112Y21113LQ6t1 : 01 E 7 ° tts The Emigralk Jo f the strongest peculiarid s— . l may. say ,passions—of the is the devoted fondness for eir ring. - I or iotisilliitration of this,occr UWs'o=: oh my, recent journey ;through ugh torthern Lakes. ,It happeqd to hat sailors call, very dirty weather, he up by a tremendous gale, which A us to seek shelter it a lutnp of al bareness, - between Manitou d, where we were obliged; to re. fur five days. Thve were a few p a ssengers—between .five and six re d; and inasmuch as thiy had provided timselves with) barely dent for . the average tim_ei provi became alarmingly scarpe, and possibility of a supply. I To loe, there was oonvenerable o*—a sort emipenitactida. au organio remnant "nor, attenuated, hoisleas, sight- ,ovine patriarch ! .who obligingly dup his small residue ,of exist irrour benefit:. Indeed, it was derey - that we arrived.to relieve 'al a painful state ,of ; suspense ; old and powerless was he, that ist breath had not been extracted, .tainly could not have drawn it ,mself. 11, as ydu may sUpPose, there considerable consternation on Short,,` very shOrt allowance )pted to meet the_ Contingency, poor deck passengers hid a ter tie .of it. Amongst the latter Irish.. emigrant, with his wile beautiful -children, the eldest )ven. and -all without the smal )sisteluce, except what the chari tlieir fellow passengerss,, could them ; and as they were tint • supplied, it can be. readily im iow miserably off was this poor However it , happened that the Ind intelligence of the children 'the attention of one of our la- . agers, who had i them occasion )aght into ,the enhin . and their appeased. Gleesome, bright ittle creatures they wore, scrupti f clean, despite the poverty. of parpts, all life = m2d,', happiness, i blissful ignorance of the destitu ith which:they were surrounded. lay, delighted‘ with her little , the lady happened to say tingly . 1 —" I wonder if this poor )ald part with one of these little t should like to adopt it." . lon% know," said I; " suppose the inquiry." man was sent for, and the deli niness thus opetied : • good friend," said the lady very poor, -are you not ?"•-, Insurer was Peculiarly Irish !me lady," said he; Be the lof pewther ! if there's a poorer an mead(' troublia' - the wuld, ity both or us, for-we'd be about Valou inust find it difficult to In your tAildren," said!, making ?plump towards our objects it support then, sir r he replied. (bless ye, I never supported them git supported •• somehosi or they've niVer ben hungry yit ;a they are it'll be time enough to le." • . all Over, thought Is—to-day ugh to dO, lei! to-morrow , take :11 then," I resumed,• with h de ' plunge, ~ . w ould it be, a relief to part with one - of them!" mistaken my Mode of attack... ad, turned 'pale,' with a Wild 3 his . .eye, literally screamed lief! God be good to oz, w h a lel _A' relief !;:would it •be 'vO', think; . have. the. hand . fromone 'body, or the- hi s art• of me breastlh is don't . understand us.' inter philanthropic- COMpanioth— one be enpled 10 ' , luau your !ase and cornfilri,_ would you, with its W i ell4troing ?" let of worniukr She had ., (ouch ' 9r-pateitil l tiolicitudel—the tv was sil nt, iwisted.hithead Ilooked all bewildered. - 'The between a father's lairef_and Id's interest was ,ivident and !. At hit • e Said-- '. • ' 1 i bless ye, ne lady, and all that the poor ! Heavearknowilid ) betther the Odd; . it :isn't in nieself, bitt:- . --bnt Ilidn't I and, Spite to' llarY l r ihe's of thins, andAword:be on hy givitt' 'away her child. ler face.; ankslie itot.,4nnw le manlier." ' . ' • • with yoi is and Word . . . • • . , ''.; ~ ' 'PI F .. .'7'. I v t,T , M;. , ..' ,,, •, 4 1 ' - \ , - ' „..,., , ~ • .'; _-. /:-..,-;,. ;,.. ~_ . :_',. .ft' .;,';S' " - 4 i. f.' :,-'', -:-;'... N ' '• ' . 2: . '-.., 4- -Mkti° ' , /1 1 ' .. -.„; 4 ,.: ;i , •, , r . . -4, .... 4 i '. , .V i. , ''''' ' '' ''' ' ' .4' - • , ~ 1.111 , 4. d .. ', ~ .- ~1 • , ... 9 :, 6•• ~,,.. • ,„: :,... , ~-,, ~ ~ ~, , , , c-.."1 -- , : , ' `,„,,,, . , .„, - _,.„-! , 17 , 1k , ~, , ;:i.. ,- , ,, ,.-01 , .! , :.L, ~ „ . ~),..E rt•-:.. , - t t -t - .:, 4 -•• .-. ~ ) ';' ', ' : ".. l ' 1 " ''''''-'`'''' ' ..Z.: = ' .,,f • v ,-.. . WI • ..., -.-, , ~ .:., 3.,,•,.. ~ - ; .... •.,.,. 'i d . - . •, , , , t; 4 ; / ' t: " ''' - "` 1.;- ` 1 . ,% :-...Z . f,...-.„... . ~. ... , '... --.:, / • . , ._.;, i. , • _- . ~;;:,•: t ; .-•,,- ''... e - r. = • - i , .. . .... i ~,, .1' .. - , L. .: „ - - :c• 7 FA . . - ' - 11' ' t -,, . 1 f:% 7 -., . ' • ~ _„! : ~. ~ „ . ' .i., ;.' 4, , ',7 ,1 Z;; ''' T. : i i . 1 . . , • ,' --,”' • - ' '' ' ' ' ` " 7- '' ;: " s ''-' - , .•' 1 ...:- ~', : ::-',./ ...` , l. 'l O ',.. ~ , , 44. :. 7 . , . ble." 16 about an hour - he, returned, but with e . eyes, red ,an_siidlen, and features pale from exciteineit and' agi; tation • l " inquired I; "what sue cess,V I ' " Bedded, 'twas a hard struggle, sir." said he ; but it's for the child's good, and Heaven give az strength to bear rred gOod; and which is it to r! 4. Why, sir,,i've ben spakin'. to Ma, ry, and she thinks as Norah,hereis the , (ildest, she won't - miss the another so much, and if t'e'll just let her' take a partin' kiss, she'd give her to yez with `a blessin." So my poor fellow took his children away, to look atone of them for the last time.: It %Arai long ere he returned, but When lie, did he , was, leading . the seeond eldest.. " How's this," said'. z "Ilase you changed your mind ?" "Not exactly changed me mind, sir," he replied, " but I've changed the crather. ' You see, sir. I've ben spakib to Mary, and whin it cum td the ind, be goxty ! she,couldn't part wid Norah, at all at all ; they've got used to aich other's ways ; but there's little. Biddy —she's punier far', ifshe'll-do as well." " It's all the same," said I,'" let Bid dy remain." . " May Heaven be yer. . gdardian!" cried he, snatching her up,in, his'arms, and giving her one long, hearty kiss. " God be kind to thin that's kind to you, and thin that' offers yob hurt or hatum, may their soul niver see St. Pether !!' So the bereavpd father rushed. away, and all that night the child re mainechvith us ;lout early' thenext morning my friend, Pat re-appeared', And this time he had his yOungest child,. a mere baby, snugly cuddled up in his arms. " What's the matter now "said I. Why thin; sir," said he, with an expression of the most cdfnical anxiety. "axin ler honor's pardon for bein' wake-hearted, ' but' whin .'I begun to think of' Biddy's eyes—look at thim, they're the image of her mother's, bedad —I couldn't let her go; 'but here's lit tle Pauden—he won't be much trouble to any ;one, for if he takes either his mother he'll have the brightest eye and the softest heart on the top of the.crea don ; and if he takes afther his father, he'll have a purty hard fist on a broad pair of ;shoulders to push his way through • the world: Take him t sir; and gi' me Biddy." r. I ' le Just as you like," said I, having a pretty good guess how matters would eventuate. So , he' took away his -pet Biddy, and handed me •the toddling nr, chin. This thirping •little vagabond wont be long with us thought I. Nor was he. Ten minutes had scarcely elapsed, when Pat rushed into the cab in, and seizing little - Pandeen up in his arms, "he turned to me, and with large tears bubbling in' his eyee. cried, ont—r , "Look at him; sir—jist look at him! —it's the youngest. Ye Wouldn't have the heart to keep, him, from uz. -The long and short of it is. I've ben spakin' to Mary. Ye- see she couldn't part wid.Norah, and I didn't like to let Bid dy go ; but, by me sowl. naithir of.uz could live a day widoutlittle Paudeen: No,,sir--no; we can bear the bitter ness ofToverty, but we can't part from ' our chidher, unless it's the will o' Hee yen to lake thim:frow tiz r—From Brougham's Irish Entertainment. NATusei. AFFECTION.—The world 'we live ia is full of .beautiful sights and' sweet sounds ; It is a treasure house of loveliness and of melody. Whither the - eye ranges over the face of nature at large , and marks all the varied, the magnificent, the sweet, the'bright, the gentle—in wood and . mountain.; and valley, and stream ; .or reos,.,woridir in, on the bright., delicate fabric of - .a flownr,, the rich hues of a butterfly e , 'or the luetrotts`plumage of the birdii, beau ty and brightness are everywhere.' The . .air tie breathe;-tooi' is-full of •sweet, sounds whether in Abe singingof. the birds, the tnurratirk music of the stream; or the hunt - of all' the insect world upon' the. wing, -, everything:. is replete with harmony: - 4lut of ail the lovely sights, of all the touching sounds wPireof,nature,:is full, there is nothing so beautifhl;'there is nothing so 'sweet as the , sight and ihe ' s w - orife of - word *altirdtibn. TRoossa.--W,heiver,ip hon,est,ftopp = teous,honorahle,, and eap4id,is a true gentleman, trhithoi learned or hule - ain• edorieh. or - i poor r , When, ytitingir. tintet A:Aureeties. too ,mlich, .and. we : trust oihere is the iiriot' that silage.' A - • • ,s? =I =I =I '•- -, ...,. , i---•., „: :- •..::;., ~.,...: 1 -.::--_,4, 1 :. i, ~,,,„...:_.,-.!.,,,, 4:t;:-- -. c,,,i..- , ~ t ;...::,!-.- . :,.... : t:: Waht.slllMkst' T .23913.k.IMINDWED.VOVIZUV.9 1P.4499 111417-459 , age& . . ~_ . ' -ftegaritivis i *.*titriscipi.o4:oons' *iy:Qua — iier.-41crie.--itnerli' ]*.,:: EMI Reflection on looking, down •ItOM inane on *a brge and -Poploat City. I looked into all xhat wasp -test, or bee-hive, and,witness their wax-lay ing and honey makieg,';frid 'PoisOn-brew ing, and chocking by eulphui. 'From the plaCe esplanade, where meek plays while serene highness is pleased 'td his• victuals, down to' the low lane, where in her door still the aged widow, -knittingfor thin livelihood, sits to feel, ,the afterneeit sun, tsee it all; for ex cept the Schloskirche weatherioek,no biped stands so high. , Couriers arrive beetrapped and beboOted. bearing-joy: and ,serrocif bagged up, in pouches of leather; there topladen, and with fOur, swift horses, rolls in the country baron' and his household ; here, on timber leg, the „soldier hops painfully along peg ging Aims: a /thousand carriages. and wains, and cars come tiimbliog in with food, with young - rusticity,' and othei , -raw produce inanimate or animate, and go - tumbling out: again with. produce 'manufactured: • ,Thatlivlng flood, pour. ing through the streets, of all qualities and ages , • knowest thou whence it is coming and whither it is going? From eternity onwards to eternity-! These are, apparitions: what elite? Are they not souls rendered sisiblei in bodies, that took shape and will loose it; mel , t ing into air 1' Their solid pavement As a picture of the sense; they walk '•oti the bosom ofotothing;,blatik time is behind them and 'lefore them. ° Or fanciest thou; the red and / yellow clothes screen yonder, with,spurs on its heels, and feather in its crown, is but of today,, without a yesterday era to-morrow ; and not ,rather its ancestor 'alive when Hengist and Horse overran ,thy island ? Friend, thou sees here a living,link in that 'tissue , history, which inweaves being; watch well, or it will be past thee; and seen nO More. It is true sublimity to dwell here.— These fringes of lamplight struggling up through- smoke and thousand-fold, exhalation,so e fathoms into the ancient region'of night, what thinks Bootee of them as he leads his hunting dog over the zenith in their leash of aideral file ? That stifled hum of midnight, when traffic has lain down to. rest ; •,and the charriot wheels of vanity, still rolling here and there through distant streets, are bearing her to halls roofed in, and lighted to,the- due pitch for her ; and' only vice and misery, to prowl or to moan like night birds .are abroad ; that hnin,.4 say, like the stentorious, Un quiet slumber of sick , life is heard' in Heaven ! Oh, under that, hideous overlid' of vapors and -putrefactions and, unimaginable gases, what a foment ing vat lies simmering and hid! The joyful and the sorrowful are there; men are dying there men are being born . : men are praying--on . -the other side 6f tb,e. brick partition, imen are _cursing; and, around them all is. the vast void night. The proud grandee sal lingers in his perfumed saloons, or reposes within *damask curtaind ; wretchedness cowers into truckle beds, orehivers hunger-stricken into his lair of Straw, in obscure cellars. . Rogue et Noir languidly emits ifs voice of des tiny to haggard hungry villiansi *bite Councillors of State sit - plotting; • and playing their high chess game, whereof the, pawns are man., The lover, whis pers to his mistress that the coach is ready; and she full of hope 'and fear glides down to fly with hied over the borders ;-tho thief still more , silently sets to his-picklocks crowbars,-or lurks in.. wait_ till the watchnien •first snore in the boxes. Gay, mansions, with 'supper roo'ins and dancing rooms are full of tighOind musk:, and high swelling•hearts ;' but in the condemned cells,-,the pulse o . f,life biate tremulouti and,faint, and bloodshot eyes look out throughout the ,darliness. which around and - within;fo r'ihe light of a stem last morning. Siz men are to be - ;„hanged on the .morrow:;: (comes: no hammering from ,the Rubenstein?). their,.gallows must even, nirr.he,.o'build,ing. wards of.tve hundred thousand ,two legged' without feathers' lie around us ut horizontal position; their beads all•hinight caps-'and full ,of the fenlishest &earns, Riet , cries out and .staggers and s waggerS. in liiiirank:de iis , of shSme ; "and , the inotheilkith stream-' over hei - pallid , dying infant, whose Created lips only her tears now moisten., ,these,., heaped. , and, : huddled tegether. - withi nothing but little'paypentry and masonry _between crammed eried filed . 'AA . in their .birrei i'di'iveltering;•ahall.l;say; like ail Egyinnin‘ , liiipher:of e a! to.trogiiiog,tct-,g0 1 :14 A . 9 .4 Atif!Vl: the_ 0 11 1 M 1 . 1 090 ,IY 02 *•:, Poi, _on knitOteipaitie I' ticit LIEN =LIZ The war they .Court .0 DOM Eta." Sally the housemaid,. paring apple! in the corner;. Obadiah enters and seats hit:itself opposite io Salty, ,ithOut say. tug - a mord for 15 thinutea, 'but finallY 'breaks ailenee2with-- There's considerable imperceptible alterin in the whether last week." B. „.. I think's likelyi for.birds 'cif that Specie fly a - great - quantity higher' in warms' days than in cold ones." Both parties - now aisome a grave and knowing look t end !a long panee.ensPen. Finally_tbe yooth , Obadiah gives pate .a very . harrowing scratch and- again bre'eks 'silence With—, • • • Well, Salty, we chaps are going to raise a slay-ride, it'o each ininiical good sleighing to morrow." • - - ' S. ".You are,T - Our . folks are'sus pecting company 'all. day tnimorrow.'" 0... , l'apOse haveinsituate time on't; I Should be sapernatiiral hap; py-if you would , disgrace me with iour company ; Ishould take,it as a derepi-, tart' 'honor, besides, : we're calculatin to treat the gala copious well with raains and blickstrap.' - ' S. '6 , ['should , be most excruciating happy to . .,disgrace you,lut- our folko suspect cotnpany ;, 1 cae't go., . • Qbadiabeits ;scratching his . head" ,a while, and at length starts up , as though a new idea had come 'into' 'it, and save— ' - ; . 17, , ; •• Well,.nowK i: know what r.ll do ; I'll go hum and tlitadt them are hpana what have. been liin' down thereirt the barn 'iiieit' n !Ong time. ','lli: - -. : 7' • ' •Etiquette--for the Ladies. If a lady be engaged With light nee dlework when visters enter, it promotes ease-and is not inconsistent with good breeding to continue her employment during conversation.; particularly if The visit be , protracted, or the, visitors be gentlemen. It is getieraliy ill bad taste to greei her female friends with e kiss, .when there are gentlemen present with whom she is not I very intirqate. , There are of course many occasions when this rule may be deviated from. Of these the lady - mast herself be the judge. When you enter, a drawing room where - there rs.a ball or Reny, if pessi ble salute the lady, of the! house before speaking to any body ehre. Even your Most intimate friends Ore to appear in-' visible until you have made your•cour tesy to your , entertainer. , When yon leave a room before She others, go without speaking tn.any one, and if possible unseen. . 1 „ _ Men of all sorts of oecupatione meet in society. As they gd there to-unbend their minds and escape from 'the fitters of,business, you should• never at en evening party„speak to a man , about his. profession., • - • If, in paying a morning v i sit; you are not recognized when you enter, Men tion _your-name, immediately.'- If you call to visit. ; one member of the family and you find others , only in their parlor, introduce yourself 'to them,-' Much awkwardness makoccur through defect of inattention to this point. , • If your visit is merely one of' cere mony, 'do not, wait,too long._ ,If -the pelty is noe at home, leeve your card. This equelly entitles yciu to' a •return visii as if you bad' found her at bome. ' If you accidently forget ithe name of the person you are , addressing, the ea siest and - Most polite mode of discover-, ing, it is, Without canstrairii to ask him his name, making some - casual remark about ) the dilficolty of '-remembering names, and your unfortunate -aptitude. to forget them. . , When p lady visits you for the first 'time, her visits;should bereitiiiied in three'llayi, 'pi at least' ivithin a week. • - • . otcougratulation,.after a mar riage or birth, .shbuld be made within a tOrtnight._ . ; '; ()illy two , visits a peat are - dhii'to perions with' w halo yOtr3ro very weil,acquainted. • to ' peck' through t he bile& 'of a windoti, or over tlielianisteri; when -the street door bill.. ‘ rings,..is decidedly • : • 3i • 'SAVE YOUR . Sas?. Sups.. -There is scar6eiya pipit; that, is benefitted ,by watering with soap suds.' Il.furaish. es nutritive 'thalter, as mots- inre"; keeps 'off ititieets rapid growth.' The Gaidener'sehrow. icle states-that whit, • there, has been a i•ii_aelaiturcrin'tfiWitilthagi*id .flower gardenegetletakiy. thttie i wut6rid ,with siosirsuds have produced:plant:it& the finest, qqaliiyopyl9ll44l:re#calP4 ti;e to pries iollieted, 4 by i liosep,upon ihers ' ."- "r - ' WARTS oNI ....y01018.6 .4;547,3,.,=.;•pmp =I EMI 1 IMII sou MEM , • , , MOE y.- ' • We had conyersatiOn, a _few , claYs since, Withii.' respectabkgentlennin , of tine etintityr, 'who . aino rit the Very few; _whose earthly- pilgrimage , eitends , tie iond the limits or fOur score years. ;Of all his comp a nions of yaathial Jabara and, ainusentente, he can now count up: but Tour `iiigie; who 'have" thua far' es :cepa the deirourieg - jawit of the `grave;. and Who stand like the Yew 'venerable _oakii which spread their , decaying - branchee amid the, vigorous growth ‘.of a useful' race, e v that', has' sprung up around them, on ihet . where thii_woodnian'e 'axe has,levelled, ea&by nue, their , pre= ~ W eAurned the tide.of con-. versarion back. upon- the-,,tinies of his youth, awl' inquired, aPi - of,the greet tpubliC event s - of that perioil;_but "simply of the i:o' rdinery htisimiss iransaetione,' the habits of of the pdople, theirimase , meths, &c., and h maynot, perhapel be uninteresting , to many ; f our readers:to look hack upon the doniestic cenditieori of their ancestors, and - See how "peo ple kit'along in the good old times. The farm on 1 1 which our informant now. residee,. and= which is among the 'best in the couriiy, was purchaaed by his - father, about 70 - years ' ago, ,for eleven shillingsiper , acre, including the expeniee thir,ittirvey. The totinty west of the was then for-the Most part a dense foreid \ with here and there .a clearing, in the centre of which was a, substantial log houie. Deer, bears, wolves, panthers and Other wild animate, abounded in the forests. The "price'of corn andlye was about 4s per bastiel. Wheat would bring fts. ed. it New :Windsor. •Newburgh was not, ire' in existence; or,at least was not a Market town, as ' no boat' sailed froth thence.- The price of labor was $5O a year fora good, band,' Butter usually sold at 9d. a pound. A good coiv.was . worth , sl2, , aad a first rate horse about $5O: .9ns poind of Bohea tea;,posting , -five, shillings, was coasidered-enfficient for a fataily 4 for one year. This was used only op Sunday; mornings, except on .the .oCcasioi,cif a I visit from friends.— Sage tea ant coffee made from scorch ,ed flower, Ceristitated the ordinary bev erage of tb?.mOrning: meak 'Calicoes • cost ,the ladies six shillings a y ard. Buta woman calculated that one such dress would last:ber -a ,`lifetime, end then Maksa respectable bequest to her eldesttaughter. The every day dress of females, consisted of a short gown and, petticoat, made of fabrics which their . own hands had wrought. " And a' white short gown and dark skirt fernied a dress enough for a social visit or even to attend chnrch_vvith. • , Balls formed a ,verypommon amuse ment in those days, , WI they were eoro, ducted with kret, simplicity, and 'with very 'little'costa They 'were held it private houses, rind no _ refreshments were furnished,' except at one in the Autumn,, which was. called a water melon party," when,thisjuicy fruit was deVoured in quantity. To these, balls the young- knights. proceeded, each carrying his.lady.on the crooper of his . steed.; that is, if the ,animal tvunld al loyr,thiS kind of lading, if not, the lass most be:placed before the ruler. ' girls, - 'werer very much in demand in these times. The heavy ones were too bulky for this method of transports tion. ,They danced in those days. It 'war mine or your light stepping, and skiPPing, bu t a downright hotieSt, heel, and . toe - affair, that made ,the log. house shake again. Whers the.ball vas , end ed, each swain marched up,to the opera-, for on catgut, and forked over his nine pence atid> this was' the cost . there was about thehusiness. = • .- The out-At of. a newly, married wife w,as eatrern'ely. ; sntple., Half- a, dozen unpainted chairs, with. bark'seats, the same number of White earthen Cups and Saucers,i tmtnal with "'hooks ' to match, a. pair of Stott andirons; a squateriaken tableo bed With bedding, and a spin ningltrbeel were considered by the' hue- band, a prettYfairioreof an out-set;fOi a plain woman: As to knives and frrks; ive en&i head our' informant relate 'an anecdote which• show:ft hew easily that accorbmodation was, gof-along w i tit. A gor4 wife ; once, complained tit her bus.: band, that there Was a lace: of inives'for tho i .table. 'Weil. - .Said he, hoW many of us are there t watt the ply, Wellt let ,. in line .liextr; 'Many keives,we;ha34.gqc, -- -TheTe ist4YAF,Fire and John's-,shackle-back; -back. broken point - arid ' cob hind ;li4:-tive. see' - dOn't want but one more 1.3 • Thd/fritiotyly.feeliiwiwilicb-Prevad, P, 4 _,_ 11 70 1 Y.01 1 -,A41 4- 0 11 M.!_, f-91,1 1 .o!Pi*ze. simplicity,; 'pre, trtipitet4e,din limp** WaYO3 man drily teltivl 'notite6 _ „ . =I OW 80 Oci (14%.001411MA:130gt,0, MEE and they Would aaieruble, an a 44v2a,p -pointedi•and put him :up a log hoyse in `a burry: If afield was te•be cleared of its-wood the ownerilia : de the thine Was "done withorit, 'noste=-• one man finished barred- before another; bevouldimmediately to the field'of his neighbor * and :there labor without pay, until' the 'erop.was' Secured: StielOsras the simPlicity'ind such ita'aYminitliies of former The progress of wealth and refine ment. has wrought a tomplete revoltition, and , ire we a better and happier race thin , mir forefathers were t:—Goshen Mina The Preston (Eng.) Chronicle anti. ces the return to their home of two young Etiglishnien, who, it seems, left their friendeobont. throesears , since, and emigrated to? auvoo, the , of the, Mormonites. They, _hive, given, curious accounts_ort "r sojourn" with' Joe Smith, and assert tha is , followers , are much; diss,atisfied with 'their, pects, both terrestiol and heavenly : •, The English disciples, it segins„,are regarded 'with every lade favor`, ",and ' numbers( of thim; last winter; Were 'mit of work for five months, on aceotint of the severity otthe season: The-frost and snow set in early in Ntrv,emb'er, and continued till April., Their suffer ings were beyond desciiption. 'They were without shoes' and efothing; they lived on.the coarsest , food, scarcely fit for hogs, and, and ~ were. .huddled, to gether in houses to which there was neither dOors nor windoWs. 'Last fall,. as'it is termed,, the number . of deaths among the , Mormonitei, espe ,cially the English portion of them, Was fearfully great; the heat} and the vapo-.. ry emanations from the' Mississippi, spread dysentery, dairrhcea, ja uidice, .fever and ague among theni, aAf'd they sickened and died by hundreds. • • e lave**.and read &good deal' of i the Mormen prophet and hie follow 7 era, and the result is a conviction that Joe's terrestial paradise is just as lunch a humbug as his pretended heavenly mission., Those of our countrymen 'who intend to take themselves'and their property to nanvoo, may Sertend upon it that: they will avoid much suffering ; and ultimately be .the gainers,' itafter, having. paid for their, passage, they throw the rest ortheir money' in the river, and return home and work 'as common day-layborers: ' D. Jackson said that ashes and limo alone would render a soil fertile. • He , had analyzed a soil, a blowing Noand which had been'. manured with iihes alone, ,for 7 or 8' years, at the rate' of 200 bushels' per acre, and found there was 3 per cent gain of organic:matter aft...r the • crop was taken off. Light sods are the . most :benefited by ashes while heattr clay soils are but little.— The firit eireets. of unbleached ashes are the most powerful, but the effect in succeeding . years, show that.bleached ashes are as good. It shoUld be re" membered that - the lime which is added to'bleached ashen, more than repays the ' loss bf the alkali.' Mr. Robinson said he had used ashes and lime‘ mixed, two parts of the. first to one of4he latter, as a manure for po tatoes ;, half a pint to a hill. at the time of plantiug, the soil light and' loamy.-- Where ,the• manure was used; 7 hills produced 'mtich_as 12 net so m inn - red. The lime had been 'slacked some time: We cannot furt h e r . extend our eon densekextraCts atthis time. The con duct- of the Massichusetts Legislatere is deserving of commendation and lasi.' tation. It is our - firm - Conviction that if a large portion oldie time of-the legis. ! latures, „ he several States, that it , of -'the is now . W Occupipd,in filling ourstatute bOoks with uselesi - or 'Conflicting legiilation. .„ was spent'isi discussing 'midi- Emblems as the improvenient-of- stock, the pre paration or*nures.:or the ...cultivation of crops, the country, would be iltiite,as Much kenefiied, and their censiituente . *Wile as little detriment al they no'w . • . Qvien Edinbnigh eo'orent saye - that Irishman basing accidentally broken a•paire of glaii in a window of ehnuse Queenstmetv was makipg. tho.best of . his ,way. to.get,_ont of sight as Well'As out of mind bot,unfor runatelifeiriial; ' they'proprietor stole a march 'op him,. and haripKteiietlint by the -. hiOkr'my,,,window, fellow* Aid, you,nOt t": ' , • • 4 •Tti 4e - stirel did," s id Pit; ""'arid didn't yoti fee intuitninglioniefor tiia ncv to pay: for it 2 . " • BE MEE • ,e„ • • • i` 1, , !EN LINSI ~...3`~., ~ i t - N. - • ' -, - The , latlei; day ,Sidh Ashes and Lillie. , ::='.''z.j': - ,. - ' - qx.: - .,;. ,. r:. 4 , ,... , . 4 -,_.., , -.-,:....-.. ~.....--- c~.'~..J ; ~~', _".e~ .~ti.~` MI WM ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers