Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 24, 1844, Image 1

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in that shlimer state,
yi:s our souls shall onci r attain,
r .7' of earth, and time, and f a te,
a n before our eyes aga in,
, re view our life's slow way,
ts atal4reariness beholding,
begens purer noon Survey
es es l ihm twilight now is folding t
, too s4rous change will pass
@itst here hath seemed and been
so see , as through -a glass,
d l
1-rhea shall face' to face be seen;
.iingness of all we prized,
'ilsehood of tho love we sought,
eless truth of hearts despised,
orth of all we valued not !
ce, it shattuot then be seen
this, our earthly path of tears, ,
late a waste bath been
a the mourner's eye appeats4
lelearer light around us breaks,.
eyes Eta read their cotuse tteloW,.
line of long mistakesi
by many a needle s s wo.
th sFas pawl visions fair,
zhing the wealth ' f heart; •
had the harder-care
:bing all those dreinas 4ePart.
there left of arid Old age,
useless grief to roe
a pilgrimage " -
Id not, if we woiald, renew !
dyes t he, evil lay;
,!.ak - ratificer -of Fro!
len were mane ofclay,
our hand that made them so,
le diviner call,
Jur hearts alike to'abun •
fault of trusting all,
•sin of trusting none..
lot then withvairt:disgust
ice betrayed and faith Oceived,
hearts forget to trust,
ey are wounded, wrung, and grieved,
e this lesson—it is such
life'sdarßess into 'light : • ,
iever love too much,
only love'arightl
Youth null:Age.
I each tottering form •
Ips along m life's decline,
heart as young, as warm,
of idle thoughts as mine !
las had his dreams of joy,
anequalrd puma - ronrancei
mg when the blushing boy •
at lovely woman's glance.
could tell his tale of youth,
think its scenes of love evince
In . more unearthly truth,
tale before or since.
could tell of tender lays •
Light permed in classic shades,
:more bright than Modem daya4-
pnids more fair than modem maids.
40 in villiog ear,
sees one blashiog cheek";
lien each Nshisper far tot? dear,
• modern lips to give and veldt •
ions too untimely crossed,
ions slighted or'betr ayed-;-
spirits early lost, • •
- that blossomed but to fade.
(es and tresses gay, '• -
sad noblek brow,
If all have passed away, •
ft them what we see thern,now!
thus ; is human ince. .
and light a think!
path's brightest visions move
Time's restlesS wing ?
ie. eyes that still i . .)rtitltt;
the lips that talk of bliss ;_-
' (onus so fait to sight,
/sly come to this?
.:earth's best vision worth,
length must lckse them thus 1
*alas most•ou earth .
, must fade away from us ?
eveted, but undying;
tit their Denies seemed 'sighing;
airreiried of iheir name; •
were peopled with their fume;
lar, tone and pair,:
. with their social clay;
wrapt the dusky mountain;
I sparkled o'er-the fowl* ;
rill, the inighfiest river, •
with their ram; for ever.
rery yoka i she bears,
iClory's and' theirs! •
watchword to the•earth;--•
Fedi do &deed ?I' worth, , _' •
!Mee, and turns to tnutil. •
on the tyrant's head ; •
left mai rushes on
low or feeedom won.
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Introllutho to an, Heir_. is;
.By POKEY Beaus, ESQ.
" Bob, said my uncle rushing into
my room " I'm ruined !" r.' •
" Really," said I, knocking the ashes
off my third and last cikrar.
• "Yes ruined, irredeeably,so r —my
speculations, bets, and all have blown
up together and 'here r l am at sixty, fair
ly done up—diddled-cleaned out."
Drivilish pity !—what must we do ?
I'm as badly off BS you, and lost all toy
expectations which were the capital on
which I traded in society." ,
My .uncle looked` grave*for the Erst
time. His philpsophy being Epicu
rean: according to the practice of the
nineteenth century, he lived in the pre
sent. moment, enjoying life at the races
'the clubs, and dabbing now and then
(adding, so to speak, red ' pepper to
brandy,), in those successors of defunct
lotteries,--fancy stocks. He had bith
erto flourished on th'em, and I °Aim,
as his heir and favorite.
After making his standing announce
ment, a silence of sortie moments en
sued, thiring which
l ime I finished
smoking, and my uncle broke forth=..
.4 Bob, you are thirty-one years old ?"
"Worse than that thirty-three."
And you hare a glimmering Of grey
Too true, uncle."
"Non must get married:' It's full
time to give up your vagabond fife."
Fine talk, uncle, but who is to sup
port me?"
Your wife ; marry an beiress."
" That's just what I have been, with
all my seeming indifference to mar
triage, ready to do. But anAeiress is
like a ghost , or griffin—spoken and
written of, but never. Seen. ,
" Try, try, my,boy Ouraffiirs are
desperate. The whOle pandemonium
. of tradesnien will beconie yet more irn
portunatei when they learn• the full ex
tent of my losses, Which will be before
many weeks,--your 'character will come
down with my purse, so go to work
without a moment's delay."
Well, uncle, I'll try."
-That evening I dressed and went
. to
a Concert at the Theatre ; Ole Bull was
extracting- rapture from cat-gut, and
just as he was finishing his first part, I
essayed to change my. position in or
der to get a nearer view of a new beau
ty, a divinity outright, in the boxes,''
when, whom should I espy but my
tailor, to Whom I owed an old bill of
precisely 'six hundred and thirty dol l
lars. I could not dodge him. Pas est,
ab hoste tlaceri, which being literally
interpreted means': It is 'wise to ask
the .opinion of your tailor; so going-up
to him and extending , my hand, I ex
" This liirwSgian. : nionwr
wonderful V : -
" Quite 'so,"l said,. Mr. - Mortimer.
Shears, an tlfirettp.on we discussed
the fiddle strings .al length.
. "Pray; Mr. , Shears," said 1, " can
you tell me the name of that lady,';'
. pointing at •the same time -to the un
known beauty: •• ' -
" PerfeCtly well. It is Miss ----- of
Carolina. :The old gentleman with.
her is he j . father.- They : live in Wal
nut street, and •I had occasion to visit
him on professional businesS last week."
I thougkt as much ; 'Mr. Shears, I
could not Pe mistaken in your coat;"
said I, eyeing, through. my glass the
tipper gariatent of , the Carolina : gentle
man:. .
Mr.-Shears blushed and bOrved thanks
and•hinted .at Ihe great wealth of the
strange - patties. .
Here was some gami afoot. HoW
to get acquathted—tO become fairly ;in
timate in j the house th.e rich lair One
was- a'question. A hum-drum. intro
. ordinary. visit; * these
woirld , nrit suit my necessities. A bold
thought struck me; I avill carry h.out..
'lwill get into the house; not for .
nutes, but - for days and nights' I - will
j j ppear.itt- the most interesting.of posi
tions to a sympatheti4 woman. I will
storm the fortress. I Hill, retrieve. my.
fortunes. t . SO 1-mtirMared confidently
to mYSelf. The concert was breaking
up.;,r . The charming Sotitherner passed
by' me,, hanging oti her father's° army
more lopely a close 100 k.., My
love &Mt ambition were
Cab, Sitri•?--Xab,Surrl—dues the
gentleman. want a:Cab I" : said Jimmy
Haggerty.. • :; S. 7 !''
• . 44 . Tea, trty goOdfellow-.. Do yOu,see_
that.ledi.and-grentleman getting into a n
.coaohjrietbefore - •
.-; ~ .Yee,.to be sere.'!-•, .
Well, skive utter tliina, , and just as
Thei.ere set down at their door. I wish
4o be set down ,top,,Lit ;not ; ; quite 80
• .gerl4alon g eidd,,of them.
Regardless at DenunciatiOn from any Quarter.—Gov;
" The jontleman wishes to be upset ?
I sees:through it . all, but diere' will be
damages done tofu: cab, and--=-='.
" Yes; I'll give you ten dollars." .
" How can you r when your senseless
on the brick pavement ?"
" Well, take, it now. Drive quickly
or you'll . miss your merit."
In a' few minutes the 'carriage we
were following slopped before a splen
did-mansion. The lady and her father_
alighted, and just as they were on the
warble steps, my cabman's .horse be
came suddenly restive. The wheel ran
against a convenient lamp-post, and the
cab was thro*nagafusfthe coach, and
in attempting to get out I was thrown
with my head against the curb stone.
In truth, Jimmy had managed so well
that my fall *mina trifle. The skin OEI
my forehead -'was cut, and the - blood,
which tile excitement of the evening
had driven an extra quantity to that re--
gion flowed with deeentprofusion. A!
shriek of terror in the sweetest imagina
ble tone came fronithe lady, as she was
standing on the steps of her house, and
she turned round op hearing the noise
occasioned by ray mishap. "I-became,
as in duty `bound, senseless, but con
trived to understand that the fair one
was Lunch agitated, and that her father,:
instantly assembling several servants,
had me borne into the house not for-.
getting to curse my drivel. who was all
contrition: I was conveyed to a cham
ber and faid gently upon a velvet couch.
',Very soon a doctor appeared, who pro
nounced the case, seeing the swoon so
continued, a critical one, and thereupon
my charmer decided to give me her
best -attention; 'her humanity being
strongly appealed to by my dangerous -
'God of Love ! (I mean? the ancient
young genttemen who wore 'no clothes
and a bow and quiver.) What electri
cal Shocks of passion and delight thrill•
ed through every fibre of my frame, as
the dear soft_ hand of my beloied one
wiped 'off the gore, and gently bathed
ny. wounds ! What ecstacy of joy as
consciousness was returning. .How I
was flattered, when' she remarked to
her . father, on-my classic profile, and
compared my looks to the wounded
I slept by fits and starts that night.—
After I had made- some don of a toilet
the next morning by the aid of my
host's servants, I Was ready to receive
the i visit of my beautiful . nurse. She
came, all sympathy. Hercongratula
tions•were so gentle at my escape from,
mortal danger; her trust so earnest and
,Soft toned that I .would gradually get
better, her tender of hospitality so com -
.plete, and her light morning dress so
becoming,' that .she looked infinitely
More lovely than before, and I -inward-.
ly blessed her, the cabman, and my
stars Which, gave - me such delight !
As the. physician had given,strict or
ders to keep m' chamber genet, . and
her attendance of my chamber was evi
dently so - cheering to my sPitits,,l was
fortunately freed from the visits of her
father, and I' had the dear delight of see
ing her alone. .Several days-passed in
ibis siv.eet reverie. I began to get het
ter. flow could I help myself? The
young lady was still attentive, kind,soft
spoken and sympathetic. I thought I
had made an impression. •At the end
of the fifth day I'was sere I had., and
determined to speak, if occasion offer-.
ed, with other.language than the grate
ful glance of-an invalid's eyes.
Being sa much recruited, I expressed
a wish to leave-the house the pent day,
feeling that my claims on the hospitali
ty of mynew friends could not longer
be extended to 'meet my emergency.—
This being known, the father of my be
loved entered' the chamber. He apolo
aised for not visiting me, explaining
theyeremptory nature of the physician's ,
order to let no :one enter my room un
necessarily; as long as there Was the
least show of danger. .
I murmured my gratitude to him, and
expressed a fear.thatl could never re-.
pay the unremitting and invalnable
tention ofhts,daughter. •
- ." • 141v wife, Youmean;" -
At thin announcement I felt like a
Inan.reiliving-in a family vault. where
be.has been' Put. preinaturely . by mis.
. 1. awoke to death in life. What
a hideous diegpoinment for. Me! what
a terrible mistake - of Mine •'and Muni!
A Lsar YEAR ANECDOTE.— : The ed
itor of the Nantucket Telegraph over
heard the , followina dialogue, on• New
Year's night
"Will you take rny anal " said a
gallant to'a. young 1110, , after the donee
broke up; • ' - • ' •
La, yea; ,and you , top, seeing ,it is
Jeep year," , was the quick reply„
Aniq u irst 2 ) .a09 . .th3i1at a atigio
The tat. Insurrection.
'At the time it became publicly known
that Vapoleon, 'Wen on board the Bell
erophorn off Plymouth, was' to bp sent ;
to St. Helena, a respectable , ' looking
man, caused a number of handbills to be
distributed through , Cheater', id which
he informed the public that, a. great
number of - genteel families embark
ed at Plymouth, and would '.certainly
proceed with the British Reginient ap
pointed to accompany Bonaparte to St.
Helena. He added , further, that the
island being dreadfully infested 'lwith
rats,, his majestyAs ministers had deter
mined that it slAlcl be forthwitleeffee
tuallv cleared of these, noxious animals-
To facilitate this important purpose,• he
lad been deputed 'to purchase, in the
source of a week; as many cats' and
-thriving kittenaas could be procured for
money in tjtat shOrt, space of time, and
therefore, : he- publicly, offeredin his
hand-bills, 16 shillingsfir every athle
tic full grown tom-cat,llo shillings, or
every adult 'female ins, and half a
crown for every thriving, vigorous kit
ten, that could swill mills, pursue a ball
of thread, or fasten its young
. fangs in a
dying mouse. On the evening of the
third day after this advertisement had
been distributed, the pe opleof Chester
were astonisheo with'an eruption of a
multitude of old women, boys and girls,
into their streets, every one of whom
carried on their shoulder either , a bag
or a sack, which, appeared pregnant
with some restless animal, that seemed
laboring into birth. Every'road—eve.
ry lane was thronged with this comical
procession—and the wondering specta
tors of 'the scene were involuntarily
compelled to remember the old riddle
about St. Ives— ,
"As I was going in St. Ices, .
I rite fifty old wives,
Esely wife had fifty sacks
Every sack had fifty cats,
Every cat had- fifty kittens. . •
Kittens; cats, sacks and wives, .
How many were - going to St.lces!"
• Before night-fall, a congregation of
nearly 3000 cats were collected. in Ches
ter. The happy hearers Of these - iweet
voiced creatures, preceeded all (as di.
rected by the advertisement) towards
,street with their delectable burdens.
Here ,they become closely wedged to
gether. A vocal ebncerraoon ensued.
T.he women screamed—the cats.ignall
ed—the -boys and girls shrieked treble,
and the dogs' of the street howled base,.
so that It soon became difficult-for the
nicest ear to ascertain whether canine,
feline, or the 'human tones were pre-.
dominant: Some of the cat-bearingla:.
dies. whoSe dispositions were not of
the most placid. nature,. "finding them-
Selves annoyed by. the pressure of their
neighbors, soon .cast down their-bur,
dens, and began to box. A. battle, royal ;
ensued. i The cats sotinded the war
whoop with might and'main. -Mean
while the boys of the town, who seem
ed•mightily to relish the .sport, were
actively employed in. opening the
months of the cie:. , erted sacks, and lib
erating the cite from their forlorn situa
The enraged animals bounded imme
diately on the shoulders .and .-heads of
'the combatants, and ran spitting squat-.
ling, and clawing along the undulating
sea of skulls, towards the walls of the
houses Of the good people of`Chester.
The citizens attracted' by. the tioise, had
opened their windesYs to. gaze at the,
fun. Into these windows the.cats in
stantaneously sprang, taking possession
of the rooms by a . `novel kind of 'storm s
or escalade. The cats:, in their sudden
assaults on the .drawing pius, and,
other aparttnents of . the Chesterites,
rUSbed with the rapidity of lightning
up the pillars. then across: the hands ! :
trades and galleries, for which thetowe.
is famous. and so slap dash through the.
open windows in )he apartments. , Ne
ver since the days of the . celebrated
Hugh Luspus, were the draWittgrooms
of-Chester, filled with such a crowd of
tinwelcomed guests.' Now were beard
the crash of broken chinathe howling
of affrighted lap dogs4the cries of dis
tressed damsels,' who wept their torn
faces and "diihevelle&chartilii—and the'
groans of fat .old Citizens, rushieg land"
tumbling forward. towards the balconies,
bald: .bare, and bleeding. All Chester
Was 'aeon' in arms.. , and.'dire were .the.
. Of vengeance - on the feline iace:
It is needless to recite the variouecont7
hats that took 'place: between - the-Cats
end , men. - -:§uffice it; that our, cone
spondenicnunted 50 dead bodies fieat:; day on the river Pee, where
they had been ignatninousiy thrOwtt
the two-leeped "victors.';The
,rest of
'the invading host7having . eiacuated-the
~ d isperled ,
inuvith them, lieivever,, their acme am '
the field of battle,•
.• :
: Poverty. tag Wine. .
.. ;
I confess that it is i.a paiefulAnd bitter
task to record the' humiliations, lihe
wining, petty, stinging humiliations of
poverty ; 'to , count the drops is they
'slowly fall, one •by One, upon. the fret
ted antlindigaant heart; , to particular
ize, with the
scrupulous, and nice hand
of indifference, the, fractional and tlivi
ded' movements' in !the dial-plate" of
misery ; to behold 'r.the delicacies of
birth, the ,masculin e price of blood, the
dignities of .intellect, the . wealth 'of
knowledge, the feminanes and graces of
Womanhoodall that ennoble and4oft
en the stony cnase of commonplaces
w,hich in our , life, frittered into, atoms,
trampled into the dust and mire of the
meanest thoroughflies of distress ; life
and soul, the. energies and aims of man,
ground into one 11 prostrating want,
cramped into one(levelling sympathy
with the dregs and refuse of his 'kind,
blistered into
,a single gallingand fester
ing sore : this is,l. own, apainful and
bitter task ; but it bath its redemption :
pride even in deliasement, a pleasure
even in wo: and therefore that.while
I have abridged, I have not shunned it.
Amid all that humbles and seathes-- r
amid all that shatters . from their, life its
verdure, smites te the dust the 'pomp
•and summit of their pride., and in the
very heart of existence writeth a sudden
and .. strange defeature."', they. stand
erect—rivene not 1 uprooted—a monu
ment less laf pity than of awe I 'There
are some who, exalted by a spirit shove
all casualty, and 1 we, seem to throw
over the most degrading circumstances,
the halo of an in' ate and consecrating
power; the very things which, seen
alone, are despicable and vile, associa
ted with them
,become almost vulnera
ble and divine ; end some portion,how
ever dim and feeble.' of that intense ho
liness which, in the infant God, shed .
,Majesty over the manger and the straw.
not denied to those who, in the depth
of affliction; - cherish.the angel virtue at '
their, hearts, dings over the meanest lo
calities of earth 'an emanation from the
glory of Heaven f--Bultoer. ,
' Roirid
Opposite the Venda was an open
copse, covered with brushwood. Here
I entered to collect insects, which
abounded in 'it ;I but I was called back
and warned of danger. I thought of
serpents, and- made a preci pltate retreat;
but I found the , danger was from l a
smaller, though nearly Serious a
cause. Airiong the insects of the coun
try is a kind-or tick called carapatoo.
This is exceedingly veno mous ;• it has
six hooked Or ,sharp claws, with which
it readily dints to any passing abject.
and it is fainialiell with a proboscis of
singular strtictUre. It consists ola pen.
ell of bristles,Serrated inwards; forming
a terebro or.ptercer, with, wide?' it con-.
stantly penetrates the flesh of any ani
malt() which it has 'adhered, and bur
rows us head in the wound. When
entering, the- bristles expand,' forming
a triangle, of which-the base is inside,
so that it oppose s a resistance to:ex
traction, whiCh .it it sometimes quite
impossible to } orercomo. If it is suffer-,
ed to remain i it gorges itself with' blend,
till ithecontes bloated to an enormous
BM; if it be extracted forcibly, so as to
separate the, head, it remains. - festering
in the wound, and as it is exceedingly
irritating and acrid in - its quality, it
causes -vac) eat- inflammation, which- de
generates into,a foul and dangerous ni
cer.. These ` horrid insects, which are
the plague. of the country, are' some
times so abimdant that , herds ' of cattle
.perish by. their attacks.. They' are so
tough that his dank to bruise them.
When I came out of the wood,bne-was
found on m neck, in the act/of perlo f ,,
.rating the flesh ;with its protioscis, but
.had nortitne,: l as it was easily extracted.'
It was- about: the size of a, large bug,
with a ' 4
grey mottled skin; which was
so coriacecips.i and.- leathery: - that-no
bruising wonld altth's-Trav
els in Biazi4 .
IVlonnireaJpoli.—An Vnglishman
being-left ; alone with- Richardson, ob.
served to. hint '•
,he was happy , to pay
his respectd'm he autlicirof Sir Charles
'Grandison,l I f r at Paris' and ut'' the
, ,
Hague, and in zt very placel have visit
cif; kis much dmired.-7 Richardson
appeared np t th notice the cemPltmeel ,
but When' all the company , were as
sembled addressed thetentleliani with,
a. Siri think' You were sayiiie some.
thing:ll6o4 Sir Charles: Grandition." l
," Crii Sir.!'j ;he replied ? ..I. • drt.,not
remember lever to have heardit men
tiOned."• ,
HALF lit,f. :axis. — ,
A little girl hear
ing her tria#ie 'say she:Aiis going jnhcilf j
InourniOcs ! , 4 irquired, if any , oflier.rela=.
tiens were 14a.ff dead. . , I ' - '
: ._ , 1
- 1.D 5 ,Z 1 / 5 1 aPODWa_a 44 !nab
London-4thou Niobe,, who Attest' in
stone; amid. thy Strieken anti fated
then; florae of the desolate that hidest
thy. bosom. the shame,' the sorrows;
sins of manY .sons ; in whose - arms the
fallen andihe outcast shroud. their dis
tresses, and shelter from the proud mans
contumely; 'epitome and focus Of the dia . -
parities and maddening ,contrasts of ibis
wrong, World, that assembleit together in
one great heap the woes, the joys, the
eleVations; the debasements of the various
tribes of roan !flightiest qflevellers, con
founding in thy whiiipool all ranks, all
minds,, the graven lab Ors of knowledge,
the straws of the maniac, purple-and rage,,
the 'legalities and -the loathsomeness of
earth 7 -palace and lazar !dime combined I
qrave of the living; where 'mingled and
massed together, we.couch, but rest not
—“for, in that sleep, of life, what dreams
do come''-each vexed with a separate
vision-- 4 4hadows" which “give' the"
'substance, heart," unreal in their a but
faithful in their Warnings, flitting (rpm
the eye,-bnt graving unfleeting memories
on the mind, which reproduce ,new
dreams, over and over, until the phantasm
ceages, and the pall of a heavier torpor
falls upon the'brain, and is still,-and dark
and husliedl "Fm= the
-stir of thy great
Babel,", and the- fixed tinsel glare in
Which sits pleasure like a star, ~ which
shines, but warms not with its 'power
less rays," welurn to thy deeper and
more secret haunts. “Thy wilderness
is all before us•-rwhere to choose our
place ofrest ; and, to-our:eyes ; thy'mys
teries are bared, sad thy hidden reces
ses are pierced as with a spell.—Bul
Bathing in the Dead Sea.
The correspondent of the New York
American, gives The following notice
of a visit to this standing problem in the
natural history of the Holy. Land. The
gentlemen of the party determined-to test
the reported Irhoyaney of the waterjiy
personal experience. .
They state, that wherethe water was
five feet deep, they could only touch the:
bottom with their toes, 'Advancing to
where the xi - Tater was six inches deeper,
their feet were suddenly taken under
them, and they were , throivn in a hori-
zontal position upon the surface of the
water. They could not maintain a per
pndiculai position without using some
effort. They then swam to where the ..wa
ter, w extremelyas deep / and endeavored to
to sink, whiCh they- found• impossible,
even with some effort to do. They-could
walk in the water .equally as well as -on •
land, with their heads entirely above the
surface. They found that they 'could sit
and converse as easy as a divan. A strong
breeze came on from the south, and with
a heavy swell. They described the sen
sation produced by this riding 'on the sea,
without a vessel or a plank under them,
as very singular. One of them had nev
er before ventured ;beyond his depth =in
water, While here he Was enabled, with
out, the least sense Of danger, togo to any
distance froin the land. They becamc
convinced that' what had 'been said re
specting the great specific gravity and •
buoyancy . of the water of the Dead Sea
is entirely correct. .
Napoleon's &art.
When Bonapaite died at Si. Helena,
it was well known_ that his heart was ex
trac,ted-with the design of being preserv
ed. The British physician who bad
charge: of the 'wondrous organ had de
posited it in a silver basin, among water,
and retired to rest, -leaving two tapers _ ,
burning beside it his chamber. He
.often Confesses to hislriends, while nar
rating the particulars, that he felt nervous
ly, anxious, as the custodier of such a de
po,site ; and though he reclined, he did
not sleep. While lying tbui awake, he
heard, during' the,-silence of the night;
first a rustling noise, then a plunge
among the water in the basin, and 'then
the sound of 'an objectfalling , with 'a re
bound on the Iloor—ail occurring:, , with
the quieknese of 'thotigbi Dr; A.—
sptang from his bed, and the cause of the
intrusion on his repose was soon enlain
ed it was an enormous rat, dragging the
heart of Bonaparte to its hole. • A few
moments more, and that which before
bad been to' vast .in its atahition to be
satisfied with the sovereignty ofetintinen
-tat Europe, Would have been found even
in a more degrading "position than the,
dust of , Cmsar stopping • a heer-barrel
—4t would have` been- devoured as the
supper of a rat. ' •
Lowe.-The ba t ekEi lowa are said
go meeting in a ,pair. of pantaloons '
made--of hemp_ and- hop vines. -a vest
made Of hornet's nests and paste. :a shirt
mannfacipied of milk-weed-and cotton;
and toorown all.' they- wear woltskin
caps Nand go.. bare-foot. : 'What wtll
AltuTtrollope say, now"
~ :)