Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 17, 1844, Image 2

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    Clay's. Bargain with Adams.
[Andrew Jackson's] elevation to this
office, I thought I perceived the estalY
lishment,ofvfcarfall precedent, acid I
am inistaken in all the warnings -of in
structive history, if I erred in my judg
ment. •
But how did he regard the elevation
of Mi. Adams In the same address
last quoted, he says : "I saw, in. his
election, theeitablishment of no dan
gerous example.. I saw in, it, on the
contrary, only conformitylo the safe
precedents which had been established
in' 'the instances of Mr. Jefferson, Mr.
Madison, and Mr : Monroe who had
respectively filled the , same.niface from
which' ho was to,betranslated.",
Connect with this
„declaration, the
fact that Clay became Adams' Secreta
ry of State, and what does it mein ?
SiinplT this ; that as. Je.fferson,'Madi
son' and Monroe were succespively ele
vated from the office of Secretary State
to that of President; and as John
ey /Weill was , about to be,
,by his vote;
sb he himself could likewise be elevated
to .the same office, after-the exp . ifttion
of Adame term. - This it /was, : that
made- the election of Adams "a 'safe
precedent," and 'that of Jackson a dan
gerous" and i ..fearful" one. Mr. Ad
ams would appoint Clay his Secretary
orState. General Jackson would not.
If Jackson would Kaye agreed to ap
pointed Clay his Secretary, as Critten
den desired, his election, without doutit,
" in the twinkling of an eye," would
have been coverted into one of the
most beautiful and acceptable of . " pre
cedents."- -
Clay's self-contricliction.
In his Addreis to his constituents, GI
March 26th, 1825, Mr. Clay asserted
N. that before he had left Kentucky in the
preceeding - fall, *he had stated to two
in dividuals, the . one a Dr. Drake, and
the other. John J.. Critttenden,, his
determination to snp p ort Mr. Adams
in prefeience to Gen. Jianlison.
On the' 12th of July- 1827, nearly
two years and a half after the election,
in a speech made at a public dinner, at
Lexington, Kentucky, Mr. Clay *de
"lt has been establishod, and can ba further
innved,that, before I left this state the preced-
lug fall, I communicated to several gentlemen
of the highest respectability, my fixed deprmii
nation not to vote for General Jackson.—[...See
Mallory's edition of Clay's speeches, vol. 1. p.
.540. '
In an address to the public, dated
December, 1827, Mr. Clay reiterates
this assertion, and dwells upon it at
great length. He also makes a witness
-of John J. Crittenden, and gets him to
testify, ip a letter dated Sept. 3d, 1827,
that he, [Clay,] previous to going 'to
Washington in-the fall of 1824, had said
to him that it was impossible Tor him to
votelir Jackson " in any event." It
li'appent, however that this is the same
John J. Crittenden who wrote to David
White, 'on_the 19th of January, 1825, i
that lit desiied that "Jackson should
be President and (Ay - his Secretary .
of State," and this, too, in a letter
which manifested the most devoted sub
serviency to Mr. Cla
,But fortunately for r. Clay, he has
hinAelfTurnished ample contradictiOn
of the truth of these statements. His
own address _of March 26, 1825,
abounds with declarations for the pur
pose 'of showing that he. made up his
mind as to his tote for Adams, after he
arrived at Washington. We will give
a fev extracts from that address, as we
find them in Mallory's edition.
Up to near Christmas" says Mr.
Clay, it remained uncertain wether
Mr. Crawford or myself would be re
turned to the House of Representa
tives." That matter havin g been de
,termined against Mr. Clay he adds--
"I found imyself transformed from a candi
date before the people,.. into an elector for the
people..' I deliberately examined tho duties
incident to this new attitude. and weighed all
the facts before me, upon which my, judgment
was to be formedor reviewed."
Mr: Clay here speaks of examining.
the duties incident to a new attitude,"
and _a judgment which " was to . be
formed." Will any candid man pre
tend that such language agrees with the .
story that'll° had previously determin
ed his vote ? Again he says: ,
"The first inquiry, which it ,behooved me to
make was, as to the influence which ought to
be exerted on my judgment, by the relative skate
of the electoral votes which the three returned
candidates brought into the house from the
Here the first inquiry in the process
of -forming his judgment, is stated to
-have been in relation to a fact which
"was entirely unknown to him until the
last of DpeeMber. After diSposing •of
ibis subject he sayi :
t_ _
"J proceede d toextunino the other considera
tions vabbci belonged to thetluestion." _
the statement of the chief of
'these other eontuderations,?' We find
the following words; •
"A collateral consideration of much weight,
was derived from the wishes of the Ohio deiega
non. rA majority of it, during the progress of
the session made up their opinions 40 iuPPort.
Mr. Adaras,.they were conimaunc" stet! to me."
Is not this a plain declaration thaw his
decision, was . strongly influenced by
opinions of others, communicated to
• him .4 during the progress of The ses
sion ?" Yet .Mr. Clay would be.glad
.to.have it believed, that his mind had
been made tzplong beibre the come
mencement of the session, while he
was vet in Kentucky . Surely no in
dieted criminal, was ever found to hav e
involved himself in a more`- palpablo
ccin*icO9O,.... • ;:
Mr. Clay's-letter to Itidge Brooke,'
which we have before given ,may • also
be referted'46 in thit.conriectioti; That ;
letter bears date the , 28th of January;
only twelve days before;"tite election
and was _evidently written by 'man
who had but recently. decided Ott his,
-course. •
Funk. testimony lipon this subject
is given by Governor Floyd of Virgi
nia.; a man whose veracity Mr.' Clay
Bever dared to dispute.--Gov. Floyd
testifies that, in the . mon'th of Jan. 1825,
.or in the. latter part of the- preceding
month of December, he called upon
Mr. 'Clay , to ascertain his determination
as to ihe Pvesidential election, and that
Mr. Clay then stated his position to
him.“ in nearly the following words :
" W hen-I take up the pretensiens of Mr.
Mama, and weigh them ; and lay them 4osin-
then take tip the pretensions of General Jack
ion, weigh them and lay then down by the side
'of theie of Mr. Maros—l never was ae much
puzzled in all my life, as I am to decide between
ihem." ‘, - •. - .
It is-in view of• these; 'that
we am. fully justified in adopting• die
strong declaration. McDutlie—
That the circumstances of the extraor
dinary coalition between Mr. , Adams
and Mr. Clay, furnish as 'strong evi-
dence of an ABANDONMENT OF
part of Mr. ,Clay and 'a
and Mr. Adams, as is , ordinarily requir
ed in courts of justice, to establish the
guilt of those' who, are charged with the
highest crime known to the law.
Tell us not that Mr. Adams and Mr.
Clay have; with solemn appeals to
Heaven asserted their own innocence.
The facts, are too decisive—and their
own declarations, however solemn, can
have no more weight than the self-ex
ulpatory declarations, of him who
stands arraigned for his crimes, at the
bar of a court of justice. •
The Duel with Randolph.
Finding that lie was not able to stern
the - tide of public opinion, neither by
his pen nor by his tongue, Mr. Clay
resorted to the weapons of which he
had first thought, when, on the 31st of
January, /825, he saw Mr. Kremer's'
letter to the Columbian Observer.—
That which he had failed to accom
plish as a writer and an orator, lie hoped
to accompliseed in his character, as a
duellist. Accordingly, in April. 1826,
,he Singled - out of the boldest of his op
ponents, John Randolph, of Virginia,
and challenged him to mortal combat.
The provocation and ground of the
challenge, were the words we have pla
ced on the title page of this address,
with Randolph had made use of on the
floor of the Senate, in desciibing the
union between Mr. Clay and Mr. Ad
ams. Upon their meeting, at the sec
ond fire, Mr. Randolph, not choosing
to kill Mr. Clay, fired' in the air, and
the parties separated. Whether it was
a elk precedent" for an American
Secretary of State challenge and fight
a member of Congress for words spo
ken in debate, is a question we leave
our readers to determine. Mr. Clay's
conscience," , which he always in•
terrogated" upon important occasons,
undoubtedly told him, that, aside from
the risk which he run of getting shot,
the precedent was perfectly "safe."";
Row the Issue was tried.
The matter' in issue between Mr.
Clay' and his accusers, , was tried, not
by a partizan committee, as he had once
endeavored to have it, but by the un
bought people of the country. From
the time of the consumation of the bar
gain up to the election of Ins, it was
the main question before the people.
The bargainers were backed by all the
patronage of the government, and they
struggled as if for their very, lives.—
Coffin handbills, monumental inscrip
tions, "shuffled Militia documents,"
and every species of slander, falsehood
and• foul a buse,were the aliment which'
the coalition administration dealt out to
the people.. Every thing was resorted
to, which could corrupt, intimidate,
or seduce. Mr. Clay himself became
a travelling electioneerer; a haranguer]
at political barbecues and dinners, and
used all the eloquence and. allthe inge
nuity he possessed, to persuade' the
people. that he was innocent. lio.eyen.
ventured in a public speech , m a de' at
Baltimore, in May, 1828, to invokeilie
mile of Deity in, his behalf, and pray'
that the Almighty would send .i....WAR;
on the country, a vather than the eleetion
Of that man whdm, four years befoiel
he had defrauded of the office to 'which
the place he held in the, hearts of his'
countrymen had justly entitled him.—
'the following were Mr. Clay's words;
as reported in Niles' Register vol, 34 ;
Page 185.
I would humbly, prostrate myself before
Hut and implore His mercy, to visit etir favor
ed land with war, With pestilence,with famine,
with any scourge, other than military rale, or it
blind and heedless enthusiabm for ' were
ry renown."
The Result.
But all the efforts of : .the coalitien
were in vain. . The majority _which
the people gave , twill° braveand noble
hearted Chief of the Hermitage l was.
overwhelming. Every one tite five.
States, whose.Bepresentatives had fa.
lowed the lead of Clay,'voted againit
Clay and Adams. , lEvertr:.lientucki .
herself refused to_Fatilishe - ,Ceriupt ha
gain of her false Represen,iaiiVe,tand
voted for, - t s - AndreW :Jackion. 7 —Adams
obt.iine - Chot 433.0ut of 26,1 electoral
Totes, .and the whole nation hailed' the
elevatiemotJackso4-as a m,`,precedent"
Which vindicated she - soiereigoty of the .
Sinbooght; :rescued : she
goVernmetit from the, hands of those,
_who, had ,made, baseiraffie of. honer,
principle and duty, and • wbosei corrupt
ambition had threatened theloalruin of
Our free institutions:, ;,' The verdict of
the country, in ; ,1928, repeated,
with still:mere emphasis,in 1832. Clay,
himself, - was,then ihe sole candidate•of
his party au cr, tont 296 electoral votes,
received tisrely'4l- •'
Mialt.*:,Vitilict be ileversad.
It is nearlytwenty - years ' aince the I
commission • of. thel, high effendi for
which Clay was thus corideihned ;''and
he now has - the effientry, to seek a re
versal of that verdict' which was pro
nounced upon his case while •the fact
was still recent, and all its circumstan
ces were fresh within the memory of
the people. If it is reversed at all, it '
Mist be done, not on the ground of I
newly discovered testimony and estab
lished innocence, but on the same prin
ciple upon' which a condemned felon
receives a - pardon from the Executive.
And what has' Mr. Clay done to entitle
him to his country's clemency ?
Has -he repented of the high crime of
which he wak„guilty ? Has he in-the
least degree, atoned for the foulest in
sult which was ever offered to the ma
jesty of a free people ? Has he blotted
out his former infamy by subsequent
life of generoue devotion to the inter
ests of his country 7. No'it is unrepen
ted ; it is unatoned ; it is not, and it
never tan be, blotted out. He has
continued, up to this day, to exhibit
the seine selfish spirit and unprincipled
ambition which, in 1825, led him to
violate the most sacred obligations of
his life : His political schemes have
been framed solely for his own political
aggrandizement. His measures have
been all disastrous to - the count y, and
the . very agitation of his plats has
been constantly the source f mis
chief and confusion. And we ask you,
fellow citizens, that it may not lbe for
gotten that, from the time of the coali
tion to thd!present moment, he his nev
er ceased to be the virulent opponent
and vindictive vilifier of ANDREW
JACKSON.. True it is, his malignant
labors have ever been in vain, and JACK
SON has all the while, continued to in
crease in the estimation of his country
men : yet Clay's bad passions have
seemed only to burn with greater fury . ;
his malice has been none the less, and
he, therefore, none the leis deserves
the censure and rebuke of the millions
who love and venerate the most illus
trious statesman and hero of our times.'
The people of Ohio have .a double
interest in this question, because, they
have not only to- pass again upon the
claims of Henry Clay, who especially
deceived them in 1824, and whom they
condemned, both in 1828 and in 1832,
but they have also before•them, as the
anti-democratic candidate for Governor
MORDECAI BARTLEY, of Richmond one
of those men, of the " Ohio delega
tion," who became the willing instru
ments, in the hands of Mr. Clay, for
the consummation of his corrupt add
treacherous bargain. Let, then, the
- voice of Ohio be heard on the side of
sound'principles and of political honor,
and that too; in such thunder tones as
demagogues may never hear but once.
We leayeihe subject, fellow-citizens,
to your candid consideration, with a
confident assurance that you will hon.
_esti) , discharge your whole dutyl, and
we rejoice in the anticipation, that the
result of the pending Presidential 'elec . -
'ion will not only be auspicious to the
best interests of. oar .beloved comitry,
but that it will also make the name and
fate of HENRY CLAY, a solenin warn
ing, and ~a fearful precedent" to
every corrupt and faithless politician,
through all time' to come."
Young Men's Democratic State
Central Committee.
Columbus, Obio, May 6, 1844.
" The co . alition , of Mira and•BlackGeorge—=F
tt~o . eox unheard of until. then, of the
pinta!! with the blackleg." , - •
NEWSPAPERS.--Many, people
take newspapers, but few preserve'
them; yet the most interesting reading
imaginable is a file of old news-papers.
It'brings up the' very age, and marks
Its genius and its spirit more than, the
most labored description of, the histo
rian. Who can take , a paper dated
half-a-century ago, without.the thought
that almost'every name'there printed
is now cut upon a tombstone at the head
elan e sits eh? •
ANNExmoN.--John ryler,President,
Of the. United States, was married,on the
on the 26th ult.. to It i iss Julia Gardiner,
of New'. York, daughtbr of mr.qardimir,
killed by the eitidosip'n on the _Princeton.
fies Department haviog alteretlAhs4layti
and hours for the Tails laving Twins-
OA: game weeks nicesstirilY
elapse before regularity can be obtained.
Wednesday Maly 180.
rot Pesideo In 1844,
JAMES' K. 'rout,'
FiIitTEI3SEE. *.
For Vice ,Prcrfident,
Bketors fot . Presidel
:wrzsoze. waksp .
1. 6eorge F. Lehman.,
2; 0 hristkur Rues/ta
r:3. , William H. Smith.
4. Joha.Hill“Phila.)
b. Samuel E. Leech.
6. - StIMUCI
7. JeisscEherpe.
8. N. W. Sample.
9. Wm. Heidenrich.
10. Conrad Starner.
11. Stephen Baldy.
12. Jonah Brewster.
' For CdoOl COolidssioner,
We will furnish the Reprorte
the first of December, at the to
of fifty cents, to be 'in all cases
advance. Send on your names. '
lUot.& Murder In Philadelphia.
The city of Philadelphia has again
been the scene of anarchy and blood
shed. The riot grew
,out of the dis
covery of a number of fire urns, pow
der, &c., in the Church of St. Philip,
on Saturday, July 8. A mob soon col
lected,and disturbances being threaten
ed, the military, under com et nand of
Gen. Cadwallader, were called out and
attempted to disperse the mob, but un
successfully. Preparations were made .
to fire upon the crowd, and the word
given, when Charles Nayloll threw
himself in frontsof the piece to (prevent
it: He was immediately arrested and
placed in custody in thi3 church, but the
church was forced and Mr. Naylor res
cued'in the morning by the mob. The
military were again marched to the spot,
and the crowd ordered to dispese. Up
on refusing, one of the companies fired
upon them, killing and wounding Beier
al. The mob retreated and procured a
four ponnder, which they fired upon
the military, and a general conflict en
siled, ',Wilting in killing and .tvounding
many, the-precise number not I known.
Col. A. J., Pleasanton ana Capt. R. K.
Scott were severely woundedb Gen.
Cadwallader's uniforn:i was penetrated
by at least, ten bullets, without injury
to himself. A. gallows was f actually
erected in Wharton market for the pur
posel of hanging him should he be taken.
Requisition had been made for U. S.
Troops,, but we trust that the force of
the riot had had spent itself, and peace
now' reigns. _
Later intelligence from Philadelphia
brings us information that the riots in
that city have entirely ceased and quiet
resumed. I The number, of killed and
wounded,' as far as ascertained, is 15
killed-56 wounded .
The house's in the immediate vicinity
are completely riddled with grape shot
and balls. The city is filled With com
panies from the country, oidered in by
the, Governor, whose conduct is - highly
Jo Smart DEAri !—The Nanv trou
bles have resultedin the death of Joseph
Smith and his brother ; i Hiram. They
had met the GoVernur of Illinois at Car
..thage in that state,' and surrendered'them
selvee in to, , hie :charge, expressing a de
sire'filr. a -legal' investlgation into their
conduct. They were secured in jail; and
the Governor proceeded to Nanvoe for
the a tate arms, Init 'on the afternoon Of
the 27th of June, - I I during his ebscence, a
iiity i broke into the jail, and murdered
them in cold'blood ! ft was leered that
the GoVernor and his snaall-foree 'would
be destroyetti when the news leached
iSsuosns !.min SALE.--In our pa.
Per this week l Will found a somewhat
lengthy but able and convincing letter re
lating to the Coalition between Clay and
It will repaY a careful and at
tentive petnsal, presenting entire and con
clusi4e evidence of Henry Clay's treasvh
ery to Ills constituents land his, country.
and The Pr
Senato l ial.
I . ' '• '
13. George Bilmabel.
14. Neth'! B. Bldred.
15. M. N: Irvine.' •
16. James Woodburn:-
17. HughMontgommy
18. Isaac Ankney.
20. William Ptiteerson:
21.-Andrew Burke.
22. John ; . •
23. Christian Ileyers.
24. Robert Orr'.
For Govetzor,
For the Campaign.
Reels an inne.27, 1844;
ibinidaU mu - eh
to ttr&CtJ»7 c t 7,;thatl.eonclud ed t 6 !att3i
11'.4144,01.42ft places of ittraction
-lOn ..."aociester :.goine9," one of prin.
'4ailletE4 of the City, and I ha ve wk found the
kosiOntattendiMbi exceedingly cburteons and
obliging.' I ahe found at lldshouse, Mr. C. B.
Stewart • late of our: county, who-.has kindly
conducted lie over all parts piths City and in
troduced-me to many of Its citizens.
;It would be in vain to .attempt to gift - you in
the _limits of Oletter, the improWnitents-that have
been made heie since I last visited the place,
which wai l ! in 1823, twenty-one Years ago. It
was then but a village, and I thought a muddy
one at that; now it is the constant scene of
active business and enterprise,—n city with Ei
pepulation of 25,000 souls: .it% btisiness streets
thronged with a living mass, end exhibiting as
much activity u Broadway or Pearl street,
New York:: - In my rambles over • the city, I
tueetniek r ivith its neat= and country like.ap-
Pal:trance. i All those parts devotedto private
reiddenslpreseza the neatness 'and ta ste of the
Most delightful- country, village. 'Saircely • an
instance can be found where two residences ate
immediately contiguous; and, in almost every
instance they are placed at a distance from the
street, with yards in front-all beautifully de
corated with shrubbery and' . ornamental treest-
I have concluded to take the Boat this evening
on lake Ontario, by which I will arrive et the
falls tomorrow at 11 o'clock, and as Ihave a
little leisure from this till.she leaves, (7 P. M.)
give you achapter of the statistics'of this
place, which may be interesting to our readers.
Where now stands a mighty City 7 tsecond to
but one in the state, thirty-three years ago, was
nought- but primeval forests; where now is
heard the din and battleof active life, and the
merry clatter of a thousand wheels,was nought
but solemn stillness. unbroken, save by the
stealthy tread of wild beastEi, the echoing whoop
of the savage-and the constant roar of the ma
jestic waterfall. In- 1812 the "village" of
Rochester was laid out into lots. At that time
there were but two framed dwellings, and but
ten or fifteen persons, inhabitants of the spot
where the Cyr: of Rochesternow stands cover
ing an area of near 12 square miles. 'The first
relixiousbociety was organized in 1816,—there
are now 25 churches, *same of them of extraer
dinary size and the most elegant and cositly'fm
id'. The Postbffice was establishSd in 1812,
its first quatterly return wars 3 42—each quar
terly return in 1842 averaged measly $6,000.
As late as 1817, much inconvenience was
experienced by those' living upon the outskirts
of the settlement, froin the depredations of wild
beasts. To say now that it is in the richest of
one of the mostfertile regions of the world is
but to repeat a tale often told. Its amount of
manufacturing interest, too, is - immense. The
staple manufacture ofßochester is flour. There
are 21 flouting mills here, with an Aggregate of
108 run of stones; during the year 1843 they
manufactured.-380,282 barreli of flour.
aid in
The Genesee river falls upwards of 250 feet
withir the limits of the city. The first or up.
per fall is about 12 feet—the middle fall is
ninety-six feet perpendicular, in the very mid
dle of the city ; it was here the celebrated "Sam
Patch" lost his life. He leaped from a scaffold
25 feet high, built on the very brink of the fall
in the abyss below, the whole distance being
126 feet. The lower fall which is near " Car
thage," is \ lO4 feet : the river here is made nar
rower than at the "middle fall." The river is
-dammed at the upperpart of the city, and the
wider diverted into "races" on either side, to
be used for turning the extensive machinery of
the mills and the various other establishments,
such as cotton and woollen factonesi, Plains
machines turning letters, &c.
Great attention has been given by the enter
prising citizens of this place to a proper system
of Education. There are in the- city sixteen
common school districts, in each of which has
been erected and completed a large and comtno
diouk school house, all built on one plan and
exactly resembling each other in oatward ap
The streets are all paved or M'Adamized—
regularly graded with snaCions and neat side
walks. The council expend 'about $25,000 an
nually in the construction and repairs of streets.
There are four good bridges across the. Genesee
within the limits of city bridge, the bridge upon
which the rail-road crosses. But among the
artificial curiosities of Rochester, nothing can
compare with the aqueduct of the Erie canal
over the Genesee river. It is probably the most
Magnificent piece of masonry in the United
States, and probably will-rank among the most
splendid structures of the , world., It was com
menced in 1836 and completed in 1842. It is
supported on seven arches of b 2 feet'spas each.
The foundation of the piers is upori the , solid
rock bf the bed of the stream. It is 800 feet
long and feet wide. 'Tim material wred in
its construction
_is lime -stone, quarried and
'dressed at Onond aga, ne ar1y.,,100 miles distaiit.
About 40,000 cubic pre* of stone were exert
;Vated from the river in ; preparing for the found.
,clatidn: - The Superstructure contains 26,772
cubic yards ot solid masonry. The railing is
of iron, the, whole we ight of which' is 107,697
pounds; and {ho whole' work cast $459,387 68.
It was constructed under ' the direction of the
Chief EngineekNathan S. Roberts, Esq. '
The pride of Rochester, and the bes e t of it s
people is " Mount Hope," a century consecra
" ted as the receptacle 'of their fondest memories,
end within the pre cincts'of which rest the 'ashes
of many who: were dearer to those living than
any now in axistence. This romantic( and
_spot is about two roiles (rota the cen
tre in the ex . treme south part of the city, on an.
eminence 190'feet ahovethe principal street. It
contains seventy two:acres of ground,. most of
which has been laid out into burial tots, with
carriage ways and gravel was
84 pits of the ground, ahl a ; u6
whole of it is still covered with e
and ehnbbery, planted by th e h aw
From several great
of the, city and adjacent
a landscape of the mast .
on a 'clear day, from the sum*
view of Lake Ontario.
Taken altogether, Rochester is t ie
most romantic and enchantingsp:*
of New York, and as a city, iris oe f ,
active and enterprising in the world,
Yours, fic.
[From the Otrego %oleo
Great and Enthusiastic
Tuesday the 2d ing., w as
appointed for a Democratic nu
Athens, Bradford county, p a ,
tions to attend, having-been ester
the Democrats of the adjacent
in the state of -New,
and Tioga—about forty started
this place early on 'Tuesdar
for the purpose of baiting
mocracy of Bradford in the
ted meeting. On reaching S t
We overtook large deliptione
Tioga and Nichols, moving on
four-horse wagons, do u b le ,
and buggies—all beautifully' tit
with nicirony bushes, widi al
banners floating aloft upon
HICICO,RY trees frem almoste3
on. Ere we had arrived at '
procession had become very
imposing; and large delegatioi
unconquerable Democracy of ol
cratic Bawd had left Barton
Factoryville before we arrives
places: As we hove in Sight
Chemung Valley, passing fm
ryville to Athenkthe road l l
Elmira presented to the vie*,
the eye could see, one movini
people ! The sight was grant
tic and sublime ! And as
into town, which was dread)
with the hardy yeomanry of
and the southern extremity of
ty, and casting a look down
of the Susquehanna, towards' .
it really seemed for a while ,
was no end to the procession
was moving towards the place r
direction ! It was men in wat
on horseback, and men on foe
as we could see in that, and
rection from the village ; and
lage was already jammed - to
lila! ! As the word was give!
Marshals, each procession, on
vat, together with the multitm:
sent up three loud and hearty et
the EMPIRE STATE—three
for POLK and DALLAS—whir
'the valleys ring, while the hills
back the shrill response !!
Among the numerous, banners
various processions, we nuticei
ticularly, the following, in addil
the numerous Nation - al-fins, ,
ners bearing the undies of POLK,
There were several bearing th(
fut. motto:
Our . Cause is just."
We also noticed several with
scriptioo :
" To the memory of"
'The lamented"
And again a beautiful banner
ing an old and apparently dyir
ry, with a young and thrifty in
sule—the one representing Get
sox, and the other Col. P 6
withal a most beautiful and app:
There was also a splendidtallt.
portrait of Cot. Pus, borne by
Towanda Delegation.
Besides _these, there were nut
expressive •mottoes in prose anil
which it is impossible for us to
Amongloot. the latter descriptil
remember to have seen one in tl
gon of Mr. Muss FOREMAN, of Ni
the sentiment of which was very
admired, even though it didn't rl
•quate so well. h was as follows:
" Get out of the way old Kentut ,
" Clear the track for POLE 4.
- -
Our attention,was attracted, also
Coon in the branches of a young to
ry tree, borne by one of the
with a poke upon his neck--ev
tical of the present forlorn hot
condition of the coon party, 1 1
POLE-ed as they are by the unexi
nominations of the Democracy.
Al about one o'clock, a pro(
was formed in front of the Ent
and under the direction of the
of the day, marched to the plat
pared for the meeting, on the pi
square in front of Mr. Matthew
Hotel. where a splendid hick(
raised just as our delegitiOn arri'
town. .The assemblage was iv
—it being conceded, generally,
there were notleis than FIVE t
SAND present ! ! A stand had
,erected,on the north side of the
for speakers, officers and music
as soon as the people had collects
on the Sqsare, in front and around
stand, the meeting was called to k
by H. C. 'Bump Esq,
on whose not
GUY TOZER, of Athens, - w as
Inted President •
po •
- On motiod of Col. V. E. Ploast.'
-Dradford‘ the killowing gentlemen ve.
appointed Vice Presidents, viz
~ Sacred"