Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 12, 1844, Image 3

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    io undinizalied, and that sie can
25,000_znajority at the Oen*
Tbi4 knowing mid duly estima
laiaintain the principles on which
goverment is founded . -principles'
bi e vraerit of ontancestora parches
hlood'--" equal fights, equa
the lavrl -
lor ()Fusion, pervading
that we are in favor of tlielanitexa
,aaa, and hay.e read with pleasure the
Col. Polk in - relation to that subject,
t h a t . he has taken the plain common
of the Subject, and one that thew*:
Ss Union %ill aid him in carrying out.
tmotratic National:o97olton.
D e mocratic .National Conven
e( at Baltimore,on Monday, the
May, 1844._ „, -- il 0 .1 ; H
user. of Pennsylvania, was ap
-1 President, assisted by a Vice
.at f ro m each State, and several
g i ns . The first-day of the ses
is taken op in• the discussion of
lotion requiring a votq of ' two
to make a nomination, which was
te d o n the following day by a vote
9to 118.1 On T esday afterpoon -
I nvention proee dud to ballot for
lent of the Unit - d
Stakes, and pro
d as follows , acll State voting
let.ballot.-2d. 3d. 4th. sth 6th 7th.
Ir en, 146 127 121 111 103 101 1 99
83 94 92 105 107 116 123 '
.24 33 38 32' 29 23 21
4 9 .11 17 27 25 22
- 6 1r 2 1 1 1 1
11 ., 1 0 2 0 0 0 0
choice. have been Made, (it re.'
invotes a to effect a nomination)
invention after some warm dis
0, adjourned until. Wednesday ,
ing, when an eighth ballot was had
the fallowing result;
Tan Bugn,
Cass, •
ere being again . no choice, the
mtion„ a ninth balloti
restrlied in the itiumimous nomi
of the Hon. JAMES K. POLK,
!onesiee, for Pre i sident. This
iation was received with tremen
plause. The COvention short
wards adjourned, and met again
rternoon, when the Hon. SILAS
IT, of New York. was nomi-
Vice President. A committee
appointed by the Chair, con;
if one from every State, to draft
ess to the people of the ,United
the subject of the approaching
:nual election; after.which they
Ilion' adjourned until 'Thursday
, .
,onventton- 7 met'thiss morning
tto adjourfithent. Mr. Butler,
IYork, presehted - a letter from
is Sties WRizinT.-dedining the
nos for the Vice Presidency.—
nvention then ,proceeded to a
to fill the vacancy, which re
the nomination of the j Hon:
q. DALLAS, of Pennsylvania.
iwting some further business,
rention adjourned sine Vie.
the New England Democrat.]
the Americanism.
'Native- American " or " Na
cublican party " which has re
!prong up in the ; city of New,
has lately triumphed at. the
don, deserves more than a pas
ice ; although 'our remarks - at
upon a mutt - necessarily be
There is Something in the name,
to our mind the odious :alien
elder Adams, and all the oh
doctrines of the old federal
lie only is a 'true American.
;ea the republican institutions of
VarAly. and who asks - not where
vas horn to long as he
has-liieein the Union long
lto became, acquainted With the
of the: United States and
to in which he resides, and is
)support the - institutions of the
o f his adoption. Many a real
aristocrat was,, born and now
;erican soil, polluting it with
and ppisoning the atmotphere
riot know that we understand
rind ples of the Native Ameri
co New York ; but, vre - un-
tat one of the leading dcsigas
the election or appointment
of persons of foreign birth,
allow them the right of [ran=
ley. have resided in the coma
,years.= Certain abuses
up under the management
itecipal affairs of the , empire
party professed a desire
fielding out reform in
their other 'notions, . they
it surprised that the
sympathize with this new
aienotsurprised that n went
and soul, to the 6, Native
They have thus shown
ty with the old federal party
their consistency. They
)pposed 'the right , of suf
iformly exhibited, a hatred
:Roos oroppression who
to this country to es:.
of despotic government,
ights of freemen: AND
r at . . the. ,recent election.
'had .nominiated a.eandi
in, went over en masie
' , Whoin they *ere 'bound
in honor to enppOrt i only About 59(1,0,
'voterd While. .tho•demoelatie pad*,_ I
true to its-candidate, - and the( prinetidesof-democrat*, gave nearIy,TWENTY
We deprecate the Oreartization of .a
party founded, upon nationalfeelings;
end natimil . is inti-de,
mocratic, -ant American, opposed to' ,
humanity 'and fit only to gain the fa.
vor of old - fashioned Hartford Convert%
tion Federalism, and modern 'coon'
whiggery ! Let the wigs have all
the honor and all the glory. We trust
our adopted citizens have seen enough
, L
in the late election in New York to
satisfy them of the nature and objects
of the whige, and will hereafter govern
themselves accordingly.
[From the New• York]
• To Bring the Drowned toilife.
Immediately, as 'soon as the body is
removed from the,water, press the chest
suddenly and forcibly,-downward and
backward, and instantly discontinue
the pressure. • Repeat this, without in
terruption, until g pair of common bel
lows can be' Focured. When obtain
id, introduce the nozzle well upon the
base of the tongue. . Surround' the
mouth with a towel or handkerchief
and close it,. Direct a bystander to
press. firmly upon the projecting part ot
the neck, (called Adam's apple) and use
bellovis actively. Then press upon
the chest to expel the air from the lungs,•
td imitate natural breathing. Continue
this at least on hour; unless signs of
natural breathing come on.
, Wrap the body in blankets, place it
near a . fire, and doevery thing to pre=
serve the natural warmth, as well as to
impart an artificial heat, if possible.--
Every thing however is 'secondary to
inflating the lungs; • efirSend for a
medical man immediately.
Avoid all frictions until respiration
shall be in some degree restored. .
rat of the American Shipwreck So
New York, 1844.
104 ,
have most desdrvedly taken the lead of
all similar remedies. ' The experience
of thousands attest to their excellent
effects. After using them a short time,
the wretched invalid finds all the disa
greeable:arid-unhealthy humors expell
ed from his system. his digestive or
gans perform their proper functions,,
his blood regains its purity. the oppres
sive sense of weariness and pain de
parts. and his body becomes endowed
with its wonted energy and, strength, •
while the mind rapidly resuiheii its ori
ginal'. vigor. • M •
Heider, such a medicine is Wriklies
Indian Vegetable Pills, of the North
American College of Health. They
not only cleanse - the blood and - other
fluids from alt impurity, but they, im.
part a strength and,vigor to the consti
tution which
_gives new life to the
whole frame. The only care requisite
is to be sure and-.get the genuine.
EDV7 . Observe—Purchase only of the
advettised agents, or at the office and
i gtleral depot, No. 169 'Race' street
Philadelphia, andhe particular to ask
for Wright's Indian' Vegetable Pills.
IThe above valuable Pills are for sale
at the store of J. D. & E. D. Montanye,
in Towanda. and by agents published
in, another column of this paper.
A Semi-monthly meeting of the
OF TOWANDA, will be held at the Court
House in Towanda, on TUESDAY evening,
the 19th inst., at early earillelight. A .general
invitation iegiven for all to attend.
W. G. Bcorr, •
1 ,. 'E O. Goomuc Secretaries.
Towanda, June 11, 1844. ,
A MEETING of the Democrats
" of Towanda township, will be held at
the School House, near A. C. Gregg's, on Sa
urday evening, Jul' 13.
of Bradford county, are respectfully requested
to meet at the "Exchange," in Towanda, on
Tuesday, June 18th, at 1 o'clock, P. M., for
the purpose of adopting effective measures to
promote the interest of the democratiOparty,
and the elevation of its candidates at the com
ing election. BETH 'SALISBURY.
June 1, 1844. • . Chairman.
at the house of 0. S. Beebe, at Greenwood, on
SATURDAY evening, June 15, at 8 o'clock.
will be a meeting of the Washingto
rkiins of the Borough of Towanda, at the Court
House, MONDAY EVENING, July 8.
meeton Tuesday, the I Ith instant, at the Court
House, at 6 o'clock, P. M.
1 - • D. & E. D.! MONTANY.E, grateful for
the very liberal patronage' of the past
year,•vrould•-now solicit the- attention / of the
public to -their . very extensive assortment of
Goode just receiving frontlq. Y. City._ Among
Dry Goode may found the most fash
ionable articles of. the Meson, to irit Bain?
Lawns, Monslain Delains, Ribbons. Bon
nets, Parasols, fine Prints, See., dre, " Groceries
or all hinds and qualities, : Hardware of, every
description, Iron,'Naibt, EVrisiblikeel cultlnher:
substintbils sucifts'.Perk, Flour l'and
Their arrangements are auttrthit they can fur
nish to the tredesouse packages it wholesale,:
and-those, that. puichose •Ire retail not go
away grgrOblits t g. •' C y an arid see. ,• .. -
_ Towanda; June 10th . ,:184 , 1.. 4 : .
til .
IFN the Matter alma:dim . At a,- Court
Kl3tepiten Krinilmi others" to 61'004111KM
be ieebtilOieted 'Wider th e Style,' • ! Pleika--Of .
najnicar tide of . the " Free-Will '11:14..• Co;; ,
Baptist Society " of Tray.. ': ; - Sep. T.' ; '44..
. Notice is heieby given that Stephen,Kriipt,
Oliver, Cain's, Gaidnar Beams% Roswell Dun
ha and Owe on the 9th of May 1844, present;
id MAW - said :court en instrument ju midst;
and the - objects, iuticles and condition therein
setfoeth and contained appearMg to them law
ful Ind not injurious to the community, direct,
ed the said writing to be filed,,and that notice
be ::given in 'one, nevispaper printid in said
county of Bradford, for at least three weeks be.
for the next court of Common Pleas of said
county; setting "fortis that •an application bee
beeit made to said court to grant such an incor
poration . according to the act of Assembly in
such case made and provided.
A. CUMMUCK, Piothonatary:
:Prothonotary's ,Oflice, Z ,
Towanda, June.l'o, t 844. 5
IN the matte r application oil At a Court
Leslie Lawrence and 'others I of Common
to be incorporated under the style, } Pleas of
name or title of the "Filet Me- I Wad«. Co.;
thodist Episcopal . Church " in) Sep. T.'44.
Notice is hereby given that Leslie Lawrence,
Whitney Gifford. Thomas W. Baker and oth
ers on thip 9th of May 1844, presented to the
said court an instrument .in writing, and the
objects, articles conditionstherein'iletiorth and
contained appearing to them lawful and not in
jurious to 'the community, directed the said
-suiting to be filed, and that notice be, given in
one newspaper printed in , said county,of.Brad
ford, for. at least . three 'n
weeks 'before theext
court of Common Pleas of said county, setting
forth that an application has been made to said
court to grant, such an act of 'incorporation ac
cording to the act of Assembly in such case
made and provided.
A. C,HUBBUCK, Prothonotary.
Prothonotary's Office, '
Towanda, June, 10th, 1844.5
OM I =II O CI eraoft - 4141 ataZio
TN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Bradford county, there will be ex
posed to .public sale ° k ir the firemise; sit one
o'clock on the afternoon of Monday, the first
day of July next, the following real estate, to
wit:—Attract of land situate in Granville tp.,
containing 109 acres or thereabouts, bonnded
north on land of J. Pratt ; east on land, of Ma
jor Hawley ; south on land of Joseph Prim;
and" west on land of Stephen. Vrornan, and oth
ers; with about fifteen acres improved, and'a
frame house and log tiarn th'ereon erected.
Attendance will be given at the time and
place of sale by the subscribers.
• ~,Granville, MaY.6; 1844.
Wright's 'Vegetable Indian Pilh.
IFF, during during the continuance of !Ronne
and Floods, the channels of
become so obstructed as to afford an insufficient
outlet for the superabundant waters, we can ex
pect nothing less than that the surrounding
country will be ' i •
In a like manner with the human body—if the
Skin, Kidneys, and Bowels, (the natural out
lets for
become so obstructed as to fail in affording a
full discharge of those impurities which are in
all cases rr•
'TUE C 1 SE OF SICIL111)18
we timely can expect no other results than that
the whole frame will sooner or later be
As in the first place, if we would prevent en
inundation we must remove all obstructions, to.
the free diseharge of-the superabundant waters;
So, in the second place , if we would prevent'
and cure disease, we must open and keep open,
all the Natural Drains of the body.
Of Me North, American College of Re_allh,
sill be found one of the best if not the very
for carrying out this beautifil and simple theo
ry ; because they completely dense the Stomach
and Bowels from all Billions Bunters and oth
impurity, and 'at the same time promote si
healthy discharge from the Lungs, Skin, and
Kidneys; consequently, as all the Natural
Drains are opened,
Disease of every name is literally driven from
the Body
Caution—As the great popularity and
consequent great demand for Wright's Indian
vegetable Pills has raised up a boat of counter
feiters. country agents and storekeepers will be
on their guard against the many imposterswho
are travelling about the countryselling to the
unsuspecting a spurious article for the genuine.
It should be.remembered that all authorized
agents are provided a Certificate of Agency,
signed by WILLIAM Weiner, Vice President
of the N. A. College of Health. Consequent
those who offer Indian Vegetable Pills and
cannot show a CNificate, as alk9ve described,
will be known aslOposters.
The following .highly respectable Store
keepers have been appointed Agents for the sale
and of whom it is confidently believed the ge
nuine medicine can with certainty be obtained:
J.D.& E. D. Montanye, Towanda.
D.Brink, P.M., Hornbrook. • -
S. & D.P. PoMeroy, Troy.
Lyman Durfey, Smithfield. . •
J. J. & C. Warford,,Monroeton.l
Wm. Gibson, Ulster. 1 •
Ulysses Moody, Asylum. •
John Horton Jr.. Terrytown.
Coryell & Gee, Burlington &ands.
Benjamin Coolbeugh, Canton.
L. S. Ellsworth &to., Athens.• ; - •
Allen & Btems,Bheshequin.
Griy Tracy, Milan. •
A.R.Soper, Columbia Plaits.
Offices - devoted exclusively to the sale of the
medicine wholesale and retail,l2B Greenwich
street,.New York, No. 198 Tremontlreet,
Boston, and 169-RaCe street, PhiladelPhiL
BitrAllE OF C4l7.lsTEniFiTtr.—The public
are respectfUllYinfirmed that rrietlicine purport
ing to be Indian Pills, made by One Tr. 19.
'Faith., are not the genuine Wright's Indian
Vogetable Pills. • • - , •
The only security ;against imposition is to
purchase from: the • regular advertised - agents;
and in all casesbe particulat to ask far Wright's
Indian VegetabkllllB. • [aol6m.
mEar - it , mft:AiL :‘r4.
NAME •io !by euelosure _the - Itith : day of
lu May last, a pale red - CO Wotigbt or elite
Years old, with a brown- head and.,black hag.—,
The owner is- reqUested tO prove,property, pay
,charketi, and take ber away.
Orwell dune 1-1844. -
T anaut
- 15th Regiment; 2d Bugs '
' 'Ori:P.M.: „will meettfor
-01 d 'lngieition-* •the char:-
9011 mm in Towanda , on Bumf- .
y.the 29th daYOf J one init. '
The eetePeei Oradell__ 74 1 bi•
Ild 'the 'un
present year; under ,the
tw :Militia Lae, on Monday' the
Ali inst, at such places vathin,tho
hounds of said companies,- as may
selected bythe.proper officers,—
coinpanies within the bounds of
15th Regiment, not provided
with Commissioned officers, May elect such of
filters on the day of company' paradesut the
usual of holding their elections ' agreeably
to,lhe 20th semilmi of Militia . Law passed - April
11144. , .. . , P. C. WARD,.
_ • — Colonel Ifith.legiment.
Colonel's Office, ''t, ' - •
Towanda. Joni 184 1844. S ),", '
' 'N.B. • The Towanda Bridge will be free to
all personi residing'on the east side of the river
en the 29th inst.., , , - •
. .
New Spring. & Sommer Goods,
H. MIX S-0 N' S,
Jnd An* safe Cheap, for Cash
Towanda, May 6, 1844.
-11 ziqlk •_ A *Alk W a!'l
"CFAS removed hie office to the new Brick
JIM Block on Main street—No. 2;up stairs.
Q LAND ac o u l a &Alum
At the Burlington toffee House.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform
his old friends t and the public in general,
that he has moved back to his old stand at Ur
lington Four Corners, and , having fitted up his
housi, in good style, is now ready and wilting
to wait on all those who may favor him with
a call, and hopes by strict attention to his guests
to nialui their stay both pleasant and agreeable,
and if so he hopes to merits share of public pa
tronage. JOHN F. LONG.
Burlington, May 17, 1844. .
OTICE' is hereby given to the enrolled
within the bounds of the 2d bri
gade 9th division P. M., that they will meet in
battalions & regiments for inspection as follows :
The 2d battalion 129th regiment will meet
on Monday the 24th day of June next. • '
The Ist battalion mime regiment an Tuesday
the 25th.
The Ist bat. 156th,0n Wednesday the 26th.
• The 2d battalion of tke same regiment on
Thursday the 27th. •
The 21st regiment on Friday the 28th.
The 15th reg. on Saturday 29th day of June.
At such .placr s u the severni commanding of
ficers may direct. Adjutants and captains of
companies are also notified,and required to have
their roll copies ready for delivery, and also
their lists of absentees properly. authenticated as
the law directs. Company trainings on the 3d
Monday. WM .E. BARTON,
Brig. Inspector, 2d brig., 9th div., P.M.
Brigade Inspector's O 1 e, . , ,
East Smithfield, May 21, 1844.5 '
DAVE just received at their store in Mos
ses, and are now offering for sale, the
largest and most perfect assortment of goods
ever opened in this market. They assure their
friends and customers _that their stock of staple
and. fancy goods is complete, and will be sold at
prices to suit the times
They have a full it ck of CLOTHS, cot?
slating of Broadcloths. .assimeres,Vestings, ife.
• For Ladies' Wear,
They have. various splendid patterns of Belza-.
fines, (a new and much admired article) Lawns,
Ginghams, DeLaines„and prints, at all prices.
They also offer to whig gentlemen, a new add
beautiful article of SUMMER HATS, called
Ashland Hats," warranted to please. and in
'order to preserve strict impartiality they also
keep r' Van Buren" hats of superior style and
manufacture. Also, Leghorn, Palm,-Wool and
Fur Hats. of all sizes.
BOOTS er SHOES, of all sizes, numbers,
and-qualities. . •
CALL & SEE—We ask nothing for - exhi
biting our goods to any whose curiosity may
induce them to call.
Monroeton, May 25, 16.14.
opened an office in Troy, Brad. Co. Pa.
and will attend to all business of
s alad office, in
the line of their Profession 'is copartners. J.,
SitEnwoon will attend punctually at said office
in Troy, and E. W. BAIRD *may-be consulted
at any time in. ,relation to the business of the
firm, at his office in Towanda. ' 43;-6m
June 1,- 1844.: - SALSBURrs..
SALMON—it first rate Eirtiele—for'sale, by
Jane 2. SALSBURY'S.-
iF widow lady by the name of EUNICE
`IL BURT ! EY, widow of Ehenezer Burley. is
living in the county; by addressingataote to the,
Hon. A. H. Read,- Montiose; or by on
the' 'subscriber. she I,will • receive - information
which wily* of riecnnisry, benefit to her. Any
information- from any other acquaintanies or
friend of hers 'where she reSides, is solicit-
Addresi as - above.' -D. 14. BULL.'
,1844. ' =
101.011 R , by the. bane! And, otherwifte. for,
sale at Il I I.BTED'B.
Shaving and jlair Dressing.
Job Carteri''Thirber rad bit Dresser, t
:lollETlnDitilis *lova tii:l4linsiiiiitir
enitinners, and iofonnathem that beluis
removedliiihop to,theoTalt lading on the
north aide of the public spas*, one door welt
of tho Exchange Hotel, where he will be found
at all resaotudde beers, ready . to , Wait. on *die
who may favor him with - a call, .hi the politest
*tanner possible. ' - • . 1.
• Tiwanda, May 25,1844. • • •
4miiour.Jr - Amorater, •
wHEREAB my life L YRef has left my
bed end boardiiitbont - any Ind Canso
or provocation, this is to forbid all Emmaus heir
boring or trusting heron" may sernuntois I will
ply no debts of her, contracting etterthis date.
Pike, Miy 13, 1844... • -
31&•appiEit - 1111LA8.311C.141E9.'•:
It'Vandertoolei Cabinet- Shop!
HE subicriiler in consequence of ill health T
wishes to dispose ; of his Cabinet Shop".
His establishment consists of Cherry Lumber;
Mpbogany, Hardwire; Tools, Furniture, &c.,
&c., which he will sell on reasonable terms for
cash, or short credit with good surety., -^ '
• Towinds, 1844.
HE subscribers have now in successful
operation A FERRY at To;vanilla both',
a few rodi above the bridge, where , steady at
tendance wilt be given at all times , to enable,
thine Who wish, to cross the river Without de
lay. The chargee will be ohly half the rate of
tolls demanded for crossing the bridge.
• E. & SICKLEE. ,
otvanda;May, 24, 1844: ,
Nee Spring: & Summer Goods,
(Corner of Bridge and Main sta..)
May 24, 1844. J. F: MEANS & CO.
• BRICK ! i.
ore tor of SOFT & HARD
!lay 25, 1844. F.iMEAPIS& CO.
N 165:0130M1 1 01L 9 6 gfo=o/60
;E is hereby given to. all interested,
that letters testamentary have this day
been granted to the subscribers on the estate of
Wm. Smith, dec'd. of -Windham
All pains indebted to Bald estate are required
to make immediate payment, and all those
ing demands against the same are requested to
present them, legally attested, for settleMent.
H. ARNOLD, S Executors.
Windham, May 9, 1844. .
amattakmi UQUI mown
ILL have an Agent at the follow ing
places to exchange Cloth of all kinds
for Wool on as good terms if not better, than
at any other Factory in the State, and trust
that every man will call and examine' for
selves before trading.
July 19th at Ilictiola Corners;
22, at Leßaysville;
". 23, Wrysox, (Cooley's Tavern ;)
24, Towanda, (Coe s Tavern;) •
" 25, Sheshequin, (Moody's Tavern ;)
" 26, Athens
" 27, Smithfield (Tuttle's Tavern ;)
" 29, Burlington;
" 30, Troy;
" 31, Columbia Flails;
August Ist., Daggett's Hollow, (Spencerville;)
" 2, A. Miner's' (Wells township;)
" 3& 4, 'Elmira .
P.S. 'Cash and the highest price paid for
• you Wool along with you and I will
will conaiat of GRANTS
Ce e . leep's- Gray Cloth,
Also; a general assortment of Black, Blue
black, Adelaide, Invisible Green; Brown and
Steel Mixed
Farmers can realize from 20 to 25 per -cent,
more than by disposing of it any other way.—
'We hope you will call and examine the weight,
body, and quantitksof stock in each yard of the
above mentioned Cloths, before purchasing else
The highest price paid for .Wool, and Cloth
at.the wholesale Factory , nice.
If required, a proportion of , payments for .
Wool be made in cash.
Ithaca, June 10, 1844... - '
Lao Uld&IBIZ
IS now prepared to exhibit for the inspection
of his old friends and the ptiblic generally
it little the best assortment of goods in town. '
He deems it sufficient to say his stock numbers
the usual variety of Provisioria; such as Flour,
Corm meat, Pork, Butter,. Lard, Tea, Coffee;
Chocolate, Lump and Brown Sugar, Molasses,
Rom 31 to 7$ eta., Raisins, Prines,,Dried Cur:
rants, Figga, Sultana Raisins, Tspiaco, Citron,
Pickles,'Pepper Sauce; Confectionaries of all
kinds, Fruits, Nuts, from paper-shelled Almorids
to Pea Nuts, Candles; Shaving and Bar Soap,
]hied apples, ands good assortmexit of French
and German Tz.ys, &c.
As ithes become . the general belief that my
Osortment ie a little the best seleition and the
greatest 'variety in the place, and for ready pay
the public nary ; be. assured they will get as good
goods and as cheap : as they can be bought else
where., Aliliinds of produce taken ,in ex:
change.' Be sure you call !Amy old stand, the
Post Office, and while'vvaiting for the mail take
a l lied; cake 'and- Cheese or - chestnuts, applesror
cigars or any thitig to keep up , the spirits in
this time of high , pressure:' , . •
May 15, 1 . 84 4r' ' '
ow , ALIE., - „ Jiro ,
ESS diem' 5000, liiittels' SALT for tile,
LA said more coming, at Nil 3. Brick row.
May 6{ ' W. H. BAIRD & CO. !,
irIOrI'ON . YARN, Wirkiva
IL) hind by - ."" AtEAN,& C
-NDIT illirend:Zsixi. limed
Elp *irk jki ixart -of coligui?b,_plow; oillad•
And corgifylionut directed; 'half 'Apia to
while sale at die house ofß.Batjnalord to the •
Borough of Tcraninia, 'on Thrusdayithe '2oth
day of JUNE next, at one-o'clock,
'The .following described, piece nr, pplad of •
land situate Athens township bounded as
beginning at eppitch pure
_on the north
'east comer of: 1. Tassesji.: lot;.' thence west
317 7.10 perches toe black oak sapling on , the
eastlank of the Susquehanna siege; thence up
the river 240 east 90 540 perches we post;
thence eas t 252, 940 perches to npost t, thence
south 2° east 35' 8-10.,perebes to the place of
beginning. Containing 79 acres _ more or less,
311 acres improve& ,frith a framed dwelling
house thereon. erectedl'' ' •
Seized and taken in ezireition at the snit of
N. C ilewhi vs. ElijahVongorder. -
• • . J.N..WEISTON, Sherif.
• Sheriff's Office. • . ,
Towandir;'Nfay 25, 1844. J •• • .
3C3lr s i
HE sabamber 'has jirat returned from ther
j, great city, with a splemiid and largo sr
sorunent of Watthes, Clocks, Jewelry, Fancy
GOods, Spoons; Specks of all agesatings, Pins,
Accordions; ilialiu Strigs, Reeds, oin:ipauei, -
Keys Chains, Watchmakeris Materialtand all
articles over kept,in e Fancy At lewelry.Store,
and will be sold to snit the times for call
rand see. . • N. B. the • antiscriber. is prepared, to
'repair all kinds of Watchen& Jewelry "on short
notice and the best /manner, nit he has a new
lot of tools and' materials fresh from the city.
• L
oZ7Shop next door to the - Pust:o,ffice, Mai!)
L N. Sumner, Surgeon • Dentist r
WL. remain in Towanda;,for a shaft
itie, and may he found at Mr. Cnise;
where he will be happy . to waiton all who May
need his professional services;
. , Towande‘ May 18; 1849.
aiscErsrrp: . •:-
Books & StOtionary,..:-.
May 6. For sale by J.;
WITE MARL LIME for sale, whole
ale and limit at . /lALSTEDI3:
Candles one Shilling per , pound
ANDLES & _TALLOW constantly on •
hand and' for sale at HALSTED'S.
1/10I0Kitlic inWiliil4lol4
lirare happy to be able to inform our
neighbors, that' he •BRICK . BLOCK
IS UP, - and the citizens of Bradford county ge
nerally, that we are this day. receiving, at No.
3, a new and extensive aseortment of SPRING
AND SUMMER GOODS, which haie beert
purchased in the 'city 'of New York for each and
GOOD CREDJT-8 goodly portion of them &reit
ly opposite the door of one Henry Sheldon and
one John Me,Neil., Our goods have been pur
chased under such circumstances as to enable
us to 'sell them very cheap. We do, therefore r
pledge ourselves to sell as low for ready pay,
as any store in Bradford cous?y: Our stock
consists of •
Dry Goods, Groceries, t Hardware and
Crockery,' Druisl4- Medicines,
Dyewoods sttp,
4-c., 4-c„ 4c. - --
In fact, wu have on hand Almost • every article
usually kept in a country store. We will ex,
change our goods for Cash, Produce of tiny'
kind. all descriptions of Lumber, good fresh
butter, wool, sheep-pelts, crates' hides, &c. &c.
We acknowledge our obligations to the many
friends who have stood by us through the" bard
times," and fondly hope to be able to make it
an oltjeet for them to continue their patronage.
Towanda, May 6. 1844: •
PIFIBE,best selected assortment offiatin stripe
Challeya, pnnted DeLeine% Belisuines,
French Lawns, Mulls, &c., ever offered in this
market, may; be found at No. 3, Brick Row.
Crimped dimity, cuffs and collars, Asbbuiton
collars and collarettes,"dimitY chemisettes, em•
broidered fillet reticules, &e., &c.
ALSO—The - hest assortment of Ladies' cra
vats and Dress Handkerchiefs in Towan4, no
mistake. all at BAIRD'S. • •
May 6.
eIASH" AND GOODS i paid for Long Shin
gles, and a good Imlay Pine - Boards, at
May 6.
54ylk BUSHELS WHEAT; 30 0
. do.-
ijr Corn ; 300 do. Oats; 100 do. of
Buckwheat; 100 do. Rye. for Bale by
W .H.BAIRD tic CO.'
No. 3, itrickiow.*
May 6.
BOOTS & SHOES, a -large assortment at
May 6. , . No. 3; Brick foie:
SOLE LEATHER; middleweights, a first .
rate muck, for sale at No. 3k,Briek . row..
ay 6. WK. H. BAIED 00.
AMP OIL. Sperm; and Tallow . . Candles L at. No. Brick row.
May .6. WM. H. BAIRD. & CO.
3, Brick row, 'BAIRD'S:"
irkOMESTIC Gt iCiDS—Sheeti Ig% •
Loge. Ticking, Cotton Yam, - Wicking,
Betting, Atc.; &c., at No. 3, Brick row.
'May 6. . WM, H. BAIRD &
fiLOVE k& TIMOTHY SEED; at N 0.3
N) Brick iow. - VP: M. BAIRD 'dr. CO.
TONS MAPLE SUGAR, more or Tess.
.P 3 for sale at ,
May 6.. - • NO:3, Brick roiki ! _ •
. .
ARPET NVARP.for rale at No. 3, B ri ck
C rain • W.H.BAIRD &
ALLperiwig indebted, to the estate et:Jo4leb.
: Barna; late ot Tea/atlas, tieN.,;ire - sto•
tifial to pay the same , to 140'iutacriberi Mid
having charge", will itlaii"itesent theln ter 41.
Itemise, duly authenticated.. •
lIICY,;III,TRNS.` Ailtninistratris. :