Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 05, 1844, Image 3

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    se *O 10n1 all- Natlatti.
0 00 white fish. were recently
_ 4ltato ne haul in New gayeo her.
..„This feat was accomplished by
t h r ee seines together.. The
je u for fifty cents per 1000...
13 0 city Of New Orleans there - are
titration -every night, as- nearly as
4eagertained, one hundred roulette
each one of- which clears' its
, f ,r, at least $5O per night.
, n umber of persons were seen pass !
ihrough Ann street last evening just
J o t wearing side-arms, but partial
cognied?,—Bostora Mail.
tans of flesh and blood—partly con
'ed ,in old cio'.
he following appears in the New
:I ;.,xpress: {
.IVantetl, a wagon with - two seats
;we' (hate hold four, persorts with
f ou r boys, belonging to a juvenile
ompany, in Louisville, haire been
btea' for,setting 'houses on fire.—
v onotive for setting the houses on
was ' to get the praise of being the.
;firemen on the ground, and to en=
the excitement of witnessing 'the
and a:ssist to subdue it. Many of
tires for along -time past were the
tk of ihese intsrguided yOuths.
iisenger in the train of cars that
:Washingtou city on Thursday af
noon 314 o'clock was informed of
d ea th.of Mr. Gadsby, formerly of
e National Hotel, now keptt his
u , on arriving at the Relay ouse,
're the jiltellizence , ..had been corn
icated by means' of r tito Electro
le editor . : 61 the' llbany Knieker-
Isays,lie has tie hesitifion in de
that, In his opinion, one: wife,
ilarly a modern - one,.- is -amply
lent for one hus • bana: '
Jung Man named Wm.. Watson,
in Calvert ) county, Md., lost
last week; by being thrown from
se . whilst riding a race for the
went ofhiniselfandanotberyoung
ith.whotn the deceased was in
inr In turning-an abrupt curve
road his horse became, unman-
and ran - with!great force against
killing the rider almnst instantly..
British ship Greenock," re=
:ailed from Mobile forliverpool.
cargo of eottocestimated to
th 8136;163.
les Gordon Bennett,' of the N.
laid, has served a writ for' libel
....Ryan, the:editor of the N. Y.
The' Republic says that
not know in !what the alleged
insiits, though the damages are
tan named ftritea Bernard John
lid to be a fugitive' from . justice
f%tand ria, D. Q., was arrested
Orleans on the Sth inst., charged
robbing- MG Ed ward of
in gold land silver. •
last. Hillsboro'-N. Record-
We have seen a lump of
lloughed up a few 'days since in
belonging to Mr. John Paul,
ilea vest of this place. It weigh-
:o and a half penny weights; was
lyilEacheit from - any gross sub
2'; 'specimen of pure
fivndred.and t ieventy-five
irrired al Balumore on Tuesday,
'ip Rebecca from Bremen.
dent tornado occurred near Mar-
Saliotirity,, Ida., on the 22d
tifigi e building oceupied by
.Barilei was blown down, and
his family buried in" the ruins.
:ens of Marshall repaired to the.
Id succeeded in extricating all
Most of them were . horribly
A, and a small child crushed to
are now 203 prisoners in the
lilt State Prison. The ex
of the institution last -year
lot - 311,000, and its income in
lumbers ,$lB,OOO. The nett
tre about $O,BOO last year, and
1,000 in cash were paid into
Treasury. -
;Paper-in Arkansas says it has
%uttered Choctaws and Cher
us - subscription ijet,,,,some of
contrihutotg -
telope, the clipper on board
Pletcher Webster, took pas
'd at Rona' Kong on the 4th
/limey, - Esq . ., the . Abull 7
le for' Pre S ident , hais pub.
lill ueletteiagehistthe :anex
• '
taNso.x.-414 old Hero - a is t
ihinaton •
Wirhavirt.eports of an - outbreak 'WhiCh
has occurred Canada between the
authorities and, the laborer! qn tie La
chine Canal. Other rumors state that
the Patriots have risen in Canada, and
taken possessiog of Toroato, some for
ty of whom' weft killed at tbe, first out
From the fact - that. Canade has long
been rife - for aniusurrection. we have
no doubt that there is some truth in
these reports. The first report we co
py from the New Yorlun, which
says :
The facts, as near as we can gather
them ate, _that the laborers who Were
recently ,dizcharge_d Int their interfe
rence whe Montieal election of a mem
'her or Parliament, assembled in great
numbers on Wednesday or Thursday,
and^commpnced the work of destruction
and bloodshed by destroying the works,
attacking the - coniractors, and beating
the overseers. The military
. were call
ed 'out,. and marched to the scene of
carnage and bloodshed. As the com
panies approached the rioters, symp
toms of disaffection were manifested in
the ranks. but concealed from the ofii
cas. :The spirit of revolt aradually
spread among the army, and t being
drawn up before the rioters, on receiv
ing orders to are, the soldiers gr9unded
their anitsli,declaring their unwilling
ness to fire. The utmost consternation
prevailed among Her Majesty's officers
of the higher grades ; while the subor
dinates united with , the revolutionists,
and ordered the temporary seizure of
all who would not join in the levolu-
Juch are ti racts, as near as we
have been able to collect them from
crentlemen of respectability, who had
just arrived from the frontier. We con
fess the story is rather improbable.
The following is from tile' Pittsburg
Chronicle Of Saturday, 25th ult.
We heard a . report last night, found
ed upon information said to have been
received by a gentleman in this city,
who has at-son residing' in Toronto, U.
C.,, that`tbere had been a fresh out
break at , Niagara, U. C., between the
Patriots and the civil authorities. The
Patriots 'bad been making some move-.
meats which the civil authoritiks did
not like, and the troops were balled °IA,
and the Patriots dispersed for the time,
only it is} thought for die purpose of or
ganizing to make resistance. We give
the above as a rumor, having no certain
' NATURAL Cumusrri . .—The Owego
Gazette of last week says : 1
We have beeit shown by the Mcssfs.
FRITCHARDS,.. of Flemingville, in this,
town, a remarkable Lamb—having,-in
-:all respects,. two, perfect bodies, separ
ate and distinct; to the fore legs, where
they unite In one—with two regular
sets of limbs ; and but 'one head, b
one set of eyes, ears, &c. Upon
opening it, it was, found to have one
heart and four kidneys.
" Keep it before the People," bays
the Baltimore Republican; that in
1840, the Federal Whig party declared
that the President's mansion was mere,
splendidly furnished than that of any
European potentate—andno sooner had
they elected their log Cabin President,,
than . they -voted an, appropriation of six
thousand dollars to add to the splendor ,
of the palace.
ANERIAI'i WATCH: - air. J. W.
Robertson, of Hollidaysburg, Pa.. has
manufaethred the first Chronometer
Watch ever Made in the United States.
The .watch is of • the' chronometer
escapement, capped and jewelled :with
retaining power.. It was manufactured
entirely by Mr. R., includin'g every de
partment, viz; gilding,, engraving and
jewelling. j
of the House of Assembly in, Nova Sco
tia, seem desirmis of making themselves
as notorious as their brethrett, of this
Republic. , A flare-up took- place in the
House on the night'Of the 11th ult., be
tween two-members:
r utu AT NEW . ORLEA/kiSo---A. most
disastrous - fire occurred at New Orleans
on the 18th ult., which destroied
tween.two and three hundred houses,
tvith ati immense amount ofproperik
of various other descriptions.'
war4 .C. Delavan, Dsq., the 'fewer=
ance fieformer, is building a new Tent
mance Hotel at . Albany-, . expected to
cost $lOO,OOO.
SiNATOR ' N.ts.—Tlie committee
appointed to' report upon. Mr. Niles'
tianity,pranounced him sane,. and :he
has accordingly-taken his seat in- the
UniteiStates Senate.
TALL RYE.—The" editor of. the Dan
ville Intelligences is bragglng of - a stalk
of rye, seven feet seven inebesinlength,
which has been left at his office.
he i f
OI tiIA'PER IMAT'HER for po eof
'O, Awe 1844. t'4DintrfSt
ALMON—a first rah? snkle -11)- ayik
RIOT AT '.DANsiulz;‘—'-Thiie Was
qulte a,eripas riot at Malayale,; Liv
ingston, otiounty, week or so
Allow. The people voted-, authority,
from the Legislature -to connect a basin
they had formed with - the' a Sen
ator Faulkner, who ,owned lots the
town that 'would be damaged thereby,
'defeated \ their proposition in the Senate .
The people then :we to work, and: cuta sluice without law, anti When: Mr.;
Faulkner returned to his constituents at
Dinsvilln, the church bells were tolled,
and every aianifestatton of displeasure
with his course was given. 'When the
State hands proceeded to fill the *slip,
they were driven 'of£ by. The villagers.
They returned,-and were again forced
to abandon their attemptiand - the vilr
lagers, so far successful in resistance,'
proceeded to aggression; and assembling
some three butdred strodg, cut through
the corner lots of Their Senator, and
Made a union between the canal, and
Their basimand slip. '
' giet talcum that a sad accident - occur !
ed - upon . the •ohio abotit: forty
mileS above: smithland, and near", the
-mouth of - Tradewatei. on the sth just:,
by which three women lost their Jives,
They .were attempting to .. ;croas in,v
small boat; ithe river being quite rough
at the time, the, boat sprung. •a leak;
they found the water gaining up
on them. fright paralyzed their exertion.
and,.they. sank without an effort io save
theniselves. All the bodies' have been
CHEAP PROPERTY.. -A deed has been
recently recorded at the City Hall, New
York, transferring the City Hotel,.
which was once sold for- two hundred
thobsand dollars, for the consideration
of one dollar in hand paid." This
would appear a grand decline in the
price of Real Estate, but it is necessary
to add, in order to a clear understanding
athe subject; that John lacob Astor,
Esq.. the grantor, is grandfather to the
grantee 'Mrs. B—.
,notorioue thief
was shot in Orange county, N. Y. on
Saturday. He hid stolen a watch from .
the'lad's father; and several, persons
were in poison, when' the thief Tired a
pistol at the father. The boy immedi
ately shot him through the head.
editor of the Wayne County Herald,
has been appointed Notary Public for
the county of Wayne, by the Executive,
in the
place of E. Kingsbery, dec'd.
STRIKES.—Tbe printers of Pittsburg
haveoade an advance of prices—the
employers have. conceded. The coo
pers have been equally successful. The
journeymen shoemakers ofLynn and
%Voburn have struck for higher wages.
lu Sheshequin, on Thursday, the 22d ult.. by
Milton Bailey, Esq., CALEB 13. RICE to Miss
On Thursday, the 22d nit., by Allen M'Kean
Esti., OLIVES D. PERRI' to Miss Mamma
daughter of Jereadab Taylor, both
of Granville
In Canton, Bradford county; Pa.; on the 17th
of April, Mrs. Hannan'Parrr, wife of Da
vid Pratt,. in .the 78th year of her age.
Her funeral was attended on the 19th, by a
concourse of relatives and friends, who were ap-
Propriately addressed by M.lTurlliurt, in a dis
course from jtev: xiv . .l3. She was followed
to the grave by about forty children and grand
children who lament the loss of a pious and af
fectionate parent. About 40 years she had re
sided in the place where she died. • She was
more than 50 years a devout:Christian, and
member of the church in the Baptist connexion,
and more than 60 years she had lived with the
husband who now mourns the loss of a devoted
But she "rests from her labors," and her weep
ing friends derive comfort from the reflection
that her work is well done. She has left them
a rich legicy in ` xhe remembrance of her devout
prayers and her pious example. So May we
live the life of the righteous that our last end
may be lik6 hers.
of Bradford county,t are.respectfully requested
to meet at the "-Exchange,' • in Towanda, an
Tuesday, June 18th,. at 1 o'clock. P. M., for
the purpose of adopting effective mealures to
promote the interest of the democratic, party,
and the elevation of its candidates at the corn
lag election. • SETH SALISBURY. '
Ain° 1, 1844. - Chairman.-
/at the house of 0.8,, Beebe, at Greenwood, on
SATURDAY (Wetting, June 15t at 6 o'clock.
that on Tuesday., the 11 th instant, at the Conn
Henze, ati
41)M2 .kCi-Aitk.NiVO
MUAME •to yky enclosure the 19th day Of
May lastra 'pale red CO W. eiCht oraine
years old, with i brown. !lead and black bag.
The owner is *nested to'prove property; pay
Charges, and take her away. , •
I, .Orivell, Awe 1, - 11344.- • •- •
BE 111 'OBDRik - .'
/L ..
. .. _ . ._ .
— frhelAtft ' " iiuthigiaiii'.
t -Divittion , I!.M.i. *ill meet. lot
Ail elt4 IttsPecijok et; o , l _ o 'Clairt ,
Mont House in 'ToiVanda'on Sittir;-
. Ihe 20th da*,ntdrine iitit: . "'"
The' -Compony24l4l4Fs will:be
Ad the '.pteseot year, tinder the
few Milititt-LOw- ouldonday- the
7th inst. at lillc,i;Plitcce within ant
Indira' said 'companies tatii
identedhy ttie proper ofiliers,-4
eoraptimes within,the bona& of
. i r,lsth Regiment, not 'provide&
;with' Commissioned officirs i niay elect such ni . - -
&ere, on the dai of, company.lparatiettat, the
usual place of holding their elections, agreeably
to the 20tIttiectiOrt of Militia Law paved Aril!
4844. ' ' • *. -- P. C.. WARD,',
' . " Colonel 15th Regiment:: ;.
Colonel's °trice,
Nil. " The Towatida Bridge will he free to
all persons residing on the east aide of the , river
en the 29th insi, ' •
- A .
er r Al • 4 1 - ,
rirliFlE FIRST COMPANY of tlie 2d bat.l
15th reF : , P. M., will meet at the house;
of A. M. Coe, in rho - borough of Towandth, on'
Monday, the 17th day of *Juria, at 10 o'clock.
A. M. for company drill, armed and equipped
as the law directs. .
JOHN CASE, Captain:
Towanda, June 3,1844.
ALLPersonsindebted to the estate.of James
Burns,' late of Towanda', dec'd., are .no
tified to pay the same to the subscriber 3 and all
hating charges, wiltalso presCnt theni for set:
dement, duly authenticated. ' I * •
LUCY :BURNS, Administmtrii.
• Towanda, Alay 28,1844. ' ' •
MOvirtue of a Tit of Les;ari Fades issued
from the court of common pleas'of Brad
ford county, to me directed;) shall expose to
pnblio aale•at the house of E I .RAYNSFORD
limit° Borough of Towanda, on Saturday the
29th•day of June next, at one o'clock P.M.,
the following described piece'or parcel of land
situate in Canton township, beginning at a post
the north-east corner of Jarner Warren's land,
thence north 89° west 204 8-10 perches to a
post. thence by land of Josiah Warren south 1°
• west 64 8-10 perches to a post; thence south
89° vied '147 perches to a birch ; thence by
lands of James Warren north 1° east 72 7-10
perches to the beginning. Containing: eight*•
two acres, one hundred and one perches, with
- allowance.
Seized and taken in .execution at the ink of
Gorden F. Mason, assignee of Eliphalet Mason
vs. William TO E thou.
ALSO—By -virtue'of a writ , of vend .expo.,
a piece or parcel of land in Franklin tewnship,
hounded north by L.o.Brancroft, east by P.
& W. Lent's- land, on the south by 0. W.
Dodge, jr., and west by Dodge and Roof. Con
taining about ninety acres, with about twenty
improved, and with a log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
S.S. Hinman vs. Ebenezer Smith.
Sheriff's OfGre, 1
Towanda, June 3d, 1844. J '•
044 li -g r 4 An 111.11
MINAS ressoved his office ito'the - new Brick
Block on Main street—No. 2, up stairs.
015 gaLUDICIQD ai,ara•
At. the Burlingtett Coffee House,
T HE subkriber would respectfully inform
his old hien& and the public in general,
that he has moved back to his old stand at Bur
lington Four Corners, and having fitted up his
house in good style, is now; ready and willing
to wait on all those who may favor him, with
a call, and hopes by strict attention, to his , guests
to make their stay botb pleasant and agreeable,
and if so he hopes to merit a share'of public pa-_
tronage: JOHN F. LONG.
Burlington, May 17,1844.
• OTIGE is hereby given to • the enrolled
I militia within the bounds of the, 2d bri
gade 9th division P. M., that they will meet in
battalions & regiments for inspection as follows . :
The .2d battalion 129th regiment .will meet
on Monday the 24th day . of June nexi..
The let battalion some regiment on Tuesday
the'2sth. • .
The Ist . bat. 156th, on Wednesday, the 26th.
The 2d battalion of the same regiments on
There - day The 27th. , '
- The 21st regiment on Friday the 28tb.
The 15th reg. on Saturday29th daY of June,
At such 'places as the several commanding 'of.
fleets may direct. Adjutants and captains of
.companies are also notified end required to have
their roll copies ready for delivery, and, also
eleir lists of absentees properly authenticated es
the law directs. Companyj trainings* the 3d
Monday. - WM. E. BARTON;
Brig. Inspector, 2d brig:; 9th div., P.M.
Brigade Inspector's Office, 2 -
East Smithfield, May 21, 1844. S I
5E051 . 11402
s •
samsnußrs , • • •
r <
AVE just received at their store in MoN
nos; and are now offering far sale, the
largest and most perfeet assortment of goads
ever opened in this market. , They assure their
friends and customers that their stock of staple
and fancy goods , is, complde, and will be sold at
prices" to suit the times. . 1. ,
They .have a follstocle s of CLOTHS, con
. , . For tridirs' Weary.
They 'base various splendid patternk'of Eden
rifles, (a new arid much'admired article) Lawns,,
Gitighams, DeLaines, end prints; at alt prices:
They also offer to whig gentlenien, a new and
beaotifut,etticle of SUNLMER_HATS, called
Ashland: Hats,". warranted, to ramie, and in
'order to preserve: Earth, impattisliti,they also
keep.," Van Duren", fists Of. supptiofstyle.and .
-Manufacture. ,Also; Leghorn, Palmj Wool and-
Fur Hsu, of all Itiiett.;' . ,
nooTs SHOES, eft, all sizeao2am 'hem'
, CALL SEE-We a l sk nothing for tali;
biting- oils .400 do to any.whout., curiosity; : may;
iroy(citifem ta;
ti •
Monnitten, Moir' 25 1814.- •
s J,'.-
. `*
r4L -
Atiljkluekr:*llo.gailalt Dreacri
ETUlfl+Jlt :die .- thanks to' his; numerous
.141 CtlitOintil;`ittal
trap* his sholi.tO thoOnall -building elk the
pooh side -, of she public ignore r one door oiki4
of the.Excbaflge where 444
he liercituil
,L . ialloutoguibbs hoop, itait-ois: those
who may final hhii wiih'ssail, is the.Volitest
manner foible. 1'; " •
Towanda, Ms3r 26;1844:' '
4111=4.001..7 1 310.111[41131101Rifii
11111THEREAS my wife" r. i'd has left my
;`bed and ligard Without any just cause
Or provocation, this is to forbid all persons har
boring or trusting heron may account, a I will
pay no debts pf her contracting after ibis date.
Pike, May 13,1844. .
D. Vaddercook's !Cabinet Shop!
rvilliE subscriber in cau sc quen,or ilthealth
wishes to dispose of his Cabinet shop.
His emablishment consists of Cbarry Lumber,
Mahogsny, Hardware, Tools, Iturniture, &c.,
&c., which he will • sell on reascrable terms for
cash,oc abort era dit With good surety.
Towanda, Mal 2 1 , / 844 -
MBE subscribers hive now In d successful
operation A FERRY at Towanda hem',
a few rods above the bridge. where steady at
tendance will be giren at times to enable
those who wish, to cross the river svithaut de
lay. Tbe charges will be only lief the rata of
tolls demanded for crossing the brdge.
_ E. & J. SICKLER.
Towanda, May 24; 1844.
New Siring & Summer Goods,
(Corner of Bridge and Main MO
May 24, 1844. 1, 1. F. MEANS & CO.
for alibi by . •
May 25, - 1844. 4. F. MEANS & CO.
NOTII is hereby even to all interested,
' that letters testamentary have thirr day
been granted to the strbseribers on the estate of
Wm.. Smith , dec,'d. of -Windham tp.,‘
All persona indebted to said estate are required
to make immediate payment, and all. those hav
ing tlemands'against the eame are requosted to
present them, legallylatteste4 for settlement..
• SETH ssirrn,?.
. • •
B. ARNOLD; " ecu
Mindham, gay 9; 1844. • ,
W 001. .-Y I I,A TE 0.;
A •
WILL hare .an Agent! at the following
- placesto exchange loth of all kinds
for Wool on as goenl . terms rf not better, than
at any other Factory in Otti State, and trust
that every man will andramine forthem.
selves before trading: ' '
Will beat Leraysville on Mot
June 3d and 4th, 'for two
Rome on Wednesday,June!
Towanda, Thursday-and Ft
7th, for two days; only. I
Moody's Tavern, Sheshe7
Monday, Juno Bth and
' only. 1.
Park's Tavern,. A theno, on
• for one, day only
R. :Ttittle's Tavern, Smith
'"day aturfhinsday, June #
days only. ! I ".
Burlington, on Friday June
only. 1,,
Troy, on Saturday anaMom
17th for two days only. ,
Colombhi Flans, Tuesday June 18th, for one
day only. 6; • •
Bsquire Spencer's,lDaggett.' ElolloWWednes
. day June 19th, onodaronly. •
A. Miner ' s, Thursday June c llOth, one day,
only. - ,
The Assortment wilt consist of GRANT'S
Celebrated Sheep's gray Ciotti,
_ - & _ •
Also, a general 'assortment of. Black, blue
blabk, Adelaide; Invisible !Green, BrOna and
Steel Mixed
' Farmers can realize from) 20 to 21 Ter cent,
more than by disposing of it any ot'aer way .--
-We hope you will 'call and examine the weight,
body, and quantity; of stock in each yard of the
above mentioned Cloths,befora purchasing else
where. ." , • -
Tbn'highest price Maid for Wool, and Cloth
at the , wholesale Factory mice.
If required; a'troportion. of payments tbr
Wool will be mad in =is. -
CIIA'S A. CRA. "DALL,-Agent.
Ithaca, May 1, 1844.
„ .
. . IEo gio MEM= i . ...:
f 1 4
' .
S now prepared to exhibit for the inspection
- of his old friends and i the public-generally
a, little the best assortmeni, of goods in town..
He deems it sufficient to,
, s:ay Ins stocknumbera,
!the usualvariety 'of - Promsions, - ,such as Flour ,
Corm - meal, - Pork, Butter, Lard, -Tea, Coffie,,
.Chocolate, LumP, and Brawn Sugar, Molasses,
from 31 to 75 ctit.,Raiirids, Pronei,Dried Cur.
rants, Figgs, Snliatui Raisins,Vapiaco, Citron.
, Pickles, Pepper Sauce; 'confectioner/ea of all.
kinds', Frnits, Nuts, from Pliptir!stielled AlmeMls
to Pea Nuts, Candles, Shaving and Dar Soap,
Dried apples, and a good assortment of - French_;
and German T 4374 &c.', '&c, .k ''' 1 '
• As it boo become the general belief that myi
assortment bi'a little the best selection and th
40'0 31 - I. vatiely in.the ps , e., ,`,1414- for ready Pi
she publit'may be assured they will get , as g o o d .
goods and as chap as they can be bought
where,,., Alt Minis of produce '. taken -in ex
chimge:, 'llijuter Youcall.itpy qhfstand, tiro
Post MCC, and ivhitti'iraititaft furitie militate
a; littbi 'taltiy,Aiii Cheese -- ofr,: - cliesuitils; apples iw
dinki orxiny: thing to hes? , ',up the aplrila lin
thii time`of high!presib to :-- : .i ~ ',. '.'....
.--.7- . .-----..--_,- ; -:-- .. '-' l, ---71-7----- --I .)
TIOTTON l'AilH,, -, Icking di. Dining On
Itiliatid.l,l , • -• - •.: ' MEANS &' CO.!
:~~>: -
- - .
• '
RE:Miblicriber harrjust returned froth The
great - city :: With it'spleridid-died GO es.
lioffinent of " Watebea;efoenijewelri, Fancy
Goods, Bpi:tons, Spiels of all agee,Bings; Fins,
.Accoidions, Violin-Btrings, , Beede L eetriptases,
`Keys, Chains, Watchm a kers blateirials aid all
'articles aver kept in'a ran4r.dc Jewelii Store,
and %Jlll be sold to'snit the )itnes for casb,_call
and seer B, the 'subscriber is prepared - nv
`repair all kinds otWatchesf,t ,towelry:on short
noliedind the best [manner, as lut bas a new
lot-of tools mid materials fresh _ from-lbe city;
Cr:7'49hop nest door to . ' The Post Office, 111aiii
, gireet.: • • • -
J. rt.olimiter t . Saraeon: Dentist
irwriLL remain in :Too/ands for a - ahort
V V time ard may hie fotaul'4 Me.Croid,
where he will happy to wait an all wha may
need hid prolesaional senrietfa.
Towanda, May' 18, 1844.
y rier nocsivio
13,0,0 ks & Stationar.-
May- 6. For sole by J. ICINGSbiIItY. Jr.
W HITE MARL LIME for sale , whole
sale and retell at • RALSTEWS.
c an di es one Shilling per pound !
ANDIIES & TALLOW constantly on
band and for sale at HALSTED'S.
i. NO. 3 s BRICK' ROW.
laltrE are happy to be able to inform our
'VW neighbors, that the .BRICK ,BLOCK
IS, UP, and the citizensof Bradford county ge
nerally„that we are this day receiving 'at No. .
t`; a new and extensive assortment of SPRING
&IND SUMMER: GOODS, which have been
purchased in the city of New York for cash and
Goon enxini—a goodly portiori of them direct
ly oppcsibil the door of one Henry Sheldon anti
one John McNeil. Our goods have been pur-
Chased under such circumstances" as .to enable
irs to sell them very cheap. We do, therefore,
pledge ourselves to sell as low for heady pay,
as any store in Bradford county. ' 'Our stock
consists of ; , •
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and
Crockery, Drugs 4- Medicines,
Dyewoods.4- Dye staffs, •
4-c., 4-c . .
• • hr hand Ulm-
l I In fu
Let, we have on ham -lost every article
usuallykept country store.. We will ex
change our goods for :dash, Produce of any
kind, all descriptions of Lurriber 'good fresh
butter,Nvool, sheeppeks. cettkie hides, &c. &c.
We acknowledge Our ohlig,atiens,to the many
'friends who have stood by us through the" hard
' timee- and fondly hope to be able to make it
an object for them to contioue7.their patronage..
WM. A. & CO. ;
6, 1644. "
ME bestselected assortment ClfSatin stripe
Chalky, printed DcLainei.- Belzarins,
French Lawns, Mulls, &e.., ever offered in this
market, may be found at No.p, Brick Row.
Crimped dimity cuffs and collars, Ashburton
collars and. collarettes, dimity c-hemisettes, em.-
bioidered fillet.reticules, dm., &c.
ALSO The best assortment of Ladies' cra
vats and Dress Handkercidefai ! in Towanda, no:
mistake, all at BAIRD'S,
May 6. NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
nday anti Tuesday
days only..
pth, one day only.
day, Jane dth. and
;n, Saturday and
oth, -Tor two days
nesday Jgne 11tti,
(lASI' AND GOODS paid" for'Long Shut-
ICf glen, and a gOod quality Pino Boards, - at
Nd, 3, Brick row:
field, an Wednes
2th and 12th two
14th, for one day
day, June I th and
May 6.
TOOTS & 8110E8 1
. a large Vat
- Nay 0.„- 110.3, /3.7-3:ck row.. ;
Boy's caps, for sale atli BAIRD'S, ; •
May 6. N 0.3, Brick row.
OOLE LEATHER. najtiate tveights, a first
- rate article, for' sate at So. 3. Brick
• May 6: WM. H. pAIRD & co.
Ir j AMP OIL, Sperm, and Tallow CandlrA,
at N0..3, Briek4Ow. !I -
May 6." • ! WM. H. SIAIRD ISt CO.
- ,
3, Brick -row BA IR D'§.
'IIIOMESTIC. 0:101) Shmitiet, Shirt
hip, Ticking, Cottos Yain, Wicking,
Batting,. &e., &c., at No. 3, rick row.
May 6.. WM. 11.1)BIAIRD & CO. ,
trick row. W. H. ; BAIRD &-CQ.
for salo at
May G. • - •
gIARPET WARP for Pole at No. a, Brick
Li row. IN .11.1 BAIRD & CO.
LEBB' than somi barnda BALI for . 41e,
and Ettore coming, atiNo. Bnck row..
• May 6. W. 11 BAIRD & eq..,
Neiv Spring & Simmer Goeiii;
Jun'utccriro AT •
H.-.MIX &,,SON'S
for sale Cheap, tbr Cash.
Towanda, Maps, left
widow lady 14, the , name.of "EuNivp
BURLEY, 'widow of pben,rze;• Burley,
livirlicirithe'nounty, by addressuigallote lathe
.ilett. A. it . Rena, MontrOse, or by, calling on
the =subscriber; shn . will ,treceive.,-,infotrnation whicfrwilt
be"of pec uniary henefit to-her.,',Any
infirolguion froin -any other , acquaintinees or
,friend of hers where idle . resides; &c:; Is'solicit
;ed. Address as 'shove. ' r At; •I.
"Towinda,MUY . 1/, 1844.: '
• • •
by the bqt 41 'anti otherwitie v 'fut
ale at LSTE
Corn; 300 doAlats; 100 do. of
`OO do. Rye. fcir sale by
li n o. 3, Brick. row.
GAR,momor less,
o. 3, Brick rou;.