lIN ,321 rof Q 440' !,011.5e Universalist QuatterlY Review.) . - NOCUIDBII—.I Tribite to : one Di ' parted.* lor US. c sAvitin.- , t the blue Susquehanna's streamL— ;lrss poet's morning dream— ir from the city's busy toil, ceoless hum and weary coil; • , ere the chill breeze of autumn brings . s •ingl?riors on its wings, . 1 ridusky groves and fading flowers • x mourning o'er.departed ere let me pause; awhile,, and wake. - eoaglor the Departed's sake! • - . , minstrel, loving and beloved ! 1;1 genes where eret•thy footsteps roved, • h ere thy young voice in laughter rung, ;hose charms so oft thy musettath sung— : ere by thine own fair river's shore, • h a ll e ,` c e,l by thy lips of yore, ly sorrowing heart bath come, to-day, • tribute to thy.vf . orth to pay ! ;a art departed ! yet, ineseeme,* ray wavelet's transient gleams, agel•eye, in all its light iphteauty, meets my sight ! ly melting accents still, - motes all sround'me thrill; not a breeze that murmurs by,' are theecho of thy sigh ; not a flower that- round me springs, my saddened spirit, brings iught that wakes thy memory', ieetly mournful dream of ithee ! it is, to think thatithou, tidal once; 'so silent now, ;ions of my voice should be, now the teals I shed for thee ! it so ? 'Do spirits ne'er blest shores of Eden, bear ag-to behold again . wed ones that s on earth remain 1 4idear scenes they prized of yore . rer to win theta back once more, rer o'er each long-toyed spot e'en in heaven, is . not . forgot l l so, did thou canst hear eau's low pleadings, p, appear! spirit, from thy starry home, ind.rne with thy soft eyes come ! . not my Foul will start with fear fee! thy holy presence near; •to think the loved*.and dead, . it, alt around me triad ! .if too much for mortal eye, Thy sweet and Hunt face to see, of me some token thou art nigh, )13 all my soul: shall kneel to thee? but know the'shadowing • seraphic wing , me 5110 andl Ebel! be, it, more allied to thee ! on me—angel dear and blest, own pureness fills my breast,. lings MMyl;art are given. lims-of earth than heaven ! totthy presence will not, be ; vain revealing unto me.! ; • mains glow pme beneath the stir, being purely nbone upon, 'mans like nine, thine angel eye in every soil would :punfy conaest! .1 0, 'twas not in vain ayed that we might meet again! °I 6 3' spirit hovering nigh— ;yea unconscious seek the ski ! Ivenly osior,imeh as ne'er ud till now, perfumes:the air; _ , subdued, unearthly light Ily beaming on MY sight ! • with me! sweet-souled angel, now , iss is burning on my brow ! , uch through all my being thrills, ny nerve with rapture fills! - 'ug of a seraph's flame. - • quivers through my frime--' ! forbesii it is too much, *math thy thrilling touch! • the vision is'no more; • is mine unknown bbfore ! pervades pyboreast, lotto be.etpreised I • ly distant borne, I bear _ • . that worldlinge may not:share— , that, to Coy - being's end, - I nfjOy and grief will blend ! Adieu! A littieep2ce. 11 meet thee WO to focal is a.Scott. 8 * that Song . once Der. soag w once dear to me t airs I loved to hear ' stsile•l,used to see '. • • came;l more bright when near. when b7thy shie, %tut gays their gladness pie, iuld then deiide . : note must brave. - - - --- - : •. - • • • . .... -.1. - -...:-.- . ..-; •',..- t -,- ...; . ;.;..,:k•-••" - ;:1-.:.:."•••; ; ',".i.." -, r,, -. ...- - ; ";,' ; '::-1 - . ... . . , . . , ' '-- - i .- . ..: .• --, . ' ,:- ~, - -•.-..-, -.-,,, ---,.-_, -,-,,,,,....d,...,..--,J,..rvit•,.0., -.-..---;•.--,•:-: • •-•- r., •:.:.:...-..-i-t.;-- ‘ ,.;.P • -- • ,,- - - : ;. • . :' ,- klt'i--' , - , -' - ' ,, ,' , ' , '-'l`l-'.::' . --- --- .... , Pellili k . 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All that the majesty of mind C.Ommands-- All that the heariof 'man insatiate.ciaves, Is found in Hope's bright page; • ": ' Atid yet t a e mighty majesty of rpitl, Ambition, Fame, are mixed with earthlyleaven. " A most incongruous title" methinks some afrogant favorite of fortune ex claims, .with a scornful .curl of the lip. "A physician, engaged each day in the performance of his quiet duties, can surely be little exposed to , the allure meuts of ambition.", And is itindeed so? Is there nothing in the pursuits of Medical science 'to rouse Me energies of the -noblest minds ?. - Surely it is something to-explore the hidden riches of nature, and the researches of science and bend theni all to the, benefieent aim of alleviating humanenfferinge—some. thing to clear the clouds Hof gloomy de. spondency frcim a giftedlmind, prostra tedto the dust from sympathy with-a diseased body—something-to arrest the fleeting spirit when just ready to de part from its earthly tenement, and give the loved one to the embrace of friends Ito receive the,blessing of those who were ready to perish, and to cause "the widow's heart to, sing, for joy" when the daughter who was the sunbeam -of her home, or the son who was the'stay and staff of her declining years, is 're stored to ,her after hope had its last lingering look, and all but the skilful, tintiring physician had abandoned the sufferer in , utter despair. So thought Edward .Ralston as he folded in his arms' his young sister who had just been rescued from death by the perse vering slut of heemedical attendant.— Edward was a tall, awkward looking boy of fifteen. He was the youngest 'of four brothers, who had all, except himself, left the' paternal home to seek their fortunes in the far west. His fa there, a small farmer. in Connecticut, had set his heart upon this son as the one who shouldguide his tottering steps down the hill of life. For seine years every tree he had ,planted or : pruned, had been for his fav6te boy. The neat stone walls with which his farm was enclosed, had been built for and as he looked around on the fruits of his industry be would say to himself, these things will remind Ned of me when my gray head is laid in the grave. Hitherto Edward had silently emplac ed in his destination.. The. capacities of his soul were yet unawakened ; and se- - cluded as he was from the world, he, hardly suspected th ere could be a nobler occupation than digging the earth. for' a subsistence, yet he was thoughtfe, and ,observing of the operations of nature ':to a degree, which exposed , him. often to the ridicule of his rough and boisterous school-mates. Where is Ned ? would be the inquirpon the play ground; for the kindfien and gentleness of his na ture made him . a , universal favorite. " Oh," said a biawny, red-headed fel low, the last lime I saw him , he was counting the colors oh a butterfly's wing, -and bottling up a handful of bright looking bugs that he had been more than an hour collecting in the gar den—and he tried to make me believe they were beautiful, fursooth, die sim pleton I. I believe he expects to get a living by birds and butterflies, andints of curious colored stone; and strange outlandish herbs and, flowers; for 'I heard his oldfather 'fretting about his filling the kitchen garden full of them.". A loud ' laugh' and clapping 'Of hands, from the merry group, bore testimony to the truth of their plaY-fellowli por traiture. . Such had been the pursuits of ,Ed ward's leisure hours hitherto. His fa-, titer sometimei scolded and sometimes ridiculed' him ;: but as he was ,obedtent and indention he generally' suffered him to pursie his own course iii quiet ness. But the time had .now come which was to give coloring to his fu ture destiny; and when he said-to him self, 6.0 . 1.wi1l be physician," he fixed hits eye.upon the star ,which :was .to guide his' course through_ life. The "capacities' and ispiretions• of hia soul whichted - been a sealed fountain how burst forth, endtthe streamt awed Spark. , lins on, in equal parity:and increasing bnghtness, to the , end of his short but brilliant career. From this moment the . employment of the... farm - ' beiame a gal ling slavery.. He procured, know ; not how, sonic, ,eititple,elementarr works on natural philosophy, - and 'the it:Ve ntre of the human fraine, end over These he pored dar„andol - ght. He`gocin be. gan'to make eirierinients to the votes.' Bien he had - chosen. Not i brulied Regardless' of benundatioa, trois any. QUIT/en—Girt. Nina, toowkmko mummzquk foot Or , wounded finger, could he bound up Without his help--the lameold hem , who' was a faithful seriant - of the 'fami ly! for fifteen years, was subjected to many a surgical operation by the young enthusiast, in the 011 belief : that he could make him young again; . and , the gray unlucky sheep,` who had each a broken kg, afforded fine Oppor tunities for the' display of hilt neisvpow era. expenments were con- - fined to such cases, his father endured his Vagaries 'with the patience of a mar tyr ; though he had sometimes muttered betw,een his teeth that he believed Ned was going crazy. But unluckily an epidemic- among, the sheep' gave the young devotee an opening for his skftl in the Materia Medica. Sii of his pa tients soon rested from their Cares and sorrows, 'and the patients of his uplift enduring, father was buried in the same grave with! them. There Ned," 'he exclaimed • in , wrath as they witnessed the dying struggle of the seventh, *► take your books and be a doctor, and then if men are fools enough to take yo r tir drogs, the sin is their own; but. fot these poor innocent dumb-beasts, I will not let them suffer for your learning." Ned's pale face grew yet paler, and his. full black eyes.'lcioked as if 'they would start from their sockets at this mortifying rebuff,. But he stole away to his little chamber,-and soon lost the memory of hisdifeat in speculation on the cause why prescriptions so highly recommended for men should-not prove equally salutary for sheep. In the evening.he seated himself as usual ,by, the bright kitchen fire 'His Mother whose beamed the very spirit, of kind ness, pursued her knitting quietly; though Ned 'thought she , now and then cast an unusually sorrowful glance To ward him. His, fair young sister, whose delicate frame and lovely, intelligent countenance, suited ill with the homely, scene, was nestled close by her side,' arranging with the taste of a painteithe various colitis of her ..patch' work bed-i quilt," and often looking from her work to cast glances of deep tendernesseronnd on the only beings she had yet learned to love. His father, with spectacles on his nose, was, seatedat a httle 'round table, with the Bible, a volume of Foxs' Book of Martyrs, a Treatise on Free dom of the Will, andthe last newspaper before him. Each was _tried in tent, and thrown aside with an expression of impatience, till at last with a xeverend air, he opened that holy book, which had been his guide as he toiled up the biltof life, and whose hopes and pro mises were hie solace now that he was descending' the vale of years. For some moments he seemed to be reading. but perhaps an acute observer would have seen that his thoughts were far away, even from the sacred pages. At length, closing the book, he pushed ,back his spectacles, and said in a hoarse voice, which,showed that' he was strug gling, to subdue strong emotion. "Ned, my. boy, I believe your heart, is not here in your old father's home, and our little farm, as ;it used to be." , Ned tried to answer, but his tongue Wall palsied, and refused io move.. Well my boy, I see how it is; you want to be pushing your way upwards in the world. God knows I have spent many aAveary day and night for my boys, and I hoped for one 'of you. to watch over over me and your old moth dr.-when are;children again. But I never yet tied the hand of ms boys.— IC you.want to try your. skill With the rest in swimMipgon the curtent.of life; why- then go. 'Tie little your Mother and I condo rot you: . but that little you ehall have, and our blessing too." , ' He paused, .and a' slight twitching around.the mouth _of the sterdeaeming, , bin kind - hearted old man, alone told whava struggle it cost him to give up the'. cherished hopes of years.' The mothey silently wiped a 'tear from, her eyes mid Ned' afteraitany, nttempts. to speak, 'finally __articulated '.Father. yOu shall never - be '-eiliattied -of me,'? and then retreated to hit own room to give vent to.- his full, heart. ~ A nd now. the way was cleared before hina r and he proudlyiiirew back-1 the.• black, hair, which hung in - massee,Over his bread forehead, and said, I twill be'soinething. or nothinp4 .will" rise in the world, or-4 will -notfive to, ,botaunted with , tnyfall- 2.. He soon Piacea..himself - ( tinder the care of the -parish' titiniater,la'.man of polished mind, _ - though. unpretending, manners, Who yet Cherished .alove..for. jiteratiire And classic. lore.' ;14. posses sed a Well fuinishid libtary, 'to , Vadat' the young scholar had free see r ess: add' here. while: the' toble.and- the learned of ootio=-400,10 bef o re hie mind's eyedinjorated the; t o p siandard littelteOttiat aintitintareici#7,. ANONTMOVS. ffi Ei ZWE I V9 a : Z.O9 =ME ga 06641 . . heaver aperward prmvued with'unaba oir action. 'Here. too, 'while_ poring 'over the s ongs of the olden bards, was awakened -that 'deep enthusiastic love 'of the beamiful,•and-that intense thirst for perfectionin hiiimrsuits, which is ever the concomitani of high genius. When histhoughts turned aside from ale one purpose to which hi's highest energies were - devoted,: he' luxuriated the dreams of loveliness such as exist only in the fancy Of the-poet. Bin all ,these imaginings were untied in.& recesses of • his own' boioin, no kindred spirit had awakened the syrnOattries of !US soul; IliS books were his , World, and he shrunk with the instinctive delicacy of an imaginative and gifted i mind from all communion with the uncongenial be ings by Whom he was. `surrouoded - H The preparatory co ll ege studies were mastered with a rapidity, which aston ished his aged - teacher, and drew from him many a fond prediction of.futere eminence. 'Alas! he knew not that he was thus fanning the flarne,which w as to consume hint. ' >'= I - , His , college life wrought , a wonderf ul change in the silentrechise. .11e found there those I who •could understand arid sympathize 'with him; and from the*shy; awkWard boy ',he .became an intelligent, noble looking' young man. Yet there was even then a cire-wOrn look, which to a practised-eye, told of midnight vigils by the pale lighi.—of hours stolen from needful, slumber 'to explore the exhaustless mines, of intel; lectual wealth, which were then-open ed to his enraptured . gaze. The day when he left his Alma 'Mater 'was a . proud day for him. He left with the highest honors ; and his father . and -young -sisters 'were there to hear the rapturoui plaudits which' his perfor mance called forth. The old _clergy man, who was his earliest teaclier,.was there, and the applause of others was ushered when the young student saw his face light 4 kith an exulting Smile, and then behold hint brnsh the unbidden tear from his eye. " Were you satisfi ed with me." he whispered .to the de lighted -old man, 'as they dispersed among the crowd. " Yes, I was proud of you ; hut remember' my boy, that earthly honois will not purchase a seat in heaven. Don't. make fame your idol, and worship it, for you will find it but a faithless friend upon a death bed." " I know it well my dear sir.". he replied—"l will remember your ad vice, and seek -a heavenly treasure— but now-1. must press - forward-1 cannot pause now to think of eternity. When lam established in my profes sion I shall lie satisfied, and then I; will follow your. kind counsel." Oh how many . a young heart has thus si-, tented the whispers of conscience, and lulled their souls asleep with the vain hope that the time would with when they should be satisfied with wealth. or fame, or pleasure. and be - ready to turn their thong is toward heaven. Did they but kn wthat it'is at,Dohesda's fountain al ne thit the heart can find rest, or -the fevered longings of the deathlesi tuind Can be allayed. they , Would not turn scornfully and ungrate fully, from the voice of heavenly com passion u' , hicti says, If any man thirst, let him come to me'and drink. L 1 • • The traveler who is passing through arrested in his course' by the . beautiN-situatioe of a little village, on a high swell of land , two miles from the Connecticut. _ In the aspect of the hamlevitself T-thera id floating remarka ble. - A few neat, 'quiet looking dwel lings' are dispersed 'around a - verdant square.;. while the ample chureh, which opens its doers as a refuge - appointed by heaven to point, the weary end the broken hearteti to th'at home whereleor riivz and sighing 'shall flee away Cenci the air of quiet -and 'repose which , hang as,a broad mantle over the - . scene;' , tell that there, if iny *here ,on earth, every warring paision in ihe breast Of, man 'shoufd be hushed.' It was there' that yoeng Ralston: • fixed"' his resitlence, among a people,aithre indeed " in. their manneni, but posses ed of sufficient in telliinnce to estimate and feel - • '.The power of thoog4t, thositagig. ofihe They poSsessed, tun, thatreftnement and, delicacy, of feeling'; Which. results (nn Moral cultute.. On the... Sabbath: every l - Pook.`:ind 'hill; int' valley nut:its inhabitand.'ind all, from the Oar haired . petriarch down to : the -uncon scions; ant.. assembled ; of prayer. The purifying.. end snften , ing influence of public worship were nottast l 46o* that 11 .iligOislidaled - Theiriiligiobiteacher-was a Min of more thinvidintiry7intellectual /owl*. ''' ,l36 .l7.4slP4eo,4 , ApAdev. 4 oted. Iv ploini,..and possessed diet, sin&lensask = of mind and energy of purpose•whieh -gives,,lnnlimited',ay : fay :over , the' linds of others: :His people hail,grown up under his teaching—they -,loved -.end venerated him as a father: knewliim well, for that quiet".,hainlet was the re sidence of my maternal; relatives. Of-- tee inmy'childhood and earlyt, youth did I l ' isten to his nistruptiOns, and:the tonerrOf mingled kindness and severity with which he would reprove the erring and recall themandering to the path of duty, yet ring jump ear. kreniember, too, the intelligence. the acute discrimi nating mind,, and 'the delicacy of per ception .which gleam out like sunbeamii thrOugh a mist, from' beneath the, antique garb and the.unpolished ex.; tenor of many of his parishioners. Perheps the scenery by. , which they were' surrounded waq•not without its influence upon their minds and hearts. They who habitually look upon na ture in her loveliness and .grandeur, especially if they have been taught to see in the wonders of creation the hand of unerring wisdom united with untir ing love, and infinite power, can hardly heconie enslaved by the base and de ,gradfog passions of our nature, The Connecticut flowed beneath them bor dered by meadows Which rivalled in beauty and fertility the vale of Tempe ; the'urtain of mist which lung over it • in the morning, was. festooned in tee, thousand fantastic shapes along the sidee of the richly wooded hills, now hiding. now revealing to view,-some deep glen or some quiet cottagescene, and lighted up by"the rising sun, mike ted-the gorgeous hues of the rainbow ; while far away into the' distance the White Mountains, rising'high toward heaven„carried the thoughts , to Him, who dwelleth in light unapproachable,. Here young Ralston commenced his professional career. There was no ri val to obetruct his Path,for his superior pri'Wers arid profound knowledge in his profession,'placed.him at once far abOve all Competitors in this vicinity. For a time his progress was:.gradual,: and while needful slumber was allowed, and thejSabbath could be to him a day of rest, he bore up against: the anxiety which his sensitive mind end'nred when he felt the lives ef- others entrusted to hiscare. He was constant in the house of Lprayer, and! there the overtasked -brow, turned to Yet higher and nobler themes, could rest from the depressing and exhausting oils of the week. Oh, the Sabbath is indeed one of Heaven's best gifts to man ; 'not less necessary is itsholy rest to i the cultivated intellect hd the polished mind, than to hiin who is his bread is the sweat of his brow. Then in the house of worship in the presence of the great and benificent Pa rent of all, the petty rivalries of literary strife are forgotton, the aspirations of ambition are hushed, and the soul feels the nothingness of earth-born cares and hopes when placed in competition with the interests of eternity. °But soon with success caine an in crease of labor and anxiety—labors -mere exhausting,- anxieties more de pressing, because the best feelings of his heart. as 'well as the energies of his mind were all enlisted in the profeseion he had chosen:l And , now._fame • began' tO breathe ita seductive mu sic in his ear.. Not in the coarse ' notes-of flattery from which• a delicate, minct thinks instinc tiVely ; brit Weenie MID " Like the 'tremor on the wind • , Which none,may stay or biad".-4 in - the half muttered God blesit sou" of the mother who clasped again bOsom her little One, that seemed one . raised frotu 'the dead—in tl speetful took And kindly words ,uncultivated tiller of- the.soit, -a heniage whose sincerity could not,be questioned 4,in:the eloquent though brief acitnewl- ' edgementa Of-the richly epOot‘ed. - anct• pOlished , mind from which had" lifted the pall desliondencyand gloom.: cast p:vcr.the soul by a diseased'-bUtl!i;:. and in the:soft . theugh:ferient, tones of tyo l , .man'it' : . gratin - 1(1ft sounded sweet in' his ears .asihity l geritle'sisteeti inice„ Thus ~ Ifire4- o rtwardhtit- . paused; not -irr . his.eareeru *Ong= ; on - --and;reaehing forward;to yet highee,dipii p cApo. •outeenseionanesu:_ihat hp needed rest: His ititifeistenal: . .eatiefi'atutautiei at); sorbedY hie.; torliele'.:'seul: - '" He.: - forrited ItonO•tifthose kind.andgentle tien.irh •by;dividing-.;t4t thoUghts:l::andawaken;., ug AT.'3,treilo49.-I,etutt . cries *nirtr.O,the4onieitia:fireisidetin ones . foridlyiroui4filitrk aboard !fit rfidigo: . u*kh*lp** l lw,hentSt 1 '#itittrrelaxation , were in uspgrer. books. were 4iir`cf4lti*Sbiareq,:; Ttie:, • •/••;1 - • =NI OM EM,ll=l , ':•'; ' ''' l : , , , l'' ,..4 :;V:;; . ',':" - ;:3 , 1;;;i -, :f4: f t'; '-'. ~3Y, . .3:,,::,..r.:5,j.,:.,;=:•, „ ,-5e...._!:,,, , :„.1, . ., . -::: ::„f,i , ,, , ',!,:...- - ..4., - t.ri:-,.. - i , ; , ..•: , ;..',.: . .J.,:1. , .::,,:,::::;-:;:ii,..---', MIZEI .10 Y 154,_1`3 ,-- . -.500.0113441)41:4'0914,), " ..1 wll as salting hone,s of the:lthriatian. Winrstrangers- to. his heari:,.. tle,drank or ty- of-earth's troubled fountains,' and though` he had not fetfonndtheirtall and bitterneaS, for,life s asp still: spark led" fOr him; bebut,to thirst: again and again. -Sonia years, thus passed away in unremitting labon'ort his part, rewarded by-unrivalled fame ividun his own circle, and it Was -,not ar narrow !`At this period a young man of brif lienj, talents mill fascinating manners * , offered. his services es physician in the , vicinity of Ralstnn and• soon after, a severe and wide"spreading epidemic called for renewed exertions, while at the same time, it awakened fears that tiie more'showy,rivel would have. it in his power to _supplant him.: He now knew no repose either body, or. mind, The day was spent in administering 'to , the sick—thinight in Making ptescrip. dons, and consulting his 'books.~ He became . enneiated* and looked Pale and care-worn,' His step once, firm and vigorous waeriotv at times alternately hurried, oifeeble and unsteady ; and some,- more observant than others, no ticed that be often.. pressed Ms band upon ,his brow, as if thought,rid reef+ lectien cost him a painful effort.", These appearances, were, however, only Momentary." On , the Contraiy; there was never before a time when_his ef forts of Success , were -so brilliant; He seemed findeed like a being ell souVall spirit. 'There was a dazzling bright= ness in his 'eye, a quickness and vivid ness in his perceptions, which inspired both admiration and awe., After a time, ta shadow of unutterable gloom would Ipase for a moment over his cob ntenance, and he began to whisper to the , very few friends whom he trusted, of strange ' fantasies ; he hinted of plots - formed against him and wild and groundless suspicionit of his younger rival haunted .his imagination. Hie friends knetv not whit fo'reet, liutlistened in silent won. der. At length, after a day of intenee exertion, he returned homo et- a late hour to his lodgings, and entering with a pale and haggard look, sunk apparent ly exhausted in a' chair. .! There * he has &milt at last," he muttered in a low tone, I have received. a violent blow upon the top of my head which knock ed me oIT nay horse. How long I lay insensible 1 know _not—Oh ! thew is such' a weight. here," he whispered faintly, putting his hand to his head. His kind hearted hostess administer. ed such simple remedies . SS her very limited knowledge could supply; hut he seemed rapidly decaying. An , inci dent, trifling in itself, first gave, his friends to fear that the 'spirit.whieh had been like a powerful and, sweet toned harp, vibrating at the': slightest touch, was now hopelessly unstrung and shat. tered. It was a lovely evening in June, Supported on the arm of his hostess' soh a young man whose life he 'had: saved, and in whom be felt a' deep' wrest, he was walking , in - the garden and enjoying the balmy freshness of the evening air. :TIW hour and the Beene softened his h / eart, and removed • for a time the guarfhe habitually placed Over the expression of his feelings: He spoke of his early,hoMe—of his fath ers' worth, ofbis mother's kindness, in ',ones nideep - emotion ; and when he named his sister, and dwelt on her deep tenderness and love for him Edit ,voice faltered. He then alluded to •his own history—to his brilliant iniccesti;—to the fame he bed acquired—Aut, he con tinued; J.. I have been pursuing a - shadow.— there has been - no rest, no quiet:at my heart,' If I could but know . that peace which, beamed in my beloved-mothCi's face,when shC returned to , us from her sacred hour of secret communion , with her God, how:gladly would 114 down 'all—all - I have been toiling and strug gling for. years to obtain. 1 am. hie That child." he continued, pointlacria a lit. tle girl who was forming a lioquet of flowers,. ,, see, she Jost grasped a—a" '-. —he paused, and pressed his hand up on his brow- 4 4;0h, I Cannot remember: the name—What is that flower whichis surrounded with ti - Oros 3" = " A Bose V inquired his eoMpanion. - • 'r9se ; she has just grasped a Seautiful rose, but the leaves't., havnall fallen ather - hand: But hois strange I c,9uldimt remember .name ,so The familiar to my memery. . , The truth he,continued in' a tone Af:tteep and Melancholy foreboding. "II am not; I Shall never sgein be what _hive been:' t am prostrated.'. , At times I little, of it.r.suppose ,such-timesfift Wy mind' reriies, so that '! ffeef .eitent,of , ieafirtess and - deekir,,-eiy - tegeish'. is vich Nbat is' - f• " • !1 [CONTIA7O - it+ ' ON 7 ECM El Efti BM OM =Ell =I Ina Tito
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers