Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 17, 1844, Image 3

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    Ausentusrrs.—The ladies of
p, , are in the habit of ringing the
i d the various houses, and cutting
,rordyish pranks„ of an evening,
trbielt customs they are sdnlonish
oist by Mr.. " X; who enters
est against it in the Democratic .
ots ArivocATE.- V oq• - • 'amen,
r eprpspatative (tom Wat
toy hai associated himself with
l o odrich in the pnblieation of j the
o p nom Irishinan
iJohn Keegan escaped from ,:the
~Barre jail and a reward of $5O
4 for his apprehinsigin, _
NoTp.—Eighty- thousand
o f the Relief issues of this state
estr oied by the Auditor . General
brst of April. , •
A -BANK.—The Whig
7onvention of Ohio, which no=
Henry Clay, also passed a re
m in flaw of a NATIONAL BANK.
the" War Department has - been
appropriating, a portion of the
limey to his - otin account.
Ismoie.—'lle... Charter tick-
Rhode Island was :elected on
inst., without opposition.
D e m ocra tic Association.- .
!tin; ef t the democrats of the borough
'lda was held at the Court House, on,
eveaing, April 14, 11444, and was or
calling Dr. SAMUEL HUSTON,
iir, and electing Wx. G. Sewn. and
GOODRICH as Secretaries.
lis-ozasoN stated the object of the
to be the organization of a democratic
;tl , and stated briefly a plan of such an
iimor, being called upon, addressed
4 with ability, and motioned that. a
tf six be appointed to report a consti
association, to report on Wednes
.:Liprif 24, which was agreed to, and
,c:.'gentlemen appointed as said corn-
David Wilmot, ,
George Sanderson,
Col. J. F. Meani,
Col. P. C. Ward,
Maj. J. Culp,
Daniel Vandercook.
That the proceedings of thili meet
ca, adjourned to meet on . Wednes
.4, April 24th.
, Signed by the Officers.]
en Veclnescay last, by Rev. J. W.
.Thomas T. SMILIT, of Franklin, to
MU A. Ripsw, 2 s2, of Monroe. _
trL be a meeting of tho Washingto
tht Borough of Towanda, at the Fire
Us invited to 'attend, and seats
•amfed for them.
Uirssts MEIICIIR, Esq. i ,mill lecture
• Borough Temperance Society, in
Rouse, on Wednesday (tl/is) [even
, public generally, and the I.,adies par
ire requested to attend, • .
Tor Bridge Managers,
STOCKHOLDERS in the Tower!.
Badge are hereby notified that on
Y. the 6th day of MA .Y next, aneled
held at the y Toll House for one Pre
' kii managers. The polls will be
2 till 5 o'clock, P.M,
ENOS TO!dKINS, President.
2 . April 11th, 1844.
Maar .tU MEND
7 the north side 9f-the Public Square,
ern reread ) . occupied by NILBull.)
zzat. aaa[smmu
and patrons of thia institution
taformed that the Summer - Term will
011 Monday, the 29th inst.!
l 'i ‘ itlnn, per Quarter of 12 week..
Foe* Languages - Jr. Drawing, 69.
1 4 and Mental Science,
_fish branches,
'trues, 25 cents per quarter, '
- '
that a competent Instrictresia
"de of the Female Department, at
'meat of the term. •
April 4, 1844.
'4 hell in Towanda in and for the
' , Liked, on Thursday, the 13th day.
•tt - . at 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
the , following causes, to wit:
4 1leux• as A. Fairchild, Trespass.
44 vs Moses Warford, do.
'"dam vs. J. Decker et al., E3eeunent.
.'ht vs L. R. Palmer, et al. do.
"'.'s Office, gay 6, -1844.
tIVAi L. F O'ai&N
• •
‘f an office in
l to Ty; Brad. Co. Pa.
all business ro of said office, in
l'eir profession as copartners. J.
;4°IQ attend punctually at said office
E-W. Bunn inay be consulted
'' 4 ,..relation to the' business Of the
i sTourada. .
.Y4l 011•4CCOUNT, et.thig
Wheat or I3ntp, or any kind of
Ainpl4 3ogar, &e. &e.
RN, Wicking & Batting on
BY virtue of sundry:Writs of Vend 'Expo.,
issued from , the court of common pleas
of Bradford county, I Shill expose at public pale
at the house of E. Raynsford, in the borough
of Towanda, on ' - Monday tho 6th' day 'of
MAY -next, at 1 o'clock P. M., the follow
ing piecjor ipai4el of land situate -in Burling
ton tochiship and twiunded on the-north by
lands of Marcus Loomis; on the east by James
Vandyke;' on the south' by N. Bailey; on the
west by Nnthaniel Bennett. Containitagseven
acres more orless,' half an,aere improved, with
a saw mill thereon erected; the one Indf of the
above described pcoperty is seized at and turn
ed out by Nehemiah Bailey.
-Seized and taken in executiont at the Snit of
John F. Mena vs.' Nehemiah Bailey.
ALSO—The *Hewing. piece or parcel of
land situate in Franklin township and bounded
on the north by tends of Oliver W. Dodge; on
the east by William Lyons and others; on the
south by Daniel-L. Dodge ;on the west by Oli
ver W. Dodge. Containing sixty five acres
thirty-acres or more improved; with a.log house
and log barn thereon erected:
Seized and taken in execution'at the snit of
0. R. Tyler to -the use ofJ.H. & W. B. Hart
vs. Daniel Cokely. • ,
ALSO--The following piece or. parcel, of
land situate in Burlington,. Bradford County
and bounded as follows: beginning .at a beach
the N. E.:corner-of the Lyman Dodge lot (so
called) en warrant lot no. 1485; 'thence east
on tho north line of said, warrant lot 108 and
8-10 perches, to a post for.,lr corner; thence
south one hundred and fifty two and 8-10 per
, ches to a .beech; thence , . north 152 and 8-10
perches to a beech tree; thence north 152 8-10
perches to the beginning.- Containing one
hundred, and fifty two, acres and ninety flee
perches strict measure, with twelve or fifteen
acres impioved with a fiqned house, framed
barn and saw mill thereon erected.
'Seized and 'taken in execution at the suit of
Joseph Kingsbery Jr. vs. Joseph Riley.
ALSO—The following lot of land situate in
Ridgbury township and bounded 'on the north
by lands of E. Brown; east by lands of 0. P.
Coleman; on-the south by lands of Wm. Hen
ry ;on the west by Pertheson. Containing
seventy six aeres,thirty acres improved; three .
log hOuses and a small orchard thereon..
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of
Mark A. Burt vs. Giles J. Mandeville and Jo,
-ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
land situated in Wyalusing township, bounded
on the north . by Joseph Ingham deceased, on
the east by John Ingham; on, the 'south by
John Ingham and Ingham Stone; on the west .
by William. Camp. Containing thirty eight
acres about twenty one acres improved, no buil
ding thereon.
4; Seized and:taken in execution at the suit cf
E.W. Baird vs. DanielM:Beardsley and Jon,as
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in SPringfield township
and bounded on the north -by George Chase;
west by Austin Smith ; pout!). by William
Brace and E. Rich; and east by William Brace.
Containing eighty seven acres ; more or less.
about thirty acres thereof improved, with a log
house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
J. W. Fassett and puldah Wakefield, adminis
trators &c., of Chester Wakefield deceased, vs.
Jacoh . Newell. •
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in Ridgbury township,
and bounded 'on the north by Harry Baldwin;
on the east 'by John Brown and others; on
the south by Ebenezer Dewy's estate; on the
west by Ralph Crum. Containing about' sev:
enty acres, with about fifteen, acres improved,
with a framed house and framed horse shed
and ,small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Jchial Gregory vs. Silas Baldwin.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield township and boun
ded as follows : I:ginning at a pine knot and
stones, a rock oak witness N. 67° W. 15 links;
thence N. 341° . W. 100 perches to a white oak
sapling for corner; thence E. 120 perches to
a chestnut sapling foi a corner; thence N. 24
perches to tle south west corner of a reserved
lot for Solomon Merrill, a Rost; thence E. 131
2-10 perches to a post, a corner. for Chauncey
Parks; Thence S. 184 p.. to a post on the N.
line of Davit" McKinney's lot; thence W. 231
2-10 p. to a post, a white oak, N. 8° W. mark
ed asa witness: . thence N. 16 p. to a post S.
E. corner of a lot bought bY,the. parties of the
first partfrom Robert Spalding; thence.W.lso
p. or to a post on the town line between Athens
and Litchfield townships; thence . N. on said
town line 60 p; to a post; thence E. 55 p. or
to a corner S. 6.8-10 p. of a lot formerly deed
ed to Daniel Park ; thence N. 6 8-10 p. to said
Parks' corner; thence E. 19 p. or to another
of said Park's lot or place of beginning;lthree
hundred and twenty seven acres and twenty
eight perches more or less.
ALSO—Ow other lot beginning at a crook
ed chestnut the south west corner of a lot sur
veil to Daniel Done; thence N. 100 rods to a
heti:dock sapling .; thence E. 80 to a post ;
thence S. 100 p. to a post and thence W. 80- p.
to the beginning. Containing fifty acres more
of less and both. pieces inclusive containing
three, laindred• and seventy seven acres and
twenty eight perches -with about ninety acres
improved and a framed house and one framed
and one log barn and two apple orchards there
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Benjamin Lambert to the use of L, H. Sher
man vs. Charles Chandler.
ALSO—the following described. 2 lots of
!ml situated in the village of Troy, bounded as
follpws, wit: On the North by .E. Newbury,
on the east by the highway, on the .west by
A. Herrick. Containing one half acre, with a
framed waggon shop and blacksmith shop there
'ALSO . --Another lot described •as follows :
lOn the west by the highway, south by A. Her-•
rick, east by Sugar Creek, north by O. P. Bal
lard. Containing of an acre-with two framed
houses and one framed barn thereon. '.
. Seized and taken in execution at the snit - of
Taylor, Long, and Thomas to theme of White
and Barns vs H. H. Hickock.
ALSO-The following piece or pared of
land situati) in' Athens township, bounded and
described as follows, to wit : On the north by,
lands of Thomas' .D. Richman, east by iAlbert
Campbell, on the south by lands of Richard and
Mary baton, and on the West by. Horace -
Williston. Containing fifty acres one acre im
proved and a log hems° thereon erected.
Seized and takenin . execution at the suit of
George Fritcher and Martin S. Rogerays. Jacob
ALSO—A lot of land in theborough of To
mends Bradford county, bounded on ; the east by
Main'itseci;On the south by Mrs. Elizabeth
Means' land, and land heretofore sold by her.
to John E. Gieger, on the west by a lot in the
possession of M. C. Arnoot, and on the north
by land heretofore sold & 8. - Thou:ma to
Pace & Ellsworth, and land now or• formerly
of - Edward White. _ Containing, half au
. . .
more or leas with - a two n story framed building
thereon erected, a building used heretofore as a,
ten-pin alley, and one shanty. . ' .
73 ,
• Seized aultaken • 'execution at the suit of
D.F.. Barstow' Zones - Thanes and Banjo..
ALSO— he 'following . piece :or parcel of
land situatettin Ridgliury towniihipaid bound
ed as follows, to wit: On. the north west by .
land of 'William 8.-Johnson, on the north east
by David Burt and the 'Covell • tiact,, on the
south by lands of John Cummings and James
Covell. ! Containing one hundred and sixty
possession right, be the same more .er less; ten ,
acres improved with chgt, house thereon. - I
Seized and taken in execution at the suit' f
Edward Covell and Robert Covell, Jr. vs. Jacob
._ .. . ,
Reyngae. .
ALSO—A lot or parcel of land situate in
Tuscarora township and bounded as follows, to
wit: On the south - by land of M. C. Mercur,
on the east by land in , the warrantee name of
P,eter Lowry, on the north by had of M. C.
Mercur, on the west , by land in the name of
Peter Guinip. - Containugg fifty aeres more or
less. - - .
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
M.C. Mercur vs. William Dickinson,;
ALSO—The followingdesvribed land situate
in Burlington and bounded as follows, to wit :
On the north by land of J. Hoover, east by
lands Knapp, Polly Runde% Z. Lane
and' John Gustin, and on the ,south by lands.
of Zephaniah Lane, and on' the west by Sugar
"Creek, and lands of Soper and, Wilcox and A.
Lane. 'Containing ono 'hundred, and twenty
- two acres more or less, witb about 75 acreS im
.provedlwith two dwelling houses, one double
,saw mill and one single saw mill, - one Grist mill,
and one framedbarn arid shed thereon erected:
ALSO--Another iiece or parcel of and
situate in Burlington and bounded a allows,
to \wit:. Beginning at a beech tree marked for
thei south west coiner of lot No- 66, and south
west corner of lot No. 65 off / the lands of the
Bank of Northumber4nd so(called, thence 105
perches and 5-10 to aiost, thence west 205
perches and 7.10 to/a post, thence east 100
percheito the place / of beginning. Containing
fouihundred and thirty one acres more or less
it being lotaN z os. 77-78-75-70 warrantee
lots 147 and 149.
ALSO—One undivided half part of a piece or
parcer'of land .in Burlington township on the
smith side of the Sugar creek, bounded on the
north-4.-----on the west by lands of S. Wilcox,
on the south by, lands of Z. Lane, on the east
by John Gnstin, and fully described in a deed
to Smith and Bacon. Containing—acres
more or less:
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Gordon Burnham vs. Asahel Smith.
, .
ALSO—A lot of laud situate in Leroy town
ship, bounded on the north by lands of John
Vaughn, on the west by lands of Sterling Hol
comb, on the, south by Towanda creek, east
by lands of Hugh .
HolcoraiiC- Containing two
hundred acres, be same tria'reor less, with a
framed house, wood shed, Coin house and three
framed barns and a large apple orchard thereon•
with about one hundred acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
0. P. Ballard vs. Sterling Holcomb and Seely
Holcomb. and Orison Royse.
ALSO—A piece or parcel.oflandin Athens
tp, bounded north by lands of Doctor Wood
ruff, west by the heirs - Of Swain, south by the
heirs of' John Shepard, east by the Susquehan
rut river. Containing fifty acres, with a framed
house and barn, together with a young orchard
of apple trees.
Seized and taken in, execution at the suit of
Nathaniel C.,,Harris - vs. William Robb.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of-land situate in
Smithfifld township, bounded north by lands
of Edwin Etun'es and Salon Weed; cast by
lands of John Bird; ,south by lands of David
Farnsworth. Sally Wood and John Bird; west
by land of Barnard Farnsworth and Isaac Bul
lock. Containing about one hundred end two
acres, with about twenty-eight, acres improved,
one log house, a new (Carried barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution 'at the suit of
Taylor and Prince, to the use of P.ll ZeW.ll.
Titus vs. Warren Eames.
ALSO—A lot of land situate in Columbia,
and bounded south by lands of Hiram Mason
west by IL 8. Wells; north by Simon Johnson
and cast by Levi Woodard. Containing nine-.
ty acres, ez,ith thirty acres improved, and a log
house and framed barn thereon erected:
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
0 . P. Ballard vs. I Charles Mason.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in 'filonree
and Franklin townships, bounded as follotvs-L
Beginning at an ash on Towanda creek ; thence
by lands of W. B.Spalding 190 p. to a white
pine'; thence by,land of Samuel Wallis - south
50? east 254 p. •to spruce ; thence by land of
Samuel Clark north leeast 344 p. to a wal
nut on the bank of ,said creek ; thence up said
creek the several courses and distances to the
place of beginning. - Containing 372 acres,
with a framed dwelling house, barn and saw
mill therecin and about 40 acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution atthe suit of
Mason and Smith to the use of J. T. Kirkpat
rick & co., vs. Henry B. Myer.
LSO---The following piece or parcel of land
in Athens tp.„, bounded on - the north by the
state line;
on the east by, the Owego road; on
thq south by S. Spalding; on the, west by J.
'Shepard and others. Containing eighty acres
more or less, all improved, one large stone grist
mill, a frame tannery, two barns and a framed
shed, and four framed.houses thereon erected,
together with an orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Win. P. Miller and Frederick Fawult, partners
&c., vs:Win. H. Overton, J. C. 'Jenkins and,
Charles Jenkins, -doing business as Overton;
Jenkins & Co.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
land in Karel tp., bounded on the north by Da
vid Benjamin ; on the south by John Benja
thin and Samuel Gillson 24. and C.Butler; on
the east bytland in the possession of S.S.Brad
ley, and on the west•by the heirs of Matthias
Hollenback,dee'd. Containing 340 acres more
or less, with about 100 acres improved, with
two framed'houses, one log ,barn and a small
orchard of young appletreesihereon.
Seized and taken in execution" at the suit of
V.E.Piollet vs. Amos ACM. '
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Ridg 7
bury tp.. bounded on the north by the highway,
_east by lands of Samuel Wrightmyer, south by
lands ofJohn Leach - and west by Williams —.
Vontaining.about forty acres more or less, with
twenty acres nr thereabouts improved. ,
"Seized and taken in eiecution at the suit of
Joseph 0. Gordon now to the use of o.o.Ship
man vs. Simon Dickinson.
ALSG—A piece oc parcel of land In Dare!
tp., bounded, west by E. Mason, cast by lands
'formerly owned Wood and Oliver Gil
bert, south by lands of, Waid,_ and west
by lands formerly owned by E. Mason. Con
taining 114 acres more or less, with a dwelling
house and bap thereon'erected, 15 or 20 acres'
Seized - and taken in - execution at the, suit of
J.F.Means and T.B.,Oyerton Datil Kieffc.
ALSO—,A: piece or parcel of land in Pike
tp.. bounded 'ninth ,by lands of Major Darling
and Samuel . Chaffee, cast by lands of -.Almon
Beecher; south bflatills of • Win: Humphrey,
and west by - lands - of Albeit' ConklirWAleizo
Patton... Containing about 200 acres of land ) ,
be the same room cir 44;i; with ahout4oo Imes
improved, and tWo log houses,. A framed herPs
and a small orchard Li:three/I. -
Seized and taken in, execution - At the Suit of
Comfort B. Chaffee tied Amami' Diratnieli; to,
the use of Orwell township, %Peter Begawan..
ALSO--A piece 'or parcel of land in Grim.
vile tp., bounded as follows: Beginning at
south west corner of warrant Ist n 0.1742; thence
'north' 280 p. to the. north west corner of, said
warrant lot ; thendiseast 120 p. to a pcist berth
ibastiorner of lot n0..167 and plotas surveyed
intolotif; thence south v 2Bo .p. to a hemlock
sapling, south-west corner of jot 169 on said
plot, thence west 120 the beginning.. Con
taining 210 acres, strict measure,' it beirig
tended for whole of lots no.' 167 and 168 on
said warrant lot no: 1472, with 70 acres im
proved, log house and frame !aim thereon. ,
Seized and taken in execution at the sui t
Timothy Paxton and W,us. Davidsen, tpris tees
of Bank of North America vs. Simon P,,Chesley. 1
ALSO—A piece or `parcel of,land" bounded.l
on the north 'by the `public higliaisy leading
fro.a Atheni to Owego,east bylands belonging '
to the heirs of JOhn Shepard; decd., west by
land of Overton, JenkinsA Co., south by 'the
Cayuta creek. Containing three-fourths of an
acre, more •or less/all improved, two framed I
houses and barn - Iberian erected, with ()thereat
buildings. y e .
Seized and taken in execution at the suitlef
W. ILsvcrton, to the use of Edward Overton
vs. John Jenkins and Charles Jenkins. 1 ,
/ALSO—AII that piece or pared of laud iu
'Franklin township, described in a certain article
of agreement between E. Overteri rind Jedethan
Cross), dated 7th May, 1840, bounded on the
north by tho Carroll lands, east by lands-line of
John Hanson, south by lands late of William
Deemer and 0. W. Dodge, and west byjands
in possession of Daniel Cokely, Containing
100 hundred acres with allowance, with a sa
mill iir and tog house thereon.
Seized and taken in exccution'at the suit of
"Edward Overton vs. Jeduthan Cross.
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate-in Herrick township and
bounded on the east by lands of Charles Dick
son; on the south by lands of Edward Over
ton ; on the west by lands of --- Wheeler;
on the north by warrant line of said lot. Con- .
taining one hundred acres more or less about
thirty acres improved, with a log house, a frame
house and stable thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Welch Cameron & Co. vs. Harry N. Spalding'
ivho survived 'Wm. Myer late Of-the firm of
Myer & Spalding, •
ALSG—The following piece or parcel of land
in Athens tp., bounded on the north( by the
state line, rim the eest by the Owego road, on
the south by S. Spalding, on the west by J.
Shepard and others. Containing eighty acres,
more or less, all improved, one large stone grist
mill, a (raffle tannery, two barris and a Tramed
shed, and four framed houses thereon l ed,
to ,, ether with an orchard thereon. -
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
John Arnot vs. William H. Overton, J. C. Jen
kins and Charles Jenkins. •
ALSO--A piece or parcel of land in Ulster
township, boundedmorth by lands of Cash and
Vanvleck, west by lands of J. Vnnvleck, south
by Holcomb,. east by the Susquehanna
river. Containing about three hundred acres,
more or less, about two hundre4thereof improv
ed, with two framed houses, a framed barn and
orchard thereon.
Seized andtaken in execution at the suit of
Joseph G. Wilkinson now to the use of Natha
niel Clapp vs. Edmund Lockwood and Mary
A - . Lockwood. •
ALSOThe followinm b described piece or
parcel of land situate in South Creek township,
bounded by lands of Samuel Fettingill on the
east; tiouth by Bingham lands; en the west by
lands of Isaac Welles ; and on the north by
Corneilus Haight. Containing 140 acres, be
the some more or less, with about 40 acres im
proved, with two log houses.and a framed barn
Seized and taken in 'execution at the suit of
Ass Gillett, vs. steephen Stiles &John Camp
ALSO—By virtue of a Levari Facms, a cer
tain lot piece or pariel of land situate in Orwell \
tp., and, bounded as follows: , beginning at the
south east corner of , a tract or farm deeded by
Thomas Eddy to Eliphalet Clarke a post; thence
west on the south line of said Clarke 197 rods
and,.4-10 to a post; thenco south .12° oast 49
3-10 rods to a post ; thence east 163-rods to a
post ; thence north 61 0 east 61 3-10 rods to the
beginning. Containing fifty seven acres, and
seventy-six perches, and allowance, &c.
Seized and taken in ezbeution at the snit of
T. Eddy vs. Hiram Washburn.
ALSO—A certain messuage or tract of land
in Athens, bounded as follows .— T Beginning at
a point on the state line in the milt-race fOrmer
ly of J. Shepatd's saa-mill, and now occupied
by A.. Brooks as a factory, thence down said
race 19° 9 2-10 perches to a post and stones,
for a corner on said, roes ; „thence 85° west 20}
perches to a post and stones foi - Ahe corner of
said lot; thence north. 20° . 45' 4S i t 12 perched
to a post and stones for a corner, standing in
said state line, south 88° east 21 2-10 perches
to theplace of beginning. Containing one adie
and fifty rods.
and taken in execution at the suit of
A. Benton and Arthur Yates, survivors of Jon
athan Stewart us. Luther Stone.
•ALSO--A certain messuage and tract of land
beginning at the south-east corbel' of a' tract of
land granted to Thomas Tbomas,*sil. at a point
on the state line in the mill race formerly of J.
Shepard, and owned' by A. Brooks, and occu
pied by him ago factory; thence down said - race
south 19° cast 9 2-10 perches to a post and
stones for a corner on said race thenceAenth
85° west 203 perches to a post and stones for
a-corner of said lot; thence north 20° 45 1 east
12 perches to a post and stones Fora corner• on
the state line; thence on said line, south 'BB°
cast 21 2-10 perches to the place . of beginning'
Containing one acre and fifty-one, perches.
Seized and taken in execution a the suit of
J. W. Morris to thd use of Arthur Yates, Albert
Bentom and Christopher C. Fellows, survivors
of Jonathan B. Stewartp Vs.-Jonathan Rounds
and Luther Stone. tern; tenants.
Towanda, April let, 1844 j
is hereby given to all persons in
terested„that James D. Newell and Minot
Taylor, s administrators of the estate of Josiah
W.iGrant, deed., end E, Raed Myer and gar.
ry Morgan; 'riclininistiators of the estate o 1 Wm.
dec'd., have filed an account of their said
administrations in tho itegiater's' office at TO-
Wanda. and that the RAMO' will be presented to
the Orphau's court of Bradford co., on Monday,
the 6th day of May next. tar confirmation and
allowapce. JULIUS. RUSSELL, Register.
Per RUSSELL,_Depirty.
Jterister'lMlTice; 'Powtinda&Atrril 6, 1844,
OOTS - Zi , SHOE - P,::a tare as;;nrtment, vt ,
.AP Npv.i< 5A1.6131.71tY.
i I - •.' 4
of-Fiero Packti igstled: l
4061- th° 04 1 0) OPP on pigas9fßnid
ford 011111 Y, 'to mo 'directed, I shall expitseig,'
public sale at' 1. RAY'
In the' Blum 'on' Sattirdiittle
4th 1114
situate:in .' • bc;rtuied of tho
north by - the '.ll`ther Stone; :on
the'east by son _ •of Overton and
Jenkins; on 'hind of Job Shepard, .
O. B'SPrini `'enberger, lot ;•,..and
,on the west !omits Wilcox.—,
Containing , more or less, all
improved, wi _ _ —. noose thereon 'erected,
with'a sinalished the Mon. • ' •'-
Seizettlind taken in exception at the suit of
Benjairiiii O.Rico' vsl.Johti C.Jeakins and C. ,
J,enkiris._,` i
' P. N. WESTON; Sheriff.
Sheriff's (fee: -
Towande, Aprilllift,
.1844.' --'
• In the Court of
Williams 4t Bogart, ,
Pleas - of .
To the uso of 1. C. Adams,
Bradford co
va • No. 143, May
• Ebenezer Latub.
Term. 1840.
tHE .Undersigned having-been appointed
Auditor by said Court, for the liming &
adjusting of the seferal claims upon the pro
ceeds of the Shetiff'l sale, of real estate, by vii
tae of process issued Fupon the above judgement,
will attend for !the hearing of the claimants„ at
the Prothonotary's Office iii the Borough of To
want a, on • Wedneaday the 24th day of April
next, at . 2 o'clock IP. M.. at which time and
place• alt persona interested will please attend.
March 20, , 1844.1
- . _
, • - NOTICE.' •
nriHE subscriber havirig been appointed by
-the , Orphan's Court of Bradford count)
an auditor to settle the exceptions filed to the
account and final settlemnt of -B: S. GOOp-
RICB, idministrater bf the estate of Benjamin
Hunt, - deceased, will attend for that purpose at
his office , in the borough of Towanda, on Satur
day, the 4th day of May next, at one o'clock in
the afternoon, of which •all persons interested
will take notice. E. W. BAIBD, Auditor. -
Towanda March 30,1844.
THE subscriber having been appointed, by
ther Orphan's Court of Bradford county,
an auditor to settle the exceptions filed to the
account of JARED WOODRUFF and SYL;
VESTER A.LDEN, executors of; the last
will and testament! of. Philinda Ladd, deceased,
will attend for that purpOse at his office, in the
borough of Towanda, on Saturday, the 4th - day
of May next, at 10 o'clock in the forettoon, of
which all persons l intereilted will take notice.
E. NV. BAIRD. Auditor.
• Towanda, March 30;1844. ,
IWOTICE is hereby given to all persons in.
terested that Thomas T Smiley, guardian
of Nancy, Joseph and David 'Smiley has filed
an account of his said guardianship in the Re
gister's Office at iTowanda, and that the same
will be presented to the Orphan's Court of
Bradford county •on Monday the 6th day of
May foi confirmation and allowance.
Per C. S. Russzir., Deputy.
Register's) Office,
Towanda, March 18th, 1844.
NOTICE isliereby given Mall pdrsphs in
terested that E. R. Myer administrator
of the estate of Win. Myer, late. guardian of
Elsey Maria Molter has sled an account of his
said guardianship in the Registers Office at To
wanda. and that 'the same will be presented to
the Orphan's Court of Bradford county on Mon
day the 6th. day lof May next for confirmation
and allowance. i
Per. C. S. RUSSELL, Deputy.
Register'e Office,
Towanda, March 18th, 1844. S.
- - -
• -
To all claiments and'persons interested in the
property described below or in , the heirs thereon.
Take Noticle, that a 4:llrit of Siere Facias of
which the folloividg 4s a copy is now in my
hMids, and has been duly served on Amos
Pennypacher, the owner and contractor therein
named. ",
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania . ,
Bradford County ss. "
To the Sheriff of Bradford County, Greeting
— . Whereas Nefson P. Brown and Henry A.
Carey have filed a claim in our Courity Court
of Common Pleas for the county of Bradford
against Amos Pennypaeker for the sum of two
hundred and twenty five dollars for work done
to and , materialsi furnished for a certain huildin. ,
one and a half 6tory framed, situated on the
west side of River Street between a lot owned
by ',lease Woodruff and 'a lot owned by the
heirs of James P. Bull deceasediri the borough
of Towanda in Said County of Bradford, con
taining in fronton said street twenty two feet
and in depth thirty feet and the lot or piece of
ground and curtilage appurtenant toiaid build
ing, Aud Whereas it is alleged that , the said
sum remains due and unpaid to the said Nelson
P. Brown and Henry A. Carey ; now we Corn-
Mend you, that you make known•te the said
Amos PennypaCker and to all such persons as
way bold or occupy,. the said building, that
they be and splicer before the . Judge's of oar
said court at a Conn of 'Common Pleas to be
held at Towanda,'on the first Monday of May
neat, totshow Hinny thing they know of have
to say why the said suro.of twd- hundred ova
twenty five dollars should not be levied of th e
said building and piece of ground
: and cur 'liege
appurtenant) o said building to use of th e
said Nelson P. Brown and Henty , !: A,;Crirey
am:ruling to the form and effect of the act of
assembly, in such case' made aml,provided, if
to them it shalt i seem eipci*cet and have you'
then. and there his writ. 'Witness the Hon.
John N. Conyughani Prcr:ident of one: said
Court. at Towanda the ilth day of March A.
D. 1844. I .
AARON 9HTIP,BUCK,.ProthOn6tary.
AitioN Ps ALLEN, Deputy.'
3. N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sherai's Office,. 1 • - •
Towanda.,Azi re h 20, 18443. .
WtiLisTaN BrAiaLL, Atty's for Plaintiffs'
LL those. intlebted totheteuhscribers• who
it t
expect Ui pay in Grain, tnusttieliver it by
the first •orltl4.Cll neci„otherwise. we shall
txpeet the Caiskby'the first of April. Those
attglect this call; will fled their-m:4u 'end ac,
counts in . the &tittle of an' ettom6, whO will
collect them inlttie shertat tithe pdssib/e.
7' .J. F. - 114E ANS & CO. .
1. 20, 1814. ' ! .
Towanda, T,
4 /
--'1,,, • ' •
- .('' 4
... . / - , .
~ -
, J,, 1,1, - •
. , . , . . 4 ,, „
.• :;
~• -::- ••• ~ .; ,r• qi, - 11,10
,•• - _
_,‘_ • :.' .
_,,' -. .. IliVorl,•.• ~•
AIt&SIZIa 2 4 , 3iniviJart a: ..• -: . ~. 4 '''' .'.„ ,'
HE . SUBSCRIBER . respectfully infonte
•AL his old friends, and the public generally
that he is trovi'4rrfing on,the above- biisiness
in all its various branches, ih , the north part of
the brailding . occOpiedity . IL Thomas, as, a Hat
ship, on Main i sireet, nearly, opposite Mercur's
store, where he will be happy to seem:flatlet°
old and new custonwrs.
&C, &C.
of the late 4 fahion and best neatens& tvill be
made to otder on moderate terms for ready tiny.
'Most kinds of country produce . will be takeu
in exchange for work. --
April 17, 1844.
I -
s hereby given,.that the Board- of Revisicaa
for Bradford county, %vdijnee at the Com
missioners Office, 11 thd boro. of Towanda, to
heat Ruch as think themselves aggrieved in the
Assesktnent for the year 1844, Am the following
&Ve t to wit: •
Athens boni„Atbens tp.(Asylum, Albany,
Armenia, Burlington, ctlutol l on Monday the
15th of April. • ./ -
Columbia, Daellaranklin, Granville, Her
tick. Litchfield, Liroy on Tuesday the 16th of
April. • • .
Alonroc, Orwell, Pike, Rome, Ridgbury.She,
shequin, and Springfield on: Wednesday the
'l7th of April.
Smithfield, South • Creek; Standing Stone,
Towanda bow., Towanda tp,, Trey, Tuscarora
on Thursday. the 18th of April.
Ulster, Wysox, Wells, Wyalusing, Warren
and Windluau on Friday the 19th of April.
• By order of the Board, • . .
• • --, A.S. Crreaderaturr, Clerk.
CommhOoners Office, 1
Towania, March 15th, 1844.5"
Admbistrator's Notice,
ALL PERSONS indebted to the estate of
Mann? A. Bccirwres late of Elmira-m
the county of chemung and state of New York
deceased, are, notified to make payment and all
persons having demands againgt said estate are
'notified to present them duly attested for settle
ment. -
This notice is intended for all persons in this
Commonwealth having unsettled biiisiness with
said deceased at the time of his - death either in
his individual capacity or as connected in part
nership with tiny other person or persons inclu
ding the unsettled mercantile and other busi
ness done in Ridgbury ,
Satterlee &ptrong, and by Beckwith & Satter
lee, and business done by Hector W. Strong in
which he had an interest.
JOHN L. WEII/3.Administrater,
Smithfield, Bradford Co., Pa., Feb. 6, 1844.
NOTICE is hereby given thtit the finn ' of
ARNOUT,& CULP islhis day dissolved
by 'mutual conse nt. 'The business will be car
ried on in all its various bransches at the old
stand, by 3. Ccii. 31. C: ARNOUT,
Towanda, March 28; 1844.
411IBBLS. ITHACA FLOUR, 20 bbls,
fopqttp Heavy Illesssfork; 500 Bushels Grain,
1000 Lights Window Sash for sal a t -
February 20;1844. MONT ANYB'S.
ZRAKEN from my-little girl on the Towan-i.
da bridge, the afternoon of Monday the
26th inst.. a, Copper Colored Whiffet dog about_
eight months old, rather long hair, and answers
to the the name of " Penny," very lively and
playful, by a man that met the , little gill, of a
rather rough appearance, with two horses'b&
fore a wagon, ono white, the box partly Ord
with straw, and went Cowards Monroe. The
above reward will be given for the dog and
man, or sufficient information where they arc.
' • M. S. WARNER..
Towanda, February 28th, 1844.'
Upon all whom it may interest.
I)HE subscriber is very much in want of
IA money and does not feel disposed to have
his own- property. sacrificed . to accommodate
those who are indebted to him, that have rm.'
sonable'time to consequently if they will
call and settle 'their acts, however • small they
may be, they will oblige him very much, and
save Cost withal respect to . Persons,
Towanda, March 4th, 1844.
r. Y virtue of a writ el Vend. Expo. issted
,11 from the coureeicommon pleas of-Brad
ford county, to me di - cected. l Jiball expose to
public "sale dt the bbuse of Z. I?ayneford 'the
Borough of Totranda, on Monday, the nth
day of MARCH near, at one o'clock, P. M.
Tho following described piece or parcel of
land situate. in Dutch township end houndtd as .
follows: 'beginning at a stone heap on the bank
of tho Susquehanna-river; thence 'west 600'
Pereh.cs to a yellow pine ; thehec . north 125
perches to a pine ; thence east 490 perches to
e. black oak ; thence doWn the 'Susquehanna
the several courses of the same 175 perches to
the place of beginning. Containing four bun ,
dred acres more or less, with four framed het
sell, three frameil barns and a saw mill thereon
elated with about one hmitireri and sixty
acres improved and a small orchard.
Seised and taken in _execution, at the suit Of
Simon Stevens es. Seja Payne:-
, , • JOHN N. WESTON, Sheriff;
Sheriff's Office, I- .
Totvanda, February 17, 1844.,S-
Tum• above sale stanch: postponed unfit
Monday the6fh day 'of . May same place'
rind time of day.
JOHN'N. WESTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, ; ? '
Toivanda; March 29, 1844.• S •
, . . . . .
2 . =AHB • P112,M
ki k D.. BAll,7o.Et't_hns the agency of
:NU,. the DeirttvarelliWrid ',Softly b)surunce
,Catiip . any v f Philadelphia. ancl is picfsre!l to
take risks "onvery , tfavorable .
are issued by KIM eemipey in the usual man:
tier of other titnelt . cepvimieu... '
Town !a, Dee..4l, .
Thro- DoNrs Reward.
'. ~~r~