Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 19, 1844, Image 3

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AB on Ilos!.rd.
ch - iernii that to!jok_es np--Salt -
00 has brought us be& safe
~ ,,,I; 'The Captain anxious to ren
not without,
,-• since the B
convention, advised : the whigs\t o
4 paSage withont dflay, preferi g
to t e a liberal deduction frodi 4 e
;fire, rather than incur the e ~
e f o f derange till next fall, a
, the chance of the coolie beini
„ A; as he will not-on any Coiteid;
. oh 'take the skin without , the car-i
The Captain says , he is an olds
r, an d can tell .with certainty t
will be the result, from the wind
bl o ws; that he, never was [nista:
„ a nd as sure - as gunpowder, will
!o d e , t he coons - , unless they take
t i e no w, will not have 'their skins
r 3 w ith nest fall, that they are alma
'whipped to a dead - certainty, and
, bette r ground . arms at 'once, than to
roaking round, just as if they were
ti rietrof the lies they had been tell
, The Captain informs us that the
Olive -net decided yet, but thinks
, v that litiCk:- with the .. yellol
di - ,;is to be of no more use to them,
as T the people ere as hostile to
l'ilg SLAVERY as' Black e Slavery,
moreover as die people are fooliali
50 to acne i Texas rather than let
;ISnd 'have it; the Coons' will take
is fa soon. The Captain however
o tiave'another talk %vith(ihe - m.
*.S: i Tie Coons give' it' up, and
e given orders for .. all aboard."
a, from the Albany. papers of Friday,
13Ir. H...McCee, of Salem,_ Wash,
a County, New York, was rob
on his ivay•tip the :North River
morning,; of the sum of $10,000.-r—
-rent from the boat to the City' Ho-
.:,cd without Meeting anything of .
7ege, hung his overcoat and-?car
on,a hook, and went directly to
!akfast-room. , - On returning lie .
his money gone. Inquiry being
once, it Was 'ascertained that
er had been seen in the reading
' the hotel.just about breakfast. )
a nd that. the barkeeper, not fan
his ldoks, had ,asked him' &he
for breakfast, to . ' which he re
in the negatiie. When the loss
iscovered, this man was not to be
. and a person coming up Market
said that he had 'met a man •an
the description, and carrying a
lag in hja hand, hurrying toward
(road.. A
_messenger was de . -
to the depot of the Mohawk.
lion-railroad, and it fwas *ec
lat such a Man had been there,
it five or ten - minutes tori:late
cars, and, that failing to obtain
Ze in (him, lie had endeavored,
fain; to get a cab or hack-man
tin on to Schenectady. When
a, he was going up Lytlius
in McKee has! offered a re
:five]hundred dollars - forrthe
yof the money and the arrest
nef, who is believed tu be an
pickpocket of some•_notoiiety.
intneutive session, on Satan..
lninghneBth, rejected the trea
31:lemon of Texas. The vote
le question of confirming it was
f olvs—Democrats in italics.
is—Messrs. -- .atchison, Bagby,.
Buchanan, I Colquitt, Fulton,
)(4 Henderson, Huger, Lewis,
Seniple, Sevier,. 'Sturgeon,
iroodbury-16. •
llessrs. - .alien. Archer, .ath
row, Bates, , Bayard, Benton,
.;hoate, Clayton, Crittenden,
Evans, Fairfield, Foster,
luntingdon, Jarnagm, John-
Merrick - . Millet., 'More
phelp's; Porter; Rives,.
1. Sprague, Tallmadge, Tap
v4En, White, Wright, Wood-
lately after the rejection of the
r• Benton,_ in open,Senate, in
bill for the annexation of
One of its proviiions,• we
that the consent of Mexicia be
fined. '
• ESCAPED .-A colored man,
!nry Johnson escaped from
atChester,one day last week,i
thei walls. A. commitment
lodged against him in Phiia-
Which place he would have
' the. next day.'
Loath Carolina, it is.said, in
'en his station in'the if. S.
.everal names: have been
is likely to succeed
riekins, Rhett,
aNcEßishop.4atirettl-D osed,—Our
readers,are aware, - that a 'very eXciting ,
question; acid one,vihich ihreateaed . the
peace and harmony cif that , C.llnrch;litie.
been before that body a
for , week'peist:"
T-he question was in relation to Biehop
Andrew's involvement on the holding
of slaves, and his presemed unfitness
for the Episcopal office in consequence.
—The -question has been met hi
various forms, and the Episcopacy
unanimously 'recommended its further
postponement until the next General
Conference. .On Saturday morning
Bishop Bedding withdrew froni that
recommendation,. the other Bishops
Confirming their former sentiments.- 7
,The COlerence, however, by a vote of .
110 to 68, 'passed the resolution virtu
ally'. deposing Bishop Andrew fioni
office, and the question so far is decid
ed. The Southern delegates have
withdrawn, and propoie entering 'a
strong protest against the decision, and
are bolding a consultaton upon their.
present piisition and future course.
Democratic . Meeting in Wysg.
, At a meeting of •the Jeffersoniap Associa
tion of Wysox; Pa.," in the Actuleray, on Tues
day evening, Juno a constitution was re
ported,tiy E. W.Morgno,_which, on motion of
V.E.Piollet, was adopted, and the Association
fully organized by the election of officers.
Reschyed, That we hail with welcome the
nomination, by the Democratic National Con
vention, of JAMES K. POLK.nnd GEORGE
M, DALLAS for the firsf, honorit o of our coon
try:=darling names of the democracy in which
we recogniie a trtie presage of its triumph; that
unlike the federal whig chieftains; who imper
sonate with equal facility directors of proces
sions-of rolled balls iiiidpnrolled men; and Dm-
TATOILS of principles Which their party cannot
•reliolve Lpon, or dare not avow before-electton ;
managers alike-of the mummeries of dead coons,
and menageries, of. live ones—scene-Shifters to
the-exhibitionof puppet-shows and pictures for
grown children; closing with "nigger ". songs
for " white slave "—graceful presiders over
'Bible societies and bacchanal orgies—pions tut
vokers of " war, pestilence and famine"—orators
of temperance bottle-holders in a prize fight of
stimulated passions—heroes of "a revolution yet," in bonds to keep the peace—
politicians of no principlps, " for the public eye,"
and of .he worst, ih prospective of a "generous
-confidence "—unlike these, we hail our candi
dates as worthy representatives of the principles
of democracy, which does tts own thinking, and
that too, " the sober, second thought "—men
who are equally guarantees of the object of this
Association, and securities against the dangers
from the success of federalism , as set forth in
the preamble of our constitution, Viz: •
The object of this Association is to maintain
-democratic principles, as illustrated in the life
and writings of Jefferson, so as to aid in secur
ing their ascendancy in the administration of
public affairs. We desireto Promote that uni
ty of purpose &action among our brethven which
will rally the entire democracy, as one man,
to save, or rescue, our institutions from the con
trol of federal whiggery, whose success, not dis
daining the instrumentality of-social dissensions
and sectional prejudices fatally ominous to liber
ty and to union, must scourge the weak or the
unwary with special legislation, corporations
and monopolies. to enable cunning to -defraud
labbr; burden the country with enormous ex
penditures, d national debt, a national bank, and
endless schemes to create a splendid government
for the benefit of classes and oppression of the
people ; and, finally, even endanger the integri
ty and perpetuity of our beloved republic,,. • • ,
Excellent speeches were Made ley Messrs.
0. Goodrich, of Towanda, Allen, of Orwell;
Piollet, of Wyse'', and Bishop, of Durel. The
right spirit prevailed, that of inquiry and rea
son, in the light of which those of revel and
song-singing nfust speedily evaporate.
D..E.MARTFIG, I Secretaries. -
- - ,
• '
At his residence, in Canfon, on the 6th instant,
of paralytic affections by diseased state of the
brain, Mr. DAVID PRATT, 5n the 82d year of
his age.
An "honest man, a benevolent citizen, and a
devout Christian, he lived respected and died
lamented. •
igrA semi-monthly meeting of the
OF TOWANDA, will be held 'at the Court
House in Towanda, on TUESDAY evening,
the 19th inst., at early candlelight. A general
invitation is given for alb to attend.
W. 6. 3. Secretaries •
E 0. Goonurcu, . •
Towanda, June 11, 1844..
the Academy, Thursday evening, June D. A
general invitation is cordially extended. i •
gra, • THE North Branch Association
of Universalists will hold its annual
meeting at Orwell' Hill, Pa., on the last • Wed
nesday and Thursday in June--26thand 27th
inst. - The public are respectfully invited to at
tend. ,
meet at the Benjamintown school-house, on Sa
turday, The - 22 d inst., at 3 o'clock, P. M. -
will be a meeting of the Washingtot
nians of the Borough aTowanda, at the Court
House, MONDAY' EVBMNG, July 8:
• A MEETING. of the Defitocrats
ga l"'
of township, will be held at
the School House, near A. O. Gregg's, duSa
&day evening, July 13. -
,Bradford county, are respectfully reqUested
to•riicet at the "Exchange," m •Tovrand2, on
TuesdaY, June 18th, .at. 1 o'clock, P. for
.adopting effective measure's to
promote the interest of the democratic party,
and. the elevation of• its candidates at the rein
ing- election.. • SETH ,SALISBURY.
June , Chairman.
TERBI . DE, BREAST,' lisam-,
Aeii;`&e:.•-' 1 :-Wligh's Indian 'n Vegetable
Pills are a direct•purifier of the blitod,
-aid a certain cure foreVerydeierifition
`of - pain;:becanse -they . expet from tin;
body those' stagnant-,and corrupt Itu: .
'mop; w lc are. e cause of every,
itdy incident to-man.; Wright's Indian
.Vegetable Pills .aid and improie
digestien,.as well as purify the,blood.
.and therefore not only drive diitease of
every name froin the body; but are one
of .the best, , Auot the very best medi
cine in the world for care' of colds,
dysentery, cholera morbus and other
diseases of the:intestines.
ffer Caution.—As counterfeiters
are abroad, mitt all store of doubtfuk
character,and be particutAr, - in all ea
-oe,,e. to ask'for Wright's Indian Vege
table Pills. -
For sale, et the - store of J. D. & E.
Montanye, in Towanda, and by
agents published in another column of
this, paper. , _ '
rt , .
~..- -o •ll'"Aver z li. ,l ,..
i l ..t,..... 4 !t"..• ' • • - ay/li, , „ ,
11.•..4,-'-o_.-rg'. ----.-• Pr . •A ivriinl
._:•; .
i-4.. t i t* ea vol -- - ....--F_.-....7. 4 -rir. . •
;11\;112, x6 ST R EGIM EN t, 2d Brigade,9th .
JE. - Division, P. M., will meet for drill and
inspection, at the house formerly occupied by
Jehial Gregory, in C llumbia X:Roadi, on Fri
day. the 28th day of JUNE inst., armed and
equipped as the law directs. • -
JAMES ROE, Colonel.
• R. 1 .. MILLER, Major.
VIT oils, June 13, 1844. •. .
F3llV32i[3lV "vIEMTAIL_MEI:UiIIEar
AGOOD ASSORTM•ENT,manufactured
from the best material, for sale by
June 18;1844. No. 3, Brick Bow.
IDROKE into the inclosures of the- subscri
.ffllllo ber, about two weeks ago, one old red
COW, (dry,) and one two year old heifer, red,
with a line back, and white face. The owner
is requested to proire property, pay charges, and
take them away. JOHN PASSMORE.
Rome, Juno 12, 1844.
1 Y virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo. issued
',I from the court of common pleas of Brad
ford county, to me directed, I shall expose to
public sale at the house of E. Raynsford in the
Borough of :Towanda, on Saturday; the 13th
day of JULY neat, at one o'clock, P. M.,
The followin g described piece or parcel of
'land situate inSheshegain township and bound
ed as follows—Beginning at or on the .1%1 E of
a tract, of land in the warrantee name of Jon&-.
than Hancock, where the same intersects the
south line of. the plissession of the late James
Bidlack, deed, according to a common survey
at a B K marked for the corner of the lot now
to be conveyed ;. thence along the first above
mentioned line, north 531. west 85 perches to
a post and stones, for a corner; thence west 70
perches to a white pine sapling marked S M ;
thence north about 79 perches (more or less) to
a chesnut post standing bn the first above men
tioned line; thence along said line north 43-1°
west about 19 perches to the Susquehanna ri
ver, a corner of the said Hancock west ; thence
south 2° 5-10 west along said river 104 3-10
perches to a pine stump south west corne of
the said 'Hancock W R; thence south 26° mg.
128 perches to a post and stones; thence east
to the south west of the James Bidlack posses
sion, and along the south line thereof 163 per
cites to the beginning. Containing 106 acres,
more or less, about 70 acres improved, with a
house and -- thereon.
ALSO—One other lot near the above, begin
ning at a post the south east corder cif a lat-b
-'longing formerly to the late John Cahill dec'd.,_
thence 17° cast 288 4-10 perches to a* post;
south 12 ° west 18 to a post; thence south 25°
west 12 perches to a post; thence south 40°.
west 19 perches-to a post; thence south 8° 9
perches to a birch tree on the east line of the
Whitman warrant; thence north 421 west on
said .Whitman's 1ine,'1573-10 perches to a post;
thence east along the south line of said Cahill's
lot 96 9=lo perches to the place of beginning.
Containing 38 acres and 87 perches, more or
..Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
John Snyder vs. Samuel H. McAffec. •
J.N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office.-
Towanda, June 11, 1844. j
IN the matter of application of) At a Court
Stephen Krum and others to: of Common
be incorporated under the style, Pleas of
name or title of iho.." Free-Will Brad. Co;,
Baptist Society ," of Troy. Sep. T. '44.
Notice is hereby given that Stephen Krum,
Oliver Calkins, Gardner Seaman, Roswell Dun
bar and others on-the9th of May 1844, present
ed, to the said court, an instrument in writing,
and the objects, articles and condition therein
set forth and contained appearing to them law
ful and not injurious to. the community, direct
ed the said writing to be filed, and that notice
be given in one. newspaper printed in said
county of Braijford, for at least three weeks he
fore the•nest court of Common Pleasof-said
county, setting, forth,gthat an application has
been made to said court to grant such an incor
poration according to the act of Assembly in
such case made and provided.
• A. CHUBBUCK, Prothonotary.
• ' -Prothonotary's Office, Z •
Towanda, Jima 10, 1844.
jN the matter of application of) At a,Court
. Leslie Lawrence and. others ! of Common
to be incorporated underthe style, }- Pleas of
tame'or title of the `f First Me. 1 Brad.
thoest Episcopal Church" in j Sep. T.'44.
Notice is hereby given that Leslie Lawrence,
Whitney ,Gifford. Thomas W. Baker and oth
ers on the 9th of May 1844, presented to thci
said court an instrument in writing, and the
objects, articles cimdithins therein set forth and
contained appearing to them lawful and not in
jurious to the community, directed the sob;
writing to befiled, and that notice be g iven in
one newspaper printed in : said county of Brad
ford, for at !past three weeks before the next
court of Corfikonjilms of said county; setting
forth that an application has been made t&said
court to grant such en act of incorporation ac
cording to the Bet of Assembly in such ease
made and provided. ,
CHUBBITCK, Pretlionotary.
Plothorrotrry's Office, , ?
Tosvani!a. .ronr, fifth. Is 14.. 5
' .El\.-1M
CiPaNifß; fia .
• 112, & tefal fo r;.
i ,the _ very lil patronage of , ;he .1 44,
year. *Oulu now -the 'attention of the'.
publie" to` their; exteniive ussortrnent of
Goods just receiving from N. , Y.,City.-Acimne
their Dry GcMdsay be found the most Cash=
ionable articles of m !the season, to *it . : ' Baizae
rines, Lavens,,Mouslain Deltas; Ribbons. Boy--
aka, Parasols. fine Printe r &c., Grotenes
of • and qualities., Haidaritri: of every
description, bin, Nails, Spring Steel and 'other.
subatantials strdk as , Pork, Flour and Salt.—
Their arrangements are such that they can fur
nish to the trade some packages at wholesale;
and those that , purchase' at retail :skill "not go
away grumbling. Call imd'see.l -
Towanda, June' 16th. 1844.
022UkaaaStr &619a 9 2 ataatas
rr - 7 I •
N pi/ill:titles of an order - of the Orphan's
- C ourt of Bradfoiti county, %hetet will beet-,
posed to public solo on .thalpremises, at one
clock on - the aftehmori of •Itlonday, the first
day of • July next; the followhig real estate, - to
wit tract of land situate 'in Granville tp.,
containing 109 acres or Ltherealmants, bounded
north-on land of J. Pratt'; - east on:land of Ma
jor Hawley ; south on land of Joseph Pratt,
and west on land of Stephen Arromiln, and oth
ers; with about fifteen 'acres intro? ed, and a
frame house and log barn thereon enact ed.
Attendance will be. given at the time and
place of sale by the subscribers.
Granville, May 6, 1844.. p •
..13E„raliP..ISRLAZONEL r o
AME to my enclosure the ;19th day of
iej Map last, a pale red COW, eight of nitro
years old, with,a brown head and black bag.--
The owner is requested to prove , property, pay
charges, had take her away. ;
Orwell, June I, 1844.
_ a
J. N. Sumner, Surgeon Dentist,
WILL return to Towanda in September
outland may be found at Mr.Cross t ,
where he will be happy to wait On; all who may
need his professional services. ' !
Towanda, June 18, 1844.
The 15th Regiment,2d Brigade,
9th Division P.M. will meet for
° Drill and Inspection iat the Clair
;.S`' -inont House in Towanda on Satur-
W day the 29th day of June inst.
The cc apany parades will be
1 1''•
l 'held the present year, under the
new Militia Law, on Monday the
C 'l7 17th inst, at such places within the
bounds of said companies, as may
be selected by the.proper officers,—
. II; all companies within the bounds of
- the 15th Regiment, not provided
with Commissioned Officers, may elect such of
ficers, on the day of] company paritdes at the
usual place of holding. their'elections, agreeably
to the 20th section of Militia•passed April
1844. IP. C. WARD,
Colonel 15th Regiment.
Colonel's Office,
Towanda, Juno Ist, 1844.
N.B. The Towandaßridge will be free to
all persons residing on theeast side of the river
en the 29th inst.
New Spring &. Summer Goods,
-Ind for sale Cheap, for Cash
Towanda, May 6, 1844. -
~~ ~a~~3ei®~T.t~~~~
iniA§ removed his office to tho new Brick
_La Block on Main street—No.2, up stairs.
COW) laaraUl ( oo ,attaTSl
At the Burlington Coffehouse.
/HE HE subscriber would respectfully inform
a his old friends and the public in general,
that he has moved back to his old stand at Bur
lington Four COrners, and having fitted up his'
house in good style, is now ready and willing
to wait on all those who may favor him with'
a call, and hopes by strict attention to his guests
to make their stay both pleasant and agreeable,
and if so he hopes to merit a share of public pa
tronage. JOHN F. LONG.
Burlington, May 17, 1544.
inAVE just received at, their, store in !Ilea-
ROE, and are now offering for sale, the
largest and most perfect assortment of goods
ever opened in this market. They assure their
friends and customers that their stockof staple
sand fancy goods is complete, and will be sold at
prices to suit the times.
They have a full stock of CLOTHS, con
sisting of Broadcloths,Cassimeres;Vestings,
For Ladies' Wear,
They have various splendid patterns of Betza
rines, (a new and much admired article) Lawns,
Ginghams, DeLaines, and prints, at all prices.
They ulso offer to whig gentlemen, a new and
beautiful article of. SUMMER HATS, called
" Ashland Hats," warranted to please, antl•in
order to preserie stnct impartiality they 'also
keep " Van Buren" hats of superior style and
manufacture. Also, Leghorn, Palm, Wool and
For Hats, of all sizes. T •
BOOTS 4- SHOES, of all sizes, numbers,
CALL & SEE—We ai nothing for exbi•
^- nay bose
biting OUT goot4 to any n , ,luise curiosity may
induce them to all. '
- - -
Monrocton, Mity 250844.
WA- ' W. 'BAIRD 6c,J. SHERWOOD have
fr A e opened an Office in Troy, Bind. Co: Pa.
and will attend to 01l business of said Office, in
the lino of their profession as copartners. J.
SHERWOOD will attend punctually at said office
in Troy, and E.W. BATUD may be consulted
at any time in relation to the business of tho
tin* at his office in Towanda. 43-6th
73 11 : 1 & TIPPER LEATHER - for 6 1 1frt : At.
- Juno 1, 15414. -• S:ILSBUIZI 8. •
I . i t N i T n ( e )l 2, — .
e •
- . •
Id I.I I E. I , v the bnrul ntid nihertvise, : f7ir
Shavog and }lair Dre§smg.
Job:Carter Barber and'-Hair Draw
EPURN3 his tbanks'„ici - bis nurnerous
coatemers, and informi them that helms
removed his shop to the small,building .on,tho
'north aide of the public squire, one door west
of the .Exchange Hotel, where; he will , be found
at lautawrialdo honts, ,ready to wait on' those
Who inay favor him with a call, in. the politest
manner possible:' • , • . •
• toteanda, May 25, 1844.
(1./11011L..771L - ":11C41131111111To
WAITREREAB my wife L YRA has left my
, Vl' -bed and board without any just causo
or provocation, this is to forbid all persons har
boring or trusting her on. may account; as I will
pay no debts of her contracting after this date..
PilM, May 13,.1844. • - •
3F'4111311111161L MiLESIL111141111M9? ,
D. Vandereook Cabinet '• Shop!
. .
scriberin consequence of ill health
JL wishes to dispose:of his Cabinet Shop.
His establishment consists of Cherry' Lumber,
Mahogany, Hardware. Tools, Furniture, dr.c.„
&c.,. which, he *H._ sell on 'reasonable terms for
cash, or short credit with good surety. •
ToWands, May 21, 1844„
MIIE subscribers have noW •in successful
opoUtion ATERRY at Towanda' bore',
a few rods above the' bridge, where.deady at:
tendance'will be given at all times to enable,
those who wish, to cross the river without de
lay. The charges will bo only half , the rate of
tolls demanded for crossing the bridge.
. .
Towanda, May .
New . Spring & Sommer Goods,
(Corner of Bridge and Main 41.)
May 24, 1844: J. F. MEANS & CO.
D.RICK for sato by
May 2.5, 1844. .L F. MEAiSlit, CO.
NC TICII is hereby given to all interested.
that letters testamentary have this day
been granted 3o the subscribers on the estate of
LATE. deed. of Windham tp..
All persons inththted to said estate are required
to make immedit , topayinent, and all those hav
ing demands against the same are requested to
present them, leg ally attested, for settlement.
Windham, May 9, 1844. • s'
arzama2ama reas Waal*
WILL have an Agent at the following
places to exchange Cloth of all kinds
for Wool on as good tering if not better, than
at any other Factory in the State, and trust
that every man will call and evaminc for them.
selves before trading.
July 19th at Nichols Corners ;
22, at Leßaysville ;
" 23, Wysox, (Cooley's Tavern t 2
" 24, Towanda, (Coe s 'Favem
" 25„Shestiequin, (Moody's - Tavern 0
" 26, Athens;
" 27, Smithfield (Tuttle's Tavern ;)
" 29, Burlington;
" 30, Tray ;
31, Columbia Flatts;
August Ist. , Daggett's Hollow, (Spencerville;)
" 2, A. Mineer's (W ells township;)
" 3& 4, Elmira.
P.S. Cash and the highest price paid for
Bring you Wool along with you and I will
buy it.
The Assortment will consist of GRANT'S
Celebrated Sheep's Gray Cloth,
Also, a general assortment of Black, Blue-
Auk, Adelaide, Invisible Green, Brown and
Steel Mixed
Farmers can realize from 20 to 25 per cent,
more than by disposing of it any other way.
We hope you will call and examine the weight,
body, and quantity of stock in each yard of the
above mentioned Cloths,before purchasing else
The highest price paid for Wool, and Cloth
at the wholesale Fdctory price.
If required, a proportion of payments for
Wool will be made in cash. • -
Ithaca, June 10, 1844.
Ilf&now prepared to exhibit for the inspection
of his old friends and the public generally
a little the best asiortment of goods in town.
Ho deems it sufficient to say his stock numbers
the usual variety of Provisiens, such as Flour,
Corm meal, Pork, Butter, Lard, -Tea. Coffee,
Chocolate, Lump and Brown SUgar, Molasses,
from 31 to 7$ cts.; Raisins, Prunes, Dried Cur ,
rants, Figgs,.Sultatut Raisins, Tapiaeo, Citron,
Pickles, Pepper Sauce; Confectionaries of all
kinds, Fruits. Nuts:from paPer-shelled Almonds
to Pea Nuts, Candles,-Shaving and Bar Soap,
Dried apples, and a good assortment of Frencl
and German T.;yd, dr.c.
As it has become the general belieftliat my
nmertment is a little the best selection and the
greatest varietyln the place:and for ready pay
the public may be assured they will get as good
goods and as cheep as they can be bought else-.
where. All kinds of. -produce taken in I ex,
change. Bo sure you call atmy old - stand,the
Post Oflice, and while waiting fertile mailtake
a little cake and cheese or . chestnuts, apples or
cigars,or any thing to keep • Up ;he spirits in
this time of high pressure. . •
May 15," 1844.
. .
Es.s than 5000 baiTeN SALT , for ~rif
,and more comihd. nt N" klhirk c.•
cl'orrON-YAg7g, wickimy,
hand by 99 EA Ml' •
W. 11,; AIRD &
- _ t
'...1.•.,:::.t,-4 '.'-:-
- n PII 4 -.l °.
AHE suberiber- has. just retariedfrom the
'great city witk a splendid and largo tS.
eorunent of Watches; Clocks4ewelry, Fancy
Goods, Spoons, Specks of all ages,.Rinis,Pins,
Accordions, Violin String*, ,Keeds,Compasses,
Keys, Chains, Watchmakers Materials, and all
articles ever kept in a' Fancy &Jewelry Store;
and will beicrld to suit the times for cash, call
and 'see. „ N B. tho ',anbsiriber is Trepoterho
repair all kinds of Watches &Jewelry on short
'notice and the best Ernanner, as ho. has a new,
got of tools and 'materials ftesh-frem the city.
a3.Shop next door to ih'e Poet 'Office, Main
• • • •
OTICE, is hereby given to he' enrolled
111. militia within the •bounds of •the 2d bri
gade 9th division P. M., that they will meet in.
battalions & regiments for inspection a 8 MIOWS
The 2d battalion 129th regiment will Meet
on Monday the 24th day of June next. . • ,
The Ist battalion same regiment 012 Tuesday
the 25th. • • .
The Ist bat: 156th,'On Wednesday the 26th.
The 2d Ilattaßolf of the same" regiment - oft
Thursday the.27th.- •
The 21st regiment on Friday the 28tb.
The 15th reg. on Baturday29th day of lune:
At such plea s the'several commanding of
ficers may direct.
,Adjutants and captains of
companies are also'notified and required to have
their , roll copies ready for delivery, and also
their lists of absentees properly.authenticated as
the law directs. Company trainings oa the 3d
Monday. WM.E. BARTON, •
Brig. Inspector, 2d brig:, 9th div., .
Brigade Inspector's Office,
East Smithfield„ May 21, 1844. $ •
Books & Stationary,
May B. For aalo by J.KINGSBURY. Jr
WHITE MAIM LIME foi sale,-whole-
V sale and retailat • HALSTED'B.
Candles one Shilling per pound
ifIANDLES & TALLOW constantly on
Ili hand and for salceat HALSTED'S.
NO. - 3 , BRICK ROW.
WE are happy to be able to inform out
neighbors, that the BRICK BLOCK
IS UP, and the citizens of-Bradford - county gee
nerally, that we are this day receiving at NO.
3, a new and extensive assortment of SPRING
AND SUMMER GOODS, which have G!en
purchased in the city of New York for cash and
GOOD CIIEDIT-a goodly portion of them direct-.
ly opposite the door of one fienry . Sheldon and
one John McNeil. Our goods have been pur
chased under such circumstances as to enable
us to sell them very cheap. We do, therefore ;
pledge ourselves to sell as low for ready pay,
as any store in Bradford county. Our stock
consists, of
Dry Goods, Groceries,. Hardware and .
Crockery, Drugs 4. Medicines;
Dye woods 4- Dye stuffs, •
In fact, we have on hand amok every articlC
usually kept in a country store: We will ex
change our goods for Cash,.Produce of any
kind, all descriptions of Lumber, good hear ,-
butter; wool, sheep-pelts, mules'. hide% &c. &c.'
We acknowledge our obligations to the many
friends who have stood by us through the" hard
times," and fondly hope to be able to make it
an object for them to continue their patronage.
Towanda, May 6, 1844. '" '
THE hest selected assortment of Satin stripe'
Challeys, printed DeLaines; Belzarines,
French Lawns, Mulls, &c.. ever offered in this
market, may be found at No. 3-,„Brick Row.
Crimped dimity , cuffs and collirs. Ashburton
collars and collarettes, ditnity chemisettes, em
broidered fillet reticules, &c., &c.
ALSO—The best assortment of Ladies' cra
vats and Dress Handkerchiefs in Towanda, no
mistake, all at,BAIRD'S, • • •
May 6; • NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
Arl ASH AND GOODS paid for Long Shin
glee; arid a gocid quality Pine Boards, at
No. 3, Brick row:
mly 6.
500 BUSHELS um .
300 do .
Oats; ATI O
0 3 9 d o o. d oof .
Buckwheat; 100 do. Rye, for sale by
No. 3, Brick rout. ".•=.
May 6
OOTS & SHOES, a large "assortment at
- - No. 3, Brick row.
1 LI
SOLE LEATHER. raidille.weights, n first
0 rate *nude, for sale at No. 3. Brick fore.,
May 6. WM. H. BATED dt
LAMP OIL, Sperm and Tallow Candles,
nt No. 3,llrick'row. •
May 6. • • . WM. H. BAIIIDSt CO.,
3, trick row, • Bmccirs-.
OM,ESTIC crt lODS—Sher tiAga. Shirt.
ings, Ticking, cottwi Ytitn,:tVickittg,
Batting, &c., at 'No. 3, Pericet row, '
May G. - -Will. H. BAIRD & CO:
Brick row. W. II:BAIRD & CO.
TON'S MAPLE SUGAR, thore or ltss,
@JP fog tale at.
' May 6, , 1 ` , 1% 4
o. 2, Brick
ci.AupET wArip for imle at No. 3, brick
11 11 1 .) row. W.H. BAIttD & CO.
UR AINIP 1311. H. HATS,' Cloth - Calis,
2 _ toy's Aiaps,lor sale - BAlRri'S v
Brick row:
widow lady - by .the naine. °I EUNIC2E
11 BURLEY, tvidinv,of Ebenezer. 13utley;'
iiving in the county, by addressbna note to-tho
Hon. , A..H. Read, Montrose. 'orby.tilltintt:oll
the antiseribr. tvill• i teeeiye inforination
,which will be of tyeetiniyrynetit;to tier, Any
,information froni. anv nt.her
friend of berg, IX h'ere Rhi•
- ..• •
...., ,71 '''' ''