Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 29, 1844, Image 3

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    s sential Et eictions.p.. 41
fie - • -
goose of fterriscntatilikat
4,too,llave passed a dill preyid
the election of President and
'dent -of theilnited
J o ie, on the s a me day . We. I "e*.
rot sincerely in thb pet speet4hat
; 00l iestion so devoutly tohilsksh
s length likely
d .
g ok e ly, for we know of no yea!
, ground on winett to base a'fear
ode senate will, not concur. We
.titrays been in .favor' of the mea
arid we believe a very- large Or-
I d t he - people of the Union arc in
no t it, and justice to` the.people re-,
ti lts l iassage'previons to the ensu
election. IVe are happy - it, see
it passed the Houseby the . very
; m ajority of 141—to 34, and tit's!,
r democrat of the Pennsylvania (le
ge I;iith one exception. recorded
totes' in favor of the measure.
L 2
of-the great adv . autageo, of,this
4g . re will be. the prevention of that
of evils in the elective frauchise
is_country, double voting. The
:nation into qne state of the voters
another,: for the purpose of voting
i s a well knOwn and deeply de
ed evil of long standing. Bondi of
e venal electioueerers• have .been
• z
stared from, one to another adjoin-
State, and, in some instanced, to
, re t han one, for the purpose of vitia
,g the purity of the ballot, until it has
owe a matter of nice calculation be
en the reckless and unstrupulous of
h party, which shall avail itself of
m ovable balance of power 'to the
r extent, and with the greater
53bility- of success.
once_ more a r fuller and freer exec
el the right of suffrage—o. more
.pudent action at the
_ballot-bo- T
:;cured to the people by> the passage
act. The decision of every
will, be the result of more deliber
lection, and of mare fixed and
rite principle, than . has hitherto
the case ; and the unworthy spec
'sovereign States waiting 'to see
:it neighbors act before they, de
w to act themselves, will no
presented to the pity and . .the
the 'world. And this consider=
Aided to that which is cognate
f—the under. the
.t, orbringing to bear a partisan
ice on one State to make up for
,)pciintment in another—seems to
,aclusive in—favor of the bill just
by the. Houise of Represents
tocwo batuatatirrv.--4 case, of
la brutal cruelty is related in
:wistown Falls Advertiser, which
says t--“ The wife of' Moses
is, of iuburn‘, Maine, Omit 30
Iv, became insane, whieh state
posed to have been induced by
Far the most part of Meat time .
bas been telrained, and far more
twenty years shis.has, been con-,
a filthy cageoen or twelve feet
, the threshold of which, for the
halt of that, period, she has not
lei. We mited her and found tier
iithou t single window or a loop
r urfetin 'a ray of sunshine. We
ia a narrow .passage,.,:rparated
ier by stou c wooded bars, andthe belong to a felaucather
Janacent•woinan. tj'was the
agonizing sight , our eyes ever
d upon, and our ears tingled as
tyed to God that she ;tight get
the green fields and 'the warm
,LIC Or THE OLDEN Tllige-4-
Ittsizirff•Post says Mr. M'Kenna,
:tor for griding Grant has
led the remains of something
mar t , some 'distance - below,the
I urface of the earth. • It has
ills running P 101164 , 1 ' pa rt i all y
ect 594 Sags and' biicks of a
'liar constiuntioni being wedge
was, doubtless, builtanterior
- t ient. of - this part .of the
by ihe,,gno i sh. • Thi),,btioka
koutuL *and must lia‘e l been of.
quality. - 'rho. dise4ery has
le curiosity but not
•to throir, any lightonithe autt.
IS the ,excavation progiessec . tt
ascertained 'what it really is,.
TEat purtmse, it warintended,
ELEcTtox.—Tht'N; York
takes Out ,a
Ipular'vo te of 84 coinitioisionai
. tli
hiesidentiateleetfon 01840,
peitioeratie majority in.thcv
Is 1362. • - This includes' the
15 00 in Wise's dit;trict.
Oregon and Teiuu,
If thire iit gu es tia.saiodab y
the Americatt, people, , it is; that ; Great
Britain shall acquire no more territory
on the AnieriCan vontinent,•-than-''she
nctsvh as'an actual and , inconteatibleiddo
to. She shall not acquire any more,either
by purchaae, violently, fraud or treaty'.
Mr. Webster 'a l3ritish Ticatybas 'aet
tied this determination beyond all pos
sibility of change.
Every American agrees, if -war '
should occur with England, 'that we,
must - take Canada and all her territories ,
in North America, and drive her for
ever with all her monarchial institutions,
which, are unfitted for the new world, ,
across the Atlantic. If this be to
this immense/Northern region, why
should a different policy prevail in lime
of peace of holding, or taking what is
strictly •
our own, or re-innexintby the=
agreement; of both panics territory
which no one has any title but ourselves
and, the government and people of Tex
as,- both of which are essentially Amer
ican, and not foreign either in bleed,
feelings, or institutions. •
Great Britain robs and plunders all
the world over, and are we to wait , un
til she has . taken possession 'of either
Texas orlOregon, and then enter into
a war to get back what we can now
have by simply Stretching out our own
right hand ?
We have always been convinced,
that we were the owners of Oregon
from the 42d parrallel - of ' North lati.
tude to 54 degrees, 40 minutes, North
On the Pacific. This we would have
—not one _inch more at present--and
certainly not one kWh les& under any
circumstances, and we would occupy
-and organize a government at once,
and give immediately the , notice re.
quired by the convention of the 6th
August, 1827.
'We, and the, whole democracy. of
Pennsylvania, are for the immediate
re-annexation of Texas, and we should
disregard entirely the merely nominal
war between it and Mexico, except so
far as to procure the assent of Mexico,
if possible, and if not, to annex it with
out regarding her in any way what
ever. t , -
We re-publish the very 'con
cise and emphatic letter of Gem Iva
sox, whose opinions on, this subject
are entitled to a greater respect, on
this subject, than those of any other
man in.the Nation.
Resolutions favorable to Oregon and
Te.igs should be passed by ` r the Bala ,
more Democratic Convention on tho
27th instant. ' •
HERMITAGE, March 14.1844.
4 . The present golden moment to ob
tain Texas must not .be lost, or s Texas
MUST FROM NECESSITY be thrown into
the arms of En - gland, and BE FOREVER •
I call your attention to the situation of
the United States—England iii posses
ion of Texas. or in strict alliance, offen
sive and defensive, and contending for
California?. How easy would it be
for Great Britain to interpose a force
sufficient to emigration to Cal
ifornia-from thdUnited States, and sup
ply bar garrison from Texas. EVERY
REAL. AMERICAN, when they ;view this,
:.the danger to New -Orleans from
British arms from Texas, MUST UNITE
will .be a strong IRONUOOP AROUND OUR
UNION, • and a BULWARK against all
invasion or aggression. I, say again,
let not this opportunity slip to regain
Texas; or it may elude our grasp FOR
EVER, or cost us oceans of blood,. and
millions of money, to free us from the
evils that way be broughtupon us! I
hope and trust there will ;be- as -many
ranuola in the Senate, as will ratify
the treaty, which I have bo doubt, will
beprompfly entered into. I again say
to you, that-Tins MOMENT MUST NOT BE
TE,IaN Tanssy.—The Nation ,
telligeneer of yesterday says :
f , Late hit evening, after an
five se ssion of several hours, the ',
removed the injunction of s ecres,
the Treaty, and Documents accordpany
ingii, for the annexation of Texas._ , We
have not, of course, had any apportuni
,ty of' examining these papers, but we
learn orally that, by a communication'
from the President yesterday, the_Sen
ate was informed that he had ordered a
military iorce to repair to the frontier of
Texas, to open , a: communication -With
the President of that Republic,and act
as . circumstances 'Might require and
bad also ordered a navarfarce t& Vera
Cruz, to remain ofr.that port, and,.Pre
vent any naval expedition of; Mexico,
if any such should .be . attempted, from
proceeding. a,gaittsi Texas,"
',, STRANGE, gxurnmes,—There are
now tieing exhibited in thelity
Wheeling; two 'brothers;
,ten and twelve
yeers , of age. , .wbotave neittier'. hands
nor feet, but claw* likethe claws Of an
eagle, which' .they use with,•ati , much
dexterity lati most "Ciliirlien':tise their .
hleasege has been senile the Senate,
by Priderit Tiler, id answer 16 nrese
-11104.0, t4t:hady, ear Oat, jakstala7
iion4heilfer any 'military preparations
have 'heett•made or ordered :by this gio•
verthilent anticipation of a' war with
Mexii.o4e. The ineasaid,tvis accom
panied:with a number, of documenv,let
-ters, acc..=-too voluminoini for insertion
liete,';-we give die substance of the first
4hieh is a letter to the
the.,Secretary of War,. nonmilitant , ifie
orders issued from his department winch
have reference to the Moveinents of troops
to die Southiestern border.' Theseor
dem :and letters state that the sixteen
companies composing the , 2d: and 4th
-regiments were ordered Jefferson
Barracks (Misiouri) to ...Fort Jessup,
near Natichitoches, was otheilvise in
creased to. twenty-three companies,: .or
about eleven hundred and fifty .men.-
,The command of this pest was given to
Gen: Z. Taylor, and on the 27th Of
April a " confidential" • communication .
was addressed -to him, stating !the
force that • under Ins command,
and concludes as follows:
You will take .prompt measures, in
the first instance, by a confidential officer
and 'subsequently , by the Ordinary' mail
or special expresso as you may deein
cessary,. to Rut yourself in communica
tion with the President of Axes, in order
to inforni him of your present position
and fort*, and to learn and to transmit to
-this office (all confidentially) whether
any and. what external ,dangers may
threaten, ' that . Government Or its people.
Should such danger be found to exist,
and to appear to be imminent, you will
collect and march the foices above indi
cated to the Sabine river, but not proceed
beyond the frontier. withiiut further in•
structions, keeping in readiness, in the
case supposed, all necessary meani of
transportation, as well as ample stores,
1 subsistence and ammunition. • -
By these instructions it is not meant
to impress upon your mind the belief
that the Government apprehend hostility
with any foreign,pOwer. They are giv
en to you for the purpose of enjoying
circumspection and attentiion to the con
dition of 'your force. I repeat the in
junction'ot confidence, and-the full reli
ance reposed in your judgment and pru
dence by the government.
" I write under the instructions of the
War Department, in consultation with
the General-in Chief.
.R. JONES,.Adjutant General."
The other documents are from the na
vy department,
Democratic Association.
At a stated meeting of the Democratic
Association of Towanda :teld at the
Court House on Tuesday evening' list
inst, the following resolutions were unani
mously.adopted :
Resolved, 'That the resolutions passed
by the Wilkesbarie Association, the llth
inst., be adopted by this Association, and
published in the Bradford Reporter.
Resolved, That this Association con
sider the Declaration of Independance as
the great confession of public faith of the
friends of Liberty in' the United,•States,
as , embodying the principles of human
" Resolved, That like, those who
adopted that immortal charter, "we hold
these truths to - be self-evident : "that all
men are created free and equal ;" no mat
ter what country give' them birth ; "that
they are-endowed by their creator with
certain inalienable rights--that among
these are life, liberty and the :pursuit of
happiness." ,
" Resolved, That those who achieved
our Independence proclaimed thiiConn
try the " asylum .of oppressed man."
I “'Resolved, That we consider the so
eiety denominated the " North American
Association," a libel upon the character
of, our country . — ' a libel upon the Decla
ration ,of Independence, and
, • 11011 the
characters of those who subacribed\that
memorable charter; thatits spirit is
li-Repnblican, anti-American, anti-Chris-
and a most „foul and treasonable plot
against Liberty.
" Resolved, Thst the Association cif
"Native Americans" had its origin with
the Federal. Vhig -party, the supporters
of -Henry Clayi that it is *renewal of
the spirit cif: the odious Jlien. and. Sedi
tion Laws; . ihatthe Federal Whig par- .
ty have; openly arid mailifestedly identi
fied themselves with , it in a recent char
ter election in the city of New York ;
and is no,less than a declaration or hos
tilities against all foreigners whO come to
our shores in , pursuit of freedom." •
.11010.:, AtiHiNGTONlANSft—=There
WE. ' will be a ineetiniof 'din %%shinglo
nianinf tha Shah of Towanila at the Fire
Proof,-MONDAY. EYENING,.27tb
Whisk _or Oatir, at oo,Y - kind oc
brain a15.2 1,3IIPIO qoPtr) &c.
t. •
mg?' if
ihe new' 11-7
Wns ntl.-7- I midget 1.° t
t! m•iti NO.2;aP
KR Bloc
l e.
. .
cairkNDlariD4lwis .
At the. Coffee - ibuse.
wog miliectiiiir__lnforal
* - his frieinV &Allis public Id paga , {e,
- gum betas MIMI tack to his old antral Bat
algton four Canters, and haling fitted ni
!r'le•in load of* iu nos ira 4 Y and *llifie
to wait on gat those! sib* Apiiial.or aim; wi th
cUa andhop,ei by strict attenticiti to iti . s stints
Itimake their stay ixi th ileamipt*Ad agratible,
audit so heluves to merit a 'hare of public pa.
• " :JOHN F.
} , xittlingtan.•May, .170844. - .
IN T arteg tieveb3r given to .the - enrolled,
111 militia within the bonds of the 2d
Bade 9th , 9th division E.M., that they will media
battalions & regimen& for inspetion is follows':
The 2d battalion 129th regiment will meet
on ?dot:Martha 24th day of Jude - next. .
The Ist battalion same regiment on.tnesday
The Ist. hat. 156111, on Wo ll eidaY the 26th.
The 2d battalion, of the eerie' regiinent on
Thuraday the 27th. •
The 21st regiment nn Friday the 28th.
The Ifoth reg. on Saturday29th day of June. _
At such plaits as the several commanding -of.
&era may direct. , Adjutants and captains of
companiiii are also notified and required tckhave
their roll 'copies ready for delivery, arid also
their lists of absentees properly authenticated u
the law directs. Company training' nn thrild
Monday. ' - • • WM.E. BARTON. '
Brig. Is. tor, 2d, brig., 9th dii.;
Brigadd tor's Office, - - -
East Smithfield, M ay 21;4844,5,
stsiG SIS UR
i '
10111 AVE just received at their store in swan
nos, and are now offering hir sales th_e
largest arid most perfect assortment
.of goods
ever opened in this market. That assure their
friends and customers that their stock of stspie
and fancy goods is coropfere, and Will be sold at
prices to unit the times.
They have a full stock of CLOTHS..
ting of Broarkktfixt;Crisairacrev,Vertingx,
For Ladiel' Wear, ' • .
They have various splendid patterns or Beka
rine., (a new and much admired article) benne,
Ginghams, DeLubaes, and prints, at all prices:
They also offer to whig gentlemen, anew and
beautiful article of SUMMER HATS, called
"Ashland Hats," warranted to Please, ea - in
order to preserve strict impartiality they Also.
keeli " Van Buren" bats of superior style and
manufacture.- Also, Leghorn, Palm, Wool and
Fur Hats, of all sizes.
SOOTS 4. SHOES, of all siies, numbers,
and qualities.
CALL de SEE—We ask nothing for exhi
biting oar goods to any whine curiosity Way
keine° them to caU,
' D:C. 41r. O. N. SALSBURV.
Monroeton, May 25, 1844. ; •
Shaving and Hair -Dressing.
, •
John Carter, Barber. and Bair Dresser,
ETURNS his thanks to his numerous
customers, and informs them that he has
removed his shop to'the imall-building on the
north side of the public square, one door' west
of the Exchaige Rotel, where he will be found
at-all reasonable hours, ready trrwait on those
who May favor him with a colt, in the politest
manner possible. •
Towanda, May 25, j 844.
411MA/I.IICJ Xoll\Tit
WHEREAS mylwife LYRA has kft my
bed and board without any just 'cause
or provocation, this is to forbid all,persons her.
boring oeutuning her Oti'may account, ail,' will
pay no debts Of,her contracting after this' date..
Pike, May'l3, :844.
31H - 411301111. 0W.211,-7W2d,
D. Vandercook's Cabinet Shop!
TRE stibsmiber in consequence of ill health
wishes to dispoie of his Cabinet sbop.
His establishment consists of Cherry Limber,
Mahogany, Hardwire, Tools, Furniture;
dm., which he will Sell on reasonable terms for
cash, or short credit with good Surety,
Towanda, May 2'l, 1644: "
TEE sobiscribere have 116* in sneceasf H ul
°Oration A FERRY at Towanda twice,
a few rods above the bridge, where steady at
tendance will be given at all times th;enable
those who wish, to cross the river ivithelit
lay. The charges will be only half the rata of
tolls demanded for crash* the bridge. '
, • E. &J. BICKLER.
wallah, May 24; . 1844. _
NewSlia & Suitimer Goods,
(Corner of B • and Main sts.,)
May 11344. J. F. (EANS & CO.
BRION for sale by " •
May 2E4 . 184 . 4. .4.3 F, MEANS & Co.
lalff.sirtio, of a writ Vend.'Espo., „
from the court • of common pliaa,of Brad
ford county, to rai,firecterf,'l shall -impose to
public sale at the housit'of E. Rayneord to t4ii
Borough of Towanda; on Thursday, the 20th
Zip of JUNE nest: at one 4104,, P.
The. following .described piece or parcel . Of
tang 'situate in Athens township and bounded as
follows: 'beginning at a pitch pine on the north`
ilia corner of J. Toier's jr. l lot; thence west
917 7-10 perches to'a black 'Oak sapling-on the
east bank-of the Susquehanna ricer; thence-up
the river 249, east ,90.5,104embes to a. post;
thence•east 252 9.30 perches to atiostithenes.
south 2° east 34 6-10 perches' to thoPlitee• ,
beginning, COntaitting . l9 ncies More, orissic
30; icrek•iinpicive& , 'with` its:lra:MO ihseWuig,
hause . thereeneremea; ; -.7_.'-
Beizeil and talreit in'orecution” the suit: ot .
N.O .liarris vs. BlilateVanticirder.% I ;
A• , 4. 1 •N - M-E§F Ol % Slierifr •
" • :•:„Sherix's Otfiie, •
Tarim:id:l;l44'2s; WIC)
J. N. Sumnei. Sure Owl Dentist
for a short
= i‘'-'•lieles 4 nd*qbefouli at MriCrOder
where he •ieilhe r !em4torin who 4413'
need_big proleanonat aeraieesa.,' -
' Deland% Stiy 0344.% - h -
'NEW '-',StIMMER- ..000DR
(Wks titionary
„MARL - 14131 El
;11111771ra AYARL tale. tiholo•
, V V ale and Anil at 'I.2IALSTEDI3.
OTTON Y.Altk & Batting on
IL) hand by..: . ;,MEANS dr.PO?.
WLL be.received by Igutisetiiier,
dreised to him through the pest office'
at Wilkeillane . , until the 51st of the rem*
mindh, ibidelivering the Sollowing - white. plus
timber, - plank And beanie; In, ,
120 sticks 14 by 16 inches,leach 55 feet long;
6000 ft board meruMre, illfh Plank / 641 '
10,000 , ,' - 8 "'
40,000, " 16
32,00'0 " - l 2
4000 feet " •5 - inch Bettpt9DB--
lengths if 12 or 16 feet ;
5000 feet board:reach 18 feet long; ' •
1500 u I ao,
Proposals will ; sure the quantity ; the price
per foot linear for thi) 1201 sticks of large tire:
bar, and the price per thoiniind feet, board meg;
SUM for the plank; scantling and boards." Also,
how soon after notice ie given of the accepuume
of it bid, any, end what portion of, the timber
and plank can be 'delivered at either. Pittston
ferry,,Wilkes-Barre,i or the Nanticoke pool .on
the NOrtititisitell.l . The. timber to, be sound
white pine, well hewed t othe size in the. bill;
tbe plank and bearibrto be C 01003021 white
Phu, sad the scantling to n e sound white pine,.
clear of knots. Good renarsahould seem.'
play the proposal. es to responsibility of the
bidder, and his ability to fulfil his engagements.
Termeash on delivery; in:pallet, / end nft"
ointment, of the luMber..l ' '
May 13, 1844. .Supervisor N.B.Oattal.
V=ieiTTlN)MgqWV43Mic !
NCTII !H is hereby ren to all interested,
: thatretterii testamentary have this' day
been granted to the subscribers on the , estate of
'Wm:- Smith. det'd.lof .Windhenn
-All persons indebted to Said estate are required
to make immediate: payment, and allthose hat.
rag demands against thalamus are requested to
Present thein, legallfsitided t for settlement. ;
H. •AaNciLD, S
Windham, May19,'444.
, . • ITHACA, - ,
, .
WILL have lan Agent at the follciiihig
. W places to exchtingeiCloth of all kinds*
for Wool on as good . Jetmilif not better,
at any other Factory ; in the State, and trust `
that every matt. will call and examine for them
selves before trading. -I - • ,-- -- . ' - •
Will be at Leraysville on Monday and Tuusday
June 3d and 4th, for two days only::
Rome on WedneidaY,lJune sth. one day Only.
Towanda, T,hunglayiand Fsiday, June 6th and
7th, for two days pnly. -
?Wolfs- Tavern, Shesheq&n. Saturday and
Moodily, June inli I and 10th, for two days
- only. • '-,I . 1 . _ ,
Park's . Tavern, A thens , on Tuesday Jane 11th,
for one day 0n1y. .; I
R. Tuttle's Tavern, Smithfield, . on Wednes
day anirrhursdai; June 12th and 13th two
days only. II . ' ' '
Ilurlington, on Friday June 14th, for one .day
only. ' - , ,• :, ,
Troy, on Satunlay,andMondiy,June 15th and
17th for two day' only. • - -
ColombiaFlatts,,Tdesday June lath, for one
day: only. ' II '
Esquire Spencer's; Daggett Hollow Wednes
day June 19th, ofte day'only: _
A. Miner ' s, Thuraday ,, Juno 20th, one day
Only. • , , I I •
The Assortment i4iill consist of GRANT'S
Celebrated;Sheep's Gray Cloth;
Also, a general assortment of Black, Blue
black,. Adelaide, ; Invisible Given, Brown and
Steel Mixed - I__ - -
- . - ":.BROAD - CLOTHS. -
Farmers can .rfrom 2 0 to 25 pei cent,
more than by dis 'ng of it any other ,way.—
We hope you will land examine the weight,
body; and quantity f stock in-each yard of the
above mentioned•Cloth‘before purchasing else
whete. ' • ! .i: ' - '
The highest price paid for Wool, and Cloth
at the wholesale Factory price. . .
It requirod, al firtiPortion of payments tbr
Wool will be Mad 4 in cash. - ~ •
• • CHA'S,A. 'CRANDALL, Agent.
'lthaca, May 1;1844. , • ' •
.E .
. - . .
. - IEo i I§9 OlcalßlZ. - ,
_ . .
.13 now *piled: to exhibit for the , inspection
I , Of his old friends, and. the public-generally
,a little die -belt isiortment of goods in town.
He deems it atillclent'lio Say hislitee,k numbers
the usual variety df Provisionit, such as: Flour,
COrm meal, - ;Poitr Butter, Lard, Tea, 'Coffee,
'Choc - elate, Lueip iirid Brown 3ugar; Molasses,
- from 31 to, 75 .ets ti 4laisia!,Prtines, Dried Cur.
'rants, Figgs, EMI Raisins,
.Tapiaco; Pittati.
.B l ickles, Pepper S_pce i Confectionaries of all
kinds, Fruits, Nuts,from paper -shelled Almonds
to. Pea NUM, Criodles,- 81Minng, and BarSoapi ,
Dried ripples' endla good`assortment of French
and German ' T4l4,3:c., &e. , ~.
As it has been ' e the general, belief that'ini
nountment is oil le the 'best selection- and the
greatest salmi f the'place, nd,".for'reii4y pay
' thepublic May, be assured they will get - as good
'good§ and as chPie they can te bought else
where. All le deof • 'trainee , With in ei
- change.- iße in nit call,atruy oldstrinci,thec.
5 0
'Pest QBigo, wisl -li!l*q w.. 14 ,44 ,- ,fortikoniatliat4i
I ..littic.' F4 64 llll l, ttiese . ° . r , til9gl )P,t'S 'ail ges Or
eigsmos, ~,eny :,11!ng
. to leap,.. up Luc, emits in ;
',, tbiii time'4l' hi, 1) - presinth. , .; ' ".' -, " `. --
~ 'nay 1 1 4 1344 , . :
~, .. , - --, --, ,
!..f:i;:.,:-, • ;
,'-' t f a: : -. 1 . :. -- ..:-..,.4-, - -=-t,,-- 7 -,,--:-1-.:-,-,-
'..(loittite'": olle , Shillhig per , p9iiml4,
. tik i64etikito‘r.' 'c'esiiiiii . iatii - di
xi" - aiil 'fisr a ' l 4 leitc:' , l l l. - 41 :. 8 ,. T'VWS •,-..•
,NEW -.00.W.-
/WM soloarnlerlsiijoiCretufaed Rea! the
Reeat,ellyorith a:op/teak! *i baits
sermon of wadi* Motiii;Jore.ohy. Fano ,
Goa* spaiii;siecks eau sg* - 11ings,Pins,
Accordions, Violin Stares, Reeds, Compasses,
Keys, Chair* Warehrsalm Materi a ls and all
ankles ever kept in - a` Pettey* Jewell) , Store, •
iid be'soid to suit tiolirnestorzuh, call
and see.' N. R. the' subscriber is prepared to.
repair all kinds of Watches &Jewelry on short
notice and the best (manner,as he has new
lot of tools ied ;Florists fret& from the city. •
• • ' GRUM'
CEYSADP next door, to the Aga qffice,' lion
ion 0= MIMI MIMS 8
. • - TABE-ijEBEP = .IIIITO , i•:;. - .:•- •
NO.. • 3; 'IO4PK-I:Ro.%•
- .
lift; are: happy tele' able to 'inform our
rteighbore„ that . the .BNICK - BLOCK
IS U a Ind the citizens cl . Meant coUntY ge"
=rally, that we are thie day. receiving at No.
3, a new and extensive usortraent of SPRING
AND BUMMER GOODS: . which have been-
t aw)
purchased in the City . ofNew Y ' fir cash and
soon cesnirr—a goodly Orden . em direct—
ly opposite the door of one ' is amid
one Jolla illeNeik . Cir. goods have been: par- -
chased under such circumstances.-Wto enable
us to sell them very cheap. We do, therefore,
pledge ourselves . to sell as low for ready pay,
as any store in 'Bradford 'county. Our stock
consists of . . - _ -• .
Dry. Goode, Grocerics,Rardware and
Crockery, Drugs 4r Medicines;
Dye woods 4 , Dye f ri f fs,
Intact, we. have. on hand almost every snide
usually kept in a country store. We will es,
change our goods for Cash,-Produce of any
kind. all descriptions of Lumber,. good . fresh
butter, wool, sheepish* castles' hides, &c.&c.
We acknowledge our obligations to the rainy
friends who bare food by us through the" hard
times." and fondly !tope to be able . to make it
an object for them to continue their patronage.
Wbf. H. BAIRD & CO.
Towanda, May 6, 1,844.
in ULM ak,ll=lls3g
. •
BE best selected assortment of Baths stripe
Challeys,"'printed BeLeines., Belsarines
French Lawns, &c.. ever offered in , fhb;
mliket, may be found at N0..3; Brick Row—
Crimped dimity 'cuffs and collars. .Ashborton
collars and . collarettes; dimity chensisettes,', em
broidered fillet reticules, du„ dm. •
-ALSO—The best assortment of Ladiesi. era
vats and Dress Handkerchief's. in Towanda, 130
mistake. ail at BAIRD'S,
May 6. • ' NO. 3, BRICK ROW.
d,,,NAS4. AND GOODS paid for Lang Slun
k) glei, and good quality' Pitii - Boaras, at
May 6.
500 BUSHELS W HEAT ; 300 do.
Cdna ; 300 do. Oats; 100 do. of
Buckwheat;, 100 'do. Rye, for sale by •
.IVo. 3, Brick lour. •
May 6,,
"pool's & SDOEB, a large assmtotint at
110.3, Brick row.
May 6.
Boy's cape, for sale at' BA/RD'S.
May 6. No: 3 ; Bride rate.
OOLE LEATBER, middle weights, a first
0 - rate tirticle, for sale at No. 3. Brick row.
May 6. BAIRD dc CO.
j AMP OIL. Sperm And TalloW CzMales,
AA at No. 3, Brick row. .
Nay.G. WM. H. BAIRD & CO,
iow, BAIRD'S.
irIOMESTIC GOODS,—Sticcti vs, Shirt-
JAY kip, Ticking, Cotton Yam, Wicking,
Batting, &c., &c, at Na. 3, Brick row.
May 6. WM. H. BAIREV& CO.
Brick row. W. H. BAIED4iir, CO.
TONS MAPLE SUGAR, nicrre orless
JILQJP • for sale, at
May q- ?kb. 3, Brick row.
CARPET IiVARPIor sale at No. 3, Brick
nun W.U. BAIRD'ar CO.
• -
, SASAILIIE-1.711r•
tS§ than
~5000 hareels SALT for sale,
KA and more coming, 'at No. 3, Bnck mw.
May 6. BAIRD* CO.
New Spring & Summer Goods,
11,1111 & SON'S,
and far sale Cheap, for Cash.
Towanda, May 6,1844,
11P. ei widow lady by the name of EUNICE
jt BURLEY, widow of Elienezer Burley, is
living in, the county, addressing a note to the
Hon. A. H. Read, Montiorc, or by , calling on
the autuckiber; she will 'receive information
which wilt, be of pecuniary: benefit to her. Any
information hum any ether. acquaintances or
'friend. of bora where she resides, firc.. is solicit
ed. . Addreas. as above. D. M. BULL.
Towanda, May 14, 1844::', • • '
gnaw lacratoDuataztwani%
111171ECOZt SAGE 'have' associated
'V V theinselveti iit the Boot and Shoe Mak."
n hosinees, in the borough of .Tnwanda, one
door•west of, tho.ClaremontEouse i • and solicit
a shire of, public patronage:, They intend, hy,
icareful selection of 'kook, and by, attention to
the interests of, their cristoiners,to mate as neat
and.ddrable, wOrk: as can be reanufitetured in
"this Portion'of
Alley keep constantly en hand, and will ma
nufacture,t6 ,artice, rnonocco, calf. oud,;coarse
boota, and jshocs; oboes and'.
ol j ps do. 'gent'a gaiter's anti
_ .. „ .
.. _ . ..- , ,
8 8/ 415 ' illa p tltt'FLOVlC.lo bhll4
IfeikyllY olt,lbo - 13iisheliG!aiti,
WO filitiiiiWaiii, I%l3sudtakellesivii`..:;.
,-, l fr obruiri.. tli4:- q•- -14 10NrieSxm ., , .
.. _
. _ .