Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 08, 1844, Image 1
33 2 viawl.aazavo .. V . .0 o ADDRESS.. the StateCentraltommHttee. the Democratic Citizens of Penn, • • h steno, the e delegates lient i n g the Democracy_ of every o f the i commonwealth, asserp ,la c o nvention at *Harrisburg on it, of garch,according to establish oz, for the purpose of seleCting Democratic candidates for the Oft. o fGorernor. Canal Commissioner, Electors of President of the United I s ; and, at the - same time, of min ose republican citizens Who are boice of Pennsylvania for those high offices, and appointing dele te make that choice known, and' erate jn! the :final' deciiion Of the , ,ocratiC. partyht the National Con.; tlfin to be held at Baltimore in May Baying performed -the duties s confided to them,' in that spirit of loos buOarmonious co-operation 'eh cOfisifts with inpublican practice having selected. as candidates, men without disparagement to others, in an eminent -- degree the t td of their fellow-citi ey, appointed us, previous to Ijournment, ' a "State Cenfial ttee," with 'instructions to pre ! usual address, communicating ilt of their common action and non. ,emocratic candidate for Go-ver iennsylvania is HENRY A. INI3URG, of Berks county.--. nomination the Democratic ier fdr . the suffrages of our fellow , a pure patriot, 'a tried states man of unblemished private r, a disciple of Jefferson, a of Andrew Jackson, the illus talesman and honored hero of deans. Henry A. Muhlenburg root a revolutionary stock, see cope in services and sacrifices in ;at war, of `lndependence.. His ther, a native 'of Germany, was those noble spirits who in ell re contended fOr the blessings Land religious freedom, and he' the wilds of Pennsylvania that tich the despots of gurOpe iways denied to 'a suffering: peo- His sons partook of the energy irfather. General Peter Muhlen: sato was indebted for his first, sston as a l Colonel in the Conti line to the friendship r of Wash , was one of the bravest officers Revolutionary army'. Brandy 3ermantown, Monmouth; Stony GreeeSpring, and Yorktown, itimonyfit his valor, and Penn- . t has reason to tie proud of that and conduct _which gave her son a high rank , among the he the Revolution. Muhlenbutg, an original friend teral Jackson, and always an un tineilemocrat, coninienced his'po t career at the Presidential election '2B, as a representative; in Congress t the counties of Berks, Schnylkill Lehigh. Ele was four times re tell by his confiding constituents, a 1838 he was selected by •Presi- Von Buren as the first 'American n sent to Austria, to unite by intuit amity and peace- the of his birth with 'that of his i• Throughout his whole leer, he evinced a, calm and Judgment, and an indomitable sof purpose, tiut so • mingled enity, and frankness of deinean win esteem' and affection, those of different political againstted iville toad bill, was a(- 'in Congress, he v )'etoed by General fined the bank veto 0f11832, ioial 'of the public deposits Sank of the _United Stipa in ie moved the previous ques ) refer the report of the Secre le Treasury, (Mr. Taney) to ittee of:Ways, and Means; 4thof April, 1834, solemn his opinion, on- the.JOur mgress, by his vote,-that ;,, the the United States ought not to Id," and that ~ the public ht not to be restored." In ear he was appOinted one of 'lieu of the representatives - of against whom the bank dos- Is, as was afterwards done !positors, hote-holdericl eredi even stock holders.—This )1 bank arrogance was but + precurior of thatiotalloss millions of capital, Which' 4i gnments. insolvency,' and )( hundreds of innocent indi-: 'Posing In fancied -security' . Promise s of , the bank politi-' ", at the time, vindicated and . ' . . \ , . ........ ... • . . , .. ellilw. .._ , .., .. , . 1 . ~ , r , .., ... ~ . ~-,. •-- -.-... , • - .. .. 1 .7 ~.. ':',-,-. :'`'l".`'.'• 4. 1 ) ~, ... . . n , , v rz - a"\ ~ ,_. • ~. . .. ,- ~ - 1.',.._ ...-..-. ~.,y.,.- , , ~.- • . . -, ....., . .. . . . . . , kit _ . . . .. ... ._ even gloried in its conduct. Adainst such conduct , and.stich sal institution, whether.under a national or State char aeter,"Mr.' Muhfenburg was then, and is now, solemnly Pledged. During the same session he voted for !the " Gold bill," ,a crowning measure of General Jackson's attempts to curtail.the circu lation _of worthless ,paper money, and to re-establish the only constitutional currency—GOLD AND SILVER. Through ,out a great pail 'of his Congressional term he was chairman of the Commit tee. on Revolutionary • Claims, and a large portion of his time Was faithfully given to procure justice forlthe widows and • orphans of thoie who, suffered in the cause of the Revolution. i • On the 27th of December, .1834; Mr; Muhlenburg took an active and promi nent part in a ineetiner- of members of Congress,. over' which col. Richard M. Johnson presided, held' to take raea sures-for celebrating on they anniversary of General Jackson's victory at New Orleans,-a civil triumph of his adann istratioa, equally glorious4thepayment and extinguishment of t'ie National Debt. ' Uniting the blood of :the German with the birth l right .of the jAmerican -Speaking and uniting both languages with equal facility and purity—learned in the best literature of both—feeling an ardent sympathy in emigrants from all countries, from recollections of the past and hopes of 'the future—Henry A. Muhlenburg is a genuine representa tive of the wise and philanthropic poli, cy of William Penn, who made Penn sylvania an -"asylum for the oppressed of every nation. Nor is any of her citizens 'more deeply imjressed 'than he is with the duty of preserving un tarnished her public faith. l • No one, in a station of her political trust, will de vote himself more zealougly to that great - end. At the same time, he is not ignorant , thatthe people, who are (in this country at least) 'the govern ment, have a right to require, and must have laid before them a candid, minute and faithful account of.their debt (and resonrcea, with such propositions ; for a wise economy, as will convince them that whatever, sacrifices ; 'they may be called upon tol make, w ill produce a result beneficial to them and their pos terity. • - Such is the Man who is presented as the Democratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. In every way he is worthy of this high evidence of his country's trust—in his past actions, his known principles. his certain course or 'future conduct. 'While we know full well that unfaltering relianc,e could be confidently-plicedin the patriotism and the' talents, and integrity of FRANCIS R. SHUNK, and the , i other eminent citizens who, in the - first • instance,"di vided with him the,preference of the assembled delegates, yet we cannot de ceive : ourselves in the full assurance that the cordial, patriotic and unani mous voice of the whole Convention, in favor of him who was the choice of its majority, gives to his nomination even more than-usual inAuency, makes it but the harbinger of fresh success to the Democracy of the Keystone State and -leaves no ground j for reasonable doubt. 'that HENRY A! -MUHLEN BURG, will, by the votes of his fellow citizens; be! triumphantly hailed as the NEXT GGVERNOROF PKNNSYL VANIA. In Selecting JOSHUA: HARTS HORNE, of Chester ccninty, as a can didate for:the office of CANAL COM MISSIONER, the Convention have had reference alike to the7character and acquirementa of the. man which peen liarlyfit bin, 'for that sta'tion of trust and activity, and to his firm adherence in trying times and, in positions of • im portant popular responSibility, to the principles and measures of, the• Dem ocratic paity. A. member of the Legis latute during: that periO when every effort was adopted to :away add mis lead the 'representatives of the people, lie was found invariably, firm and faith-.. ful. ' In the place to wineh the ,Demo cratic party now call him, he 'will be found equally fe4rless in the -discharge of duty, equally , unmoved by artful or sinister 'applications, eqnally resolute to direct for the public good alone, the power and' patronage appurtenant to Ma offtee. • ' ..The ticket for Eleetors;of President arid Vice President is. ;composed - of tried . Democrats, pledged to _support the , Candidates who shall be' nominated by the Democratic National Convention to be holden-at (Delegates al so tolhat•Ccinvention twin been nom= natediNhosti know n •fideltty to the repOioan cause justly{ entitles them , there to represent the sentimenta and wishes of Pennsylvania.' Br a nnani- I 1 Itiami:!opmesourmU IMo9-Eiils3 k I ' - Regar less of Denunciation from any Quarter.-rG#v. PonTin. 'nous resolution,- these delegates were instructed to vote for and use all their . . infltience to, effect tbp nomination of MARTIN,'VAN BURIN of New York, for President, and R. M. JOHN SON Of Kentucky, for Vice-President. In' giving these -instructions, the Goa tiention, responding to the known senti ments of their constituents; took the occasion to express their undiminished confidence and regard for the patriotism, ability' and distinguished services of JAMES Buena vex, and the gratification it would have afforded them to, present hid name, as the, Pennsylvania candi date for the highest office of the repub lic, bad not his patriotic sense Of duty and his characteristic determinatio'n to sustain the integrity and harem:oily of the • Democratic party, induced him at the present time, to decline a domina tion. '• The Convention, while acting on the nomination of. Martin Van Buren, with a similar patriotic desire to maintain the integrity andlarmony of the Democrat ic party. and to , unite their own prefer ence with that already so generally evinced in its scarcely divided' send ment, present to the suffrages of the republicans of Pennsylvania a candidate who has always deserved, as he hal . heretofore received, the strongest evi dences of her trust.° When elected by tier aid in 1836 to the Presidential chair ; she gave him nearly one hundred thou sand of her democratic votes ; and when in 1840, he was defeated, as we believe, by fraud, that large -vote was increased to more than one hundred and Sony thousand—a suffrage-larger than any other ever given by,the de mocracy of Pennsylvania to a eandi date for any popular office. -- He is pre sented again, therefore, to the same ace. proving demociacy as Jefferson and Jackson were former, days, when unfairly defeat4by the arts of Fderal- Os favoring- and unbought testimonyAieady accor.ded to him hy a democratic community, that, from the days of Washington, has never erred in a wise and just bestowal of its pre ference on a candidate for the Pinsiden tial office. To retrace the grounds of. this past and present priference of the Democ racy of Pennsylvania 'for Martin Van Biiren, would be, to repeat facts deeply planted in their recollection—to reca pitulate the Whole series of his actions as a public man. ; - He is the candidate of the American democracy, because, springing from their ranks..working in their cause and faithful to their princi ples, he has served them from boyhood with ability, devotion, honesty, and fidelity that surely' setum for a public servant among a free, viribous, and well judging penple unchanging confidence, and trust. The-soh of a farmer, who' had been actively deVoied to his coun try's cause through the Revolution, which had just closed When Martin Van Buren was' born, he came into life, not in a large city, tint in a retired country Valley—not aided by powerful friends, but relying on his own abilities, and leaking to his honest fellow citizens for friendship and confidence. Before,he teas of age, he was actively enlisted With the friends of Jefferson who over threw the' dynasty Of the elder Adams. When he was first elected tethe State teiislature, ,the conflict With Great Britain was just begUn: Throughout the whole 'of it he was indefatigable in his exertions to aid its success with all the power, influence and means that New York Could, furnish. He was the most active champion of the- war in her legislature. For his conduct in thus - supportinkat the outset of his political career, the: war and the administration of Madison,, he excited against 'himself that malignant hatred of the Federalists which has ever since piirsued him.— His subsequent legislative labors were equally true to the Democratic.cause. To resist the creation of banks, to ex tend-popular suffrage, to curb the aris tocracy, to protect the imprisoned debt or, there among; the objects of hie tar ceasing labors. Elected to the Senate of the United States he took the lead in opposing the , ad:ministration, of John Quincy Adams. He vindicated and supperted Andrew Jackson 'with. petri, ntie ardor. When the voice of Ameri can democracy raised that hero to the Presidential chair, Martin Van. Buren was, placed by him in the highest ofcfi of his confidence, acrd _will did - he- re paTthe choice.' Ile filled 'the post of Secretary of Atate, which Jefferson had' filled. before ,liim, with, a republican spirit' worthy*Of of the Apos tle of Democracy. When a' 'Federal majority', of tire: Senate.sciglit , to brand him' with a new mark of die mal ignity, by 'rejecting his appeintriient.a; Minis ter to England, the PEOPLE tiodiiated him- by Iriumpliontly eleCting hiiii tee President an the same ticket w4li An drew Jackson.. On the oppesiiitticket_ was Henry Clay. The majority of Mirtin Van Buren over that favorite of Federalism exceeded two hundred and seventy thousand- votes. Chosen •io succeed Andrew JacksOn .in the Presi dential office, he completed the wise policy of that patriot... The-expendi tures 'of the government were regularly -ffiminished—toxes were lessened—the honor and rights of America were up= held at home and abroSd—the war With the odious money pOwer; begun , by" General Jackson,: was -triumphantly. terminated—an Independent oonsi4O tional Treasury: took the place of a Na -1 ti onal Bank-Lthe public moneys were rescued from the hands-of speculating porporations---gold and silver were SO stituted as a currency instead of. the liaT per promises •of suspending banktkr- Buffoonery, bacchanalihn, orgies, ',mis representations and frOds—pijielayin in New York-manufactured' registers; in Pennsylvania—false . township re. turns in New Jersey—steamboat loads of voters carried to Maine — votes: poll ed in districts of Ohio more numerous than the legal voters—these' 'and other such means of political wirfare, were 1:1 3 suddenly brought to e ar among a peo ple unprepared to enc enter such acts, and heretofore relyin on 'the vote by ballot as the evidence' and safeguard, of the *ill of the Majority. The result of unwarrantable practices such as' these drove 'Martin Van Buren from the place where the peitple placed him. But they were a false and !fraudulent echo of the people's will ; and they ,now but await that opportunity to make known ''that will, in tones of ndignant truth.— _Pennsylvania desires among the first to do so. She presents Martin Van Bu iereas her candidate itot More from her sacred confidence in ll the man, thim 'to redeem.: the sacred cause of political honesty and national virtue, froni the disgrace that Federalism iought to -at tach to thein, by the means. resorted to in the canvass of 1840. Nor does the Democracy, in thus se lecting him. look only to-tile past. I looks to the future, It foresees in the approaching contest a desperate-strug gle to elevate the man and the measures against which it has been contending, from. the !day,when Martin Van Buren stood sjde by side with Andrew Jack son, in opposing the principles,Tolity and plans of Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams. After. a lapse of twen ty years; during which HENRY CLAY has been repeatedly rejected by the peo ple, or .by his own doubting friends, he is once tnore, we suppose for the last time, presented by his party as their candidate. He asks Pennsylvania to, bestow upon - him her electorial vote, while she has fresh - in recollection his conduct in 1825, when he defeated the patriot Jackson—her choice and, that oft the - Democracy ef the Union—ky coalition with John Quincy Adam , mane in direct'opposition to the instruc t tione of his own State, and closed by hisraccepting from 'him whom he thus served, an office by which he placed himself in the line of safe prece dents," as an aspirant to the Presidency. The history of Mr.,Clay, since that coalition, has been one of unconiprel raising hostility to the Democratic par .ty,_and of bitter enmity to its venerable chieftain Andrew Jackson- Actuated by such sentiments, he whO had' even before denounced the just punishment of the British incendiaries, Arbuthnot and Ambrister, as an , :example of in humanity, cruelty, and, ambition"— viewed the evident preference of his country . for that gallant chief as a-mis fortune to be classed with war, pesti lence and famine," the three great Scourges of the human race---a send inent not shared by the . :Aniericao peo;, ple, Who recollected with heartfeltgratil` tude the victory oflslew Orleans, which; !awed its beatity and booty!! from the grasp of a licentious and hirelitig sol diery. ! ' • • 'Io 1832, Mr. Clay, 'the old opponent I,of a Bank of the -United States,- . nnw be comes us legal Adviser and its legisla,i tive ally, brought its powerful' aud un scrupulous aid to bear upon the-P.:resi dential, caniaign. The veto - Gen era! Jackson frustrated the tiTort,, to Fe charter it, and its 'Money was peered out like watei- to effect buil overthrow and to elevate his rival... Its seductions and oppressions were , alike fruitless. The hero of the seiOnd war Of instlepeg: dence ;was- triuinphantly re-etected ;' the candidate of the Bank was left, prostrate in'the durit;' • 1n.1833,, viten the - public depeeita were removed friint that unfaithful _agent, 'Mr:Clay 'Made it die signal' hi Citaniie his." park leasion.”, .IThreati, defluit , eiatinns, traveling committees, deputa tions, petitions, monster meetiiig,s,jubi lees, the march' ofsprigs of aristocracy to the capitol, were all bronght , to bear on the old hero—hut be regarded:them as coolly as the bullets of a foreign' foe: Thelpublic deposits were not restored —the Bank of the •llnited States was not re-eharteredtlie electionsl . tiflB34 proVekthat the Ainerican people sus tained the , wise and 'patriotic foresight of their President. Mr: - 'Clay did•in- - deed in tbe heat of his resentment, and regardless of the judicial character of the body in which he eat, succeed, by a partizan vote, in condemning by a , series of resolutions,, his illustrious foe without a trial or hearing, brit ;the in dignant voice of the American people ,was not slow to expunge his resolutions from the Journal- 'of the Senate, and thiis .ag ain to pronounce between the two .the same• verdict which they , had repestedly given before. • In 1838, still harping on his favorite scheme of a 'National Bank—at the very time when the Bank-of the United States had suspended specie payments and was in a state of actual insolvency —.Mr. Clay once more pressed- upon COngress, with all the force of his par ty' tactics and personal 'zeal, the crea tion of a fifty million Bank. ~ 1 * be lieve the establishment of a Bank of the United States is required byl the com mon good of the whole country." was his language while standing amid .the wrecks of hapPiness and fortune strew ed around by the institution he had ad vocated, praised and clung to. Although in 1839 Mr. Clay was set aside by the convention of his political friends at Harrisburg, as unavailable be fore'the people, and the campaign of 1840 was fought under another chief with the cries of , . change" and two dollars eday and'roast beef," and with the accompaniments of coons and coon skins, songs, hard cider, riot, and in temperance; yet he was found ready VS take the lead in the successes thus at tained. Durin g the well known extra session of 1841, the proceedings of the triumpharit foes of Democracy were marked out and carried by the unbridled zeal of the self-constituted Dictator.— The acts of that memorable - session, emanating fron himself and his coun cils, have , been mostly repealed and condemned at: the poll's by the'people. They stand as' a monuinent of the unfit riess of-Mr. day for the practical duties of an American Statesman. He repeal ed the'Constitutional -Treasury—that repeal gave the public moneys to his: favorite discredited banks. • He passed, a Bankrupt law—it Was so intolerable that his own friends rescinded it. He laid the corner stone of a National Debt it has grow,n already to twenty-six S 'millions; and 'requires an additional tax upon the people of more than a mil lion of dollars per annum. ,The pro posed assumption of the. State Debts *rbald rapidly swell it'lo atco hundred 4nd fifty millions of debt; to paid out .of the pockets of the American people, generally to foreign holders, often to foreign stocialobbers—necessarily re quiring a direct tax to be levied on the farther and mechanic - for die Payment of interest. He twice passed a bill , to charter a National Bank —and' twice. it Was averted only by the veto of Presi dent Tyler, though he forced, in his violent struggles to carry that' disastrous project, , the resignation .of the cabinet council of that officer. He Lasbent all his etieruies to 'overthrow that con= , servative power of 'We' o:institution Which enables . Me. executive on behalf orthe people, to'arietit the hegislatio9, Of Congress, iwhen a bare-niajority act 'against their . interests pur- Poses,of faction, or at this initigation*of Violent and ambitious meth - I ' ' Stich Wermthe cliankes7 produced in 1841, by the promises .and proceed. ings of 1840.. h-red uced agets,'. reduced prices, iusolsrent banks, worthless,pa per thoney, , increased 'tlebri increased takes, •and 'violent' assaults , upon the Constitution:] Stich Were the payments by the whiestof the diaughte thetdrew on the,,credulity of , their partizans.- r Sucktoo, wee, the„politicaleOnduct. and character of the. - man by. *bele cou eels intinfluence—to serve whose ob. fects=l,-these ihings were done: Such itilfiethamwho now.presentedas the Whig candidate for the . Presidency:— 'theadvocate of a Policy. - that _will im pose on . the people of the,Vpiied - States :a fifty k—an enortious Na! !fain! 'ljtebt4a•direet tilv-4aper mon ev—antr a eurreney. from .., which goldi and'silver cart scarcely fail, to be again;) exeluded-.4 7 the ,maa. whoge, influence: ' gave .Prasidency.,of ' the minority , eindidate;i:Olm.-, Quincy Atians=who priiud lun Merl -4:11%'.. Andre ' Jackson 11 EiniTS MEM [ate, jack aocounait, &Ica) " • . , through his whole admintstration--who opposed With most intemperatii,zeilihe Democratic measures , of Martin Van Buren—and - .who seized with eager haste the Verrfirst momenta of, power, 'fraudulently obtained by his party, to press with ,a "violence that dine. had not abased, over and over again; the disapprobation of the pepple.: - • liexpressing their preference for a• candidate for the sVice-Presidency.:the Convention spoke by acclamation, the wishes of their Constituents in - fitor of RICHARD M. JOHNSON. Twice before hail Pennsylvania named him for that high office. Twice before had her Democracy given him theit vote. His lcing life of devotion to the public service is distinguished ,by • repeated acts securing the confidence fellow.of. his republican Citizens.. The gallantry with ' which he , left the halls of Congress to breast the dangers of savage 'warfare ;--thee thavery which bore him foremost 'into, the , conflict; the heroism that inspirited his comrades, white life' seemed to be passing away with his own blood—the memory of all this is deeply planted in the hearts Of his,countrymen. Nor are thr in sensible to his steady support Of Dem ocratic measures, :through his long leg islative service.-- His zeal in the cause of civil and ieligicies freedom, his no tirring efforts to secure'justice to the survivors in our revolutionary struggle, his patient and at lac successful ;verse. verance to effect the abolition of idipris onment for debt, are but' acfew among many actions which display the wisdom of the statesman and the philanthropy of the man. Deprived as he apparent ly was,, in 1840'; of the approving tes timony of his country, the Democracy of Pennsylvaniagladly unite with their republican brethren of othe'r States, to present him again as their candidate in the full assurance of his triumphant success. • These, fellow-citizens. are • the men whom the Cnnvention has 'presented - for your suffrages in the approaching contest. They are every way worthy 4 of your choice. The occasion is one which demands from you every honor able effort to secure their success. The DeMocracy of Vie whole :Union are alive to its iniportance, for -the inain tainance of their principles; but upon Pennsylvania. the Keystone of the arch, rests more than • upon any other State. Abe solemn duty of upholding that cause which never in reality wanted- het anti never appeared to do so except 'when, the ballot boxes gave ja return of ,the stiffrages of het' votes which welelieve to have been untrue. JOHN C. BUCHER . , LUTHER, REILY, • HENRY BUEHLER, . • M B. LO W RY. WILLIAM BIGLER, JAMES R, SNOWDEN, ' HENRY HORN, HENRY D. GILPIN, - JOHN H. HOFINE RT. SAMUEL D. PATTERSON. CH ARLES BROWN, A. L. ROWIFORT, ' THOMAS-M'C,ULLY, . GEORGE SMITH, • CHAMBERS MaIBBEN,-, • RHODY PATTERSON, , GEORGE R. RIDDLE ; • CHARLES KUGLER, JOH N• K. I FINDLAY, ROBERT J. FISHET. HARRISBURG, April 4. 1844.? . Virginia Once owned a slaiein cOntiesion',With ono'of his neighbors. He ivas a pious man and , would sometimes wind prayers, hy„sayingi. . .y. 011„ Lord in addition to all.the•bl e ssings, 1,. a sinner, hive asked at YOur hands; 'yvilj you, :yOtir infinite . mercy and goothieSs; condescend tobless;nly half orilotip'?" Florida who had lost leg;itillie'tertrice of his minntry, entered 'a:cabaret, or drinking how, in IslewOrleans, treateithi,msell and. atindry„ - othere; and when called tipon'toliey;SSid 'his* a Legal tendef.' HeWis . talien before a magistrate to see if Beth eurrency would . ; I. , -A NEW FEiTURE:—The Neiv'Orlenns Picayune :saysltt,:“ Every day brings something new. “Topping the ques tion " now, the stricken individual, in stead of saying, Miss, will you marry me ?"lexclaiuis,:. , ~Viss;are you in favor ...of annexation?" 'I: ,':REPARTEE. -- -A clerOmanviv6s OD ,surigg_a vqung laqy., for :tight W.ll.replied the yot . ink lady; couldeit4iely 9.ctimmentl loose hvb its to kola. parkshiondrs." 'Tie der lyman - MIMS E Mao idto