REPORTER Widaeidayi May 1, 1844. For President in 1811, MART& ' V.AN BVUEN, OF. NOW Feint. ' • For Viet President, COL. RICHARD M. JOHNSON, CF KENTUCKY.. [Subject to decisionof a NaioualComention.3 Eire; ora for ?holden WILSON WCAND At Dococir, 1. George F. Lehman. 2. Christian Kneass. 3. William H: Smith. Rohn Kill.. (Phila.) 5. Samuel B. Leech. 6. Samuel Camp: • 7. Jesse Sharpe. S. N. W. Sample. • • 9. Wm. Heilenrich. 10. Conrad Stamm 11. Stephen Bally. 12. JOnah Brewster. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. . For Governor HON. HENRY A. -MPILEiiBURGI • OF BERKS. For canal Commissioner,, JOSHUA 11A11.8110#NEI OF CHESTER. ‘. l C''As the Senior Editor must'nec.essarily be absent for several weeks, the entire charge and control of the office will devolve upon his son, E. Goonutcn, who is equally interpted in the publication, and to whom: all pay dents, communications, etc., can be made. Ilk. Clay and the Cilley Duel. The cruel butchery of Mr. Olney, member of Coitgreis from Maine, and the inhuman proceedings of those con cerned in that fatal , duel, are yet , fresh in the meinory of as all. The thrill of horror which it occasioned has scarcely subsided, and the blush of shame which was the sensation of every American is still mantling the cheek. - Thus coolly, deliberately, and with malice afore thought to shoot down a felloW-being, thereby hurrying him' into the untried realities of etdnity, leaving in hopeless sorrow an. aflectionate wife, and orphan children, wasindeedan instance q Cru elty thatinight shock the heart even of a savage. It was muder, foul and un mitigated murder. !true •it_ is, that it was by the band of Mr: Graves of Ken tucky, that Mr. Cilley was shot, but that others were equally implicated, has never beenquestioned, and amobethem is Mr. Clay. Mr. Wise of Virginia, who was one of the seconds of MT. Graves has never hesitated to 'say that it was Mr. Clay'sladvice differing from ' his own, whiCh produced the duel. He made a publication in 1842, in which he makes the followilig distinct allega tions when asked, why Mr: Graves re. quired of Mr.. Cilley to put his verbal recins for not accepting Webb's Chal lenge in writing, he had invariably an swered, that he ('Wise) "had diffgred with Mr. Mr. Graves on.the point' s but that he (Graves) was fortified in his opinion on tilt point by the better-coun sel of Mr. play." Again "Mr. Claj," says Mr. Wise, " drew the form ofthe challengithith MI own hand." 0.1," says Mr.. Wise, "opposed,butlfr. Clay AtTROVED of the ad:ption of the TERNS, ' that is to fight with rifles at ,eighty pa ces. . Again Mr. Wise says, "In de fence of the course pursued by Mr. Graves, I neverfailed to quote the au tholrity of the advice of his friend Mr. Clay." Again,says Mr. W., " I have said - that Mr.. "Graves Ought his (Mr. Clay's) advice a/ the very beginningot his Correspondence with Mr Cilley ; that his (Mr. advicewas and that it was the 4 . 9NTROLLING ADVICE WaIIORAVES AND MYSELP. John Quin'O,y Adams on the floor of the flontic; : : called Mr. Wise a murder er, more gttilty of the blood of Cilley, "than the man who pulled the trigger." it now appears. that the man who pulled the trig,ger, *as acting according- to the advice of Mr. Clay, and contrary to that of Mr.' Wise. - Notwithstanding the, in3plication of Mr. Wise in this tragedy, a Whig Senate, has recently confirmed his memination as Minister to Brazil, the reward for conspiring to produce the death of Cilley; a fearless -champion of democracy. , Mr. Clay in his letter to Mr. Wise, dated Feb. 28th 1842, imkicates him self to the fullest extent. Ile admiti3 lst. That he advised Mr. Graves to require of Mr. Olney to in lorii ing zohat!he verbally, answered." This was the fatal step and Clay knew 2d. -He admits that ,! Mr ! Graves consulted him . ,as to challenging Mr. Cilley, and that ie advised and dreto up -[he arm of thecliidlfnr,e.!' • • 3d. He admits;that lie*netitheternif owWhieh the parties were tri:ftght; and Mr:Wise says they were acceded to in opposition to k is own. 4th. Bei* they friend ofMr. ' Graves, (says Mr. Glay) I could not invoke the authority of! the police to prevent the duel." • . This proof is conclusive, that if he who advises andmakes all preliminary arrangements to shoot another, is worse than he who pulls the trigger, then is Mr. Clay as deeply implicated as Mr. Graves in the murder of Mr. Citley. Mr.. Graves relied almost entirely on the advice of his colleague Mr. Clay.— Mr. C. is an old - band at the business ; land. tete PitsidEnt: ass,se,Edorid.. 13. George Schnabel. 14. Nadel B. Eldred. 15. M. N. Irvine. 16. James Woodburn. 17. lingliMontgonteri 18. Isaac /Laney. 19. John Matthews. it was the character of his youth and manhood, and on more than one occa sion had pulled the trigger to shoot down a fellow-being - ;- for all which he is the Whig idol, while .the, ordinary American citizen for the sae offence is either executed on the icaffold, or incarcerated for years _ in the Penitentia ry? forever stigmatized, and almost ex liatriated. But, Henry Clay must the President; he is the great ideal of Whig morality; the concentration of all thit is just and lovely, which can dis tinguish one__ citizen as the recipient `of popufar favor above another. What is it that shields Henry 'Clay from the just condemnation that would fall upon other citizens under a change of cir cumstances? If it is distinction, who have helped %der it on him ? Those very men wholow ask you to support him as the most deserving man all of oth ers. If the position which a man oc cupies, is to shield him: from the jest punishment for crime, then Henry Clay 20.. William Patterson: 21. Andrew Burka. .22. John M'GiU. 23. Christbui Meyers. 24. Robert Orr. is not less obnoxiotisfor his participa lion in duels. The American people will decide this matter; they will either sustain those principles of exact and equal justice, which is the boast of our freedom, or they will break dpwn all barriers, and, crown with honor the man, who if he had been a humbler Pittizen would have showed a different late. FRACAS IN CCNORESS:--4 most dis crraceful scene occurred in the House of Representative at Washington, on 'Fue llay, 23d ult., in which-Messrs Rathbun and White were the actors. iMr. White called Mr. Rathbun a liar, and Mr. R. answered by a blow, and a melee . Sued. White the Sergeant-at•arms was 'endeavoring to separate the combatants, a Mr. S. W. Moore endeavored to haul him away saying " let them fight it out." IA gentleman seized him and dons!, him out of doors when Moore drew a pistol, and in endeavoring to revenge himself, shot an officer of the House, Mr. Wailes itrthe thigh, but not mertally. t Moore was arrested. Med,srs. White and Rathbun, after the rencounter, severally rose in their_pla ces, and expressed regret at the occur rence, and then shook h ands: A motion has been made for their expulsion, Which was referred to a committee: DRENCH OF Pitt — litlSE.—Levi' A. Bradford, of Cortland, Ga., has been mulcted in the sum of $450, for not marrying Celesta A. Miller, whom he visited 5 years as a suitor. She had her wedding dressprepared, and the wedding day was fixed, when Mr. Bradford changed his mind, and mar: ried adothdr AN_ AMERICAN- SEAMAN . SuoT.—An AmericadSeantan was shot by one.of the guard at the quay of' Havana, on the 9th instant, in the presence of hundreds. The perpetators of this outrage were arrested and upon. the representations of, the American Ceirt, the whole affatr will undergo a legal' investigation. " JACKpNlLN."—qttis his the, title of a new democratic paper printed at Philadelphia, by Mifflin .&. Parry, tutil after the Presidential election at 50 cents per copy—five copies s 2.— The paper is worthy of the support of the democratic party. DELINQTTENT SUBSCRIBERS.PersOIII3 knowing themselves indebted to this office are informed that Court week will .present a favorable opportunity to 41 . pay the printer." The senior editor 'will be at home to attend to the settlement of his accounts. '.To ENTs:—.!Teraelitus alias Cymort7 cOnittinimanytruths,but is:not written •in a style worthy of being published. - • narls . lo , o pipularlty. We extract; frox the PertiocOtic, Un ion die fellowingiemaikifilittatrative of Markle'spcipularity, where knOwn Wi have already adverted ;to the fact, that the.'federal - tiominee f?r Governor -was a Candidati fOr congress in - 1838 in - Weittnerelankcounty, and defeated by the Hon. A. 0. Mancustin, an lion , 'eat'denaticrat, thilrifte 'of 2,535 vOtell' The.federat papers are not Oiaposeti to deny fact, milt the official returns still s tring theinln the face, but they, account . for Mr. , . Markle's defeat upon the, ground that lie was only nominated at the el&enth halo to " add strength to Mr. Ritner." *singular accession ?f 4. strength " thisis made to appear tru• ly, when it is remembered that he run 114 Notes behind?: Mi. Ritner-11.1 , be hind Mr. Grahatn, the federal candidate for Assembly, arid was not .lanly the • lowest of all the 'Candidates in the coon ty, but run considerably below the rest of the Whig 'ticket in hie _own town ship ! , - • It appears, however, that the election - of 1838 was not the first demonstration of Mr. Markle's local unpopularity.— We observe by . the Greensburg Repub. Heart and the Argus of last week, that as early as 1820, Gen. ,Markle was a candidate in Weitmorelan s d county for the State" . Legislature, on a ticket with lirca.tan COuvrna, in-opposition to the regular nominees of the Democratic par-, ty. Mr.' Coulter was elected, but Mar kle running several hundred 'votes be hind his ticket was defeated If the services rendered by Mr. M. in behalf of his country were of the resplendent character represented by the federal press now, it is a fair presumption, that they would have met with a proper ap preciation at. the hands of his fellow citizens then, - when they would have been fresh and vivid in their recollec tion'. The unequivocal condemnation pronounced by his immediate '46,0- bort; upon his political aspirations at that early period, and repeated with"ad ditional emphasis since, affords strong presumptive proof that these' services are either.grossly exaggerated for poll- tical effect, or were never rendered.— j It is, at all events, pre-supposing a de plorable deficiency of preceptive faculty on the part of the people, to assume that they will , elevate to the Chief Mag istracy of the 'State an individual who has been pronounced by' the recorded verdict of his own county, unqualified either for a seat in the State Legislature or in Congress ! This would imply a, t•retrogade . policy," to which theywill 1 1 never yield their assent." k Aside.from these undeniable pioofs Gen. Markle's want -of popularity at home; we have, recently received letters from the, most reliable sources, which assure us that a similar sentence of condemnation awaits his Gubernatorial pretensions next October. Mr. Mun- LEIVMMG will rally the entire strength of the Democracy lot old Westmoreland, and Mr..Markle,is destined to his usu al home disaster." SHOCKING ACCIDENT.--'L he Ameri can Sentinel of Saturday, April 20, con tains a shoelring accident which hip pened in Philadelphia to Mr. George Parker, a young gentleman of, about fLI years of Wage. Mr. P.. 'has been, ern: ployed for some time past, as an assis tant the hardware store of his father, Mr. John Parker, in North Third street below Race. About 3-o'clock yester day afternoon he was ermaged in dry ing over a fire, a large number of num 'ber dfpercussion caps, which had - been -damaged,by water, when they explod ed, blowing him to- a considerable die= tance, and mangling his body in a most horrible manner, his legs and face be ing literally shattered to. pieces. When we left the store -of Mr. Parker, the victim of this painful disaster was not expected to survive but a few -minutes. n accident by the explosion of some of the same, lot of caps, took place at the same store about three weeks ago, by which the father was considerably hurt. Drematssmo.---The tiwelling house of ieremiah , Shaw,. Esq., of MOulton. vine, N. H. was consumed by by fire on the t7th- inst., and -sad 'to State, Wm. Low, a sojourner at the house, perish; ed in the flames. ELECTIOIG--Tho official returne of the election held to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. Henry Frick, slip* a majority, of 136 4. tor Pallock. lionnth MermEns.—.Charles an qinarnental,,painter in Pittsburgh\ murdered his wife and one of his chit dren, and. nearly_ killed !hnother, oh Monday 22dinsti . , He alio , atthinpted, to commit suicide by.uttihg his throat. Mrs. D. was , ati ezd oe di igly amiable woman, whose only fault Was too great' a devotion to a husband unable to ap .preiciateher excellent quhlities. She was Shout 3ri, years of age, and when young was very handsome. Ile dash ed the liesd of the deceased child against the.wall, and .the head of, the Other is dreadfully cut; and one . Of its' eyesiti knocked out. Oa ',Sunday Aesired his wife 1 1 :to get him some whiskey, which she - refused to do,; and he *her' iswbre that he sy oul d kill her in the morning. He kept his promise fear fully. After the_ gashes ion 'his neck were i sewed up, he was committed to prison. - TEE .i. „rw Attirr4--A letter writer from Washington holds the following lan guage and expresses our views 'exactly : reallybegiti to think that there is no serious intention to act on the Tariff in either House, at this session, though I may be mistaken. discover no earnestness in the-right quarters ‘,.and I see many pulling back; who lweri ex pecwd to go ahead. In the that place, there will be no chance to get' up the bill; before the first of gay, Ond every moments' delay brings tiS neerer to the Presidential election, and 'renders action more, diffictilt. I now take it for grant ed that the matter has gone over. It is, under the ' ad, ever it m country this subj TRIA of John the murd, occupied was brought to a close, , on 'V' 17th ult. The case was d the jury, after an elaborate c the chief Justice. The jury, out an hour and a half returi I verdict of guilty against Jo and not guilty as tolVin. The (*Omer listened to the perfect calmness, the latter affected. Wiu. NOT SEND A DELEm Charleston Mercury of Thl states that a general thee democratic party of the, Congressional District tv: week, convened for the 'pm ~tiding whether that district a delegate to the Baltimore, Convention.' The , questim ed -very fully. in three i,;itc sions of the meeting, and ij decided not to send del% DEBT OF HARRISI3i O. to a published - statement Council, the debt of\ the Harriiburg, Pd., on the; 1: 1844, was ;$170,733 37 .. ; expended'in the construCli ter' Works, is stated tO 12. STEAMBOAT ACCIDENT. boat Oriole struck a sn a g Shoals, Alabama river, ol and sunk in about earn .1 She had on board four o bales of cotton, a portien was taken oft' by theAiki INFANTICIDE IN CHIN vestigations made by Roy Misstonary to China, probably , about'one fonr female' children of tlia sl,ain soon after birth. I FEELINGSTEPAIRED. Miller, of Homer, IF ered &50 damages ip brach of promise of tevi . G, Bradford of di MORGAN LRWIS democrat isno more. York last week. attended to the graieJ eMirse of citizens. JUDICIAL Dts islature of this State Act creating a new jud of the counties of Sc and 'Monroe. VIRGINIA Ez.ncrzortThe eledtionin Virginia teas held on.T rsd,ay, the 25th Ult. We hive no reiU .9 up to the tune Of going. to press. • ADJOURNED.-A RC to jiave iAjoarned yest 1 Ell News trom.ffil IVOUoIiL _; :IVlrs.t,Bachel Luther, wife - of :Mr. Martin Liither, Whii was convicted- in Rhode island, for aellig is moderator , at a meeting Midir the peoples'consti. intion; is prosecuting in the U. S. Cir- . e,uit.Coert,,st PrciYidarsce, a claim for damages for an assault And, battery, alleged to have been committed upon h'er 14,Lottier Borden and. otheis, while searching for.her husband to ar- rest him.. . The Eastern mail train, from B o ston, When within 4; miles from Norwich on .Tuesday, Sao over a cow, which . was instantly hille4, 'and the whole train thrown off the track. - Oriernati,sprain ed his inele by jumping the 'cars, hut, happily, no' More -serious injury 4as sustained. train Was righted a delay of two hours, and came on. to the steamboat. As . the steamer Southerner wa s ascending the Ohio on Saturday week,. she ran into the Zephyr about sib miles above'Cirminnati. The Zephyr had her starboard guards frOm the wheel house entirely swept pir, and the steam pipe was broken su that all, her steam escaped, which prevented her from keeping on her way. The Southerner' ivas not injured. On Wednesday, the 20th ult., a young man, by the name of Underwood, residing lathe county of Orange, North Oarolina, was struck by lightning in his ova house, and instantly killed. A „ little child who was clinging to Phis pantaloons, escaped unhurt. A man named Outs, says the Masi ton (0.) Gazette, was choked to death . n attempting to swallow a piece of meat at supper. The meat was taken from him after death, and measured ;three inches in length, 3 3-4 in width, / and one inch in thickness. —what of this 'ion to ITIM soil o A mysterious circumstance took place at Albany on Tuesday evening. A man, name unknown, dressed in having ‘n days ednesday, Livered to light pantaloons and dark coat, was ob served on the platform of tite new steamboat-landing - at the Soup Mar ket, walking to and fro in a ab stracted manner. Suddenly he gave a plunge into the river, and was Se - en no more. The man was appareutly insane, and took this manner of .ridding him self of life. large from after being ed with a n Gordon, Gordon : — :erdict with was much An apothecary's boy was lately sen )ATE.—The 1 rsday last king of the eorgetown s held last 'pose of de would send 1* residential was debat- to leave at one house . a box . of pills, and at 'another six live fowls. Confused on the way he left the pills where the fowls -should have gone, and fowls at the pill place. The folks who :re ceived the "fowls were astonished 'at reading the accompanying direction, swallow one every two hours. There are sixteen - Iron factories in Pennsylvania, using anthracite coal, which manufacture 45.,500 tons of iron annually. There are also four in New Jersey, which make 8000• tons. I mam ses was finally late. According:, f the 'Town) borough of t of January The amount n of the wai. $120,659 Gov:Shannon of Ohio, has resign ed the executive office, in; consequence of being confirmed by the Senate as Minister to Mexico. Thomas, W. Bartley, Speaker of the Senate, now becomes Governor by 'virtue of the Constitution, and will in a few days enter upon the discharge of his duties. A young man of 16, named Jefferson Belknap, hanged hiniself with his hand kerchief to a tree, a few miles from- Columbia, =Mo.,- a couple of weeks since. Libboiii Northrup, of Smith field, Me., hanged himselflast Monday. He has for many years been intemper ate, and has left h wife and eleven Chil dren:- At Summit, in this State, on Thursday of last week, Mr. Anson Bowen put an end to his life by taking arsenic. The steam = on PickenS the 25th ult; • , eet Water, ! , 7 five hundied of which was 131111 .—From ja r David Abeel; appears that h of all the country ire A man, 55 years of age: has been discharged, cured, from the Pennsylva: nia lunatic asylum, who had been crazed 25 years. ' The steamboat Arkansas, while de scending the @Arkansas river on the 29th ult., was sunk and lost. One deck band lost, Miss. Celestia Y„ has recciv an action for arriage ?gains same-ptace. AD.•••••r1IIS Old e,died New Females are driving the men from type setting ! and` wood engrairing in . England. The latter business is tiow Conducted almost= exclusively ,by;fe males, while they have made ,very ex tensive inroads in the former,profeasiona remains were liy''•a large con ar.—The Lea I ave passed an I • alai district out ylkiii, .CarbOn Napoleon once said to some boys in a school he visited—i , MY la'as, 'every hour lost time is a chance for. future niisfortutte." A Rumor . repo r ts Abe How WM. P. Briggs, late collector of Vermont, a de, laiater to the. State. to . considerable amount.. Santa Anna'has reteased: 36 Texan Legislature Was 1 • erday... prisoner COrteSpOildente frOiallartiSb nahatsatran t An ti& *Visit The present legislattire,ines Ott (the 29th,) 'and in,accordabe uitb peceidents, the most itnpotta i it, , t kettd *m . on remains as yet nnuispeeed of propriitfian bill and the talk Hat b , fs now ' ' Banging by the s b o ; two branches. The latter la Provider sale of , the Wain line of the provements for $ 20 ,500,000 (if It, a gree to it,) and for laying a tar dila te on the dollar on all real and Few to pay the interest on the state debt bill passed the Rouse last WearCe o l ly vote of 55 to 28 4 and was sent to ea g t for concurrence. On Mond a y t i lt &tilt .seeded to its considenition, and'sfter it variously, and striking. out Oder inserting two, et was prepan4 for a ni l) j ing on yesterday, and a vote was inect'4.4 anal passage, and stood yeas 12, n ays This morning, however areconsidera44• the vote was obtained,—thelhrg na tal reinstated, and the bill passed by a rote 6r 'to 15, and was sent back to the Noose far currence. There is considerable api s . relation to this billy but there is an doubt but the three mill tax sin erea pass. Messrs Kline and MeLsealua y et , sent when the bill passed. They bably have voted against it hadtbeyl,4 Theamendments made by the 80, the amendments made by the Seastlo • propriation bill are now under consiar t t l the Senate. . On yesterday the Senatealloptedar-4_ to hold evening sessions every eveping Sunday) until the final adjoannaera purpose.of considering private bills- a t of meeting to, be half past seven, ana of adjontnment ten o s 'clock—making of ten hours each day. The bill to reduce the expeases,tiftka tie system of this commonwealth 44„,.. for a more rigid mode of collecting Dubin parsed the Bennie with amendments. Yours emphatically, Pea. Democratic Association, An adjourned meeting, for the of a Democratic Association, was ht bly to adjournment, at' the Cdart Weditesday evening, April 24. The committee appointed, repiirted stituti on, which, after amendment, mast as follows: CONSTITUTION. The objects of this Association are Min and promote. democratic prinr Measures, so as to secure their awe the appioaching Presidential and Gut contest, by the election of the laomint Democratic Baltimore National, Cet to be held 27th May. Its members to) fecting that unity of action and . the democratic brethren of this Cot hand of the whole United States, orbit fy the entire democracy as one man, our institdtions from the control of fede. gery, whose ascendancy, (obtained by will, if continued, curse our beloved with enormous expenditures, a nation a national debt. dissensions among differ; Lions of the Union, hosts of-corporatior monopolies, and endless schemes to r splendid governMent on the roinsiof mocracy. Article 1. The Association shall DE3fOCI.ATIC ASSOCIATION Or Toi Artick: 2. The ofrmeresball be a 1 pro Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, mb ries, and a Committee of Corresponds ten members. Article 3. Stated , meetings shall le Towanda, on the evening of the fire Tuesday of every month. Adjourn. may be held from time to time; am meetings may be called at the regal members. Article 4. The officers shall he elt first stated meeting, after ten person! scribe this Constitution ; they shall of f ice one year. when new officers ras e'en. ,Article 5. The Secretaries shallkeep nutes,'and call the meetings. • Article 6. The Treasurer_ shall de keep an account of such coritributio t Association shall make. Article 7. The CorrnitteeoWor• shall correspond, as actively as rEiL individuals and associationsof democrat out the United States, having 'trm Om !notion of similar principles. Mean= SI:" jects, and obtain and circulate useful information and documenti. Article 8. The Association shall te: and promptly aid in furthering the ohj , in the preamble; and especially 'in .organization and co•operation , with a the approaching Preaential and Gab -election. Ankle 9. Every member, before Shall sign this Constitution. The following offi ce rs ~w ere• elect ensuing year: ;!I President—SAMUEL RUSTON; t V --I .t H. Srcia ice Presidents l3S.f • '. " . one P. l'illiss; Treasurer,--A. S. haraberlin, ,Secretaries_ William G. Scott. E. O'Meara Goodrich; Committee of Correspodoic t. David Wilmot,Georg.e SlO 4 Patrick Cummins, I Dani.el Yawl ,William Elwell, Thomas D. ( Aaron C. Allew, E: W. Raitar Peter C, Watt,. J. Culp'. Resolved, That the CorrespondieS 'tee he directed to _procure political ao , e and information to be circulated, and he surer be directed to defray the expense. On motion, adjourned. ANNEXATION OF TEXAS.-2111e annexing Texas to the united Star transmitted by Presidents on bio) 22d ult:, io the Senate. That body , ~ , meatatety went into seciet scssioar Treaty..• . • __ _-- 011 R LEGISLATURE has two I: with a scene, a la Congressr_bt Metrst Cooper and Smith, of the ih The promptitude o`f die Speaker. ever , ,coon put an end to the disturlr