchmakers Materials and , all
articles ever kept in a Fancy ds'ieivelty Store,
anirwill be sold io suit the times tor cash, call
and see. N. B. the subscribing prepared:to
repair all.kinds'of Watchei&levietry on short
notice and the best !man n er, es he has a new
lot of toots and materials fresh frOm the city..
CO'Shop next door to the Poet Office, 'Nein
• Street.
mo mumax
WS now prepared to exhibit for the inspection
of his old .fripnds and the public generally
a little the best assortment of goods in- town.
He deems it inificient to say his stock numbers.-
the usual variety of Nodal= ' such as Flour,
Conn meal, Pork, Butter, Lard, Tea; Coffee.'
Chocolate, lump and Brown Sugar, Molasses, ,
from 31 to 75 cts., Raisins, Prunes, Dried Cur
rants, Figgs; Sultana Raisins, Tapiaco, Citron,
Pickles, Pepper Sauce Confectionaries' of all
kinds,Fruits, Nuts, from paper-shelled Almonds
to 'Pea Nuts, Candles, Shaving and Bar Soap, .
Dried 'apples, and a goodtassortment of French
and German Ways, &c., &c. • .
As it has become the general belief that my
assortment is a little the best selection and the
greitest variety i n the place, and for ready pay
the public may be assured theyvill get as good'
goods and as cheap . as they .ean be bought ebre..
where. All kinds of produce taken_ in4eir,%-,
change. Be sure you call at nip old staid4O.
Post Office, and riddle waiting for the.mail take
a little cake and cheese or chestnuts, apples or
cigars or any thing to keep - upthe spirits in
this time of high pressure.
May 15, 1344.
A'NOTTON YARN, Wicking &Boning on,
WE are happy to be' able to- inform our
neighbors, that the BRICK BLOCK
IS and the citizens of Bradford
nerally, that we are this day receiving at No.
3, a new and extensive assortment of SPRING
AND SUMMER GOODS, which haie been,
purchased in the city of New York* cash and
soon casorr—a goodly portionof them direct.
ly opposite the door done Henry Shel4on and
one John McNeil. Our goods have been pur
chased under such circumstances as to enable
us to sell them very cheap. ' We do, therefore,.
pledge ourselves to dell as low for ready pay,
as any store in Bradford' county. Our stock
consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and
Crockery, Drugs 4• `Medicines, -
Dye woods 4• .Dye 811 p,
• •
In fact, we have on hand almost every article.
-usually kept in a country store. We will ex—
change • our goods for Cash, Produce of any
kind, all descriptions of Lumber, good fresh•
butter, wool, sheeppelts, cares' hides, &c. &c.
We acknowledge our obligations to the many
friends who have stood by us through the" hard
dates," and fondly hope to be able to make it
an object for their' to continue their patronage.
Towanda, May 6, 1844.
U 0 MEM 11.&DEME;3.0
MBE best selected assortment of Satin striper
Challeys, pnMedsDeLeines, Belzarines,.
French Lawns, Mulls, &c., ever offered in this
market, may be found at No. 3, Brick Row.
Crimped dimity cid% and collars, Ashburton
collars and collarettea, dimity chemieettes, em
broidered fillet reticules, &c., &c.
ALSO—The best assortment of Ladies' cra
vats and Dress Handkerchief' in Towanda, so
mistake, ttll'at BAIRD'S,
May 6. NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
dIASH AND GOODS pai . for Long Shin
-glea, and a good quality Pine Boards, at
No. 3, Brick row.
May 6.
11100T8 & SHOES, a large assortment at
No. 3, Brick row.
May 6.
SOL LEATHER, middle weights, a first
rate article, for sale at No. 3. Brick raw.
May 6. WM. H. BAIRD & CO.
lI 4 AMP OIL, Sperm and Tallow Candlea,._
at No. 3, Brick row.
May 6. WM. H. BAIRD & CO.
3,. Brick row, BAIRD'S,
DOMESTIC GOODS—need:lgs, Shirt
ing!, Ticking, Cotton - Yarn, Wicking,
Batting, &c., &c., at No. 3, Brick row.
May 6. WM. H. BAIRD. & CO.
Brick rom. W. H. BAIRD & CO.
ft„, TONS MAPLE SUGAR, mom or less,
co for" sale at BAIRD'S,
May 6. „ No. 3, Brick row.
ARPET WARP for sole at No. 3, -Brick
row. W.H. BAIRD & CO.
UR AND BRUSH - HATS ; Cloth Cap,
Boy's caps, for sale at BAND'S,
lay 6. • N 0,3 Brid,: row.
F a widow lady by the name ofIEUNICE
BURLEY, Widow of Ebenezer,;Burley, is
living in the county, by addressing : it note to the
'Hon. A. H. Read, Montrose, or by calling ou
the subscriber; she wit receive Information
which will be of pecuniary benefit to her. Any
information from any other acquaintances or
friend of hem where she resides,. &c., is solicit
ed. Address as above. D: M. BULL.
Towanda, May 14, 1844. _
VOUMBST I M 9 g kjt -4 -
SU opened an office in Troy,Brad. o.i. Pa;
and will attend to•all bolus:, of °Lice; in
the lino of their profession as. copartners. J.
Sur.nwoon will attend punctually at &laid o Oleo
in Troy, - and E. W. Blinn tripy 'be co l a 'Alm
at any time in relation tp the !night - tea .t j r the
eirn4 2 t his °Met:in .