Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 19, 1844, Image 4

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The Battle Field.
Once this joft turf, this rivulet'a!sands
Were trampled by a hurrying crowd,
And fiery hearts and armed hands
Encountered in the battle cloud.
Ali, never shall the land forget
How gushed thelife blood of her brave,
Gushed, warns with hope and valor yet,
ITO? the soil they fought to save. `_
-:.1); ow all is calna and fresh and still,
Alone the chirp of flitting bird, .
And talk of children onthe hill, •
And bell of the wandering line are heard.
No solemn host goes tiailing by • •
The blackqaoutbed gnn and araggeripg wain,
Men start net: at the battle cry,
Oh, bait never heard again!
Soon rested those who fought—but thoui
mmglest in the harder strife
For truths' which, men receive not now,
Thygtrfere bids , ends with life.
And friendless warfartelingering long
Through weary day, and weary year;
And wild and many weaponed throng
Hang on - thy front and flank and fear:
Yet nerve thy spirit to the proof,
. And blanch not at the chosen lot ; '
The timid gOod may stand aloof,
The sage may frown—yet fainethou not
Nor heed the shaft too sorely cast,
The hi r cFang, stinging bolt
.of scorn,
For with thy side shall dwell at last,
The victory of endurance borne.
Wrath, crushed to earth, shall rise again ;
The eternal years of God are her's ;
:- But Error, wounded, writheswith pain,
And, dies among its worshippers:
tea, thouthou lib upon the dust,
.*hed thcie who helped thee flee in fear,
.:.flif;fulLotliope and manly trust, '
4.liiejhose who fell in battle here.
,ifikther hand thy sword shall wield,
.Xnother hand thy standard way
Till from the trumit's mouth is pealed
The blast of triumph o'er thy pairs;
I Will,
look sober, Laura 4 What :has
thrown' a veil over yottiliappy face
said Mrs. clevellnd td her neice, one
morning on finding.her alone, and with
a very thoughtful countenance.
"Do I really look sober?" and Laura
smiled as she, spoke.
You did just now. But the.sun
shine has already dispelled the tran
sient cloud. lam glad that a storm
was not pretended." ,
I telt sober: aunt;" Laura said af
ter a few - moments—her face>
coming serious:
" So I supposed, from your looks."
" And I feel sober still."
~ wily? •
I arnreally discouraged, aunt."
' 'Abut what ?"
The Maiden's cheek deepened its
hue; but elle did not reply.
You and Harry have not fallen out
like a pair of foolish lovers, I hope."
" Oh, no !" was the quick and em
phatic answer
" Then - what has troubled the quiet
waters of your spirit? About What are
you discouraged ?"
" I will tell you," the maiden repli
ed/ "It was only about a Week' a e r
my engagement with Harry that I call
ed upon Alice Stacy and found . her
quite unhappy. She had 'not been
married over a few months. I asked
what troubled her, and she said "I feel
as miserable as I can be !" "But
what makes you miserable, Alice?"
I inquired, "Because, William - and I
have quarrelled—that's the reason,"
she said, with some levity, tossing her
head and cpmpressing her lips with a
,kind ofdeffance. 1 was shocked—so
much so, that I could not speak. •
" The fact is," • she resumed, before
I could reply, " all men are arbitrary
and-unreasonable. They think women
inferior to them, .and their wives as a
high order' of slaves. - But I am not
one fo be put under any man's feet.--
William has tried that trick with me,
and failed. Of ciiiirse to be foiled ,by.a
woman is no very pleasant thin g for
one of your lords of creation.
pest in a .teapot was 'the conseiuence.
But I did not yield the point in dispute;
and what is more, have no itleaof doing
so. He will have to find out, sooner
or later, that I am his equal in every
:way, and the' quicker he can be made
conscious of this, the better Tor us both.
Don't you think so ?" I made no an
:swer. I - was so' much surprised' .3nd
shocked. "All men," she continued, be taught this. There-never
-was a husband who did not, at first-at
tempt to lord it over his wife.' And
there never was aviroman, whosenon
ydition as'a wife was, at all above that of
a passiyo slave, who did not find it ne
cessary to oppose herself at first with
unflinching preservance."
"To all this; and a greardeal more
I could say nothing. It choked me up.
Since then. I have met her frequently.
.at home and elsewhere,' but she bas
never looked happy. Several times
Ile has said to me in company when I
have taken a seat beside her and re.
marked that she seemedAull. Yea
am dull ; but Mr. , Stacy there you see
enjoys himself. Men
. always enjoy
themselves in `compan y—apart; from
their wives, course.". 1 would
sometimes= oppoie to ibis a sentiment
palliative of 'bet husband; as that in
company, a man very naturally wish
ed to , add his rite to the general joy;
ousness or something of a like nature.
tflot it only excited her, and drewlorth
remarks that shocked my feelings. Up
to this day they do, not appear to be on
any belle ;terms.: Then, there is Fran
ces Glen—married only three months,,
and as fond of carping at her husband
for his arbitrary domineering spirit, as
Mrs. Stacy. I. could name two or three
others who, have been married, some a
shorter and some a longer period, that
do not seem to be united by any closer
..It is the condition of these yOung
friends, mint,. that causes the to fell se
rious. I am to be married in a few
weeks. 'Can it be impossible that my
union with -Henry Armour will be no
happier, no more perfect than, theirs ?
This I cannot believe. And yet, the
relation that Aliceaml Frances hold to
theii husbands, troubles cue r whenever
I think of it. Henry, as far as I have
been able to understand him, has strong
points'in his character. From a right
course of action that he thinks right—
no consideration, I. am sure would turn
him. .1 too, have mehtal characteris
tics somewhat similar. There 'is, like
wise a leaven of stubborness. I trem
ble when the thought of opposition be
tween tiff, upon any subject, crosses,.
my mind. I ,mould rather die—so
feel about it—than ever have 'a
standing with my husband."
Laura ceased, and her aunt, who was,
now perceived, much agitated, arose
and left the'room without speaking,—
The reason of this to Laura was alto
gether unaccountable. Her aunt Cleve
land, always so mild, so calm, to'be
thus strongly dieturbed. What could
it mean? .What'could there be in her
maidenly fears to excite , the feeling of
one so good, and wise and gentle? An
howc afterwards and while she sat sober
and perplexed in mind, in the same
place where Mrs. Cleveland had left
_her, a domestic came in and said that
her aunt wished to see her in her room.
Laura attended her immediately. She
found her calin and self possessed, but
paler than. usual.
4. Sit down besitie me, 'clear,'? Mrs.
Cleveland said, smiling faintly, as-her
niece came in.
• What you said, this Morning, Lau
ra," she began, after a few moments,
, i - recalled my own early years so viv
idly, that could • not keep= down emo
tions I had deemed long since power
less. The cause of those emotions it
is now, I clearly see, my duty to reveal
—that is, to, you. For years I have
carefully avoided permitting my mind
to go back to the past in vain musings
over scenes that bring no pleasant
thoughti, no glad feelings. , I have
rather looked into the future with a
steady hope, a calm reliancg. But for
your sake I will draw aside the veil.—
May the relation I am now about to
give you have the effect I desire.
Then shall I not suffer in vain. How
at this moment do I remember
the joyful feelings that pervaded my
bosom when, like you a maiden, I look
ed forward to my wedding day. Mr.
Cleveland was,a man in many respects;
like Henry Armour. Probd firm, yet
gentle and amiable when not opposed
-a man with whom Lmight have been
supremely, happy- 7 whose faults
I might have corrected—not by open'
opposition to them—not by seeming to
notice them—but by leading him to
see them . himaelf.--But this course I
did not pursue. I was proud, I was
self-willed ; I vas unyielding Elements
like these can never come into opposi
tion without a victory on either side
being as disastrious as the defeats.—
We mere married. Oh, how sweet
was the promise of my wedding day !
Of my. husband I - was very fond.—
Handsome, educated, and with talents
ea high °nig there was every thing
about him to make the heart of a young
wife proud. Like days in Elysium
passed the first few months of our wed
ed life. Our thoughts and wishes
were one, - After that, gradually a
change appeared to cone over my
husband. He deferred less readily to
my wishes. His own will was more
frequently opposed to mine, and,. his
contentions for victory longer and long
er continued. This surprised,and pain.:
ed me. 'tut it did not occur- to me,
that my tenaciousness of opinion nigh
seem as strange
,to him as did liis to
me. It did not occur to me, that there
would be a propriety in my deferring to
him—at least- so far,as to give up op
.position, 1 never for a moment reflect
ed ,that a proud: firm-spirited man;
might be !lriven off from an opposing
- wife, rather. than drawn closer, and
united in tender bonds. I only per
ceived my' rights as an' equal assailed.'
And from that point of veiw, saw, his
conduct al, dogmatical and overbearing,
I whenever he resolutely Aset himself
against me, as was far too frequently
the case. •
"One day—we had' been married
about six Months—he said to me a lit
tle seriously, yet smilingly as he spoke,
"Jane, did .1 not see you , on the street
,this morning ?" You did," I replted.
i 4 And with Mrs. Corbin ?" . Yes."
My answer to this last question was
not given in - ,it - *ty4iletistint.ltine.'—=•
Tile : reason WaS--,this;fgre,crirbitt, - ,lti.
recent.acquaintatige was no favorite ;with_
tity : husband; more - than
once mildly suggekted.thit she Was
his view; a-. 5t .ass6ciitte' for
This ratheritoUched my pride,'
mirred 'to - Me, that . I - .oUght to be ;the
'best :judge - of mY.:feniale''. associates,
and that: for ,my husband to nialtOany
objectioni was an assumption on his
part, that as a wife, I Was'ealled upon
to resist: • t did not, on previous occa
sions- say an thing very decided, con
tenting myself with parrying his objec
tions by laughing. This time, 'how
ever, I was in a less forbearing mood.
wish you would not makOthat, we;
man your friencl,":he Said, after I had
admitted that he was'right .in . his own
observation... " And why not, pray.?"
I asked looking at him quite steadily.
reasons (before giVen,latie." - he
replied; .mildly, !Mt firmly,. "There
are reports , in eireulation touching ,her
Character that I fear are ---r' They
are false!". I interrupted • him. " I
know they are false !" I spoke,with a
sudden excitement. - My voice, trem- .
bled,.my cheek.burned, and I was co n 7 .
scious that my eye shot. forth no mild
light. "They are true—l know they
are true!" Mr. Cleveland said sternly,
but apparently 'unruffled. "1 know
her far better. She is an injured . wo
man." , •
" Jane," my htisband now said,„his
voice slightly tiernbling,." you are my
wife. As such, your reputation is clear
to me as the apple•' of my eye. ' §us
pieion has . been cast upon Mrs. Corbin,
and that suspicion . I have good reason
for believing well founded., If you as
sociate with her—if you are seen upo
the street with her, your fair fame will
receive a taint. This I cannot permit."
"'There was, to my miiid, .a threat
of authoritative intervention. At this
my pride welt hre.
" Cannot permit," I laid, drawing
myself up. " What do you mean, Mr.
Cleaveland ?"
The brow of my husband instantly
flashed. He was silent for a moment
or two. Then he said with forced
calmness' yet in a resolute., meaning
tone. '
"-Jane, I do not wish you to keep
company : with Mrs. Corbin."
" I WILL !" was my indignant reply,.
" His face grew deadly pale. For
a moment his whole frame trembled as
if some fearful struggle were going on
within. Then he quietly arose, and
without looking at me, left•the room
Oh ! how deeply did I regret uttering
those unhappy words the instant they
were spoken-! But repentance came
too late. For about the space of ten
minutes, pride struggled with affection
and duty. At the end of that time the
latter triumphed, and I hastened after
my husband to ask his forgiveness for
what 1 had said. But he was not in
the parlors. He was not in the house!
I asked a servant if she had seen him,
and received for reply that he had gone
" Anxiously passed the hours until
nightfall. The sad twilight, as it gath
ered dithly around, thretir a . deeper
gloom over my heart. My husband
usually came home before dark. Now
he was :away beyond his accustomed
hour. 'stead of returning gladly to
meet his young wife, he was staying
away, because that young wife had
thrown; off the attractions of love and
presented to him features harsh and re-
pulsive. How anxiously I longed to
hear the sound of his footsteps—to. see
his face—to hear his voice. The mo
ment of his entrance I resolved should.
be the moment. ofi,ray hurfible confes , •
sion of wrong—of my faithful promise
'never again to set up my - will deter
minedly in oppositiop to his judgment.
But minutes passed after nightfall—hours
succeeded minutes—and these rolled
on until the• whole night wore away,
and he came not back to me. Ai the
gray light of morning stole into my
chamber, a terrible fear took hold of
me that made my heart grow still in
my bosom—the fear that, lie never
would return—that I had driven him
off from me. Alas ! this fear was too
• nigh the truth. The whole of that day
passed, and the. nest, and the next,
without any tidings. No one had seen
him since he left me. 4%.n anxious ex
citement spread amonwall Ins4riends.
The only account I could give of him
was, that he had parted froallue
good,health, - ,and in a sane i mintl.'
".A Week. rolled by, and still no
word came. I was nearly .Ais4acted.
Wti l at I suffered no tongue can' tell, no
healrtoonceive.. 1 have often wondered
that r. did not become insane. But
from this sad condition I 'was saved.
Through all, my. reai,on, :though often:
trembling, did not once forsake me. It
was on the, tenth day i from that upon '
which he jarrecli,so heavily as to
be driven wide asunder, that a letter
came to ine, t ark'ed New York,
and endorsed "In baste. 7, . hands that I enuld with difficulty'
'break: the seal. ' The contents were .to
the -affect, that my ihusband had been
lying at one - of the lintels there, 'very.
ill ; but new passed the 'crisis of his
disease, and thotight• by the: physician
to 'be out of danger. The writer urged
me, from my husband, to come On 46-,
mcdiately. eight hours, from _.the
tipid that I received the letter:;', I 'was
in New, York.; ; Alas t: it was too late.
The disease ICA returned with double
violence, and - Itappcd' the feeble thread
of WOO litlier saw ' my :
iii aceapin— - :- • .
Selt:poseeirtior‘ of - Mrs Cleake
land. at this part,fof her narrative, gay,
way:, Covering her Tile With her httads;;,
she gobbed .violently. , white ;14; Oars
came trickling through her fingers.
.“ My dear Laura, ' she reiumed,:af;
ter the lapse cif imaytnintites,leplring
op as she spoke with , a ckar eye,'and
a sober but -placid countinauee, it'l
for your sake that. I have-'luitied my
gaze resolutely back. May the- pain
ful history I have given your-ale a
deep impresSion upon your heart. Let
it warn you_ of the sonken rack upon
which my . bark foundered. Avoid
carefully. ' religiously avoid setting
yourself in opposition to your husband.
Should he prove unreasonable or arbi
trary, nothing is to be gained,and every
thing lost by conception.-By
ness, by forbearance,, by even suffering
wrong at-times, you will berable to win
him over' e a better spirit. An op
patio course will as , assuredy put
thorns in ur pillow as you adopt
it. Look at the.' unhippy condition of
the friends you haive named. Their.
husbands are, in their eyen, exacting,
,domineering tyrants. But this need
not lie. Let them act truly the
man''s part. Let them not oppose, but
yield, and they. will Lind that their
present tyrants will become their len=
ers. Above all. never, under any cir
cumstances, either jestingly Or in ear
nest, say 'will," when you are op
iiosed. That declaration is never made
without its robbing the wife of a por
tion of her husband's confidence and
-love.- Its .utterance has dimmed the_
fire upon many a smiling hearth-stone."
Laura could not reply. The relation,
of her aunt had deeptY shocked her
feelings. But the words she had utter
ed sunk into. her-heart; add when her,
triafcame—when she was tempted to
set her will in 'opposition to her his
band's and , resolutely . to .contend for
what she deemed right, a thought of
Mrs. Cleieland's story would put a
seal upon! her lips. It was well.—
The character of Henri Armour too
nearly , resembled that 'of Mr. Cleve
land. He could illy have brooked a
wife's opposition. But her.tenderness,
her forbearance,- her devoted love,
bound her to him with cords that.drew
closer and closer each revolving year.
She never Opposed him further than to
express la difference of opinion, when
such a difference existed, and its utter
ance was I deemed useful ; and she
carefully avoided, on all occasions, the
doing of any thing he in the smallest
degreedisapproved.- The consequence
was, that her opinion was always
weighed by him carefully,-and often re
ferred to. A .mutual cohfidence, and a
-mutual dependence upon . each other,
gradually took the place of early re
serves, and now- they sweetly draw
together—now thev smoothly glide
along the stream ofiife blessed indeed
in all their marriage relations. iVho
will say 'that Laura did.not act a wise
part? Who will say, that in sacrific
ing pride and self-will, she did not gain
beyond all calculation ? No one; sure
ly. She is not her husband's slave,
but his companion and equal. She has
helped to reform, to-remodel his cher
acter, and make him less arbitrary,
less self-willed, less disposed to be ty
ranical. In her mild forbearance, he
has, seen a beauty more attractive far
than lip or cheek, or beaming eye. In
stead of looking upon his wife as be
low him. Henry Armour feels that she
is his superior, and as such, he tender
ly regards and lovingly cherishes her.
He never thinks of obedience from her,
but rather studies to Conferral himself to
her most lightly spoken wish. To be
thus united, what wife will' not for a
time sacrifice her feelings when her
young self-willed husband- ,so far for
gets himself as to become exciting ?
The tempararyloss will turn out in the
future to be a great gain.
• For the, benefit of those }srho do not
know much about up -county fashiOns,
we copy the following dencription of they do up the courtin# business"
in the region of New London, N. H.—
We find it in a letter in the Nashau
A good looking, young man meets a
girl at the lyceum, apple-and.cider par
ty, or something of a similar nature.,—
He invites her
. to a sleigh-ride. She
blushes and agrees to go: Then the
matter rests until the father of the
young girls seeks out the promising
young buck, and accosts with a
question sometning like the follolvine
The youngster seems gratif.etl with the
flattering notice, and at once 'concludes
1 the bargain. This, you " see is- a great
saving of time, and a decided improve-
I ld
ment t o method. j '
r" There are lines in your poem (while looking
it o'er) • I I
It struck me, rd met with full often before,
In Milton MurShakspeare.r Well, j sir,"
muttered Pat, .
" I suppose/ you don't think,
for that 7"
are thoras to our . hopes
attained them,' become)
roive to Our beans why!
TRUTH is the found
'1,06 Tojetddaidieft Pills.
••- - ;
6iOnoance of 66ms .
*iit-Ft?odi,-the, •
become •.''
. "sitntrir • ,
obstructed tukto itifordan insufficient
outlet forthe stiperatondentwiters; we can ex
' nothing' • less than . that the suirormding
country will be ~ •
ovirtiernimenn WITH THISLOOD.
- Ina like manner with the human bodyif the
Skin, Kidneys, and .Bowels (the natural out, ,
lets for
trsarsis Atm cease* minions)
become so obstructed as to . fait in affording a
full disCharte of those itortitiee labial:into in
we smelt can,expeet no other results than that
the Whole frame win sooner ior later be "
As in the hit place, if we would
_prevent an
inundation we must remove all obAnictiens, to
the free disebarge ofthe superabundant waters.
So, in: the second place, if we would prevent
and cure d4suse, we must open and keep oPent
all the Na Drains of the body.
, winces s Ls-Imq; vzoirrAtics plus,
Of the North Ameriean College , of Health,
will be found one of the best if not the very
for carrying out this beautiful and Simple theo
ry; because they completely dense the Stomach'
and &tali from all Mimi liamoripad oth
er impurity, and at, the same time promote - a
healthy discharge from the Lungs, Skin, and
Kidneys; consequently, as all r:the Natural
Drains are opened,.
',Disease of every name is literally driven from
the Body..
azr Caution—As the great popularity and.
consequent _great demand for Wright's Indian
vegetable. Pills has raised up a host of countek.
Alters, country agents and storekeepers wilt be
on their. guard against the many imposters who
am travelling about the country selling . to the_
unsuspecting a spurious article for the genuine,-
It should ,be remembered that alt authoiia
agentsi are !provided a Certificate of Agency,"
signed by WiLLIAM WRIGHT,' Vice President
of the N. A. College of Health. Consequerit-:
ly, those who offer Indian Vegetable Pills. and
cannot; show a Certificate, as above described,
will hottnown as imposters.
The rfollowing highly respeciable Store
keepers have been appointed Agents for the sake-.
cif - I
and of whom it is confidently believed the ge
nuine medicine can with cortaintthe obtained:
J.D.& E. D. Montanye, Towanda. T:
D.Brink, P.M., Hombrook.
S.W.& D.F.Pomeroy, Troy.
Lyman Durfey, SMithfield. •. 4
J. J. & C. Warford, Monroeton. 4z,
Wm. Gibson,Ulster.
Ulysses Mooy, Asylum.
John Horton Jr.. Terrytown.
Coryell & Gee, Burlington corners.
Benjamin Coolbaugh, Canton.
L. S. EllsworthAt Co., Athens.
Allen & Stems , fffiesbequin.
Guy Tracy, Milan.
A.R.Soper, Columbia Flattii.
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of the'
medicine wholesale and retail, 228 Greenwieh
street, New York, No, 198 Tremont street,
Boston, and 169 RIO street, Philadelphia.
Bawarts or Courrrnizirs.—The -public'
are respectfully informed that medicinepurport
ing tale Indian Pills, made by one V. 0.
Folde r are not the genuine Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills. _
The only security against imposition is to
purchase from the regular advertised agents,
and in ell cases be particular to ask for Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills. [nol6in.
ELK.1.1"4.111 &i71117j Jf sox,
HAVE commenced the manufacture of
Saddles, Bridles, Harness, &c., &c., in
the borough of Towanda, in the building for
merly occupied by S. Hathaway. two doors
west of I. H. Stephens%tavem, where they will
keep constantly - on hand, and manufacture to
Elastic lPeb, Common and Quilted
Harness, •
Carriage Trimming
done to order.
MamasWs, Pew and Chair - Cushions made
on shurt notice and reasonable terms.'
The subscribers hope by doing their work
well, and by a strict attention to business, to
merit's share of public patronage.
Towanda,"May 14, 1844.
Upon all whom it may interest.
WILE subscriber is very much in want of
Agi money and does not feel disposed to have
his own property sacrificed to accommodate
those who are indebted to him, that- have rea
sonable time to pay, consequently if . they will
call and settle their acts, however small they
may be, they will oblige him very much, and
save cost withot respect to persons.
D. C. HALL.-
Towanda. March 4th, 1844.
illY virtue of a writ of Leyari Facies issued .
AI) from the court of common pleas of ilnad-.
ford county, to me directed, I shall expose to
public sale at the house of E RA YNSFORW
in the 'Borough of Towanda, on Saturday the
29th day of June next, at one o'clock P.M.,
the following described piece or parcel of land,
'situate in Canton township, beginning at a post
the north-east corner of James Warren's land,
thence north 89° west 204 8-10 perches to , a
post, thence by land of Josiah Warren south 1°
west 64 8-10 perches tin post ; thence south
89° west 147 perches to a birch t . thence •by
lands of James Warren north 1° east 72 7-10
perches to the beginning.. Con taining eighty
two acres, one. hundred and: one'perches, with
Seized and taken' in execution at the suit of
Gorden F. Mason,ossignee of Eliphalet" Mason
ALSO—By virtue of a vrit of vend .S9tpo.,
apiece or parcel , of • lamlin Entaklin tewnship,
bounded north , by. li,O.Biancroft, east by P
..ent's* land, on the south by . O. W.
Eodge,.jr:, and west by pod g e and Roof. Cain
tabling about ninetincres, 'With - about twenty
imptoved, and with a log house.thereon.
Seized and taken in oxeciitiort it the* strit'of
S.'S:Hinman ye. Ebenezer Saab: .
, ,
, JOHN NyESTON, Sherif; *
Sheriff's Oinee, ')
Towanda, June 3d, 1544. J 4 •
,them the ivorse,
y things which
until wei have
envenomed ar
,tion,, of all. , iva
— disito
Carpet Bags,
Valises, §•c.
and Aft&ark' Work
. ' - • N
- lin my own hboks laic;
I -
u 4
Olpoblic generally that he is se p rqui
to anufacture,W the bed material, and in t t,
In at: substantial and 'dem ov um "
ptiOns of Boote and Shoe?. ' l : '
orocco. Calf and Coarse Btiots and Sl o ,,
Ladies' shoes and gaiter,; youth's d o ,
' ' All work., made by me will he " onemed
Lowell made. ~ Call and try. ‘'
Country Produce taken in paynio ot f ay
",, Towanda, february 27th, 1444.
Chairs - a1141136,iii ---- a d s ,
THE su bi aibers 1
ulnae to mind 4 ''
' keep on band it tet , k ,
,` stang, all ki n 4" 9
nine ar id \vow,
hairs. Also, k ith
Irina kit* an t i
toads i of every ile g y, •
bleb we in se w
cash or Coontre at
TURNING clone to order. ' Pmel
TONIKINS kllfetkimox
Towanja, No v ember 10th, 1843,
MIN UlUdillrsmu;
wi,cox & SAGE l u py . motlit ,
themselves', in the Boot Ito*
ing business, in the borough of Ten*,
door west of - thaClaremont gosh., mis
a share of publi4 patronage. They imei,
a careful , selection of stock, and by eta*,
the interests of their custottera s to msa
and durable work as can be manulausi
this portion of the country. -
. , They keep constankly on hand, and i i,
nnfacture to order, morocco, calf and ,
boots and , shoes; , Ladies' Gaiters, 14 11
slips; children's do.; gent's gaiters anl iz
&c., &c. JOAN W. WILCOI,
Towanda, May 6, 1844. •
/VIM SUBSCRIfIXR respectfully
his old friends and the public
that he is now earryirig.on theabore,
in all its various branthes, in the notti
the, building occupied by p.Th#R,tra l
shop, on Main street, nearly opitathit lr
store, where he will bifChappy4o •
old and new customers:
WHIPS &C., &C.'
of the latest fashion and best naiternln
made to order. on . moderate terms for rti
Most kinds of country produce will hl
in exchange for work.
April 17, 1844
A Special Proclamation!!
0. HALSTED, as in Marl
■ . returns his sincere thanks to tic
have favored them with their patronage
time past, and assure all who may Cede
terest in the information, that he still mi 2
at the. old stand, ready to dispenseto
all manners, kinds and conditions:of Cc
tionaries, Groceries, Cigars, dr. 4t.;
usual liberal prices, and most smear
terms, to wit—For cash only.
To the Thirsty, he would or, his
WATER is unrivalled. &milker
rious other beset ages are constardraa hi
To the Hungry. be it proclaim:lU )
established a MARKET in the bacusti
establishment, where - FRESH ME.1.14l
rious kinds, will be kept constaA , of
.Towanda, May 6. 1.8,44.
. Executor's Nola
ALL PERSONS indebted to nit
deceased, are hereby notified tanitir
payment; and all persons Dating.
against 'said estate, are requestal 10
them to the subscriber, legally sutheni
settlement without delay.
i'irarren, April 26, 1844.
1111hreariarifrc .3v,
A.LL persons indebted to the estates` {
Blow, late of Towanda, dec'd.,l
tißeilto pay the same to the substattcl
haying charges, will also prment Meal
Clement, duly authenticated •
Towanda, May 28,1844,
The Bradford lepa
• ittivawa , .
Two dollars and fitly cents per ana
sive of postage. Fifty cents dcartt!
within the. yea!' ; and for rob act
voice, ONE IatLLAR wi lt
,be deanted•
Subscribers at liberty to disconl
time by paying °morays.
Advertisements, not exceeding al
erted for fifty cents;' every subsro
tion twenty-five cents. I liberal ,
to yearly advertisers.
Twelve films or less rooks a squs
Job Printing, of every destligtiof
expeditiously executcd;on new snif
type. •
,The following gentlemen ate s 9l.
Teceivc subscriptions for the Brae lll
"and to receipt for payments therefor
ESq.• ........
I. R. COOLBAUGR..? .... •
Col. VT. E. BA R TON,..
E. Aarr.Nwsta., ......
J. E.Goonritra, .. ....
B. COOL 0 Ar r,11,... •
D. JouNsox .....
A. M. Coy,.
.. a