fiord Cetility: Colart..! • 'Tuesday, May 1,1844.- . cox oNwEAvra va.' Wat.- S.' Mug& To wiian indictment,for wilfully and _ oit i on gy setting fire to a barn, belong-. • .. f ,g to Daniel Wells, containing hay and ~, and situated in the township of ' ,slum. It appeared. from the evidence ace d i n this case,- that about I'll o'- - t kio-the evening of January 30,'44 . p , w e lls, being in bed, was roused . by barking of a dog, and, • getting up, F aired that his barn was on fire.--;- *ceding ' immediately to the stable, oh was in the Centre of the building *succeeded In getting ont and saving ae of his cattle. Observing Toot prints out, he, went to some of his neighbors. i ' o d them up and informed them what o ccurred. By means of a - light o w that had fallen in the coutse of the z ing, these footsteps were easily 1ra.... ], and showed that the 'person who r petrated the act had pursued a devi or and zigzag direction, partly• along road, and partly through the fiel d s, facross - ' . the rivet to the- residence'of 'der in Wyalusiug, a diStance of three i l les. Mr. Wells. and several others,. rowed this back, and on reaching Mil 's house, after a short delay induced a to getup :end let them in.. 'U - pon ing informed that the, barn was burnt, alleged his innocence, stated that he new who' did it, but that he would not ]i. The shoes which were found in e house, and •whicli, / he said be. had am the day previous,. were ascertained ' exactly ., the tracks in the snow.— hours after his arrest, he informed of the tritnessess, that his wife got Wm. 171;ee - to set fire to the. barn, rder to send him (Miller) to 'state pri= HON tVEALTII VS. WILBER - PETERS. tent for an assault and battery' on :Morley, to which the defendant guilty, at the dame time Wines rmiison of the court to state under iscumstances - he committed the of- Leave was granted, anal after he ide, his statement,. - and Mr.. Morley sl under oath in relation to the mat le Court sentenced the defendant • a fine of ten dollars to the com nith and the costs of irdiecution. Wednesday, May 8, 1844. the case of the Commonwealth vs r, the Jury this morning, returned ict of guilty against the prisoner. 310 PNEALTII r VS. OLIVER ELLS ( Bt. Assault' and Battery-•-Pro- Jr, Wm. H. Spencer. Mr. Spen ming a son, about 19 years of age, id for some months absented him= m his. Either's house, and , hearing ; was at Mr. -Ellsworth's, went n 4 rly one evening in February last;' was in the attempt . of Mr. S. to slso"n away, that he was resisted E. and this offence committed; iryfound the defendant guilty. 1_ _ _ ' Thursday, May 9, - er Ellswoith Jr., was, this morn lined by the Court to paY a fine dollars to the Co_nanionwealth' and aMOPTEALTH VS. SENECA SIMMONS W REELOCE, SIMMONS. PrOiCClltOr, Bireett. Indictment for a nrisde n in endeavoring to obstruct the sheriff, C. M. Belknap, d in the — his duties, in seizing upon my of the defendants. by virtue nention in CaVor of Daniel Bart loth aefentlants were found guilty Tory. &FEEBLE VS. THE TOWNSHIP :Qum. This was an action the - plaintiff to recover dama njury to bis horse,,eaused by bridge being in -a dilapidated 4etoc , " condition. . A judgment been rendered by -arbitrators the tewashie, the supervisors .a 'tight of appeal without the, of costs. The. Court to-day, a written opinion on the sub , ibstande of whieh is, that the ing sued upon an alleged di '; and not in any represenl.a rheing responsiblpindeel, the default of os officers, lirectly liable, coats must be other cases, and that a town aly within the provisions of ton law. • haimix va..11. S. DAIIII The fallowing ire the prin- This was a action, founded promisory notes, signed' by : Davidson,' 111 .,Shilitilan or, bearer. The leaded the l'statote of limits ;hie}; the plaiMiirreplie4 byteq 1 promise.: The only eri- 43 • - t. - the enee o promise to-pay . ..wasfoun d.'' inilia - tionitiOny of Wm. Sitipin'an; bo dept*,rthat, on the 6th &yet -1844-he*Sd a conversation with thei de.; fendaot regard to these notes,,thati ihe defendant eierriined :the einouiti;*and agreed 'to pay , theai as fast" as he cOnld, that he would tinivit the On n e xt and Mr.. Shipman furtherremarkinithat the notes were outlawed. ,D. said it would make no difference, for he wo u ld pay as soon as he could., Mr. S. further deposed, that he transferred the notes to 0.0: Shipman for a valuable considera tion. about the 13th July, 1841, and that he had no interest in• the ent of, the present , suit. This suit was commenced . August 'lO, 1841. •'The question which aroselpi, decision of the Court; 'Were whether Wm. Shipninn was a compe i tent witness, whether his testimony if admit ted, would be 'sufficient to suppori the action, and whether it was sustainable in the name of 't he ptesent plainti ff : The Court on Thursday afternoon delivered a written opinion on the last two points in the following terms : " In the 'Opinion of the Court, the new promise 'bade to Win. Shipman is no evidence to sustain the promise iipplied ly set 'forth - in the declaration, as made to 0. 0. Shipman, the preient plaintiff, because there is .by , such new promiSe no recognition of any right in 0. Ship .man, from the fact, that the conversation, from which it, isF inferred; took place before the tiansfer of the note• to him,' and this new promise would not -be ne gotiable so as to, sustains suit in the name of the transferee. We think, there fore, that the present suit cannot be sus tained in the name of 0. 0. Shipman.' ' " The 'case now before us is stronger too, from the character of • the new-pro mise Whith is conditional when he could, and- part in the then next fall, the suit being . brought in August after the promise, and, no evidence of the ability of the dirt.,`,shewn, so'that theevidence, neither aCtia : the character of the promise nor as to tiiiTarties, Sustains the allege dons onribe part of the plaintiff, and judgement must therefore be entered for the defendant for coats." • • Friday, May 10, 1844. ' DAVID SOPER 'Vs. SILAS MILLS ..-7A13- au m psit. for ,money had and receivgd.— After the evidence had been gone through with, an application was_ made for leave to . amend the declaration, which being granted, the defendant befog' taken by surprise, the Jury Were accordingly dis eharged-4and the cause was continued. FATAL FALL.—Fredrick Scammon. of Saco, Me., whileliat work'on a build ing in that place, fell head-foremost the distance of about twenty feet, striking upon the side of his head, splitting and crushing hia kulli- At tho last accounts he was just atilt's.' Suicini.'--The body of .a man was found on Sunday, near to-the village of Williamsburg. L. I. •T,he name of '•-Tobias"' was written oh a hat, wbich was found near the body. The deceas ed had evidently committed suicide with a pistol. - DERkS COUNTY BANK.---The bill for the redemption of the over issue of the relief notes of the Berks COunty Bank. passed both (branches of the Legisla ture, V l'arge majorities. and now awaits the action of the Governor. STATE - SABBATH CONvErrnoic—lt has been recomaiended by .a meeting at Harrisburg, that a State Convention be held at Harrisburg, on the 30th of-May, for the purpose of 'promoting, a more due observence of the Sabbath. A LIFE LOST.—One of the bdilers of the rolling mill, attached to Messrs. Bailey,-Brown & Co.'s iron works at Pittsburg; Pa., exploded on Monday; 29 - inst. Mr: Thomas ''Grasshopper, an engineer, was injured Iso severely that he died in a few hours. THE " BOSTON. POST _OFFICE.-m-4111 Sunday, the day on which the Acadia arrived,' thirtyttosuand letters and about severity bushels of newspapers were assofled, and examined at the Boston pe . sKoffice, . - PIIILADELAHIA'_BANIG-.411q .- Phila. - delphia Batik, has declared a dividend of three per. aut, for the last six months; and thel cashier hail] announced , ft as payable on/demand... , The St. Louis .4spurter. Says: tha th'oO — Ei ' lltio of eol igtr.oti*Rouring tikt°, Misvoini every week.:. .Whigs . hare two majttilli . ballot in this Sfate. - News tram an Natiofts. At .the_ circuit :Court 'in Qaondaga r,PUntYvbtliv Nett, JOhn Gor4iner recovered of O. S. Baesey!slsoo dam= ages tortheteductioiatid abandobateni uthis daughter,- under`pretext of mar - ridge. Both were *ealthy ta mers. • - • • Prof. Pennington is Wang Op a pri- - iiate sobsCripfion — fro' the citizens of Washington to'falie about $2:10, , with which` to finish and send UP .hiS lake model aerostat, to prove to the Govern ment the 'practicability of his plan of navigating the air'opon philosophical principles. . ~ It is stated that -_ a daughter of:Maj. Gen. Scott has taken:the:Ash - de veil, a the'Geergetown,l). C."\ Ata ball in New York ;a feW 'even ings since..a certain young lady. not having the feat , of bankruptcy before her eyes, wore a dress whiclrcost $560/ It was of silk' velvet, royal -purple, bound with gold laee, and the diamonds with which the clasps of the bracelets 'were studded, were .estimateil to be worth:at least $3,0001 /- . The Rev. Mr. Carer, , ,Avhw .recent ordination gave rise to s e much discus sion in the Episcopal/Chutch and, else-= where, died a sh,it, tine . before the vessel in 'which lie took paSsage, enter ed the barbor.of Havana. He went out for The benefit of his health. Johti , L. Brown, or South Carolina, who ,Was not long since sentenced to death for stealing - a quadroon slave, of when he was enamored, l and after. • wards publicly whipped, it is now said,l attempted to sell the being who rePosi ed confideree m him. • - The -Philadelphia Gazelle says We were yesterday shovin a precioni telic. a, which was formerly worn by - Gen. Washington, and which - is now the property of a young , Philadelphian, Mr. Bushrod Adami. AttaChedi to the - watch is . a seal, coniaioing . General Washington's coat of - arins.' Tbese:valoed articlei . have been. in the - possession of Mr. Adams for some year's." The authorities of New - Bedford, Mem, have offered a reward of $2OO for the .discovery of the abductors of a Miss. Wood, - who disappeared on the evening of the 1 Ith of March, but very mysteriously. A large and enthusiastic Irish repeal meeting was held the other day, at the Tremont Templet Boston. Among the speakers were 'the . Rey. Messrs. Deese and Davys, from Longford, Ire land. - Several .otlier addressee, were delivered," and $7OO were collected.— At Watertown and Roxbury meetings had also been , held, and pecuniary lib erality displayed. At the Last date of the accounts from Rhode Island, a jury had not been em pannelled. for the trial 9f Dorr. The court decided that the,evidence should not he. Published until the case shall have been disposed or.. At Dedhap, Massachusetts, a jury the other day vindicated. .* law , and order," and the rights and immunities of the American citizen, by convicting Col.' Blodgett, of Rhode Island, who had been indicted for breaking into the house-of Wm: Crooks,. of Bellitigham, in search of."• suffrage Men." ,The Hon. Benjamin F. Hallett, of Mass., appointed by the' ,House of Representatives a commissioner-to in vestigate the circumstances connected With the Rhode,lsland difficulty, is now at Abell's hotel, Pawtucket, and' has cited Gov. Febner •to appear before him-! • - • Edtriund Burk, of Philadelphia, aged about forty years, a teacher' of langua ges, died suddenly on Tuesday ,itight last, of apoplexy. Dr., .Carlton, - of Maine. his - been convicted 'of adUltery;`bY the Supreme Court of diet State', and sentenced to three" years bird, labor. in the State prison. , - A great , indignation , meeting.was held at Pittiburg, onlitirgsday last, relative , . to - the.impriSournint_of. Messrs. Kyle and Flinnvio r r libelling Judge Patton. :A-Mr. Hendrick has been.conviCted in Massaehusetts of breaking into a house itu.seatch of Rhode Island Oa trage men."' Dr. Basley;'6l- Baltimore, perfbrinel • 44e . 9a5e:41 opej.atlen :for club feet, a Fredrick, .14d., = 150 cabinet majors of Cijicipt for hifflier wages' On the Rut:Atto'gmtloj....erti 4-op d f , concede 'the prides thev - deinanjeik ..; EBEE =I -BremOtrullCASlCelaiNg. An `sajoiliued.miketitit; for;the org anization 'of a Dansociatialsickiididn;wakhe4 blit Saiith, Lti Mcitutxt, - 9E1'8363rd:4 er4ol3g; 1, 1 4' inst. ff The committee aPP9ifited , . 11 ;1 1 9 0 0 solution,a-99n— t +/thick afterantquiment, was adopted, as followei /' • -cierirrriTtrrios.-- Tho objecta of this Association / ire to.main•- tain 'democratic,. principles and measures -so as. secure thetr / ascendancy the appr oaching presidential and Gubernatorial contest, IrLthe election or the nominees of the Deniocmtic 'COnventien ' to be held With'litay.-Itertorimbers to aid in'ef- fecting that unity of action and purpose among the democratic brethren of this. Commonwealth _and of the 'whole,UnitedStates; which. will ral ly the entire de m ocracy is enemata, to rescue our institutions froixi the control of federal Whig gery, - whose /ts6...ndaney, (obtained by fmtid),,, Will, if continued, curse our ,beloved country with. emannorts expenditures, a-undone! batik, a national debt, 4issensions among different sec tions ,ofr the Union, hosts of cOrpoiations and monopolies, and' endlesa schemes to create a splendid government on the ruins of; real de / Article, 1. The: Association • shall be called ,THE DENOCRATC.ASSOCIATION 01 ' V l " n°E * Article 2. The officers aball be a President, two Vice Presidents. a Treasurer, two Secrete ' ries, and a Conitnittee of Correspondence,' of ten members: '• Article p. Stated meetings stall be held at Monroe, on. the first Saturday of every month at'6 o'clock Pr. M. Adjeurned.,meetings may be held from time : to time; and speciaTineet jogs may be called at the request of five Mem bers.. Article 4. Tlib Officers shall be elected at the .first stated muting. after.ten persons shallittb. scribe this Constitution; they shall continue In. office one year, When new officers may be cho ' . Article 5. The Secretaries shall keep the mi nutes, and call the meetings. ' . • Article 6. The Treasurer shall collect and _keep an account or /such contributions u the Association shall make.. Article 7. The. Committee of Correspondence shalt correspond; . as actively as possible.. with individuals and associations of democrats thre% out the United States, having in view the Pro.' motion of similar principles, measures and ob jects, and obtain and circulate useful political information and docunients. Article 8. The, Association shall zealously and promptly aid in furthering the object_stated in the preamble ; and especially in - promoting organization and co-operation, with a view to the approaching Presidential and Gubernatorial election. Article 9. Very member, before admission, shall sign this Constitution. The following officers were .elected.for the ensuing year: President—GEOßGE H. BULL; . Vice Presidents—A. L. CnAsmEn.. • BSSJ.. WILCOX; • Treasur'er—Hiram Sweet; Secretaries—E. B. Ooolbaugb, • • O. S. 13eobe . • • ' „ Committee of Correspondence. !• + .I.R. Irwin, J. B. Smith, Charles Holten, I H. Et, Salsbury, . I. H..Phinney,. G. F. Mason, J. P. Smith, Eli Gianteer, Freeman Sweet, , Wm. iLewis.' Resolved, That the proceedmge of this meet ing be publiehed in the Ijradforil Reporter: Onimoticut, "Ijonmed. Democrats of Towanda township! CrA MEETINI 4 of the DemOcrats of Towanda township, will be held at the School House, near Major Fisher's on Sa turday eirening, May 18. .. • MerWASHINGTONIANS !—There Will be a,tneeting of the Washinto niarts,of the Borough of Towanda, at the Fire Proof, MONDAY EVENING, 20thinst. The Ladies are invited to attend, and seats !HI he provided for them. • . , NEW SUMMER GOODS =qr. RECEIVED: r ALSO, AN. ADDITIONAL SUPPLY OF ' Books-It Stationary, - May 6. For sale by S. KINGSBURY .Tr.' -WHITE MARL'. LIME ! witTE MARL LIME for rade, voliale.l sale and retail at dIALSTEIYS. Candles one Shilling per pound ArIANDLES dr. TALLOW constantly on l 11.) band and for Want HALSTED'S. , FLOUR, d the ban. and otherwise, fox; sate at . • HALSTED'S. I , LI DIT OF istaotts drawn for Specia l . ' Conn, to be held ;Inns tp, 1844. Athena fp.- 7 Alvin Morle,y4•Henry • MCKinney; Athens barci---0. D. Batteries; ' • - Annenia-' , Lealisander Kingman:- . ' Terry - ;' Benjamin Inghatil ;1 Burlington—Mack; PrOwrii'lL Columbia-=Phineati.Morgan Allen B.Paisqns,• John H. Furman; . . Dure[l—Samuel Kellam ; latsy.:...Hariey Holcomb:, - M6nroe-Gorslen F. Meson . Orwell—fra Brownson';' ' • i ' Pike—lsaae. Nichols , 11 4109trY — Paivici Virfot u, Biteaheqqint,...Hoolten, y cmng : Smitt4eld4-4.!alke 24:116F18 g l . l, rairwell; • '''' Siningfilildraltee,Mattcielfa. A. H. Bowe ":51 3.(3 .,74 4 4 4 - , !KI-r9l/04WIn ICPA: o F:•_O r ii.* * 34h; •-••••-- ' T °" 9 Tr• 4 7 - krr"n4- , A4itY! , ,, ,-.1 •: - Ploy-DahietPOinernii,lSlo4l , 14!thitidj , "..'' Windlitini;4* . setCf.ll;ll4t; Widts ,4 ol*BniitititHiniiihrey • Win • InWalk • " I -Li r = ''. . . 9 SADDLKAND: IARNESS ptii-eioiiimii„iedihe—mlitupsitsliii' of Hrjoheii; Hunt*4r,s.; itri4 in the 'borough of Towanda. %in the builffing, for-, iskef:l7 occupied i itrir S. Hathaway. , tiro floors, 'West of I. H. SuiSienis i onvern..wliefW tkey will : oPotaiitli B and, and 1311/ 4 f a c lu rel •P' Pas&is, ? 'Citrnirion and Quilled • - Ranieri, ..- li . .- - :Calvet Bags, •Bridles, • -11 . .- TrunkB; -. • ~ . . a Collars,;.:; ;i:- .. :.,. Tallies.. itc..4T, . . Carriage • Toimpling ~ tind . Military . : Work done to.order.: ii . ~ , . ... • i , , , - IVratifinotes,•PeW and Chair, Cliabiona roads 'en sh o rt notice tSld'reaqonable terns.. , . .. •-- The atibniibers 'hope by' doing . ' their 'wadi wail, and by a strict attention to - business, 'to merit a share•ofiablie panonao. , r r ' • ELKOINAII SMITH dr. SON. Towanda MaY, i.4,•1844. . ,• ••• . . ._ • 7,M 01E 9 5 s!€ ) T - 1 020 • T ielkereby given to all interested; that letter stamentary have this day' been granted tot e h " subscribers on, the estate of -Wm. Snailkldec'4. cf,,Windhain All persons indehted to said estitie are riiioired to make immediate payment, and all those,hav 7 trio detnands.against the same are requested to present. them, legally attested, for settlement. EtgTll 131411T11, ,5 p y „,„t nr ,, If ARNOLD, • Windham, May 9, 1844. - ' 1 , , INFORMATION. ' WANT ED, IF. a widow hidy b y the name of EUNICE BURLEY,Iipidow of Ebenezer' Burley, is thingip the county, by addressinganpte tothe Von.'A. H. , Rea 4, Montiose, or by calling on 'the subscriber,l he will receive information which will lid' of_Oecuniary benefit to her. Any information fro4-any other acquaintances or frietid Of hers where she resides, dr.c., is solicit ";ed. Address as lebove. D. M. BULL. Tomuida, MS' 14, 1844.: & , i 1 WOO GRAN'S • r WOO.LI 'f N FACTORy,.. -/ • ITIIAC4 ' • . ILL have an Agent at the following' • exchauge.Cloth of all kinds Ifor Wool on as good tering if not better, than at any other Factory in the State, and trust that every man; will , call, and examine - for them selves before trading..,. 1 Will beat Lerriyiville on Monday and Tuesday June 3d and, 4th,•:for two days'only. , Rome on Wednesday, June sth, One day only. Towanda,- Thuisday and Friday; June 6thend ` 7th, for two days only. MciodY's Tavern, Sheshequ;n, Saturday and 1 4 4onday,..Iune,811i• and 10th, foi two days only. • I.' 1 Fork's Tavern !Athens,onTuesdayJune 11th, forene day c,only.i . R. Tuttle's !Tavern, . Smithfield on VlEadnes day Miff-TheeWay, June 12th and 13th two days only.. • I Burlington, on Friday June 14th, for! one, day only. I Troy, on Saturday and Monday, June'lsth and 17th for two', days only. - . ,Colutabia Flans, Tuesday June 18th, for ono ()openly.: • I ' Esquire Spencer's,) . Daggett' Hollow Wednes- day June 10th, one day only. • A. Mineeea,' Thursday ;Jane 20th, One day only. I, .. ' 4ne " _ The Asiorimivt hill consist of GRANT'S , Celebrated Sheep's .Gray Cloth •- • ' cr.otuL s.csastanax.s SATTINETS. Also, a ,general 'assortment of Black, Blue- 1 hlack,• Adelaide, Invisible Green, Brown and Sigel Mixed 1 • BROAD -CLOTHS. • • Farmers car reaize from' 20 to 2f per cent,, more than'by dieposing of it any other way. We hOpis you willpill and examine the weight,l, body, andquantitylof stock in each yard of thelj ali . ove mentioned Cloths,befote purchasingelsa-• where: ° . The highetit pried paid for Wool, and Cloth' at the wholesale Factory price.- • 't If, required, l a proportion of payments for Wool will be in3:de in cash. .- • •-CH,EqSI, CRANDALL , Agent. Ithaca, Map 844.. • . ORE: . E GOODS! • . ~ . 12144' ' MEIEZ. Inow prepared to exhibit for the inspection of his oldtfriends and the public generally a little the , beSt assortment 9 r gdods in_ town.i He deems it sufficient to say his stock numbers the usual variety of Prvoisions; such as Flour, Corm meal, perk, Butter, Lard, Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, Lultop and Brown Sugar; Molasses, from 31 to 7.s!;ets , Raisins, Prunes, Dried Cur rants, Figgs, Sult.ans Raisins, Tapiaeo, Cition 4 ,. Pickles, Pepper Sauce ; Confectioilaries' of all kinds, Frilitse&, irom paper-shelled Almonds :to Pat Nuts,jCa dies, Shaving and Bar Soap, ti i Dried. apple:4 and good assortment'of French and Gertmus T4s, skc., &c. • ' -- , As it has hacome the general belief that my', assortment is a little the best selectien_end the greateit variety in the place; and for reedy pay . the patine may bei assured they , will get 'as good goods and as tbettp as they can be brmght else where... Mt ikitals of . produce teen in ex-. change. .. Be sum you call at thy old stand: the. Past : Office, and while waiting. for this Mail take a little cake and cheeie orcliestants, apPles or' cigars or and ping ..tolsep," tip the spirits in , this time of high. ireidarr'.' -•• , ' -, . May ' ••• " . . ' . , ''. N . ' pi in g & SamplerG if . Ov. : oe s,. . , - , - ..T •IttCEIVi:D AT r 1 ( M . 1 . )( & ... SitN l-- .. 4n4',/iii i .6fSte "Cheap, for,Coalli . TommdaiMav 6 - 1644 ' ••• ' - "•-• • ill .I , ‘ ' .' l :'' ' ' '' ' '. 1 ,:". * : ft.; ' t - ' faeto - o)3laylonew '-' i Imickiikwreb.Y given 'that the Snit of ARN9UT & CIILP is this day diesoiveii. by mutual ixelietit. ' The - 11uNitit:A will be air. Tied' on iniallLiiirlyliiiiatisliriiiichist,.. at , the old' 5t3131447 t et4,l:'''' ' .111..-C: ARNOt7T, 1 , _., .......1--L-1' L;: ', , •J. CPI.P.- . ~ •:-,,. , Tewentle,3l4)t ch C5,.1 ; 844 ? .-4' ---.' e ; ----- •V - vrik - 11144. -.0*,. .titetivi!ir.ot,hig ~..p t+l! d . , 'iiiiite`er Datil; ht e n 'lan& or ;NIA; Abe t tilit er,Msple Sugar, &c. &C '44, ERE WANTED! ffsmi ME • ziwilzaALu• - • . . . T" subscriber tine juifieturned from the .•• great ;with.a splendid ;aid large ao. aenment.of W./ttches, ttoclut, Jetweig, Fancy Geods; Spoons, ,Specks of all ages, Rings, Fins, ActiordiOna, Violin Strings,',Reeds, Compasses, -. Heys, Chains; Witihinakeri Materials - and all itrucles - ever kept in O Ftlifq & Jewelry Store; and Mill be iold to suit the time:: for cash; call and see. N B.,the subscriber is prepared to tepair. ail kinds of . Watches & Jewelry en short notice and the Imitin:tanner WI, he, hai it - new lot of tools and. materials fresh frem the city. • • JAW. GFELSON: :'Shop' nee door to'ilit Post' glut,' Main ) ra cm IFIE=IE, 8 TAKE &EMI' , INTO -NO: . 3 - BRICK' ROW,. . WE Are , happy Robe able to inform our neighbors, that the BRICK' BLOCK IS Ul, and the - citizens of Brtidfonl:county ge. nerally; that wirare this day ieceiwng at 3 4 a new end extensive akaortirient of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, vcrhieh him been purchased in the city of New York for oashind cool) cuxtrixs—a goodly portion of them direct ly opOosite.the door of one Henry Sliddon and one John Our goodihavC been pur chased under such circumstances as to enable us to sell them very cheap. We do, therefore, pledge ourselves 4o sell an low ,for rwly•pay, as any store 'Bradford' county. Their-stock Drj Godds, Groceries, hardware and Crockery, 'Drugs 4. Medicines, Dyewoods Dyestuffs; : ' - - . In fact, welave •on-hand almost every article usually kept in a country store. We.will change our gooils for Cash / Produce of arty kind, afi descriptiona of ,Liimber;-zood, fresh butter, wool, sheep-pelts, cattles' hides, &c. - &c. We acknowledge our Obligations td the rtiany friends who have stood-by us through the" hard times," and fondly hope to be able to make; it an object for them to continue their, patronage. - WM. H. 'I:IAIRD '& CO, Towanda, May 6, 1844.. • •••• • , . M '• • - 214113=00 , AE, best seleeted assortment of Satin, stripe Chaney's,. printed DeLames,, Belzarines, French Lawns, Mutts, *C., ever offered in this market, may be frinnd at No. , 3, Bricli.Row.. FUR . T.IIEIfteIIORE - ' Crimped dimity ctiffs and collars, .Ashbinton collars and collarettes, dimity chemisettes, em broidered-fillet reticules, &c., &c. L'ALSO-t—The best assortment of Ladies' cra vats and Dress handkerchiefs irr,Tomanda, no mistake, 011 at May 6., • NO. 3,BRICK ROW. All ASH AND GOODS paid for Long Sinn % gles, and a good quality Pine Boards, at BAIRD'S, /Yo. 3, Brick row. May 6. 500 - 1 0 11 r S n E 30 1, 0 S d V c . 7 11 1a B t sA.1:10130d00 of do. Buckwheat; 100 do. Rye, for iale i tly • W.H.BAIRD4St CO. No. 3TBrick May 6 ,',ll OPTS do SHOES, a large assortment at , • ~ BAIRD'S, . Aro 3, ,Orickozi. stay 6 FAND BRUSHIIATS. Cloth tap, jr Boy's caps, for sale at -BA IRD'P, May 6. • • • N 0.3, Briek 0 OLE.-LEATHER, iniddle welats. first rate wide, for sale at No. 3. Brick von , . . May 6. • WM. M.BAIRD 4c CO. V AMP 04., §perta and Tattow Candles, JU at No . 3 .Brick row. • May 6. I WM. H."BAIRD & CO. RESH QRANGES'ik LENIONi'I, at No Jr • 3, Brick row, at BAIRD'S. irkOMESTIG• GI lODS—Slicetive, Shin ji" ingsTicking, Cotton Yarn, Wicking, batting, &c., &e,*at No: 3, Brick row. May 6. H. BAIRD & CO. LOVER & TIMOTHY, SD ; EE got 3, 1 4„), Brick row. W. H. BAIRD & CO. T. o o r Di sa 'S le lt a ti t ip,T4pspolt i ti ß ciwrless, May O. , No.2,‘Brick - dARPBT WARP for sale at:No. 3, 'Brick . 14 . ), row. W.H. BAIRD & Co: 4SS than- 5006 barrels @AfaT, for sale, KAand more coming, at. Nci. 3,Brick row. . , May 6. W. H. BAIRD & CO. A Special' PrOciamation -9 0. ILIALSTEEN as in duty:bound, o returns his sumer° thanks to these who have favored theht-with their patronage during time past, anilassure all , who may feel+aa inte terest+in the information;'that he still,continues at the old str.nd, ready toliiipenso to the needy all manners, kinds and conditions of Confer lionarion Groceries; . Cigart, Fri.,'"ig, his usual liberal prices,' and most accomModating . Mum; to wit—For cash only. , • ' • To the.. Thirsty, he would .say, hie SODA +WAltit Is unrivalled. 'Small beet and va rious other heveteitee are. Ponotantly:on band. To the it proclaimed, that be , has established a•IVIARKET in the basement of his estatihshMent; where FRESH MEATS, of,va 'rious kinds, Will be kept eimstintly'oltibiiiit' Towanda,-Map 6, 1844, • luau maaawallow.mmu. 'BOOT SHOE MAKi iG. Vheaxt &' SAGE _=have 'asaeciatcd , themselves in the Boot and ShocNak ingAiusincas. iiithohernuglN of Towanda, ono door west'of ihefElatemontlifouse. a share of publie;patronage. They t careful ielectioh, of 'stack, and hy attention t 1 'the interestamt their customers. to make arirten't • and durehre..iturir as can be Inaniifitcluk in thiaportien.of:the . They' keep constantly on hand, andlivi4 ma*: nufacture to: elder,: morocco, calf 'and . coarse. Ladies'` Gaitos, hors' and slip;; ; genagaitele and Pump% * c „-,Se e ; • ' 1011 N, Nyix,cox - , 7. , 11111,Als1011 S.At;ll - ., Towenaa 4far' (1 1844., f) / D ' y pp* ' ALs. ITITACA - PLOIJIZ,:f.O 14,tg. Heavy HeirillPork,'so,o lliiiilfels Grain, 'ltiod ,iglitii‘Windovi Sash for Fate at: '' ' Vehrourvitty,TB44. -1. = MONTANYVS; • .... . . . - • MOEN NE