Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 17, 1844, Image 1

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ItliagglNNll 2 9 l
lie Coalition of 1825 ;
win with John Quincy Adam,
which the latter. in defiance
a t will of the people, was made
~,eat ofthe United Slates, and
ono? corruptly secured to him
the office of Secretary 'of State.
to the people orthe United States,
i e Young Men's Democratic State Cep-
Committee ot Ohio.
, . t v•CrrtzEws....—littiory . Clay is
gain a candidate for the high of.
!Chief I'dagistrate of this glorious
a , Twenty years have now elem.
~a s he was first an unsuccessful
date for ibis same office, and his
d defeats 'and disappointments
r h sufficiently evident that with
;ass sf the Ameridan people, his
rat unfitness for the station is no
theme. But that act of his life,_
ch has been rightly considered of a
, e rhae and a more damning charac
un any other, is one to which we
Indy call your especial attention.
igs to an era, since which an en
!aeration has passed from the
Inman salon ; and though the
'its author Itid otherwise been
nit spot Cif blemish," it should
suffice forever 'to debar him
the exalted place to whMh he
'tering upon a detailed exposi-.
'At foul transaction, we do but.
trselves of a right which belong's
).rican citizens—the rigtit, free
tscuss the character -and quail&
of every
_man who asks ; us for,
tes. We Shall endeavor-to give,
nom. with perfect fairness and
We have ever been taught,
a most Sincerely believe, that no
tod cOnim of any use 17t a free
rion before .a free people. if we
err In a 'single statement, the
ill not only be unintentional, but
, oce4 in spite of our most anx
r3caut ion• All important facts
,be'stated with the utmost partici].
We will give names, times and
and all our quotatlons shall 'be
ie most , authentic sources. - We
iellow-citizens. to lay nothing
ou which will not not safely
mur severest scrutiny. May we
refore fairly solicit, and cons
:Rest, the candid attention of
ionest man into whose hands this
may fall, no matter what may
'a his previous political bias ?
• The Charge.
charge against Mr. Clay, in the
•ution of which we now wish
loin; is briefly- this :
he—while the "election for Pre
was before the ,House of Repre
nes, in the winter of 1824-5, be
representative from Kentucky,
Raker of the House,, entered into
vitt toalitio - n with John Q. Adams,
to whom he had previously been
tonallf atei politically opposed, if
summation of -which coalition, in
- defiance of the will of the people
he Stale mif Kentucky and of the
led States, and 'also in direct oppo
to his own professed principles,
kdams President of the United
mod Adams. in return, made him.
!retary of. State and placed him
it he afterwards termed the line
precedents " for elevation to the
leney—o r , to state it still more
r, that, so far as in him lay--
101 i of len and Parties in 14.
lanford- Convention; the 'victory of
the peace of Ghent, prostrated The
federalism.. Its votmiries - abluidoned it
lame and mortification, acid now call
republicans." . Such was the lan.
Thomas Jefferson, in a letter written,
!Ls Fayette. near the close , of the
—stew. vol. ofJeff.v7io7l'B Corr&
45 indeed true that federalism had
Illy ceased to exist. There were
iUr candidates'for the Presidency
field, all - eeekin i ,o_ support from
mblicati patty . Three of these.
Jackson. William. H. craw
lipniy Clay, and always been
ted With i that party - . One of
John Quincy litclams, was ; the
that blPt cockade federalist.
lams, and,i in the outset of his
tie, had shown himself one of
bitter and, vindictive among
politicians. But in 1807,
:illy apostatized from his lath
tY, and became a supporter of
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the Jeffersonian administration. So,
managing as to make the republican
party believelim sincere. he will; taken
into favor, became the recipient of,their
bounty, and, and at the time of which
we' speak, was President Monroe's
Secretary_of State. He had, however,
so cultivated the good will alibi old
associates, that The great majority of
republicans became distrestful of him ;
and in the same letter, just quoted. Mr.
Jefferson, speaking of him" as the
northmost candidate," declared that he
would is get every federal vote in the
Union." It should here be remarked
that; when Mr. Jefferson said -that the
federalists had changed their name, he
added, 4 but the name a/ope is chang4
the principles are the same."
The republicanism of Jackson and
Crawford had never been distrusted.
Mr. Clay had many splendid quali-.
ties, and had been of some service to
the republican causc. ki 1811 he
made an eloquent and unanswerable at. ,
gument against a national hank, and he
had given a vigorous support to the war.
Still, he had not gained the confidence
of the people. His abilities were deem
ed more showy than solid, and, in some
instances, he had exhibited an over.
weening ambition, and an ungenerous
jealousy of those supposed to stand in
his way._ Thomas M. Randolph, the
son-in-law and the intimate . friend of
Thomas Jefferson, has given us Mr.
Jefferson's. opinion of Mr. Clay, in
these words :
"Towards_ Mr. Clay, as a politician, Mr.
Jefferson constantly manifested a very strong
; repugnance, and often said that he was merely
a splendid orator, without any valuable knowl
edge from experience or study, or. anyLdeter
mined public principles founded in sound po.
litical science, either practical or thehretical."—
. See Register, vol. 33,p. 21. .
Mr. 'Clay's relations towards Jackson and
- Crawford.
In his speech on the Seminole war,
in ISIS, Mr. Clay wressed his high
respect for General Jackson in the fol
lowing words:
'' Towards that distinguished Captain, who
shed so much glory on our country, whose re•
nown constitutes so great a portion of its moral
property, I never had, I never can have, any
other feelings•than those of the most profound
respect and of the utmost kindness.—&e
lt!ry's edition of Clay's Speeches, 1 p. 365. ,
In consequence, however, of Mr.
Clay's course upon the Seminole cam
paign, a temporary estrangement occur
red between him and Gen. Jackson ;
but in his address to the, public,•of De
cember, 1827, Mr. Clay alluding to his
.opinions in regard to that campaign),
says that,
"They never had been supposed by me to
form any just occasion for private
tween us, and-that none had been eherientd on
my part." •
In the same address, Mr, Clay testi
fies that ' friendly intercourse" was
resorted between them at the session of
1823 ; and , , after admitting that they
then repeatedly dined together, be
adds :
"We frequently met, in the course of the
winter, always respectfully addressing each
other."—See Nik's Register, ed. 32p. 303.
Even after the coalition, in his ad
dreis to his vonstituents, of the date, of
March '26`, 1825 ; Mr. Clay was com
pelled to speak of Gem Jackson in these
terms : - • •
" In speaking of General Jackson, I am aware
of the delicacy and respect which are justly due
to that distinguished citizen. It is far from
purposes to attempt to disparage Lim: .I could
not do it if / were capable of Making the at
tempt." "He has displayed great skill and
bravery, as a military commander, and his own
renown will endure as long as the means exist
of preserving a recollection of 'human lrausac
tion."—See this address in Mallory's edition
vol. I,p. 495.
Mr. Crawford was on friendly terms
with Mr. Clay. Early in the campaign.
he was prostrated by sickness, and
ceased to be regarded as a formidable
111 r. Clara Mations to John Q. Adams.--
The adjourned Question of veracity."
How stood Henry Clay and John
Quincy Adams ? A few fams will
show that they were personal and po
litical enemies.
Mr. Adami and Mr. Clay had been
associated as commissioners for the ne
gotiation of the Treaty of Ghent. A
,differeitce arose between them, in that
negociation, in respect to a proposition,
supported by Mr. Adams, to surrender
to the British the - right of free naviga
tion of the Mississippi, as an eqUivalent
for the privilege of fishing on the. Bri
tish Coastsof North America. In 1822,
wbook was published by Mr. Adam; on
this subject, in which he reflected se
verely on the character Of Mi. Clay.—;-
Mr. Clay was - obliged to take some no
tice of this book. ' -
Aceordinoy, he sent note to the
National Waimea; dated the
IRegardiess of Denundatim /Pons any Qtsarter.—Gov: Po&uu.
MIDAIEDINDIBM CIZTErUZ9 =la att 9 auten,
of Navember,'lB22. in which, after de
claringthat Mr. Adams had made eiro
aeons sta4ssments, both •offact and °pin
ion, in regard to the transactions at
Gwent, he says:
"I WILL, at \ iorneluture period, more pro.
pitions than the present to calm and dispassion
ate consideration, and when there can be no
misinterpretation of motives, lay before the pub ,
lic a narrative of those transactions, as I under
stood them,"
This was published in the Nntional
Intelligencer, °., at Washington, - on the
17th of DeceMber.lB22. On the 18th
of Qeceinber, the very next day, %Mr.
Adains sent to the Intelligencer a reply
to Clay, beginning with a sneering al
lusion to ~ a note from Mr. Clay," In.
stead of the Honorable Henry Clay,
and ending with the following keenly.
pointed paragraph:
"But, as by the 'adjournment of that,publi
emtion to a period " more propitious than the
present to calm and dispassionate . consideration,
and when there can be no misinterpretation of
motives, it may donee to be postponed until
both of us shall have been summoned to so-
Count for all tut errors, before a higher tribu
nal than-that of our country, I feel myself now
called upon to say, that let the appropriate dis
positions, when and how they will, expose the
opete - day and secret night of the transactions at
Ghent, the statements both of fact and opinion,
in the papers which I have written and pub
lished, in relation to this controversy, will, in
every particular, essential or important, to the
interests . of the nation, or to the character of
Mr. Clay, be found to abide unshaken, the test
of human scrutiny, of talents, and of time. •
This is the affair usually referred to
as , 6 the adjourned question of veracity."
For the sake of the coalition, Clay has
pocketed a gross insult, his veracity is
still in dispute, and as Adams taunting
ly insinuated, the question will continue
to be postponed " until they shall
have been summoned before the tribu
nal of another world.
Clay's Hostility to Adams:
Mr. Clay had; very early, been led
to look upon-Adams as a rival whom
it was expedient to crush. -As,early as'
1818, the Kentucky Reporter, 'a , paper
edited by mx. Smith, a friend, connex
ion, and
,devoted instrument of Mr.
Clay, contained articles bitterly attack
ing Mr. Adams. From one of these
of the date of July 15, 1818, we take
the following extract in relation to the
appointment of Mr. Adains, by ' Mr.
Monroe, to be 'Secretary of State :
"MI. Adams ie designated by the President
and his presses as the heir apparent, the next
successor to the Presidency. Since the prin
ciple was introduced, there has been a Mild d:
generacy in the chief magistrate; and the pros
pect of still greater degeneracy, is strong and
alarming. Admit the people should acquiesce
in the presidential appointment of Mr. Adams
to that high 'office; who again will be choose
astiis successor 1 Will it be Josiah Quincy,
H. G. Otis or Rufus King 1 An aristocrat, at
least, if not a traitor will be OUT portion."
In the Presidential contest, Clay re
garded Adams as his chief opponent.—
He seemed utterly ignorant of the strong
hold which General Jackson bad upon
'the esteem of the people. ‘OO the 16th
of February, 1823. he wrote a letter
from Washington to Amos Kendall,
then in Kentucky, in which he says :
"Judging from present, the con
test between Mr. - Adams and me."
Mr. Kendall was then thewarm and
intimate friencrof Clay.. .H')
ed Clay, when he tourd that Clay had
abandoned his republican iprinciples,
and allied
_himself to Adams.
- On the 17th of December 'of the
same year, Clay again wrote to Ken
dall as follows :
" Thew is an effort making to get up a can
cue. I doubt its success. Mr. Adams is
'weaker to the north than I supposed him tobe,
if one is to judge .from whirhe hears at this
place. My prospects are very good."
Clay's Attack on Adams.
In the fall• of 1822,
,Mr. Clay pro
cured a . series of articles, signed
" Wayne," to be published in the
" Liberty Holland Cincinnati Gazette,"
(then, as now, a Clay paper) for the
purpose, of prejudicing the people of
Ohio against John Quincy Adams.—
These articles charged Mr. Adams with
an tajeeling.policv" with "giving
our wives and childrenforph,and bar
tering the blood of your citizens for mo
ney with a policy which " would
crimson our freshfields. with theblood
of .our ,borderbrethrenand light the
midnight forest with iheflames of their
dwellings." JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, "
said one of these articles, " can never
receivelthe vote of .ohio. He is too
ignorant of our interests, or he disre
gards them." Such was the language
sanctioned by Mr. Clay in 1822. In
the ensuing yeir, a pamphlet MS writ
ten in Kentucky, at his instigation by
Mr. Kendall, on, the subject of. the
fisheries, in 'which Mr: Adams was
charged with hostility to,the west, with
violation of •insunctions, and - with &It
plieity, .falsehoOd, and almost every
thing dishonorable and base in a public
man. Mr. Adams wait denounced in it
as sa an artful sophist, a clumsy new,-
ciator," and possessing 1 6 views too
erroneous, feelings too sectional, and
temper. too vindictive fOr the chief ma
gistrate of a free people 1"
Fbir printing this pamphlet, Mr. Clay
paid to Mr. Tanner. of Lexington Ky.,
the sum of one hundred dollirs, as was
proven by Mr. Tanners' own testimony
before the Legislature of Ky. in 1828.
lie was also *tonally active in the ,
circulation of i, at is proven by the
following lette to its author, a part of
which we havelbefore quoted :
" Dear sir.--Beieral inquiries have been made
about your pamp et on-the fisheries, by mem.
bets of congress,. d I have promised to to.
quest a copy to sent to irtr. David Sloane,
here. Will you good enough to „ kave them
forwarded'' •
There is - ane4rrt main' gto get up a alu
m& - I doubtits ac cess. Mr. Adams is weak
er to the north than I supposed him to be, if
one is to judge Om what be hears at this place.
My prospects areq very good.
Youth with great esteem,
Washington. 7th December."
Course o Mr. Clay's friends.
The subordinates took their cue from
the chief. Eery where Clay's friends
attackedldatits as unfit for the Presi
d ble, one of Mr. Clay's
most effectivi supporters In ' the con
gressional delpgation from Kentucky,
in Sgptemberl,, 1824,, denounced Mr.
Adaths as an ii ,, apostate federalist. and
an enemy toe west, Who had offered
to barter a y the :navigation of the
Mississippi f
,r whales, anti mackrel."
4 „
—See evidence before the Kentucky
Legislature,ebruary - , 1828. .
Jahn S7On' e, a member of Congress
from the Sto e of Ohio, the same for
whom Mr. 'lay requested from Ken
doll a copy of .the pamphlet on the
fisheries—and the same man who was
lately our Ocretary of State, and who
is now one: of the editors of the Ohio
State Journal, was then, as now, a
warm friendl l , of Clay. He also de
nounced the Adams party, and, in a
letter dated 'December, 182, addressid
to a Mr. Nailllor. of ColumbAna county,
Ohio, declabd that ~ the old federalists
and men of to political party were gen
erally Tor Mr. Adams.
The addrbss of thb Clay convention
in Ohio, in July 1824. avowed that the
chief obje4 of supporting Mr. Clay,
was to defeat Mr. Adams. We 'give the
words of thb address.
a , Were Air. Clay withdrawn. the
result as to'the election by the electors.
would mos t' probably be the same; or
if it were not, it would place in the
Presidential chair one of the present
cabinet; an event which it was the first
object of the friends of Mr. Clay to
prevent." I -
The -oddness containing this language
-was writteil' by Charles Hammond, of
the Cincin ati Gazette, and signed by
Joseph Va' ce, as chairman of the Con
Clay's kilt and Sinister Designs.
As the 11 election approached, Mr.
Clay's chapce greatly diminished. The
rapid progress of Gen. Jackson's popu
larity swept away his last hope of be
ing elected„ by the people, and render l
ed it extremely doubtful whether he
could be one of the three candidates re
turned to the House of Representatives.
Had he been an honest roan, free from
all sinister designs,, he Would have
withdravvri his pretensions,( and left the
people to Choose their own President.
But his eager thirst for Bel( aggrandize
ment did riot permit him Ito pursue a
course so hcmiorable and p‘triotic. His
friends a Washington qty, in May,
1824. puti l forth a circular, Which, thee
is good '
•asen to believe,., was written
,lay himself, advising his
friends to adhere to him steadily,"
and assur rig them.
"If Mr. lay should not he returned to the
house, his lends having done their duty, will
be able, by oncentration, to control the event.
They will ld in their hands the balance.",
In the snonth of October, 1824, Mr.
Clay. himself declared to the Hon.
Charles A Wickliffe, of Kentucky, the
probability of his . being ex.cludeif from ,
the Douse, and said,
sy.Tultipet such a contingency. 'rny friends
must be:prepared; and I think it best that they
shoukl not hastily commit themselves in their
second choice." - •
At the same time, he recommended
the same non-coMmittalism tit'the.Hon.
T. P. Moore - . of Kentucky. • These
facts clearly show that he kept up a
separate party with the'express desigik
of being enabled to conirel the event"
.by Making the very bargain • whieli, he
afterwards did: - • ' ' • -
. • • .
The„sllllt Wine t!!aleopic, .
Mr..Ctay was tholo* r est oC the•four
candidates, Jackson having 99 electo
rial votes, and being the . highest, Ad
ams 84, Crawford 41, and Clay had
37. Jickson had the votes of 11
States, Adams, of 7'; Crawford, Of 3,
and Clay, of 3. The three States, which
voted for Mr. Clay, were Kentucky,
Ohio, and Missouri._ Had Mr: Clay
declined the canvass, and left them to
Have made their own choice. between
Jackson and Adams, it is undeniable
that Jackson would. have received an
almost unanimous vote in each of them,
and thereby been elected by the 'peo
ple. • ,
The Popular Expectation.
Sach being. the *ate of things when
Congress met in December, 1824, it
was the universal belief that-the choice
of the House would fall upon gen.
Jackson. Mr. Crawford was virtually
out of the contest by reason of sickness,
and the issue was between Jackson and
Adams. It was true that Mr. Clay and
his friends held the balance of power,
he being a member of the House and
its Speaker. It was known, how
ever, that -Jackson was the choice of
every Western State, and that, had
Clay's name been withdrawn, he would
have been elected by the people. h
was known that Mr. Clay had long en
tertained hostile feelings towards Mr.
Adams, and that the latter, as Jefferson
had predicted, had rallied around him
the New England Federalists. When
before the 'people, Mr. Adams had re
ceived the vote of but one State out of
New England. The representatives
from Illidois and Missouri were sol
emnly; , pledged to support Jackson
and hardly a voice was to be found for
Adams in Ohio or Kentucky.
No man believed it possible that M.
Clay could vote for a: candidate whb,
had received the votes of only? States,
against one who had received the votes
of 11 States. No man believed that
lie cotild vote for an apostatelederaliit,
against a uniform republican. No man
believed than he could vote for a •man
whom' be himself had helped make
odious to the people, against a man
acknowledged to be the favorite of the
people. No man believed that he could
vote for an eastern man whom he had
charged with hostility to the west
against a western, man whO had peril
ed his life for the west. No man be
lieved that he could vote for his politi
cal and personal enemy, against one
with whom he was upon friendly,rela
tions. No man believed he could vote
for his political and.personal enemy.
against one with whom he had charged
with almost every thing base, Aishon
orable and traitorous ; akainsfAiiin
whom he had often lauded, as the brave,
magnanimous and patriotic defender
of New Orleans. No man'frbelieved
that he could vote von John Quincy
SON—because, no man knew how
readily he , could seem ifice his honor, his
principlei, and his fame to the unhal
lowed shrine of ambition .
Mysterious Reserve of Mr. Clay.
The circunlistance which induced a
distrust of M.r. Clay., was the profound
silence which he and his intimate
friends preserved in regard to their in
tensions. This was in exact accord
ance with the advice which he gave his
friends, as we have already shown be
fore, the election. 9.lthough this si
lence immediately attracted theAtten
non of the public, it was long before
the secret purpose of it was fully un
derstood. Men were unwilling to be
lieve that treachery, so base, was con
templated by one who stood soliigh in
the Republican . party. Subsequent
events enlightened the public mind, and
the' question was asked. with wither
ing power, Why did Clay preserve
so strict a silence in regard to his in
tentions as to the Presidential election,
if it was not that he was engaged in
that very intrigue and bargain, and cor
ruption, afterwards charged upon Mint"
In; his "address to his constituents,"
shortly after the election by the - house,
he would have the public believe. that
his suppression of his opinions, was
from his regard tco. delicacy and deco
ruin ;"—he who before, had ever been
proud of the frankness and. perfect un
reserve which was characteristic' of the.
men of the west • Vain excuse !' His
whole subsequent life givei the lie to
his, pretence of delicacy and deco-,
rum." He certainly could not have
desired time to form his opinions as to
the relativeinerits of the two candidates.
He had long known them; and it would
have been passing strange for him to
have remained undecided. upon a:ques
tion; on which the very humbles), man
inVie land had long singe made.' Pp his
'4, ' ' •
tEnt Mo Co C 013 I Via aMeV
Vim Instructlop if Constktuents;
Congress had been but *few weeks
in - session, when 'the delegation tam
Kentucky received instructions from
the. Legislature of their state, which,
it was supposed at the times would ren
der their vote absolutely certain, for
General Jackson. Mr. Clay had
mays professed the ._doctrine that the
representatives shoold obey the Will 'of
his constituents. The following is au
extract from a speech madein Congress
by Clay, in January, 1817. l$
,and pu
lished in the National inielligencer of
that date:
" Whilst, then, he had a seat on this floor.-
Mr. C. said, it was immaterial how he arrived
at the will of. his constituents oi what were the
evidences of it, it was sufficimit that he should
know it. In all cases of expediency, be held
the doctrine of an obligation mi his part to ob
serve the instructions, ezpres4d or implied, or
his constituents."
, The following were the resolutions
which were adopted by the legislature
of Kentucky :
"Resolved by the Senate ;and Rouse of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Kentucky, That the members of the House of
Representatives in the Congress of the United
States from this state be requested to vote for
General Jackson as President of the Uni
ted States. .
"Resolved as the opinion of this legislaeurve
That Gen; Andrew Jacksonis the second
choice of the state of Kentucky for.. the next
President- of the United States; that a very
large-majority of the people of this state prefer `
Gen. Andrew Jackson. to Mr, Adams or Mr,
Crawford and that the members of the House
of Representatives in Congress
. of the United
States will, by complying with the request
herein signified, faithfully and truly represent
the feelings and wishes of the good people of:
Kentncky."—[See Niles' Register, vol. 27.„
page 231.
These resolutions passed the- Ken
tucky Legislature by a vote of 91 out
of 11 / 4 menibers, some.of the few who
voted against them declaring that they
did so, not because they were in favor
of Mr. Adams, but because they deem
ed thb interference of the legislature
unnecessary. Thus said an eloquent
opponent of the Adams dynasty. wait
Clay's obligation to vote against Mr.
Adams completed. It was a triple cord.
composed of honor. principle, and duty
—honor in relation to his own-declara
lions, and those of his friends. especial
ly, in Ohio. and duty in relation -to
his Kentucky-. Yet with this triple
cord snapt asunder.
As an excuse for this disregard of the
will of Kentudky. Mr: Clay liter
ward's set up the pretence that his con
stituents were' merely the voters. of hi*
own Congressional district, and that he
owned no allegiance to the mass of peo
ple of the State. But this excuse is
most too frivolous to be , worthy of no. l
tice, because. in giving the vote of
Kentucky in the eledtion of a President
by the Hou - se, he was in fact the rep
resentative of the (quire State, and not
a fraction of the State.
Rumors of Clay's Tnashery.
Some rumors of Clay's bargain witlr,
lAdams began to be circulated about a ,
mouth before the election. A little
while previous, a tale had been started
that Jackson - had resolved that, in case '
he should be chosen President, he
Would make• Adams . his Secretary of
State.. This was undoubtedly . done
by Mr. Clay's friends, for the purpose
of sounding Gen. Jackson as to Mr:
Clay. Mr. Buchanan, of Pa., called
tin Gen. Jackson and interrogated him ,
as to the truth of his tale. He receiv4
ed from the General this characteristic
answer t
" That these were secrets he would keep to•
himself—he would conceal them from the very
hairs of his bead. That if he believed.his right
hand then know what his left would do, upon.
the subject of appointments to office, he.would.
cut it off and east it into the fire. That if he
should ever be elected President, it would be
without solicitation and without intrigue on
hispart.—See Bueluinan's Letter, Niles' Reg
ister, vol. 32. 416. .
Several of-11Thr , Clay's friends had
not hesitated, to proclaim. that they
meant to make Noe of the balance of
powento control the arrangements of .
the new administration, and when they
were informed of Jackson's determina
tion not to bargain for the Presidency,
they doubtless . turned their attention
esclnsively to Adams. In him they
chanced to find - a more congenial spirit,
Letter to the u Columhhut Observer."
Towards .the last of Januaq, that,
wbleh men at first _deemed founded
solely upon rumors, too monstrous
for telief. ilegatt to bear_ the sober- eit.•
Peet of t.tuth and certainty. On the
21 tb a:January'. the following startling ,
letter., purporting to have beer/ • written
bY *a&mernber of Congtess, tilos
. pub.
shed in the columbian Observer," ,
at. Philadelphia:
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